Monday, June 07, 2010


New thread. 

Sorry about the missed days--it was Mercersburg Academy graduation weekend for my daughter.


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Mema Jo said...

Looking at wedding pics on FB

That isn't Andrew it is Drew

I guess Kelsey is the name of Drew's new wife and Andrew's gal friend.

Where is that Sharon to explain this to us... Getting us all excited like that

hedgie said...

Jo, that picture on FB sure looks like Andrew, doesn't it???

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Okay, I think I understand......:(

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Andrew and Kelsey were guests at the wedding..... Andrew has on a red tie - looks very handsome

Mema Jo said...

It is - double click and look at all the pics.

hedgie said...

Okay, looked at the rest of the pics, and saw the B&G and Andrew and Kelsey! Jokes on me!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, so reading all this about Andrew and Kelsey has me rolling! You all would have been the first to know!

Mema Jo said...

Well you know for sure that you would have been UP THE CREEK if we would have been the last to know! lol
My heart did stop and my mouth fell open when Lynn made that 1st comment.
We Love you!!

Mema Jo said...

Man oh Man! I have to go play a game or two of solitaire to calm down


hedgie said...

Sharon, ditto what Jo said!!!!

Mits said...

good grief, almost fell off my chair.....glad it is not your Andrew, Sharon......must finish school.

hedgie said...

Well, I've had enuf excitement for one day! Going to relax in the tub and finish a book. See all y'all in the morning. Here's hoping that the loon cam is back up by then---for what it's worth---not sure that egg is ever gonna hatch. Prayers for all. Stay safe wherever you are and whatever you're doing!!

NatureNut said...

Tee Hee!! See where a day off & not doing housework gets me? Lots of fun!
I didn't think Andrew & Kelsey were married! We would have heard, right Shar?
Well, gotta do hair, watch news & hit the hay. Early work in AM. Boy, I miss the internet there & not being able to catch up on stuff. Boo
If I soon konk out, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO.......So, that is where my van went! Sob...I miss it! Like my new wheels, but really miss my van.

wvgal_dana said...

wildwonderWhat a picture to see from a plane!!!

Andrew and Kelsey getting to see what's ahead for them ( :

Lolly said...

Loweeda!!! You are creative!!!

NatureNut said...

Everytime I write & page pops uip to the top, I see Lynn's comment on banana split!I bought some frozen chocolate covered bananas Sat! Think I'm gonna have one!!

Mits said... Tai's cam, would love to see him.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, it might be on it's way to the "Happy Hunting Ground"!!

stronghunter said...

Just finished writing some essay questions for my dual enrollment students for tomorrow, so now I can play briefly.

I posted a couple of pictures. One is Palmer spreading her beautiful wings. I wish I'd gotten her in the middle of the nest so you can see the huge wingspan even better. The other is Will's photography, a picture of Mars and Rigel in the night sky. He took that picture last night.

stronghunter said...

Love the preacher story, Lynne!

Mmm, a banana split sounds pretty good, Lynn.

Mits said...

Loretta so glad you found all of those missing items:):)

Mits said...

yeah loved that story, Lynne

stronghunter said...

Loretta, the garland flies the friendly skies!

Jo, you are making me hungry with your peanut butter pie. Bring me a slice next time.

stronghunter said...

Diann, please take care of yourself.

Falling asleep is the only kind of falling you need to do.

wvgal_dana said...

Well heading to the couch. Tried and have learned a lot about this laptop..

Night sleep well everyone Prayers for those that need them.

Lolly said...

Gas killed and all but one have been dismissed from the hospital. Amazing more were not killed. They were putting in power poles. Guess they did not see the gas pipeline signs.

Not near us, but in our county. So, in the whole realm of things...pretty close.

stronghunter said...

I really have to stop this madness and go on upstairs. It is quite late. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Thought of you as soon as I saw that story in the news, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Dana.

Lolly said...

Nite, Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Loretta, I keep going back to look at your picture. Yesterday, you could have included Steve in it.

Mema Jo said...

