At school waiting to see eagles! Lori, loved the poem!! =) Morning Margy, Judy, and Shirley! Ooh, color at the nest - now we just need eagles - PLEASE!!
I thought I could get a good nite sleep last nite WRONG I think I have a dairy intolerance issue now Had cheese sticks last nite and was up till about 2 with stomach cramps etc. Not it was from eating lunch earlier
I believe we are being stood up again I guess they did decided to go on a long over due vacation Maybe they are trying to iron out their differences and this may be the last time they can get away before the bobble heads show up LOL
I have two browsers open with blog just to play and see if it shows up and I still don't show up with two open What good is it if it doesn't show all the time and i wonder why??? I now it doesn't matter just wondering
Got this message from Robyn on FB...I'm sure she won't mind me sharing with this group of prayer warriors:
"right now things are not well, they couldn't get tori off the oscillator to the cenventional as her CO2 spiked to 200 she can't maintain they will give her a day or 2 and try again, now she has a low grade fever again and pulm, transplant and icu doctors want to meet formally tomorrow and discuss things. I am terrified and really feeling ill inside. I am heading to bed after homework as Tori wants me to get my masters mantle. I am still optimistic but scared. I amlaying low a few days I feel like i am jinxing, I will stay in touch .."
I also see on FB that my Carolyn is much sicker than I realized......sounds like she has pneumonia.....says she will go to dr. after work....I am hoping that Margy kicks her out of work now and makes her go this morning. all know the drill.....prayers and prayers for Tori, and one for my girl, too, please.
Morning all. Rain has stopped! No sun yet, but hoping it is coming.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Belle and Shep are on vacation....getting their last moments of fun and freedom before getting down to the business of reproducing.....the next 5-6 months will be very tiring!
Oh my Lynn that news for Tori does not sound so good. I pray in morning I pray at night and during the day as I think of Tori. I can't think of what more to do. Giving her prayers to God is all I can do. Lord I pray for Tori's condition and for Robyn her Mom who is scared. Lead the doctors in their talk with Robyn. Maybe by the time they have the talk Lord you can help Tori more than I have prayed for. I trust you Lord my God because only YOU can do the best for Tori. Amen
Lord we come to you again with Lynn's daughter Carolyn. She is working but sick. Lynn is afraid Carolyn has pneumonia. Father help Carolyn through this illness. Amen
Thanks Lori and Thelma for asking. I woke did not even wash my eyes. So right now I feel ok but still not sure about tummy. HUGS
Seems other like you Thelma, Tori, Robyn, Carolyn, Lynn, Jordyan, Fred -Margy and family, Diann's son Patrick, Red (Bill), Lolly's fiend Harriet, Wanda's up coming knee surgery, GG's needs new doctor, Christie's neighbor man with Agent Orange, NC Suzan breathing, Jims next eye surgery, Harley the dogie and Lord if I forgot anyone you know who they are needs more prayers than me right now. Please help each one as their need requires and good healing.Amen
I heard the knocking too. We have the nest on the SMARTboard right now. Kids are getting interested. It would help if Belle and Shep would make an entrance. If that is them on the camera I wish they would come on down...
Good morning everyone. Rain has finally stopped but temps are dropping. More prayers for Tori and Robyn. Surprised my wife this morning. Had breakfast ready for her when she got out of the shower. Made some points. lol Hoping we see some eagles at our nest today.
aww couldn't get a clear picture but parent at Lake Jordan moving around and you can see one of the chicks eyes or beak and its fluff. awwww so cute baby (:
Praying for dear Tori. I am so thankful Robyn has her parents, Tori's Dad and family with her through this. She needs all the love and support she can get. I just wish there were some way to get a transplant without having to get off that machine.....
Praying for Margy's brother Fred in ICU with sepsis. May he respond to the antibiotics and may his body heal quickly.
Praying for Carolyn's pneumonia to clear up quickly as well. May she feel better and stronger very soon.
May the Holy Spirit move in miraculous way through this group of wonderful, loving and caring people. We have to have faith and believe these things we ask for can be accomplished in the strong name of Jesus. I have that faith and believe the Lord will protect them from any pain and suffering.
So many more healing prayers and needs to pray for today. I keep you all in my thoughts as I go about my day today. As you have loved and supported me, I am here for YOU!!
My heart feels heavy, but I know if I give it to the Lord, His yolk is light.......
GOOD MORNING... MARGY, how is Carolyn? Does sound like pneumonia or something that definately needs a doctor and medication.
