Thursday, December 01, 2011


Sorry for the sparce threads.  Am on travel.

New thread.


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CarolAnne said...

THANKS STEVE, have let the others know.

Lori O. said...

WOW, CarolAnne gets the prize again. Thanks for the call over, CA!

Thank you, Steve, for the fresh thread. New month. New thread. Love it!

Costume Lady said...

I took GG to get her do done, yesterday. I wasn't sure if she would be able to walk the length of the Mall that it takes to get to her hairdresser (or myself, for that matter:) So, I took her wheely walker and that worked out very well...she had that thing going about 40 mph and was steering it straight as an arrow:)
She is a very habby camper now. She is always in a good mood after she gets her hair cut. I'm so very glad that she still cares about her appearance.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, month, new thread and new blogger. (nearly new)

hedgie said...

CarolAnne is the queen of new threads lately!!!! Thanks for the call over, gal!

Wanda....we don't know for sure about Diann. It was to be her knee.....but I don't remember if scope and meniscus repair or if it was replacement. I called last night but only got the answering machine. We DON'T know if it is really happening today or not....I asked that she let us know....guess we should just assume that it is, and start our prayers. So, please bless Diann if she is going under the knife today, Lord. Keep her safe, and let her get great results. Amen.

Costume Lady said...

CarolAnne must have a house full of wax and poop shoot facials;)

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I do remember, now, the word MENISCUS mentioned in one of her posts, because I was thinking about you having the same problem. Whatever it is, I hope it makes her feel and walk better!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Eagle Friends (:

Good Prayer Lynn for Diann Amen.

hedgie said...

Wanda, maybe GG should have let you use the wheels!!!! LOL! Glad she is habby. I will be tomorrow afternoon....get mine done then!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Safe travels wherever your traveling.

See CarolAnne is getting the # 1 spot lol

See if new avatar shows up.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning from my bed. Feels pretty good just lying here. Thanks for the new thread Steve.

stronghunter said...

Jack Hanna on GMA today.

CarolAnne said...

RE: Wax & ps facials

I'm accumulating for Christmas gifts lol

So now you know what you're all getting for the holidays. :o)

Prayers for all concerns, known & unknown.

Take care everyone

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Diane. May she have pain relief.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Are both Belle and Shep still spotted?

stronghunter said...

I think they are still spotted, Sharon. Watching craziness on GMA.

T-Bird said...

Good morning again everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

This is Mr. Heat Miser from The Year Without a Santa Claus. I think his "do" is a fine representation of what my OWN hair looks like every morning when I get up.

Can't stay, have to leave for work in 45 minutes and have much to cram in before....Hope everyone has a good day!

Lynne2 said...

OH, BTW, I posted on Monday I think that I had gotten an email from Diann. She' been in terrible pain. Her surgery to fix her torn meniscus IS today.

JudyEddy said...

OK now this is tooo funny CarolAnne has found all the thread all week long Do you have connection with Steve LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the Call over Carolanne Not going to the park to cold out may wait for it to warm up 48 oout now

magpie said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread - hey, don't apologize, Have Job, Will Travel....

and thanks CarolAnne for getting us where we belong and keeping us there !!

Lynne, Lynn and all with information about Diann....Thank You...and I have my prayers going also...

Good Morning Again Eagle Pals !!!
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I apologize once again, that I failed to remember that the Bald Eagle graces the December page of the WV DNR Calendar, how could anyone forget that !! After I complained that the Bald Eagle had not been included...

My avatar is the pic of the page, artist is Rhea Knight, from Letart, WV, Mason County, way over at the WV-OHIO border.....

magpie said...

A new "do" for GG, and a cheery attitude to boot....
glad to read of this...

Have Wheellie Walker, Will Travel...

must go back now to regular work duties...

oh Lolly: If it's any comfort, I know WHERE my Christmas decorations are, that's the only progress I can report

tfn xoxo See you all later on xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

I am trying to decided when I want to give up my puter Sometime today I must give it up although it has been good for two days in a row now again Odd went 6 days before it went nuts now two days but I know if will rear its ugly head so I must decided when I will take it to work to give to Eric

wvgal_dana said...

