Monday, June 07, 2010


New thread. 

Sorry about the missed days--it was Mercersburg Academy graduation weekend for my daughter.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Daughters do come first...
I know, I have two of them! LOL

Costume Lady said...

It was taking me five minutes to get to the current page on here.

Just got the forcast for the weather on Saturday:

Saturday June 12, 2010

Isolated T-Storms High


Plenty of cold air in the Eagle Express!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Lolly...did I tell you that your BACON PASTA was a big hit with my family on Family Friday?
Going to make a BIG pot of it for the Momsters on Saturday, along with chili dogs and egg salad.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Lolly...gonna be one of THOSE days:)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, yard work takes care of your frustrations, unless you see that an Armadillo has dug up your flowers overnight!

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Eagle has come up with a NEW drink for the Momsters, called...
THE PALMEER:) At the end of our Nest Visit, we can raise our glasses and have a toast to our dear friend, DEB:)♥

Mema Jo said...

Good "New Thread" Morning. I held my breath until I saw that I would be #13

Congratulations on your daughter's graduation, Steve. It is such a joy to see them get that diploma.

Mema Jo said...

I need to visit the previous 'Record Breaking 1307' thread to see this morning's comments.

hedgie said...

Poor Lolly.....blogger cop is picking on her....but only on her end! She's coming through fine for the rest of us!!
Wanda, think our Palmer/Deb toast should be with lunch if it's alcoholic!! Don't want anyone drinking and then driving right away!!

Ragdoll said...

WOW! Thank you for the new thread. Congratulations to your daughter.

Hedgie, This weekend I went to send my comment and it told me it couldn't be processed and they gave me a code. Something like gudat9f. Said I was to report it. Real strange, yet it posted my comment.

BBL---------duties call.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe our Palmer toast should be in zippy cups! Such a great idea for Cpt Gene to think of doing!

Lolly I've been thinking steadily about Laurel's Dr visit and want you to know that prayers are being offered up for her to get encouraging report! (((hugs for all)))

Mema Jo said...

Lynne said she only saw 1 egg under the loon at the egg roll.... What's up with that? Maybe Larry will enlighten us on his blog remarks.

Mema Jo said...

Have the noon luncheon so I will need to start getting ready... I am a slow mover!

BBILW before I leave.......

Keep you eyes on Palmer and on Loony
and any Hope messages.........

Mits said...

Good MONDAY morning everyone...have a good one and a good week:)

Costume Lady said...

PALMERS come in two flavors, Strawberry with a touch of Tequila and Plain, with no alcohol. The Tequila represents the MARGARITA, which was a favorite of Deb:)
Jo, don't know what a Zippy cup is, but I suspect it it a small cup, which we have for the PALMERS.

movin said...

tHANKS for the new thread, Steve.

And congratulations to your daughter for her graduation.







hedgie said...

Palmer sure get possessive when food is brought in. Noisy gal!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. What did Lib bring in for brunch? Might not want to know.

hedgie said...

LOL, will know sippy cups soon enough with that great grandbaby. They have the non-leak lid and the little spout that kids drink from!!!

Forgot to check on Loons!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, happy to see there is a new thread and all is well at the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door

Keep our gal in the nest....


hedgie said...

Yep, definitely only one egg.....question now is did the other one hatch or roll into the water? Is there a baby loon riding on mama's back? Is remaining egg a dud??

stronghunter said...

Must get busy with my work for the day.

hedgie said...

Okay, Larry has the story on his blog. He found egg in water again, floating end up. He couldn't detect ANY sign of life in the egg, so decided to NOT return it to the nest. He will check with DNR.

hedgie said...

Shar.....TRAIN on The View today!!

Mits said...

from BWO...........

On Monday morning, we saw all three chicks at mealtime. See more photos in our latest update to the Osprey Cam Gallery.

hedgie said...

Hope update: Once again Hope is not at the bed tree feeding station. However the trail cam shows she was here multiple times last night. -- SM

Mits said...

looks like a hatch out at the WildWatch osprey cam.....

hedgie said...

