Thursday, December 01, 2011


Sorry for the sparce threads.  Am on travel.

New thread.


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magpie said...

Oh, Sandi...sounds like a Road Trip to your place would be a fun!
That's what we call it when we go to a place full of to Loretta's place of work at Patuxent River Park....

magpie said...

It was a tee-tiny visit, T-Bird, one eagle...I wasn't sure which one it was....I was trying to get dressed at the time, prior posts from others describe it...

Time to make like a Tree and Leave..
worktime looms

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxox ♥

Hoda said...

yes T-Bird there was a visit for around three minutes by Belle around 7:00 AM this morning. She tried the new nest cup area and fluffed up the grasses and then poofed.

Sandi said...

Margy, It's not like living in a park but for this city girl, it's wonderful. I still have houses around me but the area is wooded and very few people live here year round, so it's not uncommon to see a fox walking down the street or a raccoon in the trash or a deer in the side yard - eating my azaleas =(, or an oppossum in the driveway when we come home at night. Once, 3 wild turkeys were just waltzing down the street in front of the house!! And there are always ducks on the canal, tho there is a town ordinance that forbids feeding them. I LOVE it!! I even love it when all the tourists come, b/c that means schools are closed and I'm on summer break!!

Hoda said...

I think I "need" a veggie, cheese and mushroom omlette. Be back later...

T-Bird said...

Sounds good Hoda.

DanaMo said...

Boomer just tried to bring Aunt Lori's gift in the house. Not happening! They get wild enough with the ball, I don't need the tug in the house! Thankfully they can play with each other! Too cold for me today!

DanaMo said...

Omelet sounds good. Think I will have a cheese omelet.

hedgie said...

Good morning! Cold...but sun is trying hard to break through the frostiness. Currently 24°.

FYI: Shotgun deer hunt today and next Sat. ON NCTC property. :( So very likely that our birds may be scarce for the rest of the day.

hedgie said...

Oops....NOW I see that Margy already gave you that info!

I am SO impressed, DanaMo and Lori, that Dell actually sends someone to the house for repairs!! That IS good service---well worth an extra fee!!

Hoda said...

DANAMO, it is 27 degrees here what is it over there? I havew a smile as to how much fun LORI's tugs have proven to be. Very popular amongst our canine friends...Good on you LORI.

DanaMo said...

Yea..I have always been pleased with Dell. We have always had Dell computers. I think...oh probably 6 plus Monte's work computers are Dell as well. Of course we have to have multiple computers with so many people in the house. We currently have 3 Dells in house and an HP. The HP has been to Staples twice for repairs. This was the first repair on my laptop and it's an 09. Dinosaur by computer standards.

Hoda said...

So funny!!! It is warmer here than in LYNN'S West Virginia...move North LYNN that is where the warmer weather is found!!! LOL 27 degrees here to your 24!!!

hedgie said...

T=Bird said: The eagles will be fine but in the past they have appeared to be in great distress. I remember one year it really messed with the egg laying and incubation.
Margy said: T-Bird is exactly was a night when NIGHT hunting was allowed, it was awful....

not sure what the night hunting schedule would be, but Hedgie will enlighten us, she has those facts...
Thanks in Advance, Lynn !!

It was late January and they had a night hunt. Belle was preparing to lay her first egg----all of the antsy-ness that she usually shows was evident. The gun shots had her so agitated that she would not come to the nest. That was Hidey's year when the first two eggs were NOT viable---and we are convinced that the shooting upsetting Belle is the reason why. We did petition NCTC to NOT allow hunting at that time of the breeding cycle again. They weren't happy with us but there have been no more late Jan. hunts.

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN for answering T-Bird's question.It is very informative and thorough.

I hear the gun shots again...

DanaMo said...

Well it's 28 here in Hagerstown.

DanaMo said...

But I was just cleaning the kitchen thinking...Monte is going to have to move me somewhere warm once Annemarie graduates from Goretti. I just can't stand the cold much longer. I am a warm weather person and I just feel like each year it gets harder for me to make it through winter.

