OMG I didn't mean to disappear last night but I had a minor problem. Was laying on my side on the bed playing with Daisy and she wacked at my face with her paw. And I jerked away, and REALLY hurt my back in doing so. Couldn't get up, leg fell asleep, had to call Steve up to help me...much pain. UGH!!!
Better today though. And what a GORGEOUS day for the first day of my 51st year! There is a very confused crocus blooming out front, mosquito, moths, flies and a BAT flying around the yard at sunset!!
Just had Liesl out and heard lots of honking. Couldn't see anything....guess it could have been geese or tundra's...
Thanks for the call over, Lori!
Kay, enjoy your time with Seth. Dinner sounds good!!
Lori, can't wait to see your basket. You are so very creative!
Hoda, hope your tea warms your bones, but a nice bath would help, too! I already had mine!! Now to figure out what to fix for dinner here. I'm kind of thinking of a grilled PB&J! Might hit the spot. MTBD! Will check the freezer first for inspiration.
Now I need to go get caught up since I left at lunch Hey I found a song called Eagle Rock that I put with this morning short video It is the one with Shep trying to get Belle interested in HP and he just did it by himself Cute song what there is I heard of it being its just a short video Ok now to start reading I will catch up soon I hope did read all till I left so only have this afternoons to do I see we had a couple of visit today also when I was home at lunch cool
Lynne1--I usually let the caller ID screen the calls the same as you....but sometimes I don't think and just grab it--like this morning when I was ready for a nap!
Ok this is way out of order I haven't read the comments but just saw where LORI put pic on the blog so I went and looked tooo cute with the dog massage I want one Does he do house calls LOL the words I had to type were wild avingly and hosesqu I accidentally put a comment of the dog on the wrong picture so it is on the kitty one and the dog one noticed it tooo late so I had to words Ok now to get serious and start reading
OH KAY I didn't post her Bday because I know some people are sensitive and it would have been up to her not me that is a personal issue I think JMHO and I didn't even think about it so sorry you will have to forgive me or ban me from the blog or ground me take you choice back to reading I say
OH and SHH I think my cold has gone away not one time did I have a issue at work no blowing of the nose etc so shhhh keep it a secret I am still taking the zicam so that is what has done it Later
KAY cute comment about him strutin his stuff in front of her Did you see the one I put the music to EagleRock is the name of it I think it fits I put in on after the fact I didn't want to cover up Shep CALL OF LOVE so I did another and you have the option to save as new and keep the other I love learning as I go on YouTube I wish they had a instruction book LOL
I did a little over 7 miles today walking from one end of the store to the other end all day no wonder my back kills me sometimes LOL
Yes JO Thanks for the update on TORI she will be in my thoughts and prayers till she is out of the woods and has a new set of lungs to breath with
The automated calls drive me nuts also Do you all have American Express they are the worst they are on my caller ID daily and have left several of those mssg
Waiting to read if SANDI got to see a eagle ok continuing to read sending this first before I go on
Mema Jo thank uyou for the update on Tori. PRAISES GO TO OUR LORD. Please God continue to help Tori improve so she can get that new lung Father. Be with Robyn as she being a Mom has to go through this rough time.
Of for heavens sakes let the cranes and pilot go so they can follow him and migrate to Florida. Pay him as a janitor.
well now, I will answer the phone even for a number I don't recognize if Steve is out and about...just in case his own cell phone isn't charged or something and he's using someone elses to reach me.
OH MY!!! A fourth fatality due to avalanches in British Columbia...This time a party of US skiers got caught in an avalanche in Golden BC and one person died. No names or states have been happened an hour ago!!!
WANDA you have me rolling all over the floor laughing at your comment on the video Does anyone know of a specialist that can come and check out the brain damage that Shep has (referring to Wanda statement of "Dumb bird...when Belle beat him up, back in the Spring, she may have caused brain damage;) " and I hope it isn't in his genes to pass on the the bobble head
You too LORETTA having warm weather How is work by the way?
The do not call list does not apply to the accts you may have like a credit card that is what I was told
WOW four visit by the eagles today That is tooo cool they have learned to show up all times of the day that way we all can get a turn seeing them LOL and I wonder why they stay sometime a long time and sometime a sec or two
OK what (a bear) and where is the Jewel Den cam I went and looked for a link on the blog and can't find it can someone repost and thanks in advance Shame about the Jordan cam being down
I have got caught up again I knew I could do it with the news on if any think important came up I just listened I can do two thing at once HAHA Now I need to figure out what I want to eat and do I want to go get it or not too many decisions BBL going out I guess to find food in 10 min after the news is done
Back from Blackwater! I didn't see one eagle!!! I SAW 12 DIFFERENT EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow just doesn't begin to cover the experience, but that's what I kept saying over and over! On 2 different occasions, I was able to hear an eagle calling to another eagle (b/c of listening to our cam, I know what they sound like)! The only thing I didn't get to see was an eagle in flight - maybe next time. Denny's zoom wasn't powerful enough to get pictures of many of the eagles we saw so I was only able to see some with the binoculars, but we saw them perched in trees, perched on an osprey platform, and even standing on a sandbar! Denny did get some beautiful pictures though! As soon as we get them uploaded, I'll post the link!
Happy to hear that there has been good news about Tori - if ever there's a group that knows how to send powerful prayers, it's this one!!
LYNNE thanks for the link My old link from last year to Lilly Cam didn't work I still haven't gone to get anything I think I will just have a everything bagel and cream cheese
#@%^&*@## only have enough cream cheese for a half a bagle Oh well I will eat it slowly so slow make it last HAHA waiting for the toaster to pop up takes forever when you are hungry
Well I am heading to the rockin chair for some TV time The nest looks so bright now I love it I am going full screen tooo I love that I want to get my tv hooked up to it that would be really nice BBL
Kay, after I was released from the hospital and began therapy, the therapist was very gentle but learning to walk was still a little painful at first (not serious pain but discomfort). Suspect that is what you are having. It will get better and easier. You will be amazed.
Wish the best for LeRoy and for a purrfect match.
Hope you feel better Lynne2. Take it easy with the back, okay?
JudyE, glad your cold seems to be disappearing. Try to get lots of rest. Oh, there are many tests for retardation -- I'll look to see if there is one specially designed for STUPID EAGLE SYNDROME.
Hoda, so very sorry about another avalanche victim. Prayers for the victim and the family and friends.
Sandi, how very exciting for you today to see 12 eagles. This will be a forever memory.
Lynn, must be feeling a lot better to tackle pizza. Glad you're feeling better.
As I was looking at SANDI'S pictures it froze up the whole window and now I am unable to move after about eleven pictures...then it unfroze and I got to see till number twetny seven. THANKS SANDI very good sunset and yes I was able to spot the eagle in the tree in the first picture and I am appreciative of your sharing of yoru trip. Dennis took very good pictures and the colours are fantastic.
Thanks for sharing Denny's pics, Sandi! Very nice!!!! The two in the tree shot was a good zoom! Cool about the snake skin. And I saw the smoke from the controlled burn they were talking about taking place this month.