Dr. Sharpe and Helen succesfully banded the Lopez Canyon chick (Santa Rosa Island) this morning. Body measurements indicate it is a female, blood test results will confirm it in a few days. First known chick to hatch in Santa Rosa Island in over 60 years.

Mits said...

from PA FALCON CAM.....

• 6/7/2010 :: Fledgling Update The two males fledged yesterday from the ledge. From all accounts, the white banded male fledged first at around 9 AM. The red banded fledge took his first flight later in the afternoon. They ended up on the ground, were rescued and placed on the roof of the building. On their second attempt they landed on low rooftops near the Rachel Carson Building from which they will try again. The goal for the fledglings now will be to return to the ledge. There are two teams of watchers keeping an eye on them.

The blue banded male taken for treatment has recovered to the extent the rehabilitator would like to return him to the ledge soon. Thanks to the weekend watch and rescue crew for rescuing the fledglings on their first flight and briefing DEP staff on these happenings this morning.

Mits said...

feeding time at BWO

Mits said...

eaglet resting in nest at BWE

hedgie said...

Belle(?) in with more food...Palmer got it!

hedgie said...

Mits, thank goodness they had observers. Poor things would n ot have survived long on the ground. Hope they aren't stuck on that roof for too long---it could get awfully hot there if the sun is out. Glad that the sick bird is doing better.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! Congratulations to Steve's daughter!! Welcome back!
Gonna see if they have weather for S'town yet for Sat.
Was working on pics last night--osprey cam. Difficult to take video monitor--has rainbowy lines, but I tried "dusting" some & that helped a little.

NatureNut said...

Online weather I got said 91 & isolated thunderstorms. Whatever.

hedgie said...

Saw Palmers' tonsils---what a yawn!!! While listening to Train!

Mits said...

message from FINLAND NEST CAM.....

07/06/2010: Seili network has been okay. For some reason the camera does not send pictures. Investigate.

Mits said...

FINNEY'S 1st egg is due to hatch around the 9th.:)

hedgie said...

Long range forecast I hreard this morning was for 90 with slight chance of storms, Loretta. Like Wanda said, we have A/C in the EE!!

hedgie said...

Gee, Mits, they should have started investigating 4 or 5 days ago!! Wasn/t the 3rd the last date showing??
That's only 2 days away for a possible hatch....pray that there is no banding planned this year---or that someone else does it.

Mits said...

Lynn, Finney's cam is fine....its Finland cam that is out of action since the 3rd....osprey and other birds occasionally visit there, and it is always a nice view....have liked it since I found it back in "06", and Suz and I started to watch it...that is why Suz named the other nest Finney, because of the one osprey that fledged there that year

hedgie said...

Horrible news out of Ft. Washington, MD--terminally ill woman caring for her disabled son killed him and then herself. My sis lived in the marina there once upon a time in her sailing days.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did somebody say Train? LOL!

movin said...

I've been napping (to bed late), and I just tuned in to Finney again.

She's acting like she might be hearing something from her eggs ... at least ... could be hatching.



hedgie said...

Dana is having modem problems....waiting for technician. She hasn't been able to get online since Fri. night.

hedgie said...

Dana said to say hi to all.

Sun has finally decided to shine here....right after a little sprinkle.

Mits said...

interesting fact, since 2006, Finney cam has had 3 million viewers.....;)

hedgie said...

I know, Mits. I guess I ran on my topics.....

Mits said...

Cape Henlopen osprey cam has a chick, this is the one Paula reported to us.....the cam has been donated by a private not the best but good picture today of mom and pop feeding chick.....

hedgie said...

Lolly, what is scheduled for tomorrow? Just a biopsy?

Mits said...

feel sorry for Larry the Loon man....latest update.....from this a.m.

Posted on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 8:23AM
Things are just a little unusual.

The loon was off the nest again, as you have seen, and just returned now.