Glad you're feeling better, DanaWV. When it gets warmer, today, try a little walking outdoors to help get the tummy pains moving out! Used to work for me. Knock on Wood...I haven't had tummy bug in many years~
So RED is having double hip replacement, eh? Maybe he and I can have a foot race when we both get over our fix-em-uppers:) GOOD LUCK TO YOU, RED! AND, JIM, SAME TO YOU!
Good Morning Friends - Heavy heart for Tori and Robyn & Family. Must keep our prayers steadily going up to the great Healer... Please look down upon Tori & place your healing hands on her. ♥
Carolyn - get yourself to the dr and clear up your lungs. Margy - Fred never expected all this commotion - Please Lord help Fred to overcome these new things and get back to exercising that knee.
Mema Jo they have a machine that exercises the knee. They had it on me for the 3 days after surgery I was in hospital.
I just thought I would mention it. Cause maybe they are using it for Fred's knee so it won't tighten up. While he is going through taking these antibiotics while in hospital.
LINDA is such a spiritual lady and prays beautifully. Hope to have her prayers when my time comes~ Our Pastor will occasionally, ask someone in the congregation to say the prayer after collection has been taken and I FEAR being called upon...I am NOT good at praying off-the-cuff! He asked Gene one Sunday and he did beautifully...I was so proud of him~
I always go first to emails to check out any family or friend's - So happy about the hatching at Jordan Lake - so unusual about a next day hatch! That will be good-not too much competition. Lord & Lady Blackwater are early this year! Praying for a good incubation and hatching. NBG usually had an egg after Blackwater & before us. Wish they could get their cam up/runningl
Lori your DanaMo poem cracked me up this morning -
JudyE - Not to worry about Jordan & the high pitched/high volume sounds. We had great concern about a grandson at age 3.We were at Disney and as we enjoyed all the fireworks display, he would be hands over ears & his dad would take him inside one of the buildings where the sound didn't travel. Dr exam showed ears to be in excellent shape but just very sensitive to 'loudness'. At first we just thought he was NOT liking the fireworks..... Good that Jordyn gets checked so everyone can relax and turn the volumes down.
Darn it..can't stay long and chitty chat... just when more Morning People are Showing up
Hello Sharon, hope all is well down there in Bluefield Land...
ttfn xoxo busy here...
Brother Fred will be seen by an "Inerventionist" who will deal with the most serious ailments, and the rest of his recovery and therapy will come along later...
I am ready to go except to put Liesl in her crate. Hoping they DON'T show up early. Christie is picking me up and helping me get my groceries! Hoping lunch out is on the schedule first!
Going to go ahead and shut puter down. See you all later this afternoon. Have a good one!
Good morning/ good afternoon. Prayers for TORI and CAROLYN and hoping to hear good medical reports. Also MARGY'S brother FRED and my on going prayer list...LYNN you are on the top of my list for continued healing and inner sterength. LINDA good praying post. Thank you.
Another beautiful day here. Off to enjoy the day and go to appointments and to yoga. See you all later ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Alcoa cam has a snow filled nest with some birdprints in it. The cam is very noisy but I guess it could be wind. It looks as though there is a light snow now.
Happy, sunny Th!!! Hello all Eagle buds! Didn't get on for about 2 days. Last night was on phone w/anti-virus techie Rhanjeet, not Peggy. Had to be renewed, but wouldn't download correctly. Kept saying it was already installed! WRONG. Then I tried to install in old 'puter. After about an hour of downloading, it's in, but anti-virus will NOT scan! DUH!!!! So, I will be back on phone soon.
I can't believe BW has an Eggbert!Been checking w/others at Park. One naturalist is blaming the goofy up and down weather. One staff member said he saw 2 eagles at nest right after Xmas. I've checked last 2 years of pics & really don't have anything much until mid-Feb. I think last year Mom may have been sitting so low in nest, we couldn't see her.XXing our fingers & toes!
Red is racking up the brownie points with his wife to cool that is always a plus to have extra points for later LOL
had a blast at the park ran in in to one of my old asst mgrs (well not old he is young and sweet) he is at the Tyrone store was good to see him he with with his family from out of town they were quite impressed with our park.