Hi, Judie! ROFL about Carolyn in her den!!! How are you, and what's the latest on Darth??
lmao. you all have me cracking up. judy posted a great greeting on facebook and in my mail box was a card! lol. easy!
its been a great birthday weekend thus far....we went to carrabbaas tonight; pasta weese, sangria, and yummmmmmyyyyyy other stuff! so full i could just burst!
looks as if the tao of pooh was a bit of conversation. i think i mayhave to look up and get the te of piglet....hoda, have you read that one?
i think our nice weather is coming to an end in the next couple of days....but it sure has been nice here.....
In The Te of Piglet, a good deal of Taoist wisdom is revealed through the character and actions of A. A. Milne's Piglet. Piglet herein demonstrates a very important principle of Taoism: The Te--a Chinese word meaning Virtue--of the Small.
Well, it takes all kinds to make a mess.
The West is full of Tiggers--restless seekers of instant gratification, larger-than-life overachievers. The West idolizes them because they're Bouncy and Exciting. Maybe even a bit too exciting. And they're becoming more exciting all the time. It seems that it's no longer adequate to be a True Individual, or even a Hero; now one needs to be some sort of Superman, living an overinflated life punctuated (in true Tigger fashion) with exclamation marks. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! This is the age of Supereverything--Superstar, Superathlete, Supercoach, Superpolitician, even Superbusinessman: Faster than a speeding ticket! More powerful than a profit motive! Able to lease tall buildings in a single day!
Tiggers are not necessarily what they seem, however. While they may appear to be self-propelled, they are in reality jerked this way and that by whatever appealing object or sensation catches their attention. And while Tiggers may appear energetic to the extreme, their love of ceaseless action and sensation is actually a form of spiritual laziness. Tiggers are not in control of their lives, as is clearly shown by their behavior.
Unfortunately, it is quite easy to be an impatient, inconsiderate, scatterbrained Tigger in a society that admires, encourages, and rewards impulsive behavior. Advertisements tell us to buy whatever-it-is and Spoil ourselves. An appropriate word, spoil. We deserve it, they say. (Maybe we do, but we'd like to think we're better than that.) Store layouts are carefully designed to encourage impulse buying. Movies, television shows, and magazines promote impulsive behavior of the most questionable kind, in the most flash-it-in-their-faces manner. Practically everything from hairstyles to lifestyles is endorsed as some sort of drug to be taken Now for Instant Relief. If you have this model of automobile, this style of clothing, this shape of girlfriend, or this sort of romantic entanglement, you will be happy. You will be loved. You will be Somebody. Those who can't have such things are doomed to frustration. Those who can have them are doomed to the inevitable disappointment. As Oscar Wilde put it, "In the world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants and the other is getting it." We are reminded of the old Persian curse: "May your every desire be immediately fulfilled." In chapter twelve of the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tse described what's wrong with Tigger's sensationalistic approach to life:
The five colors blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavors deaden the tongue. Racing and hunting madden the mind.
I just finished looking at the awesome, spectular pictures that Dennis, Sandi's husband took at Blackwater. Thank you Dennis and Sandi for going there and sharing those great pictures. WOW!!!!!
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe God Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
The sandperson has indicated this will be an early night and is anxious to get started on travels throughout The Land of Blog.
The night light has been set for 11:00pm for anyone who needs to arise in the darkness, is headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or wanders in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all and pleasant dreams, please.
Lol, I sometimes think I live in a den with a bear!!! That was funny Judie!!! Hello to you all!!!!! Will def have to pull up that site and watch Jewel!!
Hello there Jewels... good to see you, hope you are feeling better..two out on 4-11, one out on midnights...wonder what the next few days will bring! Glad you did not tagged for a shift...Paula and I shared the 4-12
xoxo Hello Eagle Pals....Dragging in here late like a cat who's been out on the prowl.
Happy New Year!!! Well, hubby snores or growls like one!!! Lol!!!! And then the kids... Ahhh still got the cold. Can't seem to shake it... I pray this isn't my year for illness, as I feel like since Christmas, I have sick more than healthy..
Oh, Margy, so sorry.... Booo, I am surprised I did bout get called in!!! Kinda happy bout that, since I have alot of cleaning to do and such. Sad the snowflakes are gone. They realy help cut down the glare of the lights! Ohh yes red flakes would be pretty!!
Noey said the same thing about the flakes, Jewels...
Lynne2 My New York Naturalist friend is one who had commented about the migration of the Tundra Swans happening later, I made a post awhile back, maybe that is what you saw.....he lives near Erie Pa and Lake Eric, but is in New York. After Lynn posted earlier in the day about the honking she heard, I went out to have a peek from work, but saw nor heard, none.
think I shall go see Sandi's pictures, wow, how exciting this is going to be !
Good Evening Sports Fans. Looks like we've got a TX team (not Cowboys) moving up and Saints are ahead in their game! We're also clicking on Pres. Debates. Altho it may be considered a summer dish, I fixed Greek pasta salad tonight and had it w/ham. The reason was that daughter bought big container of plain yogurt & I've been trying to use it in something!
Negative, I'm off for Sunday and Monday...maybe today was an "insurance move" on my part....I volunteered, Carolyn...
Sandi !!
Magnificent Pictures, what an excellent day you had at Blackwater..... I love the heron pictures with the reflections in the water, also the sunset pictures, and of course the Eagle Photos !!! Bravo for your husband for changing his mind about going !!!
Hedgie: I love your quote from the old thread by Emily Dickenson.... profound....and comforting....
Lynne2 sorry about the face-scratching and the wrenching of your back...hope all is well tonight...and Hello to Steve ! appreciate your comment about your answering unknown number phone calls, makes good sense... I do like some of the others....unknowns, and 800's I don't fool with, others I might "field" and throw out a line about expecting an important phone call and I can't talk, thanks anyway.....
tubby is on hold... I have a little prayer routine passed on to me by my late sister Katherine... "Please, Thank you, and I'm Sorry." Also have a wellness prayer that covers a lot of bases
Oh, sorry... Brother Fred's coming along aafter his knee surgery...he and wife are trying to decide about staying IN medical facility for therapy, or going home and having someone come to the house... I am voting that he asks the doctor what his opinion is, and then goes with that.... Thanks for all the well-wishes, pals....xoxo
Robyn Ann Schonhans: She's a fighter Bre. Doctors are impressed so far... They have her sedated but she is fighting opening her eyes crying when she hears her daddy's voice... 17 minutes ago ·
I like to think we live in a very large tree with branches reaching from a kibbutz in Israel to a home in Kidderminster, across the pond and over land to British Columbia, Southern California, Texas, Florida and Florida. The trunk, of course, is in West Virginia.
The bear den is at the roots somewhere in Minnesota, where there are secret things hidden--a washer, among other things.
It is a mystical tree, for the dwellings have doors which open wide to greet guests and close quietly so as to avoid disturbing those who are sleeping. Doors are never slammed.
We are protected by our security system, set every night by members in Virginia and California, and we are watched over by vigilant eagles.
