Monday, June 21, 2010


Afternoon thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

It is getting lighter at LOL and Isla is up and chirping for food!

BEagle said...

Personally, I would have loved it if a Bald Eagle tried landing on my arm.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - some of those slugs do look

like they could handle the

DC night life!

They are very unique and actually beautiful!

paula eagleholic said...

Would be pretty cool!

BEagle said...

Scratches or no.

BEagle said...

Jo, did you see that pretty blue one?

BEagle said...

The loon chick must eat out in the water. I was hoping to see how the chick is fed with the long beaks.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, there was a pic of 2 of them together. Beautiful!

Glad you saw the little loon - after your saying you hadn't seen him yet I just didn't want anymore drama!
I just know you can understand what I am saying! lol

Mema Jo said...

Well it's that time of the evening.
I do want to check around the cams and I was hoping for a Lily update.
BRB before I head back the hallway.

glo said...

Just a quick post to clarify. If you are watching the video I posted earlier I do have comment moderationon that Blog. It was necessary to put it there a few years back and I have not removed it. I will see and approve those comments. They are not lost. Thanks.

BEagle said...

Is that a storm brewing at the Loch nest?

Mema Jo said...

Wildwatch Bluebird cam - 1 egg of their second clutch....

The Heron cam has action.....

Phoenix alone at Hornby... It's dusk

Piebald Moose with her 2 young on Pook's site.......

Mema Jo said...

Raccoons in the PA woods

Cico and Luna are raising 4 stork chicks this season with NO signs of sickness......

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Glo - Hope your storms have passed!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle earlier today after Isla had taken flight and come back to the nest it sounded like thunder in her area.
It could have been my speakers but there wasn't any wind to have caused it.

BEagle said...

The mooses are really cute.

And Isla just flew off the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Isla just took off

BEagle said...

There some wind blowing now.
I think the highlands are always damp and chilly.

hedgie said...

Wow, never thought I'd see a pretty slug!!!! Nice, BEagle!

Well, it's been a long day. Habe plans out tomorrow afternoon, so need to rise and shine early.
Thanks for all great company today through the miracle we witnessed.

Goodnight, sleep tight. Prayers of thankfulness, and for those in need.

BEagle said...

One of Islas chicks, doing some wing exercises.

NatureNut said...

Wow zooie! Just started LOL cam before shutting down & the Lady is not in the nest, just the 2 chicks! She must be off on a flight!Totally amazing..

If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Costume Lady said...

What a HOT day this was!
Tried out the new spigot at GG's, had to fill up her new goldfish water garden. The old one sprung a leak. Gene went downstairs and checked the pipes for leaks and all is OK:) Don't think I could stand for anothet flood to happen.
GG had ANOTHER good day:)

I was able to watch the fireworks between Palmer and parents. Gene just happened to be in my office at that time and got to see all the action. It is rare for him to see anything that interesting:) You have to be in the right place at the right time!


paula eagleholic said...

Is GG's place all cleaned up now?

Mema Jo said...

I don't know if I can stay up until Isla returns.......

BEagle said...

Good night to all. I am feeling a little sluggish.

Have a peaceful sleep and a nice day tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

well, all this slug talk and I had to post some slug porn on my blog...
got these pics last summer.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, she's up on the branch.

paula eagleholic said...

OH no, Porn, lol

Lynne, did they ever find out what that animal was?

Mema Jo said...

Interesting porn to say the least! lol

Good Night All
Prayers For All
Hugs To All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynne2 said...

no Paula, not for sure. They released it into the forest at the watershed up here, but pretty much everyone who saw the picture agreed that it was a fox. I guess we'll never know for sure!

Bluebird pictures up now....

paula eagleholic said...

Isla's eyes appear to be open, she is alert, looking around, steady on her feet. She just flew down into the nest. The chicks are peeping for breakfast.

paula eagleholic said...

quiet at our nest. Going to have to call it a night.

Good night Lynne, I think you're the only one still up!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Spent a lot of time outside this evening watering, With this awful heat everything is drying up fast...and it is only June. Sigh......

