Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday June 23

I know it's still empty, but I swung by the nest on my way in and one of our young eagle friends was perched on a limb just behind and below the camera.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info,Steven and the new thread, now if you only could do something about the live-feed..........

Anonymous said...

Good morning, fellow eagleholics! Guess where I'm going for a meeting tonight? Yup, NCTC. I'll be watching the skies!

Since our critters aren't on camera very much, I've been spending some time with Hugo the stork. He's a cute little bugger, but not too healthy. I sure hope he makes it! All the eaglets in BC do is sleep!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steve. I sure do wish I could see that. They are just hiding from us, making us wonder.

Maybe if we sing -

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe Mom or Dad needs to swing by and straighten the place up a little bit. Looks kind of like a pig sty this morning. LOL.

Anonymous said...


movin said...

Good morning, everybody.
There's not too much happening in the nest area, it appears, and I am going around in circles myself this morning, so I think I will say "I hope you all have a great weekend" and sign off for now.


Anonymous said...

Sharon compared to the falcons and ospreys, the eagles nest looks like something out of Better Homes and Gardens.

wvgal_dana said...

Nice we got new page "thank you Steve"...great info about our eaglet resting on a limb, just outside of our sight.
Now which eaglet do you think would do such a thing to us...Spunky? Just a cute thought...
Sunny I've been to 2 stork sites which one is Hugo? Why is he sick?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, that makes a wonderful background on my desktop. Thank you very much!

wvgal_dana said...

Sunny what time do you go over to NCTC??


Anonymous said...

Vicky-WVa--I'll be over at NCTC about 7:00.

Hugo is an adopted stork in Germany. Mom laid 4 eggs, only 2 hatched, 2 babies later died. Hugo was placed in the nest, not knowing that the one had died of a fungus, and 2nd one died soon after. Hugo seems to have a lung disease, coughs, sneezes, and hacks. I have to turn my sound down when I'm over there, because it's so sad.

Anonymous said...

Thank You, Geula, that was an awesome picture of an adult eagle!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Jim, Good-Bye , Jim!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent in the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Kids must not be too close now because it looks like she is getting to eat a bite without fighting for it. More will be revealed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:32 a.m. Looking around now. Maybe somebody is on their way!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:32 and gone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't think any food was brought in.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The sun is shining on the nest. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

GEULA----I think I LOVE you----Thanks for the pic----now I know what our Spunky will look like----That's one COOL BIRD---
Do you know where the pic was taken? THANKSSSSSSSSSSS!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Sunny ty for info on poor little Stork. Not know what sounds they make I thought that was their normal sounds...sending up little stork prayers....I have to send some emails around today. I sent that site to different people and they need to know to pray for this little stork.

Thank you Geula I needed something new for my background on my computer.....such a gift that you shared. I feel blessed... thank you.

Maybe the "live feed" will be coming up and we might see a "shadow" of the stinker hidding from us on our site.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, The picture is part of our secret society. Did you not get the memo? LOL. Maybe you aren't in it. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what pic? I have a slideshow on my desktop. Sounds like one I need to add......

Where do we find it?

Anonymous said...

SHARON--Sounds like you all had a great party----I always enjoy being around my kids' friends----Makes one feel young-----REMEMBER TO BE NICE---That HANDSOME SON will select your "nursing home"!!!------JUST KIDDIN'

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, so funny. You are right, he will be choosing my nursing home.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, Hugo the baby stork does need prayers, he has lung problems. The story is on the stork web-site. The one with the sound. The other live-feed stork cam seems to being having problems lately.

Anonymous said...

Is Hugo the littlier stork or the bigger one?

Anonymous said...

Never mind - I'm going nuts. Was on the wrong site....There's only one in the Germany nest...I guess I'm going crazy due to Eagle withdrawals!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Joni, There are 2 German sites. The one site (without Sound ) has 2 chicks and their cam seems to be down alot lately. The other cam (with sound) has one little chick named Hugo. Its very hard listening to him sometimes. Dad was just in the nest with Mom and Hugo and then he took off. Hugo is trying to eat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The pictures are on the yahoo group!!!