While it was off, it went out to meet a loon who was swimming toward the nest. But it was not the mate, and as she pursued the other loon quickly paddled with its wings and went out into the middle of the lake. So obviously it was another loon.

"Our" loon swam back to the nest but was in no hurry to get back up on the nest.

Then another loon came FLYING in and landed nearby.

The loon by the nest swam out to meet it and they swam together nearby. No hurry to back to the nest.

Just very unusual behavior all the way around this year.

hedgie said...

It's chilly out there...need a sweatshirt! Only up to 66 with a breeze. At least Palmer won't be panting today.

hedgie said...

Hopefully he will determine that it's nothing, Lolly. Unfortunately, most don't do anythng in the office anymore. :(

Did you read the other 2 posts Larry had, too, Mits?

Mits said...

yes, Lynn I did.....

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

It would seem that Steve was located, apprehended, and taken to a computer to give us a new thread. THANK YOU STEVE! YOU WERE MISSED!

What an adventure I've had today. However, it was worth it as I was able to see Palmer just now as she picked at something in the nest.

Haven't had time to read back. Will do so in a little while.

Hope everyone is having a nice day. BBL

Mits said...

amazing 1134 people watching the loon cam

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon everyone! Wanted to pop over here and give ya'll the latest update on Kailey. She is doing so good!!

This is from Dawn:

She looked sooo good yesterday, she still has some swelling but the Doc's and Nurses are all AMAZED at her turn-around. She wasn't pee'ing enough, now they're saying she's pee'ing too much...Mandi told 'em poor lil Kailey just can't please them, lol. She's breathing more independently with minimal assistance from the breathing machine they have her on, and her labs are good. The Nurse last night said she had Kailey on Friday and couldn't believe the progress that she had made in that amount of time. She peeked and smiled at me and Uncle Mike and we both just stood looking at each other grinning from ear to ear!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is looking like I am not going to get to make it to the nest this weekend. Bills, bills, bills. :((((

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I haven't given up all hope, but it is doubtful. May have to wait till October to see ya'lls wonderful faces.

Mits said...

wonderful update on the baby....Sissy

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That bird is gonna fledge soon!!

Lynne2 said...

OH BOY thanks Steve and congrats to your daughter!

OH NO SILLY, I am so looking forward to meeting you PLEASE COME!!

OH SHEETZ, looks like bad news for the loon nest :(

OH my, had no idea about this for the lump?

OH what joyous news about Kailye!!

OH my, groomer just called, Puddles is ready. She was acting like an idiot when I left here. Will be interesting to see how she looks!

OH yummy, Palmer speciality drink sounds yummy, however, I'll be having the PLAIN one....Steve on the other hand will likely partake of the tequilla enhanced version!


hedgie said...

30 more minutes and my grands will be singing "No more school days, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks!" Summertime here they come!

Sprinkling again....argh!

hedgie said...

Oh, Sissy......please don't back out now!!

Judie, what kind of adventure did you have?????????

Yes, Sis, wonderful news about Kaylie. Hope she continues to thrive.

Lynne, are you feeling better?

Mits said...

lone egg in view at loon cam

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from lunch..... Need to read your comments and check Palmer and Loony and Lily.........


Mema Jo said...

Saturday I am in the EE watching our Palmer out of the window... (If she is there) I do have an anxious feeling about her First Flight happening soon!

Lynn - that is a horrible happening with the mother and son - Why is it there isn't a cry out for help???

Wanda LOL I guess I did a typo -
Sippy cup! You sip and sip and sip!
Capt Gene going to flavor the Plain with a fruity flavor?

Mema Jo said...

If any of you can find Paula's avatar you can see video and pics of the nest and Palmer. Video is great.

hedgie said...

Well, Hornby got rid of the Energizer Bunny if only loon cam provider would do the same!

Mema Jo said...

Harrisburg falcons have so many supporters.... Great that the ground crew was there with those first fledgers....

Mema Jo said...