Hello, Crunch Bob! And hi to Doris, too! Have you been checking the nest action?
Thanks for sharing Robyn's post, Jo. A mixture of sad and sweet that Tori cries when she hears her Dad---I'm glad he is there to share this hard road; Robyn shouldn't have to bear it alone.
90 snowflakes??? Goodness, girls--you all worked hard! How about red HEARTS rather than red flakes? Glad you get your days off, Margy, and sure hope Carolyn doesn't have to leave her den and bear to go in tomorrow!
Hmmmm....cookies or ice cream? Can't decide. Need a little something before turning in....
New from Robyn: 11 pm, tori woke up or should i say fought thru the sedation just to try and raise her arms, such a fighter. Tomorrow she gets more visitors, my brother and his family YAY... heading to sleep soon, those 2 hrs last night werent enough
Getting late again. New Orleans won the game. Boo-going to only be in 40°s tomorrow. Prayers for Tori, Robin and our Lynn every day Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
My knee is healing and he reminded me that I'm no longer 18 (as if I didn't already know this).
Now, it's back to back trouble. Will have another injection this month. Then I should be good for a few months if it doesn't s%#@&. That 4-letter word that comes in the winter that wrecks havoc every year.
Sandi, loved the pictures and hope Dennis will take you back for more.
JudyE loved the videos. Keep up the good work.
Lynn, sorry about the "log jam" you experienced. I have the same trouble when I take pain meds. Keep a softener and Miralax handy. Not fun!!!
Forget whom else I was going to comment to but please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
impressed with my television music channel...they played Christmas songs straight through the Feast of the Epiphany Jan 6 - now back to Contemporary Christian...Love it ! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫
well folks i dissappeared for a while, the oldeste daughter and her family decided to stay the night so have been busy with grandkids and the new grand puppy.
*JUDY* thank you for being considerate regarding my birthday. :) i love you for it.
*HODA* obviously you have read the TE OF PIGLET. i think i shall read it as well. :) i think one of my only regrets in life is that no matter how long i am on this earth, i will likely never read every book that i would like to read!
well...its late. i was up late last night and it caught up with me this morning! :( so for tonight, i am signing off. hope everyone has a peaceful and restful night.
Just got a phone call from Rebecca. She took Rus to the ER at Inova Springfield Health Complex this evening because he became dizzy and confused at work this afternoon.
They did a CT scan to see if he has had a stroke. It did not show any problems, but he is being sent To Alexandria Hospital for an MRI, as they do not have that equipment at the other facility.
Rebecca said that he did not lose consciousness and his vision and speech are okay. They are also considering the possibility of diabetes. Of course, there is a strong family history of diabetes.
I told Rebecca to call us when they get to Alexandria, so we are waiting.
Checked back in.... Prayers for Tori, she is a strong young lady. Prayers for Russ and my Momma. Hopeing she gets some really good sleep!! Sleep well Robyn! Also prayers for each of you, sweet dreams!
I'm awake...and will be for awhile...I'll be checking back... if you need to ring me up... for any reason...I'm about to send my phone numbers to you by email... xoxo (( Hugs and Prayers ))
I think he will be getting good medical care at the hospitals you mentioned....
Good Morning Eagle Buds ! Up too early, but in need of Tylenol and now too wide awake to sleep.
SHIRLEY, prayers go with you as you go to be with Russ and Rebecca. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'s for good luck. I love your description of our Family Tree !
JUDIE, thanks so much for sharing your experience with PT. It gives me comfort and hope !
SANDI, tickled pink over your day trip and pictures ! Stunning photography, thanks to Denny ! Those with birds reflected in the water are particularly beautiful !
LORI, you are multi-talented ! That's a right purty basket thanks to you and your support team of one !
LYNN, grilled PB&J ? Have to try it. Any hints or warnings, or is it exactly like grilling a cheese sandwich ?
JUDY, I don't think anyone gets banned here as long as we say nothing immoral, illegal or impossibly rude ! Since Janet brought it up herself I didn't think of her as being birthday sensitive. Thankfully no one is obligated to divulge age. I do so because Mother Nature tells the tale through the gray hair and wrinkles she's blessed me with !☺
Oh Shirley, I'm so relieved Russ is in a good state that the doctors thought they were okay to wait for tests. You have a full day on your plate now, or has the Will & Susan's get together moved to the hospital? Kidding. I'm sure you're all thinking of nothing except Russ. My prayers are with you all.
Shirley, BTW: Your Mystical Tree is a fabulous concept. I loved it! I think you should write a book. It really was beautiful.
SANDI, Russ is SHIRLEY's son. Her kids are Kathryn, Russ and the twins, Wil and Susan. I'm answering because I have a feeling she's either getting some needed sleep or on her way to the hospital.
OH good KAY I was waiting to hear what my punishment would be LOL so glad I don't get one LOL and I read Janet did appreciate it OK where are our eagles we are here
I feel soooo old when reading about SHIRLEY's amazement that her youngest children are 31. My youngest will turn 51 a week from Monday ! Yikes, and most of the time I don't feel any older than that myself !
Hey I forgot to tell you Angie has a friend that just had her twins full term and the are nice size on is a little over 7 lbs and the other is just under 7 nice size for twins I say Mentioning Shirley's twins reminded me of them
Morning Judy! I've caught up on my morning reading! Thanks to everyone for the compliments on Denny's photos - as Judie said, yesterday was a forever memory! I also posted the link to the pics on my blog. Lori, love the basket. Did FloBear do any of the work, or just provide physical and moral support. Shirley, so sorry to hear about Russ. I'll add my prayers and positive energy that he will be OK. I LOVED your tree analogy about this group - just lovely! Thanks to all who are posting the Tori updates - prayers that she continues to stay strong and can get a new lung. Lynn, hope you had a restful night and are eating just the right amount of fiber to keep things moving!
Hello, MARGY ! Great suggestion on the duster socks. I noticed yesterday that I need to take some socks to the venitian blinds---CRS---that's not what they're called now. Wide, wood or plastic and called what ? Anyone ?
Kay I have been reading all the Hip news, PT and exercises, pain and all that... Hoping/Praying for Perfect outcomes for you...hope you enjoyed your Saturday night Seth Time... Lori reading about LeRoy's possible new home/owner...kitty hugs to LeRoy before he departs...whenever that is
Sandi! Repeating, totally awesome pictures, just think, an eagle or two you might see on BWE CAM nest might be one you have on film ☺
Good morning everyone. I was up at 5 and then went to the couch after feeding the labs. Boomer is acting funny this morning, I hope he didn't eat something he shouldn't have. I feel like I can see the signs after all that we have been through with him. We are so diligent with socks and stuff so I'm thinking he got something outside. Shirley-Praying for results for Russ today. Hope they find out what happened and fast.
I agree with the earlier statement that SHIRLEY needs to write a book and also collaborate with HODA and others That would be the bomb!! Ok that was a hint hint LOL
Yep, I think you're right, JUDY. They don't seem very "mini" though. The slats are far wider than the old venitians were. But, you get my gist. It's time for socks or Swiffers. Too lazy to get out the vac and attachments to do the job.
