Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tuesday 6 February

Wicked cold today. Good to have some winter finally.

News soon.


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floralgirl said...

Thank you, Steven! We are waiting patiently! Any sightings of the eagles around the nest lately? Inquiring minds want to know.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve - especially for the news soon
comment you made!

Here is my message from previous thread. Hello - all my friends! FUll house here these am hours. Phone calls made & I am expecting calls to be returned from Steve & John (IT)
But Angie & I talked for some time even though she had no info for me about the part. Yesterday as she passed through the guard station HE, the guard - bless his heart I wish I had his number - told her that had she been just a few minutes sooner she would have seen one of OUR eagles fly overhead. Steve does return calls so I will update as soon as that happens.Angie thinks it would be right after lunch.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 8:44:00 AM

Mema Jo said...

Thanks DANA for the New Thread Heads Up! You're on the ball, gal!!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Glad you made it in Suzanne & thanks so much for all the pictures of the Lady & the Lord. Don't know why they don't both stay in the nest during this cold weather. I noticed that the snow is starting to disappear at the NE nest. Kent cam1 was such a mysterious sight!
Hello Reba-thanks for joining us.

Paula will be coming through the door very shortly.

Just Vicky said...

Great, "News Soon!"

Mema Jo said...

Looks as thought ButaButa is sneaking back into her den & trying not to let her mother know...There she goes - up over the step...

glo said...

eagle at NE with nice fish

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NEWS, NEWS -- PLEASE BE WONDERFULLY GOOD NEWS!! Maybe they are installing the part? I pray!

Mema Jo said...

Eagle at NE looks to be eating
MT nests:SC FL ME foggy Kent & FSV
VA cam not up yet
2 in nest at WE May be starting to fly out

So I'm off to watch the fight-play with LunLun & ButaButa......
Go you spunky little Princess

wvgal_dana said...

what is Buta Buta doing lmbo

Mauley said...

Thanks Steven, Hi Megan,Dana,Jo,Mits, Suzanne(thanx for pics)Vicky, Glo, and Sharon.Come on >>>>>>>> cam part, we need you. donna

wvgal_dana said...

JO wuag IS NOT ME I AM wvgal

Mema Jo said...

Did you see ButaButa go BOOM
right on her head!

wvgal_dana said...

aw poor Buta Buta fell her feelings are hurt

MITS said...

Well, Tai is up a tree, just hanging around.

Mema Jo said...

Now I think I know that
WVUAG is from where I
thought!!! Maybe

Sorry Dana! Here you're getting all the undo credit! lol

glo said...

Hi wvuag see you are patiently waiting ont he news and the camera fix too. I think there's an awfully good chance our Belle will be there at the nest when the cam comes back on.

wvgal_dana said...

Please if I type wrong or slow forgive me. I had to be able to layu down. My backk and legs. I'm tireed of not getting to see cams.
So I moved my sbed across room and laying oddly to be able to see cams and type. So be patient with me until I can get the hang of it. Beliebe me you dont down with keybord proped up how many mistakes I have already erased.

floralgirl said...

Is it soon yet? LOL

wvgal_dana said...

I you alls lights out in Buta Butas cam???

wvgal_dana said...

Hope I didn't scare everyone away.

There's Buta Buta such a princess

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The Little Princess does a lot of fall down, go boom!!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BW...one may be eating

MITS said...

Hope Tai doesn't fall down and go boom from that tree.

wvgal_dana said...

She seems content playing with the bamboo though. Love her different posses.

Just Vicky said...

oh my no one on the eggs at BW!

wvgal_dana said...

too cold ok back on good

Mema Jo said...

The eggs are not being set upon!

Mema Jo said...

WOW Cold eggs won't do!
The Lord is on them!

Mema Jo said...

You get comfortable & don't pay much attention to your typos -
you know we all have Great Minds

floralgirl said...

Oh, yeah, I might be riding the short bus, but I do have a great mind! That e-mail proved it.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo is that Lord BW or did you mean there was a "halaloua" in that statement?

Mema Jo said...

I sure can't say much good about our ButaButa cam. It seems to be skipping frames or something. Don't think it is my vision but it could be my PC lol

I need to step away from here for a few.... BBL

By the way: Maybe I won't get a return call since Steve's new thread & comment were made right after my call to him. Hopefully he will publish some info for all.

Mema Jo said...

I knew I should have typed the
BW after 'the Lord'!
But then you never know who
is keeping those eggs warmed!

Mema Jo said...

OH NO! There is a blue streak in
the BW cam .....

Mema Jo said...

It disappeared - sure hope it doesn't come back...

