I am back...STEVE asks this is January? It most CERTAINLY is here...winter wonder land out there, snow has been coming down since I woke up this morning.It is shut in, I can not see any of the mountains around us. Visibility for driving is two car lengths ahead that is all!!! People are uptight and beeping their horns at pedestrians and it feels tense...I think everyone should stop for a trip to the candy store or some dessert!!! LOL...any way, I have not read back yet...I got my iron suppliment and it is all organic food base gurantees to not be hard on my stomach or cause nausea or constipation...I learnt a lot, there is a lot out there in terms of iron supplimnets...I will see if this works...I already took a tablet...spinch, beets, broccoli and ornanges.How can I go wrong? it won't hurt me if it does not do any good!!! I will go make a cup of tea and read back...THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD.
They have turned the OK cam. One parent was on egg and 2 chicks. While other parent is eating in nest. The parent that was on the chicks and egg just flew out. Neat I love it when they turn the cam so you can see what is going on. Stopped eating and wiggle down on 2chicks and one egg. That egg still has time to hatch although it will be a young chick with two older ones. January 27th was 35 days but I have known them to hatch at 37 days.
won't get too much Moonshine on the nest tonight... BUT the beautiful Moon is positioned between Venus "to its right" and Jupiter "to its left" and it's nice on a clear winter sky !
Lolly Jack is always making things. Have him make a tall night infrared light for the nest. You two sneak over and put it in the ground so it can light the nest at night. Sounds like a plan to me. I won't even ask how many people would vote for that lol
The thing I do not understand is we know the light is coming on but it is during the day. So why can't they somehow below the nest fix it so it comes on at night. Like setting a timer or something like that.??????
Thanks for the reporting on the eagles and the nest activity today. You all had me going there for a while hoping that she does lay an egg. LYNNE2 is right about signs missing that egg laying would be tonight though...
Thanks for that link, Lynne to BWE going to sit down here for a bit in a bit and read it through, and check its other links... Lisa does such a fantastic job with that website
@Hoda I really felt safe in mentioning to you the other day. When people were telling you what to take. To guide you towards your Health Food Store over there that you like so much. Happy you have gotten you supply. (: ♥
WVDANA the changes to the camera are due to the sun rising and setting. There is no actual light that comes on! They have said several times that we need natural light for the visiblity to happen. At night we need the moon and so it is only in full moon phase and clear skies that we will see the nest at night time. Same like last year...
Hi all! Back from our road trip - pretty uneventful! It was a nice day to be outside but we saw no eagles! =( 6 turkey vultures all sitting in the same tree, a couple of black vultures, a HUGE flock of snow geese but too far away for Denny's cam to get a good photo, a few ducks, a bunch of red winged blackbirds and tufted titmice (or is it titmouses!!) The highlight of the day was stopping at Bob Evans on the way home for breakfast-for-dinner - I had biscuits with sausage gravy, and they were every bit as good as LYNN and RED said they would be!!
So now I'm seeing an MT nest on the still cam but have read that Belle spent a lot of time in the nest today. Lynne2, pray-tell, what is a juvie inturder? Would that be a turd for short?? =) Hope she waits til we get the live cam back, but eggs will come when the time is right!
Happy to hear that WANDA is home from the hospital!
I went direcly to GG's after getting realeased from the hospital. Last time I saw her was at the hospital and she shed a few tears...so I thought I'd pay her a visit today and let her see that I am good to go! I can walk pretty far...from the kitchen to the bathroom (with my walker) It is very clumsy, but it is helping me to get around and get stronger.
I have missed my dear friends, on here, soo much Thank you for your cards and letters
I am jealous that most of you can get Prairie. Home Companion. Cant get the stations here. Too hilly for reception. Guess I could fond it on the computer
LOLLY I am examining my wording in regards the change I observe with the sun setting at the nest and the camera changing to black and white...I was saying night light is on, in reality it is simply the decrease in the light energy and I do not think a light comes on...when the moon is full we see the night seen at the nest, when day light happens the camera gets colour because more natural light is stronger...The Whiterock cam actually gets a light come on and there is a big difference between the experience of light on there and what happens in out nest...we lose light as opposed to it turning on at night time...
YEAY WANDA!!! Great to see you here and I am so glad you are out of the hospital and your picture last night on FB looked terrific...Don't over do it but I am very happy you went to see GG at her home...Are you actually doing steps? Too soon it seems like to me, but I do not know for sure...
Caro just left....she had dinner with me. I fixed shrimp scampi on angel hair pasta. Very good!! Hit the spot! She also brought me some apple fritters. Her taxes are done!!!! Still need to do some stewing over mine......can't find PayPal entries for payments to two of them because they don't account back further than 3 months. :( Will try to set up online access to my bank account......I haven't kept statements once they reconcile! I have carbons of checks.....
Hope Sweet Pea Karla and Carolyn Jewels can meet someday... they have a lot in common: 1) They love their Mommas 2) The are beautiful 3) They write informative posts to us Momsters and Dadsters and...so on like that
I second that MARGY...the MOMSTERS, LYNN'S and WANDA'S, DAUGHTERS ROCK...I am so grateful to both of them for keeping us posted...Job well done...THANK YOU BOTH.
WANDA - Welcome Home!! I hope you're NOT in any pain. So happy to hear you had a reassuring visit with GG. You're doing so amazing. Remember to NOT overdo it!!
LYNN - Answered your question, if it isn't too late. You have mail!
Margy - You are right on the girls meeting. They do have a lot in common. Great Moms, too, could be added to that list!!
Came home this afternoon and hit the couch with this lurking headache and I went OUT LIKE A LIGHT!! The house was cold, so I went downstairs by the wood stove. When I woke up, I could hardly move I was so warm and toasty!!
Hey Lynn - Saw your comment about your sister's BFF who nitpicked about everything in a restaurant....
Hope you didn't think that was what I was describing :( Probably not. It was funny, because I didn't even have to say anything the second time the waitress brought my steak. I cut it and her eyes about popped out of her head and she took my plate and headed straight for the kitchen!!
LORI - Sure hope your scratches and punctures are going to be okay. {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}} You do so much for those kitties. I hate to see you hurt like that.
LYNN - Another thing on the addresses for charities. They want them if you are filling out the Form 8283 for non-cash contributions over $500 in a year, but other than that, you don't need to enter addresses and ID numbers.
Sometimes the programs ask for more than is actually necessary. Don't know if this applied or not, but thought I'd pass that along. I know you are done with Carolyn's now. Such a Good Mom!!
Okay.........now back to figuring out what to do for dinner.......
It was so good to have a visit from Margy and Carolyn...I have never meet Carolyn, but it was a pleasure...she is a pretty, sweet person. You did a good job in raising your two girls, Lynn!
Thanks, Linda. Got your email in my SPAM file again!!!!! I have told it and told it it is not SPAM!!! It just won't listen to me!!!
WhooHoo, Wanda's home!!! And blogging!!!! Such wonderful news. We are so very proud of you. Now for a moment of truth: is the surgical pain BETTER than the pain you dealt with daily for so long????? If so, you are in like Flynn!!!!!!! Hope you sleep like a log tonight! Do you have a bell to ring to wake Gene if you need to get up??
Hi Wanda....great to see you on here. So happy that you are doing so well. Now continue to be patient with the therapy...it will take a while but then you will be good as new!! (((Hugs)))
I haven't read back on the old thread, going to do that soon, sure I missed some important things....have been wondering about the Polar Bear Plunge....and just thinking that all should be cozy and warm now...