Now I am watching LOL. No slugs there! Margy is not going to believe what she started.

Lynne, liked your pictures of the bluebirds. We finally have eggs hatching in the wren's nest on my kitchen window ledge. I took a quick peek tonight when she was gone. Saw eggs but also saw movement. We were beginning to think they would never hatch. I will get a flashlight the next time I peek.

Hope update is in. She came to the feeding station tonight.

Lolly said...

Think it is time to go bathe and get ready for bed. Sorry I missed the drama in the nest tonight. Palmer is something else!

See you all tomorrow.

Nite! And sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, hope you get some pictures of the wrens!!

OK, now just posted the tadpole pictures.....

Won't be long before I get the Nest Visit pics up!

Going to bed now though....

NatureNut said...

Done for today, I think!!Good to see Wanda & Lolly--have a good evening.Anxious to hear anything more about Hope, too.
Just wanted to agree w/Paula re:Lady Isla's eyes. Altho it's not real clear on cam, didn't see that whitish half lid or n. membrane just now. They're still waiting for breakfast, I guess.
Well, I'm almost going to bed, so goodnight again! ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Good (Very Late)Evening, Everyone!

Boy, it's been quite a day here on the blog!


Margy, thanks for the ISS reminder.

Lynn,thanks for the Loch article link!

Mema Jo, thanks for the video of Isla's flight!

Shirley, thanks for posting the Isla article! Very interesting, indeed! She's an amazing bird!

Glo, LOVE your tribute to our Palmer! Fantastic job!

Judie, you must be SO proud of your student! :o]

Wanda, I'm so thankful to God that GG had another good day!

Loretta, still praying for Mike Dunbar!

So very amazed and joyful that Isla has improved so very much! My heartfelt prayers for her continue!

Prayers for the calico kitty, and for Annie, too!

Lynn, hope Cinnamon is OK--and your carpet, too!

Can't believe how many slugs are on the move! Sure hoping they're not heading out west! LOL :oD

Just got home from school a while ago, and have managed to catch up here. Going to head for the TV to unwind. Still haven't gotten any tests back--maybe one tomorrow.

Prayers said for everyone. Leaving the night and porch lights on. The eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! :o]

Lori O. said...

Just checking in on Palmer and thanks to Spidey can't see if she's in the nest or not this early, early morning.

Lori O. said...


Hello big girl. I'm sure there's a fish breakfast and another fishing lesson coming your way shortly. Your Daddy Lib loves you!

Lynne2 said...

Palmer not in nest.

Morning all!

Mits said...

updates from Peter....

Latest osprey blog
22 June 2010
What a difference a day makes, (I'm sure that was song) well in an ospreys life it certainly does.

What a weekend -we certainly did go through a lot emotions over the last few days and I don’t think it is over yet. But the Lady of the Loch has certainly proved herself on many occasion to be an impressive bird, let's hope that continues today.

It is 3.30am and the birds are singing to what will be a magnificent sunrise this morning. The chicks have already started shouting for food, I think even with 7Y’s impressive fishing technique over the last few days he will still have problems at this time of the morning. Mum is still resting quietly at the side of the nest just now but has been very restless through the dark hours.

I think I will go out and enjoy the sunrise with her this morning and get away from the midges in my office. I can hear you say “in your office” - yes in my office. Fiona went home about an hour ago and left the outside door open so I am now being eaten alive by them. Wait till I see her!! This will make you laugh. I was watching a ground beetle walk over the floor in the office a few moments ago (because of the door left open) and thought “Oh that’s a big one” the next thing I knew it was under my T-shirt and on my back. Man, I just about jumped out of my skin and I couldn’t get it off because of where it was. I did, I must admit, panic, but only a little, OK, a lot, Ok OK, I was like a big girl. It’s giving me the willies just typing this. Peter

7.51am Good morning to all who have just got up.
The reason I was zooming in on her feet was to check the progress of her talon that was broken a while back. What made me do this, I found the other part in the nest by chance this morning. One of the chicks brought up a pellet, I zoomed in on the pellet and there beside it was the talon. It was not in the pellet nor did it come out of the chick.
No fish yet but she did find a morsel in the nest a little while ago. Her eyes are still sunken and could remain like that for a few days yet, until she gets enough fluids in her and her body fills out again. Let’s hope what ever this was that affected her so badly does not have a lasting effect. It is a good morning to fish! Peter

Mits said...

good TUESDAY morning everyone....

