Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Rainy thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve for the new, fresh thread on this rainy day!

I've already called the others.

Lori O. said...

Going back to finish the old thread, post nap! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lori for the call over.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

I took a nap but still don't feel real good. Slow process.

wvgal_dana said...

Just seen egg at Lake Jordan is hatching. Got picture will send it around if anyone can put it in Wildlife or Hancock go ahead.

paula eagleholic said...

BWE eagle look
ing very interesting! All puffed up...

Now looking all down into the bowl....don't see anything yet

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in incubating position at BWE....

Lori O. said...

uh, guess it was duck for dinner at Jordan Lake.

paula eagleholic said...

I sent an email to Lisa at BW

paula eagleholic said...

OW wow check out the duck at Jordan Lake!

Great capture of the new eaglet hatching, Dana!!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE just switched peek

paula eagleholic said...

BWE Mom came in and laid that egg pretty quick!

paula eagleholic said...

Jordan chick still in half the shell

Lori O. said...

DanaWV, I'm worried about you that you aren't getting over the bug. How is your stomach? Are you able to eat anything?

Lolly said...

Wow, lots of eagle action, but nothing going on our nest. Dern!

Saw BW mom roll the egg, well I guess that is what she was doing just saw head in the cup, did not see the egg.

Lolly said...

Jordan is now off line.????

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, no peek at BWE egg yet. Lisa is aware of current action!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula how do I put a picture up at the sindow on wildlife?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, you need to have a photobucket account or some other online storage place..then you have to place a link on the forum and it will show the may just want to put on your blog and place a link to that instead.

Lori O. said...

Paula, is there a paiting or poster of your avatar? I love it!!!

Lori O. said...

painting... you know.

wvgal_dana said...

I have the picture in photobucket.

It shows two links one direct and one called HTML

When I went to the forum I hit reply and there was a place when I put my cursor on it called imiage. I click on that and it put up img with arrown before and after an another img with the / and closing arrows so between the two I put the link HTMl one.

I tried useing the HTML but the picture never showed up only what I typed under it.

paula eagleholic said...

You want image code...the one that starts with [img]

paula eagleholic said...

I'll try to find the picture on my computer for you...

wvgal_dana said...

Don't ask me how I did it but I got the picture on Window On Wildlife plus my facebook page. YEAH!!!!

DanaMo said...

I am so worn out. I have to go back to the other thread and read to catch up.

JudyE I am very excited for you that you keep your job and current position.
DanaWV-sorry you are still not 100%. I hope you are feeling up to par soon!

Lori O. said...

YAY, DanaWV!

MARGY has been quiet today - hope you're not too busy over there.
Haven't heard from KAY yet today but hope she checks in soon.

Hope LINDA is having a great day at work, as great at it can be...that SHIRLEY bowled several strikes...that LOLLY's birthday cheesecake lives on with her birthday week...that LYNN had a nice drive and treatment was fast & healing today...

Hope DanaMO comes home and stays out of the candy but has her favorite Amstel! And, that WANDA's knee is feeling okay even in this rain.

SANDI, I hope you had a great day with the class and you got some no-show eagle watching in. THELMA & DanaWV, thinking of you and hope you're both feeling your best again very soon. RED, prayers that you get hip replacements as soon as you & the doc feel you're ready.

Hoping TORI feels the healing, love and prayers that surround her.

Prayers too, for Lynn's granddog, and CAROLAnne's dog with the tummy troubles. JO, special pets for Marvelous Marvin!

Paula, Lynn, DanaMo, Sharon and Andy, extra cookies, please for Nick, Leisl the 3 Flying Labs, Buphols, Buddy and gang, and Emma. Oh, Flash needs a cookie, too, Shirley! :)

DanaMo said...

Hey Lynn-All 3 of the Flying Labs are happily tearing through my house right now. I hope whoever own those labs got them back!

DanaMo said...

ooooh...I must confess, I didn't stay out of the candy Lori. You know me so well.

DanaMo said...

Now I'll leave cause I know I'm about to get chewed out. And Kay I did think about the leg or arm, but I decided I wanted the M&*M's more! I'm bad I know...I try on most days, but today was just so long after the long meeting last night and I just couldn't stop myself.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, YAY! I'm so glad you got good news from your Zone Mgr about your position! Now, maybe you'll be able to eat and sleep again.

paula eagleholic said...

Dad at BWE, hoping for a switch!

hedgie said...

I'm home on this soggy afternoon!
Haven't caught up with you yet. Had to take care of some business via phone calls.

Jordan Lake is back up and looks like a duck in the nest. Papa must have brought in the WHOLE thing----yucko!

Now to read back.

BTW----windows were BACK in th eold house today. Hmmmm....only thing I can figure is that maybe they've decided to gut it and needed to take the casements out to avoid breaking glass while they tore out sheetrock....maybe??!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo there's the egg!

paula eagleholic said...

Sent a picture around of the BW egg!

hedgie said...

Wonderful report from Bobbi, Jo. Thanks!!

I did NOT go to grocery store. Can't deal with a basket of wet groceries, not to mention trying to carry them in.

Dr. says I am doing very well. He is pleased. Only bloodwork abnormality is low sodium....he said to salt my food (I ALWAYS DO!!!) and to eat chips, etc.

