Sunday, March 02, 2025

3/2/25 AM

 6:12 AM scout comes to the nest to relieve his lovely Bella of her nightly duties.They exchange conversation as normal. Picks nest sticks in her area where she sets. She finally does get up and stretches her wings. Gotta be rough setting all night on them eggs. 631 am she exits the nest toward the left He does

 not escort her out this morning. I wonder w

7 AM wow.Bella returns with a stick already and release scout of his daddy duties.Wonder if maybe it's getting closer to a hatch day as why will it e never known?Switches made 701 a m

8:33 AM Scout returns to the nest to relieve her of her duties and brings a Load a bedding with him. He starts to the tidy up sticks around her on the railing. Breaking up the ones that are sticking up in the air. He picks up A stick and places it on her back. The stick was.

Stuck under her wing, but she does not budge.He picks up some bedding and also throws it on her back twice. I think he really wants a break on top of the eggs.

 He continues to dig around her. She continues to ignore him.

 She turns around and looks at him and squeaks as he fixes and then nest next to her. She finally does start get up all the stuff that he put on Her is Falling off Her back seems to be a lot of Loose feathers from them. Exiting, also eggs are visible on this exchange. She exists the nest at 8:35 AM. 

10:12 AM she returns to the nest to relieve him of his duties. She had a stick with a little bit of bedding in her talons .

She walks in front of him plays with the sticks right about where his head is. I think that's their tell tell to get the heck up. He gets up right away and exists. The nest toward the corner left at 1012 AM.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/9/25 AM

 6:43 AM scout🦅 flies into the nest.And lands on the cribraille , bella was all tucked in He slowly walks over to her picking up sticks.As ...