Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday 12 June Midday


Mema Jo said...

2:54pm Thank you! Pics are great. This has been such an exciting past 4 months - & I'm sure there is more to come.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the new blog. About to crash the other one probably. Thanks Jo for letting us know.

Bird Girl said...

does someone have the Blackwater osprey cam URL?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said... Is this the one you are talking about?

Bird Girl said...

Yes! Thanks Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are welcome.

Who took off a few minutes ago?

Bird Girl said...

I haven't been able to tell them apart, so I couldn't say for sure...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Sharon, I posted it in the other thread....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We needed red, white and blue headbands put on these fellers so we could tell them apart.

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

I give up! Totally! :) at Sharon's headband suggestion....roflmao.....

Anonymous said...

IMHO, it is Ms InBetween snoozing in the middle of the nest and Spunky on and off the launch pad, practicing, and hiding. That means it was BigBoy who went out for the afternoon.

Steve, please send your e-mail address so we can invite you to the Yahoo group! We'll be keeping in touch there until next nesting season and the return of the cam. If anyone else from NCTC wants to join also, of course they are welcome too.

Anonymous said...

What is the URL for the Oprey Cam in Conn. please.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Osprey cam in CT!

Anonymous said...

Someone had mentioned earlier that they would like to see all 5 of them in the nest together... it happened about an hour ago. The adult that joined the rest of them did not stay long but it was very exciting! I thought the blog would be burning up with comments, but when I got a chance to check, no one else had mentioned it yet. Sorry that I didn't get the exact time, but I've been viewing this amazing day at my desk here in California

Anonymous said...

Hey Belle -i noticed all 5 and made a comment!

Mema Jo said...

3:26pm Laughter is the BEST medicine!
Let's put on the 'parking lot' for next year's eaglets that head/neck bands as an excellent idea from Sharon. Red,White & Blue !! Do you realize how short our blogs would be if we didn't have to guess.

I loved the quote about 'us turkeys!'.... Thanks!

BIRD GIRL: search for the site From there you can see any bird anywhere in the world. Jason-Webmaster has an extension inventory of webcams..You'll enjoy the one stop shopping! Back to the monitor!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

I think I see a butt sticking out from the tree trunk

Anonymous said...


glo said...

So did anyone get a picture of all 5 in the tree....we so need that picture. Home from the Dentist...have had quite the day.

paula eagleholic said...

A Butt, A wing, a Stretch, a poop, and back under the trunk!

paula eagleholic said...

I have one glo if you want it

glo said...

Oh Paula YES!!! please send me that picture. I love the latest family portrait stuff Thunks so much.

Mema Jo said...

4:29pm If anyone has the pic of all 5 in nest - I need that one! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

OK, pix of all five in the nest today? Please put it up on the Yahoo site...

paula eagleholic said...

Pic is on the eaglet_momsters site!

Anonymous said...

for the computer illiterate, how do I view pics on the yahoo site? I've already signed up as a member.

paula eagleholic said...

Sunny, just go to the site, click on photos on the left, and view the pictures!

paula eagleholic said...

Is that Spunky on the launch pad?

Mema Jo said...

Sunny - just click to the left on photo albums.......& please check out the NCTC visit ones. Let me know if you have more of that day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Picture is looking yucky again! Lines going through it and such.

glo said...

Today I seem to have a choice of watching live feed, but nOT even trying to blog or read email or it stalls, Or I can close live feed and do whatever with my computer. Anyone else having this problem?

Steve Chase said...

you can get me at

Anonymous said...

Sorry Sunny, your post was on the previous thread and that is why I missed it. I just knew someone else had to see the 5 of them together! Cheers!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I have just been having problems with RealPlayer today. Had to restart the computer 3 times but it has been working fine for a little while now! KNOCK ON WOOD!

Mema Jo said...

Angie - See if you can send me the NCTC pics visit in email - I did lock up the album & will need to place them in with the others. Thanks.

Hi Steve! Wish you could take time to give us your personal opinion of all these events over the past 2 days. Would be great to hear from you on this blog. We know you're right there with us - How is Steve W. doing?

Mema Jo said...