Mits said...

translated update from the FINLAND osprey cam....

22/06/2010 : the assembly is finished

Archipelago Conservation Fund and the joint fundraising Saaristomeri.infon webcams maintenance is finished. Saaristomeri.infon continued maintenance of the new webcams , the Turku University of Applied Sciences -led , project. Possible Archipelago Conservation Fund account will be grounds for directed donations to continue the rest of the Archipelago protection work . Warm thanks to all donors !

wvgal_dana said...

Good Tuesday in Eagle Land Lori, Lynn2 and Mits.

Have our cam up and no Palmer in nest.

Y7 delivered a fish just after I turned on computer. Isla went riht to feeding her chicks. As though nothing ever happened.

wvgal_dana said...

As Isla feeds the chicks this is good she is eating some of the fish also.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, Dana, Helen, and Lynn!

Still waiting for that baby girl to get her big feet back to the nest...She's been gone for a while now, but she was there as late as

wvgal_dana said...

Watching for her return too Lori ( :

Lynne2 said...

adult in nest, can Palmer be far behind??

Mits said...

adult in nest eating

Lori O. said...

Any minute now Palmer should make an appearance! :)

Lynne2 said...

heading out...have meeting with volunteer coordinator at Irvine Nature Center this morning! Hoping to volunteer some of my time to them in some capacity.


Lori O. said...

Have a great day Lynne.

wvgal_dana said...

It looks like Liberty I think in the nest and eating. Came in at 8:17

Judie said...

Good morning to all who are up and around this second day of summer.

Checked on Isla and she looks amazing. Still cannot get over her miracle recovery.

Cannot get live cam for Palmer this a.m. This is really beginning to irritate me -- seriously irritate me.

Wanda, so glad GG's pipes are working with no leaks. That makes a good day.

Going for some coffee and newspaper.

Judie said...

Have a good day, Lynne. Be sure to let us know what you end up volunteering to do -- maybe they need a slug tracker?

magpie said...

I see that eagle in the nest!

Will sneak in a quick comment:
Thanks to so many for all the Scareslug comments and hilarious comments and links and pictures...

I witnessed two huge slugs together a few nights ago...and since Scareslug set up slugs, no slug lines...will need a lot of bibs to clothe all their offspring if "it" happpened that night!
favorite part of my scareslug is his yellow garb!
Have added one more picture to Magpie's Roost of a precious Slug Bunny sent to me by Jo...

magpie said...

I sure didn't know what I was starting! But I agree, some comic relief was much welcomed...

was glad to hear of the baby bird being returned to its nest Shirley

watched beautiful Isla fly out and back in this morning...

Need to slug this bag o'bones to bed...

Best wishes for a great day...
will check all the rest of the video links after some sleeptime
thanks for your friendship, Eagle Pals!


Judie said...

Good morning, Margy. Really like the scareslug. So cute! Get some sleep.

hedgie said...

Good morning all.
Parent is in our nest Palmer noises. So Lib/Belle is eating in peace!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Another summery day.

I see the slugfest continues.

hedgie said...

Email from Chrissy. She is fine----has been glued to cam, and is thrilled that her Lady has improved so much.

hedgie said...

Blowing mighty hard at the Loch. Isla is doing some housekeeping. Just like a woman----clean house even before complete recovery!

hedgie said...

Looks like she laid a stick right on top of a chick!

stronghunter said...

Really windy at LOL. Camera zoomed in on one of the chicks for a moment. Isla is there and looks good.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Judie, Hedgie, Margy and Shirley.

I commented on the slugs creeping. I don't like them.

stronghunter said...

Good sized fish delivered by Dad Osprey. Isla has it and is feeding the chicks.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley that is their 2nd fish this morning. The 1st one Isla fed the chicks and ate too.

wvgal_dana said...