Margy that is a very beautiful picture from the calander.

Lynn that is the first picture I think I have seen of Jess. She is a very pretty girl.

Lori thank you so much for posting those pictures from nest visit 2009. I getting to see some faces that I never seen before Kate,Kate's son and Jesse. A lot of good faces I remember too - great seeing them again. (:

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Aprl's Dad and April.

Continuing prayers for Diann as she has this knee operation today.
Prayers for a good outcome and speedy recovery.

Lord I keep thinking of the couple that Wanda spoke of. Lord you know who they are. Please Lord help fulfill the need that is here for them. Amen.

JudyEddy said...

I showed Jordyn the PJ I had bought her three pairs can you see how she love this one TinkerBell

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I love you avatar

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Jordyin is saying eagle

JudyEddy said...

did anyone see that looked to be a small bird slamed in to the eagle back

JudyEddy said...

poof I got a pic not of the crash

JudyEddy said...

I think I am the only one to see the short visit

the little bird is in nest now

magpie said...

Holey smokes !!

I saw that also JudyE

Also saw what looked like a shadow of an eagle perched in branches above....


magpie said...

looks like a mockingbird, or a catbird.....
one BOLD bird either way !!!

JudyEddy said...

so glad you saw it tooo I got a short video on the bird after the eagle left and the bird came back What the heck was that

wvgal_dana said...

I got a couple of pictures. Not sure what the other bird was. Whether it was part of another eagles showing only a bit of it on the live feed or what?????

JudyEddy said...

brave little bird or on drugs LOL steriod to make feel bigger LOL

magpie said...

I have live feed up here and just happened to have a look.....

told my co-worker, the pretty one with long black hair ☺ to have a look, she got on in time to see the little bird....

wvgal_dana said...

Check you video out JudyE see if it was that small bird or not..please. ty

JudyEddy said...

NO video taken of it camera wasn't set up Darn it

JudyEddy said...

I did get a video after the fact but hard to tell what kind of bird for me

JudyEddy said...

in process of downloading the short video of the ATTACK BIRD lol let you know when its done going on the NESST VIDEO BLOG

wvgal_dana said...

There was a cat bird that came into net. After Shep left.

I also didn't realize it that when I was feeling bad yesterday. I had taken pictures I had not added to the 11 30 album...I just did that. One is a fly out.

hedgie said...

Ok, Lynne, thanks for info on Diann. Last I remembered was she was still waiting for cardio clearance. Since it's the meniscus, it's an out-patient procedure, so barring any difficuty, she should be home this evening!

hedgie said...

DanaWV----pic of Jess???? Where?? If you are referring to Lori's pics---that's Jenn!

wvgal_dana said...

In the 2nd picture in the 12 1 album I added today. If you click on picture then enlarge. Remember now the bird was flying. So it is a mark like left of Shep. Oh about 10 o'clock or little past that towards 11 o'clock. You can see it flew in around railing.

hedgie said...

Oh---see where that is where you got it from...nope, it's Jenn. And that's Jo's son, not Kate's.

magpie said...

tail was long
size was like mockinbird or catbird...
just couldn't tell for sure - happened too fast...
soon as eagle landed I saw a bird fly past or a shadow of one...
then saw a larger shadow in nest from what appeared to be a larger bird like eagle in the branch above the nest
seemd like the nest eagle was moving over to make room for another eagle....

smaller bird buzzed in, clipped the eagle "lower back" near tail feathers and eagle flew the coop...
and bold little bird hung out at the nest for a few moments

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Lynn boy my mind is still fizzled from pain. Sure which I had something to take for it. Ok then Jenn she is beautiful in Lori's nest picture 2009.

hedgie said...

LOL....mockingbirds can be VERY aggressive---as in DIVEBOMBING. Maybe that's why there are more spots??? Our eagles are being attacked by mockers, maybe?

wvgal_dana said...

Could be you are right Lynn. You a lot of times see even hawks being attacked by smaller birds.

