Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday number 2

We were on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway the other week, and had a great time.  Here's a shot taken by my daughter as we head downriver from Long Lake Dam Campsite.


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Costume Lady said...

New format really threw me for a loop! Now, I don't remember what I was going to say??? LOL

Lolly said...

Great picture! Jealous!

Wanda, what time will you be at the nest tomorrow?

glo said...

I will have the only comment on Friday number 1 :-) I think I need to go delete it. Good morning everyone. Enjoy your day and exciting preparations for your nest visit. Is anyone bringing a laptop or mobile upload for FB or something to share with those of us who are not there?

Costume Lady said...

Need boots to get into my garden! My spinach has bolted already and I haven't picked any yet...what's up with that, MEGAN? Planted it too late, maybe?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Steve how I use to love canoeing. Just me and my dog Slinky. She would sit at the very point of the canoe, not on a sit.

Oh the young life but I got the memories and you will too.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, will be at the Nest Tree around 10am, after we gather up Momsters from the parking lot.

Glo, never thought about that...maybe DANA could bring her new laptop! DANA???

Never gonna get done if I don't get off of here!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

Sharon does mobile uploads to FB too. Hopefully she can do something like that from the nest if cell phone reception is good enough.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

As I recall, Vicky brought her computer a few years ago and couldn't get a good signal in that area:( Maybe it's possible now.

paula eagleholic said...

Love the new look, Steve.

Looks like you had a great time!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I think is an ace at getting a laptop to send out and knows the ins and outs. I'm in kindergarten lol

paula eagleholic said...

I'll bring my laptop, not sure if there is a good signal or not.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wow, we have a new look!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will have my laptop but it will depend on if I can find a signal. I will also have my phone to send pics to Facebook if I have a signal!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

If you all hear a grawl and a grrrrrrrr. It is not a bear, it is me trying to get that website to you because the pictures are beautiful of that area. Steve better put some of his pics on for us to see too.

wvgal_dana said...

My delete again OH Mr.BOB help me be successful with this link!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, it is turtle time in the sycamore tree! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am thinking I don't want to watch this!

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope the ticks and gnats aren't too abundant! lol

Good Morning -
Steve I like the format - easy on the eyes. When I opened our blog my eyes
got big and wide thinking I was not where I had planned to be! Thanks!
Loved you pic!

wvgal_dana said...

All Eagle Momsters check your email for pictures of area of where Steve is. Couldn't get it to work on here. So I sent out in an email. ENJOY!

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew in and left. Did Palmer snatch more food?

movin said...


GooD morning,



Thanks for the new thread AND the great picture of your canoe adventure, Steve.

Glad to see Palmer is still with us and trying to get something out of a turtle shell (almost went over the edge trying to free it from one of the nest sticks.)

Read the descriptions of her grabbing fish and mantling this morning. She's about ready....

Are people betting on when she'll fledge this year??

We are having another kinda "June gloom" morning in So Cal, but it should "burn off" and show the sun by late morning...



Lynne2 said...

Finally back from Wallyworld...geesh, they are remodling the whole store, which is great, but everything is in a different place.

LOVE the new look! Thanks Steve! Great canoe pic....looks like you had a great time!

Sharon, looks like you are going to be our Momster Media Person!

hedgie said...

Confusion....didn't know where y'all went!! THought #2 was just for comments on picture! Well, anyway, nice pic and like the template.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We got some Off with 100% DEET last night.

Costume Lady said...

erizon.netI'm sitting here multi-tasking...drying my hair under the dryer, answering emails, watching Palmer (I will yell at her if she starts to fledge) and putting on make up:)

I just wanted to tell STEVE a BIG THANK YOU for leaving Deb Palmer's photo on the new layout! That's super!

Mema Jo said...

I agree 100% Wanda... I am going to be so sad if/when it is gone. However I have in front of computer the pic that Loretta gave us in Deb's memory of Deb & Koo

Costume Lady said...

