I just want to say how much I love chatting with all of you...Lynn, Paula, Jo, Hoda....you are the bestest and I love you!♥ Now, that statement includes many more of you...those names are the ones who have chatted recently!☺
Wanda... I got some more things for Clothes Closet tonight, including an awesome Large Size Minnesota Vikings Coat... will have everything ready for your next Soup Kitchen.... how Blessed, your helpers today !
James and his father are now the very proud and pleased owners...of a 2-year old [fixed] Male Pomeranian Mix...his name is Pringles... beautiful! Like a Red Fox...! He was in need of a home, and James's paternal Grandmother made the find !! ♥
Paula... if you have time, I sent you an email .... nothing urgent...just try to see it before you head for the Paradise...one...last...time...for the season
Thanks, Paula....Lynn shared with me that she had two Pom mixes before...Nicki, and Ginger.... yes,... it's a nice early Christmas present for the fellows
The Christmas Stealing Season is in full swing in our county.... snowblowers, GPS's, appliances and tools from homes under construction... you name it, the crooks are finding it! It's a real bummer...
MARGY, isn't that ornament beautiful? It was given to me by a dear friend~
Anxious for the next Soup Kitchen. Need more coats, men, especially. Taking in some of my clothes...we were wiped out Tuesday...your donations are most welcome!
Wish you were on facebook, Margy. Karla took a great picture of the 3/4 moon and posted it there. I will try to post it on my blog. Been having a lot of problems there.
Good heavens LYNN it is as cold at yoiur part of the world as it is here!!! LOL!!! We did have blue skies today though and it promises sun again tomorrow...TERRIFIC!!!
MARGY I was not sure how I was going to get along with Sara, the new yoga instructor. She does INVIGORATING YOGA!!! To be truthful I was not sure what that was!!! She holds the poses longer and she does more poses at the same time. I had a good practice, and felt with energy at the end of it.The twety somethings jump about when they transition from one pose to another I step lightly...I hope to learn more from her...I did a shoulder stand instead of a hand stand for my inversion pose...I felt more comfortable with it.It was OK by her too.
Yes, it IS getting late... another workday Friday, another dollar, which isn't going too far these days !
Will take my numerous prayers to bed with me..... thinking of you all, with Great Gratefulness for your friendship and fellowship
Good Night, Precious Pals God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One (which, as you know...the latter part of this phrase...is from Tiny Tim, in Dickens' A Christmas Carol... I just use it all the time!) xoxo ♥
Oh, Christmas and thieves...reminds me. Our first Christmas and we were in a little rent house. We had the tree up and our kitty was just 5 months old, so we closed a door and put a hamper in front of it so he could not get to the tree. The next morning we were surprised when the door was open. Then we discovered we had not locked the back door and it was ajar. Next Jack wanted some cash. I said it was in my billfold, but alas...it was not. He scolded me for being careless. He left for work, I headed to school...and then the light bulb went off and I started to shake. We had been robbed!!! The thief had come in the back door, taken the money and moved the door and hamper. Thankfully he did not take presents from under the tree,but the thought of someone looking at us while we slept really creeped me out!
LOLLY, I know just how that feels. When we were robbed a few years back. I felt really frightened, knowing that someone was snooping through all our rooms and belongings. They got about $300:( Happily, they didn't get the $5,000 that I hadn't deposited from the Halloween sales. It was in a very good hiding place, thankfully!
They only got the $20 bill that Jack was looking for in my purse. We called the police. They said that time of year they are looking for cash. We got a deadbolt after that on the back door.
It's tomorrow! Yikes. Been wrapping some presents, etc. Lolly, no building in TX yet~~haven't finalized purchase of next door acres. Then big bucks to have slabs from both houses chopped up & removed. But tons cheaper than to have engineers test sample of what's left for stability. I sure wouldn't want to use a base that's questionable. Good night dear friends~~~ Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) & Prayers for all, especially Lynn, Linda & Mom, Diann and all others in need
Geez, that's some welcome back! Lost my long post to the blogger cop.
Anyway, wanted to check in and let everyone know I'm still kickin'. Not as high or fast though.
Thought after surgery my knee felt pretty good and I did too much and am in a bit of pain tonight. Took some pain meds which keeps me awake, so I'll write a chapter in my novelette.
I read your posts and prayers for me and and I was humbled, but very thankful. Didn't realize that I had so many thinking and praying for me in my time of need. I'm basically a private person but love to share my prayers for those in need.
While I wait for the sandman I'm going to read a bit.
May God bless and keep you safely in his arms. Pa Di
Diann, I'm so happy to hear from you, and I know everyone else will be, too. Take it easy on that knee! Will be praying for pain relief. A ((((BIG Get well soon Hug)))!
Lolly and Wanda - CREEPY stories! What a violation of your head, heart, home...glad you were both safe, though!
Yes, it was cold outside last night. I have a space heater in my room because it is hardest to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer due to Cathedral ceilings and size. The kids will be cold when they get out from under the covers! We have dogs to keep us warm in bed though! They generate a good bit of heat! Adam will complain when he gets up.
I made bows for most of the packages last night, but now I have to spread out all the presents so the bows don't get squished. The kittens have been great since getting the squirt bottle while climbing the tree last week!
LORI, your sweet wish is granted ! I fell asleep on the Country Music show last night, woke at 10:30 and saw the end of a Mentalist I'd missed before--at least I think it was a re-run. Then off to bed and more zzzz's, so am awake good n' early today. It's a Malcolm/Seth day so I'm looking forward to a good day. Glad to hear you're taking vacation days---I was worried when I opened 97.1 and found you missing !!!!