Just watching the loon - she never gets the entire way off while I am watching but she just waddles and waddles and looks underneath..
This time I surely hope I would see the little black loony.... But Not

Mema Jo said...

I just think that for sitting on a nest for 30+ days - you would deserve a little loony.........

Mema Jo said...

I pray that you will be able to find your way to the Nest Visit! Tom and Mattie really need to see all of us again. I have to check Tom out because since the last time I saw him so many injuries have happen! I just want to be sure he is as good as new!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie, surprise from the Loon Cam:

Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam Hi all, the Energizer ad should be gone now. Sorry for it slipping
through. If you still get it, please refresh. If it still pops up after
that please let us know. Peter - WildEarth

Judie said...

Back again.

Just about to read comments.

Lynne, sure hope you feel better today. If not, maybe a doctor?

Um, don't know why, yet, but congratulations to Steve's daughter. Oh, I see. Graduation -- congratulations for sure.

Oh my, Lolly's started to stutter again. More seriously, thinking of Laurel and prayer that all is okay.

Congratulations, also, to Santa Rosa!

Happy 13th to Laurel and Joey. I do hope they will have a nice dinner or some type of celebration.

Darth and I made 28 today.

Big adventure: did the clean out junk stuff you all recommended, lost the toolbar, couldn't get it back, panic (Darth does not appreciate my messing up the computer), finally discovered F10 restores the toolbar but not permanently. Don't know how to fix that yet. So, couldn't blog or watch critter cams. I am soooooooo technology challenged!

Did have somewhat quicker access after but very provoking.

Think dinner tonight will be filet, oven crisped potatoes, and big salad. Don't feel like going out.

BTW, so glad to know the dead washer and shiny garland are where I left them and Steve was not captured and hidden in a bear den.

Off to check on Palmer. BBL
Sorry for the book. Much to catch up on.

wvgal_dana said...

Hello everyone in Eagle Land!!

I have really missed everyone.

Boy these keys on this laptop are very touchy.

I see and hear our Palmer.

So HAPPY TO BE HERE with you all (:

Mema Jo said...

Judie and Darth & Laurel and Joey

Mema Jo said...

Glad you're up/running Dana....

hedgie said...

Jo, there are lots of cases where a caregiver becomes a patient and just can't see any way out. They think they are doing what is best........very sad. That is just another situation where there are not the proper resources and care alternatives for severely disabled people. Multitudes of parents wonder what will become of their children in those instances of their own incapacitation and/or death......and there is often no acceptable answer.

wvgal_dana said...

Flapping those wings !

hedgie said...

Good news, apparently it was strictly a Wildearth problem!!

hedgie said...

She's gonna go......a little bit chicken-sh---ed, but she's gonna do it............

hedgie said...


magpie said...

Howdy Eagle Pals

That's a great anniversary song link Jo

Happy 28th Anniversary to Judie and Darth today, and Happy 13th Anniversary to Laurel and Joey Tuesday ♥ ☺

hedgie said...

Judie, your dinner sounds good!

Dana, glad Comcast got everything straightened out for you!!

magpie said...

good news about Kailey, Sissy (did I see someone call you SILLY here today ? ☺ )
hoping for a good report for Laurel Tuesday, Lolly

and thanks Mits for the Wildwatch Osprey hatch report and the other nests' news too

Hi Dana welcome back

magpie said...

I'm using my "Deb's Magpie" this week in honor of Palmer and maybe her final week as a "nestling"

magpie said...

newlyweds make it back okay Sunday?
and hope the Italy Delegation is having a grand time...

Mema Jo said...

Newlywed stated from HI late on Sunday so they will be in PA late this afternoon. Pretty long flight - hope they had comfy seats!
Italian delegation is doing great - got 1 email and I sure could not keep up with my daughter's itinerary. They will see it all!

Mema Jo said...

Funny gs visiting Rome made FB comment to his friends: I'm doing my homework in Rome !

Mits said...

