Friday, January 20, 2012


Evening thread.


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Hoda said...

THANKS STEVE for the new thread. I will go call the others over

Hoda said...

JUDIE are you sure you do not want me to send you some snow just for the weekend...It seems to me I should share!!! It is thick out there!!!LOL

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE FRESH THREAD STEVE and thanks for the call over HODA I am looking through paper work paper work for the lawyer just in case he need is I found another lawyer name I had seen I guess or maybe didn't but just emailed him the name and the name of my rehab dr I just got a email from Lori also she is pulling for me to go to the other store OK back to the file cabinets

JudyEddy said...

only one months on the elec HODA and I have centeral heat and air and NO HEAT PUMP it would be soooo much cheaper Carl said when this unit goes he will make sure I get a heat pump one BBl

Hoda said...

JUDYE Praying for you and proud of you at the same time...keep your head about you and think things through...God' Grace sustain you through it all...

JudyEddy said...

Just got through sending the lawyer another thing I found with a lawyers name I don't think I saw him at all just one letter in regards to the lien that I paid to Wmt with the law suit I got in the accident

JudyEddy said...

The lawyer was impressed that I still had the papers I have Just kept them like I do tax papers, and others

paula eagleholic said...

Oh an evening thread.

Stopping in to say headed out to dinner, will check in later!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN work is the one who also wanted me to get re evaluated they mentioned it on WED I thought I mentioned that the other day I just didn't want to have to pay for a dr myself and the Human resource officer said he would have it re opened to have me rechecked

JudyEddy said...

I think I will make a grilled cheese sandwich Oops need to check date on bread first hope its still viable LOL don't want to run out and get any thing nothing sounds good at all

JudyEddy said...

WOW Is this close the bread expires on the 21st lucky me ok BBL gonna go make it now just wanted to say its goooooood bread LOL

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

JUDYE you have email.

JudyEddy said...

I just realized that in the video I took the phone call from the lawyer so I am putting music to it to cover the conversation up

JudyEddy said...

I deleted it off facebook for now until the music is done on it and I burnt my sandwich got to do another one ;^(

JudyEddy said...

HODA I don't know how long it will take to do the music I noticed it also so the music is doing now that is how I burnt my sandwich

magpie said...

Hope you have more cheese and bread Judy!

Thanks for the call over, Hoda
Thank you Steve for the New Thread...
bet you're glad Saturday is Saturday, maybe you won't have to travel in the weather...

magpie said...

Wonder if I could get to Nelson in time for that CFUW seminar...I could use the information from BOTH of those topics, car maintenance and Mental Health....
sure hope you get to go....

magpie said...

I save lots of things too...
much of which I might never need, but one never knows...

but I do know that a lot of I can let go of....and need to...
one of these days

but it can be a lot of fun going through it, like my collection of "received mail." I have been looking at all the postage on the envelopes also, and making bookmarks out of some of the cards

I hope I can get out for the Raptor Stamps soon, were due out TODAY

magpie said...

I came across an envelope from my brother Fred in which he sent me a check for $350, back in 1996 - can't remember why I didn't cash it ☺
I think he was sending me air fare for a visit to Houston at the time..
I might send it back to him for a laugh, when he is able to look at his mail, but he cannot get any of those things at the hospital, yet

JudyEddy said...

I did both cut the part off and put music to it BUT still NOT done says 80% done

AND YES I did have more bread and cheese the bread expires tomorrow and we will use it and go to Freedom park next week
I love it that I don't have to go see the attorney everything on the phone my kind of lawyer I just wish I didn't have to go this route

He wants me to choose the TLE taker position that requires 25 lb lifting It would consist taking the customers orders when they came in for oil change or tires I really don't want it because of the outside aspect of it Fl heat but it my decision I guess he thinks if I take it they would be more apt to open the claim because of the 25 lb lift I just don't feel comfortable with that I hurt when I lift stuff later on in the day AND THEY SAID THEY WANTED ME TO BE RE evaluated anyway before both offer were told to me

JudyEddy said...

Grilled cheese was gooood I love it just wish I had milk could have had cream of mushroom soup with it

OK Neck is starting to bother me after not hurting since WED nite so I am siging off

HEY how many years do you have to save TAXES ??? anyone know????

MARGY does he know you didn't cash the check????

JudyEddy said...

I just deleted the video and will reload it completely It said it was done but nothing changed so I just took it off completely will re do when I trim it on my camear BEST THAT WAY

Janet said...

good evening friends. catching up on recorded shows...taking a break...gonna catch up with posts....judye, sounds like we may have something positive going on...this new thread is a teaser for sure!

be back shortly. reading!

magpie said...

I think, seven years for taxes, someone on here will tell you for sure, Judy...

and I'm sure Fred knows I never cashed the check, we must have worked something else out because I DID make that trip to Houston...

Sandi said...