Hi JIM always movin along as usual
I see we heard more on Tori as always healing thoughts coming her way the ups and downs must be so hard on the family
Jordyn covers her ear even when the toilet flushes saying to loud She did have lots of trouble with fluid in her ears the tubes have falling out and just recently she has been doing it here and school and home odd when something's is loud she doesn't see to do it sometimes she acts like she hears loud stuff that isn't loud at all noises in distance she will be startled and say whats that Jut to be safe since she had such issues in the past Angie wanted to check it our
Yeah I saw it the other day on Jordan lake the white of the tail feathers really was a great shot to see them odd they look almost glued on or stuck on LOL
Mema Jo it tells you at the top of the picture how many eagles are in the picture. I do want you to know after counting I found that information. Believe me I did not come close!!!!!!!
I now Nilla posted something on one of my video (HP one)I think it was that it is tooo early in the years for eggs now that its is going to be tooo cold for them brings back memories of nest past of ours in the winter she said
Well I just now showed up on the map haven't been on it all day now it shows up funny huh Ok gonna go do something beside watch the bobble heads But I want to stay , I don't want to do housework YUK
Interstitial (in-tur-STISH-ul) lung disease describes a large group of disorders, most of which cause progressive scarring of lung tissue. The scarring associated with interstitial lung disease eventually affects your ability to breathe and get enough oxygen into your bloodstream.
The doc at the ER the other night with T-Bird was the same one who diagnosed my liver abscess. I thanked him for saving my life. He remembered me. Don't know if that is good or bad but I do know they don't see many cases of liver abscesses.
Thursday afternoon: good afternoon to one and to all. just have a few min to pop in here, kind of caught up on posts.....
quiet day at work.....the weather has scared everyone off. came home and put suet out for my bird friends. it is sort of snowing....teeeeey tiiiiinnnnyyy little flakes zipping thru the air, nothign to see really. a bit of snow on things like cars that have been sitting, but just a small while bit. not even a dusting really. we shall see what happens as the day progresses.
sure is colder though. was 48 when i got out of bed @ 5:20, when i got home @ 2:30 it was 32 wtih a feels like temp of 19. what a difference.
may pop back in a bit later.....hoping for anice quiet evening. we usually eat out on thursdays...kind of depends on how yucky it does or does not get.
well almost time to get olivia, must skeedaddle for now
LOL, JO ! Day old duck looks icky to us, but since eagles only eat for survival and have little sense of smell or taste, it looks luscious to them. Can you imagine how an eagle nest smells much of the time ? Ewwwwweee.
Prayers for Tori and family are constant ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
SHARON, kidney abscesses are pretty rare, too. My primary physician has been in practice for about 10 years and mine was her first. Strangely enough another of her patients came down with one about a month after mine, though it wasn't as severe. Here's hoping the docs never see you or me again for such a traumatic illness !!!
Hi, Everyone, Not caught up here, but wanted to let you know I'm still around. Just slept in late today, then had numerous things to do. About to take off and go to the Post Office and go pay for Emma's license renewal. Will be praying for Tori and for Fred, Carolyn, Harley, and our eagles. Where ARE Belle and Shep? BBL tonight... :o]
OK back from taking Jordyn to Angies work and I stopped at the park to say hello to the cell phone tower eagles and only one was there Waiting for our pair to show up ok a two day hiatus is enough don't you think
I was beginning to think Shep had been reading the blog and didn't like being made fun of for his HP attempts, so he suggested that he and Belle get a room! =)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 396 of 396Two eagles at Blackwater....
might be a switch coming up
maybe we'll see the egg
Now I need to go read the blog from last nite not to many post
I hope so...really missing those eagles!
they did switch at BWE, egg roll going on but I didn't see the egg yet
LYNN I hate that when the weather interferes with the volume of the TV At Junes the river does that LOL
SIS Kudos for helping your neighbor with phone
wow that was a piece of cake caught up gonna go to the rocker to watch the new and if they show up will jump over to the desk area LM LM LM
"Relief Eagle" eagle at Blackwater looks a lot less soggy than the one, no doubt the MOM, that spent the night on the nest...
Must go...
Love to all....
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Good morning.
Still seeing an empty nest here.
Going to to to Largo Park after I pick up Jordyn so I won't be on for the morning usually get home about noon for nap time
Have fun, JudyE!
Good Morning, Shirley! How are you and Hunter this morning?
Did the colors arrive and we just can't see them in the fog again??? WHERE ARE OUR EAGLES
NO we didn't miss the color COLOR ON NEST NOT we want eagles
At school waiting to see eagles! Lori, loved the poem!! =) Morning Margy, Judy, and Shirley! Ooh, color at the nest - now we just need eagles - PLEASE!!