I hear the geese. The noise was something that surprised me yesterday. You think a wildlife refuge will be quiet but there are THOUSANDS of Canadian geese and swans. There is a constant honking!
1 – 200 of 281 Newer› Newest»Thanks Steve for the new thread.
I will call the others.
THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD and Thanks LORI for the call over
I just posted pictures on my blog of the basket I finished making last night, with a little help from FloBear!
Saw the new thread on my way back from posting the pics - SURPRISE!
I love the basket LORI and pretty cool FLOBEAR gave so much support...LOL
Wall ain't this swell..
and the Basket is Beautiful...
Good evening everyone!
OMG I didn't mean to disappear last night but I had a minor problem. Was laying on my side on the bed playing with Daisy and she wacked at my face with her paw. And I jerked away, and REALLY hurt my back in doing so. Couldn't get up, leg fell asleep, had to call Steve up to help me...much pain. UGH!!!
Better today though. And what a GORGEOUS day for the first day of my 51st year! There is a very confused crocus blooming out front, mosquito, moths, flies and a BAT flying around the yard at sunset!!
Lori, the basket is beautiful, and can I borrow Flobear to massage MY back?? LOL! And WOOOOOPS, how did I miss the new little kitty pictures? So cute!
Geesh I sure miss a lot of what's going on these days....
Just had Liesl out and heard lots of honking. Couldn't see anything....guess it could have been geese or tundra's...
Thanks for the call over, Lori!
Kay, enjoy your time with Seth. Dinner sounds good!!
Lori, can't wait to see your basket. You are so very creative!
Hoda, hope your tea warms your bones, but a nice bath would help, too! I already had mine!! Now to figure out what to fix for dinner here. I'm kind of thinking of a grilled PB&J! Might hit the spot.
MTBD! Will check the freezer first for inspiration.
Oh, Lori, I love it! Very pretty!
FB is a cool guy!
So glad that the adoption is pending for Leroy, and that new kid's quarantine ends soon!
Home to find a new fresh thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE
Lynn, could be Tundras! I read (somewhere recently) that it hasn't been cold enough to send many of them for southern feeding grounds yet!
Now I need to go get caught up since I left at lunch Hey I found a song called Eagle Rock that I put with this morning short video It is the one with Shep trying to get Belle interested in HP and he just did it by himself Cute song what there is I heard of it being its just a short video Ok now to start reading I will catch up soon I hope did read all till I left so only have this afternoons to do I see we had a couple of visit today also when I was home at lunch cool
Lynne2---lots of moths here, too!
Lynne1--I usually let the caller ID screen the calls the same as you....but sometimes I don't think and just grab it--like this morning when I was ready for a nap!
Ok this is way out of order I haven't read the comments but just saw where LORI put pic on the blog so I went and looked tooo cute with the dog massage I want one Does he do house calls LOL the words I had to type were wild avingly and hosesqu I accidentally put a comment of the dog on the wrong picture so it is on the kitty one and the dog one noticed it tooo late so I had to words Ok now to get serious and start reading
OH KAY I didn't post her Bday because I know some people are sensitive and it would have been up to her not me that is a personal issue I think JMHO and I didn't even think about it so sorry you will have to forgive me or ban me from the blog or ground me take you choice back to reading I say
OH and SHH I think my cold has gone away not one time did I have a issue at work no blowing of the nose etc so shhhh keep it a secret I am still taking the zicam so that is what has done it Later
KAY cute comment about him strutin his stuff in front of her Did you see the one I put the music to EagleRock is the name of it I think it fits I put in on after the fact I didn't want to cover up Shep CALL OF LOVE so I did another and you have the option to save as new and keep the other I love learning as I go on YouTube I wish they had a instruction book LOL
I did a little over 7 miles today walking from one end of the store to the other end all day no wonder my back kills me sometimes LOL
Yes JO Thanks for the update on TORI she will be in my thoughts and prayers till she is out of the woods and has a new set of lungs to breath with
The automated calls drive me nuts also Do you all have American Express they are the worst they are on my caller ID daily and have left several of those mssg
Waiting to read if SANDI got to see a eagle ok continuing to read sending this first before I go on
Didn't realize it was after 6 I must go watch the news BBL
Thank you Steve for the new thread.
Thanks very much for typing NEW THREAD!!!
Back home and very tired.
Hoda loved what your wrote about Tao of Pooh.
Mema Jo thank uyou for the update on Tori. PRAISES GO TO OUR LORD. Please God continue to help Tori improve so she can get that new lung Father. Be with Robyn as she being a Mom has to go through this rough time.
Of for heavens sakes let the cranes and pilot go so they can follow him and migrate to Florida.
Pay him as a janitor.
Thank you Lynn for the Jewel's Bear Cam. They will get it fixed and we will be ready.
well now, I will answer the phone even for a number I don't recognize if Steve is out and about...just in case his own cell phone isn't charged or something and he's using someone elses to reach me.
@JudyEWhose birthday did you not post?
OOOOOO Jewel's Den cam is back up!
I hear voices!
OH MY!!! A fourth fatality due to avalanches in British Columbia...This time a party of US skiers got caught in an avalanche in Golden BC and one person died. No names or states have been happened an hour ago!!!
WVDANA, yesterday JANET had a birthday. She is JUDYE'S sister...
OK LYNNE what voices are you hearing and what are they saying??? I am slightly concerned!!! Is this a sign of your aging? LOL
WANDA you have me rolling all over the floor laughing at your comment on the video
Does anyone know of a specialist that can come and check out the brain damage that Shep has (referring to Wanda statement of "Dumb bird...when Belle beat him up, back in the Spring, she may have caused brain damage;) " and I hope it isn't in his genes to pass on the the bobble head
You too LORETTA having warm weather How is work by the way?
The do not call list does not apply to the accts you may have like a credit card that is what I was told
WOW four visit by the eagles today That is tooo cool they have learned to show up all times of the day that way we all can get a turn seeing them LOL and I wonder why they stay sometime a long time and sometime a sec or two
ok back to the news commercial are tooo short LOL
Hurray! Jewel is live! And restless! I don't remember whether she is preggers or not.
WVDana My sisters Janet
OK what (a bear) and where is the Jewel Den cam I went and looked for a link on the blog and can't find it can someone repost and thanks in advance Shame about the Jordan cam being down
I have got caught up again I knew I could do it with the news on if any think important came up I just listened I can do two thing at once HAHA Now I need to figure out what I want to eat and do I want to go get it or not too many decisions BBL going out I guess to find food in 10 min after the news is done
Back from Blackwater! I didn't see one eagle!!! I SAW 12 DIFFERENT EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow just doesn't begin to cover the experience, but that's what I kept saying over and over! On 2 different occasions, I was able to hear an eagle calling to another eagle (b/c of listening to our cam, I know what they sound like)! The only thing I didn't get to see was an eagle in flight - maybe next time. Denny's zoom wasn't powerful enough to get pictures of many of the eagles we saw so I was only able to see some with the binoculars, but we saw them perched in trees, perched on an osprey platform, and even standing on a sandbar! Denny did get some beautiful pictures though! As soon as we get them uploaded, I'll post the link!