Sounds like a good report, Sandi... oh, red-winged blackbirds.... and your dinner at Bob Evans !
Prairie Home Companion was great, can't wait to compare some notes with Kay about it ☺
Oh, no, Linda.....I was just showing how obnoxious people can be. You were very tame and exceedingly cordial!!!!
The charitables were on mine, which I was working on before she got here. Nothing big like $500! My large one was the $350 contribution to the rescue group that I received Liesl from. All the places are 301c3's....so I guess TT just overplays it!! I'm sure you know that it is deductible.....but our groups just learned it recently!
HODA that bear thing on yahoo email is just awesome so sad I clicked on all the cameras and just heartbreaking but its the truth we have driven out all the animals for ourselves I loved it
Hello Wanda! Your surgery was quite a success and your attitude is the greatest! Your New Knee will have you getting around town so smoothly! Love you and I have missed you and your face plants on here. Good to have you back!
Thanks JUDYE. It came to me from a Conservation Officer in Jasper National Park. They are trying really hard to not become another BANFF...Bannf has quadroupled in size since the eighties and it is a real problem now...the trains killing bears in particular is a problem...Thank you for watching it and knowing it was an interactive program...
Wow, A late Thread and it's Before 200!!!!Yippee! Checking in before the sandman finds me in the loungechair!
Busy at Park today~~~new hikers on a nice day. Think many had seen the Wash. Post article before Xmas. One jogger guy came early looking for a 10K Race being held by another group. Nothing at all on our schedule. He said he paid his $6!! (But not to Park.)He left quickly to go to the race area before I could check schedule book for upcoming events. There it was~~~Feb. 25! We think he might not read very well as he parked in Staff lot that holds 3 cars & has SIGNS!!! In AM, Doris and I saw an eagle flying downriver. When I left, could not see anyone in nest (could be hiding in there!?)Watched for awhile and large dark wings sailed over the treetops to right and way back from nest, Could have been a vulture, but landed in tree. Got my spyglass & it WAS an eagle! That's a spot they've gone to before to scope the area.Maybe guard duty! Time will tell. Ice skating is on TV~~~one of my favorites! If I konk in the chair, Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for Wanda, Lynn, Tori, Nila and any in need ;>)
Bill can't find just the motor. So now I need to look at the company's online site and see if they have it available there. But going to sofa first---for the first time today!---to spend some time with Liesl before she hits the hay. BBL.
Sorry Bill could not find just the motor LYNN. Good luck on your online search and the taxes to boot.WOW first time on the couch today...you are certainly over the bug that hit you.YEAY.WOOF WOOF LIESL.
LINDA it is so good to read your entries on the blog today. I am sorry the Birthday meal did not work out and I also think you showed a lot of class the way you handled it... Do you have a lot of snow there? Is your headache still with you or have you shaken it? I made an appointment with my dentist again for Tuesday because I am not pleased with the way my crown is sitting. I tried it for almost a month and I am not pleased with it. I hope she can fix it...it is sensitive to cold and hot and sweets and my bite is off!!! So I remind myslef that she has givenme other crowns that have worked ever so very well and hope this is fixable.
JUDYE where is "Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some sort of battle"?It was so helpful today when people were being contrary as they were driving and slipping and sliding...I let the cars pass at the pedestrian crossongs so they would not have to apply the breaks...they smiled at me and waved and I thought of your saying.Thank You.
Hi Hoda! Thanks!! We'll have another night out and I am sure it will be better!!
The headache is better again tonight, so praying that it stays away. Thank you for asking. It has been a bad week of headaches for me.
So sorry to hear about the problems with your crown. Do you remember when I suffered with that TMJ for months?? I am sure it was because I did not take care of things when they started hurting.
Did you just have a crown or have you had a root canal? I ended up having to get a root canal because I had all those problems with my crown and finally once they permanently set the crown, things are better. It was a LONG road, though!
They can even do a root canal right through a crown if necessary in some teeth, so you don't have to get another crown. That is surely good news, since they are so expensive.
I just have the crown LINDA. OH yes I do remember how awful it was for you with TMJ and this is one of the reasons I phoned stating the problem, they usually have a twom months wait, but she put me n next Tuesday, because I was clear about the difficulty...an early morning appointment, but I do not mind really. Glad your headache is better.
LINDA for a thousand dollars a crown I would rather think that I will not pay anything this time...their resposibility to see that it works well...at least this is my thinking!!!LOL
Jo, as best as I can tell, the headaches come from stress (no brainer there) and my neck and shoulder. When I do a lot of data entry, My shoulder and neck just ache like crazy.
Sometimes I have a moist heating pad I put over my shoulder which helps.
I don't think I want to revisit the neck issue just yet. Surgeons just want to do surgery. I am not so sure I want surgery for disk degeneration in my neck. Sounds too risky to me!
I do get my eyes checked regularly, too and have a nice 24" monitor, too.
all this wind, and a medevac landed at our local hospital a few minutes ago...that's skill and bravery, prayers for those folks, and their patient, whatever it is for.
Linda with my neck arthritis in a good many disc, I find that sleeping with the small neck pillow which keeps my neck still and is supportive. I remain sleeping on my back because of my COPD - so the neck pillow is great for me.
Mention of snowy owl earlier on the thread, that Megan saw....
year ago, in the early 50's, when my family lived at the VA Center, (until 1967) then known as Newton D Baker Hospital, my older brother Fred, remembers that Snowy Owls used to roost on the few two-story buildings that we had out there. Sure wish I had seen them !
Linda ESP - getting ready to post that: My brother Fred finally made the move to the ReHab center today ! It's part of the hospital network, he will probably need to be there at least a week, though he dearly wants to go HOME. But his "two favorite" doctors gave him a pep talk, had to remind him of how sick he has been, and he needs to eat better and more, gain strength, do the Rehab things, and then dream of going home soon as possible. Thank you ALL every day, for your prayers for my brother, who is also...my godfather ♥ My sister Mary is still there, doing excellent ministry and fellowship for him and his wife
I posted the following on the Hancock forum NCTC blog section.I felt it needed to be asked and I thought I would ask it.
"Thank you for the very accurate and objective reporting on what is happening in the Shepherdstown nest.It was very useful to see the pictures and the video of this year's intruder. The group in Shepherdstown has named the male eagle SHEP after the location Shepherdstown. I read you all call him Smitty. It reminds me of the fast food restaurant in Alberta!!! Are there Smitty restaurants in BC? I live in Nelson and I am not sure really!!JUDYB said you named him Smitty because he was smitten by Belle.Cute...Is there a chance that I could open the discussion here to have you call him SHEP instead of SMITTY? No offence or disrespect is intended by my post, and I hope none is taken.Thanks"
That was nicely said, HODA. It would be nice to see Shep called by one name instead of three different ones.
Maybe if NCTC backs us, things will change.
I don't know the true sequence of events, but I do remember 7 people voting on their name on the OC Forum, yet they make it sound like they were all in agreement and it was their right to do so, as they felt it was their nest!
I did not know as someone said that they asked to vote in our voting. I am sure if any of them wanted to join the Momsters and wanted to vote, they surely could have.
If nothing changes at either place, then so be it. We are different groups, and don't consult one another on such things.
As long as there are not any nasty and hard feelings between the groups.....that is the most important thing.