No one really knows where the Happy Hunting ground is located.... so
beware and do what Suzanne always said:
Keep your Eyes to the Skies

Mema Jo said...

Good Night to all headed for their couch, bed or recliner!
If it works for you - just do it!

Mema Jo said...

Well, it's been quite a delightful
evening on here and I did win a game of solitaire.

Heading back the hallway ......

Daughter comes early tomorrow to visit and will have Sophia with her! Then gd from Hedgesville comes around noon with the 3 ggs. Busy day!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night My Friends
Prayers for all wants/needs and thankful prayers for Kailey improvement!
(((Hugs for All))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

I am right behind you, Jo. I am sleepy and have to head out early in the morning for Laurel's. So, good night all!

Sweet dreams! At least my van is decorated and in good company!Sigh........

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone!

Costume Lady said...

I must apologize to DIANN! It seems she emailed me a few days ago asking about facilities and other things and I sent her some photos of the Eagle Express (Gene went out and took some especially to show Diann so she would feel comfortable in her mind about being at the Nest Visit). As it turned out, I sent the email to the Diane that used to be on here with us (remember ILUVTONAPP ?)
Somehow, that email also ended up on my blog!

Long day...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Apologies for getting here so very late--this is my late night at school, and don't usually get home before 10pm this semester.

A very late HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to JUDIE & DARTH!! Hope the garbage disposal got straightened out! If not, tomorrow is another day!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, TOO, to LAUREL & JOEY!! Hope your day was a good one! Prayers continue for Laurel!


Thankful prayers for the FANTASTIC news about Kailey! Prayers continue!

Glad to hear that Lynne's tummy is finally feeling better! Prayers of thanks there, too!

Well, it's getting pretty late, so I think I'll head for TV land to unwind a bit. Leaving the night light on, and the automatic porch light. The eye scanner security is ready to go. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep tight, and I'll try to get here early tomorrow. Will talk to you then! God bless, and good night! Love you guys! :o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. My cam is down! :( This is not the time for the cam to be down.

magpie said...

Good Tuesday morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

no live Eagle cam for me either Sharon :(

Finland is back up and running
and Loon cam too

It's a stunning West Virginia Morning

magpie said...

Great picturs Shirley and Loretta !
I see Wanda snuck a few up from June 4 Friday night baby night ☺
on Just for Fun

magpie said...

Some Angel has left some gardening gloves at Magpie's Roost....
suspect it must be one of the Berkeley County Momsters...
Thank you !
Hope you enjoyed my patio plants, that one tomato plant is a Tree !

magpie said...

Palmer looks great, so tall and stately...
enjoying this fantastic morning

Wanda and Gene hope your soup kitchen goes well tonight, can't wait to see the menu ! Hope GG is doing better each day

Lynne sure hope you are feeling better too

Lolly... hope the achy back is not achy anymore...special thoughts for you and Laurel today...
and Happy Anniversary to Laurel and Joey ♥

magpie said...

definitely time for sleep here...
hope this is a good day for everyone, and that all ailments disappear pronto!

Good Morning, Good Night
xo ♥

ceil said...

Good morning all. I don't have much time to read the blog. Will miss you all. Helen had to e-mail me about Loretta'a picture. Thanks for finding my garland and the angel. Loreeda you are such a fun person.
Yesterday was maybe our last soup and sandwich. Sister Catherine is retiring and we are not sure weather Father will keep it going after 20 some years.
MM took a tumble and will probably look like a racoon today.
Sorry for the long post but am know off to get ready for the Aquarium to study.
Have a good day and week

hedgie said...

Good morning. Just getting going here this AM. Cam check reveals that Finland water/ferry cam is back up: 08/06/2010: The camera's over the weekend continued to block confirmation of a web server settings attributable. Fault has been corrected.
Of course, there is no action, but it's still a pretty scene.
Finney is sitting pretty, due to hatch anyday and Loon is still sitting.
And van der Sloot has confessed to killing the girl in Peru!