JudyEddy said...

little bird hard to make out on blog now little bird in nest that divebombed our eagle LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think it was a mockingbird.

JudyEddy said...

That is tooo funny that little birds attach the eagle and may be leaving big gashes

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I just got to see the outside decoratiors you put up. They are beautiful...That is the type I love driving by. That is the Christmas scenes you tell people where they are so they can drive by them. (:

Also very pretty in years past. WOW lots of lights.

hedgie said...

DanaWV, she was not quite 11 when that pic was taken. She's a very shy, backward kid....usually doesn't like having her picture taken, either!! And she was very bored that day!!! She and Mattie are the same age, but Mattie is SO very mature compared to Jenn.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - I have read all your comments. Love 'The Mocker Attack'

Can't stay long and chat - Much to do -
Busy day

Love the avatars.....

Prayers for Diann - pray her pain will be taken away by this surgery.


Mema Jo said...

Thank you for the Fresh New Thread,
our Traveling Friend

wvgal_dana said...

Lori I love you reindeer...and Lolly with her Santa, Mema Jo with her wreath. DanaMo has a christmas avatar if I remember right. I enlarged CarolAnne's it is really cute too. I changed mine to snow lady and snowman. Just felt more Jolly.

Wasn't that a neat visit even if it was short by Shep.

wvgal_dana said...

Huh neat Jenn and Mattie the same age. Well her being shy...she really looked pretty in those pictures Lynn.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Took forever to get through the blog this morning.

Have read the paper, the blog, had my coffee and my delicious breakfast. Now to get a start on my day. Running errands and doing a bit of shopping! First to get beautiful!☺

Have to say I really enjoyed Lori and DanaMo's comments this morning. You two are a riot! Music critic!!!!!

Lynn, hope you are feeling a bit better today!

JudyEddy said...

DANAwv did you look at my other years Christmas lite down the page All those are prelite trees a snap to put up I have a large screened in porch that they were on from last year and I just drug them out I didn't box them up the stuff that got boxed up is still in the extra bed room I use for storage I have so much more that I didn't put up Not for sure if I will put anymore up

Lolly said...

Lit a candle, said a prayer for Lynn and Diann, and now I am off!


Lolly said...

Oh, and we do need to keep Lynne and Steve in prayer as well!!!!!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lolly!!

Feeling fine today, thanks!
Slept good, despite a dream that worried me until I got up and looked this morninng: Nope, no trees fallen down across driveway!!!! DUMB dream!

JudyEddy said...

While I am with out a computer I amgoing to go to the cell phone tower Might as well get a eagle fix in person Right

and I want to take a video of CandyCane Lane to show you all I love it I live on 85thTerrace and candy cane lane is also on 85th Terrance But for one block we are divided almost every house on that block decorate with the archways that go over the drive way You will not believe it I can't wait to video it to show you all but that will have to wait till I get the puter back hopefully in a day or so He has to order the power source

JudyEddy said...

Gotta story to tell about Jordyn a few min ago she had to go potty and she asked me to come with her to the bathroom I sat on the edge of tub when she got done she said oma look Tinkerbell panties I love it then she asked to kiss it I told her we don't kiss underwear then she ask me to hug it I told her its just underwear and we don't hug underwear Funny kid She runs out says I love it I love my tinker belle panties (and we were worried about her not talking) boy were we wrong HAHA

JudyEddy said...

Ok guys this is it I am unpluging and taking her to ERIC see you maybe tonight from Angies if not in a day or so

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds. Haven't read a word yet, busy going around in circles & have dentist appt. this afternoon.
Hope Everyone is doing well.
Lori, I saw your pic of upside-down Xmas tree and I'm getting some ideas!!! We will have 3 cats together at Xmas. I may do the Feliz Navidad palm tree again!
Back to something~~~

Mema Jo said...

This is the house in the valley
My humble abode......

Mema Jo said...

JudyE Till we meet again!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is a beautiful eagle on the Decorah cam. Zoomed in.

Hoda said...

Exciting morning n the blog...little bird flying with the eagle!!!

Prayers for DIANN.