I thought I could get a good nite sleep last nite WRONG I think I have a dairy intolerance issue now Had cheese sticks last nite and was up till about 2 with stomach cramps etc. Not it was from eating lunch earlier
we are 62 now going to 74 tomorrow hi is 59 and lo 51 with cooler weather nest week
Judy, temps in Bethany today are supposed to get close to 60 degrees, but then only in the 40s tomorrow and only in the 30s over the weekend!!
Looks like we all are getting a cold front huh Sandi
I believe we are being stood up again I guess they did decided to go on a long over due vacation Maybe they are trying to iron out their differences and this may be the last time they can get away before the bobble heads show up LOL
I think the blkwtr nest looks like a perfect circle of a nest
We are fine, Lori. Almost time to get the lunch packed and send Hunter off to the bus.
Almost time for me to go to Angies work and pick up Jordyn
I can't understand the map one moment I am on it and the next not I have the map open right now and I am not on it I was about 5 min ago ODD huh
I don't exist LOL
I have two browsers open with blog just to play and see if it shows up and I still don't show up with two open What good is it if it doesn't show all the time and i wonder why??? I now it doesn't matter just wondering
Time for me to leave catch ya all later afternoone HAGD
Good Morning To All
No eagles yet for our nest?
No eagles, yet, DanaWV. Sorry.
How are you feeling?
Later Judy. Good morning Dana.
Got this message from Robyn on FB...I'm sure she won't mind me sharing with this group of prayer warriors:
"right now things are not well, they couldn't get tori off the oscillator to the cenventional as her CO2 spiked to 200 she can't maintain they will give her a day or 2 and try again, now she has a low grade fever again and pulm, transplant and icu doctors want to meet formally tomorrow and discuss things. I am terrified and really feeling ill inside. I am heading to bed after homework as Tori wants me to get my masters mantle. I am still optimistic but scared. I amlaying low a few days I feel like i am jinxing, I will stay in touch
I also see on FB that my Carolyn is much sicker than I realized......sounds like she has pneumonia.....says she will go to dr. after work....I am hoping that Margy kicks her out of work now and makes her go this morning.
More prayers for Tori and for Robyn.. all know the drill.....prayers and prayers for Tori, and one for my girl, too, please.
Morning all. Rain has stopped! No sun yet, but hoping it is coming.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Belle and Shep are on vacation....getting their last moments of fun and freedom before getting down to the business of reproducing.....the next 5-6 months will be very tiring!
Oh my Lynn that news for Tori does not sound so good. I pray in morning I pray at night and during the day as I think of Tori. I can't think of what more to do. Giving her prayers to God is all I can do. Lord I pray for Tori's condition and for Robyn her Mom who is scared. Lead the doctors in their talk with Robyn. Maybe by the time they have the talk Lord you can help Tori more than I have prayed for. I trust you Lord my God because only YOU can do the best for Tori. Amen
Prayers for Carolyn and for Margy's brother Fred as well.
Lord we come to you again with Lynn's daughter Carolyn. She is working but sick. Lynn is afraid Carolyn has pneumonia. Father help Carolyn through this illness. Amen
Thank you Lynn for updating us.
Thanks Lori and Thelma for asking. I woke did not even wash my eyes. So right now I feel ok but still not sure about tummy. HUGS
Seems other like you Thelma, Tori, Robyn, Carolyn, Lynn, Jordyan, Fred -Margy and family, Diann's son Patrick, Red (Bill), Lolly's fiend Harriet, Wanda's up coming knee surgery, GG's needs new doctor, Christie's neighbor man with Agent Orange, NC Suzan breathing, Jims next eye surgery, Harley the dogie and Lord if I forgot anyone you know who they are needs more prayers than me right now. Please help each one as their need requires and good healing.Amen
I am going back to prepare for this morning.
What a lousy time for the Jordan Lake cam to be down....guess the rain really did a number on it.
VOILA----and just as I speak, it is back on!!!!! Hurray!
Empty shell off to left side of nest! Something on right side, but can't tell what it is.....maybe there's a second hatch???
Duck remains remain....yuck.
Before I leave I think there may be another hatch at Lake Jordan. Seeing the shells laying around.
Later Dana.
Usually is a 2 or 3 day between hatchings. Take a look at the Jordan nest for me please. That is too much egg shell for one egg????
I got a picture.
Lake Jordan cam is working
Pop flies in without food....silly boy.
TWO bobbleheads!!!! I got a capture!!! She's up and showing them off!!!! I'll put the pic on my blog.
Mom is ffeding them---from the old duck....