Happy to hear that there has been good news about Tori - if ever there's a group that knows how to send powerful prayers, it's this one!!
Ended up eating pizza. My tummy finally is starting to feel more normal. So think I'll head for the sofa for some comfortable digestion.
Hope to hear more Tori news, Paula check-in, and how Sandi's BW adventure was.
.♥♥happy dance ♥♥
for Sandi for seeing lots of eagles today Cool Beans
I love it cause I can see them every day at the cell phone tower Now I just need a better camera maybe one day
I will be taking my puter to Eric Mon at lunch so I will be with out again for just a day to get more ram
Ha ha ha Hoda! the voices were at the bear cam, and I heard some clunking around too. All quiet now.
Bear Cam
here you go Judy
OH SANDI!!! How exciting!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures!!!
Sandi, I had hoped for you to see ten eagles! TWELVE!!!! Amazing! I can't wait to see Denny's pictures. Hurry and post. LOL
LYNNE thanks for the link My old link from last year to Lilly Cam didn't work I still haven't gone to get anything I think I will just have a everything bagel and cream cheese
LORI where is your manners LOL Please hurry LOL
#@%^&*@## only have enough cream cheese for a half a bagle Oh well I will eat it slowly so slow make it last HAHA waiting for the toaster to pop up takes forever when you are hungry
I know, JudyE! I was being obnoxious, but Sandi always says how she has no patience, so I thought she would get a giggle from it. :)
OMG! Carolyn is going to live in a den with a camera watching her every move? Oh WOW! That should be a real adventure -- for her and for us.
Seriously, I'm with Jo. Had to stop and think about NABC Jewel. Still laughing.
Hi Carolyn!
I do love the Google this time tooo cute and I also loved the Adams family
Well I am heading to the rockin chair for some TV time The nest looks so bright now I love it I am going full screen tooo I love that I want to get my tv hooked up to it that would be really nice BBL
OK folks, hope the link works the first time and hope you like the pics!
Blackwater Photos
Thank you Steve for the new thread.
Kay, after I was released from the hospital and began therapy, the therapist was very gentle but learning to walk was still a little painful at first (not serious pain but discomfort). Suspect that is what you are having. It will get better and easier. You will be amazed.
Wish the best for LeRoy and for a purrfect match.
Hope you feel better Lynne2. Take it easy with the back, okay?
JudyE, glad your cold seems to be disappearing. Try to get lots of rest. Oh, there are many tests for retardation -- I'll look to see if there is one specially designed for STUPID EAGLE SYNDROME.
Hoda, so very sorry about another avalanche victim. Prayers for the victim and the family and friends.
Sandi, how very exciting for you today to see 12 eagles. This will be a forever memory.
Lynn, must be feeling a lot better to tackle pizza. Glad you're feeling better.
I found you!
Thanks, Steve.
Watching Hallmark which I haven't seen before
Moon is sooooooooo bright!
Hurray for you Sandi!
Oh, Sandi, so great to hear that you saw so many eagles. Just too bad that they didn't put on a show for you!!!! Really glad that you got to go!
As I was looking at SANDI'S pictures it froze up the whole window and now I am unable to move after about eleven pictures...then it unfroze and I got to see till number twetny seven. THANKS SANDI very good sunset and yes I was able to spot the eagle in the tree in the first picture and I am appreciative of your sharing of yoru trip. Dennis took very good pictures and the colours are fantastic.
Thanks for sharing Denny's pics, Sandi! Very nice!!!! The two in the tree shot was a good zoom! Cool about the snake skin. And I saw the smoke from the controlled burn they were talking about taking place this month.
Hi, Judie! ROFL about Carolyn in her den!!! How are you, and what's the latest on Darth??
Sandi, loved the photos. What a great day for you and you man!
SANDI beautiful pictures I watched in the slide show mode Loved it Loved the sunset pretty pretty ☼ Back to TV heard the email chime and had to check
Great pictures Sandi! thanks for sharing. Eagles AND Tundra Swans!
AWESOME Sandi! Loved the pictures. So many different birds, would love to go there someday. Beautiful photos - thanks to Mr. Roberts!
lmao. you all have me cracking up. judy posted a great greeting on facebook and in my mail box was a card! lol. easy!
its been a great birthday weekend thus far....we went to carrabbaas tonight; pasta weese, sangria, and yummmmmmyyyyyy other stuff! so full i could just burst!
looks as if the tao of pooh was a bit of conversation. i think i mayhave to look up and get the te of piglet....hoda, have you read that one?
i think our nice weather is coming to an end in the next couple of days....but it sure has been nice here.....
Sure is a shame that the night light doesn't light up our nest the way the moon does----like it's SUPPOSED to!
In The Te of Piglet, a good deal of Taoist wisdom is revealed through the character and actions of A. A. Milne's Piglet. Piglet herein demonstrates a very important principle of Taoism: The Te--a Chinese word meaning Virtue--of the Small.
Well, it takes all kinds to make a mess.
The West is full of Tiggers--restless seekers of instant gratification, larger-than-life overachievers. The West idolizes them because they're Bouncy and Exciting. Maybe even a bit too exciting. And they're becoming more exciting all the time. It seems that it's no longer adequate to be a True Individual, or even a Hero; now one needs to be some sort of Superman, living an overinflated life punctuated (in true Tigger fashion) with exclamation marks. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! This is the age of Supereverything--Superstar, Superathlete, Supercoach, Superpolitician, even Superbusinessman: Faster than a speeding ticket! More powerful than a profit motive! Able to lease tall buildings in a single day!
Tiggers are not necessarily what they seem, however. While they may appear to be self-propelled, they are in reality jerked this way and that by whatever appealing object or sensation catches their attention. And while Tiggers may appear energetic to the extreme, their love of ceaseless action and sensation is actually a form of spiritual laziness. Tiggers are not in control of their lives, as is clearly shown by their behavior.
Unfortunately, it is quite easy to be an impatient, inconsiderate, scatterbrained Tigger in a society that admires, encourages, and rewards impulsive behavior. Advertisements tell us to buy whatever-it-is and Spoil ourselves. An appropriate word, spoil. We deserve it, they say. (Maybe we do, but we'd like to think we're better than that.) Store layouts are carefully designed to encourage impulse buying. Movies, television shows, and magazines promote impulsive behavior of the most questionable kind, in the most flash-it-in-their-faces manner. Practically everything from hairstyles to lifestyles is endorsed as some sort of drug to be taken Now for Instant Relief. If you have this model of automobile, this style of clothing, this shape of girlfriend, or this sort of romantic entanglement, you will be happy. You will be loved. You will be Somebody. Those who can't have such things are doomed to frustration. Those who can have them are doomed to the inevitable disappointment. As Oscar Wilde put it, "In the world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants and the other is getting it." We are reminded of the old Persian curse: "May your every desire be immediately fulfilled."
