Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday June 10

And so he/she waits to soar.


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paula eagleholic said...

Barbara and I are working the Yahoo group up and running, we are chatting about it now....

glo said...

I have a picture in my BLOG (not the website of our 3 here..different spot, where there are so many eagles in one tree you won't believe your eyes. And there were many many trees along the river filled with them the spring of 2005.

paula eagleholic said...

:) at Jim's comments

glo said...

It's in the March Archive of Elia's Journey to Go home. Just click on my user name here. follow to Elia's Journey etc. then March will see 2 neat pictures and also the same videos you saw on daily Motion from along the Mississippi.

glo said...

janet you have mail, but actually the pictures were sent to me while I was out walking my dogs, a couple of people helped me...they know I will definitely need that one for the website!!!

Mema Jo said...

9:57pm Janet, you have email.

glo said...

LOL Janet has her pictures. She's got doubles, but I only took credit for walking the dogs in my email LOL

glo said...

I'm not saying anymore about bird Flew BUT how many birds are in the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

If you would like to join Eaglet Momsters group, send me an email at I have corresponded with some of you, but your email addresses are on my computer at work...I'll send you an invite to join the group! Or anyone who is on right now, list your email address on the blog and I will send you an invite...


Mema Jo said...

10:03pm GLO! You are too fast for me! Your fingers must go like greased lightning across that keyboard! Thanks! I feel very very content knowing that Spunky has company this evening. Hopefully you and/or Sharon will be up with the birds tomorrow am to catch anything interesting going on for all of us night owls! Now all I want is to see BigBoy one more time! I do think it is MsInBetween in the nest with Spunky-that's just a personal opinion - you know - an educated guess!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like one is perched on the far side, Glo

Anonymous said...

I see a question about joining Yahoo groups. The easiest thing to do is get yourself a Yahoo ID first. You do that by going to and click on 'groups' and it will ask you if you need to register or not. Go ahead and set yourself up. Then, on your home page, you click on 'Groups' and you can start joining! If anyone needs more info, just holler here and we'll try to help.

We can post a photo on our group home page -- will somebody pick a glorious one of one of the eaglets with spread wings? E-mail to me or Paula. We'll post it.

Two kids still in the nest at 10:08 PM EDT.

glo said...

Well if you are right and it is MS In Between, Then I think Big Boy really is just fine too. He would have been most independent. His flight was out and smooth. He might check in yet. Ya never know.

glo said...

How about the collage of photos that was on this bLOG a few days back or I have that wonderful one of MS in Between with the sun on her so beautiful the night before she left. You know the one on the web page...

NillaWafer said...

Checking in for 1 last time tonight and i see Spunky has company fantasic!! Be checking in tomarrow ya'll have agreat weekend. Niters, Nilla

Nancy K. said...

I just came in from cleaning the barn and am absolutely THRILLED to know that one of the fledglings has returned to the nest! I'll check the site when I get up in the morning (5:30) as I expect they'll both be gone by the time I get home. Someone please post a list of links that we can see pictures at! You guys have been awesome at keeping us all up to date ~ THANK YOU!

paula eagleholic said...

I still see 2 eagles at 11pm, hope that Spunky has company for the whole night.

Also, email me at to join the Eaglet Momsters Yahoo group.



glo said...

Well he has had compnay for quite a while now anyway. Lots longer than the last two adult visits were LOL

Mema Jo said...

11:16pm Sharon should be checking in soon - can't wait for her to find out the big event of the evening! Glo, if we're the Momsters - should we consider one of the pics when all 3 were chicks with Mom in the nest??? Then maybe you could blend in all 3 grown eaglets before any fledged??? Just a thought for you to ponder - you're the gal with the pics!! So here we go again : Until the dawn's early light - another beautiful day has passed & tomorrow will bring more memorable events!!!

glo said...

Yep I sent one with Mom and the 3 little ones I think its awfully cute and would be a great one. I too am hoping to still be up when Sharon sees our visitor in the nest!!!

glo said...

Of course its not really a visitor, and then again its not really home, or well maybe it is at least for the rest of this season.
I added 3 nice pictures to the bottom of the website for today's adventures. I had like 100 to choose from. When its all said and done, I can organize it all nicely, maybe link a page of their own for each eaglet or some such. Just trying to give some idea of some of the highlights of today.

Mema Jo said...

11:34pm Sharon is home.... should be blogging soon...........Needs to catch her breath after seeing the pics we sent her by email.............This is so great!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This is absolutely a wonderful, marvelous, uplifting sight!!!! We at least know one of them made it through their first flight. Oh My God, I am so thrilled. When I first pulled up the picture, I said - no, can't be, so I refreshed it 4 or 5 times before I could believe my eyes. Thanks everybody for keeping the blog updated. I am a happy, happy Eaglet Momster right now. This will make me sleep better tonight!! Good night guys. I will be up to keep watch in the morning!!

glo said...

