Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday 13 january

Weekend thread 1.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. Anything about fixing the cam for weekend???

Going over to tell new thread is up.


Anonymous said...

Well as I said on other thread Florida female left nest either came back or male did. You can read it on other thread whats been going on early am today also in other cams.

Maybe they have fixed our still feed is down.

Anonymous said...

Tia 9:01amEST is wrestling all over Mei outside.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just talked to Mits in beautiful sunny Ft. Lauderdale. She said to tell everybody hello! She is soaking up the sun this morning!

Anonymous said...

On cam 1 they have been showing Tai Shan's father (Tian Tian) until 9:06amEST when they changed cam 1 to Mei and Tai also.

Anonymous said...

Good moring all. Good to see you on this morning with us Sharon. Hi Dana. My guess is Steve just gave us a new thread from home. Have a good day all.

movin said...


Have a great weekend...I have to work a few this morning.

It's pretty coolish for CA this morning. Might be freezing in some areas.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Glad to see our cam is holding it's own against the squiggle monster!

Anonymous said...

Yup, Jim, Hold on to your oranges!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's right...forgot the cam is down :(:(

Anonymous said...

Wanted to give you a link while the weekend is young

How to get to chat if Blogger is down as going through my BLOG won't work then either of course.

Here is direct link. Go there and Bookmark if you want to have this info. Don't want to leave you out.

This should work for anyone to get in. I know its working on Windows 98...we have a regular chatter with that. you will need to upgrade your java though probably do that at someplace called something like

OK time for me to eat. BBL

I am going to turn on the chat here but if you come in remember to stay for a while as it may take folks a while to spot you.

YES it is very possible to have the BLOG and chat windows open at the same time. But you will have to spend a little time to learn. Doing it when Chat is less busy is probably the best time to learn your way around chat. Also I believe the Chat transcript can all be copied to the BLOG if you are worried folks who just bLOG will miss out., No actually they will have 1 long post to read rather than sifting through lots of them. BUT I need participators to test my understanding of how this will work. Want to try that out today too.

If you want the link emailed to you directly send request to

Anonymous said...

Blackwater Osprey cam gallery has been updated...

Anonymous said...

1 eagle at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Didn't see Florida leave this time was getting Mocha coffee. Although she/he I think she just flew back in 9:43amEST. This has happended a couple of times this morning. Either an exchange of nesting or she just goes out to get maybe food from him/potty comes back.
I still believe there is at least one eaglet hatched. Just my opinion

Anonymous said...

eagle bw osprey

Anonymous said...

2 eagles BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

still 2 eagles at BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

Eagles at BW are gone

Anonymous said...

Good 'really late' morning!
Thanks, Sharon for letting us know Mits arrived safely and is relaxing!!

Glo Chat Room Link gets you there HOWEVER my 1st try got me into the Lobby and not our room.Be sure to get the ending of the link typed:
For_the_Love_of_Eagles...then you get

Anonymous said...

OK I signed out of chat and am gonna try it cold just from the link I put here this morning. Will correct if I need to.

Yes I am sure if your link doesn't have the For the love of Eagls you are going to lobby of para chat...You might nOT want to go there.

Anonymous said...

I'll return - started with a late morning and now I am 4 hrs behind
myself! Don't think I'll try to catch
up... No Stress! This Lavendar aroma really does work!

Anonymous said...

OK I tried it with and without those width and height measurements. Both took me right to For the love of eagles chat. Not the lobby.

I did see that other link in here one night but that was NOT the one I posted. it does ONLY get you to the lobby.

This link works and gets you to our chat. It is

So NO don't mess with the width and heith stuff on earlier post. You don't need that to get there. You do need the ending of For the Love of eagles though for sure!!!!

Thanks Mema Jo....makes the link shorter for everyone, and a little longer for those who just headed to the lobby. LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL Mema Jo

Anonymous said...

Well, I was over there waiting to see if you logged in - just to welcome you. I will leave my comments - but need to sign out of Chat. BUT I will return...............

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

OK Mema well I am in the chat with 3 others. signed out to do the little experiment but am back there now with 2 others. Been there all morning most of and on. Maybe we crossed paths in our experiment

Anonymous said...

moving cam out on florida 1:06pm EST

Anonymous said...

eagle still in bw osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Florida nest she is still there bet she has a eaglet (wink) 1:16pmEST message left

Anonymous said...

Florida eagle just flew out 2:11pmEST

Anonymous said...