Quite spectacular, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just checked the CT osprey-cam and that chick must have taken steroids over night, he/she is laying there with its head resting near the blue teddy-bear and Mom is screaming her head off, must be something close by or Dad is late with breakfast again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandy, we didn't want her to know. It is a secret. LMAO. Just kidding, as I am sure you know, Suzanne!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok here is the scoop...NCTC was ask if they could try to get "live feed" up. John is out till Monday.. Explained about naming Parent. That we are needy for "live feed" lol So Brad and Mike have been informed.
Myself and others have been blessed by Geula sending around the picture of the eagle she has on her desktop. I too now have it as my desktop. I'm sure others did the same thing.....
Thank you so so much Geula for sharing this with us...


Anonymous said...

OK, my still screen is stuck on 10:30a.m. This is either good news, maybe they are trying to adjust the live feed or this is bad news, we are stuck on Friday a.m. til Monday.

Anonymous said...

its working again.....

Anonymous said...

OK, going out for a little while, catch you all later if anyone is around. See Ya!!!

paula eagleholic said...

There is a link on the yahoo site to some really neat eagle pics, it is not the same one that Geula has, but you could probably find it in there too, it's on the same site as the others

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, enuff is enuff. Come out, come out, whereever you are!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:26 a.m. All is painfully quiet in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning to all of you!
Geula - my desktop pic is breathtaking! Thanx!
Sharon - Good ole' Spidey-Great Pics!
Sunny - Hope you see some eaglets up in that sycamore this evening. Take your camera!
On our momsters site, did you all view WVGal-Vicky & ROBAROBS pic albums?Brings back good memories.
Thanx to Steve for the update from this morning. I just knew he would be checking on our teenie-boppers! Steve W. is out of office until July 6th, I think. Then I hope that the work will begin on our Season's Highlight of the Eagles CD.

I am so anxious to see what names we vote for the Parents!!! This is so exciting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Jo!! Great-grandbaby yet?

Anonymous said...

Where is everyone getting their desktop picture from?

Mema Jo said...

Joni - it is over on the Eaglet Momsters site - Geula has a message with a link in it. Did you join the site yet? Give me your email & I will send you the link....

Mema Jo said...

No great-grandbaby yet! Kids are at Dr appointment now - fetal monitor being used just to check out that little one.

Anonymous said...

Live feed is UP!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Sandy!! Thanks to whoever got it up for us!

Mema Jo said...

Thanx Sandy

Mema Jo said...

I think we need to thank our WVGal-Vicky for having that NCTC Eagle Clout - her calls seem to work every time! Thanx, guys, at NCTC!
Now - Where is Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you WVGALVICKY!!

Anonymous said...

Lunch Time!!!

Anonymous said...

Lunch Time!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:32 p.m. Parent in the nest with food. Babies will probably be here soon. Oops, 2 arrived as I was typing it. Mantling!

Anonymous said...

Gotta be Spunky at 12 o'clock in the usual spot....with no food. Poor thing.

the other one? Big Boy perhaps?

Mema Jo said...

Sure looks like our own BigBoy !! We don't see him so often. Is that our little Spunky - waiting on his turn?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to say Spunky and BigBoy! BigBoy needs to share.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I say we are all 3 right on who it is!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Take it Spunky! Get it from him. Don't back off!

Mema Jo said...

Go get some, Spunky! Remember that GLO wants pics.

Anonymous said...

We couldn't possibly all 3 be wrong!

Spunky is inching his way in...looking for scraps perhaps?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Ha! Go Spunk! Did y'all see that. Down right took over! Love it

Mema Jo said...

Sandy - all 3 of us voted & yes it is as you said - BigBoy & SPunky!!!

Anonymous said...

THANKS VICKY-WV--live-feed----You do have the CLOUT----are you employed by NCTC?----next time you all go there----PLEASE let me know----I would love to see it---I understand sometimes they have tours-----

Mema Jo said...

Love IT! That action is the very reason for the name of SPUNKY !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I saved that steal on Fraps. That was beautiful!!