Thanks for the call over, HODA! JUDY, good for you hearing from a lawyer (or is it a layer?) who is willing to take your case! Give 'em hell!!
My mom put my pillow in the mail on Tuesday but it didn't arrive again today - Baltimore to Bethany shouldn't take this long!! Hopefully it shows up tomorrow - tired of getting a lousy night's sleep (of course, Denny's snoring doesn't help!!)
LYNN, my younger son, Kevin, teaches voice and piano at a music studio in West Ocean City. This evening he came home from his Friday lessons and said that the studio wants to create a CD of music performed by the students who take lessons there and then sell it, with the proceeds going to benefit little Ava Delricco! Kevin is going to help with the production of the CD - how cool is that?
Off to take a bath and fall into bed! G'night all!!

Linda said...

Good Friday Evening, Eagle Fans!

Sure wish I could find some time to come catch up and visit with everyone here. I don't know where to begin to catch up.......

There are advantages and disadvantages of working at home. When the work piles up, it is hard to take a break for anything. I don't like that feeling of having work undone!!

I do love the advantages, though...

So what is new here??

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Sitting here by the fire this evening. Kathryn and Hunter have gone out.

Just got a letter from the homeowner's association. It tells me that I must remove the charcoal grill from the front yard and place it in the back yard.

Funny thing is that we have had a charcoal grill on the edge of the driveway in the front yard since 1993. It just happens to have gotten moved a bit and is cattywompus at the moment. I guess that made it attract attention.

I had noticed someone parked in the street taking notes recently and was wondering what was going on. I am just glad they aren't bent out of shape because I did not get my fence approved. I gave up after three unreturned phone calls.

It is Will's grill anyway. He has come over and grilled for us a few times. We don't really have a good spot for it in the back since we don't have a deck or patio.

hedgie said...

Sandi, that is great!!! Hope it all works out well quickly!
Sorry about your pillow....:( long as your bread isn't moldy or too dry, it's still good for toast or grilling!!

Margy, that IS funny about finding that old check!!! Bet that will give Fred a chuckle!

Had my bath....and did not let water out of the will be for flushing if the power goes out. I've made one fresh pot of tea, and will make another, and have a gallon of plain water drawn, and will fill up another pitcher. Candles and flashlights are always at the ready!

Linda said...

JudyE - Margy gave you good advice on the taxes, unless they are rather simple like things that are reported to the IRS already. Any receipts for deductions you took you should save for at least 4 years, but 7 is better.

They can go back and audit you for three years (though they are always a year behind). If they find anything deductions that they disallow, they can go back three more years, hence the 7 year recommendation!

magpie said...

That is lovely, about the CD-making project for Ava...

once I priority-mailed a package to my brother in Naples, Fla, for his 70th birthday, it was a very special went to Tampa...then returned to Baltimore for some crazy reason, then went on down to Naples, one day late...generally USPS Rocks for me, but maybe with the changes in the mail distribution center things, it would account for the long travel time for your pillow :(

magpie said... sound well-prepared, just like a Woman !

Thanks Linda, for all that info about saving things...helps us all out including Judy ☺

hello to you and Dennis !

magpie said...

interesting point about working from home....not being able to get away from it all....

Hello to Riley also...
one of my co-workers is due to have a baby girl soon, chosen name is Ryleigh

hedgie said...

Yep---7 yrs. on keeping taxes.

hedgie said...

Hoda, your weather sounds horrendous. Please don't take any risks tomorrow.

hedgie said...

If interested, here is a newspaper stroy about the young man who died in CO:

magpie said...

And then there is always the French Toast Option for bread on the edge of expiration ☺

stronghunter said...

It is snowing here.

Weather forecast says it is not supposed to amount to anything, at least not the snow. We will see.

magpie said...

tough story, Lynn....

Hi Shirley, kind of silly about the grill...
hope you enjoy your Girl's Night IN

need to disappear for awhile...
Hope everyone is okay tonight....
Prayers for Wellness amongst us....

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info on the taxes HODA it is safe to put video on WOW now I just cut the end off I really wanted music and leave Belle fly out on but better this way I think

evening visit is at end Belle told him NO way again with the HP LOL

Hoda said...

Candles Link:


wvgal_dana said...

JudyE don't get a "heat pump" puts out cool air during heating. We have lived in 4 house with heat pumps. They required 2 system checks a year. They freeze up in the summer time. I have an electric furnace and love it. Not electric baseboard would not have that. The electric furnace does not need systems check. The heat is much much warmer. My worst bill was $114.00 and I also have central air I use all the time in the summer time. Please Please don't get a heat pump!!!!

Lolly said...

We do not buy bread often, but go by the condition of the bread not the exiration date. Sometimes the date is the "sell by" date not the time to throw it out.

Going to really have fun with my new phone. Just realized that to send a text all I have to do is talk it! Wow! I can not also do videos with my phone and video phone conversations. Double wow! I love technology!

Time to hear from Lynne2....where are you Lynnie?

Janet said...

