Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday June 10

And so he/she waits to soar.


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Anonymous said...

i think she just left!

Anonymous said...

oops sorry,,dagone shadows

Anonymous said...

No he is still in nest he is giving me heart failure!

Anonymous said...

He;s making me crazy!!!!! I might have to get off the site....I can't stand this. lol

Anonymous said...

like waiting for the pot of water to boil.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Next year we could start a fund to pay someone overtime for going to reset the live feed. I know I would be willing to donate to the cause. It would be worth its weight in gold!

movin said...

He's spreading his wings


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This is like watching a race and waiting for somebody to wreck! Driving me nuts.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just came back to blog; nice to see Sharon and some are here. Thought maybe you all aready starting chatting on the yahoo site and I didn't know how to get to it.
I need to know and read others thoughts about our last eaglet.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if shes been fed this morning?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if shes been fed this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is he gone?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I see his butt!

Anonymous said...

i'm right here how did i miss it, is that spunks head under the big branch?

Anonymous said...

I think he is hiding over around the tree....he better be. I wanted a pic of him leaving....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He needs to come back out in plain view. I don't like looking at that empty nest. I think we might be heading into "bird flew III".

Anonymous said...

something at 6 position....I think?????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Marie, I think he is at the trunk of the tree. See a little butt sometimes sticking out.

Anonymous said...

everytime I refresh and see this empty nest i want to cry.......... spunky come back into view will you?

Anonymous said...

I still think he is there but where we can't see him at the trunk of that tree. Listen spunky...the launch pad is where the others left atleast without the live feed go to that area if you are going to Mommyeagletwatchers are having a fit with where your at!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I have not seen a butt or wing for a couple of minutes. Has anybody else?

glo said...

OK you guys I leave for a storm and no spunky where did you hide him. Who has the most recent picture of him at the "Usual launch site?"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I'm looking Glo. Get right back to you.

glo said...

LOL There he is

glo said...

He must have heard I was lookin for him LOL

Anonymous said...

I see nothing.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I have one from 10:25 at the launch pad.

Anonymous said...

There he is !!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He just wanted to get our hearts pumping this morning. It surely worked.

Anonymous said...

10:48 a.m. spunk is there.....

glo said...

Ok Well it is raining here still but not exactly storming.. Then I am going out around 11 my time for a couple of hours, guess i'll have breakfast and lunch for Spunky...Hopefully we will always have someone here with some kind of update fromt he launch pad...This little guy need shis own send off too, IF he is a good boy!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a shot of him at 10:37 by trunk of tree. We might think he is camera shy. But he has put on alot of show this morning. Shots I got earlier. No food yet either.

paula eagleholic said...

Look at him laying there now....what a teaser!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think he is resting now so we can breathe a little bit!!

glo said...

You guys crack me up...Its nice to chuckle in all this happy sad stress relief kind of a day!!

glo said...

Paula don't forget to get more info our about the Yahoo group

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo I just sent you a second picture.

Mema Jo said...

10:50 I am having one major anxiety attack! That live feed is so great if you have it when you are using the blog because you can see what it happening as you write.. Now I just keep flipping from one to the other, afraid I am going to miss it...Our blog comments read like the number 1 best suspense story of this event about to take place. You can get nervous just reading - I think we should publish some of our blogs! Just went back to the cam to be certain Spunky was still resting in the center of the nest. Thank you so much Steve for giving us more space - Maybe you'll also go out & check out the Sycamore for the other two????? I haven't seen any feedings - could mean that tomorrow is the day - all the others took off in the morning & it is now almost 11:00am. Everyone keep blogging!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glo how do I get on the Yahoo Group; if it has started yet? Has it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I was just thinking the same thing. May be too late in the day now for a fledge. I hope so. I have to work tomorrow so I will be on here early to hopefully catch whatever is happening.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think brunch just arrived.

glo said...

Paula left info last night that she has reserved one and would get back with more info. It is something like eaglet momsters LOL. Someone else has reserved one too can't remember exactly...similar name with inderslash or something.. Her post is on yesterdays BLOG somewhere. Thought since Paula did the first original name that I would check in there, but if we don't hear more today will go back and sign up for the other. I don't think I can keep up with 2 groups and 3 eaglets LOL

glo said...