DANAMO, why no heat ? Glad you have the gas fireplace to take the edge off !!!
No that is Andrew. He is my oldest, 20. He is still working, not going back to school at this point. I wish I could resolve that one, but I cannot. He needs to figure out what he wants to do and I can't do that for him.
Andrew is 20, then Aric 18 (at UD), Adam is a junior at Goretti, and Annemarie is in 8th grade at St. Mary's. Hard to keep them straight, I know.
Glad to hear you got all your shopping done, Kay. So silly to wait until the last minute if you have a little time now. I'm a big fan of online shopping! I've got 3 more left to get but already know what I'm going to do for those. YAY!
Good morning Kay. We have been having trouble with the heat for a while, but it was working intermittently so I didn't push to get someone out here. Yesterday morning it was chilly so I decided I better do something before it got really cold. I called the warranty company and someone was here by 3:30 yesterday afternoon. He took it apart and is coming back today with new parts, but alas no heat last night with the missing parts! It's 61 in the kitchen which isn't awful. I'm in a house and we will survive for sure, makes you think about the people who are sleeping out in those 20 degree temps.
If all the labs had "A" names there would have been no hope that I would ever get them all right. But, you could have had Arial, Aloft and what's another flying "A" name? Kay?
I really don't have a lot of shopping to do. It's strange. I mean the kids of course, but then it's just my Mom and Dad. I won't even really start until school lets out, but it's not a big deal. I guess we may buy for nieces and nephews out in SD but kids are easy to buy for, it's just the sending them out there that gets tricky.
DANA, hope that guy shows up with the parts today !
LORI, most of my shopping was on line, too. Just had a couple of things to pick up yesterday. Just realized I still have to pick up a Starbuck's GC for the mailman. No biggie, there is one at Kroger and another at Target, both within a block as the crow flies. They are on his route, too, so I figure he can grab a cuppa java on his rounds.
Well...we are not going to SD. I asked my parents to come along, which they were excited to do, mom says she would go anywhere with me. She is so depressed over my brother, but that's another whole story.
When we told SD we were coming they were weird about it...but they are in-laws and they are a little weird anyway...but it turns out my SIL got engaged and they are getting married in July so they were discouraging us from coming (instead of just telling us, geez) because they want us there for the wedding. Which of course is what we will do and it will work out much better to go to SD in the summer. We will be able to take the camper and really make a vacation out of it, getting to stop along the way, taking more time and not having to worry about the weather.
LORI, since the P.O. doesn't allow cash gifts, I've found a GC to be a good solution. Haven't received the usual dun from the newspaper carrier yet, but will just pop a few bills in the mail for him when I do. He really does a fantastic job of getting the paper to my porch regardless of how much ice and snow is on the ground. He probably hates my place as I'm the only subscriber in my building and on a slight hill that gets quite icy ! Guess he deserves some extra thanks !
DANA, God works in mysterious ways ! He provided the perfect solution for you ! By the way, can't agree that in-laws are by nature weird. First marriage I was blessed with a very dear fil and mil! Stan was estranged from his parents from early adulthood on and so I never knew his parents. Oh, and I'm sure Monte doesn't think your dear parents are weird ! ;o) Anywho, I'm glad you'll be spending the holidays in your own beautiful home !!!!
Yes, LORI, lots of Seth n' Malcolm time this week ! I missed them last week. My NJ granddog, Rufus, the Shepadoodle, was delightful company though. He's two years old and loves me because I don't tire of throwing the ball for him and Lee says, "because you play with him like you, too, are a dog". Hmmmm. I never saw dil's dad touch him or show any real interest in him. He's a nice man, but I can't quite understand indifference to a delightful four legged critter !
Well I get along fine with my in-laws, but we are very different. They have a mid-west mindset and we have a NY mindset. Really and truly we are very different. Monte probably does think my parents are weird but he loves them anyway and has put up with them for 22 years so far.
The nest is bathed in sunshine, come on birdies, we want to see you !
MARGY, so delighted to hear the Kidster now has Pringles to enjoy ! Sounds like Kris Kringle made an early call so Christmas could be even more special this year !
DIANN, relieved to see your nice post ! Prayers for healing and comfort continue ! ♥♥♥
DANA, heres hoping your mailman never gets caught receiving $ ! Here's the USPS policy:
Employee Tipping/Gift Receiving Policy
All postal employees, including carriers, must comply with the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch. Under these federal regulations, carriers are permitted to accept a gift worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion, such as Christmas. However, cash and cash equivalents, such as checks or gift cards that can be exchanged for cash, must never be accepted in any amount. Furthermore, no employee may accept more than $50 worth of gifts from any one customer in any one calendar year.
I'm assuming a Starbuck's GC cannot be exchanged for cash.
Well, we give him 20 so that must be why, but I know he gets lots of gifts because he is well loved and has "pre-made" thank you notes! He is most awesome!
DANA, a Midwest mind set ? I wonder what I have...born in OK, raised in AZ and have spent about 20 years of life in OH. I probably have a very schitzo mind set ! Oh, well, I is what I is and I yam what I yam ! LOL
DANA, if he hasn't made it clear he can't receive cash he's comfortable with it and apparently not fearful of reprisal. His secret is safe with us ! A good mailman adds so much to the quality of life ! I've been blessed with several who were outstanding, in AZ and OH.
Morning all, Getting Bubby off to work. RE: Talking about "A" names, I had an Aunt & Uncle that had 6 kids, each first name started with G, each middle name with A, and all nicknames with B - confusing!