Don't even think about it, Palmer!

Mema Jo said...

Jim - I am betting that Palmer had better NOT fledge until Saturday

glo said...

Ok so on my list of prayer requests tomorrow is an awesome time for all of you and good signal strength where you are. Technology makes some of the miles disappear for others at times. I hope this can be one of those times :-).

Sharon and Paula I am also curious what kind of laptops you have and how well you can see the screen when you are outside. I would love to use my laptop sitting outback with Dex in the evenings but the glare is miserable so I can't see much of what I am doing.

hedgie said...


June 11, 2010 (9:52 AM CDT) A check of the feeding site at 7:30 this morning found Hope climbing the same birch she was in the other day. It has a nice Hope-sized notch she likes to rest in. The trail cam showed no visits during the night, just Hope arriving at 7:01 AM. Her visits are irregular and we have not been able to pattern them. -- SM

hedgie said...

Does anyone have sound at the nest??? I haven't heard anything all morning and have volume all the way up---no wind or squeals...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hedgie for the update on Hope.
I had thought that she was starting a time schedule but not from what Sue is saying. Thank goodness for the trail cam. I'll be happier when Sue can get that collar on Hope.

Mema Jo said...

Okay - I am out of here for hair cut.
Have to spruce up to meet all my friends.

I'll be anxious to get back and check out the nest cam! Please stay,Palmer


hedgie said...

Glo, get a glare screen!! I had to have one at work because of the stupid flourescent lights!

movin said...

You might see the Finney chicks now... one egg visible yet.

Is that ice on the ferry Finney nest or what?



hedgie said...

Wanda, were you emailing and talking to us at the same time????

hedgie said...

Jim, that is lots of moss at Finney! Looks a little foggy.

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo. I've seen you guys talking a bit about a visit to the nest...

So tomorrow's the day, and you are hoping to get to see Palmer fledge.

Good luck to you all. I think you have a good chance of timing it more or less right.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, there is sound and a loud buzz.

hedgie said...

Jim, do you have the close-up cam view for Finney, too? You can really make out the moss on it.
Here's a link that shows both views....since I don't remember how the screen looked before I opened it to both....
Finney with 2 views

movin said...

Eaglet flaked out at BWE; both adults in the nest at BWO.



movin said...

Whatever it is, Hedgie, it wasn't there yesterday when I opened it, so that's what made me think of ice.



hedgie said...

Shar....wasn't sure if buzz was it or my puter fan. But don't hear the wind. Has Palmer made any noise??

Lynne2 said...

Palmer is airing out her armpits!

hedgie said...

Jim, there sure wasn't that much of it! Somebody has been super busy there, unless it just sprouts!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynn, there has been lots of noise during food drops.

glo said...

Hedgie where do I get a Glare screen. Called Best Buy they don't have them there. Did you order online or buy from a local retailer?

hedgie said...

Health and Safety ordered it....put in search Computer anti-glare screens and see what you come up with.

hedgie said...

They make them as stiff clip-ons a nd as pliable films.

hedgie said...

Sound is working on everything else...hmmmm. Will turn-off cam and bring it back up and see what happens.

hedgie said...

That worked! Now I have sound!

magpie said...

Man oh Man, what a pretty surprise, and yes DITTO that Wanda
Deb's picture of Belle and Liberty still there to hold our hearts close

Thank you very much Steve.
Love the paddling picture, like that life vest !!!

Lolly said...

Jack and I have been in the kitchen. Dinner is ready to be cooked tonight. Laurel will be happy, but it is one of our favorites too, Rolled Flank Steak. Yummy!

Okay, Momsters, I will be at my laptop at 9 in the morning...ignoring my sweet grandsons. ha! You better laugh a lot and loudly....I want to hear you!!!!!!!

I will try to remember to take snapshot of the nest, so you can see what you are missing on the ground. LOL

magpie said...