I hope the parent brought food. it was nice to see a quick visit anyhow

glo said...

I think he is having a good meal. I am so glad to see that. besides now I will only have to eat for one myself. I am going to a Smorgasbord LOL

glo said...

Counting on eagle eyes to get pictures if Blogger goes down on us today... Its getting slower :-(

I will soon be gone til about 2 or after eastern time. Think a few are here, and hopefully someone will always be as long as we have pictures to take anyway LOL

Anonymous said...

HEY GLO----I can't get to your web page with the site given---'s.html----I visited your site by clicking on your name in your post----I would like to see your blog after Spunky SOARS-------what am I doing wrong?----this eagle watch has really been a learning experience----the caring ways of these parents----AMAZING --we have eagles in our area----on the Trough Road (Potomac River Road)--the first time I saw one, I got chill bumps-----I have been a birder for a long time----lots & lots of birds in my area--my lawn adjoins a 100 acre Westvaco property----Your blog is awesome---I am still learning this blogging, etc.--want to join the Yahoo group-need help------ENVY YOUR EXPERTISE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi all
I have been wathing these eagles for a few weeks and am happy to see them thriving.
this site made me look for more and for all who have the empty nest syndrome check this site out in washington state, no live feeds, but 10 sec refresh and closer camera.

Mema Jo said...

12:05 Looks as though mom/dad is paying a visit to Spunky. Maybe he/she is eating the leftovers. Nice to have company, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

also a good spot is go to birdcams then to bald eagle site on hornby island british columbia canada. it has live feed and audio. I think the 2 eaglets have a few more days before they fledge.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

also a good spot is go to birdcams then to bald eagle site on hornby island british columbia canada. it has live feed and audio. I think the 2 eaglets have a few more days before they fledge.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is flapping again!! Getting my heart to pumping again.

paula eagleholic said...

To All:
I will email Barbara in Maine to discuss the Yahoo Group, since we both created a group. It was her idea originally, I just wanted to get the name registered. She had the same idea as me, to get the group going, so I will contact her asap and see who wants to do it!

Mema Jo said...

12:20 Adult is gone -- Alone again - need some more time for practicing. Please get away from the launch pad!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is back at the launching pad again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like adult is back with food! Spunky is getting to eat for sure today, Glo!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Spunky is wet again. Must have rained at NCTC again.

Mema Jo said...

12:43pm Yep! There's the adult again. Looks as though Spunky needs a little coaxing - maybe he should take a nap....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And even more food. My, my, mommy and daddy are attentive today. I don't think this is going to be the day. They know our little feller ain't ready yet!!

Mema Jo said...

12:46 So who is watching the other kids??? Maybe one of them will come along next time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, that would be really cool. Drop in for a quick visit to let us know they are okay.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Spunky is not eating. Must not be too hungry. He is not near as aggressive with food that BigBoy and InBetween were.

Anonymous said...

ANG--I am in Romney, WV (about 1 1/2 hrs. from Shepherdstown----on the South Branch of the Potomac----beautiful area----have ridden the train through The Trough--travel is by boat or train ----there is at least 2---3 nests----I wonder if BigBoy might find his way here----- HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE-----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Momma has been in the nest with Spunky for about 20 minutes. It has been a while since they have spent that much time with them.

Anonymous said...

The link above is another eagle nest with 2 eaglets waiting to take flight. This site is on the Northeast Utilities web site and has awesome video feed for those who need a "baby fix!"

Lets hope the last eaglet here sticks around until the cam is up again! Thanks to all of you who keep us all informed and up to date on what the little ones are up to.

Mema Jo said...

1:12pm Melissa-I think it is called 'comforting the lonely'. These parents are something else - I think that when BigBoy left, the adults once again were in the nest for a longer period of time with the remaining 2. Lots of lessons here to be learned from Mother Nature.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am wondering if there is a predator nearby and she is staying there to protect him. She has looked around a lot while there. She has been there about 30 minutes so far.

Mema Jo said...

