Thursday, February 08, 2007


New thread. Still waiting for a fix, but still no disasters.


glo said...

Thanks Steve...well then there is still hope and we are all still waiting too.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Glo

Steve - thanks for keeping an eye on our blog. Hope the cam work is coming along and a FIX is in the very near future

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN---Have you folks seen any eggs?----Let us know if you do----THANKS GLO for the update----I think I got 200 lbs. of wax for DANA!!!

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa is on the move

Mema Jo said...

Oh Norma Little Princess has some new toys to investigate!!

normabyrd said...

HI MEMA JO---Will really be nice when our cam is up----But we do have others to watch in the meantime-----NOT QUITE THE SAME!--But I can wait!!!!

Mema Jo said...


Look at VA - the tree & you can see both of the eagles

sandyshaw said...

Hello, everyone. My daughter in law sent me this lovely poem and I thought you folks out in Eagle Land would enjoy it.

Listen (RealAudio) | How to listen

Poem: "Why I Need the Birds" by Lisel Mueller, from Alive Together: New and Selected Poems. © Louisiana State University Press. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)

Why I Need the Birds

When I hear them call
in the morning, before
I am quite awake,
my bed is already traveling
the daily rainbow,
the arc toward evening;
and the birds, leading
their own discreet lives
of hunger and watchfulness,
are with me all the way,
always a little ahead of me
in the long-practiced manner
of unobtrusive guides.

By the time I arrive at evening,
they have just settled down to rest;
already invisible, they are turning
into the dreamwork of trees;
and all of us together —
myself and the purple finches,
the rusty blackbirds,
the ruby cardinals,
and the white-throated sparrows
with their liquid voices —
ride the dark curve of the earth
toward daylight, which they announce
from their high lookouts
before dawn has quite broken for me.

Literary and Historical Notes

Also, I would like prayer again, as my husband is not doing well. MTBR

normabyrd said...

JO---That "Little Princess" has been sleeping most of the afternoon----Will check on her toys!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Iris
Mostly everyone is doing ok!
New Cam in Virginia Botanical that is taking our breath away!!

Mema Jo said...

Just like yesterday - ButaButa spends this last hour in the darkened room playing or under the bamboo when it comes in.....

Hi Sandra - Your hubby will certainly be included in my prayers
How is your Mom doing or over-doing?

normabyrd said...

SANDRA---Thank you for the beautiful poem----I am so very sorry your husband isn't feeling well---I will keep you both in my thoughts & prayers---God Bless---

Mema Jo said...

Glo Your newest video of ME & VA showed the tree for which I was interested in seeing - Any chance your caught the view today which showed the tree for a longer period of time & with both eagles visible?
It was awesome........

glo said...

Sandy Beautiful poem...thanks for sharing it

Mema Jo I took some video of those 2 in Norfolk from a distance for those who didn't catch it live just now...will be on tonights for the Love etc..

glo said...

Guess I was answering you as you were asking the question LOL

Mema Jo said...

Well, Glo, you know how it is with great minds. I will be very anxious to view it later!

glo said...

I had just lied down on the sofa to relax and maybe nap a little but had VA and Me up...all of a sudden well so you know what happened next...up I jump like Wow oh we need this ...and so here I nap but enjoying the view a whole lot.

normabyrd said...

Little Princess is now on her burlap bag----and she is SO PROUD!

Mema Jo said...

I think LunLun want to know


normabyrd said...

MOST BEAUTIFUL EAGLE----Norfolk Eagle has the perfect lighting right now---The way the light hits her---she looks so delicate----her feathers look so light & feathery!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma If you want to see what the CO Ft St Vrain eagles look like-
in the left margin you can click on
daily pictures..
You may already have it bokmarked-if not here is the link

Just Vicky said...

Breaking news, Anna Nicole Smith is dead,

Mauley said...

Blog won't let me in This is the 20th time I have tried to get on. Mauley

Mema Jo said...

Vickie, I was just reading about it - Really a messed up affair isn't it?
I didn't know about the 5 month old daughter... I wonder what will become of the estate now?

BTW I was gone for awhile & had dinner......... Soon to be gone to
do the dishes.

Mauley said...

Ok for my original post. Thanks steve. We appreciate you so much. Just wanted you to know. Hi glo, jo, sandy (thanks for the poem itis lovely) Hi Iris, and Normabyrd, and Vicky. So sad about Anna Nicole Smith. I keep thinking about the little one and her having no mother. Very sad. mauley (Hope it takes this one to) Fingers crossed.

Mema Jo said...

Donna Since you are now on

Maybe you best stay on & don't sign off! What say you.

If you read back aways - Sandra needs prayers for her husband that isn't doing so well lately.

Mauley said...

Prayers for Sandy's husband going up.