DanaMo said...

Maybe we can go somewhere in the winter when Annemarie graduates and come back to Hagerstown for the summers. Keep this, I feel like I'm formulating a plan...

hedgie said...

I should also add that the shots were so close to the nest that some thought they saw flashes from the guns. Margy even called the law authorities to see if there was hunting going on and they verified it.

Hoda, hope your luncheon is a smmashing success! It will all go well. I've not had a flop yet! How many people do you have coming?? I only have 66 this year.....Tues. is my big day!

hedgie said...

DanaMo---it only gets worse the older we get.....I absolutely hate the cold and abhor snow ot any other frozen type of precip. That's why I want the beach house SO BADLY.....forecast of bad winter weather? Hit the road and stay gone until it's over!!!

hedgie said...

I have already had a charity phone plea this 8:24. ARGH! Whatever happened to the 9AM rule????

Hoda said...

LYNN your luncheon is bigger than ours. I have 36 people and I wonder if anyone else will show up at the door expecting it. Our membership is 45 people.I am keeping my fingers crossed.

hedgie said...

Hoda, did you have people pay in advance? Did you have to turn in a headcount? If so....anyone who shows up at the door must be turned away!

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone! Kate has gone out to pick up the new router so I should be back to internet on my regular computer in just a little bit.

We could do a reality show with Lynn and Hoda's Luncheons...of course, you would have to film it yourselves and post it for us to see! I bet both will be great!

Hoda said...

We had some people paid in advance. Others will pay at the door. Some of the ones who might show up at the door are elderly, the 80 something crowd. We are so happy they are willing to paricipate that we made the decision to not turn them back. My concern is that the club would be liale for the expences if I had raised the numbers to include all who might come. I spoke to the restaurant and they told me that they will try to accomodate as much as they can. Two women yesterday for example were not feeling well and were also very upset that they might miss the event. They wanted reassurance that they could attend...I do not think I can say no to an 80 something year old person.
They have their own Out To Lunch club for example and they will not accept anyone younger than eighty in their group, yet they ask us for rides and we all try to accommodate them. Too cute is how I see it, hoping that when I am eighty the same courtesy would be extended to me.I am sure it will work out.

Hoda said...

clunk on the camera casing??? Did anyone else hear it? I do not think it was a gun shot sound.

Lori O. said...

My Mother called at 7:30 this morning. One of those that you pick up the phone and ask "What's wrong?" Nothing, she said... just wanted to see if I was going to be home. My brother and SIL are coming down to pick up the outdoor cat house (chalet) and the tread mill for her and she is going to ride along. This is a cool cat house, A-frame with 3 rooms, orthopedic foam and heaters in each! Of course, the feral cats I adopted were going to be outdoor cats, but they like it inside better so no one uses the cat house. Oh well. And, Mom wants to treadmill to work on her cardiac rehab at home. Good on her!

Lori O. said...

Oh HODA! That is too cute about the 80+ yr old ladies!

Hoda said...

LORI I am glad you will get the router pronto...

Reality show for the gathering would be hilarious. We do a gift exchange. When it is a person's turn they are allowed to choose from the table or get a gift that someone already is hilarious to see the mischief this brings out in people. Our MLA, Member of the Legislative Assembly will be there today and she is a young woman who has a great sense of humour. It will be fun to see how it all goes...

Hoda said...

Good on her is right LORI!!! Exercising to deal with her helath issues is a good approach...WAY TO GO NANCY! LORI'S MOM...

Lori O. said...

Thanks Hoda. I will tell her you said that. She doesn't like driving 40 minutes to the rehab clinic 3 times a week, so she will do the treadmill once or twice a week. I told her she needs to set herself up for success with this and how proud I am of her for doing it. She said she has never met anyone who completed the class, but she is going to. Yay Mom!

Hoda said...

