Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lunch in the Snow


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Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve! Glad the cam is up again(fingers crossed.) snowing like crazy here across the river, too, and the wind is really gusting. Going to be a cold night!

MITS said...


MITS said...

What's new, Megan, glad you found your way back to us, you've been missed.

Anonymous said...

WInd blew me in, Mits. Blog has been difficult to get into lately. And not been chatty, lately.

MITS said...

You are the blog not chatty lately?????

Anonymous said...

Snowing like crazy here, now. Temperature has dopped from 31° to 26° in the past 5 minutes. Going to be very cold and windy here tonite. wind gusts up to 40 mph.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blustery cold and snowing in Bluefield. 27° and wind is blowing 16 mph. WIND CHILL FACTOR IS REALLY COLD, like 14° or something.

Anonymous said...

Me not chatty, blog difficult.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan and I gave a weather report at the same time. What is it doing in Bethesda, Mits?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sharon, that picture of Mattie always makes me smile:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Factoring in wind chills, it is supposed to get to 5 to 9 degrees below 0 tonight! DEFINITELY GOING TO BE A 3 DOG NIGHT. Good thing I have 4 dogs.

Anonymous said...

Hello Megan & Mits

Thanks for the heads up Mits.

Snow Squaw outside - Visibility Zero

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mattie makes me smile too, most of the time. But she has great potential of being a little turd sometimes too! :)

MITS said...

Partly cloudy and 32°, little brezzy but not bad yet. Hubby wants to go to the ocean sometime tomorrow, I want to stay home, how's that for a change?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sharon............

My lawn was covered within minutes of the snow starting. Don't think it will last started too fast.

Anonymous said...

Live feed is back up.

I don't think Steven has enough to do today....he's been fooling around taking pictures of the eagles and putting us up new threads :):)

We love you, Steven!

MITS said...

LOL!!!! GOOD ONE, SHARON....4 dogs, I have a down blanket:):).

MITS said...

Tai and Mei are ready to go inside.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that tree is a-swayin'

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta Alert

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow a dog? I only have 2 :):)

Anonymous said...

Snowing and 32° in Frederick

Anonymous said...

UGH!! wind blew in huge flock of turkey vultures. Lost count at 75, sky was full of them. Hello Jo and Paula.

Anonymous said...

If my dog keeps driving me nuts today, I'll gladly send him over, Paula.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get the Kent picture. Would appreciate it if you haven't sent it. Thanks!

MITS said...

:(:(:( I don't have a dog.

Anonymous said...

Howdy, Floral. Glad to see ya here :)

Anonymous said...

Just dropped to 30°

Anonymous said...

Snow Advisory - 1 to 2" of snow between 7pm and 4am for the northern part of MD including Baltimore

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, you sure can borrow a dog. :)

That wind is so cold. It has dropped 2 degrees in the past few minutes. Walking in weather like this reminds me of Little House on the Prairie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra, sorry to here about your Mom. Some days when blog is long I can't even read it all, usually I can, but can't get it to ever open all the way let me post. Honestly, been trying to work out some issues here at home, and not been real good company.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Sandra, which Shepherdstown web site were you referring to last week? I can't find any with job listings. Off to fill the birdbath, put out seed, and head to the bus stop. Brrrr..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan, pain shared is pain lessened.

MITS said...

Sorry about Mom, Sandra. Hope everything works out for you.

Anonymous said...

Down to 28°

MITS said...


Anonymous said...


MITS said...

I can't believe Christmas of 2006 has been here and gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I might be back later

Not really sure - depends on this
*#&#*#* BLOG.............

MITS said...

You got that correct, Norma....Blogger Cop has Jo a little PO"D

NillaWafer said...

Hey Kiddies,,,, at work now and its snowing like crazy once again a white out almost... Mits i checked OC live cam and not many people in OC on boardwalk.. Hope everyone is in and staying nice n warm... Have afunny story to tell ya'll that another store manager told me about his encounter with an eagle that happen to be on his balcony of his 9th floor high rise building near Washington DC .. could have been George or MARTHA AT THAT TIME....

MITS said...

Eagle at osprey nest/BW.

NillaWafer said...

Eric said he came home from work and opened his door and heard noise coming from his porch ( 9th floor patio) well he looked out and saw feathers all over the floor and there set a large bald eagle eating this pigeon.. Eric is funny any how he said he looked at it it looked at him and Eric DIDNT MOVE... Finally after awhile the eagle took off leaving the caress for him to clean i wanted to show him our eagles n blackwwater while he was here but he said NO THANKS .. his experiance was enough with eagles... i laughed at him...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sandra, sorry to hear about your Mom, but sounds like it could have been worse!