Wow JUDYE, sounds like you are off and running. I hate that you have to go this route, but you have to do what you have to do.

as for taxes my understanding is 7 years...and i always photocopy my receipts because a lot of places (here anyway) use thermal paper and it dissappears after a period of time. i just staple the originial to the copy.

anyway, been busy working on the class. i think i might get the level 1 class (elective class for massage school) written this weekend, then i can work on touch ups/edits. i think the level one will be a 10 to 12 hour course.

then, i am hoping to have the level two class be about 10 hours, finishing up with level 3 @ 8 hours....i must have this finished by march 21....on her desk by then.

a couple more weeks and my oldest and her family will be moving to nashville! i am very excited. my oldest daughter and i have become pretty darn good friends. five years ago i would have never dreamed it.....but it has happened. and i love it.

and am working off some stress. i have some dear friends who do some great jewerly work....and i wanted to add some chakra/reiki jewerly to my classes....for students to purchase. anyway i made an agreement with them to make me some jewerly and i would pay them a certain amount on feb 6 and they provide me with jewerely that i can sell retail....

beginning to regret this.....its getting down to t-time and they are hemming and hawing over things that i dont' want to be concerned with. guess i should have never mixed business and friendship in this case...i did let them know that i dont' want to be involved in the details, i just want the product. they make great stuff...anyway, off to some tv watching....and sleep. livvy has saturday school tomorrow...and i have a class to complete writing...

have a great night! *smiles * to all

hedgie said...

Shirley posted on FB that it's snowing F'burg.....then a friend in Winchester said it's already there, too......guess it will be very soon. ARGH!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn or whoever knows. How far away can the lungs come from for Tori's transplant?

Linda said...

Thanks Margy.......and Dennis and Riley say Hi as well!

Oh Shirley.... I could tell you some stories about people changing the rules, like homeowners associations.

I own a co-op (like a condo) that I purchased back in 2003 for my Mom after her 4th husband died. She later married and my brother (Billy) that just recently passed away has been staying there since 2005.

Most of that time he paid me to cover the expenses of the unit as I waited for the real estate market to come back a little. He and his wife, Lil lived there without too much incident.

Their By-Laws don't let you rent the units but they do allow family to reside in the units.

Since November I have been fighting them because they are now trying to say that Lil is no longer since my brother died. It is ridiculous.

I told them that just because my brother died, doesn't change the fact that he is/was my brother and Lil is still family unless she remarries some day.

So they are trying their best to take this to court or force me to have her vacate the unit, which means I will most likely sell it.

Can you believe that? She has lived there for four years and now they want to kick her out.

That is what has taken up much of my time this week.......

JudyEddy said...

DANG it the phone still rings in the end and you can hear him leave a mssge but not me picking up I will try to trim on Youtube

hedgie said...

Did anyone who didn't see this evenings nest visit take a look at the pic I put in the album? VERY weird!!

Linda said...

Very true on the expiration dates, Lolly. I can put hamburger rolls in the fridge and they last a LONG time. Since I toast them, it doesn't matter that they are not soft!

Dennis taught me a lot of that. I used to pitch things because I wasn't sure....

hedgie said...

There's Shirley and Linda!

stronghunter said...

Yep, Margy. There has been a grill out there for nearly 20 years. Not the same grill. I think this is grill #3. We had one that Hunter thought looked like a dog.

But now there is a basketball goal, a trash can and a recycle can. I had thought that they should be placed less haphazardly. We can probably put everything but the basketball goal in the garage once we get some junk in there sorted out.

Linda said...

I missed a few words there. Basically these condo commandos are trying to say Lil is no longer considered part of my family since my brother died.

Such nice people, huh?

They have no problem kicking out a widowed woman. I finally had to tell Lil about it and I feel so badly. She has been in WV with her Mom since October. She was planning to go back sometime next week. Like she doesn't have enough to deal with.

My brother died, her mother is gravely ill and her company closed their Ft. Lauderdale office and she lost her job, too.

Linda said...

Hi Lynn!! ♥

How are you feeling? I wish I could get a summary update on how everyone is doing and what is going on in their lives.

Been a very busy week for me.....

Lolly said...

I watched the nest visit, Lynn. What are you talking about....the feeble attempt at HP?

I am so glad we do not have a home owners association. No one should tell me what I can do with my home. My sister in law was telling me how they were complaining because this one home owner had a window AC upstairs. Good grief!

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, Linda. That is awful. I don't know what to say. It is horrible to lose your husband, but then to have to leave your house. How terrible.

hedgie said...

DanaWV, I'm not sure what the distance is, but there is a very tight time-window......she is on the list for a 5-state area, so I imagine it is limited to that distance.....maybe MD,VA,PA,NJ,DEL....??

Lolly said...

Hi Linda, so sorry you are having that problem with the condo people. That is ridiculous and your poor SIL!

Hoda said...

LYNN Your picture is exaclty as the screen all turned blue somehow. Very good capture. Thank You...I do not know why it turned blue I agree strange.

Lolly said...

Did the sunset turn things blue? I noticed that.

Hoda said...

I am in shock LINDA...what does it all mean really??? They are crazy!!! I hope you and LIL win this case...AWFUL.

hedgie said...

Lolly---it was BLUE!!!!!

Linda, not feeling good tonight....:(

Lolly said...

Dinner tonight was delicioso!! LOL I love trying new recipes!! It was really easy to fix and so very good. Also had risotto and broccoli. Jack said it matched the Italian, green and white! LOL

stronghunter said...