1:17pm Ok, Sharon - are you saying to keep your eyes on Spunky in case he gets the Pinging attack ? I so hope not. Maybe she hears the other kids in the tree.....

Anonymous said...

probably for some reassurance since others are gone, a little one on one with mom/dad

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pinging attacks happen, I saw it with my own 2 eyes!! LOL. Maybe she does hear the others close by. It could happen!! I will take that explanation. Much more positive than mine!!

Mema Jo said...

1:23pm Something is concerning the adult. Both their eyes and heads are following something all around the nest out there..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

See ladies, that is what I am saying!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wonder whose refresh button will wear out first!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And you wonder if it is instinct to lay down like he is to protect himself. If there is something nearby, Momma will take care of it like I saw her do the other day. She is on it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She has been right there beside him for about 15 minutes or so. Mother Nature is soooo awesome!!!

Mema Jo said...

1:28pm This is getting very intense! Don't lilke it that Spunky was told to just lie there... Hey! Maybe NILLA is climbing up the tree - !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, we had a pinging of one of the eaglets by a smaller bird (I saved it on Fraps). Then a few minutes later, Mom was there, they hunkered down. She took off. I saw a bird land in a tree over from the nest and she flew right to it and it looked like she flew off with it in her talons. That clip did not save on Fraps though I did try.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe Nilla is. That would be cool!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like the only thing Momma has moved for 15 minutes is her head!! WE NEED THAT LIVE CAM BAD!!! But I am grateful the stills are up though!!

Anonymous said...

haha i think spunky fell asleep.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Gang, Nope im not climbing up the But i am going to ride over, i did see something black on a tree limb about 11 o,clock but it was not in the nest... a tree behind the nest. Then Poooofff it was gone. I have really good binoculars so should be able to see something.. More later,,

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if she is there because of the wind?

Mema Jo said...

1:41pm Oh, NILLA ! Thank you so much! I thought you wouldn't be online today but knew you had said yesterday that you were thinking of going over. Hope the gateman lets you in. Tell him you have to return an unbrella to the main building & then just go on down that Eagle Path.. We'll be waiting for your return! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Now she is gone...must not have been the wind!

Anonymous said...

Wants to go so bad

glo said...

OK So did we have some excitement or something tried to get spunky or something...can't tell for sure but sounds like I missed something OH and nilla is on route I read GREAT!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, Will she call you from there and give a report? If she does, will you post it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Momma was in the nest with Spunky for about an hour Glo. Unusual at this stage in the game.

Mema Jo said...

1:56pm Welcome back, Glo - Hope you enjoyed your 'quick' lunch. Nothing actually attacked Spunky - it was the length of time the adult stayed - the position that Spunky took by lying down - the position of their heads as though they were following something all around the nest. Was just a bit erie... All seems to be calm now & yes! so glad Nilla is taking a run over & hope she gets through the gate.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like Spunky is giving us a little break. Boy, I sure could use one. I am off work today and what am I doing -- sitting in front of this danged computer the whole time. Crazy! But worth it!!

Mema Jo said...

2:00 pm Sharon, If she calls, I'll post immdeiately. Since she already blogged a comment earlier, I hope she has access to do so again once she goes down.

glo said...

Norma I will send you a direct link if you email me

OR anyone else actually. As I tried to explain BLOGGER drops off the end of the uRL so

you have to retype in the end of the address to get there. If you don't understand how to do that, just email and I can send you a direct link by email.

I will try typing in the whole link myself here and see if BLOGGER will co-operate that way; here goes:

Nope I just tried and had to delete it.'s.html

the last part of this address should read /glo77/grammy's.html

you will have to type in a couple of missing letters that Blogger drops off for some "strange reason oR just email me I would be happy to help you.

glo said...

Oh OK gotcha thanks. Does kinda make you wonder what was going on. I had watched a good size shadow over the nest a long time this morning, but assumed it was probably "just a parent' Maybe that is what she was stiking around for...sending the "You better split on outa here"! message to an unwanted lurker.

glo said...

Hopefully everyone knows I updated the website last night, so Ms-In-Between also has her own video...not exactly the fledge moment but cute none the less. Another thanks to the watchful eye of Sharon and her trusty FRAPS program..LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Spunky is really relaxed now, got the feet stretched out too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know this is better for my nerves although I love the excitement when he starts flapping.

