Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday January 19

Sorry, been trying to put up a new thread for almost 3 hours and blogger has been slow as molasses.

That tree has really been shakin with the wind.

New Thread.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steven for the new thread!

(I hear ya on the blogger stuff!)

MITS said...


MITS said...


Mauley said...

Thanks Steven, the bloggers didn't know that Mauley stuttered. thanks for new thread. donna

Mauley said...

normabyrd, where do you find Lisa's update. thanks so much donna

MITS said...

Mauley, go to the BW site, its on the left hand side.

MITS said...

I sent most of you the note I got back from Doreen, she is fine, although weather has been dreadful.

Mauley said...

Lisa comments are awesome. thanks donna

MITS said...

2 Eagles at BW eagle nest.

Anonymous said...

Mits you have mail

Anonymous said...

I had to shut down-clean out some junk and sign back in to find a beautiful new thread from Steve.
The BW pair are beautiful in their nest. They do look like a young pair.
LunLun & ButaButa - such a warm hearted sight.

Anonymous said...

I can see our UK gals now...hanging on to lamp posts while being blown sideways...

Anonymous said...

BW now has 30 sec update

MITS said... BW has a 45 second update....your special, JO!

MITS said...

Ok, shut BW down, brought it back up and now it is 30 seconds....

Anonymous said...

Oh Man!
I had forgotten all about the BW Pop Up Cam! Have you all been using it?

Server problem again...

MITS said...

Forgot all about the pop-up cam, Jo.

Anonymous said...

Ok I woke from my nap only to receive the problems you all have had with the blog. Finally got here .....hi everyone ( :

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven for the New Thread.

It certainly is taking its time after you hit publish.

Anonymous said...

Tai is wrestling with Mei in front of the glass windows for people to watch.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm home from Bed shopping. Bought a pillow instead LOL. Did see some great beds though. Time will tell on that one. Glad to see a new thread .

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo no bed but got a new pillow huh well that's a start.

MITS said...

Yes, Tai is putting on quite a show for the visitors.

Anonymous said...

Mits your ambassador for DC zoo is really putting his talents to us. They are loving him. lol

NillaWafer said...

AFTERNOON EVERYONE... not staying long just hopped on for amoment.. will be on more from work soon... Mei & Tai are right at a big window and putting on a great show for the people, u watching him Thelma?????????

MITS said...

I think the milk bar is almost dry, she does not want him to nurse...

MITS said...

They are in the new yard, up by the glass and that is as close as you can get without being in the yard with them...great view.

Anonymous said...

Nilla did you go to dr today?

NillaWafer said...

Ooops should have read the comments before posting Dana beat me to I think Mei would let Tai nurse if he wanted to just to get him clamed down..well he got her up and on the move now poor Mei she was sleeping so good..

Anonymous said...

Nilla did you hear a telephone ring??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

MITS said...

Norma. it is frozen apple juice with pieces of fruit in it....they love it.

MITS said...

Hey Louise, how is it going???? How are you feeling???

MITS said...

Hey Louise, how is it going???? How are you feeling???

MITS said...

Well, hit my trashcan and it would not let me delete my stutter and knocked me off the blog...maybe we need a blog expert to come and fix this!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

No i have not heard from doctor and to be honest getting upset i havent..I cant not keep taking Vicadan just to cover up the pain in my right leg... they said it was not ablood clot which is great but right now its so swollen almost numb from my knee down, i just go on why bother to say anything when evidently no one thinks anything is awrong but CAN see how bad its swollen.. Need to get ready for work... BBL

NillaWafer said...

No Dana the phone didnt ring and i am setting here my cell rang but it was daughter,,, you calling house number or cell? call house 262-4139

Anonymous said...

Norma I just checked the site I don't see a dead bird.

Sorry Nilla I would have called and requested to talk with my doctor!!!!! You need too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is wiggling rolling around

Anonymous said...

Hi Nilla
Left a message on your cell phone late this morning. Glad to have you on here - Worried not hearing from you.

Did you ever think they may have lost your test record like they did Dawn's!

Anonymous said...


Bring up B W Eagle Cam
Go to the Right hand list
Click on POP UP CAM --WhooHoo.

You could now close the BW main site & just use your floating cam.......

MITS said...

Oops, sorry, Norma, thought you really wanted to know what was in the fruitsicles:):):).

MITS said...

You go after Louise, Jo. They may have lost the msg to call back, maybe you should go to hospital instead of work, Louise!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you all see Buta Buta with that green plastic stuff. It must have made a sound and she jumped twice lol

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if tonight is the night that the female eagle stays in the nest at BW. She has been laying in the nest today alot.

Anonymous said...

Paula Do you have your 30 sec pop up cam at BW up? I mentioned it earlier but you may not have seen it-you also may have been using it all along - I had totally forgotten about it when Lisa put it up at the end of the season.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How fortunate we are to see Buta Buta learning how to do different things, sometimes by trial and error but she keeps on trying! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Those two are such lovie dovie eagles ( : at BW eagle nest. Hope she lays eggs will be good pics for us.

Anonymous said...

Sharon couldn't you just reach in and grab Buta Buta and hold her .

Anonymous said...

Wish ButaButa had sound....