Has your sis been Christmas shopping ? :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Nilla that is hilarious!

NillaWafer said...

The reason i say it could have been either George or Martha was he lived down along the River in DC...

NillaWafer said...

Sandra i am so sorry i hear about your mother, yes i knew she had fallen , she walked to bathroon that day and was so chipper... Glad she is on the mend now, and be extra carefull walking with her walker... If you need anything like someone to set with her if you need to go out and i can help in any way please dont hesitate to asked ok i would be more than happy to help you... Hugs, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Snowing in WV now

NillaWafer said...

Guess what had apackage waiting for me when i got to work.. opened it and wow a dvd of Tai Shan Discovery classic "A PANDA IS BORN" Dont know if its the one from tv we watched the other week but daughter bought it for me... smiles.. Gona watch it and see if its not i am going to make copies for ya'll and send them ...

MITS said...

PAULA no Christmas shopping for her yet, but, she is doing her St Patrick's Day shopping for Maggie. Did you get the KENT e-mail I sent to you?

MITS said...

WOW!!!!!!!! can't see the mountains in Bluefield again, snowing so hard.

MITS said...

Mom is up turning the egg.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, it has been snowing in WV all day. :):):)

NillaWafer said...

Here i set watching this dvd n tears ,, yes its the 1 from tv.. But a treasure to keep..

MITS said...

Mom just flew off, left a little grass on egg.

MITS said...

Eagle just flew away from osprey cam, may be a switch going on.

MITS said...

And an eagle has landed at the eagle nest.

MITS said...

Eating left over fish from lunch, may be Dad.

MITS said...

Believe that is the same as was on the Animal Planet, Nilla.

MITS said...

Mom is back on the egg.

NillaWafer said...

Think u r right Thelma exciting non the less...Snowin like crazy here right now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle just landed in the NU/NE nest, 2 seconds after I pulled it up.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mits, I got it. Thanks for sending. I'll have to look for that little black spot now :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sharon - luv those nu eagles

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

EAgle in our nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2 eagles at NE/NU.

Eagle left our nest.

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Quick visit by ours and NE's.

MITS said...

1 is back at ours.

MITS said...

Staying by that little hole in the nest.

MITS said...

little bird just mad a very quick in and out visit to our nest.

MITS said...

ours just took off.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Thelma here is the link to the resort we are staying at in Florida..

NillaWafer said...

MITS said...

Nilla, that is beautiful, your are going in April, correct?

MITS said...

Looks a little breezy up at the tree.

MITS said...

Belle just flew in.

MITS said...

Checking out the spot with the hole like Lib did.

MITS said...

Lib just flew in.

MITS said...

They are fighting over something.

MITS said...

Live-feed is going go again, I think.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do I see 2 eggs?

Anonymous said...

yes 2 eggs

Anonymous said...

and 2 eagles in our nest

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Are you telling me, Belle, that this is the night you're going to stay and lay that first egg.

MITS said...

I think I am hyperventilating.

Anonymous said...

Sharon I have also been staring at BW nest.... ?????
Like side by side - I just can't be sure.

Oh Bella Bella .................!!!

Going to get exciting!

Stay up CAM!!!

MITS said...

But, I can't even see the 1st egg at BW because of the glare from the infra-red light.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Congrats to you Jo:):):):), for getting the wax.

Anonymous said...

We best start our album of pictures for the


MITS said...

SHE IS REALLY SITTING THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK here's the New Deal I will NOT go to the kitchen to fix any tea ALL evening long!!! I could get grumpy but its better than losing the cam.

MITS said...


MITS said...

No, Belle sit back down.....

Anonymous said...

Do you think she will spend the night in the nest???????

Anonymous said...

Our infra red light at night is not the best! I didn't say the 25th so it is ok with me if she fly out and comes back tomorrow night!

MITS said...

Do you think she just laid the egg??????, when she got up.

Anonymous said...

Oh My, we could be parents in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it still snowing there..ya know I worry about the weather too LOL

MITS said...

Are you frappers ready????

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!!!!!!! We could have our own egg tomorrow!!! This is SOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOL

MITS said...

Got to e-mail my sister, "the lurker".

MITS said...

Maybe I should call her.

Anonymous said...

I bet Ceil already knows or has seen

Hope to get a better look later at the BW egg (s) ????

Anonymous said...

I hope the Eagle Spirits surround the nest but I hope they don't BLOCK
the view tonight!