It would be nice if those on the OC Forum would respect the wisdom and knowledge of those here who have watched this nest for so many years.
I, for one, was thankful for Paula, Robyn, Shirley, Lynn, Sharon and a others that posted over there on occasion to clarify things and invite me to this wonderful place.
In asking there is the possibility of yes and also of no...I am open to both and will see what happens...PEACE amongst all who watch this nest is a very good ideal to work towards. I too continue to feel very fortunate for th eexpertise of the Momsters you mentioned and their posts were also very helpful to me on OC.
Well, dear friends, it is time for us to watch the weather and head upstairs for the night.
Have to get up early for church tomorrow!! Have lots of prayer requests and praise to give Him!!
Keeping Tori in prayer always and hoping we will get news very soon of a transplant for her. Praying for strength, patience and peace for Robyn as well.
Prayers continue for FRED's healing, for DANAMO's ringing in the ears and hopefully no more headaches, for LYNN to stay strong, healthy and free from nausea in the final days of her treatments, for CAROLANNE to kick her but, for our Stellar patient, WANDA to have a good first night at home and to keep the pain level down as she begins to heal and walk, for JIM to continue in his recovery, for LORI's scratches and punctures from Andy the kitty, for KAY as she continues in her PT to be without pain and problems, for HODA's tooth pain to subside and not be something else to have to deal with, and for any other ailments I have not mentioned!!
You all are loved and are in my prayers. Thank you for accepting me in this wonderful group of friends.....even though I don't get to join in as much as I'd like to.....
May God Bless Each and Every One in this roost and beyond.......
LOL Love your typo, Linda. Sometimes typos can be so funny!
Getting on to say good night. I scanned a tray of slides and was looking at a slide show when my computer battery died!!! Yes, I am without my laptop until we get a new battery. So sad ....all my favorites are on there.
I need a link to our candles, please.
So, night all! Sweet dreams!
Oh, Lynn.....find that puzzle. I was on my way over to work it with you. Shucks!
Sorry----fell asleep on the sofa!! And woke up with heartburn!
WANDA---Gene IS your Adonis!!!-please be careful and don't take unnecessary chances! A friend of Carolyn and Charlie's had back surgery on Tues. He came home Th.....fell out of bed that night! Luckily NO INJURY! Wonder if his pain meds played into that? I just hope it was a LOW bed! SO very glad you are settled in. Rest well!!!!
I am beat....would love to stay and chat, but taking my TUMS and heading for the pillows.
Getting pretty late here, and the sandperson has arrived.
Margy, so glad to learn that Fred is doing much better. I hope he takes very good care of himself and follows doctors' orders carefully.
Also delighted to learn that our Wanda is safely home and posting again. Good on her!
Enjoyed reading your thoughts on eagle names and various other things, Hoda. Your wise words are always so well-said. It will be interesting to see what the response might be.
And now I must take myself upstairs to my bed. I do not have any dog-bone shaped pillows, but Susan gave me two very soft comfy ones for Christmas, and I am enjoying them greatly.
By the way, Kathryn purchased a new fireplace screen today. Now we just need to assemble the thing. The reason the other one was not always used is probably because it is one of those curtain-type things that is hard to move and gets your fingers all black and sooty. I have been struggling with it.
Hi, Everyone, Getting here kind of late. Haven't been able to catch up on everything here, but see that Wanda is home again! Wonderful news! Prayers for healing continue.
Shirley, good to see you! Glad you have a new fireplace screen now. Hope it assembles easily for you. Should be nice to not have sooty fingers!
Going to try to get some sleep now. Really tired today! Think it's from the winds we had today. Something to do with negative ions in the air. Have said prayers for everyone, and for all creatures. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Hoping that everyone sleeps well. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Lori I am worried about the kitten scratches. Lynn that works for Dr. Baker. Back awhile said that Dr. Baker got the disease from the kitten scrathing her. She was really sick. How do you know you will be ok? Sorry but I am worried???
Margy is was so special to read that Fred has such good caring doctors. Glad he has made the next step. Moving into the hospital's Rehab Center. His next step will be going home. (:
Linda right no neck surgery. Find a good pain doctor. Not one that hands out narcotics. One that will do MRI and possibly can give you a shot that will help the nerves and the disc in neck. I know with doing taxes it makes the neck worse. The looking up and down at the tax form even twisting a little to see the form or put them all together. Makes the neck pain worse.
Linda could you send me a picture of that specific contour pillow you are using?
Hoda I know you was very respectful over on the Hancock forum. About talking with them about them calling our male eagle by the name "Smitty". If they change it to "Shep" good. Nice to give it a try. If they don't they are very good people over there. They are not like the OC forum. So for myself I at the Hancock forum it they don't it will not cause a problem with me and them when I am in there.
I hope DanaMo finds out why she has this ringing in her ears. I am worried about her.
I am so HAPPY Wanda is HOME and she has a "new knee". (:
Jim has better eye sight with the 2nd eye surgery done. Yea!!!
Lynn sorry you woke from falling asleep on the sofa with heartburn. Hope you will be feeling better today.
Shirley I am so very happy that you all have a new and different fireplace screen. I feel so much better for all of your safety now.
Hoda since the put the crown in and you have been having trouble. Glad you called the dentist and got a soon appointment. Could be a nerve or that they just don't have the crown fitted just right. Hoping they get it fixed where you are comfortable with it.
DANAWV, thanks for your concern, but I think I will be okay. I'm on top of it and the first sign of swelling in the lymph nodes I will be at the doctor's office. In fact, they don't even hurt today after all the cleaning I did on them yesterday and the Neosporin and BandAids! :)
Good morning! The still cam doesn't look very clear at this hour. Hopefully light will help.
DanaWV-at this point it does not appear that the ringing is a big issue. They said I had fluid in my ears. My left ear is fine now, and my right one only has a slight humming. Thank you so much for your concern. Hopefully it will not return.
Morning LORI, DANAMO, and DANAWV! DMO, is the pancake breakfast this morning or was it yesterday? Seeing lots of static on still cam - haven't even tried live cam but can't imagine it's working.
I am also so grateful for the long time momsters and dadsters who know so much about our nest and the history that goes with it. I think that is the advantage we have over the OC.
Looking on the bright side, there could be an MT nest that we can't even see (I have to think of something positive about having to watch the still cam all day)! MARGY, so happy to hear that Fred has been moved to rehab! Forward progress!! =)
LORI, I thought Belle and Shep looked so pretty in contrast to the white of the snow, so I took a pic and saved it. Just decided that I wanted my avatar to be focused on Shepherdstown right now in hopes of seeing an egg soon!
These birds COULD have picked up and chosen a new nest this year and we would not have seen them at all, or at least not THIS pair.... some day that could happen... hope not in MY lifetime ☺
MARGY, haven't talked with Marie about her plunge yesterday. She has a group of Special Olympics athletes that she works with all year as well - they bowl in the winter and play tennis at the club that I belong to in the summer, and then Marie and another gal I play tennis with take the team to the Special Olympics in Wilmington in June.
I remember that, when my mom had her aneurysm surgery, she said she didn't want to go to rehab, just wanted to go home. My sister agreed to take her to her house for a week and line up PT to come to the house. It wasn't the same level of rehab that Mom would have gotten at a rehab facility. Glad Fred agreed to go.
Oh, there's an eagle in our nest - Belle?? (I have to look at the keys when I type so didn't notice).