The homeowners association here has not been too bad, although I think one management company they hired was found to have been embezzling funds.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn! So sorry you are not feeling good tonight! (((hugs))) You have been doing so well!

hedgie said...

No, Lolly, it was cloudy!

Linda, so sorry for Lil.....have YOU talked to a lawyer??

I am heading for the sofa....hope to be back to say goodnight.....if not, prayers for all.....and if you don't see me in the morning, you'll know the power is out!

Lolly said...

Watching Jewel and listening to her breathe. It is time....I am ready for some action.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, really hope you do not loose power. It is supposed to be cooler here tomorrow, but presently 65. I have not worked on slides tonight. Decided I wanted to talk with friends instead.

Hoda said...

LYNN I will take it one step at a time as to my day tomorrow. I am hoping they continue to clear the roads overnight...I will see in the morning. Thanks for your concern...IT IS ALL GOOD. I like the safety precautions that you have taken...good thinking.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, we could have a power outage here, too, Lynn. We did buy some of those fire logs to burn if necessary.

hedgie said...

Yikes---Carolyn says it's snowing at her house......getting too close......

stronghunter said...

Much rather have snow than freezing rain for sure.

stronghunter said...

Snowing here, Lynn.

Linda said...

Thanks Shirley, Lolly, Hoda....

It is really unbelievable, what they are doing. The worst part is I was in FL when these letters started coming saying there was an "unauthorized person" occupying my unit.

I actually went by to see if anyone was there. I knew Lil was in WV at the time. The man from the property management company who writes the letters writes the most condescending letters I have ever read.

The first letter said I had to call the property management company within 10 days, which I did many times. The guy never took my calls and never gave me the courtesy of a return phone call.

They had a special Board meeting Wednesday night and I think they are trying to either redefine a policy or institute a new one that will surely force me to have Lil leave. She isn't in a financial position to buy it and I can't take the risk of just putting it in her name by a quick claim deed.

It's a mess.........

stronghunter said...

Have you seen a lawyer, Linda?

Hoda said...

LYNN You can not announce that you are not feeling well and then disappear...if you are not on tomorrow I am going to phone you!!! I do hope you come back to say what is the it your stomach? are you feeling weak? What??? I am so upset, yet it is 10:00PM too late to phone...OH MY I do hope you come back tonight...

Linda said...

Oh Lynn - I am sorry you are not feeling good tonight.

I am glad, however that it is Friday and you don't have to have any treatments for a couple days.

Now I will just pray you don't lose power. That is when we are very thankful for those wood stoves, huh?

stronghunter said...

I have missed Lynn's post in which she said she is not feeling well. Going to look back.

Linda said...

Haven't seen a lawyer, partly because I am so far away, partly because I don't want to spend the money, and partly because I am not sure what type of lawyer to look for.

Without going into a lot of detail, we have paid for a lot of what transpired in my family in the last year and a half and I just want out of that unit.

Lil doesn't have a job, can't afford to pay for the place and doesn't know what is next for her.

I don't think she can qualify to buy the place, either.

Linda said...

Sounds like they are backing off of Tori's sedation and she is fighting it.

My Mom fought those tubes so much so that she had to be heavily sedated.

I woke up once early in recovery with a tube in my throat and I freaked out!

Poor Baby. I pray she gets news of a new transplant very soon. They must all be so exhausted.

Linda said...

Robyn said they did mention "maybe" removing those tubes. If it doesn't make things worse for Tori, that would be so wonderful.

That must be so horrible having that thing down your throat.

Please, Lord........soon.

Hoda said...

hedgie said...
Lolly---it was BLUE!!!!!

Linda, not feeling good tonight....:(

Friday, January 20, 2012 9:49:00 PM

SHIRLEY this is what LYNN posted!!!

Linda said...

Well, we are heading upstairs. Short visit, I guess. :-(

I have a client coming early tomorrow morning and I am NOT an early bird!!

I should get to bed early enough to get my 9 hours in!! Hee Hee!!

I may post from bed, if I can't sleep.

Absolutely love being here, even if it is only for such short moments.....

Thanks for listening to my woes...

I am sorry if I vented a bit too much tonight. Hearing Shirley mention the bit about the homeowners association telling her to move her grill, just hit a nerve that has been festering in me ALL week.

Love each and every one of you...♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Found it when I read back, Hoda. I think Lynn will be fine. She has her daughters nearby, and friends as well.

stronghunter said...

You are so kind to be worried about others, Hoda, and there you are in a snowstorm.

Snow here is turning the ground white. We don't expect it to amount to much, at least that is what they say.

Hoda said...

Yes SHIRLEY it is true LYNN's daughter are close by and she has many friends. You all stay safe in your snow too...♥

stronghunter said...

I think we will be fine, Hoda. The weatherman is still saying that it is going to be an ice event tomorrow. That will be more of a problem than snow, but we can stay home.

We do not have the wonderful snow removal equipment and crews you have, so we just stay home and wait for it to melt when necessary.