Now for sure BBL

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, are you seeing things?? NOT MORE "BLUE" SCREENS!!!!! YIKES!!

glo said...

One of my favorite all time games for you to play free online here

You know sometimes you got to pass time waiting on stuff!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder what "soon" means???

MITS said...

DEFINITION OF SOON..."in the near future".

Mema Jo said...




MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

SOON, it will spring:):). SOONER RATHER THAN LATER:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Soon as in today? tomorrow? next week?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Eagle in Maine

MITS said...


MITS said...

Isn't that the sweetest sound the eagles make..think i just heard a loon also.

glo said...

Yes Mits its the most beautiful bird call I ever hear...and not because I'm partial to eagles, but becasue their call is most beautiful to me anyway.

MITS said...

I love to hear all birds, but those eagles are just music to my ears:).

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Guess the Norfolk cam is not coming on today.

paula eagleholic said...

Today is day 8 :( :( :( :( :( :(
:( :(

Sorry, I am usually a pretty upbeat person......but....well, you know....

wvgal_dana said...

Ok back sorry I didn't say I was leaving....conked out.

Is everones Buta Buta cam dark???

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle in Maine

MITS said...

Cheer up PAULA....SOON we will have news:).

wvgal_dana said...

Both in Maine

Mema Jo said...

One eagle at NE eating.

wvgal_dana said...



Mema Jo said...

ME is really a beautiful nest
especially when both eagles
are in in.

wvgal_dana said...

I wonder if the lady in Maine is going to stay in the nest all night tonight??????????????

Mema Jo said...

YES YES YES It is dark on BUTA BUTA'S cam - But she is lying right
there on the floor.

Sorry took me so long to answer you
I was watching eagles while the watching was good

Mema Jo said...

Certainly looks as though ME couple is getting that nest bed ready!!!

And tonight we can see if they are there due to the infra red lighting...

MITS said...

DANA, it only looks dark because she is right next to that wall, there is a ton of natural light streaming in.

MITS said...

Maine Momma really looks like she is ready to drop an egg or two.

MITS said...

What an awesome sight that is with the two of them at Maine.

Mema Jo said...

Well, it is now 3:59pm - Sorry to report that I have not received any phone calls. My line was briefly busy throughout the day - but for short periods of time.
I am headed out of here at 4:15pm
Tony's Pizza & I forgot to invite Suzanne - she went home before I could catch her!

wvgal_dana said...

Why only the natural lighting. They had other lighting before so you could see good. Mits didn't they pay their "electric bill"??

glo said...

Well the old addage is No news is good news...although I am very disappointed to be leaving for work this evening ow with NO news. All i know to say right now is Thank You maine we do have some beautiufl eagles to watch as we wait for our news on this cam/part we need to once again enjoy liberty and Belle...In our hearts even when they aren't on our monitor!!

wvgal_dana said...

Take care Glo

Keep warm


glo said...

Sharon Sure hope I have an email from you when I get home tonight too. ((((hugs)))

Thanks Dana have a good evening

wvgal_dana said...


MITS said...

WOW...Maine Momma looks comfortable.

MITS said...

Going to the store....I will be back...SOON!

wvgal_dana said...

I wrote Steve Chase today:
02/06/07 03:59 PM
How much lonoger are we going to be in order to have the still and live feed up and running in a "good" viewing? Please write back.

HIS ANSWER Tue, 6 Feb 2007 16:37:14 -0500

thanks for your note

We got the part yesterday PM and the guys worked all afternoon today trying to get things working, to no avail. We are now concerned that the problem may be up the tree, but we don't know yet until they try a few more things in the morning. Please remember that the guys working on the cam have full time jobs doing other things here and are doing their best to make things work. We all want to get it up and running again.



Steven M. Chase
Special Assistant to the Director
National Conservation Training Center
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
698 Conservation Way
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Fax 304-876-7227

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, CAT scan results - the abscess has shrunken in size but it is still there. I am a little bummed about that and not sure what the next course of action will be but I will let you know. MTBR!

Just Vicky said...

Guess WE ARE ALL bummed out, cam issues and Sharon's problem!!

Thanks Sharon for the news. We will keep you in our prayers!

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Okay I agree it sounds bad....remember when I didn't want patience...well someone ask for it...I said don't ask for that....so let us just waiting and pray alot that tomorrow brings GOOD NEWS ...

wvgal_dana said...

Now that I've said that let me get out my cry ): sniffle sniffle
tears horn horn (blowing nose) ok we are praying alot tonight that tomorrow brings "better news".

MITS said...

As my hubby always says, "IT IS WHAT IT IS.":)I hate when he says that.:)

wvgal_dana said...

see you all tomorrow

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you, Dana.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - Go to Blackwater for new pics & updates on both cams.