LORI, I've been doing a lot of reading about what I'm seeing with Bandit and I think he may be getting dementia. His whole personality has changed in the past few months. He sometimes has this "deer in the headlights" look about him like he's not sure where he is or who we are. He has become VERY irritable - has growled and snarled and tried to bite Denny and me when we try to get him up in the AM to go out. He has attacked Bella several times - hasn't bitten her but really goes after her. It is very upsetting.
1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»Feels more like March, with the Winds, Steve.....
Thanks for the New Thread, we are always ready...
I'll tell the others...
Hi Margy! Thanks for the call over.
Thanks Steve for the new thread! Maybe you were watching the eagles, too,
I have my Oatmeal Creme Pies...
I want my live feed....
Hi Lori ☺
Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Thanks Margy for the call over.
We made it, Lori!
Loved your email, Margy! Too funny!
I'm glad we have SOMETHING....AT LEAST...
Glad you two are here...my dinner is getting soggy - taco salad!
Belle still standing in the middle of the nest, but not in the egg cup.
Hi Deee Hooooooo! been watching the birds. DANG DANG DANG that live cam!
Thanks Lolly... ☺
Wow, the winds have picked up big time hereabouts
Did you go fishing today, Lynne?
I'll be wearing out the Refresh button every 10 seconds or so...
Don't think we'll see an egg tonight. Belle usually spends a few nights in the nest, then there is the bringing of the food by Shep.
Good Point, Lynne,
Belle sure was enjoying some sunny nest time today
beefing up on Vitamin D and K!
Wouln't know it by the stoooopid still cam! No sound, either! Dern Dern Dern!
No Steve is going tomorrow. I won't be going. I have a cough. UGH. We were outside today making some repairs to the dog fence, enjoying the weather!
Bet Shep is on those upper branches pulling Sentry Duty
Maybe Belle is fixin' to spend the night tonight!!
would be great, Lynne....hope these daggone winds diminish pronto !
Is Belle getting ready to settle down in the cup?
Yep, she is sitting in the cup again.
looks like it Lolly !!!
She does not always "pick" the best egg-laying weather...when it's time it's time, regardless I guess
sure looks like she's settling in for the night! Let's pray that live cam gets fixed SOOOOOON!
New Thread thanks for the call over and Steve thanks for the thread.
ah, dang, she's up again....
Back to standing up.
Belle poofed!
POOF. darn....
LOL You can never second guess the eagles.
daggone it, was 'fraid that was about to happen..still some "daylight" for watching
how did she know we were about to lose color!
I am hoping Belle waits till we get the "live feed back up and running".
Well I'm going to perch for Prairie Home Companion soon...
knowing that Kay and Sethand Malcolm will be "fireside with the radio" also
Margy what email are you sending around that is "so funny"?
I am back...STEVE asks this is January? It most CERTAINLY is here...winter wonder land out there, snow has been coming down since I woke up this morning.It is shut in, I can not see any of the mountains around us. Visibility for driving is two car lengths ahead that is all!!! People are uptight and beeping their horns at pedestrians and it feels tense...I think everyone should stop for a trip to the candy store or some dessert!!! LOL...any way, I have not read back yet...I got my iron suppliment and it is all organic food base gurantees to not be hard on my stomach or cause nausea or constipation...I learnt a lot, there is a lot out there in terms of iron supplimnets...I will see if this works...I already took a tablet...spinch, beets, broccoli and ornanges.How can I go wrong? it won't hurt me if it does not do any good!!!
I will go make a cup of tea and read back...THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD.
I didn't send it all around, Dana...
was just an "L" thing that I sent to Lori and Lolly...
They have turned the OK cam. One parent was on egg and 2 chicks. While other parent is eating in nest. The parent that was on the chicks and egg just flew out. Neat
I love it when they turn the cam so you can see what is going on.
Stopped eating and wiggle down on 2chicks and one egg. That egg still has time to hatch although it will be a young chick with two older ones. January 27th was 35 days but I have known them to hatch at 37 days.
The cam is getting dark and no eagles. However, we should keep an eye. Belle has been known to come down to the nest in the dark.
won't get too much Moonshine on the nest tonight...
the beautiful Moon is positioned between Venus "to its right" and Jupiter "to its left"
and it's nice on a clear winter sky !
glad you're back in and cozy-warm Hoda....
and that you have your Army of Supplements in stock
Interesting BWE info
Lolly Jack is always making things. Have him make a tall night infrared light for the nest. You two sneak over and put it in the ground so it can light the nest at night. Sounds like a plan to me. I won't even ask how many people would vote for that lol
appreicate ALL the nests around the country news, Dana...
I pretty much only have time for watching the Sycamore Palace these days...and Blackwater...
The thing I do not understand is we know the light is coming on but it is during the day. So why can't they somehow below the nest fix it so it comes on at night. Like setting a timer or something like that.??????
Thanks for the reporting on the eagles and the nest activity today. You all had me going there for a while hoping that she does lay an egg. LYNNE2 is right about signs missing that egg laying would be tonight though...
Thanks for that link, Lynne to BWE
going to sit down here for a bit in a bit and read it through, and check its other links...
Lisa does such a fantastic job with that website
listening to PH Companion now
ttfn ☺ xo
OMG Megan saw a Snowy Owl today....AND got a picture! It's on FB!
@Hoda I really felt safe in mentioning to you the other day. When people were telling you what to take. To guide you towards your Health Food Store over there that you like so much. Happy you have gotten you supply. (: ♥
WVDANA the changes to the camera are due to the sun rising and setting. There is no actual light that comes on! They have said several times that we need natural light for the visiblity to happen. At night we need the moon and so it is only in full moon phase and clear skies that we will see the nest at night time. Same like last year...
Didn't any of you watching the nest this last visit get any pictures to put in the album?
Dana, the light comes on in the evening the same as last year. It just is not a strong light. That is why the moon light helps.
She mentioned (Lisa at BWE) the juvie inturder at NBG, and ours from last season. Maybe she'd like to hear about and see OUR juvie inturder!
Thanks WV DANA.
LOL Hoda! We both answered Dana. Hmmmmm? Does any light come on? I think it does, that is why we suddenly loose the natural color. Hmmmm???? ☺
I had an inkling Megan was headed to see that Snowy Owl...so glad she was able to go and SEE IT !
Margy, where is that owl?
I can not believe she saw a snowy owl! I saw her pic. That is just awesome!!!
She said PA.
I have been staring at this bright screen way too long. Going to take a break. Talk with you all later!
Where did Margy get to see a Snowy Owl?
Not Margy, it was Megan...check her FB Dana!
Hi all! Back from our road trip - pretty uneventful! It was a nice day to be outside but we saw no eagles! =( 6 turkey vultures all sitting in the same tree, a couple of black vultures, a HUGE flock of snow geese but too far away for Denny's cam to get a good photo, a few ducks, a bunch of red winged blackbirds and tufted titmice (or is it titmouses!!) The highlight of the day was stopping at Bob Evans on the way home for breakfast-for-dinner - I had biscuits with sausage gravy, and they were every bit as good as LYNN and RED said they would be!!
So now I'm seeing an MT nest on the still cam but have read that Belle spent a lot of time in the nest today. Lynne2, pray-tell, what is a juvie inturder? Would that be a turd for short?? =) Hope she waits til we get the live cam back, but eggs will come when the time is right!