Had an hour between rad and seeing him, so I did something I rarely do...I went to a sit-down restaurant alone and ate lunch. Had a great Mexican meal.

DanaMo said...

Oh and I forgot to share that Andreew signed up for full time classes at Hagerstown Community College this semester. Please keep him in your prayers. I'm not sure if he did it because he really wants to, because he thinks I wanted him to, because he wanted to quit work. But he is there and I hope he at least puts the effort into it and gets good grades in all the classes.

Sandi said...

Hi all! So, Blackwater has an egg and Jordan Lake has an eaglet! I just want my WV eagles!! I suspect they'll be no-shows again this evening with the rain. =(

hedgie said...

It started raining here 5 min. before I left....figures, huh?

JudyE, glad things have gotten straightened out at work!

COOL for Jordan Lake and Dana getting the shot! Guess the duck was in celebration!!!!! Sure glad the cam came back up----even tho' I don't think their commenters realize it yet!

Lolly said...

Got my first good peek at the bobble head at Jordan. Awwwwww!

hedgie said...

And more congrats---neat that BWE has an egg!!!! Come on's OUR turn!!

NCSuzan said...

Good Eagle afternnon! There is a bobblehead in NC! She is too cute. Mom and Dad seem to be vying for brooding position today. have been fun to watch.

And an egg at BW? They do not mess around with their HP do they? LOL.

WVDana, glad you are finally feeling better.

Thelma, what an evening you had. Hope you find relief soon.

Lynn, you accomplished a lot under your own steam today. Glad you did not tackle the market. REST!

All others, please take it easy and look out for number one!

It is definitely Eagle season.

hedgie said...

Paula, where is your pic of the egg?

Sandi said...

Lynn, Paula's photo is on Facebook.

hedgie said...

Found it in Momster mail, Paula!! Lovely!!!

hedgie said...

Suzan, is it raining there? Cam looks like it. Hard to focus!!

hedgie said... glad that Andrew has made that decision, and hope that he sticks to it!!!!

hedgie said...

Video of Jordan Lake hatch

Papa really wanted a look!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Mom in at BWE...haven't switched yet.

Sandi said...

DMo, I'm happy for Andrew and especially happy for you that he is back in college. Regardless of his motivation for doing it, if he stays with it, the end result will be the same! Hope he signed up for some classes that he'll really be interested in, not just required intro. courses.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, good news about Andrew!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn thanks for finding that video and posting it here of hatch at Lake Jordan. So HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY that your doctor is happy with things with you. Well guess you'll have to eat more salted things. Pretzels, chips, salt salt salt, and you said you add salt to stuff.

Paula great picture you got of the BW eagles 1st egg. Lisa will be so very happy.

Hoda said...

Such good news that ANDREW signed up for college...Way to go ANDREW...

PRAISES to the LORD, LYNN's report is very good from the doctor's and blood work says more salt...NOT BAD THERE LADY!!! YOU ROCK!!! GOOD ON YOU KEEP IT UP!!!

A day made in heaven very awesome...clear blue skies and crispy cold...the mountains are breath taking and the sand trucks are out to take care of the icy sections on the road...LIFE IS GOOD...Thank You Thank You Thank You...Truly God is Good all the Time...

wvgal_dana said...

Now everyone will have enough eagles to watch now lol

I use to put pictures in the forums and boy did not realize since a year ago what I forgot. lol

Thanks Paula for your help. I had it already in Photobucket just could not get the forum to show the picture. When I used their img thingy.

People there are eagles eagles eagles and more chicks to come.

Hoda said...

Great video LYNN thank you...

PAULA thank you for the picture also.

I was starved this is why I came in. I could have stayed out all day I think it is that BEAUTIFUL here today again. Two days in a row...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Yes, DanaWV, the fun is just beginning ☺ Need the 2nd egg at Jordan to hatch, then OK should be next...

paula eagleholic said...

Getting dark at Jordan, hope to see the chicklet tomorrow ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa had the first egg pic up on the BW site. She is on the ball :)

Lori O. said...

Hoda, thought about you when I stopped for coffee this morning on my way to work...there were these big brownies that looked so good...I thought of you and passed on it!

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda! Glad you are having a wonderful day!

I am heading to the sofa for a little nap. Liesl just finished her dinner....and I don't need any after my special lunch. BBL!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Steve, thanks for the new thread!

Gosh, started catching up here early this morning, then got interrupted, and the trend continued! Finally getting with the program here.

Judie, I'm praying for the grandmother who's raising her two grandkids. God bless her, and them! Hope the granddaughter will improve with time and concentrated efforts from her caregivers.

Lynn, prayers for Harley, and for Shannon & Christie. It's a tough situation! (((HUGS))) for all of you!

Really upset to hear the news from NBG about a dead eagle being found.
It's so sad! Glad, though, that it wasn't the resident female.

Prayers for Thelma--and for Sharon!
Thelma, glad you're home. Hope you improve quickly!

Good to hear from Red! Hope the ortho Dr. will have helpful info about your possible hip surgery!
Glad you have a thunder shirt for Scooter, and glad it works for the little guy! Hope your weather improves.