I thought I had the live feed up
heard a bird sounded so much like Palmer..
well mockingbird in the yard must have been to NCTC !
he also imitates so many other birds, hawks, cardinals, towhees, a whole aviary with one bird !

magpie said...

also went to the grocery store...hungry!
probably a good thing, got pineapple, cantaloupe, blueberries, bananas...
yogurt and some other good things and few sweet treats

Paula I might just make a fruit salad ! ☺

magpie said...


Lolly said...

Have added the newest picture of Hope to my Hope blog.

Now to go get beautiful. Need to put my face on and comb my hair.

Lolly said...

Margy, sounds like you loaded up with bear food. ☺

magpie said...

have to say I slipped past GG's to leave something for Wanda
took a sneak peek at that garden!
tomatoes, beans, squash, the deer netting, all kinds of pretty flowers including snapdragon, Sweet William, beautiful crimson climbine vines, see that the Wet Grass got mowed.
WOWSIE! Saw the totem plant too Wanda..hope no one called me in as a suspicious person.
I waved at Margy Ann's house in case she was watching !

magpie said...

You are already beautiful Lolly!

I almost posted same as you this morning...
The family that eats together stays together
liked your word "dine" better

cannot exactly say the family that Plays together....stays together, but fussing counts I guess

xox got to catch a few winks
back later before work time

hedgie said...

Lolly, thought you were only 1 hr. behind us....??

magpie said...

had to speed read just a little
hope those laptops work and the live feed is up and running perfectly

happy to see grannyblt Lynne stopped by for a bit

and always good to see, everyone!

magpie said...

I see that Jo is getting a new "nest do"
hopefully to help celebrate a Fledge on Saturday!

okay bye xo

magpie said...

oh, I cooked up my asparagus and had a few already, taking the rest for dinner at work ! I might share
they turned out great !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nice poop shoot!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Golly, almost didn't think I'd be able to get here today--Earthlink sent me a 'PCFineTune' free trial, and the darn thing got rid of my internet history! Guess I need to fine tune it before I'm done!

Like the new format, Steve! Also the picture your daughter took.

Happy to see that Palmer is still there. Hope that she hangs in there until tomorrow. Bet you are all SOOOO excited about the nest visit! I'll be checking in frequently tomorrow, and hope to share in some of the fun.

Have a lot of homework to get to, so better get busy at it. Keep an eye on Palmer for me! I'll check back in when I need a break. Have a good afternoon! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Just back from haircut -feels good
Held my breath until I looked at the cam and there was our Palmer - I need to read back on comments for the past hour .... plus I need to clean some
strawberries first.


Mema Jo said...

Lynn - your 2 views of Finney
Well, Mits is probably going to come in and smack me BUT I thought your views were from Finland Water.

I can't keep them straight no matter how many times you all (Suz & Mits) tell me which is which.
Finney Land
Finland Water

Lolly said...

Just got on and had that green arrow thingy for the first time. Clicked on it and the cam popped right back on. ☺

Got on just at the time of this latest food delivery. After all the food yesterday and today, I think Lib and Belle are on a campaign to keep Palmer in the nest until tomorrow...early afternoon.

Lynn, I am just one hour behind you. You will be at the nest at 10, didn't I say I would be on at 9? Need to go back and check.

hedgie said...

Lolly, you are right, but horn honk won't be until 11 our time!!!

Jo, did I say Finney?????? Oops....I meant Finland.....fingers weren't connecting to brain!!!!!

Lolly said...

Okay, I did say 9. Ten there is nine here, right? Now you have me all confused! LOL Easy to do!

hedgie said...

I DO know the difference. Yep, surprised Mits didn't smack me! She must be out and about!!!!!
But, anyway, JIM knew what I meant!!!
I'll delete it!!!

FINLAND 2 views

Lolly said...

Okay, gotcha! So, at 9, I listen for loud laughter and at 10 a horn honk. ☺ Now, I need to know what time the toast to Deb.

hedgie said...