Hi CAROLANNE ! Good to "see" you this morning ! The naming of kids is an interesting thing. I have a friend who made sure each of her children had 10 letters in the combo of first and second names. That led to some odd spellings, as in Lyn rather than Lynn, for instance !
My mail and newspaper people also do an excellent job....will have to remember them both for the holidays....and would like to include the Garbage pick-up folks...somehow...
only one time did the paper lady knock a bloom off one of my Porch Plants....
I don't know Kay, maybe it is more of a New York mindset. We just really look at things differently. Not sure how to explain. I guess I shouldn't make generalizations though, we are all different and have different influences that make us what we are and how we think. We just always seem to butt heads about just about everything. Can't really explain it. And I always say that too, this is me, take me or leave me. I'm comfortable with who I am. I think they think I'm the one that's got a warped way of thinking.
28° here right now. Just heard my neighbor exit the foyer with her Puggle, Kobe. Brrrrrr. Kendra is an angel and will place my newspaper on the mat at my front door when she comes back in. I have great neighbors !
Hey T: sometimes I get mixed up, make that OFTEN....☺
Lori did you see...I saw a beautiful BLACK VULTURE last week near the Kidster's house...perched in a tree and then took off in all its bigness and beauty...
I think it was Belle who poofed and Shep who remains. Going by tell tale tail feathers. Very confusing to see both with scruffed up heads and black spots ! What the heck have they been up to. Wish we had someone nearby to tell us if they have been defending the nest. She's baaaacck
Rats!! Checked the cam before leaving for school at 7AM - no eagles. Logged on once I got to school at 7:20am and had already missed them. Have a good day everyone!
GM eagle buddies. Yea, I saw the visit a while ago. I thought they looked frosty too, I guess it was the light. The reason people name their children as they do can be very interesting. I recently discovered my great-grandparents named all theirs with double letters--example Dorothy Daphne, Daisy Dawn, Maxwell Mitchell, etc. I guess we all have different ides on that front. Good thoughts and prayers for all.
Just delivered Hunter to school. He fell asleep on the sofa this morning. I was not sure I was going to be able to wake him up in time to go. Didn't try to get him out in time for the bus.
Kathryn said that he got up in the night and crawled into her bed after saying some strange things.
It seems like he might have been sleepwalking. Of course, I think he got more sleep than Kathryn did.
Kathryn gets him up before she leaves, so he is usually up very early, and is the first kid to the bus stop.
He wore his heavy jacket today! Very cold and frosty here. His mom told him it was heavy jacket time.
Good frosty morning all. Heavy one here. Frost on the eagles??? LOL! DanaMo---sure hope your furnace gets fixed today....brrrr!!
SO good to see you check in Diann!!!! We were concerned. Do you have any post-op restrictions? Please don't overdo!! And stay in touch, okay??
Love the idea of the James's have Pringle!! What a cute name----and if he is anything like my Nicki and Ginger were, he will be a delightful pet. I will need to dig into the old photo albums to find pics of them for comparison.
DanaMo, I have a male cousin named Dana. Good that you get to stay home for Christmas!!!! I know you are relieved.
Needless to say, I missed the nest action.
Wanda, I did see Karla's pics on FB! Lovely!!!!
Thanks for info about mail carriers.....didn't know about that cash as a gift rule.
Sorry about the theft incidents, Wanda and Lolly. Heard on the scanner earlier in the week that someone was driving around at night taking all metal things out of people's yards in one development. Sure hope they caught them! Metal is a big target nowadays.
So my dear Buphals has this thing. He will stand in front of the recliner and whine until somebody tells him it is okay to get in the chair and he will hop right up. It started while we were still in Bedford and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is up with that. Can anybody translate this for me? LOL!
My submandibular glands are swollen and tender. On each side of my mouth, I have sore spots on my bottom jaw that corresponds to the glands. So, I don't know if i am swollen into my gums and causing my dentures to rub or if the glands are swollen and tender from the sore spots on my gums. Any ideas?
Gee, Sharon, Lynne would be the one to answer your question about Buphal's. Is it a different chair??
As for your glands......hard to tell. It COULD be the dentures causing it, but more likely an infection of some kind---possibly even viral. Salivary glands can clog and cause swelling, too---or they could be infected. Might be worth a call to the dentist to see what he/she advises. Did it just crop up since yesterday?
Have you eaten, Shar? I have one salivary gland that often swells, but after chewing it goes down. Dentist says it gets clogged! I know a couple of people who had to have them incised and drained. :(
Buphals is psycho, that is just the way it is. Plus, he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed! LOL!!
I swear I just don't know about these eagles. It almost looks like Belle has gotten in oil or something, but then sometimes I don't think it is Belle. I am so confused!!!
How gLORIous to see the eagles in the nest again already!
My apologies to all for just disappearing earlier this morning. Kate woke up and decided that it was the perfect time to tweak my computer. Just got it back. Can't turn down free help! :)
I told you all on back there on one of the blogs. That Belle decided if she couldn't clean him up. Then "if you can't beat them join them" so she is dirty now LOL
If it was blood, say from sticking her head in a carcass, it may take some time to wash off...one rain isn't going to do it. They also cannot groom that area.
I believe it was Wray, at the WE Catalina nest, had some stuff on her head for months.
Well, I think that it would be nice to have a closer view of the nest. Yes, it's nice to at least see them - and believe me this is a treat because they come close to 5:00 my time and I'm still in bed - but blah blah blah - REALLY? When I zoom on my computer it's all pixelated and then you can't see the fine lines! Time for coffee methinks -
I just have to tell you that I am praying for a nice uneventful season for our nest this year! Full of sunshine and light and thriving eaglets!! No more drama.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 851 Newer› Newest»JO, the MOUNTAINEER FOOD BANK TRUCK comes to our pick-up place around 1pm. You may very well have seen them:)
My goodness, I haven't done the split in a long time. Bet my legs will be sore in the morning;)
Sigh.....you did not share! What a shame!