Not that Kathryn and I are afraid to go out in a bit of snow. She has 4-wheel drive if we need it.

Hoda said...

There is SNOW in the nest!!!

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs for the night. Take care, everyone. Sleep well.

magpie said...

fell asleep and woke up to snow here in Martinsburg

as Carolyn says, Charlie will get them "down off the mountain" for things...
Glad that Lynn has Liesl and is prepared but still

(( HUGE HUGS ♥ )) for Lynn

magpie said...

that would make sense, Hoda, think it is overriding the area now, the snow

Linda...this is the place to release that festering, so sorry about the situation with Lil and the homeplace

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see that snow, Hoda. That is probably about the same amount of snow that we have here.

magpie said...

Hoping that all are snug and warm and safe in their Momsters and Dadsters Roosts....or soon will be, if not...

Guess it's time for real bed now, been sacked out on the couch....

Prayers for Tori's Progress, and Everyone's Wellness....

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

and (( Hugs ♥ ))
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

PAULA is still out MARGY. She had gone to friends and she has not checked back in yet...
Thanks SHIRLEY so the amount of snow is manageable. STAY WARM EVERY ONE.

hedgie said...

We've got s--w......can't tell how much until I go out to get wood...don't want to open front door and wake up Liesl!

Mema Jo said...

I've been in front of the TV - Thanks for the fresh unexpected new thread, Steve.
Ground is not covered with snow
and the still cam shows the snow in
the nest tonight.

Hoda said...

LYNN are you comfortable enough to be able to get some sleep...the wood is on your porch if I remember correctly and that is good. I hope you have some inside of your house.

hedgie said...

Yep, gang, it's just nausea.....have taken all possible meds to counteract.....and just ate a peanut butter ice cream sandwich, which seems to be settling well. Not going to push things......putting wood on the fire and heading for my pillows and electric blankie!

Prayers for all our dears in need.....and that includes those dealing with unreasonable people, groups, businesses!

Love you all. Stay safe and warm.

Janet said...

well up late.....ya'll have been busy....hope lynn is okay and everyone in snow stays smart and safe....thunderstorms (possibly severe) here tonight. just too warm for january. okay bedddy bye time for janet.

good night

Hoda said...

I will head to my book is good to have spice tea and it is very tasty...My book is also very good so I will say good night and God Bless. Sweet Dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I love Blue Belle...
Hope you feel better in the morning..
Hope the wood is near the door..

Linda, I hope all works out for you with the condo.
It is that time.....
Pray you all rest well in a deep sleep thru the night.
Sandi- that is very special to do that
for baby Ava.
Good Night Friends & prayers for all
Hugs to you all..♥♥♥♥♥♥

Judie said...

Hi everyone. Home safe and sound. Thank you so much Hoda for sending the snow this way. I know how important it is to share our wealth in life but please, STOP!

Play was La Cage Aux Folles with George Hamilton and Christopher Sieber. Hilarious and then some. Nice touch after the curtain call. The brother of one of the cast members was in the audience with his girlfriend. It is his birthday. Cast invited them on stage to sing happy birthday. Instead of happy birthday, the young man proposed and offered a ring. Huge applause and lots of laughing and one very, very surprised new bride-to-be.

I see the speed limit has been exceeded tonight so I will try to catch up tomorrow. My eyes are getting heavy and the sandperson has sprinkled sleepy dust in them.

I do see that Lynn is not feeling well. Sure hope that doesn't last through the night. Sleep well, Lynn.

The night light is on for those who may arise in the dark and those still partying on the West coast.

Restful sleep for all and please, for anyone going out, be careful and then some.

wvgal_dana said...

Night prayers for all on my prayer sheet and Lord if I fogot someone please you know who they are.

Lord may the power not go out at Lynn's and others on this blog or in the group.

Lolly said...

I am heading to bed now, too, Glad the ice cream settled okay, Lynn. (((Hugs)))

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

OH JUDIE, I only asked I did not send the snow...It is not stopping is it??? I looked at the nest and there is a lot of snow there more so than when I logged off...
I read and my story was so sad, I cried and then I had to write the author, who is a resident of Nelson to tell her I am so sad...I will go to bed now...Prayers for warmth and for peace.

Lori O. said...

We have SNOW in the nest this's still dark but the the snow is there bright as day!

Lori O. said...

Well, I'm sure no one will rejoice at seeing the weather forecast this morning, but hopefully it will give us a glimpse at when we might possibly see Belle & Shep today.

The nest already has snow and freezing rain is yet to come. Be safe!


Rain or freezing rain before 1pm. High near 34.
Total daytime ice accumulation of 0.1 to 0.3 of an inch possible.

Tonight: Mostly cloudy - low 24.



Kay said...

Good Morning, gLORI, if you're still here ! {{{{LORI}}}}}

That snow in the nest may mean no visit this a.m., but eagles seem to do quite well with it, so we can hope. I just looked out back to see how much snow and ice we have and caught our herd of deer bounding by, going away from their woodsy home and toward the main street. That's worrisome.

Just saw lights flash across the nest--Security Patrol maybe. I can hear a train in the distance. Hmmm, big crashing sound or gunfire ? Maybe some snow removal and salting going on ????