Lolly, we will be in the parking lot at 10 our time. It will probably be close to 10:30 or later before we get everyone/everything loaded and get to the spot by the nest!! Don't think you'll be able to hear us from the parking lot--at least I hope not!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - All's well that ends well

Check your email --

hedgie said...

Heading to store. BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am thinking only 1 eaglet has fledged in the afternoon. Hope Palmer doesn't fledge before we get there in the morning!

Mema Jo said...

Do you think we will get there early enough to see Palmer leave?

paula eagleholic said...

2 years ago, had one fledge in the afternoon is all I can remember as well. The rest have been in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Yes like Spunky fledged and only Sharon I think was watching because she got up so early to start her work.

Mema Jo said...

Well Sharon and Glo were on the scene

Mema Jo said...

The shadows of the afternoon in the nest can sure fool you as to what you are or are not seeing
EXCEPT for spotting the feetsies

glo said...

Sharon Get yourself there at sunrise. Been there done that. Tell the guard you are special sent :-) MeMa Jo I was at coffee when Spunky fledged. BUT I had originally put Sharon onto Fraps and she had it taped. We teamed up and got it shared quickly for all to see.

Lynne2 said...

well hello everyone...I'm at best buy picking up my FIXED computer! BBL

Mema Jo said...

WOW It must be working! That was good service and I hope it didn't cost!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Dropping in to see how you all are doing. Happy to see that Palmer is chillin' in the nest--that's a GOOD thing!

Have been bird watching a bit today--when I sit at the dining room table to study, I have a perfect view of the back yard.

Was glad to see 2 of our Eurasian Collared-Doves and 2 Band-Tailed Pigeons again today. Still lots of orioles, and of course, our hummers. There's quite a territorial war going on between the Rufous and the Anna's hummers!
Seems like someone's always being chased!

Must admit that my computer is running faster after PC FineTune worked on it last night. May have to search for some of my favorites, but it was supposed to put all of them in some kind of folder, NOT delete them, so guess they will turn up if I do a search.

Darn--my dryer is calling my name. Guess the wash is dry, so better go hang it up and fold it, so I can do more. Will check back later to see what's happening with Palmer. Still can't get over how big she's gotten! Glad I can manage to get the live cam today.
Just hope it works for me tomorrow!
Gotta run--will check back later.

Mema Jo said...

I am Out The Door as soon as son & wife gets here - Going to meet Aaron (GS) half way at the
Red Byrd. Get my once a month French Fries!

Palmer is sitting pretty! Don't let her leave.


magpie said...

gosh, glad you got things tuned up, perfect West Coasters have to get up early in the morning for the nest-visit action so get your homework done!
Hope all the test results will be they generally are !

magpie said...

we have to whisper loudly:
Stay away from the launch pad, Palmer...just another few hours or so...
wait until all your adoring fans are there !

magpie said...

well, there in person, or there in cyberspace that is....

Best traveling wishes for all making the journey to NCTC Saturday

magpie said...

where Palmer is right now, you all would be getting a great view Saturday! have to get myself turned around and oriented sometimes but I think that is right

I hear an indigo bunting, all chirps in twos ♪ ♪

magpie said...

the Baltimore orioles liked the high branches of the sycamores on both sides of the road near where you will be watching
also, saw a family of rather raucous red-bellied woodpeckers there last Sunday

oh yeah, watch out for black snakes on sycamore trunks and branches ! that was pretty exciting too from last year's May visit

magpie said...

ah Red Byrd, Jo
can't hear that name without thinking of strawberry pie and cheese cake from days of old
also our nice luncheon with Dana and several earlier this year...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Magpie, why are you not coming tomorrow?

magpie said...

working bottoms and tops Sharon, go in tonight at 6 pm for 12 hours, then again tomorrow night at 6 pm for 12 - just does not leave enough time for sleep and I couldn't get the day off

magpie said...