Mema Jo said...

3:00pm Motherly speaking: I would just love to reach through that monitor, rub Spunky's little head and just tell her/him how much she/he is loved by all of us...............LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I am with you. I was wishing his mother would snuggle up to him for us.

Mema Jo said...

3:11pm Another visit from the adult. No time for napping.

glo said...

Well speakin of Mamas or maybe PaPas LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I thought one of the babies had come back when I first clicked refresh but it is both adults. Shoot!!

Anonymous said...

Wow both of them!

Mema Jo said...

3:13pm Or maybe one of each! Pretty popular place today.

Mema Jo said...

3:15pm Sharon - my heart jumped also thinking it was one of the other eaglets. Spunky is getting all excited again. Better watch very carefully for awhile...

glo said...

Did anyone capture a shot of BOTH adults there? I stepped away from the computer for like 5 mins geesh I would like that. I haven't seen them both there for quite a while and as you know I did use several BOTH parent pictures when they were younger This is really a neat pair of eagles they do great together!!

NillaWafer said...

Ok Gang im back from NCTC and sorry to say the gate was locked and closed. But i went further down the road and parked and had a great view of the tree, because it sets alone in the field. The wind was blowing so hard and from that advantage point the tree is covered with leaves, so really nothing to report.. sad But i watched for awhile hoping to see a parent soaring above.. Ok Jo i dont think the unbrella suggestion would have So i see Spunky in the nest and a parent eating.. Will check in later today, Jo i would have called you from over there but left your number at home..duhhh will program it in cell.. Later Gang, Hugs Nilla

glo said...

OK Nilla Thanks for making the drive over there ...You tried. You might have been Mary Poppins though had you brought that umbreela. Up in the tree without even climbing.

Mema Jo said...

3:33pm Nilla, your trip wasn't wasted because we know what isn't there in the tree at this time. Helpful info. Thanks so much for scouting it out for all of us.
GLO sent you a shot of both adults in the nest. They are so beautiful!

glo said...

Got it Jo I love the picture. Thanks Yes they are gorgeous in everyway!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank God Spunky is resting for awhile....finally able to get some work done!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, here is the deal. I have to leave now and will not return until about 11 p.m. That is a long time to be away from this computer so I need everybody to keep it posted about the happenings. Hopefully, I won't miss anything much this evening. Everybody have a good evening!!

glo said...

I have made an eagle BLOG contact group in my email and have sent a notice (some of you might get two, (ooops sorry about that) to let you know I have you in the group. If you want to be in the contact email list and did not get my email, do two things, Check your spam folder and 2 send me an email and I would be happy to include you. If you got the email and want removed...please reply to me, and I will remove you from the group. I will use this for eagle related info...I won't be sending you lots of cute little forwards that will load up your inbox I promise.

NillaWafer said...

Checking in and really worried Spunky is setting at the exact spot the other two took off from. Just setting there looking down. Glo got your e-mail thanks, when i told Jo many many post ago she had the "Bird Flew" tell her doctor that to come over to NCTC that monday . Now i think we have an Ok gona watch Spunky for awhile and then go for dinner.

glo said...

hi Nilla...Yep I see he's back up and worth watchin again for a little, not sure how closely for me, but i'll be back and forth. Got a neat shot about 3 mins ago though.. I have so-o-o-o- many of him these last 36 hours or so. ya just never know LOL

glo said...

Nilla Could you run back and see what is so interesting over where he keeps lookin AND probably the direction he is going.

hmmm watch him!!

glo said...

Well that was a really quick visit At least I think I saw a "Bird flew in" Looked like a parent Tell me you saw it too!!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

6:17pm Nothing here. Must have been Spunky's wings. Just got up from a long nap - I was exhausted. Only see 1 bird.

glo said...

Jo You've got mail I don't have "Bird Flew In " this time!!! Well at least it's not acting up at the moment LOL

glo said...

I swear she did not stay more than a very few seconds...certainly NOT the whole 30 anyway. Silly oh could be dad..yep probably a man thing "Honey would you go check on Spunky"?