2:12 back or the other one in

Anonymous said...

Awlfully windy in Maine

Anonymous said...

eagle in BW nest 2:38pmEST

Anonymous said...

gone 2:40pmEST eagle at BW nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

Sorry, gone!

Anonymous said...

Just peeking in for a brief minute. Glad you're keeping track of the FL nest, Dana I think all of us Momsters are thinking the same as you are in that there is at least one little chick (maybe more) in the nest.
Wish an update would be made to confirm it - Going to be a long time before a chick is able to jump up from the bottom to the edge of that nest! lol See you later, Dana.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula - I see you popped in from your busy day at work! Not much longer to go & you'll be going up the road! See you later.

Anonymous said...

Jo I am here and in chat with Iris we had a new person "lurker here" come in chat it was fun.

Anonymous said...

I am a double lol

Anonymous said...

Dana - I was in all by myself earlier today - left my comments for anyone who came in - Can't come in now - getting myself ready to go to church.
Maybe this evening as I have so much fun in there! lol

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced there is a chick yet in Florida....I haven't seen or heard anyone mention that they have seen any feeding going on....

Anonymous said...

Ok Jo see you after church did you get ahold of Mits???????????

Me too Paula

Anonymous said...

GLO The shorter link I thought I had discovered for the Chat Room does only get you to the LOBBY!

You do need to have For the Love of Eagles in the link...

Anonymous said...

Jo did you get ahold of Mits for Iris???????

Anonymous said...

Iris I reply by email information on Mits in Fl.

Anonymous said...

I guess you 2 are
I just can't come over - it's too addictive: meaning once I am there I don't want to leave!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mema it does have the For the Love of eagles in the link.

I am watching Tai For the Love of Eagles in the link I am posting..but it is there and definitely needs to be.

Back to the video...loving it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have many differnt cams up, Florida, BW both, Tai and Mei, ours not working, blogger, chat, Maine, Kent and sometimes check in on Wavelit. I'm just an

Anonymous said...


Lots of Lions on Wavelit.........

Anonymous said...

Reflections in the waterhole always interest this

Anonymous said...

That lion was thirsty

Anonymous said...

Iris said she seen them get a baby zebra the other day.

Anonymous said...

Snow is melting at Kent slowly

Anonymous said...

See the men in the truck with the light on the lions at Wavelit???

Anonymous said...

Taking pictures

Anonymous said...

Paula informed you this morning...
I am mentioning it again...

Blackwater Osprey cam gallery has been updated...


Eagle Cam Web Log has very
valuable information by Lisa.

Anonymous said...

I saw that Jo, and think I mentioned it too...Looks like our Dana is quite a picture snapper!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my senior moments ok I'll give you all my saying for years -- that's right years this just didn't come on me lol.

My saying for myself "mind over matter if you ain't got no mind it just don't matter"....

Anonymous said...

eagle bw osprey

Anonymous said...

Tai and Mei inside eating bamboo

Anonymous said...

4:11pmEST they are moving camera around in Florida...moving it way back to see entire tree. Don't see eagle in nest nor one around.

Anonymous said...

Anyone see an eagle in Florida??????????????????? Camera again is pulled back not quite as far but back. Hopefully she/he is down in nest and I can't see it. I left room came back don't know if it flew off. Surely when does comes back in seconds.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe I see a white head in nest... Still not sure.

Anonymous said...

Nope I was wrong eagle just flew back in. Sitting on edge of nest. Now going down into nest. Wow gone awhile but it is warm down there.

Anonymous said...

So that was 4:19pmEST for Florida looks like Mom in nest.

Anonymous said...

Eagle in BW osprey eating 4:23pmEST

Anonymous said...

When the eagle comes back into the nest in Florida. I DO NOT

Anonymous said...


When the Eagle in Florida comes back into nest. I DO NOT see her/him trying to feed anything like a hatchling.

Anonymous said...

I think Tai wants to nurse. Following Mei around inside. Corner her she layed down and yep he's a pulling at her for the milk bar.

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at BW osprey 4:43pmEST

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Mei has her paw around Tai and she just put her nose to his. So loving...

Anonymous said...

both eagles in BW eagle nest 5:28pmEST

Mauley said...