CarolAnne, hope your pup's digestive problems improve! Prayers!...That's a cute mental picture of your dog waiting for the thunder shirt to be put on him! Awwwww!

JudyE, so habby about your good news from your dept. mgr.! Prayers continue...

Golly, where ARE our two eagles?

DanaMo, adding Andrew to the prayer list. Hoping that he finds a class that he really likes--it will make a huge difference!

Lynn, GREAT Dr. report! You go, girl! If they want you to eat more salt, how about canned soups, or frozen dinners? They're usually high in salt.

Yikes! Adding Diann's son Patrick to the prayer list.

Prayer for Tori continues, of course. Glad she's making progress. Having so many family members there should help her, too.

Well, Kubby will be home soon, so better get going here. Will try to get back here after dinner tonight. Hope I don't fall asleep first! Later, gators. :o]

hedgie said...

Clearnace given for migration!

DanaMo said...

Well I don't know...Andrew is very hard to read. Very moody. He just went to take off for his evening class and came in because his wipers weren't working. I think he was ready to just not go which is not a good sign of things to come. I told him to take one of the other cars and I went out to the jeep. I put the wipers on high and they worked. Not sure what is going on with the jeep, but it's not the first time. I told him to call if it happened out at the school. Who knows. Maybe he pulled down the street and will sit there for an hour and a half! I'm half glad and half distressed because I know that I will be stressed out for the whole semester wondering if he really is into it. He did take a variety of classes to try and find his niche. 1 business class, one education class, web design and English. Oh I don't know. I wish he was back in diapers. I wish they all were. Re-registration is coming home this week for St. Mary's and it will be the first time in 12 years that I don't have one or more students to register.

Hoda said...

WVDANA, Excellent photo of the hatching...Well done you...

Kay said...

Hello Eagle Buds ! Had a great day with the boys and now catching up. No Belle and Shep visits, but wonderful news at Jordan and BWE ! It's going to be hard to get anything done with so many nests to watch. Loved seeing Jordan papa get his first look at the bobble head ! Thanks, LYNN.

LYNN, so happy to hear your doc is happy with your progress. Did you think you'd ever get an order to take in more salt ? Just the opposite of what most of us hear !!!

Won't attempt comment on all the posts, but did enjoy.

Prayers continueing for Tori and family. Also for THELMA, happy you're home and hope those stones don't cause a problem at some inopportune time, like when there is an Open House or wedding to go to. Do consider having the durn gall bladder w/stones removed soon !♥

DANAMO, you're safe since I'm not there to turn you over my lap ! Read all the warnings about what diabetes can do to you and think of them next time tempted by sweets ! Wonderful news about Andrew going to the C.C.. Have to feel it's an answer to prayer and that good things are in store for him. Hallelujah !

LORI, LOL your vicarious attempt at living "retired" for a day. No time for naps. Most of us retired people are so busy we can't imagine how we ever had time to work at the job !☺

Already time for news and usual evening activities, like dinner.

Might BBL, but might not til' tomorrow. Take care all !


wvgal_dana said...

Great Lynn they got the clearance for the 9 whooping cranes and the aircraft to continue on to Florida.

Thanks for putting the link up (:

Hoda said...

Did we hear for sure that the dead eagle in NBG is not the resident female? I missed it but ANDY'S post says that she is glad it is not the resident female...
LYNN and PAULA would you please confirm that it is not the new resident female...I will try to go to their site and see what is up.

JudyEddy said...

HI HONEY I'm home and hows was your day LOL Mine was great now that I can say I have a job that won't kill my neck I just wish I knew what made him change his mind HMMM I will never know All I know is Nancy my Dept Mrg went to my Asst Mgr and said if she loose me she will step down herself I really don't think that had anything to do with it I think he may have just read the report and figured out there is nothing for me to do except what I do I sure hope that is the case unless he is looking further in to it so for now I feel better Ok need to read the blog of today not to many to read only 70 yeah BBL

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

WVAdana the question was for you I mis read how did you get the pic at the Jordan nest????

Hoda said...

DANAMO is ANDREW paying for his own college this semester...I can hardly see him just hanging out in the car for an hour and a half...I suppose you could also check the college attendance records to find out if he is attending or not...will he bring homework home, assignments and research projects?I do hope you do not spend the whole semester worrying though...

JudyEddy said...

NO delete since I addressed it to the wrong person It took me forever to get home there is a bad bad bad accident behind the store on Gandy about two hours ago and the traffic is still a mess had to come the long way home so I went and visited the cell phone tower eagles while I was out I still can hear sirens in the distance the helicopter at least 4 were in the area

DanaMo said...

Yes, Andrew did pay for his classes. Sorry to be such a downer. I'm just so defeated by him. Never expected it in a million years. I know there are worse things in the world for sure, but I'm still having trouble with it. I hope he went to class and will do his work. He is 20 years old, will be 21 in March so I hardly feel like I can make him sit at the table and do his homework!

DanaMo said...

I need a pick me up. Maybe I will go to the nest on Saturday to lift my spirits.

JudyEddy said...

Yes PAULA I love your avatar sooo pretty is it of a particular eagle

LYNN great news from the dr I wonder why your soduim would be low?

Thanks for the link on the hatch of the eaglet Love it that they are both there for it Neat ♥ could do with out the nestovers YUK

JudyEddy said...