Mauley said...

The only way that the blog will take my post is to preview it first. Strange, I know, but that is the way it is for right now. Wonder what is going on with it. Glo, give Mits the wet noodle or just take care of it yourself. thanks donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon, eagle buddies. I just talked to them at UVa. They said the abscess is still half the size it originally was and I am going to have to have the drain put back in. Please continue to pray for me!

glo said...

OK Sharon you have had and still have my prayers going up for you.

Mema Jo said...

Just read your remark Sharon and I know that's not what you wanted to hear; however I know you will accept it & Git R Dun! If that procedure got it down half the size - then this time it just may get it ALL GONE! You know my prayers for you are being said! Love You Buddy!

Mema Jo said...

6:24pm Switch at BW

glo said...

Sorry Mauley I don't know what to suggest to you except if I woul dpreview all of mine we would have a whole lot less typos so its not all bad. Maybe the blogger cop is picking on the wrong person, so i think I'm gonna go hide with that thought lOL

Mauley said...

((((((Sharon))))) I took the liberty of calling my prayer group to pray for you and activate our prayer chain. I teach the senior ladies in Sunday School. They take prayer time very seriously. We have been in prayer for you since you had the last procedure. When you find out when the procedure will be, we will set that time aside for community prayer vigil if you want us to. I know this is hard for your family and for Andrew especially. (((Andrew))) love sister donna

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Sandra's husband, Nilla, Sharon and anyone I missed writing here.

Mauley said...

Has Nilla been on the blog today? Does anyone know how she is?

Mema Jo said...

Checking out some cams:
0 at Santa Cruz
0 at Two Harbors
1 at West End
0 at ME
0 at Kent

Lady BW in the nest
(I think it is the Lady)

floralgirl said...

Hi everyone- Sandra, keeping you and your husband in my thoughts, hope everything will be ok. Sharon, sorry you have to go back and have that procedure again, maybe this time it will take care of the problem completely, hoping you are better soon.

floralgirl said...

Sandra, forgot to say - that poem is beautiful.

Just Vicky said...

Hi there Floralgirl!

Just Vicky said...

warm up by my fire, get your hot cocoa and MY oatmeal raisin cookies and toast your feet in the fireplace

floralgirl said...

Boy, that fire does look cozy!! Hi Vicky, I wouldn't think of eating YOUR oatmeal raisin cookies, I'll just have chocolate chip.

Just Vicky said...

HOw kind of you to NOT eat my cookies! Of coure, they are probably ALL gone! Would that be correct?

floralgirl said...

oh, they're not all gone, still lots left!

Just Vicky said...

Well, a day old now, hummmm, prices are falling!

floralgirl said...

Hey, they are in a sealed baggie, they are still fresh!

Just Vicky said...

OK, still full price! Since you've done such a good job of keeping them fresh for market! (my tummy!)

Just Vicky said...

But actually, I need to NOT eat cookies! Seems I am having a slight problem with fasting blood sugar levels! Always something to take away all the good things in life!

floralgirl said...

fasting blood sugar levels? what do you mean?

Just Vicky said...

well it seems when I was in for outpatient a week ago, I had not had anything to eat, (the routine nothing after midnight thing!) and the blood tests showed my sugar levels were on the high side, which means, pre-diabetic conditions if I don't get a grip!

Just Vicky said...

So, sugar and white flour are suppose to be limited

floralgirl said...

Yikes, sorry to hear that, I probably eat way too much sugar myself. Mostly I'm a chocolate addict. Have never had my sugar levels checked.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

me and sissy are back from the meeting.
from mattie

Just Vicky said...

oh goodness Megan, should check on that, need to know where you are on the charts!

floralgirl said...

Hello Mattie and Sharon!

Just Vicky said...

Hello there Sharon and Mattie!!

floralgirl said...

My philosophy is usually if it ain't broke don't fix it, Vicky. Not saying it's a good policy, just the way I am. Never been advised by DR. to have sugar levels checked.

Just Vicky said...

Well its probably one of those older aged and over weight issues also, and you sure do NOT have either one of those going against you Megan!

floralgirl said...

Well, I might be older than you think ... And really it's the type of work that I do that keeps me from gaining too much weight.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa - BW has been updating again.
She has Nest Updates on each of the cams with special photos!

floralgirl said...

Those are some cool pics she put up!

Mema Jo said...

They really are - I am so glad to see so many of us sending her pics & she seems to put all of them up!!
The one Dana took today that has us all wondering what was going on is also on there!

floralgirl said...

She has always been real appreciative of the pics sent to her by cam viewers, and about updating and sharing cool facts and info.

floralgirl said...

Past my bedtime, nite all. Jo, hope my email wasn't too personal..didn't mean to unload.