I could almost make a little visit but not quite...
I am going to try to get up late morning to mid-day to see what's a happenin' and check all the pre-visit hoopla posts also in the morning
sorry I will not get to meet Justin and see the Southern Delegation again! xo

magpie said...

the Royal Nest shall be in very good hands !!
keep those cameras a'clickin'

magpie said...

guess I better shake a couple of legs and get things ready for work, including my asparagus!

Lynne glad you got your computer back already too!

Best wishes for a great evening

and also Best wishes to Ceil on her test at the aquarium Saturday

xo ttfn
God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Oh Great !! Jo has an album all ready to go for the Nest Visit !!
Of course she does, that's our Mema ! xo Thanks Jo !

paula eagleholic said...

Is that Palmer with more food? Oh it's the turtle shell. That bird is gonna pop!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I would instruct Palmer to toss that turtle shell overboard for you, but you know we are not allowed that close to the tree! Plus, we would never find it in all that tall grass!

paula eagleholic said...

I am sitting here LOL at all those sticks in the nest...Lib and Belle's hard work and bickering placing them...all shot to he** :):)

hedgie said...

Gone and back in the same day! Even got the truck washed!
Shar had this on FB----it is absolutely amazing!!
Photos in utero

hedgie said...

Andy, I don't know how you get any studying done with so many varieties of birds to watch!!

Lynne, so glad you got your puter back. Great service!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You know, sometimes it takes way too many seconds to spot those feetsies at 12 o'clock. Heart fell. Palmer is all over the place now.

paula eagleholic said...

Wingersizes. Getting lots of air. Can really hear her wings beating.

paula eagleholic said...

I hear ya Sharon. I hold my breath every time I bring up the cam. Is she there? Is she gone? Where is she? Oh thank goodness, I see her now!

paula eagleholic said...

She is one very pretty eaglet. You will see her colors tomorrow. Very pretty coloring underneath.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, catch ya'll later!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone.

Thought we lost Palmer for a while. She's wiry one. I hope she doesn't disappoint those going to the nest tomorrow.

hedgie said...

"Those" going to the nest...Diann, you aren't backing out, are you????

BEagle said...

Wow. What happened? A new look for the blog.

That is nice.

Picture of Steve is nice. Looks refreshing there.

I am excited to hear about the nest event tomorrow. There will surely be a lot of OOOHHHHs and AHHHHHHS.

Maybe....just maybe you will get to see the first Palmer flight.
That would make for a very special event.

I tried to bring up the Finland views but it didn't work for me.

hedgie said...

You're right, BEagle----it doesn't work; try this one! Of course, it's dark there now!

Finland 2 views

BEagle said...

Thanks Hedgie. It's bookmarked now. Will check it later.

BEagle said...

I have no doubt that Palmer will be a beautiful eagle.

PA Nana said...

No, no, Lynn. I'm just not being overly optimistic.

Mike fell and has a bruised knee and a large knot on his forehead. I keep asking him if he has blurry vision or a headache, but he insists he's okay. He just wants to stop being around me. ;o)

I'm in a good deal of pain today but I'll take some meds with me. I want to be there and meet everyone! I've waited soooo long. Thank God for Wanda saving me a seat in the EE.

hedgie said...

Sorry Mike fell. Hope he is okay! Give him some ibuprofen for his headache, if he can take it!!! Wake him up every hour!!! LOL....poor guy. Surely pray he'll be ok and will be able to bring you!!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm back in the door and Yes! Yes! Palmer is in the nest.
Thank goodness Lib & Belle keep feeding her.

hedgie said...

I think that is truly IT, Jo. She hasn't been nearly as flappy and boisterous today as she has been the last two!!

hedgie said...

My oh my, she sounds like a dog!!

stronghunter said...


She does sound like a dog, doesn't she?

Kathryn and Hunter just left. Tommy and Hunter are planning to go fishing this evening. I had picked Hunter up from the sitter's because Kathryn had to work late.

His eye is looking better, but it is still impressive.

Some more whines and whimpers and flapping.

stronghunter said...