In chapter twelve of the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tse described what's wrong with Tigger's sensationalistic approach to life:
The five colors blind the eye.
The five tones deafen the ear.
The five flavors deaden the tongue.
Racing and hunting madden the mind.
JANET I read The Te of Piglet but identified with The Tao of Pooh more
I just finished looking at the awesome, spectular pictures that Dennis, Sandi's husband took at Blackwater. Thank you Dennis and Sandi for going there and sharing those great pictures. WOW!!!!!
Oh forgot to mention the Sunset's were absolutely awesome Dennis!!!!!
Thank you Sandi and Dennis (:
Love that one, too, Hoda!!
LOL---seeing Janet's last post reminded me of "Archie and Mehitabel" which is one of my very favs, too!
Heading for the recliner.
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Sandi, thank you for sharing the lovely pictures. Wonderful memories for you both.
Yes, Lynn, can hardly wait to watch Jewel in her
I also identify more with Tao of Pooh.
The sandperson has indicated this will be an early night and is anxious to get started on travels throughout The Land of Blog.
The night light has been set for 11:00pm for anyone who needs to arise in the darkness, is headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or wanders in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all and pleasant dreams, please.
Lol, I sometimes think I live in a den with a bear!!! That was funny Judie!!! Hello to you all!!!!! Will def have to pull up that site and watch Jewel!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR JEWELS. You have a great sense of in a den with a bear!!! I hope you are over your cold.
Hello there Jewels...
good to see you, hope you are feeling better..two out on 4-11, one out on midnights...wonder what the next few days will bring!
Glad you did not tagged for a shift...Paula and I shared the 4-12
xoxo Hello Eagle Pals....Dragging in here late like a cat who's been out on the prowl.
We also Un-Christmased the office today, and the Valentine's Day Tree is ready for more decorating....
had 90-come snowflakes to remove from the ceiling light fixtures
we might make a few redheart-shaped "snowflakes" to hang instead, but not 90 !!!
oh bother! make that 90-SOME snowflakes, not 90-come
Happy New Year!!! Well, hubby snores or growls like one!!! Lol!!!! And then the kids... Ahhh still got the cold. Can't seem to shake it... I pray this isn't my year for illness, as I feel like since Christmas, I have sick more than healthy..
oh gee, we don't have a 4-11 shift...Help! I've been keyboarding too long today !
Oh, Margy, so sorry.... Booo, I am surprised I did bout get called in!!! Kinda happy bout that, since I have alot of cleaning to do and such. Sad the snowflakes are gone. They realy help cut down the glare of the lights! Ohh yes red flakes would be pretty!!
4-11 , that might be fun!!! Lol!!
Noey said the same thing about the flakes, Jewels...
My New York Naturalist friend is one who had commented about the migration of the Tundra Swans happening later, I made a post awhile back, maybe that is what you saw.....he lives near Erie Pa and Lake Eric, but is in New York.
After Lynn posted earlier in the day about the honking she heard, I went out to have a peek from work, but saw nor heard, none.
think I shall go see Sandi's pictures, wow, how exciting this is going to be !
Jewels...we have a tentative plan for 4-12 tomorrow....
now, if no one else calls in, you should be safe not getting called in...
Well id be ok if I did get called in for tommorrow.... Laundry is complete. Just not folded..Jessica's job for tomorrow! Are you having to work?
Good Evening Sports Fans. Looks like we've got a TX team (not Cowboys) moving up and Saints are ahead in their game! We're also clicking on Pres. Debates.
Altho it may be considered a summer dish, I fixed Greek pasta salad tonight and had it w/ham. The reason was that daughter bought big container of plain yogurt & I've been trying to use it in something!
Negative, I'm off for Sunday and Monday...maybe today was an "insurance move" on my part....I volunteered, Carolyn...
Sandi !!
Magnificent Pictures, what an excellent day you had at Blackwater.....
I love the heron pictures with the reflections in the water, also the sunset pictures, and of course the Eagle Photos !!! Bravo for your husband for changing his mind about going !!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LYNNE!!!!♥ Glad this was your day.
I had a wasp landing on my leg! Was wearing sweats, tho!
someone here needs a shampoo and a shower, hey, I live alone, it must be me...
always a good opportunity to slide a few prayers to the Master...
ttfn xoxo ♥
Hi Loretta !!
OMG Loweeda...a wasp! It's been a crazy spring winter day!
Watched a show on Animal Planet earlier called "My Cat From Hell". LOL!
I'm heading to bed....hopefully going for a walk at Loch Raven in the morrow. Good night and prayers for all! Especially for Robyn and Tori tonight.
WOW, just saw Sandi's pictures of Blackwater! Tell Denny they are wonderful and you have to go back there!! LOL
I love your quote from the old thread by Emily Dickenson....
profound....and comforting....
Lynne2 sorry about the face-scratching and the wrenching of your back...hope all is well tonight...and Hello to Steve !
appreciate your comment about your answering unknown number phone calls, makes good sense...
I do like some of the others....unknowns, and 800's I don't fool with, others I might "field" and throw out a line about expecting an important phone call and I can't talk, thanks anyway.....
missed you Lynne2, sorry...
tubby is on hold...
I have a little prayer routine passed on to me by my late sister Katherine...
"Please, Thank you, and I'm Sorry."
Also have a wellness prayer that covers a lot of bases
Now it's tubby time
(( Hugs ♥ ))
I usually do it in this order:
I'm Sorry, Thank You, and Please
Sandi - your day was well spent. You and
Dennis saw all the different varieties
at the refuge. Sometimes a Fox can be sighted.
Oh, sorry...
Brother Fred's coming along aafter his knee surgery...he and wife are trying to decide about staying IN medical facility for therapy, or going home and having someone come to the house...
I am voting that he asks the doctor what his opinion is, and then goes with that....
Thanks for all the well-wishes, pals....xoxo
Tori update
Robyn Ann Schonhans: She's a fighter Bre. Doctors are impressed so far... They have her sedated but she is fighting opening her eyes crying when she hears her daddy's voice...
17 minutes ago ·
Prayers for Tori! ♥
Thank you Jo....
really appreciate these updates....
Prayers and more Prayers....
I emailed the text of your poast to Paula...
maybe others did also
JO thanks for the TORI update. God bless this young lady...
I am headed off to bed. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Good night and sweet dreams.
Good evening everyone. Just checking in.
Prayers continuing for Tori, Robyn and our Lynn and any others in need.
God bless!
guess who!
Bob? Hi!
Hi from PA to Pa
I like to think we live in a very large tree with branches reaching from a kibbutz in Israel to a home in Kidderminster, across the pond and over land to British Columbia, Southern California, Texas, Florida and Florida. The trunk, of course, is in West Virginia.
The bear den is at the roots somewhere in Minnesota, where there are secret things hidden--a washer, among other things.
It is a mystical tree, for the dwellings have doors which open wide to greet guests and close quietly so as to avoid disturbing those who are sleeping. Doors are never slammed.