Happy Anniversary, Judie and Darth, and also to Joey and Laurel....June brides:)

magpie said...

sounds good Jo...
wow sounds like some jet lag in store, hope there is lots of opportunity to rest up for a few days ☺ ♥ better travel weather today than yesterday I would say...

great that you can stay in touch with the folks on the other continent

Palmer is looking exquisite today, as always

hedgie said...

I bet he can learn more on a tour of Italy than he'd learn in a week of school, Jo!

Hey, Margy, did you sleep well?

magpie said...

not too bad Lynn, thanks
Prosecutor's office called, I am off the hook for this week's trial ☺
next time for this one will be in November for me

wvgal_dana said...

Please remind me is Finney (on the water) and Finland (on the land). Trying to set up favorities again???

hedgie said...

Jo, news says son was a paraplegic who had a good govt. job and went to work everyday, and that there is another son. Sad.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder how many June brides there are. June was about the only month for weddings years upon years ago. I don't really know the reasoning behind it..... Guess I could Google!

hedgie said...

Judie, click on Tools, and then Toolbars and make sure the ones you want are checked!!

hedgie said...

No, Dana, other way around. Finney is land and Finland is water.

Mema Jo said...

Need to talk with daughter about Sat and my 2 ggs coming to the nest... I sure am thinking like Margy and Paula about the 12th and wondering if Palmer will still be there and doing high jumps for them to see. These are the ggs that the first thing they said to me as I arrived for the gd wedding -
"Mema, we've been watching Palmer"
I think I'll always remember that!

hedgie said...

Glad you don't have to worry about the trial, Margy. November is a long way off....maybe by then they won't need you at all!

magpie said...

Finney is the land nest

Finland is the water nest

I can redo that in the morning if it doesn't work, or do blue links

time for work...
Best wishes for a good evening, everyone


hedgie said...

Very strange....three natural gas well explosions in two in WV, now one in TX, and don't remember where the first one was......multiple deaths....suspicious if you ask me.

magpie said...

the more the merrier, Jo...
and yes, that sure is a great expression about your ggs watching Palmer ☺

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - any possible connection to any of the 3?

Mema Jo said...

dinner time


hedgie said...

Hummer found the feeder! Got some pics. He's lovely....lots of green!

hedgie said...

Don't know about connections, Jo.

Lynne2 said...

somehow missed the post about the murder TERRIBLE. That family will need and get our prayers for sure.

UH OH. I see that not only do I keep calling SiSSy Sharon on FB, but now I'm calling her SiLLy on here...UGH! Really must proof read my posts before clicking.

Dana, sure glad to have you back! Cn't wait to meet you on Saturday in person!

Puddles looks so cute with her Outdoor Girl hair! And the groomer said she was very good this time for her grooming! I think now that she is feeling more secure, she is calming down on some things that used to upset her badly. However, she still regards the vacuum as her ARCH ENEMY.
JO, I sure hope you GGDs will come!

Hadn't heard about the gas well explosions. VERY suspicious. Prayers for those hurt and killed and the families. Hope they figure out if there is a connection fast, before anyone else gets hurt.

My tummy was VERY sick last night and this morning again, but much, much better now!

hedgie said...

Lots of animal news: escaped elephant on the highway in Zurich, Switzerland---rounded up without any injuries or damage; 6 ft. alligator got into a middle school in FL---cornered until trapper arrived and got it out; black bear on freeway in CA---chased into a dry gulch and then tranquilized.

Lolly said...

June brides....that is when the school year is over. Least that is the reason for myself and for Laurel.

Thanks for the prayers for Laurel. My back has gone out...I think it is just stress thinking about her. Have been sitting on ice. Least my tush is cool!

hedgie said...

Lynne, so glad you are feeling better. Eat lightly!!

Lolly said...

OMG!!!!!! Whoopeeee!!!! I just commented and it posted in a normal way. Yea! (Hope I do not jinx it with this comment!)

Lolly said...

Yea! I am normal again. LOL

Lolly said...