Happy to hear that WANDA is home from the hospital!
I went direcly to GG's after getting realeased from the hospital. Last time I saw her was at the hospital and she shed a few tears...so I thought I'd pay her a visit today and let her see that I am good to go! I can walk pretty far...from the kitchen to the bathroom (with my walker) It is very clumsy, but it is helping me to get around and get stronger.
I have missed my dear friends, on here, soo much
Thank you for your cards and letters
I am jealous that most of you can get Prairie. Home Companion. Cant get the stations here. Too hilly for reception. Guess I could fond it on the computer
YAY! Wanda! So good to "see" you! Glad you are feeling good and getting around! Just what the doctor wants I'm sure!
LOLLY I am examining my wording in regards the change I observe with the sun setting at the nest and the camera changing to black and white...I was saying night light is on, in reality it is simply the decrease in the light energy and I do not think a light comes on...when the moon is full we see the night seen at the nest, when day light happens the camera gets colour because more natural light is stronger...The Whiterock cam actually gets a light come on and there is a big difference between the experience of light on there and what happens in out nest...we lose light as opposed to it turning on at night time...
Hi There, Beautiful...
Bravo, Clap Clap Clap, and
Welcome Home, Wanda.....
Hello to the Captain also...
YEAY WANDA!!! Great to see you here and I am so glad you are out of the hospital and your picture last night on FB looked terrific...Don't over do it but I am very happy you went to see GG at her home...Are you actually doing steps? Too soon it seems like to me, but I do not know for sure...
Caro just left....she had dinner with me. I fixed shrimp scampi on angel hair pasta. Very good!! Hit the spot! She also brought me some apple fritters. Her taxes are done!!!! Still need to do some stewing over mine......can't find PayPal entries for payments to two of them because they don't account back further than 3 months. :( Will try to set up online access to my bank account......I haven't kept statements once they reconcile! I have carbons of checks.....
scene not seen!!! MY mistake sorry.
Hope Sweet Pea Karla and Carolyn Jewels can meet someday...
they have a lot in common:
1) They love their Mommas
2) The are beautiful
3) They write informative posts to us Momsters and Dadsters
and...so on like that
wish you could also, Lynne1.
hope you can find it on the computer
I'd love to be in the audience and see it "live" sometime
got to prop feet up
I second that MARGY...the MOMSTERS, LYNN'S and WANDA'S, DAUGHTERS ROCK...I am so grateful to both of them for keeping us posted...Job well done...THANK YOU BOTH.
Good Evening Dear Friends!!
WANDA - Welcome Home!! I hope you're NOT in any pain. So happy to hear you had a reassuring visit with GG. You're doing so amazing. Remember to NOT overdo it!!
LYNN - Answered your question, if it isn't too late. You have mail!
Margy - You are right on the girls meeting. They do have a lot in common. Great Moms, too, could be added to that list!!
Came home this afternoon and hit the couch with this lurking headache and I went OUT LIKE A LIGHT!! The house was cold, so I went downstairs by the wood stove. When I woke up, I could hardly move I was so warm and toasty!!
Must go tend to dinner now.......
This wind is absolutely ferocious. Liesl could hardly stand up, poor baby.
Hey Lynn - Saw your comment about your sister's BFF who nitpicked about everything in a restaurant....
Hope you didn't think that was what I was describing :( Probably not. It was funny, because I didn't even have to say anything the second time the waitress brought my steak. I cut it and her eyes about popped out of her head and she took my plate and headed straight for the kitchen!!
LORI - Sure hope your scratches and punctures are going to be okay. {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}} You do so much for those kitties. I hate to see you hurt like that.
LYNN - Another thing on the addresses for charities. They want them if you are filling out the Form 8283 for non-cash contributions over $500 in a year, but other than that, you don't need to enter addresses and ID numbers.
Sometimes the programs ask for more than is actually necessary. Don't know if this applied or not, but thought I'd pass that along. I know you are done with Carolyn's now. Such a Good Mom!!
Okay.........now back to figuring out what to do for dinner.......
Home from work now to go read
Thanks for the new Thread STEVE
It was so good to have a visit from Margy and Carolyn...I have never meet Carolyn, but it was a pleasure...she is a pretty, sweet person. You did a good job in raising your two girls, Lynn!
HI WANDA good to have you back where you belong
Thanks, Linda. Got your email in my SPAM file again!!!!! I have told it and told it it is not SPAM!!! It just won't listen to me!!!
WhooHoo, Wanda's home!!! And blogging!!!! Such wonderful news. We are so very proud of you. Now for a moment of truth: is the surgical pain BETTER than the pain you dealt with daily for so long????? If so, you are in like Flynn!!!!!!! Hope you sleep like a log tonight! Do you have a bell to ring to wake Gene if you need to get up??
Hi Wanda....great to see you on here. So happy that you are doing so well. Now continue to be patient with the therapy...it will take a while but then you will be good as new!! (((Hugs)))
Sandi, SO glad you loved your dinner.....I knew you would!
I am going now to work on a tray of slides. Will check out what is on TV. Hope there is something decent.
I haven't read back on the old thread, going to do that soon, sure I missed some important things....have been wondering about the Polar Bear Plunge....and just thinking that all should be cozy and warm now...
Sounds like a good report, Sandi...
oh, red-winged blackbirds....
and your dinner at Bob Evans !
Prairie Home Companion was great, can't wait to compare some notes with Kay about it ☺
ttfn xo ♥
Just returned from Mass and have a new fresh thread - Thanks, Steve.
Oh, no, Linda.....I was just showing how obnoxious people can be. You were very tame and exceedingly cordial!!!!
The charitables were on mine, which I was working on before she got here. Nothing big like $500! My large one was the $350 contribution to the rescue group that I received Liesl from.
All the places are 301c3's....so I guess TT just overplays it!!
I'm sure you know that it is deductible.....but our groups just learned it recently!
I can't find my eagle/lighthouse puzzle.....:( Wonder if it could have been left in Christie's car????? And she's out for the evening. Boo!
HODA that bear thing on yahoo email is just awesome so sad I clicked on all the cameras and just heartbreaking but its the truth we have driven out all the animals for ourselves I loved it
it weird when I hit reply to that email in the yahoo it went to my SPAM folder ODD I wonder why???
Hello Wanda! Your surgery was quite a success and your attitude is the greatest! Your New Knee will have you
getting around town so smoothly!
Love you and I have missed you and your
face plants on here. Good to have you
Thanks JUDYE. It came to me from a Conservation Officer in Jasper National Park. They are trying really hard to not become another BANFF...Bannf has quadroupled in size since the eighties and it is a real problem now...the trains killing bears in particular is a problem...Thank you for watching it and knowing it was an interactive program...
Going to watch some movie that hubby taped........ BBILW
I see that Lori finds that YOUgurt is good for YOU,
Nice way to handle a typo, and some GREAT ADVICE
This is for Lori and Lolly ☺
I have to sneak past my typos sometimes and hope no one notices !
Good to see you....It's always good to know of your prayers...
yes, many things to be grateful for
enjoy your taped movie... ☺xoxo
the information that Lynne2 gave us a link for, from BWE, earelier, is very interesting....
Lisa has a comforting and intelligent view of
All Things Eagle....
some great pictures also, and a ten-minute "video" made from a series of still photos from this morning
Thanks again, Lynne !