Bad Jo! I will share with you, Lolly! Jo's post reminded me I had a piece of apple pie in the fridge. Bring on that Ice Cream!
That was a good show! Enjoyed it a lot!
Can't believe the scarcity of Christmas shows that are on this month---based on TV Guide FB list. ARGH!
LOLLY and PAULA Don't foprget that your friend to the North likes apple pie with ice cream too!!! LOL!!!
We will share,Hoda!♥
I enjoyed the program very much.
I just want to say how much I love chatting with all of you...Lynn, Paula, Jo, Hoda....you are the bestest and I love you!♥ Now, that statement includes many more of you...those names are the ones who have chatted recently!☺
I didn't think we HAD live feed and sound on the dates the OC person was talking about....???
Hedgie...I didn't have any trouble opening up Facebook, because, well, I didn't try !!!
LOL - Good Evening Eagle Pals...
trailing in late tonight..
xoxo ♥
I had my second piece of Pecan Pie for breakfast this morning...
like key lime and apple too..but my favorite is Cherry !
Now I'm hungry all over again...all the good food talk
I got some more things for Clothes Closet tonight, including an awesome
Large Size Minnesota Vikings Coat...
will have everything ready for your next Soup Kitchen....
how Blessed, your helpers today !
James and his father are now the very proud and pleased owners...of a 2-year old [fixed] Male Pomeranian Mix...his name is Pringles...
beautiful! Like a Red Fox...!
He was in need of a home, and James's paternal Grandmother made the find !!
I love that avatar !!!
speaking of red foxes....☺
Yup, I will share!
But, I do miss Captain Father Warden Gene!
Kay's candle avatar...profound, and beautiful....
also like ALL the Christmas avatars, and all the other ones too...they are all so YOU!
It's nice and warm from the microwave.
Yep, it's cold allrighty...
New York friend says the Swans are still Sailing South....
so keep your eyes and ears on the alert !
Paula... if you have time, I sent you an email ....
nothing urgent...just try to see it before you head for the Paradise...one...last...time...for the season
Oh Margy, that is great news for James! Love the name!
Thanks, Paula....Lynn shared with me that she had two Pom mixes before...Nicki, and Ginger....
yes,... it's a nice early Christmas present for the fellows
Tee Hee, Margy, I got it ☺ Thank you!
GREAT James the Wise now has PRINGLE....TERRIFIC. He'll have a wonderful Christmas holiday he will!!
Thanks for sharing the pie and ice cream ♥ YUM!!!
The Christmas Stealing Season is in full swing in our county....
snowblowers, GPS's, appliances and tools from homes under construction...
you name it, the crooks are finding it!
It's a real bummer...
Oh, and roomfuls and carfuls of Christmas presents....that REALLY sucks...
MARGY, isn't that ornament beautiful? It was given to me by a dear friend~
Anxious for the next Soup Kitchen. Need more coats, men, especially. Taking in some of my clothes...we were wiped out Tuesday...your donations are most welcome!
Wish you were on facebook, Margy. Karla took a great picture of the 3/4 moon and posted it there. I will try to post it on my blog. Been having a lot of problems there.
Love the name, PRINGLES. Sounds very suitable for a little Pomeranian:)
Good heavens LYNN it is as cold at yoiur part of the world as it is here!!! LOL!!! We did have blue skies today though and it promises sun again tomorrow...TERRIFIC!!!
Hoda, read with interest about the new yoga instructor...I am sure she will be very impressed with your techniques and skills !!
Margy, sent you an email!
LYNN, can you see KARLA'S OBX pictures on facebook? The ocean is a Royal Blue right now...beautiful.
OK Good Paula! You can check the price tag on the back....really expensive ! ☺
You're still not going to get my pie, Lolly.
Get some of Lynn's Key Lime Pie...♥
OMG, it's 29° right now. My feet are freezing. Gene has a fire going in the fireplace, I'm headed there, shortly!
MARGY I was not sure how I was going to get along with Sara, the new yoga instructor. She does INVIGORATING YOGA!!! To be truthful I was not sure what that was!!! She holds the poses longer and she does more poses at the same time. I had a good practice, and felt with energy at the end of it.The twety somethings jump about when they transition from one pose to another I step lightly...I hope to learn more from her...I did a shoulder stand instead of a hand stand for my inversion pose...I felt more comfortable with it.It was OK by her too.
Looking forward to seeing Pringles
He is a small dog - Hope James & Dad
have fun with him.
Margy, cam came up on the 21st----on and off! So it's been 10 days!
Good to see you pop in.
Thanks, Lolly---right back atcha!
Well, I am ready to call it a day. DO apptmt. tomorrow at 12:30!
Yippee---that will make me feel good! My first time driving, too!
Prayers for one and all. See you in the morning light. Love you all. Thanks for all you do for me---more cards today!! Sweet!
Yes, it IS getting late...
another workday Friday, another dollar, which isn't going too far these days !
Will take my numerous prayers to bed with me.....
thinking of you all, with Great Gratefulness for your friendship and fellowship
Good Night, Precious Pals
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
(which, as you know...the latter part of this phrase...is from Tiny Tim, in Dickens' A Christmas Carol... I just use it all the time!)
xoxo ♥
I'll get pictures of Pringles, for sure, Jo !