Anonymous said...

Oh my Jo that would be wonderful wouldn't it..I love to know what sounds she is making right now.

Anonymous said...

I think that BlackWater is going to have an egg in the nest before Shepherdstown does........

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Well I just can't find all the right words to express my feelings of joy while watching Buta Buta. I get belly-laughs from looking at some of her gymnastics. Especially when she slids boom!

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Darn thing almost got me!!!!!

It does make some kind of noise when she steps on it. It looked like she was ready to attack it but then it Got Her!...

Anonymous said...



NillaWafer said...

The girl was very nice and took all the info and told me she was sorry no one is following up on this and didnt want me to think it was not important... she also was NOT going to send my message by via the computor and printing it out and taking it to the nurse or doctor her self.. Gave her all 3 of my phone numbers and work ,, so hopefully someone will call .. she agreed that since they made me wait til they called doctor from hospitol this needs to be followed up with!!! So now patiently waiting...

Anonymous said...

Ok Nilla you got it started that's what you needed to do gal. Thank you (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) !!!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is got the green plastic in her mouth. Got over being scare of the noise it made lol

NillaWafer said...

I hope they are watching her with that stuff what ever it is very closely.. and she doesnt get a peice off and caught in her throat!!! My motherly instinct are showing as i am sure ya'll have thought the same thing...

NillaWafer said...

She is sooo funny did ya see her jump back and she is having a good time playing....i need a good laugh what a charmer she is now laying there on her back.. I bet the keepers really laugh alot watching her like we do...

Anonymous said...

Yep Nilla thought the same thing lol

Anonymous said...

They confirm that she is watched very very closely - BUT someone best be ready to run in there & get anything out of her little mouth so she wouldn't choke. I wish they would give her the LOG !

A drunken sailor -- I agree!


I feel relieved already

Anonymous said...

I found Tai up a tree sleeping. Hope Brenda can get him in later.

Anonymous said...

You think she is a head banger? lol
She just plows right into things!

That kid has Spunk!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle alert!!

Anonymous said...

Busy Busy afternoon play time.
Now it is nap time
Such a peaceful sleep...

I may need to take ButaButa's hint & have one too.

Keep us informed Nilla. Prayers are coming at you!

NillaWafer said...

Ok here is what is wrong .. nurse called back i have whats called a Bakers Cyst in the back of my knee... You can check it out at webmd about what it is..Blood work Tuesday morning at 9:45am and appointment with Dr Friday at 10 am.. So guess like Sharon says MTBR just deal with it i guess...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I use the popup cam, sometimes I don' miss any other info she has on the site w/ the pop up cam.

Anonymous said...

Are we eating again?!?!

Anonymous said...

Nilla with a Bakers Cyst sometimes they have to drain them. Even if they do surgery they often come back. Yes it can cause leg to swell alot and be very painful. That is what I just went through remember.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nilla - I'll google it.
Funny that's what it is... you just haven't been making as many pies as usual. lol Love Ya!


ButaButa still napping

Our eagle found whatever it was in the nest up there around the noon position-maybe a fish head....

Anonymous said...

I thought she was starting to look like a chubby little porker!!!

Hey, but that's good! She needs to fatten up before those eaglets make her lose 5 pounds!

Anonymous said...

What out! You know what comes after lunch!!!!


Anonymous said...

Watch out!! (I meant)

NillaWafer said...

Oh Dana i didnt know thats exactly what you had.. No Jo i been buying Now i must get ready for work... BBL from work...

MITS said...

I agree with all of you, don't really like them sticking things like that in her den....NILLA, SO GLAD YOU CALLED DOCTOR, THINK YOU SLIPPED THRU THE CRACKS.

Anonymous said...

Can you imiagine what Steve said about the tree swaying back and forth due to the winds. Belle is riding in that tree right now. It is so still in these pics oh where oh where could our live feed be. Wouldn't be the same pics as we see now.

Anonymous said...

Nilla there is usually a cause for a Bakers Cyst. Mine is the degenerative joint disease. They need to find out what the cause of yours is.

Anonymous said...

Tai is still taking his nap up in the tree - just blowing in the wind!

Anonymous said...

Yes two sleeping panda cubs just different sizes ( :

Anonymous said...

Snowing again up in Maine....No eagles at nest.

Anonymous said...

Nest at Kent seems to have the snow melted from it. Did not see George.

I always look at the Burrowing Owl
cam when I'm on that site...
They are snowed in! I have yet to
see one of the owls!

Little FL gal still sitting.

Cam down right now at BW

Anonymous said...

OUr nest - 1 eagle still there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagles at NCTC, BW osprey nest and BW eagle nest! KEWL!!!!!

MITS said...

That BW eagles'cam is going to be great to watch when the action really starts!!!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I can keep the Maine site up with the winamp player. Only download and install this if you know how to put "open url" in WMP, because it makes winamp the default player. The Maine site is the only thing I have been able to play in it, but it stays up forever! You don't have to keep hitting the refresh key after 2 minutes.

MITS said...

NEW THREAD IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Just a gentle reminder, NEW THREAD IS UP AND I'M LONELY.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Buta is moving in slow motion! What a big girl she is!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...