Mema Jo said...

Does not look as though our Maine Lady stayed at the nest tonight.

Yes, I really thought that this part that was received for the cam was the
fix-it-upper. Disappointed to say the least. Thanks Dana for the message from Steve.

MITS said...

I think Lady B had more duck...great pictures and update, as usual!

floralgirl said...

Well, darn, that's not what I wanted to hear, hope the cam problem is on ground level because if it is up in the tree we will all be up #@%* creek.

MITS said...

ROFLMBO...I knew we could count on you for a good laugh, Megan

MITS said...

Going to watch...HOUSE..BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Went out for a while. The roads are horrific but I made it back home safely. I had to walk up my hill. We didn't even try to make it up! It really sucks to slide sideways back down my hill. It was worth the walk!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to keep the faith that tomorrow is going to bring us good news about our cam!! Your husband is right though, Mits! It is what it is and we are certainly powerless in this.

Mauley said...

Hey Ya, good friends. Bummer about cam. We will just have to pray harder and be patient difficult as it is. Sharon, the abcess has shrunk. It will be gone in no time. I just know it. Just hang in there, there is a miracle in the making for you today. Do you feel okay. BBL love you gals

Mema Jo said...

It has started snowing here in the Middletown Valley. Not sure just how much we may get. Guess the school kids are saying their prayers!

Mema Jo said...

Is it snowing in Shepherdstown yet
Sandra. I am ready to head to

paula eagleholic said...

I put a couple of pictures of Liberty and Belle on the


Good night all.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Paula. Going over to check them out. Thanks.

movin said...

Good evening/Good morning!

The one new thing I saw today (maybe) is that there does not appear to be an eagle on the nest at Port St. Lucie now...maybe they have finally given up on that first egg.

Did anyone else notice that? Also has anyone reported seeing any signs of egg laying on the Shepherdstown nest?

Looks like the Santa Cruz pair is making progress on the nest, but they're not on eggs yet either.

Have a good Wednesday...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim, I looked at the FL nest a few times today. Once she/he was in the nest but all the other times it looked MT. We thought the Maine couple would soon have eggs - really we thought the female was going to stay in the nest tonight. They now have an infrared light & you can view the nest at night.
No news on our WV eagles - Steve did send email to Dana - she copied it a little ways up this thread if you care to read. VA cam didn't come up today as we had thought.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it a day

Good night everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers going up for everyone for all kinds of reasons

Suzanne - hope you made it safe to work

MITS said...

I saw the eagle in FLA a couple of times today. Its snowing and its the fluffy kind of snow very pretty, sparkles like diamonds on the deck:)

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. May tomorrow bring us better news on our cam!

floralgirl said...

Well, good snowy morning, Guessing Suzanne stayed home due to the weather. Looks like about 2" of snow here, no school-and it's 12°. Going outside to help hubby see if he can get to work-of course this is the only day he has a job this week-and it snowed-murphy's law. Anyway, going to help sweep snow(it is real light and powdery)and feed the birds, they are all out there waiting for food. Kids are going to love the day off, but it isn't snowball snow- sad for them- great for those of us who have to shovel it. Sandra- love the Colbert Report- watch it all the time- funny last night tracking his "son".

glo said...

Happy Birthday Mits, Hi Megan and a Good Morning to All. Did my share of cold crummy driving in snow and horrible cold yesterday, now off to Stff meeting this morning but it is up to -2 and at least the plows came through during the night. Will check in early this afternnon. How wonderful an eagle Blanket to wrap up in would feel about now LOL and with that thought i'll take my wet noodle to the camera parts store and see if they could maybe order us a stealth ladder and robot just in case that is what we might need.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...




Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I hope you all have a great day!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Friends

Hummm does someone have a Birthday today??? Wonder who it can be?????

Did get this report yesterday in my mail box:
3:15pm Tues. Feb 6th Nilla sent me an email that said:
drove by the nest and they both were there in the tree... No sign of anyone working on camera or in the tree fixing it that i could see with my binoculars.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. THANKS FOR ALL THE BIRTHDAY-WISHES:):):)!. We only got an inch, but it is beautiful. Thanks, Dana for the update from Nilla. Wonder what is going on with "our" eagles??? Temp here is 16°, and winds are calm.

floralgirl said...


wvgal_dana said...

In reference to our eagles Liberty and Belle:

Well Mits they were either in the nest keeping warm or that could be the " 100 million dollar question ".
Deal or no Deal?

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan you staying warm?? Is there school today?

wvgal_dana said...


Is anybody out thereeeeeeee


MITS said...