Sounds just right, Hoda...you found your "level" at Yoga today ☺
Okay, mighta misunderstood the dates when the live feed was up and goin'
'Night Now..sorry to miss making more comments on more things....
xoxo ♥
Oh, Christmas and thieves...reminds me. Our first Christmas and we were in a little rent house. We had the tree up and our kitty was just 5 months old, so we closed a door and put a hamper in front of it so he could not get to the tree. The next morning we were surprised when the door was open. Then we discovered we had not locked the back door and it was ajar. Next Jack wanted some cash. I said it was in my billfold, but alas...it was not. He scolded me for being careless. He left for work, I headed to school...and then the light bulb went off and I started to shake. We had been robbed!!! The thief had come in the back door, taken the money and moved the door and hamper. Thankfully he did not take presents from under the tree,but the thought of someone looking at us while we slept really creeped me out!
MARGY, Karla's moon on WANDA'S WISHES~
Pringles...I love the name! Good Christmas name, rhymes with Jingles. LOL
LOLLY, I know just how that feels. When we were robbed a few years back. I felt really frightened, knowing that someone was snooping through all our rooms and belongings. They got about $300:( Happily, they didn't get the $5,000 that I hadn't deposited from the Halloween sales. It was in a very good hiding place, thankfully!
I shall go now to lie my head on my pillows........ And sleep
Good Night Everyone
Taking all my many prayers with me
Thank you Lord for good friends!
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
They only got the $20 bill that Jack was looking for in my purse. We called the police. They said that time of year they are looking for cash. We got a deadbolt after that on the back door.
That is scary LOLLY and WANDA. Creepy is a good word rather!!
Prayers to all.
Good night.
See you in the morning I hope.
Going to go over to facebook and see if my Karla has posted anymore OBX pictures and then, I'm going to lay me down to sleep.
Got distracted! Now time for bed.
Night all! Sweet dreams!♥
It's tomorrow! Yikes. Been wrapping some presents, etc.
Lolly, no building in TX yet~~haven't finalized purchase of next door acres. Then big bucks to have slabs from both houses chopped up & removed. But tons cheaper than to have engineers test sample of what's left for stability. I sure wouldn't want to use a base that's questionable.
Good night dear friends~~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
& Prayers for all, especially Lynn, Linda & Mom, Diann and all others in need
Geez, that's some welcome back! Lost my long post to the blogger cop.
Anyway, wanted to check in and let everyone know I'm still kickin'.
Not as high or fast though.
Thought after surgery my knee felt pretty good and I did too much and am in a bit of pain tonight. Took some pain meds which keeps me awake, so I'll write a chapter in my novelette.
I read your posts and prayers for me and and I was humbled, but very thankful. Didn't realize that I had so many thinking and praying for me in my time of need. I'm basically a private person but love to share my prayers for those in need.
While I wait for the sandman I'm going to read a bit.
May God bless and keep you safely in his arms. Pa Di
Good Morning Eaglettes!
Diann, I'm so happy to hear from you, and I know everyone else will be, too. Take it easy on that knee! Will be praying for pain relief. A ((((BIG Get well soon Hug)))!
Lolly and Wanda - CREEPY stories! What a violation of your head, heart, home...glad you were both safe, though!
No heat in the house overnight. Mighty chilly here in the kitchen this morning. Turned on the gas stove, but it doesn't really do much!
Good morning!Gotta "turn" Lori on see what's playing or more likely see what I missed...☺
Wait...that's going to get everyone concerned. Not my gas stove, my gas fireplace!!
Lori!! Loo just said you are not there this morning!!!
I have to be careful not to sing and dance around the kitchen, it gets pretty loud when Boomer decides to sing along.
Oh, sorry forgot to tell you, DanaMo. Still using up my vacation days... off next Thursday & Friday, too.
If I sing, Dalai jumps me! She gets really hyper or upset - can't tell which!
Is it warming up in the kitchen, yet? I'm hoping Kay fell asleep early last night and pops in this morning...selfish me!
No it's not warming up. Just checked the temp. brrr...
Yeah...I'm not really sure if Boomer is upset or excited either, but we joke and say he wants to sing along. But he jumps and barks.
So you are up at 5 on a day off, we are very much alike!
Got up at 5 and that's sleeping in!
It's only 21 degrees out here. Bad night to be without your heat, DM!
oh true, you are usually on the radio by now actually I guess you have usually been on for a while by 5:00.
I think there were 3 Danas on that list of addresses that Lynn sent out! Whoa! Usually there's 85 Lori's but glad not in this group!
Yes, it was cold outside last night. I have a space heater in my room because it is hardest to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer due to Cathedral ceilings and size. The kids will be cold when they get out from under the covers! We have dogs to keep us warm in bed though! They generate a good bit of heat! Adam will complain when he gets up.
It's funny that there are 3 Dana's and I've never known another Dana, well except for a boy when I was like in 7th grade.
Is it Adam who is going back to school and looking for a job? How did that resolve?
There were 55 girls in m 9th grade Drill Team... 6 of them were named Lori!
I made bows for most of the packages last night, but now I have to spread out all the presents so the bows don't get squished. The kittens have been great since getting the squirt bottle while climbing the tree last week!
LORI, your sweet wish is granted ! I fell asleep on the Country Music show last night, woke at 10:30 and saw the end of a Mentalist I'd missed before--at least I think it was a re-run. Then off to bed and more zzzz's, so am awake good n' early today. It's a Malcolm/Seth day so I'm looking forward to a good day. Glad to hear you're taking vacation days---I was worried when I opened 97.1 and found you missing !!!!
DANAMO, why no heat ? Glad you have the gas fireplace to take the edge off !!!