Good reporting on eagle visit this morning LORI. I see your posts they are still on.Maybe the problem is solved.

Good morning/ Good afternoon.

hedgie said...

Bye, JudyE......hope it's not for too long!

Jo, house looks lovely!!!!

Hoda said...

I love your decorations JO...The house looks GREAT.

Mema Jo said...

On the road - ready to go!!


hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that rainwater on top of corn feeder had a skim of ice on it this AM. :(

Hoda said...

It sounds cold there LYNN...rain water frozen.Bundle up!

Lori O. said...

Forgot to tell you, that I got my car back yesterday....3 weeks later! So habby to have it back! Looks like new again.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo house is decorated beautifully. Did the girls put up the outside decorations?

JudyE yes I saw the years before. I know you have probably taken computer down. Can't wait for it to get fixed and back to you.

wvgal_dana said...

Great Lori always nice to have your own car. Glad the repairs meet your satisfaction.

magpie said...

Just before I got into the tubby last night I thought of that and I was going to wait and ask this morning and plumb forgot !!

Yay -

magpie said...

"See" More Eagle Pals.....

all the Christmasy things are looking nice


Hoda said...

LORI Very glad to heear you got your car back and that you are pleased with it. HURRAH!!!

hedgie said...

Lori, that's great that you finally have your car back!
Shannon is still waiting for his repairs---couldn't get scheduled before mid-Dec. Body-shop yard is FULL of deer-wrecks! Luckily his is still driveable.

Kay-----your mention a couple of weeks ago about Shannon having bad luck with his car this year, and I couldn't remember another incident...???? I asked Chris and sure enough, you were right! He had the tree limb fall on it at work!!! DUH! How could I forget that??!!!

Hoda said...

Getting ready to go to yoga and a new teacher and a new schedule...I wonder what it will it be like? MTBR

Hoda said...

CBS announces "Early Egypt Results Signal Islamists Rule"...I shake my head!!! And this comes as a surprise to who exactly??? Here goes the Arab Spring!!!
I am worried.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Hoda....:( Will continue to hope and pray for sanity and peace.

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN...sanity and peace sounds like a good combination...
Of to yoga I go...maybe it will take my mind off of my usually does...

Hoda said...

off not of to yoga...HA!!

hedgie said...

I have a good friend stopping by for a visit soon. My house may not be as presentable as I prefer, but I've done what I can. :)

See y'all later. Enjoy your afternoons.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynn, I bet your friend is not even studying your house!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Guess what--I fell asleep in front of the TV again last night! Was rudely awakened about 1 a.m. by howling Santa Ana winds! Sounded like a hurricane out there! Thank God, there aren't as many leaves on the ground this time, and they are mostly in the BACK yard. The winds are barely blowing right now. They are supposed to start up again tonight, though, and blow into tomorrow. L.A. airport had an hour-long power outage last night, and downed trees in L.A. caused over 200,000 people to be without power! Thank God we're OK here!

Ms Bookworm said...

Have sort of read back on the blog, and hope I haven't missed any really important posts. Here goes:

Have been praying for Diann and her surgery today. Hope it takes care of the pain she's been having!

Sharon, so sorry to hear of your friend's loss of her Mom. Prayers for her, for her family, and for you, too!

Lynn, praying for Carolyn's BFF's Dad, Sonny.

Lori, glad you got your car back! YAY!!!

Mema Jo, your house looks beautiful!

LOVE the picture of Malcolm! He's a real cutie!

Well, need to run--the washer is calling for some attention. Will check in a bit later. Hope everyone has a wonderful day! :o]

hedgie said...

Hey, Andy....sorry about those winds. What was the estimated speed? Sounds awful.....I don't mind a breeze, but these crazy strong winds of 50+ mph are just plain crazy---and SO destructive. Glad you didn't lose power. Bet there were a lot of delayed flights world-wide if LAX was shut down like that.

Company has gone.... :( but WOW---what a great friend and her hubby! Brought me all kinds of YUMMY goodies!! Bet I'll get my weight back on fast at this rate!!!! Ribs, Key Lime pie, and tater soup!!! I'm hungry already!!!!! So glad they were able to spend a little time with me. And Liesl loved them, too!

