Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Night

Been away since Friday afternoon. Looks like we've made progress.


glo said...

Thanks Steve. Oh and welcome back

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Evening Glo and others who will join in later
This new thread was a surprise. Glo, now we are aware that Steve wasn't around to give us any heads up about the still cam coming on & I guess this is the first he has seen it.
I hope Steve knows there are 2 eggs!

glo said...

Well MeMa Jo he doesn't have to read to far into this one to get that info ;)

Just Vicky said...

Did someone go get the others?

MITS said...

HELLO!!! Thanks for the heads-up, Glo...thanks for the thread, Steven.

Mema Jo said...

Have both of you ladies finished your dinner?

glo said...

Mine is all gone Jo I fix something pretty quick but good none the less once I get home from work on Sundays

Mema Jo said...

Mits & Vicky, I think, were just starting their's around 7:30 eagle time. Well then Glo, you & I are ready for dessert or treat!

Mema Jo said...

When money is sent to Friends of NCTC from any funds we must specify that

glo said...

Yes Mema Jo I was thinking about ice cream just before I read your message on the bLOG treat time here!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready for a bowl of vanilla topped with lots of chocolate syrup.
So here I go............

MITS said...

Tossed salad...tortellini...italian bread, I'm good for a while:).

glo said...

chocolate chunk topped with marshmallow ummmm hmmmm

MITS said...

Everyone must still be snacking:).

Mema Jo said...

No, I'm reading your email. lol
When are we to get snow here in it still Tues?

MITS said...

Tuesday and Wednesday...maybe, depends how the storm develops off the Mid-Atlantic.

Mema Jo said...

ok - no need to hold our breath - if it comes - it comes.
I am getting sleepy for some rreason - maybe because I didn't take a Sunday afternoon nap! I remember those when I was a working girl.

Mema Jo said...

Megan emailed me: Cyber Cop got her!

HI Jo- blog will not let me in, says my password is incorrect, then gives me some other stupid message.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Just so you all know: I can see that there is a dedicated parent eagle setting on OUR 2 eggs!
Sunday 10:13pm

MITS said...

You must be blessed with infra-red vision, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Cyber Cop is holding her right at the doorway. She can read the blog but just can't publish.

MITS said...

Ok, I'll kick the door down!!!!!!

MITS said...

C'mon, cyber-cop, let Megan back in, I'll be good, (fingers-crossed behind my back)!

Mema Jo said...

I don't know why - but I have to sign in again in order to publish & I don't remember signing out.
Oh No Cyber Cop
He may keep me out for the rest of the night. We'll see.

MITS said...


glo said...

Cyber cop has messed with me some tonight too actually. Strange messages a couple of times but I did get in to say good night. Just hoping now it will post. Prayers are with you Sharon.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day.

Good night everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers going up for all

Special Prayers are being said for you, Sharon! loLove

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks to everybody for your prayers. Will let you know when I get back home.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Mits
I got to try some Baltimore Berger cookies tonight! Yum, Yum.

Just Vicky said...

Oh Yeah, those Baltimore things!!

Just Vicky said...

Oh dear, our weather is going to get nasty on us tomorrow!! 8 to 10 inches! Moving out Tuesday to the eastern part of the country with bitter cold moving in after the snow!!! OH NO!!!

Just Vicky said...

Well goodnight lurkers and/or bloggers!

Good morning Suzanne!

I do believe that is how we close the day on here???

paula eagleholic said...

You can close it any way you please!
Good luck with your procedure tomorrow, Sharon.
We are getting snow/storm between Monday and Wednesday!

MITS said... lucky duck....yummy!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Night, All & Good morning, Suzanne!

Did you have a cow when you saw the cam up and Belle in the nest and the 2 eggs???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Eagleland. Good morning Suzanne. I am heading to the hospital now. Will get back on as soon as I can. I hope everybody has a wonderful day!!

Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great for the giver and the receiver!

glo said...

OH Geesh...well good mornng Suzanne. Nice surprise for you ..I almost signed ona t 4 am your times as well I was up but thought nah she will be a typing away and we will all read her responses when she sees them etc. Now all I got to say it 3eggs Oh has been over 48 hours for that 3rd one then to show up. We don't have a clue how far apart eggs one and 3 are. Hmmmm well I am glad that it is Liberty and Belle then that are doing this cause we knw they can feed 3 and parent 3 well. We don't know what time and size difference will be. oh my...hey wat whats that, oh man anothr gray hair right there and it so accents that new wrinkle too.