Hunter was interested in Palmer's activities and cries.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is being as quiet as a mouse at the moment. At the launch pad, but facing the wrong way :)

paula eagleholic said...

I am heading up to my son's tonight, going to spend the nite. DIL is going to an all nighter bachelorette party (they are spending the night). John has to work at 6am, so I'll be there in the morning to watch the kids until DIL comes home. I may be later than 10am to the nest, but I'll be there!

paula eagleholic said...

Now Palmer is laying on the launch pad!

Got dessert in the oven for tomorrow...yum!

Lynne2 said...


OK, I just looked at the directions to, once we get into the gate, where should we go?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, just checked on CT cam...looks like the osprey chicklets took care of the lens, if you get my drift!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, you may have to push the call button at the speaker at the gate. If you do, just tell them you are with the eaglet Momsters. Once in, just go straight, stop at the guard house. Then go straight to the 4 way stop. If the eagle express hasn't yet moved, you will see it on the right in the parking lot just down a tad. If you don't see it, turn left at the 4 way, and you'll see us!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and give them your names at the guard house

hedgie said...

Bear cub sighting locally. DNR en route. Hope they don't hurt it. :(

hedgie said...

Ma-a-a, I want some din-din. Two turtle shells aren't going to cut it!

hedgie said...

Lynne, have picture ID's. Sometimes they ask, sometimes they don't. And tell Steve not to have any weapons in the vehicle---never know if they might inspect!

Lynne2 said...

OK, thanks!

WOW a bear cup, keep us posted Lynn!

glo said...

LOL I guess Palmer is going to add some excitement to the eve of the nest visit :-)

Lynne2 said...

LOL! no weapons!
I'm so excited! We are going to leave around 8 so we should be there by 10. WOO HOO!

Mema Jo said...

You best slow down now Lynne that you are home.... You know....
The Bear CUP!

Lynn is close to your place?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone! How are you all? Cant wait to see you guys tomorrow, gonna have so much fun! Love ya'll!
~This is little eagle eye (mattie) not Eagle-Eyed Sharon

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is laying in the egg cup.

Gotta get stuff ready to get outta here for the evening. You can bet I'll be checking the cam first thing in the morning!

Now Palmer is up.

Mema Jo said...

I have been busy collecting things and putting all in one spot so I can get out of here tomorrow at an early time. I usually pull in right behind the Eagle Express - I've done it twice before.
Can't be late! At least I don't want to be late...

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Mattie! We are all excited!

hedgie said...

Bear is in a cemetery now.....

Mema Jo said...

Hello young Eagle Lady! Can't wait until I get my hug from you.
So glad you and Justin are going to be there

hedgie said...

No Jo, it's in the cemetery across from the funeral home we went to for Ed!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I know all of us are excited! `~ cant wait to my big `ole hug from you mema jo! And all the other great hugs from all my fellow eagle friends!
~ Little Eagle Eye

hedgie said...

Hi, Mattie!!! Can't wait to see you!!! Wanda's 16 y.o. grandson is coming....his name is Dustin!

Lynne2 said...

Mattie! Our Social Studies Guru!!! So looking forward to meeting you and Justin!!!!

hedgie said...

Web is getting too bad for me, so please let me know if any nest action occurs.

stronghunter said...

I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow. I have to be at the school by 7:30 for the graduation. The ceremony is at 9:00, but things start really early. By 7:30, things will be hopping.

It is a complicated event. Parents and relatives of the graduates have to park in various places around town and are bused to the school via school bus.

We get to park at the school, but must have parking passes to get into the lot. One year, my parking pass slipped under the car seat and I had a hard time talking my way in. The guards finally spotted my graduation gown on the back seat and let me in. If we don't get there early, there will be no parking spaces.

Supposed to be hot tomorrow. It always is for graduation. I will log on when I get home.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Lynne2! Cant wait to meet you either! We are gonna have a BLAST tomorrow!
~ Little Eagle Eye

Judie said...