Mema Jo said...

Great, Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so proud of our baby!

Mema Jo said...

Love that take off! So SMoo0th.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud too. Little kid stood up for himself. YEAH!!

Anonymous said...

JO----have you in my thoughts---Waiting is hard-----Didn't it make you SMILE to see SPUNKY----Glad my daughter isn't expecting now---would probably insist on naming the child----SPUNKY!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - With the new one being the third of 3 - that baby better have some Spunk! The 2 little brothers are very anxious to get that new baby & should be helpful to their Mom. In the grocery store the other day, Joseph raised his mother's shirt & announced to the clerk that: My momma has a baby in her belly!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They have to be just hovering around that nest waiting for food to come in!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Waiting to see if it is safe to start eating!

Mema Jo said...

12:53pm Adult in nest & gone again BUT MsInbetween (??maybe) has the food.
What a wing span in the mantling!! It really could be the return of Spunky now that he's settled down... What's your vote out there???

Anonymous said...

I think Inbetween. Spunk looks like a little waif... She's bigger....I think... Hard to say for sure though with nothing to compare to. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was thinking it was Spunky. Didn't go too far when he flew off, just waited and came straight back!

Mema Jo said...

Like you say, Sandy - it's better guessing when you have at least 2 in the nest to compare.... NEXT YEAR - red,white & blue head/neck bands...But then we wouldn't have so much fun guessing.... Whatever it is - must be good & plentiful... You see the feathers get ruffled...?

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I haven't commented recently but I have just been watching all the action in the nest. I feel so complete today. Thank you Thank you NCTC for this beautiful "live feed"...I'm not sure there is a word in "Webster's Dictionary" that could say how I'm feeling watching this "live feed"...
Wooo that was a "hold lot of shaken going on Nilla you but the toon to it. lol


Anonymous said...

JO---Funny---My grandson, Carm was in the video store with me---Clerk was a "large" man----Carm yelled---Granny---Look he's got a baby in his tummy---

Mema Jo said...

I bet you yanked him out of there quick? That is so funny!

Mema Jo said...

You think that it a tough old turtle that is being eaten? Really pulling hard to get a bite? Is that what it looked like yesterday cause I missed those feedings..

wvgal_dana said...

Jo your just hoping it's a turtle so there will be more shells around that tree.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks pretty content now. Must have a full belly! Think I will have a little turtle stew for supper! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What is he doing? Eating bark or sharpening his beak?

Mema Jo said...

You all agree that it is Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Or maybe he was trying to get a little turtle shell out of his teeth! Do eagles have teeth? Probably not! ;)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sure it's the Spunkster!

Anonymous said...

definitely. "sits" like Spunky!

Mema Jo said...

Sandy- did you get the Eagle Pic for your screen saver?
Just in case you didn't go over yet..

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like a "fatter" Spunky to me...
Sharon you got mail


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He don't have to sit there and wonder about what it is like out there anymore, does he?

Mema Jo said...

Oops! Sorry, Sandy..I know you have it--You were telling Suzanne where it was... I got it all wrong..
Spunky is surely content just sitting there... Look at her/his little loveable feet............. Sometimes when she/he used to go flapping around the nest, her/his feet were the only clue as to where he really was. I think Spunky is a female - but I don't want to start any disagreements....

wvgal_dana said...

Jo after a nice meal don't you ever just feel content to sit and relax..maybe even nap alittle. lol
As you see Spunky is till alert though, watching something.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, you ain't ruffling my feathers today with nothing! I have always thought of Spunky as a boy because he is smaller and even though I know he was the last hatchling and the runt of the litter, I have just thought of him as a boy. One thing is for sure, he/she is one of them. LOL!

Anonymous said...

He/ matter to me. Just glad our little Spunky one is hanging out to visit today after a good meal. He's still a runt though......

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you see that thing between the two sticks near the launch pad?
Next time your up the tree get that one for me will you please?
Right between the underside down V of the two sticks....


Anonymous said...

so smoothe and confident in flight now. Wonderful sight.

wvgal_dana said...