Thanks, Megan!.....Deal Dana:)! I voted for today for Belle to lay her 1st egg, but, alas, we shall never know for sure. Will we?

MITS said...

FYI...re: the MAINE nest. They fixed their cam last week and went up the tree and removed that large branch, (you can see clearly where they removed it)all while the eagles were there, so if L&B have not laid eggs yet, hope if the problem is outside it can still be fixed.

floralgirl said...

No School, Dana! I'm here, just finished clearing 700-8oo ft. lane. At least it is a light snow!

wvgal_dana said...

I vote for if it's up the tree then get-her-done!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Megan I did not have that much to clear but did have an extremely longgg driveway. Now with downsizing no long driveway. Cause neither of us can do that anymore.

lol were not "broke down" just need a "little fixing up" lol

wvgal_dana said...

CAM 2 at DC show Mei and Tai in the cage wrestling around. Now they are going through cage maybe to outside.

wvgal_dana said...

Where oh where has Tai gone
Oh where oh where could he be
With his white and black cloths
Oh where oh where could he be

CAm 2 shows him and Mei finally well dang they switched cam not on him now oh cam 1 is now

MITS said...

I agree, Dana, git-er-done....

wvgal_dana said...

Can't hardly see Mei and Tai wrestling in the corner in Cam 2. lol snow is blowing

wvgal_dana said...

Mits do you hear them in Maine. Some crows, some eagles I heard, but then there are some smaller birds...sounds like a group of smaller ones lol neat.

wvgal_dana said...

Now you can see Mei and Tai real good on cam 2 their fur is full of snow lol

MITS said...

There are little birds flying in and out of MAINE nest, sounds like chickadees and titmouses....cool

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

It is neat isn't it Mits to see and hear them in Maine. I just love the clear pic at Maine.

Have you checked you mail today??

MITS said...

Yes:):), have you checked yours? I did reply:)

MITS said...

PANDA CAM 1 has Tai and Mei, he is trying to nurse or play, and she wants to eat.

wvgal_dana said...

lol Mits you crack me up. Glad it opened. I used a different site than I did for Glo's; she couldn't open it. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL ! ( :

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Oh Oh up close of Mei and Tai. Fall down go boom off of moms head. He is a mess so funny.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Mits! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Glad you heard from Nilla, Dana.

Stay warm, all!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


normabyrd said...



normabyrd said...

DR. DANA OR DR. MITS----Here is what happens to me---(blogger stays at bottom)----It let's me in & I am a "happy camper" for a while----NEXT THING---(blogger still on tool bar)---GOOGLE tells me: INCORRECT PASSWORD----HELP!

normabyrd said...

Can't tell who is winning the battle at the DC ZOO!!! (ho)---Hardly saw BUTA yesterday awake!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma what do you type in the 1st part?

MITS said...

THANK YOU NORMA Don't know why it does that? Actually would not let me on this a.m., but I think I typed in incorrect password.

wvgal_dana said...

I am not sure who is winning but I do know we have "two snowballs" there playing. lol

normabyrd said...

DANA -- MITS----I TYPE: normabyrd
THEN PASSWORD:--I can't understand---lets me use the password---sometimes 2--3 hours---Out of blue----"incorrect password"---Then the little RED LETTERS---Busy--check back in later---(something like that)----BLOGGER stays on the bottom---

normabyrd said...

MITS---How does it feel to be 30?-------ENJOY!

wvgal_dana said...

They've done woren the "littlest panda out" sleeping. The princess sleeps while the prince wrestles with Mom.

wvgal_dana said...

Did you all see that!! Mei's was dragging her two hind legs pushing Tai bewares lol

MITS said...

I really thought Mei was going to climb the tree to get away from Tai.

MITS said...

Tai just knocked Mei flat on her butt:):):)!

normabyrd said...

Getting lighter--Kent---On cam #1--it appears to be a shadow of a bird----I think it's "wishful thinking"----ME--MT Nest---& no snow---BUTA BUTA---sleeping in shadows w/bamboo----ENJOYED the blue heron pic at BW---There are blue herons in Shepherdstown--canal path---

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Norma you have mail

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well with Mei laying for awhile flat on her back and Tai right there I don't think his carrying on is wanting to nurse lol

normabyrd said...

Have you seen anything at the CO site----They have 4 or more different cams---should be interesting viewing---

wvgal_dana said...

Mei just wants to eat and Tai just wants to play lol

wvgal_dana said...

I think in the wild it said while Mothers eat the cubs go up the trees. Maybe that is because there are some males around. Yep a male to save Mei so she can eat bamboo and Tai lets her alone lol

normabyrd said...