5:20pm Hopefully this evening we will hear from NILLA - Bet she is getting lots & lots of Hershey's Kisses up there in PA........

glo said...

Thanks Sharon Guess I'm not alone then. decided to turn it off, check the bLOG email etc. Then I will turn it back on in a bit. Looks like a pretty interesting day. Not sure if/when spunky will flede...sometimes I think ooohhh there he...then I think Nah not gonna be today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Nilla, we have missed you!! I have no doubt you have had more fun today than me!! LOL.

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

5:44pm I only see BigBoy & MsInbetween in the nest (& some shadows) Have I missed something? or am I ID'ing incorrectly.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would say that BigBoy is actually Spunky but really, who knows. Only God, I would say! LOL. I would really be afraid to guess anymore. Been really confused today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He sure does love that wind blowing. Gives him a chance to feel what it is going to be like when he is soaring!!

paula eagleholic said...

Like either Jo or Glo said, when the nest is completely empty, then we will know for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

That all 3 have fledged!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is exactly right. The 2 in there now look pretty content. I just never thought about them coming back and spending a lot of time there. I am grateful, however. I am really surprised that Spunky is still there. I thought for sure he was goign to be out of there today. (Unless of course he did for a short while).

paula eagleholic said...

3 back in the nest again, party day!

paula eagleholic said...

Is that spunky showing off?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Still a little rough on the landing but did you see the other two looking straight up at the one coming in. That was way to funny. I think that is the first time I have seen one actually fly in. That was way cool.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:16 p.m. Okay, I have to go out until about 9 p.m. Keep good notes for me, pretty please!!

Mema Jo said...

6:15pm OK! Who caught that 'fly in'? Did you see the 2 in the nest - their heads following the incoming eaglet? Did anyone capture on FRAPS? I'm not saying who I think it is.....LOL

Mema Jo said...

6:22pm Is he ever showing off - he is besides him/herself... Little Rascal!! Maybe time for an adult to show..

paula eagleholic said...

I saw the one fly in this morning, it was pretty neat, you could see the other two following him from the right side of the nest, towards the furthest part from us, then coming in and landing on the you could see him on the cam...circling around and coming in...

paula eagleholic said...

Just took off from the furthest part of the nest, behind the little branch

Mema Jo said...

6:58pm Live Feed showed adult in nest with the 2 siblings. I see a fish - but they aren't too interested in it yet.

Mema Jo said...

7:29pm Another adult in nest - with 2 siblings - adult eating & feeding 1 eaglet............ Where is everyone else???? Meaning Eaglet Momsters??

glo said...

Man I sure wish Spunky would show a whole lot more interest in eating!!!!

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Can't stay right at computer tonight, but will check back and forth as often as I can.

Mema Jo said...

7:43pm Thanks, GLO! I thought I was all alone again or else my blog was clogged............. LOL

Mema Jo said...

8:01pm Adult returns & there he goes again.......... Maybe he went to get the 3rd eaglet to come home to nest.

Angie: did you look at album yet in Yahoo? I never saw any of your pics from that day. I wondered who had another camera.

Do you have the live feed up? If you shrink it you can have the blog up & view at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I will miss all you eaglet moms and dads out
there. You all crack me up! All I see is a blur with a few shapes. I knw they are eating something, but what? And is it raining there? Or is the obnoxious spider back again?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jo - I meant to say something the other day. I think Steve C had a camera with him the day we met. Those are probably his own pics that he posted.

Anonymous said...

Oh! How can I look at the other yahoo site? When I googled it, it brought me back here.

Mema Jo said...

Sunny - Angie also had a camera but is just now downloading the 2 good ones she has. Do you have anymore to put in the album on Yahoo. I know I had some of yours saved? Jo

Mema Jo said...

8:29pm 2 in the nest - looks like Spunky & BigBoy. Shadows of dusk are awesome. Can't see much - as bad as when the spider comes. Sometimes it's better to view the Eagle Cam - even though it doesn't refresh soon enough if something is happening. The live feed is getting real jumpy.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I think all my pictures are in the album. You or Sharon must have put them there. I didn't take very many, and didn't get any of the 'posed' ones!

paula eagleholic said...