Will go over to FB as soon as I finish the blog comments NO VISIT HUH

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Good news DanaMo!

Lynn, what's going on with Christie, Shannon and Harley?

and CarolAnne's dog?

JudyE...great news for you, too!

WOO HOOO an egg at BW! Next week, US???

DanaMo said...

The weather is pretty crappy here JudyE. Been pouring most of the day.

Lynne2 said...

What's wrong with Thelma?

magpie said...

Well here's a few hugs for you, DanaMo

(( Hugs ♥ )) and (( Hugs ♥ ))

We all get those downer periods...
you can always bring it here

Good Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, Eagle Pals
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Carolyn and I were going to drive out together to the house...but we got crazy busy in the last hour, and the weather is lousy...maybe tomorrow

Sounds like a good report, glad you don't have to worry about the sodium content of what you eat !!
Bring on the Potato Chips !

JudyEddy said...

Danamo so happy about Andrew you did a great job raising him

LYNN thanks for posting the migration issue Cool Beans!

magpie said...

Thrilled as can be at BWE having their first egg...checked that site before I started reading and saw the news !
Then read it all on here...
wow, they got that cam going just in the nick of time !!

Lynne2 said...

oh Geez, Sorry DanaMo, just read a bit further. Prayers for Andrew. You KNOW God has a plan for him....but how frustrating....

magpie said...

and YAY for you JudyE... Status Quo...
has a lot of meaning for your situation !
Congrats...and to the Powers That Be !

Lynne2 said...

UGH. I really hate I can't keep up like I used to...

JudyEddy said...

I can hear the rain drops on the cam Danamo maybe that is why our eagles aren't visiting We had a rainy morning but nice now cold or cool front should be through later on the rain was the begining of it

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go turn the news on just realized it was after 6 BBL

magpie said...

It's really really hard watching young ones find their way, wondering just when they will...
and praying for it...

Hi Lynne !

JudyEddy said...

I too have read further in to the blog Danamo soo sorry you are down in the mouth Love to you all BBL

magpie said...

I can't either Lynne...
and it IS hard not to be able to...
just try to be around for [we hope] egg-laying the egg-hatching season at the Sycamore Palace !

Lynne2 said...

Hi Margy!

Lynn, so glad the Dr is pleased with your progress!

Lynne2 said...

I am sure my bosses will not be opposed to my having the nest cam up as the time for egg laying grows closer....however, won't be easy to actually WATCH!

magpie said...

I need to go back to the old thread...

see you after awhile

Best Wishes for a Warm, Comfortable Evening, Everyone, hope there are not too many muddy pawprints to deal with !
Or Muddy People Prints either ☺

paula eagleholic said...


lost my post....

DanaMO, glad it's Andrew's nickel, he can do well or not, but it's his nickel.

Hoda, the NBG pair was seen mating after the unknown female was found there, so they should be OK

Heading homee,....catch ya later

magpie said...

Guess the first Egg Night at Blackwater might be a wet one ??

magpie said...

Safe Travel Wishes, Paula...
see you later xoxo

Hoda said...

LYNNE Thelma and Sharon were at the hospital for tests and ruling things out...They were there in the middle of the night. Gallbladder probles for Thelma and they are home from what I understand.

Hoda said...


Thanks DANAMO and prayers, faith and trust is what I am hoping for with your experiences with ANDREW and College.

Hoda said...

LORI, I am glad you saw brownies and resisted them too... I is half the week gone and I have not w3alked to health food co-op yet... I have the added argument/ hypocracy of convincing myself they are good for me because they come from the health food store!!! LOL!!! I have not thought of them till I read your post LORI...LOL

Lynne2 said...

oh my goodness, poor Thelma! Prayers that it's nothing serious. Hope she checks in!

Sandi said...

DMo, You know I feel your pain with Andrew. Kevin is 28, still living here, and still hasn't figured out "what he wants to be when he grows up." One semester was all he had left when he dropped out - 13 freakin' credits!! Hardest thing I've had to do in my 32 years as a parent is to let him know that I love him though I dislike the choices he has made, and then to keep my mouth shut while he figures it all out!
Lynn, good news about your doctor visit today! How's Harley?
Thelma, what will you do about the gall bladder - act aggressively or wait and see?
P.I.G.S. has a beautiful 4-month old St. Bernard pup that they have just put up for adoption. Melissa took her in when animal control took her from her owner in early December for being neglected. She sure doesn't look neglected anymore! Anyone interested??

magpie said...

My co-worker Supervisor wants a Saint Bernard Sandi !!
I'll let her know...

You're a strong woman....

Costume Lady said...

WHOO HOO...just got a call from my doctor's office...I have been cleared for surgery on the 25th. Heart must be OK!? I've been waiting 2 days for excuse for not calling me before now. I have had palpatations for 48 hours, worrying about this!!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, wouldn't it be wonderful to hook those two up for adoption?!

magpie said...

Read the post about Tori, from Robyn...on the old thread, that Jo posted...Thank You Jo..
very touching...
I guess Roberta is Robyn, though I guess I could be confused....

T-Bird..The flip side, we are on it, maybe we will see you here too...hope you are getting rest and relief tonight
(( Hugs ...Gentle Ones ♥ ))

magpie said...