Yep sure

Yep I checked on him, he's there!



Mema Jo said...

6:27pm She sure was there - picture worth a million words! Thanks, Glo. Really was a quick one - She wasn't there at 6:15pm So maybe a 3 second visit - I wonder why? You may be right about luring her/him out.

glo said...

Gosh you guys pop in and out as quick as dad just did LOL
Ok back to my stuff I'm trying to get done too.

glo said...

Oh you're back hi yep I swear it was fast I had just snapped one of him leaning with a wing out I thought There he goes...then next frame its mom..OH he was greeting Mom (DAD LOL) Next frame...No mom,, and spunky just sittin like nothing happened. i was hitting refresh quick cause I thought he was leavin us...he was greeting a really quick visit by a parent

glo said...

"Ok I'll fix him some supper"

Anonymous said...

what is that in th enest with him???

glo said...

supper and my guess is its wiggling

Mema Jo said...

6:37pm Mom/Dad is playing with us - back again for another 3 seconds or so. I thought that Spunky had just decided to nap - & in pops mom/dad again for a quick visit. I thought Spunky was being told that he would have one more night in the nest. I bet his wing flapping starts pretty soon - it's that time of day. I think he is just looking a some his food -

NillaWafer said...

Checking in ok i see Spunky at the take off point again. Speaking of taking off 1 of the Falcon's in Harrisburg took it's fledge also. I just checked that site and they are saying he is on a garage building not far away( you can see on live cam) scared to death and parents are trying to lure him back to ledge. Well Jo i hope you had anice nap whats for dinner??? LOL If i really thought there was anything to see i would drive back over beleive me, being its only 20 minutes from me. Maybe tomarrow i will and have something to report. I would park .. climb the fence and really get a good look if it weren't for going to jail.. NOT to mention the Ticks Oooooo LMAO Ya'll gona pay my bail??????? I think NCTC has camera's on its ground so thats out. Whatcha think Jo?

glo said...

OK little guy this is where you are supposed to use your hunt and fish instincts Go for it Spunky!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Spunky has a fish in the nest???

Mema Jo said...

6:41pm I think you're right Nilla about the cameras - I still don't know who took the pictures that Steve posted on this site. They weren't any of mine or Sunny's pictures & I didn't see any other cameras. So 'hidden' - I think so. I really wanted the group pic posted for everyone to associate a name with a face (not that my face is associable - glad they just showed my backside.) I see Spunky may be eating his dinner now.

Mema Jo said...

6:52pm He is hovering so high - Think he/she has a new launch pad spot. He is just going to go over that edge of the nest it he stretches his/her neck any farther.

Mema Jo said...

7:53pm Could someone post a comment on this blog. The last one was the one I did around 6:52pm & once before I got stuck in the blog & couldn't see other comments that had been made. Please let me know you are out there

glo said...

yep I'm out here playing solitaire wondering if It's just me and Spunky. I don't think he'll go tonight but he does catch my interest every now and then. I wish he would eat!!!

Anonymous said...

JO----7:59---I am watching-----She is way up there---don't think she will go today-----TOO WELL FED----I think she is letting us know she is the "TOP GUN" now-------I think that's a "man thing"-----??????

glo said...

See now I'm not sure he has eaten all that much today, but then I was gone around lunch time for a couple of hours. Guess he did eat some kinda brunch that I say

glo said...

So did anyone see some meals that I missed I would love to know that. You know I worry about Spunky and eating!!!!

Mema Jo said...

8:08pm Glo & Norma-- thank you, thank you! I feel much better now that I've heard from you. I felt so alone - guess I know first hand how Spunky feels with the shadows closing in on him. Wish someone would come visit him. Last night as Spunky laid in the nest,the spider's web kept getting larger & larger, but it looked as though it was placing a protective covering all over Spunky. It was so cool to see. But then before I retired for the evening, I looked again & there was Spunky up on the side of the nest. Nothing is going to stop this little one!

Nancy K. said...

I was surprised and very happy to see the last Eaglet (which I call "Baby") still in the nest when I got home from work. It's as if nature has a way of letting it's creatures know when the time is right and although impatient, they wait. I feel much better knowing that Baby's had this extra day to grow and mature. God's Speed, little one...