DanaMo said...

Would love to have an afternoon visit.

Home from school. Feels good to sit.

Lori O. said...

Everybody loves you, Lynn! ♥
Glad you had a nice visit.

Back-up beeping has been going all day at the nest. Does it ever stop? I think Shirley's vision of continuously backing up & beeping trucks is true!

Good thing you kept your power, Andy. This is the time of year for those nasty winds. Wish I'd get some milder wind that would blow all my leaves about a half mile east! An extra biscuit for Emma, please. :)

Lori O. said...

Helloooooooo DanaMoooooooooo! Welcome home.

hedgie said...

The farmer needs to learn how to drive that equipment FORWARD. Beep-beep-beep is getting very irritating!!! Have turned the sound off again!

DanaMo said...

You're not upset with me are you Lori? My morning critiquing? LOL! I'm only fooling with you. I love listening to you in the morning.

Lori O. said...

I love it that you listen, DanaMo!

Sandi said...

OK, decided that I should get on board with the Christmas avatar thing. Since you all were able to help me with getting sound, what about the cam freezing at about 15 minutes? I've tried hitting the pause/play button at the lower left. But no matter when or how many times I hit it, the cam still freezes and I have to reload the page. Any other suggestions?

Lori O. said...

It does that for everyone, Sandi. We just deal with it. Nice that all the teachers are checking in now. Hope you had a great day!

Lori O. said...

ooops, Sandi... hitting the play button in the lower left should work. That's the part we just deal with. It should continue once you hit the pause/play button though it usually takes a few seconds to start going again.

hedgie said...

I have sent the updated mailing list via Momster Mail. If you don't get it, please let me know----if you are on the list, I'll email it to your other address.

Sandi said...

Lynn, Got the list. I'm so flattered to be included on it thanks!

DanaMo said...

Lynn can you send it to address. Thanks

DanaMo said...

Hi Sandi, mine stops too at 14:53 just hit the play in the bottom left corner.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned - need to read to catch up!

In the nest - that is Prairie Grass

Mema Jo said...

I need 15 min with feet up! BBILW

hedgie said...

I like that, Jo---prairie grass flugg. Very appropriate!

hedgie said...

Done, Sandi!!!

Lolly said...

I am home from running errands and then putting things away. Might join Jack out working in the yard. What a mess it is!

For laughs glanced at OC. So, for your amusement I am sharing a comment. Are you ready? tis......

For the last three and half weeks I have had my face in my computer many hours a day. I do realize exactly what happened and I am going to post it. This has been going on for some time and I have it captured in my many pics from the last three weeks. On the 25th was the last violence I have seen in the nest. Take a good look at my avatar it is Belle trying to push spothead out of the nest and one of my own pics. At the evening of the 25th there was alot of violence. On the morning of the 26th I was waiting for the eagles to conme in and they did not. I sat here for almost 2 hour listening to the worst eagle noise I have ever heard. It sent chills down my spine. Very ferocious. On the evening of the 26th Belle showed up looking like she is (injured???) can't tell. But since the morning of the 26th there has been nothing but the usual Lib and Belle moves and alot of peace in the nest. So i am going to tell everyone who wants to read it that Spothead is no longer with us. the only birds in this nest are Lib and Belle.

Mema Jo said...

I read it and I am NOT commenting..♥

Lolly said...

This worked yesterday, guess I will try again today.....................Here eagles, eagles, eagles!

DanaMo said...

OMGosh who is this person???

Lolly said...

There does seem to be a lot of flugg in the nest. Wonder when it was brought in?

Lolly said...

Won't mention names, but it was on the OC blog. Wild, huh?

Sandi said...

Cam froze at 14:57. Can't recall if I hit the pause/play button or relaod on my toolbar, but the cam has been running for 32 minutes now w/out timing out! First time that's ever happened for me, though I've read it from others! Now, just need some eagles!!

Lolly said...

I hear geese!

hedgie said...