Up way too early since I crashed early last night. Quite exhausted after PT and a long, slow drive home in sleet n' snow.

Think I've caught up on the posts. Hoping LYNN wakes up refreshed and to find nausea gone !

Nothing I can add to comments on JUDY's unfortunate job situation, the expiration of bread, LOLLY's dinner, LINDA's condo dilemna, SHIRLEY's "offensive grill" ....enjoyed reading the chat and resulting advice given.

JUDIE, you are so fortunate to live close enough for events at KC ! What a great engagement story, too. LOL, Washingten. The Ohio hill country people, south of here say WaRshington, too, LYNN. They warsh their cars, dishes and clothes. Kind of grates on the ear !

SANDI, I share your frustration over the mail service. When I live in AZ I could get mail to the kids back here in the East and Midwest faster than I could to my stepson in Phoenix. Maybe the mail was trucked within State, I don't know.

Kay said...

Prayers for dear Tori, baby Ava and all in need !

HAGD all. BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

KAY, I hope I haven't missed you. Just roaming around waiting for someone to wake up...and it's you!

Lori O. said...

Must be a bigger moon, and the snow reflection makes the nest look gorgeous right now. There would be no trouble seeing an eagle now, or maybe even figuring out which one it is!

DanaMo said...

Nest has some snow...

Kay said...

Oops, I almost got away from you, but waited a minute to see if you responded. How ya doin' and how are all the kitties n' doggies this morning ?

Lori O. said...

I can hear the plows or road crews at NCTC with the backup beeping.

DanaMo said...

I've got 3 black butts wagging at me.
Hm....hearing the freezing rain/sleet starting now. Nothing was coming down a few minutes ago!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay and DanaMo!

DanaMo said...

I just heard that too Lori!

Kay said...

Hi to you, too DANAMO ! Same question for you minus the kitties.

Lori O. said...

Kay, all four legged critters reporting in fine shape this morning. Had to laugh at the kitten, who Kate is calling Mac, so there you go... but, he was crawling into the Litter Robot as it was moving and going around to clean out the litter globe. I thought it was going to snatch him up and he was not happy with me for plucking him from the jaws of pain!

Lori O. said...

I really wanted to call the little one Opie because his hair always looks messy like a little boy, and as Opie's hair did on the show.

Kay said...

Our ice and snow came in with a vengence last night and this morning---coming at us from south and west. Guess some of ours headed eastward and straight at the nest and you folks.

Daughter, Eileen, reports same mess at her place in MI. She's just 50 miles east of Lake Michigan and due east of Chicago. They get a lot more of this stuff than we do, six hours south.

Kay said...

LORI, are you and Kate going to keep Mac ?

Lori O. said...

Sure sounds like something is messing around on the cam.

Kay said...

Yep, someone is definitely up there near the cam. DANAMO, are you getting the cam in today ?

Lori O. said...

Dang, 9 tries to get the cam back! Then I opened a new tab and got two at the same time to look at. :)

DanaMo said...

Well the event I was supposed to be going to today for Destination Imagination has been canceled so I am going back up and under the covers. I'll be back later.

Lori O. said...

Excuse the at at the end of the sentence. LOL. Sloppy morning.

Lori O. said...

G'night, or happy nap, DMo. CYL

Kay said...

Too early in the morning to be concerned about grammar, LORI !☺

Lori O. said...

Kay, I probably won't keep the kitten, as sweet as he is and as much as I would love to...there is a limit. There are 9 cats here now - four fosters - and it really is too much. I miss spending more time with my Parker and Burry who have become very close with the invasion of kittens.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the grammer pass, Kay. I'll try not to take advantage. :P

Kay said...

Jewell is busy scratching already this morning. No little "butter stick" sounds yet. Now she's settling down into slumber mode again. zzzzzzz's just like DANAMO !

Lori O. said...

You know, it just dawned on me that it's probably the rain drops hitting the cam. It's too constant. Not even Shep is that busy for so long.

Kay said...

I think you're right about the sound on cam---rain or sleet is a good guess. I'm also granting you a pass on the spelling of grammar. No school today ! ☺

Lori O. said...

NEST Weather Conditions now say "light freezing rain."

When I first moved her from Calif., I thought freezing rain was the same as snow! lol

Lori O. said...

Oh, cam is out again.

Lori O. said...

No, it's back with only one try! YAY. I wonder if JudyE has even endured freezing rain. Maybe she has and that's why she's in FL now.

Kay said...

Are there big, tall pine trees on the NCTC grounds ? Wondering if Belle and Shep have a nice shelter for this kind of weather. They'll have no choice other than the nest once she lays an egg or two or three, but right now I hope they do.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Kay said...

G☺☺d M☺rning THELMA ! Do you have ice and snow in Bluefield today ?

Lori O. said...

I just looked at the hourly weather chart and there's no chance of any precip at the nest between noon today and noon tomorrow.
That gives us a good shot at an eagle visit tonight and tomorrow morning.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Thelma and Buddy!