Need to say goodnight early. Want to do some reading -- new book on criminals, of course.

Was able to see Palmer doing her wing-flap hop-hop dance then settle down.

MOST IMPORTANT: I wish all the nest visitors a truly beautiful day at the nest with good friends, good food, and especially a good time seeing Palmer, Belle, and Lib. I will be with you in eagle spirit. Enjoy!

hedgie said...

Shirley and Judie, we'll miss you tomorrow! And everyone else who can't make it. Please everyone, mark your calendars for Oct.!!! We need a whole-clan gathering then!!! Shirley, hope the graduation is over before the real heat of the day sets in.

paula eagleholic said...

We will miss you Judie and Shirley and Sissy and Margy...and the list goes on and on!

I agree Lynn, need everyone there in October!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, Lolly, Judie we know you will be with us in Spirit and OCT 23 will be here soon. Summer can't last forever!

Mattie, Little Eagle Eye, be sure everyone there is up bright and early and the dogs are fed so you can Hit The Road!

paula eagleholic said...

I am waiting for the dessert to cool enough to put in the fridge, and my chicken wings, so I can eat them!

Nest is quiet.

Mema Jo said...

Charging my cell phone - got all the important numbers!

stronghunter said...


She does sound like a dog, doesn't she?

Kathryn and Hunter just left. Tommy and Hunter are planning to go fishing this evening. I had picked Hunter up from the sitter's because Kathryn had to work late.

His eye is looking better, but it is still impressive.

Some more whines and whimpers and flapping.

paula eagleholic said...

uh oh, the ghost has Shirley
's post!

Lynne2 said...

ooooo, fishing in the dark! sounds like fun! Hope you have a good graduation event tomorrow Shirley...we'll miss you, and everyone else who can't be there!

Well Sheetz, I can't get the cam!!! UGH

wvgal_dana said...

I can't see her or find her.

Will be glad to see Little Eagle Eyed Mattie. Haven't seen Justin for a good while.

Judie and Shirley plus others sure hope we can meet you all in Oct.

Lynne2 said...

chance of showers and thundershowers tomorrow, after noon. High of 88. Boo Hiss. Hopefully it WILL hold off til later in the day.

Lolly said...

You all are going to have so much fun! I will be there in spirit and I will be right here on the cam!

Lolly said...

Lynne, have a glorious time tomorrow and I will see you in October!

wvgal_dana said...

Right behind that cememtary across the road (still Rosedale). There is a big housing developement.

There are bears behind the Funeral Home. Facing Funeral Home to the left back in the woods. My nephew has seen them back there.

wvgal_dana said...

Signing out for the night.

Hope I hear my alarm in the AM.

Ragdoll said...

Good Evening Eagle Buddies!!!

Just got home. Hubby and I went out for dinner and drinks. Fun time.

I wanted to make sure I got on here to wish you all off for a wonderful day at the nest tomorrow.

I pray the weather will be great. All traveling will be safe. Great bonding time with friends. Have a Palmer drink for me. I hope Palmer will fledge for you. Take lots of pictures to share. In other words have a hell of a good time. Opps, did I say that. LOL..

Those of use that can't join the crew. Just look at all the pictures that Paula took just recently. The ones she put on her blog. When I look at those pictures it feels like I am right at the nest. Thank You Paula.

Ragdoll said...

opp. I meant us not use. That's the second time today. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I still have your number!!

Catch ya'll in the a.m., I will jump on here before I head out....I have to come home in the morning to get all my stuff, and let the dogs out!

Have a good evening, all!

Judie said...

Oh, I forgot so had to come back.

If anyone gets lost tomorrow, please go to the Sheetz store!

hedgie said...

Ragdoll Deb, we'll see YOU in Oct., too!
Dana, Judie and Shirley were here last Oct.!!! You didn't make it, so they will be "new" friends for you come fall.

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed! Will check in in the AM!