So guess I am trying to say I knew there was a surprise waiting for you this morning...guess belle had a surprise waiting for all of us.

glo said...

OK well i already feel better. There were 4 days between Ms In Between and Spunky last year Looks like our Spunk has anothr little siblink to follow in his talon tracks then...No Problem... we are gonna be seeing triple then again, not just double.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Wow now we have 3 eggs??? !!! ( : I did too hope for 2 to make it easier on them this year but they have showed they can do it !!

Morning Suzanne and Glo so far morning to those coming in.

glo said...

7:15 39 you think that is her laying that egg? There is only 30 secs between that and the shot with the 3 eggs..

Then which ever eagle thst is doesn't take off as they are right there in the 7:16 one you sent as well. Kind of looks like that at least could be what happened in that sequence of shots to me. Yep I see triple for sure

glo said...

well I have a bunch of ice melt to sweep away this morning before Ican walk my dogs out my front door to go you all know where by now LOL. Got another 6 plus inches coming in tonight and still so much ice hanging around, was trying to melt some of it before the new snow as it is over 25 here this morning or my thermometer is broke, haven't see the temp that hight since near the first of the year.

Mauley said...

Prayers for our eagle eyed Sharon this am. (((Sharon))) Be still my heart > . . . . . . . . Can we survive triplets again. ? ? ? ? ? There were a couple of times there when our little Spunkster was so tiny, that there would be times when I prayed before I had the courage to check and see if He was still in the nest. Remember when L and B would stuff Big Boy and Ms Inbetween until they would gorge and then fall asleep. Remember then how frantically they would feed our baby (while the others were full) I think L really took such good care of Him. May have to go back on blood pressure medication. BBL got to go to class. Congrats all Eagle Momsters on anticipated triplets. Morning everyone. donnab (don't forget Sharon).

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne be careful on those roads gal. We don't see you in tomorrow we know you didn't leave the house. Always nice though if you could post your " ok ".

Looked into Momsters glad you put the pic in there great "shot".

bbl checking not too happy about...don't like nudity :(

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Suz, did you say PAULA laid another egg when she signed off last night?????:):):):) What a surprise 3 eggs.

MITS said...


glo said...

OH No cam looks worse than its looked all weekdn I am so glad its mOnday...Oh My hhheeeeyyyy guys help, I don't care if the picture is perfect. I just so hope we can get a picture on here very very soon and just keep working ont he fine tune sutff. HELP

MITS said...

With all this interference on the cam now, hope it means they are working on it again.

MITS said...

Thanks, for the pics, Suzanne.

MITS said...

2 beatiful eagles in maine

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne it would be nice!

MITS said...

Well, I'm not liking the forecast, would rather have snow, but talking about significant ice accumulations tomorrow night

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mits they are talking about snow and ice here too. yuck

Suzanne I am so happy you got that picture of the 3 eggs. ( :

I'm am amazed! This couple just likes triplets lol

Finished checking my email. That dog video was so cute. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

My sisters doggie went to vet Saturday. He weighs 1 lb 9 oz. he is 8 wks old.

Well I thinking about bed again so I'll


MITS said...

That's one tiny dog, Dana...

MITS said...

And if we have electricity.....YIKES, NO COMPUTER!!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD--GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---LIFE IS GOOD!!!----When I logged on SUZANNE gave me the GOOD NEWS!!!!---I prayed BELLE would remember----We are a three egg family-----Has anyone sent the GOOD NEWS TO SHARON!!!----That will "perk" her up-----I have had her in my thoughts all night!!---& especially at 6:00 this a.m.----

MITS said...

Hello, Normabyrd:).

normabyrd said...

HI--SUZANNE--GLO--DANA--MITS--MAULEY & BEAUTIFUL SHARON from BLUEFIELD!-----We are all with you-----Stay COOL!----I think we are all gonna stay COLD---ho! ho!---It's a balmy 27° here this a.m.---SNOW & ICE predicted----Pray we don't get ICE!!---

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...