Wondering how Diann got along.....hope she is home and resting comfortably.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I'll just say "delusional." :)

NatureNut said...

Rats, Blogger bumped me! Just got home. Hope I'm on time to see some eagles!

DanaMo said...

And someone is already over there "agreeing" with the unnamed person.

Kay said...

Tuning in late after a day of catching up with bill paying, mail and first of the month errands. Was hoping we'd hear from Diann or someone in her family. Prayers !

Oh, my ! A small bird attacking our beautiful eagles and apparently inflicting some wounds ??? :(

LORI, habby to hear the CRV is back and looks like new ! Enjoyed reading early morning posts and wish I had the oomph to join you there every day !

JO, your glowing house in the valley is enchanting !

LYNN, you don't know how happy I am to know Shannon's earlier car incident was not a figment of my imagination. Not happy for him, but for verification that my brain is still working. I was very puzzled as to how I came up with that. LOL

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon Kay! How ya feeling?

NatureNut said...

Let me try "Here Birdy, Birdy, Birdy!

OC remark is hilarious. Perhaps the screaming heard was from the day care center recess!? ☺

Kay said...

SANDI, I always get that stop on the cam at about 14:57. Once refreshed it will often play for hours and hours, but sometimes just keeps starting over and stopping at that mark each time. Arrrrggggh.

hedgie said...

Wow, seeing footage on news of the mess the Santa Ana's caused in Pasadena. Gusts over 100 mph.....worst in many years. Hold on, Andy and Jim!!!! And my BFF Jan in Highlands if it affects that area, too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wow, am I glad I missed all that eagle violence! Give me a break! They really do not have a clue, do they?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Sandi said...

So glad I didn't give up!!

Lori O. said...

Lynn, how is Sonny doing? I hope I have his name right.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Waiting on the violence part now! LOL!

Lori O. said...

I sure hope we don't witness any violence in the nest!

Kay said...

LORETTA ! You did it !!!!! I'm so impressed !!!!!

Sandi said...

Ladies, please tell me who I'm seeing!

NatureNut said...

One in Nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And gone!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was Shep.

Lori O. said...

Belle or Shep?

NatureNut said...

Must have poofed while I wrote that!

Kay said...

LORETTA, say it again ! ;O)

Lori O. said...

At least there was no violence. Thank goodness. Whew!

Kay said...

Do we not have color now ? I have black and white at the nest.

CarolAnne said...

Hedgie, received snail mail. You are welcome (& most deserving).

Sandi said...

Kay, We HAD color but I'm begiining to think the eagles are more fond of the "sepia look!" They seem to show up after the color goes in the evenings.

NatureNut said...

Thx, Kay!
Later I think I heard some violent geese!

Kay said...

Four candle avatar. White ones are lit for LYNN, LINDA and DIANN---the large gold candle is glowing for all those in need of prayer today.

Kay said...

Thanks SANDI ! The day got away from me and I wasn't even thinking about how late it is. Of course, the color is gone for the day ! Duh !

Kay said...

LOLLY, I'm taking your word for it. Can't read the OC posts, sends the B/P soaring !

Kay said...

I think my brain is fried. I finished my Christmas shopping while out and about today. Yeah ! Feels good, but it was tiring.

NatureNut said...

Dear dentist had to do two fillings, one on both lower sides. He put novacaine in the left, as he would be drilling close to gum. He had to fill some kind of vertical ridge on tooth on the right. No novacaine, but since it went low, he stuffed string inside the gumline. Not too bad, but when finished he started poking inside gum to retrieve string---was getting a little sore. Then he discovered he was looking around wrong tooth! DUH. He's not incompetant, just one of those things. Said I could chew softer stuff. Brought home Chinese, got a couple items at Dollar Store & DIDN"T have to wrestle down at Wallymart! WHEW!
Gonna try & eat---(may take a habby pill)

BTW, Was Diann's surgery today? Was it shoulder or knee. I forget where miniscus is located. Prayers for her ☺

DanaMo said...