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, Ceil, please give MM a hug from me. How did she fall? Hope she's truly okay. :(
Good luck with your studying. Know that you will ace your test just like Andy does!!!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Loweeda, you are just too funny. Many thanks for a bit laugh to start my day.

Will catch up later. Plan to go to the school house to transfer more crimes stuff to DVDs.

Wishing everyone a beauteous day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Morning! Pleasant weather again.

Link to Mason's update - he has a garden!

Ceil I know you probably won't have time to come back on but please please tell MM that our thoughts and prayers are with her. Thankful no broken bones but must have been a head on of some kind in order to look like a raccoon this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Not sure if this was mentioned yet but
look at that dear little cub now that she is growing.........

Link to Hope's update from last evening

Palmer is in the nest waiting for us.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Tuesday in Eagle Land Sharon, Margy, Ceil, Lynn1-Hedgie, Judie, Mema Jo, and those coming in and watchers.

I'm a little late on this but Happy Anniversary to Laurel and Joeyxxxooooo

Oh no Ceil prayers for MM for bruising and pain.

Wing flapping from Palmer.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Our big girl is getting very restless! I don't think she is going to stay in that nest much longer!

Great news on the update for Hope. What a bear!!!

I am still unsure what I am going to do Saturday. I am hoping to come but not absolutely sure. More will be revealed for sure.

Mits said...

good TUESDAY, morning to everyone......June 8th, 2010..have a good one

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Mits! Have you talked to MM? Is she okay?

Good morning everyone!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mema Jo for the update on Hope. They have really taken time and witnessing of Hope. Dr. Rogers interest sounds like it can truly help cubs taken into Rescue's.

Sissy sure hope you can come. I've missed seeing the Bluefield group. Since I wasn't at the last October outing due to Ed's illness.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta I loved your picture of things gone in the pazst.

I am sitting at the kitchen table. Two beautiful cardinals male and female just flew up on next places roof. Sky, trees, land, birds and outside. It is so nice to see instead of 4 walls.

Still have a lot of links to put on this, in time though. I love a laptop. I do need to get something that doesn't raise the height to put across my lap. Otherwise it hits my sore left knee. Tried something to lay in on but still hurt left knee while on couch.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Heading out in just a few minutes to go to grandboy sit!

Uually I work hard while at Laurels but today....think I will sit and play games. My back is better today and want to keep it that way.

Good report on Hope. She still looks skinny to me. See that the loon is still on the nest. Palmer is hanging out at 1 o'clock.

I am gone....BBL! Have a fantastic day and please keep Palmer in the nest until I return. Thank you! Keep your eyes to the might see my van fly by on its way to the happy hunting ground!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is preening Big Time or should I say plucking out the downy feathers

hedgie said...

Lolly, prayers going with you for Laurel. Agree that Hope looks skinny.
Suz emailed pics of Palmer leaving nest.......don't think it was a flight.....but definitely up in the air!

hedgie said...

Suz is going to put the pics in the album.

wvgal_dana said...

I remember people saying, "I really can hear my birds this morning". Then they checked and it was when they had gotten a laptop and it was on the cam. I just went through that little faze. Turned sound on cam off and yep it was the cam lol

Palmer is standing like a solider at attention. Now her head is moving like Jo said. Picking at feathers on her back.

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer you have 4 more days after today. You just stay there and flap and exercise those wings. We will be there Saturday and you can fledge then. It's not flag day or anything special that I know of. So Palmer you can make that day "YOUR DAY".

Judie said...

Very quick stop by.

See where Dr. Rogers is interested in title suggestions for his bear book. I emailed, I think, my suggestion: Bear Reality. Told Lynn if anyone wants to put the suggestion of FB (I don't use) or send a backup email, that would be great.

Can't get the live cam this morning but sounds like Palmer is doing so prettifying this a.m.


wvgal_dana said...

Judie which email did you use for Dr. Rogers?

hedgie said...

I either heard a cow on our cam or Palmer is making some very strange noises!

Costume Lady said...

Stopping in for a few moments before this day gets too busy.
Helping out at GG's and the Soup Kitchen takes up most of the day.