Mema Jo said...

8:12pm Some food was there around 6:40 or so. I haven't seen anymore brought in to him/her. I can't confirm if much of the food was really eaten.

glo said...

Yep I know It's hard to tell if anyone is out there when you post a few comments and don't get a response. Yesterday i kinda thought Man your're all gonna get sick of seeing that granny at the computer so I think I'll quit talking to myself til some people get back. It's the weekend so figure lots for some to do. etc. I made a quidk supper and then back here til spider dark time. Then I need to do some laundry hmmm

glo said...

No he did go ove and maybe pick at it a little but not much at all.

glo said...

Actually now that I know there are a few people sticking around in here to watch I think mmy dogs owuld love to go for a walk. Back in a few.

Mema Jo said...



Anonymous said...

Looks like Big Boy paying a visit.

Harbinger said...

There are two babies in the nest. Is it Big Boy or Ms. In-Between?

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Spunky has company! I can't tell if it is BigBoy or Ms InBetween.

Now about the Yahoo group: Paula and I are getting ourselves organized, and there will be one group and we'll be able to send e-mails to the group, have a photo album, etc. Come join as soon as you can -- the group is eaglet_momsters.

glo said...

cool Is it big Boy when did he get here I mean how long has he been here?

glo said...

I am so happy to see that BUT look at the size difference Are you sure everything is OK

Mema Jo said...

8:45PM That'll teach you to walk those dogs again! I have emailed you pics... It was only minutes ago...LOL

glo said...

barbara OK thaks for that info That's great!!!

glo said...

LOL Oh Jo a thousand Bless you your way Yep see what happens when I leave..This morning it sounded like our buddy was attacked over lunch oh and when I went for coffee you guys had him hiding for like 2 minutes.. Tonight sibling pops in. Well arrives. Without live feed we can't exactly tell how graceful the landing was LOL

glo said...

Oh and about the dog walk...Dexter especially says Gracias :"That was a great idea and just in time"

glo said...

I hope sibling is there to spend the night!!!

glo said...

Look Spunky has just kinda settled right down. He will stay tonight now unless sibling leaves. man I hope they both stay.

glo said...

Oh Oh

Anonymous said...

Yippee!! I've been away all day, and now I'm checking in and see 2 eaglets! How exciting! We know at least one of the fledges was successful.

Steve, If I were to bike the towpath, do you know the approximate mile-markers that would be close to NCTC? I feel a bike ride coming on tomorrow!!

glo said...

ok more heart failure here!!! Geeesh

glo said...

Sunny Oh a bike ride !!! Great idea!!!

glo said...

So do you think they're having a little chat about how its been going?

Mema Jo said...

8:54pm Looks like the sibling is a little hungry - after the fish. I surely hope he spends the night. The landing wasn't that visible - all of sudden it just looked as though Spunky had a double image on the launching pad site - but it was his brother/sister. I would only be guessing if I tried to ID the visitor-Maybe if I can watch longer, I'll get a clue.

glo said...

Well for now we'll just call it the sibling LOL

Mema Jo said...

8:58pm I thought they would rub beaks or touch wings to show they missed each other - but none of that carryingon! I feel better now, but I think BigBoy(?) MsInbetween(?) will probably take off shortly-- Only the spider may know as it gets much darker......

glo said...

Well for Spunky's sake I hope the sibling stays the night, but either way, we know we have seen one return That is great..and spunky knows it can be done...all good!!!

glo said...

there's a parent its a reunion

Mema Jo said...

9:01pm An adult was just there - did not get a pic... in & right back out. Maybe they are rounding up the whole crew......

Harbinger said...

I searched Yahoo groups fir eaglet_momsters and nothing comes up. How do I join?

glo said...

Ok did anyone else see a parent here we go again on this question LOL

glo said...

LOL I got that picture You know I am prepared to prove myself now LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else just see 2 birds in the nest?

glo said...

Nope it was dad again LOL

"Honey would you see if you can find Big Boy"

Well there's two in the nest, so the other one muct be over there in the tree LOL.