I missed it cooking dinner. I really do wish those eagles would "ring" in when they arrive so I can come over and look at the computer. Even my assistant said that today when the nest was up on the desktop but not on the smartboard. We could hear the wind and the backing up of trucks and kept wishing the eagles would come.

Hoda said...

You all are BAD!!! Comments around Shep's visit this evening!!! HA HA HA!!!

I will join MEMA JO...NO COMMENT.

The new teacher in Yoga is very young and very skinny...I am more towards the old and round side of things!!! We got along well and I enjoyed the class.

When I walked past the Occupy Nelson Site, I saw that the police did not evict them yesterday and they were there today. There is a T-Pee in the middle of the camp and drums and dancers and a few officers joined in the dance and they were in the process of dismantling the other tents and remocving garbage and platform structures that were erected there...It seemed peaceful enough...The City Police was there so were the by-law officers and the RCMP were keeping watch froma distance in case things flared up...I do not think they will...I saw RESPECT from all sides and I think by tomorrow they will be gone...Council promised to work on homelessness as an issue.It is all very Nelson like!!! More media there than there were protesters!!!

Kay said...

It's the knee, LORETTA. We're still waiting for word on how it went.

Sandi said...

As I type this, my cam is at an hour and 16 min. w/out freezing up! But the dogs are looking at me like, EXCUSE ME ... it's DINNER TIME!" So, I'm outta here! Have a nice evening all!

hedgie said...

Bye, Sandi! Have a nice evening.

Loretta----you are so brave....NOTHING done in my mouth without numbing!!!!
Hope you can eat okay.

Kay, glad to see that you are here, too! Shopping is a killer.....I hate it!!

Thanks, CarolAnne!

I'm glad I missed that moment of violence that didn't happen. Sure was a quick visit! Agree----we need an alarm!

hedgie said...

Hoda, sounds like all is peaceful in Nelson....hope it stays that way. RESPECT goes a long way! Would love to have seen the officers dancing in the pow wow!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will behave now about the violence! :-)

hedgie said...

Heating up some of my potato soup!! Smells heavenly!

Only update Carolyn has on Sonny is that they may let him come home in a day or so. April couldn't talk when she called her.....MTBD.

hedgie said...

Too dark now to see if anything else happens. Stinks that the light is not working at all now.

Hoda said...

They, officers in the pow wow, were having a good time and kept rhythm with the drum LYNN...I agree RESPECT goes a long way...

NatureNut said...

Put my one PM pic in album.
Moo Goo Gai Pan is good---no meds needed.

Gotta hit basement to at least box & maybe wrap paper on presents. Ribbon & bows will be done when "no cats are allowed!"

hedgie said...

MMMM...mmm good. Sure beats Campbell's by miles and miles!!! Good soup. Now for a trip to the sofa!! BBL.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, just saw your comment. Perhaps a bell could be hung near nest & they are so smart could be sure to ring it when they fly down!

BTW, dentists----when a child was terrified of needles, so NEVER had any at the dentist. I was lucky that the firet dentist Mom took me to before school was tall, blonde & had a big fishtank!!!!Once he did a filling and we both said OW at the same time. I think drill got hot on his hand! So I started w/very positive experience and because of my small size had become a "tough guy"!

Lolly said...

Well, I left and Shep arrived, you might know! LOL OC does not make my blood pressure rise, it just gives me a good laugh.

Lynn, I received snail mail today, also. It was our pleasure. Fun working with Carol. We love you and wanted to bring a smile to your face.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, Lolly, I saw that comment too, so I emailed it to Lynn. It gave me a good laugh as well!

Lynn, glad you had a nice visit and got some good soup! Love potato soup! Glad you enjoyed the biscuits, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Sure wish I could catch our eagles in the nest...not up early enough and always doing something at work when they come in.

gotta get some stuff done around here tonight, I've been goofing off all week ☺

Hoda said...

Two more Conditioning Classes left in this session...I go tonight and next Thursday...I am wondering if I need to add another form of exercise in January. Have not decided yet...probably some snow shoeing???Mind wonders about it all.
So I will leave to Conditioning Class in 45 minutes...LM

hedgie said...