The yahoo site is a group we stared at yahoo groups. It is not associated with NCTC. If you want an invite, email me at

thanks for the notes all, just checking in real quick, gotta walk my dogs!

be Back soon


Mema Jo said...

8:41pm Looks as though the eaglet (?) is going to rip up the launching pad. Have no clue what he is doing?

Anonymous said...

Jo, Maybe the eaglet(?) is getting it ready for Spunky to take off tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

It looks like MS-Inbetween giving Spunky a pep-talk. Does anyone else have annoying squiggly lines on there live-feed???????????

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

8:56pm Hi MITS: just I have squiggly on the live feed - also a little bit on the Eagle Cam. Looks as though there are 2 in the nest lying down. Live feed is not worth anything right now - & I don't think it will get any better. The darkness is upon us. HaHa not sure about that launch pad rampage.

Mema Jo said...

9:00pm Hey, MITS - don't you just panic when noone else answers you for 5 minutes. Now we know how Spunky felt that first night alone!!!!

Mema Jo said...

9:03pm OK! MITS! now where are you? I am going to close down the live feed for the night - it is too scarey looking.. I imagine I am seeing too many things that are not really there. I'll watch the Eagle Cam for awhile & I'll be checking the blog.

glo said...

Hey I just wanted to let all of you know that Big boy has had almost 1000 hits on his fledging video. Not too bad at all. Ms In Between whose video really is pretty funny but cute on the other hand has only had a little more than 140. Now that BOTH are returning so routinely it might be kind of fun to go back and watch agin Big Boy on that special moment and Ms in Between just hours before as she gets just a little more lift than I think had been planned. Well just an update on daily Motion hits. Both videos link easily off of their pictures on The website. The website is now linked to our Momster it too is easy to get too. "Thanks to our group head ladies" who are going to keep us all up on who we are and what we're dling whether we are watching these three special eagles, or visitng other fun sites about eagles, or other birds animals..I don't know. I bet almost anything will eventually make it to that group one way or the other. "Bonded by feathers" Who'd of thought!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is it my eyes, are there 3 eaglets in the nest???? two laying down and one on the launch pad.

glo said...

Well there is definitely Spunky isn't alone tonight LOL, very possibly I can see what could also be a third one. It is so hard to tell at night.

Anonymous said...

Glo, the live feed looks like my cable t.v. sometimes. they call it cross-modulation, which means your cable is really scewed up. hope for better reception tomorrow.

glo said...

Yes. although it was wonderful to at least have some live feed today. For some reason though anytime I tried to watch live, I coul dnot bLOG or do anything else on the computer or it would freeze up on me. I too had to restart twice and I really wasn't home and on live more than a couple of hours total.!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, just to let you know, I do have the fly in saved on Fraps. I wanted to check it before I said and it saved. It was just too cool.

I have to work for a while longer tonight because I was really sick today with bird flew III.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:52 p.m. Okay, in looking at the stills, my eyes may be deceiving me because I am blinded by all the happenings of the day, it appears to me there are 2 eaglets flaked out in the middle of the nest and 1 at the launching pad. Wouldn't swear to it and may be sadly mistaken, but that is what I see.

Anonymous said...

Glo, I guess any live feed is better than no live-feed....

movin said...

Good evening...
I just opened the eaglecam, and although the image is very "foggy," I believe I see all three eaglets snoozing in the bottom of the nest this evening.

I hope Spunky will be able to overcome the reduction in food and space and take off for his life in the skies over the Potomac anyway....


Mema Jo said...

9:57pm For sure 2 were lying in the nest as the darkness came - Can't confirm the launch pad (eaglet or shadow)....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, it definitely could be just a figment of my imagination or it could be hallucinations from tiredness. :O)

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I said the same thing about 20 mins ago and I think Jim sees the same thing. the live feed is awful tonight and the still cam is not much better.

Mema Jo said...

10:02pm I looked real hard again - looks like 1 lying to the right in the nest & then maybe the other is on the launch pad. Was funny this evening when the launch pad was being attacked by BigBoy, I think. We think he was getting it ready for tomorrow's launch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I am not quite sure what I see. I see one lying in the nest. Other than that, I don't have a clue!!

