Friday, June 30, 2006

New Todd Photos

Here's two great shots from Todd Harless, taken this AM. Probably the first shot of one of the young eagles in flight. Yahoo.


Anonymous said...

Hi Eagle Lovers---have been out of town---love reading your comments----leaving again today to go to class reunion----about 4 1/2 hrs.---but I always get a "high"---I tell them---haven't changed, etc.--they repeat same to me--but I looked in this a.m.------BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL pics from Todd---now that was a REAL HIGH-----back Mon.----take care of Spunky---you all are so COOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful Pics, Todd. Just amazing!

2 Eaglets still just relaxing in the nest at 11:25 am

Anonymous said...

Thank you SOOOO much Steven and Todd! The eaglet in flight is nothing short of awesome!!!! He's even learned to tuck his feet up against his body! Does anyone else think it is BigBoy? I can't stop looking at that photo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Steven for posting and to Todd for truly incredible pictures. We know they are awesome birds but these pictures make that really hit home. WHAT A JOY TO SEE AND THANKS A BUNCH TO BOTH FOR SHARING WITH YOUR FANS!


paula eagleholic said...

Only 1 in the nest, didn't see the other take off

paula eagleholic said...

Any info on the live feed? Still not up.

paula eagleholic said...

MT Nest, 12:27 pm

(was empty when I looked!)

Anonymous said...

hi everyone... just checking in before I head up to finish my project... I love the pic of the fledgling in flight! Todd takes excellent photos :-)

Did anyone else notice that there is now a link to the Yahoo Group on the main page? Upper right... when did he put that up there?!? I was too busy watching the cam and reading posts! LOL

suzanne, i'll get back to you soon, thanks for the email...

actually had t-storms on the outer edges of the Valley yesterday, unfortunately lighting started a couple of new fires. I think that's eight now ??

have a good day everyone...

Anonymous said...

BTW... the CT osprey has done a little decorating... more trash in the nest today... the MD osprey cam has gunk on it again, they might send someone to clean it off... Hugo was a little slow to get up this am and he is coughing/sneezing a bit more today but he was stretching his wings and legs and begging for food, so I think he's probably okay; i got almost 10 minutes of Fraps that I'm going to stitch together to make a little movie, I even thought of dialogue!

heading out now... take it easy everyone... and please send positive thoughts to my friend Dave who is in the hospital after a possible heart attack...


Anonymous said...

Bird Girl,

The Yahoo link has been up two to three weeks. I used it to get there 'cause I couldn't find it any other way. Steven is very quick and GOOD!


paula eagleholic said...

1:22 pm MT Nest.

I checked on the CT Osprey today, too. More blue stuff to go w/ Papa Smurf, and it looks like a yellow flower too has been added. Talk about quirky!

Just Vicky said...

What amazing pics! Has Todd been out everyday catching our "kids"? What an album that would make!

Just Vicky said...

And of course Liberty & Belle!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everybody for the kind comments about my photographs! I do love my job!

Sunny asked about the lens. I'm shooting with a Nikkor 600/F4 lens on a Nikon D1x digital camera. Works out to be about a 900mm.

As much as I'd love to, they won't cut me loose to shoot them everyday. Wish for a bright blue sky Monday and I'm spending the day with them.


glo said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures. Proof they are learning to "Soar like an Eagle" This is the hilight of my day for sure!!! Thank you Todd so very much and Steve for getting it on here. Is it oK to use these pictures on a website I hope I hope!!!!

Harbinger said...

What incredible pictures, especially the one in flight. Anyone have any idea which one it is? I still can't tell who's who unless all three are together.
My our babies have come a long way!

floralgirl said...

Thanks to Steve for sharing Todd's pictures with us.The shot of one of the eaglets soaring is beautiful.Thank you Todd, for sharing your wonderful pictures.Todd-did you say you are spending Monday with the eagles?I'm so jealous.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that the soaring eaglet is BigBoy. The longish tail and how dark and trim he is. It looks too slim to be Ms Inbetween and I would be surprised if Spunky has gotten that graceful already. Any other thoughts?

Todd, those photos are just amazing! We'll definitely be looking for more on Monday. You can post as many as you like to the Yahoo group site -- just let me or Paula or Diana know and we'll work with you.

Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

Good Morning to all. Todd, Steve, thank you for these GREAT shots. It's nice to know our eagles are flying HIGH in the sky. THANK YOU
Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...