Bowling score of 113 is pretty snazzy, Shirley...James rolls his bowling balls down very slowly too and got a few strikes that way...but we DID have the gutter guards in place

magpie said...

Good Ol' Red...a man of many talents, glad he is checking in and keeping us company ☺

magpie said...

Oh what a Soup Kitchen Menu!
Sounds dee-licious, Wanda...
Glad it was last night, on a non-rainy night

Hoda said...

It is beautiful what you said SANDI to DANAMO. I am not a mother so did not think I could say anything from experience. You are right, it is hard to keep one's mouth shut and yet you love your children unconditionally and it is tough to see them waste it all away on say in your case 13 credits.
I almost did the same thing to my American parents...I had one semester to go for my Political science and history degree and went home to announce that I was going to drop out...It would have also meant that I would have had to leave the USA because I was on a student visa...they heard me out...I did not know what I wanted to do with my degree and was pretty sure that I would not join the diplomatic services...As we were walking on the beach in Cape Cod I told Dad I did not know waht I wanted to do with my life. He was silent for a long while and then said that in his late fifties he still had times when he did not know what he 2wanted to do with his life either. It rang true to me...I went back and finished the term and got the BA and then decided to apply for immigration to my 60's there are still times when I do not kn ow what I want to do with my life...
PRAYERS FAITH AND TRUST is the best I have to offer to ANDREW and DANAMO and in a sense my own self when I am not sure what I want to do when I grow up!!!

magpie said...


The 25th it is !!
Now, give that heart of yours a REST !!

I'll tell my co-worker about the St. Bernard tomorrow....but she has been maybe, when she returns to work....

magpie said...

Touching, Hoda...
WE all sometimes wonder on here what we are going to do when we grow up
Sissy/ Bev wants to be a Panda !!

magpie said...

Playing a little Mickey Gilley here now ♫ ♪
trying to make a CD for my car mechanic !!

magpie said...

need to run along, little dogies...
got some things to do here

(( Hugs ♥ )) and Prayers as needed....including for Diann and her son Patrick...will be watching for updates

Happy Snowing, CarolAnne !

ttfn xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

PRAISES to the LORD WANDA!!! Prayers for you are on for the 25th from now till we hear that you are out ICU and doing well...
Delicious menu you had for the soup kitchen...wished I had been there I thought when I read it...

magpie said...

PS to Dandy Sandi:

Love your avatar, that was one of my favorites from your Blackwater picture collection !!

Sandi said...

Margy, Here's the link to the St. Bernard pup. I bet she won't be available for too long. Description says she will stay a "petite St. Bernard," I guess b/c she was so malnourished when she was taken from her former owner. Gosh, it would be terrific if your supervisor got little Gabby!
short name for St Bernard puppy for adoption

Sandi said...

Oops, I see that I forgot to cut the words "short name for" when I made the link! Oh well, it still works!
Wanda, so happy to hear that you got good news from your doctor and your new knee is a go!!

DanaMo said...

Good to hear Wanda. I put it in my calendar so I would remember! Will be praying that all goes well and you are moving better soon after!

Thanks Sandi. I know you have expressed your frustrations with your own son. It's just so freaking hard. Intellectually I know that everything everyone says is true, I went back for my masters at 40! I had my undergrad degree in social work and only worked for 2 years before marrying and having Andrew. Who am I to talk. Of course I just want him to be better, be happier. I was happy because at that point I became a mother and was lucky enough that I didn't have to work. I just wish I could help him figure it out!

A Saint Bernard pup sounds adorable but probably slobbers ALOT!

all three labs were in their favorite place just now. covering me! When there is no space left on the couch Java just climbs right up and lays on my chest!

I don't plan to be up much longer. I'm waiting for Andrew to get home to be sure he doesn't have any car issue that I need to drive out and help him with, then I'm having my Amstel and going to bed.

DanaMo said...

OMG!!!! I should not have clicked on that link. What an adorable puppy!!!!

DanaMo said...

Annemarie has many reasons why that puppy should come to our house. I reminded her of the size, sloppy mouth etc...and she asked "your point is?" Then decided her best friend who doesn't have a dog needs her.

Hoda said...

Annemarie is like her mother me thinks!!!LOL

hedgie said...

MARGY, Roberta is Bobbi, Robyn's Mom.
WANDA---wonderful news! Just as I suspected---no problem!!
HODA----Wanda won't be in ICU!

Haven't heard about Harley yet today. Christie didn't get off work til late....we'll talk after she's had a chance to eat.

LYNNE---email coming.

Hoda said...

Thanks for WaNDA prayers go till I hear from her that she is mobile and all is come no ICU after surgery?Even with my gallbladder suregery when I was discharged the same day I went to ICU!!!She is not having full anesthetic, that must be it...

Mema Jo said...

Margie - Roberta aka Bobbi and her hubby Ted are Robyn's parents who live
in FL. Robyn was a Momster first and
then we got her mom to be a momster.

Lynn - very good report from Dr.
Somebody take that woman the chips!

Had company for dinner - "Meatball"
I asked her if she were still a vegetarian and with her fingers she measured 'this much' Her fingers were barely separated. Said she did eat some lettuce in school.