Anonymous said...

I must be tired, because I can't believe what I am about to say..... can someone please turn off the live-feed....its giving me a headache...but I keep going back to it hoping it will improve. Addiction is a powerful thing.

paula eagleholic said...

All I could see when I got on was one in the nest and one at the launch pad

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits I am with you. Addiction really is a powerful thing. But I have to say this addiction is a lot easier on the body than others can be!! Well, maybe not on the eyes.

I have to start working at 5 a.m. so my "eagle" eyes will be at work early, keeping a watch on our little Spunky. Maybe the live feed will be more tolerable after the sun comes up. Driving me nuts as it is.

movin said...

I can't see anything on the live feed tonight either, but on the still cam, I see a large eaglet in the middle, now facing away from the camera, a smaller one, facing us, lying near the right edge, and a small one, facing us, on the left with his head near the trunk.

I think the thing appearing near the launching area is a ghost image.

Does that look similar to anybody else's view?


glo said...

Well I think I still see 2 there. Gonna call it a night. has beena pretty long day for me, spent half of it at the Dentist. I do nOT like going to see those people at all. it was one of those visits that sneak up on you, and you get forced to go!!! :-( Tomorrow back to work, and all kinds of sympathy "not". Back to work yes the sympathy part....nope!!!

I will not have access to live feed most of day tomorrow. Will peak in before I leave, and over lunch sometime when I run home to let my dogs out and eat a bite. So take good notes and pictures too. Thanks to those of you who shared with me today.

Good night all.

movin said...

Good night, Glo.


Mema Jo said...

10:19pm Just had to make a number 100 comment! Going to close down the cam - try a few quick games of solitaire to calm my nerves.
SO, what do you think tomorrow's dawn's early light will bring us?
I seriously would like to see a completely empty nest & then everyone back in time for dinner......LOL Jo

Anonymous said...

nighty-night everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

I am so addicted to this set of eagles, the cam, the blog, it ain't funny!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite Sunny and Glo

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and gnite Jo!

Anonymous said...

poor Jim, You are out on the left coast, aren't you?? You are ready to go and we are off to dream-land. I think I see one laying down and one on the launch -pad. Am I correct???

Mema Jo said...

Sweet Dreams..

paula eagleholic said...

The one laying down just moved to the left

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Definitely just see one sitting right in the middle of the nest. Okay, Spunky, go back to bed and get some good rest. Tomorrow just may be a big day and we want you to be ready when you do go!!

Goodnight everyone, maybe!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, it looks like the little feller heard me and stretched right back out in the nest. Man, I must be really powerful. LMAO. :)

movin said...

First one up in the a.m. tell us how many actually stayed the night....

Have a good night everyone.


paula eagleholic said...

Night, Jim....Sharon, I guess that would be you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Appears to be me!! It is all good. I will report as soon as I can see what is going on!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

With the picture the way it is, makes you wonder if it is the ghosts of eagles past that are hovering over the nest. Mind going bad. Time for bed!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet eagle dreams everyone..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bakatcha, Mits!! I am outtahere for the night (hopefully).

Anonymous said...

Sharon, you need your rest, you have 1st watch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Mits, I am going right now to get it. Good night!!

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Spunky!

movin said...

I could have sworn there were 2 or 3 eaglets last night when I crashed, but I'm up in the night (about 1:30 here, 4:30 in WV), and it looks like only SPunky--lying down this time, but he's really tossing and turning from one end of the nest to the other.

The light is only a little better, but that's what it looks like...feels like I'd better get some more tossing and turning of my own in though.



movin said...

I could have sworn there were 2 or 3 eaglets last night when I crashed, but I'm up in the night (about 1:30 here, 4:30 in WV), and it looks like only SPunky--lying down this time, but he's really tossing and turning from one end of the nest to the other.