Pics are on my blog!
Oh, LYNN, that's awesome! Thanks for sharing the news and the pictures!
What is all that knocking???
I have sound muted because of those stupid commercials at Jordan Lake, can't help you!
GooD MorniNG, aLL iN
EagLe LanD.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
I heard the knocking too. We have the nest on the SMARTboard right now. Kids are getting interested. It would help if Belle and Shep would make an entrance. If that is them on the camera I wish they would come on down...
I'm up early this A.M. owing to a follow-up appt. at the eye specialist's.
Actually, I'm up earlier than planned because I couldn't sleep during the allotted time frame.... Back to the old reverse schedule, I guess.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Good morning everyone. Rain has finally stopped but temps are dropping.
More prayers for Tori and Robyn.
Surprised my wife this morning. Had breakfast ready for her when she got out of the shower. Made some points. lol
Hoping we see some eagles at our nest today.
Hi, Jim! Hope your apptmt. goes well! Did you see that Wanda also has surgery on the 25th? She's having a knee replaced!
How's the So Cal weather??
DanaMo---can you get the Jordan Lake cam on the Smartboard?? The kids can enjoy that while we wait for ours!
Sounded like a woodpecker Paula. Good morning Jim and Red.
Is that still or live?
And there's Red, too!! Hi, guy!
You are a very sweet hubby!!!
So nice to have our two "resident" men drop in at practically the same time!!
Jordan Lake is Live, DMo
Good Morning Jim and Bill (Red) nice having both Dadsters on the blog.
Lynn when I left a comment about the 2 chicks picture on your blog. Guess what my word was I had to type "hetch" almost hatch lol
Lynn you should put those pics on Windows on Wildlife.
I am not sure but I think I tried mute yesterday and the commerical sound still came through. Maybe not but I think so.
DanaMo---it's LIVE!
Jordan Lake cam
Mute on your puter, DanaWV, not on their site. It won't come through.
I don't know anything about posting on WOW.
aww couldn't get a clear picture but parent at Lake Jordan moving around and you can see one of the chicks eyes or beak and its fluff. awwww so cute baby (:
Lynn if I can I will put it (the 2nd one on if I can and write your name on it). I'll let you know if I do.
Awesome news about Jordan Lake! Love to see them hatch close like that!
@LYNN your picture showing the 2 chicks is up on Windown on Wildlife under picture I wrote:
Picture taken Jan 12, 2012 8:38amEST by Lynn Riner
Thanks, DanaWV!!!
Good Morning.
Praying for dear Tori. I am so thankful Robyn has her parents, Tori's Dad and family with her through this. She needs all the love and support she can get. I just wish there were some way to get a transplant without having to get off that machine.....
Praying for Margy's brother Fred in ICU with sepsis. May he respond to the antibiotics and may his body heal quickly.
Praying for Carolyn's pneumonia to clear up quickly as well. May she feel better and stronger very soon.
May the Holy Spirit move in miraculous way through this group of wonderful, loving and caring people. We have to have faith and believe these things we ask for can be accomplished in the strong name of Jesus. I have that faith and believe the Lord will protect them from any pain and suffering.
So many more healing prayers and needs to pray for today. I keep you all in my thoughts as I go about my day today. As you have loved and supported me, I am here for YOU!!
My heart feels heavy, but I know if I give it to the Lord, His yolk is light.......
May you be blessed today........ xoxo
Just a quick good morning. Have a meeting to run to.
Prayers going up!
Have a good day!
Very lovely words of faith, blessing and love, Linda.
Another sick eagle at WCV
You probably saw the news at BWE, right?
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Linda your words have brought tears to my eyes....Thank you they are very special for the people neeeding them. ((HUGS)) God Bless You ^j^
My delete comment published twice
Lynn thanks for posting the WVC link about another eagle brought to them. Readings of lead higher than their machine!!!
Yes, we have Jim...
earliest known egg there since they've been keepin' tracvk
Good Morning
Parent if feeding the 2 chicks at Lake Jordan - their first meal.
Beautiful words, Linda....
comforting, thanks.....
MARGY, how is Carolyn? Does sound like pneumonia or something that definately needs a doctor and medication.
Glad you're feeling better, DanaWV. When it gets warmer, today, try a little walking outdoors to help get the tummy pains moving out! Used to work for me. Knock on Wood...I haven't had tummy bug in many years~
So RED is having double hip replacement, eh? Maybe he and I can have a foot race when we both get over our fix-em-uppers:)
Good Morning Friends - Heavy heart for Tori and Robyn & Family. Must keep our prayers steadily going up to the great
Healer... Please look down upon Tori &
place your healing hands on her. ♥
Carolyn - get yourself to the dr and clear up your lungs.