Kay, I do recall seeing pines or various evergreen conifers at the NCTC grounds. An egg, or three, sounds great!

Kay said...

Just changed my avatar. This is "yellow toadshade".

Lori O. said...

The Toadshade is beautiful, Kay! Nice avatar.

Are you making any big plans for your birthday, next week. Hope Linda will be able to take her big day off.

T-Bird said...

While Shepherdstown is getting snow we are getting rain here in Bluefield.

Kay said...

Good to know this weather system is moving through pretty fast ! Here in Columbus we return to the 40's tomorrow and the outlook for the few days is good. This white stuff will be history with a few days above freezing. Yeah ! Still hear those back up beeps and surmise snow removal is in progress near Sycamore Palace.

Lori O. said...

It's only been light freezing rain here and the 2" of snow already has a crispy layer on top.

I'm hoping to get some pretty, sparkling pictures of trees today. The ice is so pretty. Too bad it's so dangerous.

Lori O. said...

The rain is beginning to freeze on the trees and evergreen leaves here now.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori, Thelma, and Kay! Guess I don't have to ask what the weather is like at the nest this morning - I can see it! But it sounds like rain now, not snow. Just rain here.

Lori O. said...

Well, I'm off for a little while to shovel a path for the dogs and two cats who get to go outside.


Have a great day if I'm not back before what should be our eagle visit, but probably won't be. :)


Kay said...

Wednesday's birthday is a Malcolm/Seth day. Julie and Hugh will bring dinner in--I think pizza from a new place they've found and love. She'll bring salad fixin's, too. I bought a Pillsbury Sugar Free Yellow Cake mix and chocolate frosting so I'll provide that. They've already given me new stylish winter, snow friendly, shoes and just in time, huh ? I think Eileen will be sending the dark brown Isotoner gloves I requested and I'm sure Lee will send something wonderful, too. They are great kids and always remember me nicely ! The best birthday present is life itself ! Family history is rather bleak and only my paternal grandmother, her youngest daughter and a maternal side uncle have lived past this age. Heart disease on dad's side and cancer on mother's side and so far I've escaped both. Thank you, God !

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds I don't like all the snow in the nest that I am seeing

Lori O. said...

Yes, Kay, praise God! We're so happy to have you here and trust you will be for a long time. I love how you take such great care of yourself. And, I know you've said your doctors do too.

Rain/sleet is too heavy right now, so I've come in from the wet. Think I'll try to post some pics that Kate got yesterday from our visitors to the birdbath. BBIALW

Sandi said...

Have my tea and I'm all caught up from last night's blog posts.
LYNN, hope you feel better today and that the weather doesn't mess with your power. I've always lived where there is city water so I've never had to do the fill the bathtub to flush thing.
LINDA, I would think that what that HOA is trying to do is illegal. When you marry, don't you legally become part of the family? Does a spouse's death void that? I truly wouldn't think so!
Looks like Judy is up and at 'em - morning Judy!
Nest looks pretty as the sky gets lighter - would be prettier with an eagle or two in it!

DanaMo said...

Couldn't fall back to sleep... :(

JudyEddy said...

LORI Yep I have experienced rain freezing. sleet and snow I was born in KY left there at 20yrs old went to OHIO for a couple of years and all of my pregnancy I spend falling on my butt getting the mail daily stopped getting the mail to the end of the pregnancy LOL

Sandi said...

Oh yeah, LORI - I thought Opie was a great name for a little red headed kitten, but I also like Mac - as in mac and cheese?

Sandi said...

Morning DMo! When I first got the cam up this morning, I could hear something hitting it (ice??), but now I don't. I definitely hear something hitting the roof here, but it's just rain - temp is 45 degrees.

DanaMo said...

It's 26 in Hagestown and it was sleet pelting the roof here, but it has since stopped.

DanaMo said...

I'm bummed that I could not fall back to sleep. I don't want to be up. Oh well at least I have good company! Now if the eagles would join us that would be great. Maybe they could move that snow out of their nest.

JudyEddy said...

Still reading but when I got up this am at first I thought we had a light on the nest instead of the snow looked weird Is it just a dusting what is the accumulation looks like a dusting on the ground since I can see some o the grass below the nest

Lori O. said...

Pics are up on my blog. Kate took these of some cute Chickadees and Nut Hatches. There are better ones, too, but I can't see well on the small photos to pick the really great ones she got.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, yes Mac is as in Mac 'n Cheese. Perfect coloring for it.

When he goes into his kitten antics we call it a Mac Attack.

Sandi said...

When Brian and Lynnis came here to visit, Brian brought about 6 cases of different kinds of beer to the house. The Dept. of State had recently picked up about 700 lbs of consumables that had been accumulating at Lynnis's grandparents' house to ship to Brian and Lynnis in Tanzania. The packers didn't pack the beer. Brian was angry that Lynnis's grandparents let them leave without the beer, so he brought it to our house and said he was going to arrange for a pick-up. Just before they left, Brian gave Kevin a list of other types of beer that he wants to add to the shipment, and asked Kevin to buy it for him. In my email this AM is one from Brian that the Dept. of State will be sending someone to pack up the beer and ship it to Tanzania. Nice to know that our government keeps its employees in far off countries so well taken care of!! Our federal tax dollars at work!!