Going to watch FlashPoint that we taped last night and then see what else is on.

We have rain here. But it isn't really cold.

wvgal_dana said...

@Hoda Thelma has not had Gallbladder surgery yet. They seen stones and sent her home.

Wanda so HAPPY that your "NEW KNEE" is scheduled and going ahead.

JudyE I have been watching Lake Jordan like crazy. When the eagle moved. I have that "snipping tool" that is what I use on most pictures.

@Margy is the co-worker isn't seriouly ill. I would call her and let her know. That PUP is NOT NOT going to stay there long.

DanaMo said...

yes she is Hoda. I should live on a farm filled with dogs!

Andrew made it home. I'm going to get off here. He seems grouchy but he always seems grouchy to me. I worry too much.

See everyone in the morning. I'll check back to see about Harley. ♥

magpie said...

Gabby is a precious Pup, indeed...will tell my co-worker and show her the site....but I know it's going to be a contest to see who gets h er first

Thanks Jo and Lynn, explaining Roberta Bobbi and Robyn...

magpie said...

Thanks for the link, Sandi

CarolAnne said...

Checking in & praising the various good newes (lol - even a word?).

Snow to start during the night -
wish I had taken a picture today when I was out washing windows (in January!!) to compare with after the snow.

Doggy holding his own today. I think the problem is maybe he likes Sandi's recipe so much that it gets wolfed down without any chewing and then just can't digest.
Have put an old, short glass in middle of dish to slow down the eating process. Will see if that works.

Take care all, back to weather watching. State is giddy like little kids at Christmas.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA great news with you upcoming surgery and what a PIA that they didn't call you HOW RUDE of them

Is soooo cute I bet she get snatched up quick so sweet looking her paws a huge

Have you seen the Google logo so cute

magpie said...

Okay Prayer Warriors...
need to ask for some....
I got a phone call a short time ago...

my brother Fred, who just was released Monday afternoon, after knee replacement surgery...
developed serious sepsis, went back to hospital,
considerable amount of his colon has been removed,
he's in ICU now I think...
not sure what happens next...
but can you share some prayers for healing through this latest crisis...

As the Bluefield gals know and Sharon says...Life can Turn on a Dime....

Fred is 72, was very scared about surgery in the first place....and now...this...
Please, and Thank You....
I have some phone calls to make...

xoxo ♥

CarolAnne said...

You heard her LORD, Momster prayers are coming your way big time for Fred.

JudyEddy said...

Been on the phone with Angie Jordyn has a appt at 345 with the EENT she has been putting her hands over her ears lately complaining of too loud so Angie is getting it checked out so I have to have her at hers work at 3:15
Got the nicest email from my former boss that went to the new store in St Pete about 7 miles from here the one that wanted me to come there

stronghunter said...

Margy, prayers for your whole family. God bless every one of you, and especially Fred.

JudyEddy said...

Well I am goning to see what is on the Boob tube will return

wvgal_dana said...

(((((((((HUGS Margy))))))))) Fred and family and you are on prayer list and already said prayer!!!! ^j^

Hoda said...

WVDANA at 6:34 PM EST this is what I wrote about Thelma:

LYNNE Thelma and Sharon were at the hospital for tests and ruling things out...They were there in the middle of the night. Gallbladder probles for Thelma and they are home from what I understand.

I did not say she had gallbladder I am confused by your post...

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Margy, prayers for Fred. Lifting him up as well as the family.

I have been sleepy all day. I was last night too. Do not know what is up. I did get my walking in today. I think I need more activity. LOL

Think I am going to get out a puzzle to work in front of the fire. We do not even have sports on Tv tonight. Wahoooo!

hedgie said...

Okay, here's the latest on Harley. On the way to the vet, he fell and hurt his leg. Vet says it is possibly a side-effect of the medicine he takes for his demodectic mange outbreaks.....or it could be a type of seizure. Med stopped---which the course was about finished anyway---and he put him on pred. He thinks he just pulled a muscle in the leg. So now he's really balking at the stairs. The kids will confine him to the upstairs and take him out through the kitchen so there's only 3 steps to deal with as opposed to his normal routine of the basement steps, out the doggie door, and then up 5 to the yard.
Keep praying if you will, please.

Lynne2 said...

oh my...Margy, prayers for Fred of course.

And for Jordyn and her ears.

And for Harely.

CarolAnne, what's up with your dog?

And Sandi, how is Bella?

paula eagleholic said...

Will do, Lynn and Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, didn't know they were finally able to check out your EKG, glad you are all set for surgery!

Lynne2 said...

YAY Wanda! Glad it's a go for your surgery!

magpie said...

Do you think God ever gets any sleep ??

Ring Ring Ring, here's a request, God, and oh, Ring Ring Ring, here's another one....
and you know this happens 24/7 -

Thanks, dear Friends, and I will continue to pray for all other needs too....
including Harley, Jordyn...and
the list of names that God knows so much about...

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 RE: Dog
I had switched both dogs to SANDI's homemade dog food. Was bragging how they had taken to it immediately with no problems & had been on it a week. Then one started having problems keep it down several hours after eating it.
Its all nutritious food so couldn't understand the problem. They both really like it and whine for it when its about feeding time. Realized he finishes his serving in literally seconds. So to slow down the eating I put a squat glass in the middle of the dish w/food around it. Slowed him down & no problems so far today. Fingers crossed!