We are protected by our security system, set every night by members in Virginia and California, and we are watched over by vigilant eagles.
decided to check in one last time after my shower and WOW! Crunch Bob! Long time buddy! Happy New Year to you and Doris!
Howdy, Crunch Bob!
That's a beautiful thought Shirley!
Hello, Crunch Bob! And hi to Doris, too! Have you been checking the nest action?
Thanks for sharing Robyn's post, Jo. A mixture of sad and sweet that Tori cries when she hears her Dad---I'm glad he is there to share this hard road; Robyn shouldn't have to bear it alone.
90 snowflakes??? Goodness, girls--you all worked hard! How about red HEARTS rather than red flakes?
Glad you get your days off, Margy, and sure hope Carolyn doesn't have to leave her den and bear to go in tomorrow!
Hmmmm....cookies or ice cream? Can't decide. Need a little something before turning in....
Hi all! We are back in ou room at the hotel. The wedding was beautiful, full of love, tears and laughter! The reception was rockin!!! More fun!!!
In the morn we are heading to the Llano eagle nest!!! I am so excited!
Will be busy around here tomorrow. Will and Susan turn ed 32 today. We are celebrating tomorrow.
Hard to believe that my youngest children are 32 years old.
New from Robyn:
11 pm, tori woke up or should i say fought thru the sedation just to try and raise her arms, such a fighter. Tomorrow she gets more visitors, my brother and his family YAY... heading to sleep soon, those 2 hrs last night werent enough
Happy Birthday to Will and Susan! More Capricorns! Jesus, Joan of Arc (who's b'day was yesterday too), Elvis, what a group!
Thanks for the updates on Tori Lynn and Jo....she sure is a fighter!
Thanks for sharing the news from Robyn, Lynn. I do hope she gets her much-needed rest.
Sleepy! Think i am ready to call it a day! Did not see the latest on Tori but gather there is an improvement! Nite all!
this fakey comcast droped off innernet again. Just got it back.
We are fine here. Go off before it dropes again. Hope all is well with you ull to. Bye
Shirley, love your analogy! You are waxing philosophical tonight, aren't you?
Diann, what did the doc say during your f/u?
Glad the wedding was great, Lolly. Enjoy the trip to Llano---hope you are as lucky as Sandi was at BW!
Happy Birthday to Susan and Will!!!
Bye, Bob---sorry your connection is giving you trouble.
Wow---Hoda turned in early, didn't she?
wonder if DanaMo was staying overnight in Philly or coming back tonight? Haven't heard how the game turned out.
Bedtime for this bonzo.....hoping that I pass out when I hit the pillow!
Prayers for all, but most especially for Tori.
See y'all in the morning.
Getting late again.
New Orleans won the game.
Boo-going to only be in 40°s tomorrow.
Prayers for Tori, Robin and our Lynn every day
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
My knee is healing and he reminded me that I'm no longer 18 (as if I didn't already know this).
Now, it's back to back trouble. Will have another injection this month. Then I should be good for a few months if it doesn't s%#@&.
That 4-letter word that comes in the winter that wrecks havoc every year.
Sandi, loved the pictures and hope Dennis will take you back for more.
JudyE loved the videos. Keep up the good work.
Lynn, sorry about the "log jam" you experienced. I have the same trouble when I take pain meds. Keep a softener and Miralax handy.
Not fun!!!
Forget whom else I was going to comment to but please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Must go do some more reading so I can get sleepy.
Have a good night everyone and God bless!! ♥♥♥♥
Happy birthday Susan and Will - Have a
great celebration with the family!
Headed in to the pillows....
Good night Friends and God Bless
Praying for Tori and also for Robyn to rest well through the night. Tori,
keep fighting!
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
lost my post...
daggone it
Red Heart-Shaped Flakes, Lynn
Thanks for yet another touching post regarding Tori...
Prayers continue....
Hoping for the Best, Diann !!
Hello to passing-through quickly Crunch Bob and Doris
Happy Birthday to your Precious Twins, Shirley
Prayers for Wellness for all, and that Sleep is Sweet
I'll be sneaking back later on to look for a post from Wanda...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
and (( Hugs ♥ ))
xoxo ♥
impressed with my television music channel...they played Christmas songs straight through the Feast of the Epiphany Jan 6 -
now back to Contemporary Christian...Love it ! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫
well folks i dissappeared for a while, the oldeste daughter and her family decided to stay the night so have been busy with grandkids and the new grand puppy.
*JUDY* thank you for being considerate regarding my birthday. :) i love you for it.
*HODA* obviously you have read the TE OF PIGLET. i think i shall read it as well. :) i think one of my only regrets in life is that no matter how long i am on this earth, i will likely never read every book that i would like to read!
well...its late. i was up late last night and it caught up with me this morning! :( so for tonight, i am signing off. hope everyone has a peaceful and restful night.
smiles to all. good night.
Just got a phone call from Rebecca. She took Rus to the ER at Inova Springfield Health Complex this evening because he became dizzy and confused at work this afternoon.
They did a CT scan to see if he has had a stroke. It did not show any problems, but he is being sent To Alexandria Hospital for an MRI, as they do not have that equipment at the other facility.
Rebecca said that he did not lose consciousness and his vision and speech are okay. They are also considering the possibility of diabetes. Of course, there is a strong family history of diabetes.
I told Rebecca to call us when they get to Alexandria, so we are waiting.
Prayers for Russ that they find what caused the espiiode today.
I pray that those that did not sleep well last night. Have a good night sleep tonight.
Thank you fof the update on Tori. Bless her heart ... she is thankfully a fighter with Gods help.
Prayers for those that have a need.
Late and Im ired too hope I can sleep.
Thank you, Dana. It is likely to be a long night.
Checked back in.... Prayers for Tori, she is a strong young lady. Prayers for Russ and my Momma. Hopeing she gets some really good sleep!! Sleep well Robyn! Also prayers for each of you, sweet dreams!
I'm awake...and will be for awhile...I'll be checking back...
if you need to ring me up...
for any reason...I'm about to send my phone numbers to you by email...
xoxo (( Hugs and Prayers ))
I think he will be getting good medical care at the hospitals you mentioned....
Rebecca just called to say that they are keeping Rus for observation for now and will do the tests later on this morning.
I expect we will make our way up there in a few hours.
Thanks Jewels and Margy.
Having some tea and toast and heading back to my bed.
Good Morning Eagle Buds ! Up too early, but in need of Tylenol and now too wide awake to sleep.
SHIRLEY, prayers go with you as you go to be with Russ and Rebecca. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'s for good luck. I love your description of our Family Tree !
JUDIE, thanks so much for sharing your experience with PT. It gives me comfort and hope !
SANDI, tickled pink over your day trip and pictures ! Stunning photography, thanks to Denny ! Those with birds reflected in the water are particularly beautiful !
LORI, you are multi-talented ! That's a right purty basket thanks to you and your support team of one !
LYNN, grilled PB&J ? Have to try it. Any hints or warnings, or is it exactly like grilling a cheese sandwich ?