The light is only a little better, but that's what it looks like...feels like I'd better get some more tossing and turning of my own in though.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:30 a.m. Overslept a little bit but it looks like Spunky is there at the launching pad and he has company. All three in the nest so who knows who is at the launching pad. I am on watch though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:36 a.m. Somebody just took off from the launch pad but don't think it was Spunky because it didn't have the nervousness of a first flight. Just kind of took off. There is another one on the launch pad looking a little nervious, leaning over. I am thinking that is Spunky. We will see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:55 a.m. We just had liftoff #2 of the morning with one more in the nest. The first 2 did not appear to me to be first flights and we still have one eaglet in the nest at the base of the tree. More will be revealed. He just moved over a little bit toward the launching pad. Will he follow? We will just have to wait and see!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:05 a.m. I am pretty sure that is Spunky still in the nest. It looks like he may be eating this morning but the picture is horrible and it is hard to tell. Now for sure, if he takes off, we will know that all three have fledged. More will be revealed!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

With the shadow from the sunrise and the lines going across the screen, it is really hard to see anything but I think he is still at the tree trunk.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I agree Suzanne. Got to get it however he can!!

Geula said...

HI! it kinda looked like the nest was empty, but I really can't see that well here...he COULD be next to the trunk, right? Or Spunky fledged? darn shadows and lines.......grrrrrr

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:23 a.m. Little feller looks like he is trying hard to get up the nerve to do it. He is at the launching pad again.

Geula said...

Oh, there he is...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One sibling just returned. Their landing is pretty funny. Not near as graceful as Mom and Dad but it is a process and not an event. :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:38 a.m. Sibling just took off again. I bet they are trying to help Spunky make the big jump!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:42 a.m. Sibling just arrived again. I really think they are doing a little coaching and coaxing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This picture is horrible this morning. Hopefully Steve will be in in a little while and get it reset for us.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:52 a.m. Take off from the other side of the nest. Spunky still at the launching pad.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like Daddy just did a touch and go. May have brought food but can't really tell.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:58 a.m. Sibling just arrived back again. Dad probably did bring food and sibling wants it. Looks like Spunky is busy with something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody else just see what looked like a disappearing eaglet. Someone was at the launching pad, spread his wings a little bit and then just disappeared. It was like the camera skipped or something. Now I can't tell if anybody is at the tree trunk. Oh my God, maybe I really am hallucinating but I backed it up 3 times to make sure what I was seeing.

glo said...

good morning all Did you guys lose Spunky again?

glo said...

Has anyone got any pictures of him this morning?

glo said...

Notice I am in here a little afdter 6 am to see our last ;little Buddy before he leaves LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't know for sure that he is not at the tree trunk. There were 2 there. One went to the trunk and the other just went blip - like you said and gone. I never saw the other take off unless he did from behind the camera.

glo said...

Suzanne Yes please close enough Thank you!!!

Geula said...

well, I was watching and I went to make a cuppa tea and when I got back there was an empty nest! So much for seeing Spunky least I'm consistant-I didn't see the other 2 either! Maybe he's by the tree? MAYBE?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I keep thinking I see movement at the trunk but could be shadows. Going blind already this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, when you get in, could you review your closed circuit thingy and let us know for sure about Spunky's fledge?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But I didn't have my back turned. Looking dead at the real player and POOF - gone.

Geula said...

Oh GREAT! now the live feed is WONDERFUL! no lines no eaglets! BWAAAAAAH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I think I have it saved - the POOF, disappearing act I mean. Will check later on that.

glo said...

Man I so have empty nest!!!! I hope everyone will try to watch off and on the next 3 days or so to see if you can spot him in the nest. Gonna be tough unless at least 2 show up together, to know for sure!!!! sigh

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I just saw feathers peek out from the trunk. He has not gone anywhere.

Geula said...

YES! movement by the trunk! YAY! (maybe we didn't miss his fledge!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal, the only way I can save it is with Fraps. Free downloaded program that saves 30 second clips. That is how I saved BigBoy's flight. Glad to see Spunky didn't pull one over on us.

glo said...

LOL Too funny

glo said...

I thought you guys were watching him LOL No eagle eyes happening out here

glo said...

I just want to say "Come on buy jump I'll catch you! Kinda like you do your kids in a swimming pool. Hmmm Guess thaqt one is a little tougher on the catcher though if your catchin an eagle. WE'll send Steve out to do that. He should be in pretty soon LOL

glo said...