Hi Dana and is there anyone else hooked up right now? we are looking to get a lot of rain here in se Ky in the coming days. We have seen our share of flooding along the Cumberland River here in Harlan County. Army Corp of Engineers have been working here for years. I suppose we will see how well they have done if we ge all the rain that is forecast for us. Just got a minute to check in for now I pray all of you dear friends are well and looking forward to the new eagle season. God Bless - donna

Anonymous said...

Hello, anybody home? Going to watch a movie w/ son and GF,,,,BBL

Anonymous said...

Peeking in... No one here...
Will check back later...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, Yep, pretty empty in here tonite, Paula, went to the movies huh? oh, I could go for some movie theatre popcorn... must find something to snack on now.

Anonymous said...

OK all. been a fairly slow day here. I am glad some folks stopped by to chat. Week ends can get pretty long just talking to my dogs. But they like it fine LOL. I di put a nw video on for the FL eagles tonight. Will BLOG?chat tomorrow evening for a while. I work tomorrow once I get through the messy weather we are having to get there LOL. Good Night all.

Anonymous said...

Yup, looks like it has been pretty quiet in here tonight....hope every one has had a nice evening...hitting the to ya'll tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Time for me to sign out ...

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & Peaceful sleep

Prayers for all

movin said...





Anonymous said...

Morning all 8:39amEST been looking at cams. Hi to all coming in today.

Snowing at Maine nest pretty and glad it is there and not here. Nice to look at. Love hearing the eagles there calling.

Not too much going on and with our site down. Good be depressing for some. Oh "still cam" work !

Anonymous said...

They are having changing of the guard in Florida nest again today. So hopefully there is a hatchling.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagleland

The Maine cam was really pretty with the snow...thanks for the heads up couldn't see that on the still cam...

Anonymous said...

You sure couldn't Paula.

It is starting to lightly snow again in Maine. 9:44amEST

Tai and Mei have had their normal morning rumps and follow the leader.

Been doing some other things but for me (maybe others) not too much action at BW.

Anonymous said...

eagle at bw osprey 9:55amEST

Anonymous said...

Some of us were talking in comments about the white pine put in the BW eagle nest. Well I found this and sent it to Lisa:
all one line of course where it said this:

Scientists think the reason eagles put sprigs of trees in their nests, is because the odor helps keep away parasites, such as blow flies. Eastern White Pine sprigs seem to be the eagles' top choice. Parasites could weaken, or even kill, a young eagle.

Anonymous said...

Morning Dana and Paula
Lisa also had other comments about reasons for the white pine on her updated Eagle Cam Web Log. There is an eagle on osprey platform.

Tai is sure giving Mei a hard time!

Paula what pic you going to use - it's missing

Anonymous said...

Blogger Cop just tried to get me!
I escaped fast...Hope he lets me post.

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW Osprey now

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jo. I hadn't noticed....had to resize it....

Anonymous said...

1 at BW...Activity at FL

Anonymous said...

Looked like she was checking...

Anonymous said...

Paula - I love the little seal..

Can't tell on BW still cam if it is windy or if it was the rain that has the eagle's feathers all ruffled..

Need to go to store - OUT of bread!


Anonymous said...

Might be a chick head popping up, they keep zooming in

Anonymous said...

He looked pretty wet to me...had wings spread out...

Anonymous said...

Paula - you would think that if a chick was in FL nest we would see food being brought to the nest. I have no clue what the audubon was thinking by not having a camera angle down into that nest. It is just a guessing game.

Was this just a switch & I missed it?

Anonymous said...

Jo Florida had a cam to put higher put the tree broke off so they couldn't put it up there. At least that is what they had told us.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they had good intentions. It's a shame it didn't work out.

Dana, Have you heard from Nilla??

Anonymous said...

Latest info on Florida from another forum....

I sent an email to Lynda White this morning asking about the eagles, the lake, and alligators. Here is her quick reply:

Hi, Judy,
I think we have an eaglet, but haven't seen any feeding. The adults have been changing places on the nest, and I have seen both in the past few days sitting on the nest.
The water is a small lake, and the birds fish there and some other nearby lakes. Alligators do prey on eagles, and we lose some every year when they are standing on the shore or in shallow water.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paula. We are not going to know for sure until feedings start or a little fuzzy head happens to pop up

Anonymous said...

No Jo haven't heard from Nilla since last night. I think she was staying at daughters (if this isn't another senior moment in my memory).

Paula I love your seal...( :

Thanks for info on Florida

Anonymous said...

I'm watching on animal planet I watched a giraffe with another giraffe fight over a female. How do they do it?? They brace their legs and throws their long necks against each other over and over.