Anonymous said...

Could anyone in She[herdstown look out the window and tell me if its still snowing. What kind of weather is going on for tonight Thanks

Anonymous said...

Windy and cold here in Middletown Valley - NOT snowing.

Anonymous said...

OK Thanks Mema Jo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She certainly does look pretty comfortable. She was working on the soft bed to lay in too. OMG, I forgot to vote for a day.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Really windy n hard snow flurries here in Martinsburg Glo 20 minutes from the nest.. How wonderful i wen t out to pick up seafood dinner n came back with the news she is on the nest!!!

MITS said...

Just talked to my sister, Cecilia, she did not know, Belle was there, was heading to her computer for a look.

NillaWafer said...


MITS said...

Nilla, who would be there at this hour?

MITS said...

Wait til Dana comes home? She will be sooooo excited.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She certainly does not look like she is going anywhere! I am so excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a chorus of Cecilia . You're breaking my heart, you're shaking my confidence baby oh Cecilia, I'm down on my knees, I'm
begging you please to come in...come on in!!!

Anonymous said...

well guess I can go to the kitchen and cook some supper

Anonymous said...

No snow here right now, 24°, with the wind chill it feels like 14°. Gonna get even colder later , cold front coming in, wind is still gusting...she picked a cold night to spend in the nest. Did someone say they saw 2 eggs at BW? Haven't looked lately, too many cams open really slows computer down..

Anonymous said...

I closed down all my cams but NCTC was settling in for a fun night. Well I still have the still cam...gonna go fix some supper now though. Yes she is sitting there. I think she has come to stay.

Anonymous said...

I'll send Steve an email when I get home!!

Anonymous said...

And I was looking for something to do tonight!!! Guess I've found it!

Anonymous said...

And did anyone get a pic from BW??

TTUL...heading home...heard it is snowing out here now...

Anonymous said...

Yes Paula I have a picture from guess is Sharon does too but if not i will upload it for you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D&%@ live feed went down again! ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a BW pic I'll send it around
BUT it isn't real clear that we can
be sure there is a second egg there.

Yeah! Cecilia - how about our bird!?!

Anonymous said...

I want to " thank everyone that wrote a comment since I left this morning. I just finished reading all of them to this point. It was very very precious reading. Thank you all again. Made me smile alot. Now for the most exciting I did see Belle fly in on live feed then Liberty. Liberty later flew out and we have Belle sitting in that hole you all talked about and spending what looks like the night exciting exciting oh my. Then before I started writing this a wonderful Eagle friend Nilla called to tell me about Belle. Boy if I would have been driving and not home for about 1/2 hr I would have wrecked lol.

Sandra God Bless Your Mom and may she heal up fast..sorry she had that fall.

eggs eggs eggs and it's not Easter yet BW might have 2 in there...eggs eggs eggs ( :

MITS said...

I'm glad I waited til tonight to respond to Loraines' (KENT) e-mail from today. I sent her a pic of Belles' 1st night in the nest. Sent e-mail from her to eaglet momsters twice, but I guess it does not accept pictures. Hope the rest of you on my list got it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, the eaglet momsters email just came through with pictures. :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blowing snow, 22° and wind 20 mph in Bluefield. BRRRRRR!

NillaWafer said...

Grrrrrrrrrrr i loaded real player here at work and the live cam is down!!!! Oh well can see 30 sec delay cam..

MITS said...

Mine just cam thru also, Sharon...well look out it will probably come thru twice...sorry everyone just wanted you all to see Loraines' great e-mail and pictures.

MITS said...

My live-feed is still running???? Been on for over 2 hours.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

At least, Liberty did build Belle a wind breaker up there at 12noon. Hope that helps cut down the wind on her.

NillaWafer said...

Here we all set at our computor screens... watching "OUR BELLE" in the nest... Wondering what the morning will bring... A egg yes indeedyy...She will keep it warm and safe and sometimes Liberty will take her place...We watched last year for those 3 eggs to hatch counted the days n nights... This year they share with us the personal side of laying her eggs... Thank You Libery & Belle for letting us Eaglemomster's into your nest...

Anonymous said...

Glo or Sharon, can you send me the BW pic?

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

You have mail Megan Either there was a sudden rash of double vision all across the country oR there are 2 eggs.

Anonymous said...

GLO has noticed that Lisa BW did an update concerning our discussion of 2 eggs..
Thanks GLO for the heads up.

MITS said...

GLO,did you get my e-mail with the Sheperdstown forcast?

Anonymous said...

OK, Mits, just got out daughter's magnifying glass.