Lynne2 said...

oh good CarolAnne, I'll keep my fingers crossed too!

Lynne2 said...

I have added 2 new posts on my blog from Christmas. Geesh, it gets harder and harder to post pictures in a timely, easy fashion. UGH!

CarolAnne said...

MAGPIE - Never fear - God does not sleep, he only rests.

God never sleeps. The last reference on this topic of whether or not God sleeps can be found in the book of Genisis - "On the seventh day He rested."

hedgie said...

Hoda, ICU is not used here for routine post-op care. It is only for critical patients.

That puppy is SO adorable!!! She'll get adopted quickly.

Have had my time for two shows.

Lynne2 said...

OK folks, glad I was able to catch up a little this evening! But now it's time to wrap up everything and get to bed. Hope you have a good night and prayers for you all!

magpie said...

Thanks CarolAnne...

Eagle at Blackwater is doing some tenting.....

hedgie said...

C/A---I was going to suggest putting something in the dish to slow him down!

Margy, definitely sending up more prayers for Fred. What a rotten turn of events. So sorry......sure pray that it all turns out okay.

CarolAnne said...

Hedgie - I saw an advertisement once for a dish that had a cone in the center for the specific purpose of slowing down quick eaters. So I improvised.

Back to looking out the window for snow!

Rest well Hedgie.

hedgie said...

I did, too, when I had Mai last year. She was wolfing it down way too fast, too, and then losing it a couple of hours later. I used a custard dish!

Sandi said...

New prayers for Margy's brother and Judy's granddaughter and continued prayers for Lynn's granddog and Tori and Thelma.
Lynne2, Bella is just fine, though her days of jumping onto or off the furniture are over (we pick her up and put her down now) and I'm working with her on slowing down as she goes up and down the stairs.
Goodnight all, heavy rain here for another couple of hours. Hoping to see some WV eagles in the AM!

hedgie said...

Lynne---check email if you peek in again!

THink I need to get a little something to eat so I can take my evening dose of chemo. Toast with PB&J appeals.

CarolAnne said...

SANDI - have you seen those little stair steps for pets to get up on things without jumping on and off?

Might be in Bella's future.

hedgie said...

Lynne's pics are great, but I can't get the comment window to open. Her whole blog just freezes up. :(

Sandi said...

Actually CarolAnne, Bella has had a set of those steps for years. However, I suspect they were the cause of her back injury - she would occasionally go down them too fast and slip and fall. So we have put the steps away forever. OK, now I really am going to bed - g'night all!

hedgie said...

I received another wonderful gift from another special momster today. She knows who she is!!!! TY, TY, TY!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Margy sending healing thoughts and prayer fro Fred

Lynne I also tired to comment I think it may have took it show one comment on there but I can't view it Right after I commented it froze up on me also and and the Icon wasn't the blogger icon ODD I had to x out of the IE to unfreeze it let me know if you can see the comment or not odd I kept trying a couple of times

I am really sleepy tonight so I a retiring early see you in the am.

See ya in the am ☼
at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

hedgie said...

Wow---Scott sure got some marvelous pics today, didn't he???!!!!

Robyn posted a lovely prayer to the Virgin Mary on FB....asking Her to help Tori.....I surely pray that she has not taken a turn for the worse.

Mema Jo said...

Not a good evening of TV for me - all reruns.

Margy - prayers for Fred and all your

Lynn - prayers for Harley

Mema Jo said...

I just had toast with PB & Honey.

Hit the spot.......

NCSuzan said...

I am behind on the evening blog but wanted to make a couple of comments before it became terribly late.

Yes, Lynn. It has rained all day here. A yucky, stay in bed with a book day!

Margy, thinking only good thoughts for your brother, and prayers also for you too.
I think Belle and Shep have gone on a mini vacation to try and work out there issues!

Wanda, you are goodf to go for surgery. Yay!

Stay dry and warm friends.

NCSuzan said...

their issues. Sorry, teachers!

magpie said...

Wet and cold rather yucky here too Suzan, but at least not icy or anything like that

increases that faraway feeling of not being near my siblings...

you might have a good point about the Eagles having a little nest-break from each other

Have you checked out Blackwater nest tonight? In case you don't have the link here it is:
Blackwater Eagle Cam, Cambridge, Md

Parent is tenting right now, rainy there too

magpie said...

Going to take me, myself, and I to bed....have a mound of prayers to offer up

Thanks again, Precious Pals, for your prayers and words of comfort, this is a tough time right now for my family, and Good Night, hope Sleep is Sweet, especially for Tori, and my brother Fred

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

The Blackwater nest goes to sleep from 11 pm to 5 least, it has been traditionally

Glad you had some Alexis time tonight, Jo...always fun to hear of that

(( Hugs ♥ ))

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, not icy at all here, just foggy. I know you must feel helpless being far away. My brother is in Mexico and my sister in Maine, so I can identify with those feelings. Hang in there.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the Blackwater link, Margy. I had not been there for a long time. Eagle is tenting there now.

stronghunter said...


I hope things work out for Andrew. Maybe he will find what he really likes this time around.