DIANN...Please read back to my post at 12:29 am. Again, I apologize for sending information about our Nest Visit to the wrong Diane! What a stoopid mistake:(
Somehow, that email also ended up on my Wild and Wonderful on earth did that happen. Does anyone know? Kinda scary! sorry to hear about our sweet Mary Margaret having a fall.
Ceil and Helen, give her my (((♥))).

Loved reading the last report on HOPE. This one sounds so HOPEful:)
With the help of Lynne & Sue and no predators in the area, she may make it!

Prayers for Laurel that she just has a bothersome mass and not anything more than that!

Have a beautiful day♥

movin said...


GooD Morning



63° and Partly Cloudy now in So Cal, but it's thinkin it will get better later.



movin said...

Thanks for the link, Mema Jo.

Hope seems to be doing a lot better than anyone expected her to do at her age.



hedgie said...

Latest update: Trail cam shows Hope came to the feeding station at 5:33 AM but the food was likely gone. I arrived at 7:15 AM with more food. Could be another long wait. -- SM

Hi, Jim. Yes, she is a little miracle bear!
Dana, Judie left to go to the Univ.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda and Jim to Tuesday's Eagle Land.

Wanda hope you have many coming to the soup kitchen. What is Gene cooking up?

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning All!!! Real busy at school today. Just as it was yesterday.

I will be in and out. I wanted to say hi and let you know I am lurking. LOL

Lolly, I pray that all will be well for Laurel. Will you know something today?

Sissy, Good news on Kailey. She sounds like she is a spunky one and very loved. Prayers for her and family.

Lynn2 and Loretta, I was tired last night and just feeling moody. You both lifted my spirit. Lynn2, your joke was great and Loretta I loved your picture. Thanks you both. ((HUGS))

Paula, Thank you for the pictures and videos at the nest. I can't make it on Saturday due to job and travel time. Through your thoughtfulness I will feel like I am with you all (except for the Palmer drink, LOL) on Saturday. I now have a better prospective of how thing look at the nest. I can't thank you enough. I hope all of you have a wonderful time. Someone has to drink an extra drink for me. LOL I an excited to be meeting you all in October.

Hope looks good although a little skinny. What a cute!!! Don't you just want to cuddle her up. I pray for her everyday.

Judie, I love the name you thought of for Dr. Rogers. "Bear Reality". How cleaver of you.

Wanda, Good Luck with your soup kitchen tonight. If I was near there I would volunteer. (smile)

Okay, back to what I am suppose to be doing. BBL ((Hugs))

Mema Jo said...

Windy at the nest
Palmer standing at 10:00

I am now going back to the playroom where Sophia has set up the tea party.

Be Back after lunch........

Ragdoll said...

OH Mema Jo, a tea party. I will be right there. LOL

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, we will definitely drink a Palmer for you, and look forward to meetin you in Oct.!! Hope your spirits are better today!

Jo, enjoy your tea party.

wvgal_dana said...

God Bless You twice Palmer sneezed

movin said...

Hmmm. I just opened Finney-on-the sea, and there stands the original female Osprey...



movin said...

Finney just turned her eggs, and I couldn't see anything that looked like a chick yet.



movin said...

eaglet at BWE, flaked out. But the picture is kind of screwed up today.



hedgie said...

Wind blowing much more at nest than here. I think Palmer is waiting for lunch.

hedgie said...

Gone when I got to Finland ferry, Jim. How can you tell the original?

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone heard anything about Hunter (first name can't remember his last name). That is an 8th grader at Hedgesville. He was hit in he head by a foul ball and was hemorrhaging from the brain?

hedgie said...

I noticed this morning when I found cam to be back up that the big stick that someone brought in last week has been moved out to the back of the nest. It looked really dangerous where it had been placed before.

hedgie said...

Dana, yes, he came home early last week, doing very well. They don't expect any serious consequences!

hedgie said...

New thread is up. Come on over.

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 287 of 287   Newer› Newest»

1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...