JUDY, I don't think anyone gets banned here as long as we say nothing immoral, illegal or impossibly rude ! Since Janet brought it up herself I didn't think of her as being birthday sensitive. Thankfully no one is obligated to divulge age. I do so because Mother Nature tells the tale through the gray hair and wrinkles she's blessed me with !☺
My delete to change a spelling--probably missed a few !
Oh Shirley, I'm so relieved Russ is in a good state that the doctors thought they were okay to wait for tests. You have a full day on your plate now, or has the Will & Susan's get together moved to the hospital? Kidding. I'm sure you're all thinking of nothing except Russ. My prayers are with you all.
Shirley, BTW: Your Mystical Tree is a fabulous concept. I loved it! I think you should write a book. It really was beautiful.
I'm so delighted to have you up with me at this hour...but hope you get to go back to sleep if you want to. :)
Lynne2, The Cat from Hell is one of my favorite TV shows! I'm so happy to hear it's back on. I've been searching for it since last season.
Morning Kay & Lori, and Shirley if she is still around! Checking in for the morning visit. Shirley, is Russ a son-in-law?
G☺☺d M☼rning eagle buds I got early and the eagles didn't arrive early Little disappointed in them LOL
SHIRLEY I love your tree paragraph
Encouraging words about TORI so good to hear
Good Morning, Sandi and JudyE!
Sandi, Russ is Shirley's son.
SANDI, Russ is SHIRLEY's son. Her kids are Kathryn, Russ and the twins, Wil and Susan. I'm answering because I have a feeling she's either getting some needed sleep or on her way to the hospital.
OH good KAY I was waiting to hear what my punishment would be LOL so glad I don't get one LOL and I read Janet did appreciate it OK where are our eagles we are here
JUst found a hole in my sock now I need to go get another pair another single one in the trash
Tee Hee, ask here and you shall receive, at least twice, sometimes more !
LOL, JUDY, hope you didn't lose any sleep over possiblity of punishment !
You can use that old sock for dusting...advice from a a hoarder with a bagful of duster-socks
Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Encircling Shirley and Rus, and all the family with Wellness Prayers this morning
And also Tori and Robyn, and many others, including YOU, Kay
I feel soooo old when reading about SHIRLEY's amazement that her youngest children are 31. My youngest will turn 51 a week from Monday ! Yikes, and most of the time I don't feel any older than that myself !
Hey I forgot to tell you Angie has a friend that just had her twins full term and the are nice size on is a little over 7 lbs and the other is just under 7 nice size for twins I say Mentioning Shirley's twins reminded me of them
funny KAY i use to put socks on my hand to dust
We sure are a bunch of oldies LOL
Morning Judy! I've caught up on my morning reading!
Thanks to everyone for the compliments on Denny's photos - as Judie said, yesterday was a forever memory! I also posted the link to the pics on my blog.
Lori, love the basket. Did FloBear do any of the work, or just provide physical and moral support.
Shirley, so sorry to hear about Russ. I'll add my prayers and positive energy that he will be OK. I LOVED your tree analogy about this group - just lovely!
Thanks to all who are posting the Tori updates - prayers that she continues to stay strong and can get a new lung.
Lynn, hope you had a restful night and are eating just the right amount of fiber to keep things moving!
Hello, MARGY ! Great suggestion on the duster socks. I noticed yesterday that I need to take some socks to the venitian blinds---CRS---that's not what they're called now. Wide, wood or plastic and called what ? Anyone ?
I have been reading all the Hip news, PT and exercises, pain and all that...
Hoping/Praying for Perfect outcomes for you...hope you enjoyed your Saturday night Seth Time...
reading about LeRoy's possible new home/owner...kitty hugs to LeRoy before he departs...whenever that is
Sandi! Repeating, totally awesome pictures, just think, an eagle or two you might see on BWE CAM nest might be one you have on film ☺
Good morning everyone.
I was up at 5 and then went to the couch after feeding the labs. Boomer is acting funny this morning, I hope he didn't eat something he shouldn't have. I feel like I can see the signs after all that we have been through with him. We are so diligent with socks and stuff so I'm thinking he got something outside.
Shirley-Praying for results for Russ today. Hope they find out what happened and fast.
I put them on my hands too, Judy, the socks..
good for shoe polishing also
can't remember any other name for Venetian blinds...I am not nearly "hip" enough to know the new stuff
Missed Wanda last night....
hoping to see a post this morning...
Great pictures Sandi. Lucky you! How close are you to the refuge?
I call my blinds mini blinds!!!!
was happy to read a happy report from Lolly...and more fun stuff to come when she goes to Llano to see Eagles !
Good Morning, DANAMO ! How was the outint to the game yesterday ? Did Dayton win ?
Morning Margy & DMo!
Kay, the ones with the wide slats are called plantation blinds.
I agree with the earlier statement that SHIRLEY needs to write a book and also collaborate with HODA and others That would be the bomb!! Ok that was a hint hint LOL
DMo, Blackwater is an hour and a half drive. Not long at all - we will definitely go several times a year now!
Yep, I think you're right, JUDY. They don't seem very "mini" though. The slats are far wider than the old venitians were. But, you get my gist. It's time for socks or Swiffers. Too lazy to get out the vac and attachments to do the job.
News says gas is going uuuuuppppp in the $4 range Yuk and all transportation going up 7%
Sounds like show time!
I heard a noise get ready
Won't be long now...clunk clunk
ok plantation and mini-blinds it is
I call them Dusty Blinds here for sure
Ask and ye shall receive Judy! =)
moving larg larg stick from 12 to 6
not forsure if he flew in with it
Guesses? I think Shep.
Ah, so ! Thanks SANDI, Plantation blinds it is. They are soooo antebellum and my memory is Tara-ble !
ok we need another eagle to complete this picture
colors on nest pretty and is that Belle
Just like a woman...
Belle starting her housework at the git-go
Lori-Love your basket and FloBears support!
picking at flugg at 6
I agree with Belle. Now that we have color, there's no spot.
still picking a little at a time at the 6 now moving to middle of nest turned around and looking and picking
i thought was Belle from the time of the landing
sort of saw the v
sitting in middle near up looking around and shaking head must have something in beak
ducks down thinking Shep is flying over at times HMMM
just sitting still now looking around
I hear noise on cam
Hi there Kay! Yes Dayton won, we beat Temple (and Temple just beat Duke) this is a huge win for Dayton.
picking at cup area she turned around and now is looking around again
I hear the geese. The noise was something that surprised me yesterday. You think a wildlife refuge will be quiet but there are THOUSANDS of Canadian geese and swans. There is a constant honking!
sitting and really slow picking looking around and up now moving and poof
either she went on cam or shep is there both
hp hp hphhphphphphphp
Got it right today!!!!
and he didn't leave
Atta boy, Shep!!
Ha ! She had to chase him down and must have told him to get down to business. Times a'wastin', Shep !
he didn't hi tail it out of there this time and he started working I wonder if they want a cigarette lol
I agree, DMO - it looked like he got it right! But agreed, Kay, Belle had to say, "Get yourself in gear, boy!!"
Good morning my eagle peeps.
I got to see some HP this morning.
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