Sorry that puzzle is not to be found...hope the mystery of its whereabouts is solved soon
If it's any consolation, I didn't find the trash can lids either
But I DO see the Moon and the Moon Sees ME...
looks like it ready to "catch"
Jupiter if it should fall
Look pretty much Straight WEST, but it is starting to "set" also.
Venus has already disappeared below the horizon
tubby time, sort of....
ttfn xoxo ♥
Wow, A late Thread and it's Before 200!!!!Yippee!
Checking in before the sandman finds me in the loungechair!
Busy at Park today~~~new hikers on a nice day. Think many had seen the Wash. Post article before Xmas.
One jogger guy came early looking for a 10K Race being held by another group. Nothing at all on our schedule. He said he paid his $6!! (But not to Park.)He left quickly to go to the race area before I could check schedule book for upcoming events. There it was~~~Feb. 25! We think he might not read very well as he parked in Staff lot that holds 3 cars & has SIGNS!!!
In AM, Doris and I saw an eagle flying downriver. When I left, could not see anyone in nest (could be hiding in there!?)Watched for awhile and large dark wings sailed over the treetops to right and way back from nest, Could have been a vulture, but landed in tree. Got my spyglass & it WAS an eagle! That's a spot they've gone to before to scope the area.Maybe guard duty! Time will tell.
Ice skating is on TV~~~one of my favorites!
If I konk in the chair, Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for Wanda, Lynn, Tori, Nila and any in need ;>)
LYNN, no bell for Adonis (er, I mean Gene)
I can get up and down from bed or couch, by myself:)
Bill can't find just the motor. So now I need to look at the company's online site and see if they have it available there.
But going to sofa first---for the first time today!---to spend some time with Liesl before she hits the hay. BBL.
Sorry Bill could not find just the motor LYNN. Good luck on your online search and the taxes to boot.WOW first time on the couch today...you are certainly over the bug that hit you.YEAY.WOOF WOOF LIESL.
Welcome home Wanda. We missed you a whole bunch. Take it easy.
The sandperson is about to begin rounds and will be headed to visit Wanda soon. Wants to make sure she gets enough sleep.
The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the darkness. Restful sleep for all.
Hello Hoda!!
Hello and Good Night Judie!! Sweet dreams.......... ♥
Are you still here, Margy?
LINDA it is so good to read your entries on the blog today. I am sorry the Birthday meal did not work out and I also think you showed a lot of class the way you handled it...
Do you have a lot of snow there? Is your headache still with you or have you shaken it? I made an appointment with my dentist again for Tuesday because I am not pleased with the way my crown is sitting. I tried it for almost a month and I am not pleased with it. I hope she can fix it...it is sensitive to cold and hot and sweets and my bite is off!!! So I remind myslef that she has givenme other crowns that have worked ever so very well and hope this is fixable.
HODA sounds like you have a exposed nerve good thing to get it check out
I think Judies sandman is lurking out side I keep getting a glimps of him in the window just a shadow so I will bid my good nites
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all ♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Welcome home Wanda. Glad everything went well.
My bedtime now. See ya tomorrow.
JUDYE where is "Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some sort of battle"?It was so helpful today when people were being contrary as they were driving and slipping and sliding...I let the cars pass at the pedestrian crossongs so they would not have to apply the breaks...they smiled at me and waved and I thought of your saying.Thank You.
Hi Hoda! Thanks!! We'll have another night out and I am sure it will be better!!
The headache is better again tonight, so praying that it stays away. Thank you for asking. It has been a bad week of headaches for me.
So sorry to hear about the problems with your crown. Do you remember when I suffered with that TMJ for months?? I am sure it was because I did not take care of things when they started hurting.
Did you just have a crown or have you had a root canal? I ended up having to get a root canal because I had all those problems with my crown and finally once they permanently set the crown, things are better. It was a LONG road, though!
Oh I see it now...it showed up after you first announced your goodnights.
They can even do a root canal right through a crown if necessary in some teeth, so you don't have to get another crown. That is surely good news, since they are so expensive.
Watching the US Figure Skating Championships. Not much on tonight, but I do love figure skating.
That was one of the couple things I always dreamed of doing!!
Linda - with all the headaches this
week that you are deep into your tax
work - do you wear glasses or could the eye strain be the cause?
I just have the crown LINDA. OH yes I do remember how awful it was for you with TMJ and this is one of the reasons I phoned stating the problem, they usually have a twom months wait, but she put me n next Tuesday, because I was clear about the difficulty...an early morning appointment, but I do not mind really.
Glad your headache is better.
LINDA for a thousand dollars a crown I would rather think that I will not pay anything this time...their resposibility to see that it works well...at least this is my thinking!!!LOL
Jo, as best as I can tell, the headaches come from stress (no brainer there) and my neck and shoulder. When I do a lot of data entry, My shoulder and neck just ache like crazy.
Sometimes I have a moist heating pad I put over my shoulder which helps.
I don't think I want to revisit the neck issue just yet. Surgeons just want to do surgery. I am not so sure I want surgery for disk degeneration in my neck. Sounds too risky to me!
I do get my eyes checked regularly, too and have a nice 24" monitor, too.
I hope so, Hoda!
Even though I went through gum surgery, and all kinds of work to get the crown to fit good, I still had problems.
I don't always understand those things, but sensitivity to hot and cold isn't good......
Sometimes when they do one thing they stir up another.....
I pray that isn't the case with you!
Between Dennis and I this year, we spent a fortune on crowns!! I think he had two and I had one. We each had root canals, too @ $1200 each!!
I picked the wrong profession!!
Linda, the answer is Yes, I am still here.
How about You?
don't interrupt your skating-watching though!
Oh Loretta had some good eagle views at the Park, always good to hear of thest things.
I had an oatmeal creme pie before the OUR nest got all dark.
Must get up early early to see the nest at first light
all this wind, and a medevac landed at our local hospital a few minutes ago...that's skill and bravery,
prayers for those folks, and their patient, whatever it is for.
Linda with my neck arthritis in a good many disc, I find that sleeping with the small neck pillow which keeps my neck still and is supportive.
I remain sleeping on my back because of
my COPD - so the neck pillow is great for me.
Mention of snowy owl earlier on the thread, that Megan saw....
year ago, in the early 50's, when my family lived at the VA Center, (until 1967)
then known as Newton D Baker Hospital, my older brother Fred, remembers that Snowy Owls used to roost on the few two-story buildings that we had out there.
Sure wish I had seen them !
Hello Sweet Margy........
It's windy here, too!!
Big Wind!!
How is Fred doing?
is that little pillow shaped like a doggy bone Jo ?
I used to have one...loved it
gave it up to one of my sisters who needed it more than I did
ESP - getting ready to post that:
My brother Fred finally made the move to the ReHab center today !
It's part of the hospital network, he will probably need to be there at least a week, though he dearly wants to go HOME.
But his "two favorite" doctors gave him a pep talk, had to remind him of how sick he has been, and he needs to eat better and more, gain strength, do the Rehab things, and then dream of going home soon as possible.
Thank you ALL every day, for your prayers for my brother, who is also...my godfather
My sister Mary is still there, doing excellent ministry and fellowship for him and his wife
Nice word, Wanda....Adonis....
definitely applies to Father Captain Warden Gene
Jo - I sleep with one of a specific countour pillow that does support my neck well, too.
Every time I fly to FL I put it in a space bag and shrink it down to cram in my suitcase.