Tried to foul us stepped near the big tree limb like I'm going to hide. Then hopped up to launch pad and 2:09 did a "take off"....
Don't know what he was watching but Spunky was watching something out there.

P.S. I gave Spunky an A+ on "take off"

Anonymous said...

Hi all, glad to see the live-feed is up. I'm off to Baltimore to attend the baby-shower for my daughter-in-law tomorrow. I bored you all with the details the other night. This is my "1st" grandchild and I am sooooooooo excited. Baby is due on September 2nd. They are not finding out babys' sex, they want it to be a surprise. So, I will talk to you all tomorrow night. Have a great night, hope the live feed stays up, mine has been a little jumpy just now.

Mema Jo said...

My live feed is gone... BooHoo

Mema Jo said...

Hey There! Stay Alert! Who has live feed --- Not me... Live eagle cam still up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is down!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Steve Chase said...

Working on it. Should be back soon. We are all frustrated by the lock ups. It has something to do with communications between Shepherdstown and Wheeling where the live feed is distributed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

God bless you Steve. You need to connect it through Bluefield and then I could run and fix it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for keeping us updated Steve, we do appreciate it!

Glad to see there were eaglets in the nest today!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the update; Sharon must have put that alarm on your computer lol didn't go off on mine...
Hope Steve remembers to vote Sharon maybe you should send him a reminder email; he is part of the Momsters group but he has been so busy.
Yes it certainly been good seeing action in the nest today; I agree.....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

To Loree, the lurker: You don't have to have much nerve to get on here. As you can tell, we talk about everything and have such a good time doing it! (Some of us - like me- may even blog a little too much). Join in, we love for new people to join us in our journey!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you, Steve.
Janet D. - I bet you really have enjoyed your 11 years in WV - quite a difference then Rockville. Next time we gather at the Sycamore (to get those turtle shells) I hope you can join us.
VickyWVGal: yes, I do see the shell you want. I'll do my best! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Steve, don't forget to vote. Polls close at midnight!

Vicky W - do you think that will work?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Where did you find Loree the Lurker?

Anonymous said...

OK, sooooo I'm off to Baltimore. HellOOOOOOOOOO andbody here. I'm having my 1st GRANDCHILD in September, Want to spread the news, am going to baby shower for daughter-in-law, oh, I'm sorry did I already tell you all this. Loree, come out, we don't bite, although I'm not sure about Jo.....Just kidding....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo -- LMAO. Lurking and reading our stuff!! Naw - Email to the eaglet_momsters group!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Loree Sharon must have xray vision lol....come on in and say a word or two. I say too much most of the time. With typing mistakes also.
We are here to watch Eagles and now even more birds and animals..since we had a "spell of blue screen"...
We even talk about babies in here human ones lol

"Vicky" I type that because there are two Vickys

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - have a safe trip. We will miss you!

Anonymous said...

Seaking of human babies, did I tell you I'm going to be a 1st-time Grandmom:):):):)

Mema Jo said...

MITS: Be on your way! I can't find Loree.... I think it is so great that the kids don't want to know the sex of their child before birth. My Melissa and Michael have done the same thing & I think it is so cool waiting to be told if it is a boy or a girl at birth. Melissa is back from DR - everything is fine - just a waiting game for now - Had some labor last evening - so I bet it starts up again.She really is only 1 day over her due date per the last sonogram taken. I bet you brought lots of presents for this shower....Grandma

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Mits, we didn't know. Congratulations. You should have told us about it before! :)

wvgal_dana said...

My time is frozen on my "still" picture?? Anyones elses?

"Vicky" gal

Anonymous said...

My God, how did you all find out about my being a 1st time Grandmom.:):):) Love ya, Mits

wvgal_dana said...

Mits you told up lol in here earlier your so excited you forgot you told us

Congratulations up-coming-Grandmother


wvgal_dana said...

Mits trying to help you out here...excitement can mixed people up..especially 1st time Grandmother excitement....
(1) You are suppose to be going today or when is it? So we can help you remember you are to Baltimore to a Baby shower.
(2) You don't want to forget your present.
(3) I suggest with all this excitement YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE YOU LOL just kidding


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No she didn't forget! LOL.