Geesh I'll go check myself

I'm losing it now LOL

paula eagleholic said...

yes Glo, but I thought it was Big Boy or Inbetween, I'll check the pic I saved

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, One has come back to visit!

glo said...

Yes Paula there is a sibling there now, and a parent just left. See my Soap Opera scenario above LOL Same parent made another split second visit earlier Figure that's got to be dad just checkin up on the kids.

glo said...

Darn its getting too dark now to see too much for sure gr-r-r-r

Mema Jo said...

9:06pm I'm with ya Glo - made the comment right after yours & am so glad you got the pic.....I can't hardly see the images in the nest, but I really think the 2 of them are snuggling!!!!

glo said...

can tell there is some wing flappin going on

Mema Jo said...

9:07pm WE FINALLY HIT THE 200+
Blog Comments !!
Congratulations everyone.

movin said...

Hahaha, obviously I didn't read the comments at the end of the blog first, but I was excited...think I'll leave it as originally written....

OK, it's about 8:52 Eastern, and I see another eagle in the nest eating the fish left earlier,

BUT I cannot see a white head or tail!! Perhaps a fledgling has returned to the nest.

Still there, eating, and it's getting dark, so it looks like a returnee will stay the night.

The fledgling appears a little larger than Spunky, so it's probably the male, which flew the nest yesterday.


Just Vicky said...

I believe we have all 3 in the nest!

glo said...

It must have been quite a flight back up there for sibling I think some food and rest would be good LOL 2 still there for sure right now

paula eagleholic said...

There are 2, I can see one laying down, with feet out to the side...they did look like they were snuggling....

glo said...


paula eagleholic said...

So Happy to see at least one back!

glo said...

Sorry Dexter got up here to my keyboard. What can I say ?

glo said...

Hi Vicki How is Oakwood? I'm glad you don't think I'm crazy about the commode races..It was really a riot. small town, got to have some fun!!!

Just Vicky said...

Yes Glo, commode racing was quite the event! The market is still there but not the RR tracks.

Mema Jo said...

9:11pm Both the eaglets are lying down in the nest - One is probably content to have company & the other just looks to be plumb tuckered out from its big day out on the town! I hope they both stay. Sharon will be home in an hour or two & she will be at her PC bright & early to catch the happenings for us - Please, Sharon.
WELL they were both lying together when I started this comment, but as I look now, I only see one... My night vision is not very good. Don't know where the visitor went.

glo said...

I think I still see a shadow of sibling at the launch site :-(

paula eagleholic said...

We are working on getting the yahoo group organized, I emailed the Barbara, we each set up a group....but I haven't heard back from her...I couldn't find her group either....I set one up called for that one and let me know if you find it...I have in under science/biology/animals/birds/raptors/ still waiting for a response from Barbara about the group, since she came up with the name, then we both set it up...

glo said...

Well either way I don't think Spunky is feeling quite so alone in this world anymore. ooops there's that human emotion creeping in again.

movin said...

The returnee is perched, facing outward, on the "take off area" of the nest.


paula eagleholic said...

Me too, Glo

Mema Jo said...

9:21pm At least with the return of the sibling, my human emotions have now been uplifted. I was afraid they couldn't do a good landing and miss the nest Completely!!
I now feel that I see both eaglets lying once again in the nest... Good, Good, Good.

paula eagleholic said...

Just read back through the blog, looks like Barbara has emailed me about the group...I'll check it

glo said...

I'm glad our visitor showed up before dark so all these eagle eyes to not have to debate if its that "bird flew" stuff going around again tonight :-)

Harbinger said...

Paula - I still can't find the group even going down the chain.
As I look at the picture now, I'm sure there are still two nest occupants.

glo said...

Movin I saw your comments on my eagle video I took myself. That is on The Mississippi River. On the IL Quad Cities Border.

glo said...

I have never joined a yahoo group either. We might need a little help in how to get this done from the 2 of you.

movin said...

Thanks, Glo, it appears to be a prime fishing area for Bald Eagles...great shots.

Both eaglets are flaked out in the bottom of the nest (like a week or two ago), probably telling each other ghost stories to provide company for the other and to put themselves to sleep....


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...