I knew Chrissy would be in better spirits. I think almost everyone is. Though Peter is happy he still continues to keep his eye on Isla he is just not sure.

stronghunter said...

Good to know that she is eating some, Dana.

hedgie said...

Just watched a turbulent squirrel chase....HE got HER---HP in the TREE. Funny. This is birth month, and don't think more litters are to be born until Jan/Feb...??

Costume Lady said...

Interesting facts about the Slug propagation method. I would guess that, after all the HP is done, both slugs become impregnated??!


Margy's little flower garden has become a famous landmark. Her thumb is really green, now:)
Anxious to see and taste her first tomato ☺

DANA...I commented of hearing HIDEY while working in my garden last year...what I meant was that she/he was somewhere nearby my house. She/he came for a visit every morning, for about a week. Never saw him/her fly away (too many trees). Don't know why she/he chose to visit here, other than to visit our far off neighbor with a pool or our Farmer neighbor who has CHICKENS...(might have thought chicken was a white eagle;)

Lolly said...

Good morning! More talk of hp! We have dragonflies that love and fly around the pond. Saw red ones yesterday, zooming around while engaged in hp.

Have checked fb and now to head to Scotland to check on our osprey there. But, I am heading out very soon. Need to spread some more mulch and want to do it early. Sprinkers ran this morning and that helps make it feel cooler. Not cooler....less HOT.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Slug, I mean Wanda!☺
So, glad GG had a good day yesterday and hope today is even better.

What I would give to be able to hear an eagle while working in the yard. I do love to listen to my hawks!

And, speaking of slugs...while in Alaska I saw my first banana slug. Have you ever seen one of those? I was fasinated and took a picture. Will try to find it! It is big enough that making it bibs would not be too hard. LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

I'm up early and guzzling coffee--have about 3 hours of English class notes to type up and e-mail to the gal that sits next to me in class. She's out of town to attend a wedding. Big exam in that class next Monday, so must do this ASAP so she has enough time to study!

Absolutely thanking God for Isla's continuing recovery! Wonder if we'll ever truly know what made her so sick! Continued prayers for the miracle osprey!

Looks like it's going to be a nice day here in SoCal. Overnight low was 59, now headed for a high of
79. Will check back in every so often. Hope all of you have a really nice day! Will be typing, then checking the blog & cams. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--before I forget, here's a picture I took on the way to Lake Tahoe. We stopped at the Mono Basin Visitor Center adjacent to Mono Lake. They have ospreys there! Here's a picture from inside the center.

Lolly said...

Have finished my coffee, Isla is busy feeding a chick, think I will head out while it is only 81 and climbing steadily! Least we are not to break 100 today, but close. Sigh!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Wanda, Lolly and Andrea.

Wanda so glad things are good with GG. ( : It must have been truly beautiful working in your garden and hearing Hidey. Maybe Palmer will grace you with that also.

Lolly hp and butterflies.
You know someone is going to say, "On the Shepherdstown Eagle Blog they talk too much about hp". lol

Andrea my goodness when do you ever get a break from school work. Are you sure you didn't take classes to be a NURSE and not a transcriber.(maybe I didn't name that right)

stronghunter said...

Bought some strawberries at Wegmans. I knew when I saw them that they would be good. Not those big ones that are tough and woody on the inside. They are small and locally grown. Now I need to fix them before they spoil. Had some for breakfast, and they were delicious.

stronghunter said...

Andrea is a learning machine. And typing notes for a classmate. How nice of you.

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy. You are up and about early! So sweet of you to accommodate your classmate!

And hello to all coming in the door.
Glad GG is doing so well, Wanda.
Lolly, don't sweat too much!
Dana, you got Andy's study right. She will transcribe with enough knowledge to be a nurse, I agree!

Time to get ready to get outta here for my afternoon activities. Meeting daughter for lunch and errands to run. See you all much later this afternoon. Have a good one!

floralgirl said...


stronghunter said...

Isla got a bit to eat before little one started begging again.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...