Had a little snoooze before Jeopardy......Liesl was so snuggly! Now it's almost time to take her out and we'll get cold. It's down to 34°. Brrrrr.

Loretta, you are very fortunate!! High pain tolerance, lack of fear, AND nerves of steel!
When you mentioned three cats....does that mean that Sherry and her hubby are coming "home" for the holidays?? How super that is for you!!!

Paula....I didn't get any email....did you mean Lynne??

hedgie said...

See that Diann has been on FB.....left a post for her, as did Hoda.......hope she let's us know something soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Oops, forgot to add the "e"! yes, sent to Lynne2

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, that post from Diann may have been
back in Nov on the 26. I too left her
a message - hope we hear from her soon.

So you sound like your potato soup was a
hit! I like your profile pic on FB of
Lady Liesl.

Thanks so much for the revised list of Momsters, Lynn.

I have a 9 and a 10 TV show.

NatureNut said...

Gosh darn Blogger---now it says "conflicting Edit"!!! All I did was write a comment!!AARRGGHH.

Yes, daughter, SIL, & cat, Merry will be coming for Xmas.
I won't bother w/the xtra trivia!

hedgie said...

Jo, Diann made comments on other people's posts......she didn't do a status update.

Yep, the soup was definitely good for the soul and the tummy!!!

Lolly said...

Yea, Loretta, so glad you are seeing them at Christmas. It has been a while. Have they started building yet?

Have a few minutes before dinner is ready, Pork with Gorgonzola sauce, yum!

Yes, love the fb picture of Liesl. She is really posing!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Lynn - Maybe Diann will come by here soon.

I am eating a piece of very cinnamony
apple pie........ sure wish I had some
vanilla ice cream!


Lolly said...

Hey, Jo!! I have the ice cream!!! Let's get together!☺

Lolly said...

Watching the CMA Christmas special. Enjoying it! Scotty is going to sing.

hedgie said...

Me, too, Lolly!

hedgie said...

Anyone else having trouble with FB? It shut down and I can't get it to open.

hedgie said...

Eating a piece of my Key Lime pie!! Rich!

Lolly said...

Lynn, I just opened fb. No problem here!

Lolly said...

Shhhhh! Do not tell Jack...I am still in love with Scotty!

hedgie said...

It finally opened for me, Lolly!!

Yep--I love Scotty, too!

Costume Lady said...

No CMA here:( Capt. Gene is watching the WVU & SFU (Tampa)college game...hope he is taping the Christmas Special. I love those kind of shows during the holidays.

Costume Lady said...

We had a most pleasant surprise today, while waiting to unload our provisions for the Soup Kitchen.
4 of our Soup Kitchen clients came to help with loading up our vehicle. I don't know how they knew we were doing that today, but we were very happy that they were showing their gratitude for what we do for them! AWESOME!

Costume Lady said...

I have posted a picture of the fellas that helped us today...on JUST FOR FUN.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I think we all LOVE Scotty:)

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night so that I can head upstairs for the evening.

Turning on the night light for Judie.

I will see you tomorrow.

Rest well.

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley!!♥

Lolly said...

Jack is in the study watching the STARS play hockey. He is sweet and lets me have this room. He does have a nice comfy chair and the puter,

Hoda said...

DIANN was definitley on Facebook as I saw her avatar on the chat section. This is why I wrote on her wall hoping she would answer me about her health.

Exercise class was good and I will need an epsom salt bath tonight.

I love LIESL's picture on Face book LYNN the tilt of her head, such a good listener...adorable.

hedgie said...

That's really great, Wanda!! Great that you and Gene didn't have to do it by yourselves.

Goodnight, Shirley. Sleep tight!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Hoda.....she is a real sweetie---and so very alert!

Yep, I wish Diann would let us know what's what.

Mema Jo said...

Strange - Hubby and I must have passed your food truck over on 81. At least
I thought about you all due to the
logo on the tractor trailer.....

Mema Jo said...

Watching TV - BBShortly

Lolly - I ate the WHOLE thing! ♥

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...