If I don't sleep on that or if I happen to sleep on my right side, I can barely move the next day.
Something is definitely wrong on that right side. Dennis wakes me up if he sees me sleeping on my right side, to tell me to rollover, which helps!
Oh Margy, that is wonderful news on Fred!!
Will continue to keep him in my prayers!! Praise God!! He is so good!!
Thanks AS ALWAYS for the Birthdays List...see it on the E-M Emails
I posted the following on the Hancock forum NCTC blog section.I felt it needed to be asked and I thought I would ask it.
"Thank you for the very accurate and objective reporting on what is happening in the Shepherdstown nest.It was very useful to see the pictures and the video of this year's intruder. The group in Shepherdstown has named the male eagle SHEP after the location Shepherdstown. I read you all call him Smitty. It reminds me of the fast food restaurant in Alberta!!! Are there Smitty restaurants in BC? I live in Nelson and I am not sure really!!JUDYB said you named him Smitty because he was smitten by Belle.Cute...Is there a chance that I could open the discussion here to have you call him SHEP instead of SMITTY? No offence or disrespect is intended by my post, and I hope none is taken.Thanks"
Should be some Polar Bear Plunge coverage on 11 pm news...watching for it now on 7
That was nicely said, HODA. It would be nice to see Shep called by one name instead of three different ones.
Maybe if NCTC backs us, things will change.
I don't know the true sequence of events, but I do remember 7 people voting on their name on the OC Forum, yet they make it sound like they were all in agreement and it was their right to do so, as they felt it was their nest!
I did not know as someone said that they asked to vote in our voting. I am sure if any of them wanted to join the Momsters and wanted to vote, they surely could have.
If nothing changes at either place, then so be it. We are different groups, and don't consult one another on such things.
As long as there are not any nasty and hard feelings between the groups.....that is the most important thing.
It would be nice if those on the OC Forum would respect the wisdom and knowledge of those here who have watched this nest for so many years.
I, for one, was thankful for Paula, Robyn, Shirley, Lynn, Sharon and a others that posted over there on occasion to clarify things and invite me to this wonderful place.
In asking there is the possibility of yes and also of no...I am open to both and will see what happens...PEACE amongst all who watch this nest is a very good ideal to work towards. I too continue to feel very fortunate for th eexpertise of the Momsters you mentioned and their posts were also very helpful to me on OC.
Thank You JO for the Birthday email for February. Much gratitude and appreciation come your way...♥
Well, dear friends, it is time for us to watch the weather and head upstairs for the night.
Have to get up early for church tomorrow!! Have lots of prayer requests and praise to give Him!!
Keeping Tori in prayer always and hoping we will get news very soon of a transplant for her. Praying for strength, patience and peace for Robyn as well.
Prayers continue for FRED's healing, for DANAMO's ringing in the ears and hopefully no more headaches, for LYNN to stay strong, healthy and free from nausea in the final days of her treatments, for CAROLANNE to kick her but, for our Stellar patient, WANDA to have a good first night at home and to keep the pain level down as she begins to heal and walk, for JIM to continue in his recovery, for LORI's scratches and punctures from Andy the kitty, for KAY as she continues in her PT to be without pain and problems, for HODA's tooth pain to subside and not be something else to have to deal with, and for any other ailments I have not mentioned!!
You all are loved and are in my prayers. Thank you for accepting me in this wonderful group of friends.....even though I don't get to join in as much as I'd like to.....
May God Bless Each and Every One in this roost and beyond.......
Night ♥
Well, I saw some Polar Bear Plungers....over 15,000 plungers...most ever...nice weather surely helped
Sandman, has arrived, Thanks Judie for sharing ☺
Good Night Precious Pals.
CyberSee you "at the nest" in the Morning....
Prayers for Wellness and a Good Night's Sleep....with special emphasis for Wanda and Gene
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Sandman just sprinkled Sleepy Dust or
whatever is in his bag on me...
Good Night Friends & God Bless you all and those you love
Prayers for everyone!!!
Hugs for everyone! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
CarolAnne - sorry about my typo....I didn't pray to kick your but..........but to kick your bug!! LOL
LOL Love your typo, Linda. Sometimes typos can be so funny!
Getting on to say good night. I scanned a tray of slides and was looking at a slide show when my computer battery died!!! Yes, I am without my laptop until we get a new battery. So sad ....all my favorites are on there.
I need a link to our candles, please.
So, night all! Sweet dreams!
Oh, Lynn.....find that puzzle. I was on my way over to work it with you. Shucks!
Sorry----fell asleep on the sofa!! And woke up with heartburn!
WANDA---Gene IS your Adonis!!!-please be careful and don't take unnecessary chances!
A friend of Carolyn and Charlie's had back surgery on Tues. He came home Th.....fell out of bed that night! Luckily NO INJURY! Wonder if his pain meds played into that? I just hope it was a LOW bed!
SO very glad you are settled in. Rest well!!!!
I am beat....would love to stay and chat, but taking my TUMS and heading for the pillows.
Love you all!!! Prayers and peace.
LOLLY here you are Candles
Just came back to see if the link was posted. Thanks, Hoda! Knew I could depend on you! (((hugs))))
I am signing off now too.
Good night and God Bless one and all.
Getting pretty late here, and the sandperson has arrived.
Margy, so glad to learn that Fred is doing much better. I hope he takes very good care of himself and follows doctors' orders carefully.
Also delighted to learn that our Wanda is safely home and posting again. Good on her!
Enjoyed reading your thoughts on eagle names and various other things, Hoda. Your wise words are always so well-said. It will be interesting to see what the response might be.
And now I must take myself upstairs to my bed. I do not have any dog-bone shaped pillows, but Susan gave me two very soft comfy ones for Christmas, and I am enjoying them greatly.
By the way, Kathryn purchased a new fireplace screen today. Now we just need to assemble the thing. The reason the other one was not always used is probably because it is one of those curtain-type things that is hard to move and gets your fingers all black and sooty. I have been struggling with it.
Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late. Haven't been able to catch up on everything here, but see that Wanda is home again! Wonderful news! Prayers for healing continue.
Shirley, good to see you! Glad you have a new fireplace screen now. Hope it assembles easily for you.
Should be nice to not have sooty fingers!
Going to try to get some sleep now. Really tired today! Think it's from the winds we had today. Something to do with negative ions in the air. Have said prayers for everyone, and for all creatures.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Hoping that everyone sleeps well. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Well, here I am. I hope a cup of tea and a biscuit will help me sleep. Since I came down without my glasses, I am not sure how much I can type.
The winds create negative ions and that makes a person tired? Interesting. I will remember that.
Maybe I need a few negative ions to help me sleep.
About ready to head back upstairs. I might try some Benadryl tonight.
Could not sleep checked our nest Belle is not in it.
Welcome home, WANDA! So happy to have you back and healing! Sounds like you are doing great.
HODA, sorry about your crown troubles.
Also, I liked your letter, re: Shep. Very nice, concise and professional.
Very Hoda!
I loved your typo about Hoda kicking "your but."
Too funny! I did an LOL!
SHIRLEY, hope you were able to head back upstairs and get some sleep.
On a weekday morning I would have been here to keep you company. :)
Sweet MARGY, glad to hear
Fred is moving on to the next phase of healing.
He's lucky to have you for a sister!
Hoping KAY had a
fabulous night with
Seth and Malcolm, though I
can't imagine otherwise.