Anonymous said...

MAIL Megan

Anonymous said...

No Mits not yet...let me check spam or something
I do know you have your glasses on though LOL

MITS said...

This just cracks me up...I don't know what I'm seeing, but, if I stand up and look down on the screen, I think I see 2 shadows in the shape of eggs. My reading glasses are 2.75 strength.:).

MITS said...


MITS said...

Just looked at Lisa's picture and yes I do see 2 eggs there....tee-hee!

Anonymous said...

OK I forwarded it to me from my Yashoo Bulk Mail Mits Thanks so much its here LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty needs to come and cuddle up with Belle to keep her warm!

Anonymous said...

I too had sent Lisa a pic telling her 2 eggs were there.

I had put it through my photo pic thingy and modified it and yes there was 2 eggs.

MITS said...

Glo, that is a great weather site, and I get great eagle pics from there too.I have all the eagle weather sites on my favorites, so I can see what is going on at their locations.

NillaWafer said...

i c 2 eggs at Blackwater also

Anonymous said...

Is the live cam still up?

Anonymous said...

Nilla my live feed is running. Did you get the most recent real player?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now both of your emails to eaglet momsters have come through. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like 2 eggs to me- time will tell... Thanks Glo AND Jo.

MITS said...

My live-feed is still up, at least the time is still running and the pic looks the same on 30 second cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The picture froze on my live feed earlier. Do you see any movement on it? I can't get mine to come back up.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

YES Mits I saved the link in my special folder so I can find it anytime I want to know what is happening in Shepherdstown weather wise anyway LOL

MITS said...

Damn....I'm such a twit, I don't see anything but the time moving....DUH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes mine has the time moving on it (live feed our nest).

Anonymous said...

I can see Belle's image best on the Eagle Cam - I did shut down my live feed earlier.

MITS said...

But than again the 30 second cam has been the same too.

Anonymous said...

Glo just letting you know I tried the (chat) it is not working.

Anonymous said...

My live feed went down a long time ago, when I decided to just head to the kitchen to cook. I have closed it and followed the video link twice since then cause I am afraid I am missing something. I don't have live feed
keep trying and reporting or whatever I wanted to catch Liberty coming in love but it doesn't look like i'm going too just now anyway

I do however see 2 eggs LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes dana actually it was working abbut 5 min ago...2 others have aalready stopped by. Perhaps try again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My time kept running too but I didn't see any snow blowing around or leaves moving. There are clues to everything! :):):)

Anonymous said...

I'm sticking with the Eagle Cam - Would be great if she stretched her legs once in a while BUT....... I don't think an eagle starts shifting around until that egg is under her - like the movement of the BlackWater Lady last night. IMHO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just saw Belle's head move a little bit.

MITS said...

Well there goes my career at CSI, clue would have to slap me in the face to notice it:):):).

Anonymous said...

On your live feed Sharon

Anonymous said...

Blog kicked me out on the last comment. But I'm Back!

Anonymous said...

Head moved again on Eagle Cam

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll stop trying the live feed.

Mits, I did finally get the momster email also..

I see 2 eggs at magnifying glasses need, just got new contacts :)

Anonymous said...

And thanks for the pics of the BW eggs!!

MITS said...

I ain't seen nothing move, took down live-feed, tried to put it back up and its a no-go!

Anonymous said...

I changed the momster email awhile back to allow for pictures and links!!

Anonymous said...

Glo any other way in I am getting an error on the page for chat.??

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula it has come thru twice now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 2 nests to watch cool is that?

Anonymous said...

Belle's head is moving...30 sec cam is still updating :)

Going for food....

MITS said...

I'm going to keep KENT nest up for awhile, since they came in for a visit about this time 3 days ago.

Anonymous said...

Holler at us Mits if they come in... Going for a snack!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Dana I have sent you the link to the chatroom, that bypasses Blogger incase that is the issue for you right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is looking pretty nasty in Bluefield.

Anonymous said...

OK I am ready to go get her a blanket. Shoud I run one up to Maryland too.

Anonymous said...


you have 200 lbs of WAX

Anonymous said...

Is anyones "live feed" still up and running?????????????

Anonymous said...

Nope - but I closed mine down quite sometime ago. Cleared image on the Eagle cam for me.

Anonymous said...

No, Dana, I think you are the last to go down...everyone else's is down.

Anonymous said...

Dana - I mean I can see Belle clearer on my Eagle cam then on the Live feed.


Anonymous said...

Paula - That is great that you fixed the Momsters site to let attachments & photos go through with the messages!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...