Mema Jo said...

You have mail, Megan.

Mema Jo said...

It is time to call it a day...

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
My prayers are being said for all

Good Morning Suzanne
Lisa has Nest Updates on both cams

MITS said...

STOPPING IN TO SAY GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE CAUGHT UP ON MY E-MAILS AND THE BLOG....Wonderful time with Maggie. Before I left tonight, my sisters and brother-in-law brought in a yummy dinner at my daughter-in-laws house. Just had a lot of kisses and hugging with Maggie...She is 6 months old today..2/9/07! Thanks for the birthday wishes,Suzanne. And thanks again to everyone for all the e-cards and snail-mail cards, its been a wonderful day, and now beginning my march to the big "60", next year:):):).

floralgirl said...

Good morning, Suzanne

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Hope your day goes well. Off to coffee and dog treats. Then will fire up a couple of cams and work on income tax...Oh Joy!

floralgirl said...

Hi Glo. Getting ready to do my taxes, too. takes a while to get all my business info together. The only good part is getting some money back from the gov., less for them to waste, and I can always use it.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! 18° here in Bethesda. Winds are calm. I just looked out my kitchen window and 2 ROBINS are drinking the melted snow from my rain spouts. I do have a little solar bird dish, but they don't seem to come to it. Have a good one.

MITS said...

EAGLE AT NE........

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Just went out to feed my birds, and the only ones who didn't fly away, were the ROBINS, there are dozens of them flying in and out of yard.

glo said...

Please forgive this next post bUT I think it coul dbe important info...We are $3 therefore with everything discounted... 3 items away from a last check from Cafe press. Shop will close at my bedtime tonight so if you have been meaning to stop by this is the day. Also any of the Framed Pictures are not allowed to be sold int he basic last chance for that item from this year on a permanent basis.

Thats it you are done reading aobut Cafe Press for 2006 Eagle Season from me.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Eagle Watcher Buddies
Still cold but at least the sunshine is here. Can't believe about the robins in Bethesda! Crazy birds. I wonder if they ever left the area?
I pray the work on our cam is going well today.... I really need to see Belle in the nest!

glo said...

Oh Mema Jo I hear ya...we all hear ya...and we also all know this is Fri and what that means as well. Hopes and prayers continue for ourselves and the joy of these eagles and the cam that we want to watch but also for those of us who need prayers for personal situations and there remains several in here who need that prayer support as well.

MITS said...

Jo, I don't think they go to far away, I see them alot in December...your right crazy ROBINS, they are all puffed up, look like oranges in my trees:).

Mema Jo said...

Lady & Lord Blackwater were both at nest. I think it was a switch or maybe just a visit.

floralgirl said...

Good morning,Jo and Mits. Gotta run to town, taking my mother in law shopping(my good deed for the day)She hasn't left the house in 2 weeks cause of the snow and cold weather! Figure she must be going stir crazy, so I'm taking her to town. Hope you have a great weekend, Suzanne. Talk to y'all later.

movin said...



normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----"Wee Bit" cool her this a.m.---15°--- Warmer than usual---SO VERY PROUD to see so many EAGLEMOMSTERS pics on BW'S Eagle Gallery!---They are GREAT!!!---

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

SCANNED blog---SHARON--I'll keep you in my thoughts---Pray this next scan will show another improvement----SANDRA---Good thoughts & prayers for you & your husband----

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

MITS----You had a "MAGGIE DAY"---I bet it was great to hold the little "bundle of joy"----How nice!

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa has found a new bed! lol


MITS said...

I can't take pics at Norfolk anymore...

MITS said...

NORMA, it was heaven:).

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I have all kinds of Woodpeckers too---I can't tell the Downy from the Hairy---I think the Hairy one is larger---I think it was the Hairy Woodpecker that attacked my house last summer---

normabyrd said...

MITS---PAULA wasn't here yesterday------NILLA----Has anyone heard from her?

Mema Jo said...

Eagle at NE nest

MITS said...

RE: BUTA-BUTA, when Tai did that they referred to him as, "CUB IN A TUB:):)!"

MITS said...


MITS said...

2 eagles at ne........

normabyrd said...

THANKS THANKS JO----Every one check BUTA BUTA----She looks like a BIG DIP of chocolate ripple ice cream in her bowl----WHAT A DOLL!!!

normabyrd said...

NE was there a good bit yesterday---I never did see 2---

glo said...

Thanks Suzanne That stop by could be worth $25 you are one I know always understood and might have wanted to know that. We only need 2 now :)

MITS said...

I love that one eagle at WEST-END, loves to look straight at the cam:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NEW THREAD IS UP!!! No news though.

normabyrd said...

NEW THREAD----VICKY found it---but couldn't get back over here to tell you----

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...