Lucky Grandmother ♥
LYNNE2, bummer about your cough and not going fishing.
I wanted you to come home
with a record breaker!
Thanks for the BW link and info.
I would love to see some
Golden Eagles, just not close to the nest.
Congrats to Megan on her
Snowy Owl sighting & photos.
I'm going in search
of the pics now!
Hi Lori you still here?
Lori I am worried about the kitten scratches. Lynn that works for Dr. Baker. Back awhile said that Dr. Baker got the disease from the kitten scrathing her. She was really sick. How do you know you will be ok? Sorry but I am worried???
Margy is was so special to read that Fred has such good caring doctors. Glad he has made the next step. Moving into the hospital's Rehab Center. His next step will be going home. (:
Linda right no neck surgery. Find a good pain doctor. Not one that hands out narcotics. One that will do MRI and possibly can give you a shot that will help the nerves and the disc in neck. I know with doing taxes it makes the neck worse. The looking up and down at the tax form even twisting a little to see the form or put them all together. Makes the neck pain worse.
Linda could you send me a picture of that specific contour pillow you are using?
Hoda I know you was very respectful over on the Hancock forum. About talking with them about them calling our male eagle by the name "Smitty". If they change it to "Shep" good. Nice to give it a try. If they don't they are very good people over there. They are not like the OC forum. So for myself I at the Hancock forum it they don't it will not cause a problem with me and them when I am
in there.
I hope DanaMo finds out why she has this ringing in her ears. I am worried about her.
I am so HAPPY Wanda is HOME and she has a "new knee". (:
Jim has better eye sight with the 2nd eye surgery done. Yea!!!
Lynn sorry you woke from falling asleep on the sofa with heartburn. Hope you will be feeling better today.
Shirley I am so very happy that you all have a new and different fireplace screen. I feel so much better for all of your safety now.
Hoda since the put the crown in and you have been having trouble. Glad you called the dentist and got a soon appointment. Could be a nerve or that they just don't have the crown fitted just right. Hoping they get it fixed where you are comfortable with it.
I was feeding the kittens and cats. Sorry I missed your arrival. (Big Hug!)
DANAWV, thanks for your
concern, but I think I will be okay.
I'm on top of it and the first sign of swelling in the lymph nodes I will be at the
doctor's office.
In fact, they don't even hurt today after all the cleaning
I did on them yesterday and the Neosporin and BandAids! :)
I promise to be very cautious. Thank you.
(((((((((((Hugs Lori))))))))))))))
I think I can finally go get some sleep.
Lori watch for those eagles of ours. That Shep is a sneaky guy. lol
Nighty night again....yawn.
Lori have a grand day♥
Good morning!
The still cam doesn't look very clear at this hour. Hopefully light will help.
DanaWV-at this point it does not appear that the ringing is a big issue. They said I had fluid in my ears. My left ear is fine now, and my right one only has a slight humming. Thank you so much for your concern. Hopefully it will not return.
Morning LORI, DANAMO, and DANAWV! DMO, is the pancake breakfast this morning or was it yesterday? Seeing lots of static on still cam - haven't even tried live cam but can't imagine it's working.
Good Morning DanaMo and Sandi!
DMo, glad your ears are feeling better each day! Did you go to Mass last night or are you going this morning?
Ditto, Linda, on the OC forum and the name. I could not have expressed what I am feeling more clearly than you did.
Sandi, you changed your avatar! Nice! Belle and Shep in the snowy nest.
I am also so grateful for the long time momsters and dadsters who know so much about our nest and the history that goes with it. I think that is the advantage we have over the OC.
You can see the nest now, though it's MT.
Good Morning Early Bird Eagle Pals...☺
Hope everyone is feeling pretty perky this morning...
xo ♥
Yup, I don't like seeing an empty nest. I want and eagle and I want 3 eggs! ☺
maybe it is a good thing we don't see eagle or eggs yet, since...
the chances of internet or technical problems get fixed by Monday , hope hope hope, will give us much better viewing with a live feed
according to egg laying history at NCTC we're still at least a couple of days early
the crib DOES look nice and ready though
Glad you sem to be feeling better DanaoMo
and that
you, Lori...seem to be okay after the scratching fest
Did you find the pictures of the Snowy Owl?
Like a Great Big Snowball
Looking on the bright side, there could be an MT nest that we can't even see (I have to think of something positive about having to watch the still cam all day)! MARGY, so happy to hear that Fred has been moved to rehab! Forward progress!! =)
LORI, I thought Belle and Shep looked so pretty in contrast to the white of the snow, so I took a pic and saved it. Just decided that I wanted my avatar to be focused on Shepherdstown right now in hopes of seeing an egg soon!
have you talked to your tennis friend who made the Plunge on Saturday?
the website had pictures of Friday's plunge, expect Saturday pictures will come up on there Today
It's a wonderful cause, hope I can plunge someday !
Looks like it will be another windy day at the nest:
Mostly sunny, high near 49, with wind gusts as high as 30 mph.
Sunrise this week at 7:19 AM
Sunset will be around 5:31 PM
Thanks, pals, for the encourgement on my brother Fred...
(( Hugs ♥ ))
It's been a long slow crawl to get to the stage he is at now...
Gorgeous Snowy Owl, Margy! Not fair - wish we call could see one in the feathers/flesh!
These birds COULD have picked up and chosen a new nest this year and we would not have seen them at all, or at least not THIS pair....
some day that could happen...
hope not in MY lifetime ☺
Bite your tongue, Margy! lol
Sandi, is Bandit back to normal, yet?
Thanks for the Weather report, Lori
Much appreciated !
I'll be quiet now for a bit, BUT we're not too far from the first SPLIT
MARGY, haven't talked with Marie about her plunge yesterday. She has a group of Special Olympics athletes that she works with all year as well - they bowl in the winter and play tennis at the club that I belong to in the summer, and then Marie and another gal I play tennis with take the team to the Special Olympics in Wilmington in June.
I remember that, when my mom had her aneurysm surgery, she said she didn't want to go to rehab, just wanted to go home. My sister agreed to take her to her house for a week and line up PT to come to the house. It wasn't the same level of rehab that Mom would have gotten at a rehab facility. Glad Fred agreed to go.
Oh, there's an eagle in our nest - Belle?? (I have to look at the keys when I type so didn't notice).
remember that Refresh trick....
usualy works, give it 10 seconds..
I think BELLE not sure
oh I was away and an eagle appeared. Can't tell who it is from my view, but someone else probably already identified.
eagle off nest at BWE
That's beautiful, Sandi...
our thoughts exactly about Fred, home and the Rehab...
Thanks xo
Dana, Lori
did we lose you ??
oh there you are DanaMo ☺
appears to be Belle
No, I'm here. Just trying to figure out who it is.
Great, then Belle it is.
Thanks, Margy!
LORI, I've been doing a lot of reading about what I'm seeing with Bandit and I think he may be getting dementia. His whole personality has changed in the past few months. He sometimes has this "deer in the headlights" look about him like he's not sure where he is or who we are. He has become VERY irritable - has growled and snarled and tried to bite Denny and me when we try to get him up in the AM to go out. He has attacked Bella several times - hasn't bitten her but really goes after her. It is very upsetting.
JUDYE is usually up at 7 so she will be surprised to see an eagle in the nest already.
Sandi, that is so sad...I am sorry about Bandit....
but. it does look like a spot on that forehead ???
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