Being the mother of 4, I know that I do not have all the answers when it comes to such issues. It can be very hard when you just have to sit back and let them find their own way.

And sometimes it is very surprising when you realize that they have listened to you.

stronghunter said...

I have to stop and head upstairs. My eyes are too tired to read anymore.

Sleep well.

See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Time to close down for the day -
Prayers for so very many
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Good Night Friends ♥

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, BW does not run overnight. They can't get DSL service out there, so rely on satellite, which limits the amount of broadband width they can use.

My shows were great tonight! But it is raining so hard that I had to keep backing up to listen to stuff again. The noise on the sunroom roof is awful. But temp has risen to 40!

Calling it a report calls for in the 50's tomorrow before the deep freeze returns for the weekend.

Many prayers to say tonight....
rest well, dear friends, if you can. If troubled, please give it over to God.

paula eagleholic said...

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Hoda said...

I too will sign off...Good night God Bless and sleep well.

The porch Light is set and so are the security systems in case JUDIE and ANDY don't check in. If they do I am sure they will set them.


Lolly said...

Have just been enjoying our fire this evening. We did end up watching an interesting documentary on TV.

The wind is something fierce this evening. The front came in and we are a wind chimes are singing.

Going to head to the shower and then to bed. First though, prayers. Margy, thinking of your brother!!! (((Hugs))) for you!

Peaceful rest!

Costume Lady said...

Now that I got the news that my EKG is not an issue anymore, I will sleep so very well, tonight!
I am hoping that all of you will, too:)

Prayers for Margy's awful to go through surgery, then have something else go wrong. I am assuming that the sepsis had nothing to do with his knee surgery. With all that's going on with him now, I'm wondering how he will be able to do his exercises?
I guess they will find a way.

I hope that sweet little JORDYN does not have a problem with her hearing and that it is just an anxiety thingy.

Harley and his family have my prayers. He must be an important member of Christie and Shannon's family

Look out bed, here I come!
Good night to you all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Managed to get here before falling asleep in front of the TV!

Have some heavy-duty prayers going up for Margy's brother Fred, and for Harley.

Prayers for Tori, too, and Lynn.

Have seen some good news reports here tonight. Grateful prayers for those!

Eyes don't want to focus, so calling it a day. Will be back in the morning, God willing.

The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled (Thank you, Hoda!). Turning on the night light, too. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. Sleep tight! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

All caught up on posts, but no time too comment. Too much rain overnight and need to leave extra time to get to work. :(

Lori O. said...


Today: A chance of showers before 8am. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a high near 57.

Tonight: Rain and snow showers likely - low around 30. New snow -less than a half inch possible.



Lori O. said...

Yes, that forecast says SNOW SHOWERS!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Just pulling myself out of bed...yawn. Man I'm tired.

Lori O. said...

You're not alone, DanaMo! Yawnnnn.

Happy that Andrew is taking classes as long as it doesn't make you a nervous wreck! :) ♥

Sandi said...

Checkin' in - morning Lori & DMo!

Lori O. said...

Hi Sandi! Love how you love your son. Enjoyed your posts yesterday.

Sandi said...

OK, up to date on Facebook and the blog. Gotta get ready for the day. Is it OK to pray that I will see our 2 WV eagles today?? Will check in from school - HAGD all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Dark as dark can be at the nest

SPLIT coming up in ten posts or less....


Just want to wish everyone a Good Day today....hope there are more plusses than minusus...
and that Wellness, Swells...

time for me to get ready for the workday....ttfn

God Bless Us, Every One....

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, DanaMo
Where did you go?
Are you back in bed
With a Lab on your head
Or, are you just moving slow?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Margy! Thanks for the SPLIT SOON ALERT.

Janet said...

a quick good morning.....sleepy quick good is about to change, old man winter is returning....48 right now, rain coming with a front, dropping to 20 by tonight...wooooo hoooo.......

quiet nite last night: when i got home, helped my neighbor set up the voice mail on her new cell phone that we got monday night.....we chatted over a cup of tea and had her practice using her phone til she was comfortable. :)

quiet night as i said. watched tangled with olivia as a family. she and i had watched most of it, and so all 3 of us watched it.

another work day ahead (yawn), hopefully will be busy. day goes by so much faster! but, if the weather turns sour, clients may cancel......????? we shall see. i don't blame them. wouldn't want anyoen to have a wreck due to snow, ice, etc...

so we shall see.

i watched the jordan eagle vid yesterday, very cool. loved watching the egg hatch!!!! i showed tom, will have to remember to show livvy today.

well ya'll have a great day. i'm outta her for now, will try to check in later.... *smiles* to all! :D

magpie said...

You're welcome Lori...

Hope your workday is a good one...I always listen to your station on the way to work...

DanaMo said...

Moving very slow...I really wish I could go back to bed!!

Lori O. said...

Special poem for you DMo! LOL

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Janet! Our weather is turning colder too... 50's today and into the 30's for a high tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼d M☼rning Eagle Buds

magpie said...

'Morning Janet...
very dear that you are helping your neighbor lady out with the telephone

Hope you can bundle up and stay warm...

DanaMo I wish you could stay home also

Getting Much closer to the SPLIT !!

JudyEddy said...

Well do you think they will show up today???

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 396   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...