Well, normal for me!☺

stronghunter said...


Home and relaxing.

Busy day.

Looking forward to summer more and more each moment.

Will is fixing barbecued chicken for supper. Yea!

I will contribute some veggies.

Happy anniversary to Darth and Judie and to Lauren and Joey!

Also, congratulations to Steve's daughter upon her graduation.

hedgie said...

Oh, sad---killer whale named Taima at Sea World in Orlando died while giving birth yesterday. Her mate was the one who killed the trainer earlier this year. Guess the calf didn't survive, either.

Lynne2 said...

oh yes, HAPPY 28th JUDIE AND DARTH!!!!

How cool to have that much time together. Kinda makes me sad that as late in life as we got married that Steve and I will not get 28 years.

hedgie said...

Lynne, you have plenty of time to aim for 28 and more!!!

Lolly said...

Watching the gas well burn. It is not near me, BUT we have natural gas well all around us. Scary!

Lolly said...

Of course you will get to 28!!

Lolly said...

OMG!!! It was not a gas well explosion but a pipe line explosion. Now I am scared!

NatureNut said...

Just checked on Palmer a few minutes ago & she was playing hopscotch across the nest!!!!Thank goodness she didn't overshoot!
Saw that explosion in TX on News. They were drilling a hole & hit a pocket of methane.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Had trouble with the blogger cop and with the live cam.
Just not my day either Lolly & Glo.

Thanks Mits for the H-burg update. If I had read my email first I would have found out since I get updates from the DEP. I thought they might have fledged yesterday when I didn't see them.

Hope HOPE isn't lost again.

Congrats to the June couples' anniversaries and to Steve's daughter. Glad you're okay Steve. We were worried about you. You are an important person to this blog.

Well, let's see if this will post. My post on the notebook didn't go so I'm now on the crazy pc desktop.

Will try to catch up... bbl

PA Nana said...

BTW - there was a gas explosion in PA yesterday, I think. No injuries.

NatureNut said...


Lolly said...

Okay, they dug into the pipeline.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Mits said...

I sa the PA falcons early yesterday morning on the ledge before they fledged, did not see them take off.

Lolly said...

Loreeda...they were digging and hit a huge pipeline..thus the exposion and a "smoke tornado".

PA Nana said...

One more thing before I go for supper ... can someone give me directions to the nest from Rt. 81?
Also, is there public facilities close by? Send email please so I can print for Mike.

Still unsure of making the trip since I fell again but have a chauffeur.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

I see we have a new record!

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats to your daughter Steve. Hope the family enjoyed the festivities.

stronghunter said...

I see Palmer flying across the nest.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Paula! Good evening.

Mema Jo said...

Happy that you are feeling better this evening, Lynne

Now on news is:
An expert has argued that it would be better to put these victims of the BP oil disaster out of their misery.
Biologists race to save dying birds

Lolly said...

Oh wow!Palmer is getting high!!!

stronghunter said...

Get that danged stick out of the way!!

hedgie said...

Diann, I'll send you the directions. Sorry you have fallen again! Join the many momsters who are fellow klutzes! LOL--teasing you. Gotta laugh, as it's the best medicine! We'll take good care of you!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - you really should get to 28 and you may even get to 50!
People live to very old ages now-a-days
especially when they are in love!

Lolly said...

Off to start dinner!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is flitting about with a nestover

stronghunter said...

Is Palmer going to throw the sticks out of the nest??

Oh, got distracted by some nestovers.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, Love the new drink idea! Can't wait.

Jo, what are zippy cups?

paula eagleholic said...

My cam stopped after 20 minutes, is this something new?

Mits said...

Paula, zippy cups are when you have had your limit, they zip up so you don't drink anymore;)

Lynne2 said...

small quake in Maine today
Maine quake
and a small one in N. Jersey yesterday....there is a pattern developing in PA last week.
New Jersey quake

stronghunter said...

Don't know, Paula. I think most people have been getting unlimited time, unless there is a new change that just happened.