Lynne2 said...


PA Nana said...

See you tomorrow eagle momsters!

Still planning to go; haven't heard from Mike so I guess everything is okay to go.

Must get to bed early and be up by 5:30 - 6 am. Mike says we need to leave by 7. This is going to be hard for me, I'm usually a very late riser.

Good night to everyone and hope to see Palmer fledge TOMORROW! Wait for us you silly bird.

God bless& pleasant dreams.

Lynne2 said...

and soneone call DANA in the morning to make sure she's up!!! We can't have any alarm clock mishaps!

PA Nana said...

Lynne2, don't have eagle beads. Anxious to see yours tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Diann, you will have EAGLE BEADS tomorrow:)
Just checked and Palmer is still in the nest...WHEW!!

PA Nana said...

Wow, thanks Wanda. Really looking forward to meeting everyone, especially those eagles. Please save my seat in the EE.
God bless & Goodnight.

Ragdoll said...

Hey, I just found something new. When you log on the blog and post, Your city/town and state shows up on the revolver map. Cool!!

Mema Jo said...

Deb The closest it gets to me is Frederick MD - Ive not seen
Middletown MD yet.
What did yours say.........

NatureNut said...

Wow!! Thought I clicked on the wrong link!!
Beautiful pictures. Can we canoe on the Potomac at NCTC?? Belle & Liberty Enterprises

Thought I better check in before the AM. Still gotta couple things to do here in preparation for travels tomorrow.
WAS able to see the Still cam at work & Palmer was still around!!!Can't get on blogs there.
At work saw a small orangey tan critter out of the corner of my eye flying on the road and then disappeared into the corner of the tall grassy field. Saw a little white tail ttip in the air, so was a baby Spottie fawn. I didn't know they couild go that fast! No Mom w/it.

Mema Jo said...

Judie That is good advice

Lolly said...

Great, Paula! Have told Laurel, excuse me in the morning....I have serious business on the computer. LOL

Have had a great day with the boys. Laurel could not go in the water at the pool so she sat on the side. Joseph spent his time in the deep end doing flips off the high dive. Jacob and I swam in the 4 ft. water. He was doing great going under and jumping in. His swim lessons start week after nest. Next week he has Bible School.

Lolly said...

Now, Deb, look for the Burleson, TX....that is me!

Costume Lady said...

Our Bible School is taking place in the Park, this a pavillion right by the Tuscarora Creek. It is so cool and beautiful right's almost in GG's back yard. I'd love to help this year, but think I will have to pass. Love to do crafty things with the kids:)

hedgie said...

Mine says Hagerstown,MD----but
Margy says she's seen it say Hedgesville before.

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear Hope was at the feeding station when I arrived at 7:30 PM. Good bonding progress. -- SM

Lolly said...

Guess I need to put on my
Eagle beads tomorrow when I watch the cam. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - I have seen Hedgesville lots and lots of times.

Lolly said...

Yea! Hope!

Ragdoll said...

Mema Jo, I am Kennebunk, Maine

Ragdoll said...

BRB Going to check on Hope

Mema Jo said...

Current Country Totals
From 30 May 2010 to 11 Jun 2010

United States (US) 883
Canada (CA) 13
United Kingdom (GB) 3
Germany (DE) 2
Hungary (HU) 1
Spain (ES) 1
Philippines (PH) 1
Greece (GR) 1
Kenya (KE) 1
Italy (IT) 1

I wonder if that is my gs vacationing in Italy checking things out! lol

Ragdoll said...

Split coming soon. Mema Jo. Where do you find the info on Hope. I just checked "den cam updates" and it's still the same as last nights.

Mema Jo said...

Deb I just saw that one! You are very important - You're on the

Mema Jo said...




hedgie said...

Hope was at the feeding station when I arrived at 7:30 PM. Good bonding progress. -- SM

I think Sue might as well just camp out full-time!

Ragdoll said...

I see Martinsville, W. Virg.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...