JudyEddy said...

They just had on the news that they have results of the DNA of the severed leg it is female for sure and no match to any one yet

JudyEddy said...

Headin to the rocker will keep an eye on the nest from there


Kay said...

Well, for the second time today I'm going to bow out for a while.
This should bring the birds in ! BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

the blue is back I wonder what that is

DanaMo said...

Blue again. weird.

Sandi said...

LORI, cute pics - love to watch nuthatches! I have the same birdbath as the one in your photos (minus the heater). Does the little center part in yours (the part with the bird) constantly get knocked over by the squirrels drinking from the birdbath? I think the squirrels use the birdbaths as much as the birds.
Hmmm ... looks like the blue has faded on the nest. Very strange.

JudyEddy said...

they say you learn something new each day Well today I did I have never heard of a heated Bird Bath LORI Loved the pictures

DanaMo said...

Well Sandi, beer is very important! :)

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I loved the beer story AMAZING what the goverment will do HUH

JudyEddy said...

is everyone still cam got lines in it sort of??

Sandi said...

JUDY, it's very low voltage, just keeps the water from freezing in the winter so the birds can use it. It doesn't turn your birdbath into a hot tub (take a minute to picture that one!!) =)

JudyEddy said...

That would be bird soup LOL

Sandi said...

DMO, no Amstel Light in the beer shipment - Sam Adams Octoberfest, Yuengling, Guinness, Corona, Blue Moon, Bud Light Lime and Miller Light (that makes 7, not 6). Not sure what other kinds Kevin will be adding before the pick-up.

DanaMo said...

Forecast says we are still expecting freezing rain. I don't think it's doing anything out there now.

DanaMo said...

Those beers sound like Monte's kinds of beers. He likes the seasonals.

Sandi said...

JUDY, my visual includes a bunch of birds relaxing,sipping wine, and staring at the stars!! =D

JudyEddy said...

I thought the same thing but then Bird soup came to mind LOL

DanaMo said...

Very cute Sandi. I can visualize that too! I bet the birds would enjoy it! ☺

Well the dogs are in the bed and the humans (adult) are up. Something is wrong with this picture.

JudyEddy said...

NX is sitting on the branch He looks so little on it for some reason must be the angle

Sandi said...

OK, time for me to get ready for tennis - hope our eagles stay snug and dry somewhere and hope the same for my friends on the blog! TTFN!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

back to the chair I go always LM

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

Good Morning!

Hope no one has to go out in that freezing rain! That is nasty stuff.

It is snowing up here and too cold today for any change over to sleet or freezing rain. Looks like we got about 6" so far.

Judie - sorry about exceeding the speed limit last night. I think I was venting a bit too much. Just ignore my posts!

So let me go find that coffee and get moving.....

Have a client coming this morning.

hedgie said...

Good Sat. morning. Only JudyE rushing off to work...Sandi gets to go play!

DanaMo--is MOnte home? Did you have his b-day celebration last evening?

Feeling better this am.....getting ready to eat and hope I stay feeling better!

About three inches of snow indication of iciness....yet! Liesl was NOT impressed/surprised/delighted/etc. She stepped into it gingerly, did what she needed to do and came right back in! No sense of adventure!
Yes, my wood is under the cover of the dry and right at hand!
Jewel looks like something woke her and she doesn't WANT to be!!! A little moan and settling her face in front of the cam!

hedgie said...

All of those beers sound excellent, Sandi....but I would HAVE to have Michelob, too!!!
Strange that the first crew wouldn't pack them. DUH! But glad that the good ol' SD is taking care of it! BTW--- My Dad was a SD employee.

hedgie said...

Only one paper out here....the one that is delivered by a man, of course. ARGH!! Re-assessing accummulation---4". Had to shovel off part of the deck.

Linda said...

Morning Lynn! Hope you hold some breakfast down without any nausea!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Linda! Waffle down the hatch!!

hedgie said...

Hope you and Denny don't have to go anywhere today!

Linda said...

Nope! He is out plowing the driveway right now.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

32 degrees and raining here.

A bit of snow under the icy mess.

Looks like the weather people were spot on.

Trees are coated in ice.

But it looks more like slush on the ground than anything else, not that I am going out unless I have to.

Kathryn and Hunter have headed out on their Saturday errands/adventures. Kathryn is getting her hair highlighted and Hunter is going along to play with the hairdresser's son.

So glad that you are feeling better, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Kay, your vodka cleaning tips are on the morning news! Deodorizes laundry....and shoes/boots.....removes rust....keeps flowers fresh longer if adding a little V and sugar to the water...cleans mold and mildew...upholstery stains (food, lipstick, ink,etc.)!!
And if it doesn't work, of course, you can drink some!!

stronghunter said...

I see that the snow in the nest has not been disturbed.

Lori O. said...

YAY LYNN! So glad you're feeling better this morning! ((Big Hug!))

Good Morning, Shirley and Linda!

Linda said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...