OK well my computer is doing what it did to me Yesterday, at least right now, and I did restart it last night. I am going to try to get RealCam up but probably can't read or post or even read the bLOG or email or it will freeze up. Don't have a lcue why it is doing this :-(

paula eagleholic said...

Man that Spunky is a little rascal isn't he? Hope you can catch the first flight if it happens today...just checking in before hitting the road to work...keep us posted! Maybe today will be the day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really think he is trying to get his nerve up. I know he is doing something to mine this morning!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't know if that branch counts or not Spunky!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is like he is looking up at the camera to make sure we are all watching!!

glo said...

Well managed to watch Real for 6 soon as I hit f9 (sharon gets that) whole thing freezes) I think I need to download real player againa fter work tonight. I think it must be my player . I will watch stills now til I leave for coffee lOL then off to work for me. Back to see if you guys know where Spunky is at lunch LOL

glo said...

Branch counts for branching....Better watch him..he's hiding out at the trunk again I think LOL

Anonymous said...

I have a question. I now have FRAPS loaded and up on the screen with the screenshots open. Now is all I have to do is hit F10 and it will record? I have alot to learn on the computer. Spunky has been giving me heart failure this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anonymous, to film video, you have to click on the fraps screen (otherwise when you hit F9, real player will expand to the whole screen), hit F9 and it will record for 30 seconds. When you check out the file to see if it recorded, it will come up on real player and stop the live feed and you won't be able to rewind the live feed to get it again if it didn't record. I have painfully learned this from experience.

Spunky did have us fooled this morning. He will not launch until he is ready and obviously at this moment, he is not ready.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is at the trunk.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is going to make me so mad if he takes off from there! I do still see his shadow there though, I think.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is still there!! Tree trunk. Oops, he just came out with wings flapping and is back at the launch pad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is he going to do it this time?

Anonymous said...

wow, i finally got on, he has moved under the trunk. i keep seeing shadows of others flying over the nest. wish we had audio, i'm sure there is some communicating going on.

paula eagleholic said...

West Virginina Gal,
Just send me an email to and I will send you an invite to the group!

Anyone else from here that wants to join, just email me.

Mema Jo said...

9:55am All of you early birds are having quite a suspenseful morning! Your comments are great - giving me an up to the minute accounting of the 'where is Spunky now' morning show. I can tell what I'll be doing all day!!!

Anonymous said...

Mom/Dad just flew in which such force, thought they were going to push the Spunk-Man out the other side of the nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the break, Spunky...gotta get some work done!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steven, we sure could use a fresh thread before we crash this one again.

Nap time for the Spunkster. I have seen the shadows above and the fly-bys that have been happening. Doesn't interest him enough yet though. He is going to enjoy some R&R while the nest is empty.

Anonymous said...

I second that one, Paula. Can we have a new thread, Please. This one keeps crashing on me.

paula eagleholic said...

Spunky’s New Tune

Where is Spunky, where is Spunky?
Here I am, Here I am
Hiding behind the trunk of the tree
See if you can find me
Eaglet Moms, Eaglet Moms

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think we need to cut a record with all of us singing that tune!! I bet it would be GOLD!! Paula, that was too good!! LMAO. :)

Anonymous said...

Sharon, doesn't Steve usally go to D.C. on Tuesday?????

Anonymous said...

That little diddy is going to be in my head all day!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I think you probably are right. That's bad, we even know his schedule. Bless his heart. I have a feeling the Spunkster ain't going nowhere today. The other 2 were out by 9. I truly don't want him to go until he is ready. But of course, Mother Nature and God have control of that, right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I am assuming it is to the tune of Frera Jaqua? At least, that is how I am singing it!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I totally agree with you. The will is there,but, not the way yet, at least, I hope he doesn't go before he is ready. What is that saying, God watches over the tiny sparrow???

Anonymous said...

That's the tune I'm singing it to...

Anonymous said...

Do we have a visitor, or is that a shadow I see???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And the majestic eaglets!!

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Shadow I think Mits. I don't know, sometimes I feel like I am hallucination.

Mema Jo said...

GLO - you need to sing him the lullaby that is on your blog.... All Through the Night.........

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...