2:50:47 STEVEN HELP!!

Anonymous said...

Yep....we are once again frozen in time..... oh boy!

Congrats to our first time grandma...

Loree ..come out and play....

Thanks Steve!!

Guess I'll pop over to Germany and go check on Hugo...poor little thing.

Hummm, probably SHOULD be working. Oh well...

Mema Jo said...

About 31 votes tallied up on our poll. OK! Loree - I found you! Come on in!
SuckerforScotties- Love the pics of the Jenny Wrens.

wvgal_dana said...

Whose all in here (raise your hand) you know I can't see silly eagleacholics

Sharon get this thing fixed!! Put you hand down I know you put it up lol.


Mema Jo said...

I don't like frozen in time.. unless it means I have more time to live !!

wvgal_dana said...

Loree did you remember we are voting on Eagle Parent didn't forget to vote did you???


Mema Jo said...

WVGal Vicky Why didn't you just ask us all to stand up and yell? Anyway, what's with the plain ole' VICK signature you used 2 comments ago.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here but the camera is not! HELP!

Anonymous said...


time flies when you're having fun :)

I'm here, not supposed to be, but I am. See my hand waving madly?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky W - could you call NCTC? The alarm must have quit working on Steve's computer!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandy I see it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, are you lurking?

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Jo I saw you all waving and standing but your pulling my leg now; I did I did go back and look signed them "Vicky"
Wow check them all on this page 17 or 18 I'm mouthy lol all signed
Jo find it for me and we'll meet at the sycamore tree lol ... while you there you can look for turtle shells.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I got ya --

Here you go WV Gal -
West_Va_gal said...
Mits trying to help you out here...excitement can mixed people up..especially 1st time Grandmother excitement....
(1) You are suppose to be going today or when is it? So we can help you remember you are to Baltimore to a Baby shower.
(2) You don't want to forget your present.
(3) I suggest with all this excitement YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE YOU LOL just kidding


Friday, June 23, 2006 12:25:34 PM

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going for Chinese and crab legs leave around 5:30pm all you can eat. Should be eight of us; husband's daughter is taking him out for Fathers Day. She was working and this was the time she good do it.
So later after we get back 7 or so I will be checking to see if you all took good notes for me.
Left message to Brad that the "still pic" is frozen...


Anonymous said...

She was just all excited about the grandbaby stuff too and forgot the "y".....

wvgal_dana said...

I see it but I signed it "Vicky"
Look hard it is there. Ok I will help you out Jo said:
"Anyway, what's with the plain ole' VICK signature you used 2 comments ago?"
Now my 2 comments back I signed:
ok Eagleyes Jo I forgot the y
Boy I had a hard time finding it too past over it several times lol

I'm going to change my nickname to mutts I don't think anyone else will have that one lol lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Mutts, where are you going for dinner?

Anonymous said...

I am giggling uncontrolably over the new nickname...I have no idea why, but that sturck me as quite amusing!

Mema Jo said...

Boy, Sandy - you better be prepared to back me up when I goof! I'll be counting on ya! LOL
Thanks, Sharon for finding that - I really don't think VickyWVGal saw that you did find it ... HaHa!
I have been over watching little Hugo - he isn't very well - he wheezes just like I do sometimes. I hope they can help him. Went to the other storks - They are really healthy and getting large - Mom & Dad were in the nest with 2 of them on Nest #2. But I still want to see my eagles.....
I hope these cams aren't down over the weekend - This is my Life!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, with this being Friday at 3:56 p.m., if they don't do something soon, it will be Monday. I don't know if I can live through another whole weekend with it down!

Mema Jo said...

Yeah, MUTTS How you getting Chinese and Crabs all at the same place? Love that nickname - & I don't think we will let her lose it!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: We can just send emails all weekend long... Then no one can censor what we want to talk about!

Anonymous said...

Poor little Hugo....makes my heart ache to watch the little guy!

I got your back Jo! LOL

I need to look at the healthy storks.....and our eagles!!