LOL OK Good Night. We had 2 here for you tonight. 2 or 3 eating breakfast in the morning would be great. OK Good night!!!

Anonymous said...

2:56 AM in Oregon and at least 2 Eaglets in the nest. Nice to see. What a joy these weeks have been. Thank you to everyone at NCTC for all your hard work!

Nancy K. said...

5:45 a.m. (CST) and one eaglet in the nest. He's standing at the launch pad and looking down. I suspect that today will be the day. FWIW, I'm actually OK with that ;-)

Nancy K. said...

Well, he's definitely thinking about it. Lots of wing flapping and assuming the position on the launch pad. I have to get ready for work!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:07 a.m. Okay, I overslept a little bit. I can't tell if our visitor might be at the trunk or not but I will keep a watch. It appears as if anonymous in Oregon saw 2 at 6 a.m. so we will have to wait and see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:14 a.m. Spunky is definitely perched on the launching pad. I think our overnight guest may be gone this morning. More will definitely be revealed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ang, that is so funny. I asked yesterday wonder whose was going to wear out first and then just a minute ago, I was thinking that would have to be mine.

7:29 a.m. He is looking really ready to do this this morning. He is on the launching pad and spreading his wings.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My heart tells me it was Ms. InBetween in the nest last night and how blessed we were to be able to see that she had a successful first flight. This is going to be difficult working today since there is no live feed and I have to keep flipping back and forth to refresh the picture. Oh well, might be another 13 hour work day. We will see. It is worth it though.

Mema Jo said...

7:43am Good Morning all you guys & gals out there in Birdland! What a good night's rest - but jolted out as soon as my eyes opened just to 'see the nest' & read morning comments. I guess we'll go with Spunky on the pad most of the day with very anxious moments. I hope NCTC has a tape of MsInbetween leaving the nest for breakfast. I guess I am up to a day or two more of this!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:54 a.m. Now he is perching with his back to the outside. Don't think he can fledge like that! This is so nerve-wracking.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish he would go flake out in the middle of the nest for an hour or 2 so I could get some work done! LOL.

movin said...

He seems to be practicing take offs and ending up hanging from the take off perch...........????


glo said...

Checking in to say good morning. Of course you know the dogs and I go for coffee in a half an hour, Try not to misplace Spunky while I'm gone. Sharon and xomismel I am glad you both got to actually see probably Ms In Between in the nest last night. It did feel kind of good to have 2 of them there.

movin said...

Now he's facing inboard, hanging his tailfeathers over the abyss, and all we can see is the top of his head.

Could be waiting for the parents to bring chow......


glo said...

I just received a Spunky thought.... He said to tell all of you that..."Man This first flight thing is tougher than my first bite, waiting for everyone to be fat and happy before my first flight, doesn't seem to be how this works"!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:17 a.m. He has turned back around on the launching pad again and is perching.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, thanks so much for relaying that message to us!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:23 a.m. That was a quick 5 second in and out by an adult.

Mema Jo said...

8:23am Parent in & out. I am afraid to take time to blog & miss something on the cam.......

glo said...

yep adult did that a couple of times that we caught yesterday too!

Harbinger said...

Mom is in the nest!

glo said...

Off to coffee Neither my dogs nor my neighbors will speak to me if I don't go LOL

Mema Jo said...

8:27am Almost 9am - flight time. Adult is sure teasing Spunky - I guess telling him/her it's ok to go.....
Beautiful day to fly........

Harbinger said...

And gone, again. Might she be trying to get Spunky to follow her?

Harbinger said...

Who's that?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that an adult or one of the eaglets back?

Mema Jo said...

8:28am Who is that????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is an eaglet back!!

Mema Jo said...

8:31am It's a sibling... Can't ID just yet.

Harbinger said...

I can't see any white. Is this our same visitor from last night?

movin said...

They both appear to be eating, so...

I saw the tail but it was only lighter, not whiter.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Definitely an eaglet. Just saw its head. Yeah!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you know what this means? Now I have to be watching for both to take flight. Never going to get any work done today.

movin said...

It's definitely an eaglet, but which one I can't tell........


Mema Jo said...

8:33am Well, if the 3rd would visit, we would have a better chance of ID'ing. Spunky is by the trunk-right? That could really be BigBoy - looking at the size. MsInbetween looks larger.

Anonymous said...

Steve has started a new page for today.

Mema Jo said...

8:36am 300+ comments

movin said...

Do you think the night visitor never left and was hidden by the trunk?


movin said...

He seems to be practicing take offs and ending up hanging from the take off perch...........????


glo said...

Ok I leave for 1 minute and sibling shows up...What's with that LOL Off to try to load new page. And for what its worth size tells me it is smaller than last night's visitor. I think it really could be big Boy.

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