Mema Jo said...

I can't get the Loon Cam opened and there are not really a lot of viewers.

Lynne2 said...

Sure would be nice to have at least 28 years....although he may be sick of me by then!

Mits said...

Loon cam has been hard to get up this afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - read on and they are Sippy Cups
Just a typo

Thanks Mits -thought maybe Larry was blocking us out.

Sissy - your tattoo is very appropriate since you have always wanted to be a panda!! It should be looking really good by Saturday -
YOU KNOW the day you are coming to Shepstwn...............

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break for any updates on news' articles I'm following.

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

Congratulations Steve. Bet your proud as punch.

So the record is 1307 posts.

My cam is doing great and I see that Palmer is feisty and bouncing all over the nest. Found some treats to munch on.

Can't bring up the loon cam.

hedgie said...

Diann, you have email!

hedgie said...

My cam went 4 3/4 hrs. and then stopped this afternoon after I came back on after a shut-down to install a program.

Mits, that is too funny!!!! Bet there's plenty of people in the world who need that zippy!

hedgie said...

Wind is picking up at nest.

Lynne, that series of quakes is a little perturbing......MTBR! I have heard it said that a major quake on the east coast would be much worse than out west because nothing here is built to ride it out.

Judie said...

Thank you, Jo. Hugs to you.

Lynn is right on with her analysis. Depression associated with terminal illness limits "seeing" options. Mother, I am sure, believed her son would not be properly cared for after her death. Spare him the consequences. I am going to die, my son will not be given the care he needs --Mother did what she believed would prevent her son's suffering. Tragic.

Yep, Sissy has become Silly -- maybe she was always Silly? Cool name: Silly Sissy.

Ah, Jo. Your legacy of watching and caring about animals. What a gift you have given.

Margy, glad you escaped the trial. Whew!

Whale calf was still born. Very sad.

It's okay, Lolly. You and Jack are safe and, just in case, the Momsters and Dadsters will be there to take care.

Um, Lolly? Palmer getting high -- altitude, yes?

Mits, love the description of zippy cups. Think I'll run that by the cops as a anti-drunk driving promotion -- they can give out zippy cups at police check points. Cool!

Well, here I am after all these years with dinner over, a clogged garbage disposal, clean up pending, and so tired I am just heading for the t.v. Gee, isn't life swell?

Lolly said...

Just posted on FB

Hope is at the feeding station - I waited 5 hours for her. -- SM

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, see my cam is still running now, must have been a fluke.

Oh no, poor loony egg

Thanks for all the updates, Mits

Sissy, glad to hear Kailey is doing better

Lynn, do you have an attendance list you can send around. Haven't heard a thing...except now Sissy might not make it.

Congrats Judie and Darth on 28 years and Laurel and Joey on 13

hedgie said...

Hope is at the feeding station - I waited 5 hours for her. -- SM

hedgie said...

Paula, wouldn't you rather be surprised???
Will work on it.

Lolly said...

Ha! Beat you to it, Lynn. LOL I think we all wait for just one sentence stating that they have seen her.

hedgie said...

Okay, Paula, you have mail.

Judie....did you put potato peel down the disposal???? I did that once---and once only! I hadn't had a disposal for 15 yrs. Right after I got it, on Christmas day, I managed to clog it up with pot peels. Bill and I spent a sloppy hour trying to get it unclogged! YUCKO.

stronghunter said...

One of the teachers told me that today was a "squishy" day; she felt squished.

Now it is squishy on the blog. The last two comments were definitely squished.

All it said was

Hedgie said . . .

Lolly said . . .

Clicked on them and they opened up.

Never saw that before!

BEagle said...

I don't know about squishy.

Squishy to me is like walking through thick mud.....

thinking of Palmer's wushi....

testing my biceps.

hedgie said...

How's this for news??????
June 07, 2010 - The word in Panda Land is that Tai Shan Cam is coming! More details as I get them. Side Note: Once the cam is up & running, and I figure it out, I will put it up on my page :) ~Daniel

hedgie said...

