Tuesday, March 04, 2025

3/4/25 AM

12:24 PM.Wow, finally.Relief for miss Bella.He comes to the nest Both had conversation before she exit toward the road at 1224 awesome. 

2:14 pm Scout.Arrives to the nest have a little conversation between them before we leave exit to the right?What a beautiful take off.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment any advertisement will be deleted thank you for viewing the blog and thanks Stephen Chase for allowing me to do the blog but in a different manner than he intended it as a conversation place it is now a place for videos and pictures and blogging

3/9/25 AM

 6:43 AM scout🦅 flies into the nest.And lands on the cribraille , bella was all tucked in He slowly walks over to her picking up sticks.As ...