Anonymous said...

The lions are still around the water hole on Wavelit. When there is a kill, usually the vultures come - but I haven't seen any yet. Mits had found out that after a kill, the lions lay around for 2-3 days sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Tai Alert

Flat out & down!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dana and is a Harp seal.

Anonymous said...

Are they endangered Paula? Where do they live at?

Anonymous said...

No, they are not endangered. These are the ones in Canada that you hear about on the news that get clubbed. Here's a link for more info.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Or from wikipedia:

Anonymous said...

Thanks got the link I'll check it out. Sure is pretty.

Anonymous said...

Real loud crows at Maine calling.

Spitting very lite snow now and again.

Anonymous said...

Eagles calling in Maine

Florida she is up 12:53pmEST

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:44pmEST Is Florida down???

Anonymous said...

They just cam back up, Dana

Anonymous said...

I just came back up ! lol
Had a good restful nap...

Anonymous said...

BW ME WA all have Mt nest
WV ??? not sure about that one!

Looks like some snow has melted at Kent but it is still snowing in ME.

The Little Prince looks to be outside with a honey crate while Mei looks to be inside with bamboo. Didn't check San Diego yet.

I did not like one little bit the loss yesterday to the Colts! Very angry about that .. I really wanted Ravens to come away with a win.

Anonymous said...

You're wondering why I didn't mention FL.... Eagle still in nest swaying in the breeze. Hope Mits is have a good ole swinging time. It's great to touch base with friends
I am thinking and maybe one of you can tell me - the beaks of the male and female adults - are they a little bit different ??? Just trying to see if I could know if a switch had been made. We use to be able to call it right with Freida & Frodo... lol

Anonymous said...

4:05 FL adult left nest
5:10 adult flew into nest & settled in

Very puzzling behavior. No food brought in.

Anonymous said...


5:10 is 4:10

5 mins nest was unattended


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Home from work. Tired and going to be calling it a day here fairly ealry. Not much going on except the puzzlement in FL I see. Tomorrow is another day with our eagles and their cams. OH yeah its a Holiday . Enjoy your day off if you have one LOL. Will Blog some tomorrow too. Enjoy your evening and have a Good Night

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. Have had internet problems all day so I couldn't get on the computer from home. I am at Donna and Thelma's now. Just wanted to check in and tell you all hello and I am thinking about you. Hope you have a wonderful evening.

Anonymous said...

Oh, hi Glo and Sharon. Sorry I missed you. Have a good evening. Very quiet in here this weekend. Wish our cam was working.

belle_wv said...

Well I just typed in a long post and somehow hit something that deleted it all - argh - don't remember all the details now, but it was basically that everyone take care of themselves and that I'm looking forward to a day 'off' tomorrow so I can work on my coursework from home and watch the cams and do some chatting with everyone, too. Heading downstairs to play the new Zelda game with hubby. Have a great night everyone!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say good night.
I see it was a slow evening for the blog but I hope everyone had an enjoyable evening. I'll see you all in the morning hours (late am)lol Well, it is a holiday!

Good Night All
Pleasant Dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for all

Mauley said...

Hello everyone and Good Night, too. So good to see our Eagle Eyed Sharon had checked in a little earlier. Hope everyone is well and gets the day off tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I may do like Mema Jo and sleep a little late in the morning. God Bless you all and Iwill take time to read all entries tomorrow and catch up on all I have missed this weekend. Love you gals and guys. Mauley donna

movin said...

Well, Good night/Good morning to all you eagle lovers...

Have a good week, and maybe we will see some serious signs that they are getting ready for nesting this season.

Don't let the little, ole ice storm I was just reading about get you. I was going to mention how cold it was out here (although we never have enough clothes for cold weather in CA, and it seems colder), but after reading that, I guess I'll let it go.

Keep warm and safe,

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Suzanne wherever you are in here (you have mail).

Came in an eagle sitting in nest in BW eagle nest 6:42amEST
gone 6:44amEST

Starting to get light in Maine, hear the wind and water rough right now. It is a beautiful silhouette of a black tree against the blue water. Can't tell if anyone in nest yet.

One just showed in osprey BW nest

Can see in the dim of morning Florida eagles white head riding in nest.

Anonymous said...

Oh bet Suzanne is off today (holiday) she'll get plenty of sleep.

Mauley said...

Morning all, heads up new thread.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...