Margy - Fred never expected all this commotion - Please Lord help Fred to
overcome these new things and get back
to exercising that knee.
Mema Jo they have a machine that exercises the knee. They had it on me for the 3 days after surgery I was in hospital.
I just thought I would mention it. Cause maybe they are using it for Fred's knee so it won't tighten up. While he is going through taking these antibiotics while in hospital.
Oh those little tiny black eyes are so BEAUTIFUL at Lake Jordan awwwwwwwwwwww
LINDA is such a spiritual lady and prays beautifully. Hope to have her prayers when my time comes~
Our Pastor will occasionally, ask someone in the congregation to say the prayer after collection has been taken and I FEAR being called upon...I am NOT good at praying off-the-cuff! He asked Gene one Sunday and he did beautifully...I was so proud of him~
I always go first to emails to check out
any family or friend's - So happy about
the hatching at Jordan Lake - so unusual about a next day hatch! That will be good-not too much competition.
Lord & Lady Blackwater are early this year! Praying for a good incubation and hatching.
NBG usually had an egg after Blackwater & before us. Wish they could get their
cam up/runningl
Lori your DanaMo poem cracked me up
this morning -
JudyE - Not to worry about Jordan & the high pitched/high volume sounds. We had great concern about a grandson at age 3.We were at Disney and as we enjoyed all the fireworks display, he would be hands over ears & his dad would take him inside one of the buildings where the sound didn't travel. Dr exam showed ears to be in excellent shape but just very sensitive to 'loudness'.
At first we just thought he was NOT liking the fireworks..... Good that Jordyn gets checked so everyone can relax and turn the volumes down.
JudyE - happy all is well at WalMart!
Egg roll at BWE and I missed it.
Good morning everybody!
Here eagle, eagle, eagle! *whistling*
Once again appreciating all the comforting words and prayers....
and adding mine to those needs here....lots of tentative conditions going on....just not knowing what the next moment will bring...
I wish I could take all of Carolyn's germs....and that she feels bettter soon, and gets thee to the doctor as needed if that will help...
If I had more power I would kick her on outta here....
Nope, Dana, not the first....I saw her feeding them right after I took the pics. I posted it at the time.
Yep, Jim---lots of early stuff happening everywhere----except HERE!
Darn it..can't stay long and chitty chat...
just when more Morning People are Showing up
Hello Sharon, hope all is well down there in Bluefield Land...
ttfn xoxo busy here...
Brother Fred will be seen by an
"Inerventionist" who will deal with the most serious ailments, and the rest of his recovery and therapy will come along later...
Interventionist that would be
Magpie, lots of prayers and positive energy to Fred, you and your family! Lots of love and (((((HUGS)))))!
Check out the empty shells at Jordan...chick got out of there like a pro :)
JudyE, take a look at Jordan will see how far up the back the white tail feathers are.
Yes, Wanda, Linda prays well!
Jim - good report for your eye exam
I know you are ready for the other one!
Red - Great for you getting breakfast
for your Lady! My next door guy has had both hips done - about a yr apart. He
did super well.
Jordan lake feeding
two eagles and an egg at BWE
Parent switch at BWE
Hope they can get BWO on the air soon
I am ready to go except to put Liesl in her crate. Hoping they DON'T show up early.
Christie is picking me up and helping me get my groceries! Hoping lunch out is on the schedule first!
Going to go ahead and shut puter down. See you all later this afternoon. Have a good one!
Hi to late-comers---Margy, Shar, Jo...etc.
NOT A LINK Does anyone have the http for the Hancock forum please?
I can't get to Hancock DanaWV...wonder if it's down
DanaWV, I checked their FB page, Hancock website is down.
Don't know if this has been posted before....pretty cool!
How many eagles do you see?
Paula, cool picture but I'm not even
coming up with a number to guess!!
Don't forget your chips to bring Home Lynn!
CRC cam is finally on for Derek and it at WCNC
WCNC Eagle Cam
Well, it's been on since Jan 6th...I was using an old link before...glad I finally found it
Good morning/ good afternoon.
Prayers for TORI and CAROLYN and hoping to hear good medical reports. Also MARGY'S brother FRED and my on going prayer list...LYNN you are on the top of my list for continued healing and inner sterength.
LINDA good praying post. Thank you.