Let us know when you are hooked back up with your computer LORI. I hope it is not too complicated to install a router, I am not even sure what that is...sounds serious though!!!

magpie said...

that's all GREAT Lori

Enjoy the family time....
I've SEEN that cat chalet I
m proud to say....

You Mom sounds like a real go-getter...I think you have pretty much told us that in recent months....

xoxo Helllooooooo from work.....

Hoda said...

I wished KAY would let us know how going to Ground Zero was for her whe she was away on her trip. I hope I did not miss that post, but I do not think she wrote about it.

hedgie said...

No, Hoda, Kay hasn't mentioned it. A very emotional experience, I'm sure.

Sounds like your group is lots of fun! We don't do any gift thing, but we do pass a mike around for people to say whatever they want---THAT can get hilarious!! Some of our retirees (like our former plant manager) are in their late 80's now.....some feeble, some just old coots!!! I think that I am the youngest at 62. Of course, when I hired in, I was the youngest salaried person for a number of years!

hedgie said...

Lori, great that your Mom and bro and SIL are going to pop in! Have a nice little visit! And tell Nancy---"you go, girl!"

Glad that you are getting the router straightened out. If the old one was obselete, why didn't the company replace it before you had trouble?? ARGH!

Lori O. said...

Lynn, when Kate got off the phone with them this morning, she called it "planned obscelesance." (sp?) I think the company knew this was going to happen. Just hope everyones didn't expire on the same day! Could be a busy Saturday there at the Comcast office.

hedgie said...

Wonder if Margy, Sharon, Sissy and Wanda are gonna run into the same problem? They are relatively new Comcast subscribers.

hedgie said...

For their internet, that is...guess they've had the cable service for quite awhile.

hedgie said...

Sandi, would love to see some pics of your paradise! Sounds great!!!

hedgie said...

Update on NX on FB from WCV:
Dr. Dave reported that NX was standing this morning when he checked on her. She was fasted last night, so that the veterinary team can anesthetize her later today to perform a series of radiographs. We'll provide an update on the website later this afternoon ... so don't forget to check there for an update (it may not make it here right away).

Mema Jo said...

Good COLD Morning to all! I am up and I see the sunshine but I can't feel it yet!
No special plans today except to go to 5:00 Mass. There is lots I could do if
I get my act together! lol

Need to check out FB and emails.


Mema Jo said...

Like I mean when I say "Going to check FB" I see I will be expecting a visit
from my Grandson this morning some time.

PA Nana said...

Good late morning everyone.

Just reading back a bit it sounds like you live in a wildlife haven, Sandi. Oh, you lucky people.

Must keep reading..... bbl

NatureNut said...

Blogger got me again!!!
No eagles by nest here in Park in AM, but later saw a lovely red-tailed hawk in top of their tree. He "modeled" & turned around to show all sides!
Was very quiet people-wise, but starting to get calls for directions & some visitors due to article in yesterday's Post called "Winter Hike in the Woods" w/pics of our Nature Study boardwalk loop! DUH

If anything interesting occurs besides Harry Heron, will BBL if internet continues! ☺

NatureNut said...

OH, good grief---read about hunting at NCTC---yuck. At least it isn't nesting time. Our duck blind waterfowl season will start again in mid-Dec. to end of Jan. Doesn't seem to bother eagles, as their nest is about mile from River. The geese are not happy, tho!

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER********************

Hoda said...





WANDA is already there...

PA Nana said...

Bluejay in nest looking around.

PA Nana said...

Still not caught up but thought after yesterday's activities I'd see some eagle action ... then Lynn or Margie lowered the 'boom.'
Hunting at NCTC? Bummer!

Now, back to reading. HAGD

PA Nana said...

Sorry, wanted to comment to DanaMo.

I use a Dell as a desktop but I must tell ya, I love my HP netbook. Used to have an HP desktop (still do, but not using) and had to get it fixed. I got a bent disk caught in a drive. Dummy me!

Bluejay alert. ☺☺☺

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...