Mema Jo said...

I had been watching a deer out in my back yard earlier today-She had an injured left foreleg but seems to be getting better. I was just wishing that she had a baby with her....WELL! I just now saw Momma Deer running up through the yard along the tree line & right behind her was her baby! I loved the sight!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
wvgal_dana said...

ok here it is Brad has gone yuck....John is not there yuck...Mike has gone I spoke to Secretary she is leaving before she does she is sliding me under Steve's C. door hummmm hope I'll fit....leaving message about "live feed" and "still Pic" asking for something before he goes for us for weekend. It was signed "Vicky" NOT MUTTS lol


Anonymous said...

Little Hugo and both of his adoptive parents are in the nest and one appears to be grooming him. No wheezing right now...

Bet our kids are thinking about dinner time about now.....guess we'll have to use our imagination.

Hey Mutts, where do you get Chinese and crab legs at the same time???

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mutts! Hope ya don't get squished sliding under the door LOL

Just Vicky said...

Wow, I was somewhere else obviously posting!! Did you see 2 eaglets eat lunch at 2 different time??

wvgal_dana said...

China City on Foxcroft Ave. near the Martinsburg Mall. Pass Lowes on right, can see over RR tracks McDonald's on left but your turning right before that. Just after you turn Chick-Fileta (spelling) on right then Waffle House, then China City, after that is Texas Steak House and Ryans.
Great different kinds of food; chinese, crab legs, shrimp, sometimes beef or ham, I can't tell you all they have.
I think it is $9.95 then add drink and tax.


wvgal_dana said...

Friday and Sat. after 4pm Buffet Night ---ooops $10.65 plus all you can drink and add tax.


Mema Jo said...

4:35pm LIVE FEED IS UP !! Don't believe it--One in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Steve can go home now! Good job Steve! Guess your note under the door did the trick, VickyWVGal.

Sharon - Are you there
I know that Sandy is & Vicky is!!!!
Not sure who is in the nest but the leaves are it's LIVE !

wvgal_dana said...

I can't believe I fit under the


wvgal_dana said...

4:41pm Yes "live feed" is up and one is in nest hummm who is it??

Any guesses??


Mema Jo said...

4:42pm Resting so quietly - Can't take a pic because Live Cam still frozen. It is either Spunky or MsInbetween. Cast your guess!

I won't refer to WVGalVicky as Mutts anymore - it is too similar to Mitts - I might confuse them with my comments.

Someone better make a comment soon or ELSE.........I don't like being alone!

Anonymous said...

You told Steve he could go home that he had done a good job. Guess what the 30 sec. camera is stuck at 2:50.47. Could be a real long weekend or really ----!

4:45 pm

wvgal_dana said...

maybe I'll change that from Mutts to Slinky lol. I just slinked under that door. Never would pick skinny hee hee.
Oh many many Thank You's his Secretary slipping me under the door lol..Thank YOu

"Vicky" or is it "Slinky" lol

Mema Jo said...

I don't know what he is sitting there thinking about... Now I feel for sure it is Spunky - he is the only one that sits like that. Wish I could take a Pic. He is really tired, I think. Hope he is ok...

Anonymous said...

New thread is up

wvgal_dana said...

Sheri you'll have to take that up with Jo lol I was too busy slipping under a door...note had about both "still" and "live".....can't do no more than that I tried I tried.
Maybe because the still pic comes through somewhere else they couldn't fix it yet.??? Don't know?


Mema Jo said...

Sheri: Maybe we will be fortunate and keep the live feed all weekend - it has happened before - I so wish!

wvgal_dana said...

4:49pm I think it is Spunky too he is really stretching his right wing out there while laying down. He looks "pooped out"...


wvgal_dana said...

Only problem is we can't take pics to keep with "live feed" that is one problem and I feels so sorry for those that don't have DSL or Cable. Dial-ups can't get this "live feed" Jo....
Fingers crossed they are working on the "still pic" as we speak...


Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Live pic is up! Thank you to whomever! Who's visiting at 6 pm location?

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...