Tuesday, March 04, 2025

3/4/25 AM

608 crop drop 6:09 AM.Here comes Scout to the nest to relieve Bella of her overnight duties Picks up a stick As he walks over to a bella , he's at the cribrail At 6 turns his back to her where his tail is hitting her in the head. He then turns back around standing over her.

 Oh, they go beak to beak for a second.

 He's the one who started it first he snapped at Her beak first and she snapped back., she gets up walks over to 6. He gets on the eggs. 6;10 am She exits the nest from the sixth position toward the left

Egg roll s

7:41 AM. Bella arrives to the nest was something balled in her talons She walks over to him, he squeaks. As he starts to get up, she is at the very end where his tail is. She walks over the eggs as he shouts out something not sure conversation. He exits right from there from the sixth position at 7:42 AM. He is the one very vocal this morning not her.

Egg rolls

9:44 AM scout arrives to the nest and lands on the lop . They both have conversation between each other. Big time now, for sure. What that was about. 9:45 AM he hops down from the lock. Somebody lets a small squeak out as he walks over toward her at the 5 position. She seems to be ignoring him. Not wanting to get up. 9:47 AM they both seem very watchful. He scans the area from left to right from where he stands. And she is setting down doing the same but in the opposite direction.
9:47 AM.He takes 2 steps toward the edge of the nest and office goes into the wild blue yonder.Tired of waiting on his love to get up

Bella's been on it a long time being.She refused to get up on his visit at nine forty four noon still on the triplets Remember St. Paddy's Day?We start watching for pip watch Egg rolls


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/9/25 AM

 6:43 AM scout🦅 flies into the nest.And lands on the cribraille , bella was all tucked in He slowly walks over to her picking up sticks.As ...