SHARON---Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers---But there is improvement isn't there?---That's good---pray it will continue to shrink----I understand "SNOWY HILLS"-----I have same thing---BEST THING ABOUT RETIREMENT---No more worrying about getting off hill & BACK UP---(which is worse)!!---STAY COOL!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning everyone &


Mei & Tai are really putting on a good show for you this am Mits!

Glad to see that BW didn't get much snow The ME and NE cams don't show any new snow either. Keep our Eagles warm! Dana glad that Nilla sent you the message about her visit to the nest. We now know Liberty & Belle are there, the repair men weren't there and that Nilla is up and about! That's the best part of your news.

Mema Jo said...

Little Princess Buta Buta is awake

normabyrd said...

DANA---THANKS---I am will try that
when it throws me out again---Will let you know!!!---

MITS said...

THANK YOU, JO Yes, what a show those two pandas have put on this a.m., they are happiest it seems, when there is snow on the ground.

belle_wv said...

Happy Birthday, Mits!!!! I hope you have a day made in the snow :) I am happy to have a day off and hoping to get to watch Buta for a little bit. I take it from the comments I have read that our cam is down and has been and isn't likely to be back soon? So sad, but we'll take what we can get, and reports that they're around are GREAT!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

I am pretty sure that is Tai lying in the snow -

Just Vicky said...

So, Mits has a birtyday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!
I'm sure you're not a day over 30!

MITS said...

And he is exhausted..time for a nap in the sun:).

Mema Jo said...

There is an eagle off to the left at the Two Harbors nest.

Just Vicky said...

Everyone snuggle up to this nice fireplace!

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Mits, are you at the ocean?

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma- once you sign in you shouldn't have to sign in again to post if you don't close the screen. Is it making you sign in every time?

normabyrd said...

HI BELLE & VICKY----Haven't see you two FOREVER!----I know BELLE has the day off---Do you have the day off too---VICKY?

wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

ButaButa says:
Mom - you take the high log
and I'll take the low log........

Just Vicky said...

No Norma, Vicky is at work, illegally on the internet (according to new HR book which has not been signed so I'm technically NOT illegal for the moment!) and if you understand all of that, you're doing good!

normabyrd said...

FLORALGIRL---I get on in a.m.---fine for a while---Then--it tells me INCORRECT PASSWORD----& won't accept password----SOMEONE PUT A HEX on me!!!!-----WHOOOOO CAN IT BE?

wvgal_dana said...

Wow What a scratching job Lun Lun is doing?????????????

Mema Jo said...

Coming from the world of corporate business, Vicky, I sure understand it. I was the one who used to have to get those surfers off the net & back to work! I had one employee who even bought things from ebay. It is hard when you don't have a computer at home to adhere to corporate rules.

wvgal_dana said...

Question in here who all has to sign in through google to get on???
Me for one and I have to put in username my email address then my password that is how it told me to set it up back before it made you do it.????????

wvgal_dana said...

When I come into the blog that is what I have to do. Is that what you all have to do????? Trying to help Norma out here.

Just Vicky said...

YEs Dana, that is what I have to do! Has Norma setup with the google account???? Inquiring minds want to know!

belle_wv said...

Yes Mits - I did get it - thank you for sending it, and thanks for the reminder - I opened it at work, but couldn't watch it there - I guess I could've - she is a person with autism, so I cuold've justified it, I suppose, but not supposed to do live streaming unless it is for student benefit... so going to watch it today :) Whooo hoooo I got to see Buta and LunLun, but have to watch on the family computer because my laptop can't handle the video from there for more than a couple minutes for some reason.

What's up with Nilla? I read a comment that we were happy that she's up and about? Has she been having more problems

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Mits what I am asking is "username" "a email address"?????

belle_wv said...

I bever went to the google thing, all it asks me for is username and password the first time I comment, then so far not after that...

belle_wv said...

my username is my belle_wv one - no email address, but I didn't switch to google... I think I am glad of that?

wvgal_dana said...

Ok everyone I sent the one part of the email that Nilla sent to me. The part about the nest and the eagles.

You gals have her email address plus some of you have her phone number. She doesn't get the eaglet_momster mail was too much in her mail box. But you do have like I said a phone number or email address.

wvgal_dana said...

Maine is just beautiful site.

sandyshaw said...

Hello all. Eagle at NE. Happy Birthday Mits.

Just Vicky said...

Hi Sandy! You're the lucky one with the Shepherdstown eagles in your back yard aren't you????

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo

Buta Buta made it up on top of the log

Than fall boom!

Mema Jo said...

There goes ButaButa - Momma got her!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 211   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...