Another beautiful day here. Off to enjoy the day and go to appointments and to yoga. See you all later ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Eagles in view at CRC...nice streaming view this year!
White Rock eagles are NOT at their nest right now.
Alcoa cam has a snow filled nest with some birdprints in it. The cam is very noisy but I guess it could be wind.
It looks as though there is a light
snow now.
Forgot lunch - BBL
Happy, sunny Th!!! Hello all Eagle buds! Didn't get on for about 2 days. Last night was on phone w/anti-virus techie Rhanjeet, not Peggy. Had to be renewed, but wouldn't download correctly. Kept saying it was already installed! WRONG. Then I tried to install in old 'puter. After about an hour of downloading, it's in, but anti-virus will NOT scan! DUH!!!!
So, I will be back on phone soon.
I can't believe BW has an Eggbert!Been checking w/others at Park. One naturalist is blaming the goofy up and down weather. One staff member said he saw 2 eagles at nest right after Xmas. I've checked last 2 years of pics & really don't have anything much until mid-Feb. I think last year Mom may have been sitting so low in nest, we couldn't see her.XXing our fingers & toes!
mommy is off the babies and feeding them
they are bobbling bobbling along so funny to watch
Great capture with the bobble heads LYNN
Red is racking up the brownie points with his wife to cool that is always a plus to have extra points for later LOL
had a blast at the park ran in in to one of my old asst mgrs (well not old he is young and sweet) he is at the Tyrone store was good to see him he with with his family from out of town they were quite impressed with our park.
Hi JIM always movin along as usual
I see we heard more on Tori as always healing thoughts coming her way the ups and downs must be so hard on the family
Jordyn covers her ear even when the toilet flushes saying to loud She did have lots of trouble with fluid in her ears the tubes have falling out and just recently she has been doing it here and school and home odd when something's is loud she doesn't see to do it sometimes she acts like she hears loud stuff that isn't loud at all noises in distance she will be startled and say whats that Jut to be safe since she had such issues in the past Angie wanted to check it our
Jordan lake chicks getting fed..oh they are just adorable!
Yeah I saw it the other day on Jordan lake the white of the tail feathers really was a great shot to see them odd they look almost glued on or stuck on LOL
I am recording the feeding of the babies now
feeding time over time to get on them I love it how she does that
Egg in view at BWE
so odd that I still don't show on the map I am getting ready to upload the video to yourtube
Mema Jo it tells you at the top of the picture how many eagles are in the picture. I do want you to know after counting I found that information. Believe me I did not come close!!!!!!!
Lots and Lots of good food and many feeding for 2 chicks at Lake Jordan.
That link with all the eagles is just too cool
I now Nilla posted something on one of my video (HP one)I think it was that it is tooo early in the years for eggs now that its is going to be tooo cold for them brings back memories of nest past of ours in the winter she said
I do like the camera view of Jordan lake really nice to have it that close up
just don't like the commercials I also have to turn down the sound on puter
Momma is feeding them again
First she got up and rearranged the flugg a little and started to feed them They are sooooo little and soooo cute
Well I just now showed up on the map haven't been on it all day now it shows up funny huh Ok gonna go do something beside watch the bobble heads But I want to stay , I don't want to do housework YUK
Hi all! We are back home. I hate it when I have to rush out early! Did not even finish all my coffee. Yuck!
Now I have to leave again in about 40 minutes. Time to get the do done!
I am very concerned about Tori. Bless her and her mom. I was telling Jack about her. What is her basic problem? What is it called?
Lynn, prayers for Carolyn. Sounds like she needs to get to the doctor fast. And, of course, prayers for Margy's brother.
Can not believe the second one hatched so fast at Jordan. Need to go take a peek!
Tori has interstital lung disease
Interstitial (in-tur-STISH-ul) lung disease describes a large group of disorders, most of which cause progressive scarring of lung tissue. The scarring associated with interstitial lung disease eventually affects your ability to breathe and get enough oxygen into your bloodstream.
Lolly Tori has what Paula said and she needs both lung transplants.
Thanks! Some of Jack's family has had lung problems. He has lost a lot of cousins it.
Dana, I knew she needed double lung transplant, I just did not remember the name of the problem.
JL Bobbleheads in view.
Did ya'll know that the Pelican Harbor nest is back online?
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds. Have done some catch up reading and now know increased prayer efforts must be made for...
ROBYN and family as Tori wages her fight against that horrible disease.
MARGY and family as Fred recovers from one surgery only to face another.