No that is Andrew. He is my oldest, 20. He is still working, not going back to school at this point. I wish I could resolve that one, but I cannot. He needs to figure out what he wants to do and I can't do that for him.
Andrew is 20, then Aric 18 (at UD), Adam is a junior at Goretti, and Annemarie is in 8th grade at St. Mary's. Hard to keep them straight, I know.
Glad to hear you got all your shopping done, Kay. So silly to wait until the last minute if you have a little time now. I'm a big fan of online shopping! I've got 3 more left to get but already know what I'm going to do for those. YAY!
Yes, D-Mo, all those A's confound me sometimes. :)
Good morning Kay. We have been having trouble with the heat for a while, but it was working intermittently so I didn't push to get someone out here. Yesterday morning it was chilly so I decided I better do something before it got really cold. I called the warranty company and someone was here by 3:30 yesterday afternoon. He took it apart and is coming back today with new parts, but alas no heat last night with the missing parts! It's 61 in the kitchen which isn't awful. I'm in a house and we will survive for sure, makes you think about the people who are sleeping out in those 20 degree temps.
Yes, they confound me too!I'm glad the Flying Labs don't have A names! LOL!
If all the labs had "A" names there would have been no hope that I would ever get them all right.
But, you could have had Arial, Aloft and what's another flying "A" name? Kay?
I really don't have a lot of shopping to do. It's strange. I mean the kids of course, but then it's just my Mom and Dad. I won't even really start until school lets out, but it's not a big deal. I guess we may buy for nieces and nephews out in SD but kids are easy to buy for, it's just the sending them out there that gets tricky.
DANA, hope that guy shows up with the parts today !
LORI, most of my shopping was on line, too. Just had a couple of things to pick up yesterday. Just realized I still have to pick up a Starbuck's GC for the mailman. No biggie, there is one at Kroger and another at Target, both within a block as the crow flies. They are on his route, too, so I figure he can grab a cuppa java on his rounds.
Oh, here's moose-boy, FloBear! He won't want anything to do with going outside when he feels how cold it is.
DANA, are you still planning on Christmas in SD ? If so, how did your parents take the news ?
That's a nice thought for the mail carrier, Kay. I need to do that for the UPS guy.
D-Mo, are you flying or driving to SD?
Kay, I'm just so happy you're here this morning! So, you'll have Seth and Malcolm today and tomorrow night, too? Lucky Grandma.
Well...we are not going to SD. I asked my parents to come along, which they were excited to do, mom says she would go anywhere with me. She is so depressed over my brother, but that's another whole story.
When we told SD we were coming they were weird about it...but they are in-laws and they are a little weird anyway...but it turns out my SIL got engaged and they are getting married in July so they were discouraging us from coming (instead of just telling us, geez) because they want us there for the wedding. Which of course is what we will do and it will work out much better to go to SD in the summer. We will be able to take the camper and really make a vacation out of it, getting to stop along the way, taking more time and not having to worry about the weather.
BTW...my feet are cold! :(
LORI, since the P.O. doesn't allow cash gifts, I've found a GC to be a good solution. Haven't received the usual dun from the newspaper carrier yet, but will just pop a few bills in the mail for him when I do. He really does a fantastic job of getting the paper to my porch regardless of how much ice and snow is on the ground. He probably hates my place as I'm the only subscriber in my building and on a slight hill that gets quite icy ! Guess he deserves some extra thanks !
God, does have a way of making it work out!
DANA, God works in mysterious ways ! He provided the perfect solution for you ! By the way, can't agree that in-laws are by nature weird. First marriage I was blessed with a very dear fil and mil! Stan was estranged from his parents from early adulthood on and so I never knew his parents. Oh, and I'm sure Monte doesn't think your dear parents are weird ! ;o) Anywho, I'm glad you'll be spending the holidays in your own beautiful home !!!!
Sun is coming up!
Okay this gas fireplace really doesn't do much. The temp. has only gone up 3 degrees since I turned it on.
Yes, LORI, lots of Seth n' Malcolm time this week ! I missed them last week. My NJ granddog, Rufus, the Shepadoodle, was delightful company though. He's two years old and loves me because I don't tire of throwing the ball for him and Lee says, "because you play with him like you, too, are a dog". Hmmmm. I never saw dil's dad touch him or show any real interest in him. He's a nice man, but I can't quite understand indifference to a delightful four legged critter !
We give our mailman cash every year.
Well I get along fine with my in-laws, but we are very different. They have a mid-west mindset and we have a NY mindset. Really and truly we are very different. Monte probably does think my parents are weird but he loves them anyway and has put up with them for 22 years so far.
The sun will help warm the house. It beats on the house all day so it's good. Still pretty dark outside though even though the nest looks lighter.
The nest is bathed in sunshine, come on birdies, we want to see you !
MARGY, so delighted to hear the Kidster now has Pringles to enjoy ! Sounds like Kris Kringle made an early call so Christmas could be even more special this year !
DIANN, relieved to see your nice post ! Prayers for healing and comfort continue ! ♥♥♥
DANA, heres hoping your mailman never gets caught receiving $ ! Here's the USPS policy:
Employee Tipping/Gift Receiving Policy
All postal employees, including carriers, must comply with the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch. Under these federal regulations, carriers are permitted to accept a gift worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion, such as Christmas. However, cash and cash equivalents, such as checks or gift cards that can be exchanged for cash, must never be accepted in any amount. Furthermore, no employee may accept more than $50 worth of gifts from any one customer in any one calendar year.
I'm assuming a Starbuck's GC cannot be exchanged for cash.