Shirley, up top, after Show Original Post, you may have clicked on Collapse Comments!

Mema Jo said...

I'll also be sending the updated list to NCTC on Wednesday.... I'll include EM on the address so you get it too.

Mema Jo said...

Watching a TV show - bbilw

paula eagleholic said...

Well, the new record took 4 days the old record took 3 days, for what it's worth.

Trying to get some stuff done, BBL

stronghunter said...

Don't know, Lynn. Only two were collapsed. When I've collapsed them before, they were all collapsed. I have seen that.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are flapping. One flapped off the screen. The other was on the rock and flapped off. Got a little altitude and now messing with some plucked feathers.

BEagle said...

The WE eaglets are scheduled for banding on the 10th.

BEagle said...

The PH twins look very prim their antennas. Space eagles!

BEagle said...

The record for post is in days and posts!

BEagle said...

The other TH eagle is out of range. I hope it didn't fall down the rocks again.

BEagle said...

Palmer's bouncing around again. What fun!

Both TH are there again.

TCB. Night.

stronghunter said...

Palmer is very active this evening.

stronghunter said...

She's letting out little squeals of excitement and hopping all around.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Hedgie - Daniel's message about a cam for Tai is making me very happy happy! Oh to see our guy again! And of course we may be a witness to a mate giving birth to little Tai one of these days!

Mema Jo said...



hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, wouldn't it be wonderful to see him "live" again?? Hey, Mits....what do you think?? And Sissy??

hedgie said...

I did the split!!! Too bad it wasn't a banana split.

Mema Jo said...

The Loon Chat Room confirms that the cam has been down all over the USA since about 5:01pm

Mema Jo said...

There you go again Hedgie... bringing up the 'Banana Split' and then of course I start thinking of Frosty!

Confession: I brought home from the luncheon a little sliver of P-nut butter pie. Yummy! Yummy! Out of this world. When I checked my Blood Sugar before dinner it was a low 111. Next time there I am getting a really BIG

Lynne2 said...

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.

Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote 'Revelation 3:20' on the back of it and stuck it in the door

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, 'Genesis 3:10..'

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.' Genesis 3:10 reads.....................................I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked.'

Lynne2 said...

FROSTY????? I want a FROSTY! Chocolate of course!

NatureNut said...

Just got some travel pics from my daughter on their bike trip in CA, Yosemite, & Tahoe.
The spectacular one just got on the Blog!! What do you think??
BBL soon---gotta do a couple things...

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - You are a (nature) NUT!
LOL Evening belly laugh for usre!
I can't believe your imagination! ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - just read your joke! Loved it!

hedgie said...

Loretta is the most creative lady, isn't she??? LOVE IT! Hope everyone looks.

Good joke, Lynne! Hopefully he learned to call ahead.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Lynn. I'm still recuperating from the fall, but God willing ...

I'll start PT Thursday at the request of my physiatrist. Not looking forward to that. He seems to think most of my pain and immobility is muscular. If this doesn't work he'll request some more testing. Can't imagine what a bone scan will tell him that an MRI didn't????

... anyway, will keep in touch.

Off to watch some tv. Jim is sleeping on his chair so I can have the remote. YIPPEE!!!

To anyone about to go to their pillows, goodnight and God bless.

To the others, I'll try to come back before I fall asleep.

hedgie said...

Ceil, Judie, Lolly.......look at Loretta's pic!!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you have a reply email from me. Be certain to SCROLL to the very end to see the pic.

hedgie said...

Jo, hope your peanut butter pie didn't spike your glucose! it was good.

hedgie said...

Did I miss something??????? Did we know that Andrew and Kelsey got married Mem. Day weekend????? Have I lost my mind or what?

hedgie said...

Don't believe I would have missed a post like that....cause everyone would have been sending congrats....right???

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - are you telling me to look over on FB again for some glorious news?

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...