LYNN, as she continues her treatments---for her dear Carolyn with possible pneumonia and granddog Harley with ortho pain.
WANDA and JIM who are preparing for surgeries on the 25th.
DANAMO, who has deep motherly concerns for her precious first born.
The Manassas eagle struggling for life with the help of WCV.
The Jordan Lake bobbleheads as they get their start in life.
God Bless All !
LORI, cute p☺em for DANAMO this a.m. !
The doc at the ER the other night with T-Bird was the same one who diagnosed my liver abscess. I thanked him for saving my life. He remembered me. Don't know if that is good or bad but I do know they don't see many cases of liver abscesses.
JL babes getting fed again.
Sharon, you may be the dr's one in a life time. loL
Paula IWS nests
Some of the nests have shadows in them
Looks like human or a perched eagle or
I'm just imagining things.
PLEASE pray big times for Tori
DanaWV I'll have to look again at that
picture............. Not nice they
don't BOLD that # across the top!
JL eagle appears to be on red alert.
They have some juvies in the picture!
I did see a couple....... like little dots unless you magnify it.
The reward for information concerning the shooting of the golden retriever puppy here in Middletown has gone up to
I don't know if I missed it somewhere along the line, but how old is Tori?
Thursday afternoon: good afternoon to one and to all. just have a few min to pop in here, kind of caught up on posts.....
quiet day at work.....the weather has scared everyone off. came home and put suet out for my bird friends. it is sort of snowing....teeeeey tiiiiinnnnyyy little flakes zipping thru the air, nothign to see really. a bit of snow on things like cars that have been sitting, but just a small while bit. not even a dusting really. we shall see what happens as the day progresses.
sure is colder though. was 48 when i got out of bed @ 5:20, when i got home @ 2:30 it was 32 wtih a feels like temp of 19. what a difference.
may pop back in a bit later.....hoping for anice quiet evening. we usually eat out on thursdays...kind of depends on how yucky it does or does not get.
well almost time to get olivia, must skeedaddle for now
*smiles to all*
Watching our MT nest.
DanaMo - TORI IS 18
There are the 2 bobbleheads
LOL, JO ! Day old duck looks icky to us, but since eagles only eat for survival and have little sense of smell or taste, it looks luscious to them. Can you imagine how an eagle nest smells much of the time ? Ewwwwweee.
Prayers for Tori and family are constant ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
SHARON, kidney abscesses are pretty rare, too. My primary physician has been in practice for about 10 years and mine was her first. Strangely enough another of her patients came down with one about a month after mine, though it wasn't as severe. Here's hoping the docs never see you or me again for such a traumatic illness !!!
Mema Jo had you posted and I missed an article about the Golden Retriever puppy being shot?
Hi, Everyone,
Not caught up here, but wanted to let you know I'm still around. Just slept in late today, then had numerous things to do. About to take off and go to the Post Office and go pay for Emma's license renewal. Will be praying for Tori and for Fred, Carolyn, Harley, and our eagles. Where ARE Belle and Shep? BBL tonight... :o]
Jo on that How many eagles are in that picture? I did try even magnified it several times and then decreased it too.
I even tried cutting it off in sections.
Till did not come anywhere close to the number written across the top. lol
OK back from taking Jordyn to Angies work and I stopped at the park to say hello to the cell phone tower eagles and only one was there Waiting for our pair to show up ok a two day hiatus is enough don't you think
I can hear the children at the day care on the cam
I'll be going over to their house tomorrow for dinner instead of tonight since she is taking her to the dr and then dance class
CLUCK sound at our nest!!!!!
I hear clunking on the cam! Maybe we'll see an eagle!?
Something landed in top of tree or on a limb
I posted that link several days ago DanaWV
This is the link to Kris' celebration that took place last week. Just wanted to share with you guys.
Kristian Anderson's Celebration of Life
I'll post it again, about the puppy.
2 eagles!!
There are our children. Welcome back home Belle and Shep!
Almost landed together - flew in from about 10ish (I think).
Yep I see me two eagles
Both in nest both working around egg cup
I was beginning to think Shep had been reading the blog and didn't like being made fun of for his HP attempts, so he suggested that he and Belle get a room! =)
Eagles and bickering as usual. So happy to see themn!
Eagles in our nest!!!
BWE egg in full view
split approaching..don't get lost!
Shep out and Belle remains.
What the h## was that??? That wasn't even a good attempt? Isn't HP natural how can he not know how to do it? She was ready and waiting!!!
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