Well, we give him 20 so that must be why, but I know he gets lots of gifts because he is well loved and has "pre-made" thank you notes! He is most awesome!
oh..I read that wrong. I thought it said they could accept $20 or less.
DANA, a Midwest mind set ? I wonder what I have...born in OK, raised in AZ and have spent about 20 years of life in OH. I probably have a very schitzo mind set ! Oh, well, I is what I is and I yam what I yam ! LOL
DANA, if he hasn't made it clear he can't receive cash he's comfortable with it and apparently not fearful of reprisal. His secret is safe with us ! A good mailman adds so much to the quality of life ! I've been blessed with several who were outstanding, in AZ and OH.
Morning all,
Getting Bubby off to work.
RE: Talking about "A" names, I had an Aunt & Uncle that had 6 kids, each first name started with G, each middle name with A, and all nicknames with B - confusing!
Have a good one today!
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Great Charlie Brown avatar, CarolAnne,
and Kay: Yours, and the meaning each candle, spectacular!
Wonderful! to hear from Diann late last night....
Good morning eagle peeps.
make that THIS MORNING for Diann's checking in....
Take it Easy Diann!!! This is a time for healing and recovery...
and we have prayers to prove it...
and help make it happen FOR YOU
xoxo ♥
Hi CAROLANNE ! Good to "see" you this morning ! The naming of kids is an interesting thing. I have a friend who made sure each of her children had 10 letters in the combo of first and second names. That led to some odd spellings, as in Lyn rather than Lynn, for instance !
Jo reminded us late, and I'll remind us early:
done some red duds, in honor of the Military...
Yes, folks
Thanks for all the welcomes for James the Wise Kidster's new doggy...
can't wait to get Lori's Tug Toy to him....!!! ☺
Okay, I'm ready for a visit now.
MARGY, thanks for the Red Friday reminder ! Glad you like the symbolism I attached to the candles. Hope those represented will bask in their glow !
Sounds like a great couple of days coming up for you Kay, with the Seth and Malcolm time...
and Yay! Lori, a 3-eay week-end!
If the Eagles show, I will close up like a clam and be quiet !
and just watch...
THELMA, hope your presence encourages Belle n' Shep to show their pretty faces ! Shep's visit last night was too brief !
CarolAnne, great avatar. I love Charlie Brown or have I already told you fine friends that?
My mail and newspaper people also do an excellent job....will have to remember them both for the holidays....and would like to include the Garbage pick-up folks...somehow...
only one time did the paper lady knock a bloom off one of my Porch Plants....
Good Morning CarolAnne, Margy and Thelma! Hopefully we'll get to see the eagles now that the gang is all here...'cept for JudyE, of course.
I don't know Kay, maybe it is more of a New York mindset. We just really look at things differently. Not sure how to explain. I guess I shouldn't make generalizations though, we are all different and have different influences that make us what we are and how we think. We just always seem to butt heads about just about everything. Can't really explain it. And I always say that too, this is me, take me or leave me. I'm comfortable with who I am. I think they think I'm the one that's got a warped way of thinking.
What you see is what you get.
Sometimes I get mixed up.
No offense was intended. I hope you didn't get offended. I married a mid-westerner so....
Morning T-Bird and Buddy ....☺ ☺
DanaMo, wow sorry about little to no heat this morning....hope that DOES get fixed today !
I guess we have color..?
kind of dull yet though, sun is working its way UP
DanaMo, very glad that you can spend the Cold Holidays HERE instead of traveling...
28° here right now. Just heard my neighbor exit the foyer with her Puggle, Kobe. Brrrrrr. Kendra is an angel and will place my newspaper on the mat at my front door when she comes back in. I have great neighbors !
This is a day that will be busy at the bird feeders....nice and cold, hereabouts anyway
Lori, ISS due to make good flyovers Sunday morning and Monday..I missed a good one at 6:33 this morning !! WAAAH ....
Oh, cool on the ISS, Margy. I'll have to look it up! Wish I had seen it this morning, too.
DANA, no, your comment was not offensive ! I couldn't help but rib you just a little, however !
Hey T:
sometimes I get mixed up, make that OFTEN....☺
did you see...I saw a beautiful BLACK VULTURE last week near the Kidster's house...perched in a tree and then took off in all its bigness and beauty...
looks like a little slender black feather sticking up in the middle of the nest...
It's so nice to have the sound up and not hear all of those back-up beeps!
All I can hear are some distant sounds of geese honking. I see the "feather" you see MARGY.
Wow, both in short order !
Good morning!
Yay! I see eagles.
Belle poofed.
I thought that was Shep in the nest?
I think it was Belle who poofed and Shep who remains. Going by tell tale tail feathers. Very confusing to see both with scruffed up heads and black spots ! What the heck have they been up to. Wish we had someone nearby to tell us if they have been defending the nest. She's baaaacck
Other eagle back.
Good morning everyone! What is going on with our birds. They look very disshelved and both have black on their heads. I am very confused.
Feathers do look frosty.
A really big bird flies overhead and they both seem to be taking not of the plane !
It is confusing. I don't know what is going on.
Taking note that is.
That was way too quick!!
Awesome visit...I missed the big bird you mentioned flying overhead...
got some pics, put in the E-M Album
Must get ready for work...
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...
xoxo ♥
Wishing MARGY and DANAMO good day at work and all a good day whatever you decide to do. Going into LM while I check e-mail and read newspapers.
Rats!! Checked the cam before leaving for school at 7AM - no eagles. Logged on once I got to school at 7:20am and had already missed them. Have a good day everyone!
GM eagle buddies. Yea, I saw the visit a while ago. I thought they looked frosty too, I guess it was the light.
The reason people name their children as they do can be very interesting. I recently discovered my great-grandparents named all theirs with double letters--example Dorothy Daphne, Daisy Dawn, Maxwell Mitchell, etc. I guess we all have different ides on that front.
Good thoughts and prayers for all.
Just delivered Hunter to school. He fell asleep on the sofa this morning. I was not sure I was going to be able to wake him up in time to go. Didn't try to get him out in time for the bus.
Kathryn said that he got up in the night and crawled into her bed after saying some strange things.
It seems like he might have been sleepwalking. Of course, I think he got more sleep than Kathryn did.
Kathryn gets him up before she leaves, so he is usually up very early, and is the first kid to the bus stop.
He wore his heavy jacket today! Very cold and frosty here. His mom told him it was heavy jacket time.
Good Morning Friends
I see a little bird in the nest.
Good frosty morning all. Heavy one here. Frost on the eagles??? LOL!
DanaMo---sure hope your furnace gets fixed today....brrrr!!
SO good to see you check in Diann!!!! We were concerned. Do you have any post-op restrictions? Please don't overdo!! And stay in touch, okay??
Love the idea of the James's have Pringle!! What a cute name----and if he is anything like my Nicki and Ginger were, he will be a delightful pet. I will need to dig into the old photo albums to find pics of them for comparison.
DanaMo, I have a male cousin named Dana.
Good that you get to stay home for Christmas!!!! I know you are relieved.
Needless to say, I missed the nest action.
Wanda, I did see Karla's pics on FB! Lovely!!!!
Thanks for info about mail carriers.....didn't know about that cash as a gift rule.
Sorry about the theft incidents, Wanda and Lolly. Heard on the scanner earlier in the week that someone was driving around at night taking all metal things out of people's yards in one development. Sure hope they caught them! Metal is a big target nowadays.
So my dear Buphals has this thing. He will stand in front of the recliner and whine until somebody tells him it is okay to get in the chair and he will hop right up. It started while we were still in Bedford and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is up with that. Can anybody translate this for me? LOL!
Here is a post for Nurse Lynn!
My submandibular glands are swollen and tender. On each side of my mouth, I have sore spots on my bottom jaw that corresponds to the glands. So, I don't know if i am swollen into my gums and causing my dentures to rub or if the glands are swollen and tender from the sore spots on my gums. Any ideas?
Gee, Sharon, Lynne would be the one to answer your question about Buphal's. Is it a different chair??
As for your glands......hard to tell. It COULD be the dentures causing it, but more likely an infection of some kind---possibly even viral. Salivary glands can clog and cause swelling, too---or they could be infected. Might be worth a call to the dentist to see what he/she advises. Did it just crop up since yesterday?
Same chair and yes, I noticed my sore jaws last night.
Have you eaten, Shar? I have one salivary gland that often swells, but after chewing it goes down. Dentist says it gets clogged! I know a couple of people who had to have them incised and drained. :(
Had a thought about Buphals.....could he possibly be hurting in his hips, and just needs the encouragement to jump up?
Eagle in the nest!
Both eagles in the nest.
I'm watching Sharon....
nice long visit
they did some serious beaking about 5 mins ago...a real go at it series of it
Buphals is psycho, that is just the way it is. Plus, he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed! LOL!!
I swear I just don't know about these eagles. It almost looks like Belle has gotten in oil or something, but then sometimes I don't think it is Belle. I am so confused!!!
Boy, they are doing nestorations in earnest now!!
awfully big lumber being moved around
Yeah, they are hard at it!
I took a couple videos Judy-style of them interacting.
It really does look like oil or something on Belle.......strange.....got a couple of pics for album.
It has a smeary appearance....
Even tho' the V is not quite as defined on her neck, it IS there....
I got several picturs for album.
Belle is dirtier than him now.
How gLORIous to see the eagles in the nest again already!
My apologies to all for just disappearing earlier this morning. Kate woke up and decided that it was the perfect time to tweak my computer. Just got it back. Can't turn down free help! :)
Shep flew out had the picture and darn hit the wrong thing lost it. Belle remains in nest.
Poof Shep.
Wow, twice in one day for me!
I think Shep just flew over and landed in top of tree or a large bird.
I told you all on back there on one of the blogs. That Belle decided if she couldn't clean him up. Then "if you can't beat them join them" so she is dirty now LOL
So, we now think that Belle is the one with most of the mess on the head and neck feathers?
If the "other" eagle flew out why does the one remaining have a black spot on its head and a smear on it's hood??
Yeah, Paula, I do think that is Belle.
Ok I see the speculation -
That is what I would gather as well, even from the pics in the albums from last week, it looked like the bigger eagle was the messiest.
I'm Watching
I'm Wondering
I'm Waiting
Not until I see Hanky Panky will I dare
to call them by name lol
What do you think?
Something is going on around the nest
Is it the Mocker ?
Cool eagle just landed int he tree
Remember that it is the Female that
usually does the fighting.... like protecting/claiming her nest (Except when there is an eaglet)
Raise your hand if you are watching ♥
Do you think the dark colors have gotten lighter?
If it was blood, say from sticking her head in a carcass, it may take some time to wash off...one rain isn't going to do it. They also cannot groom that area.
I believe it was Wray, at the WE Catalina nest, had some stuff on her head for months.
Well, I think that it would be nice to have a closer view of the nest. Yes, it's nice to at least see them - and believe me this is a treat because they come close to 5:00 my time and I'm still in bed - but blah blah blah - REALLY? When I zoom on my computer it's all pixelated and then you can't see the fine lines! Time for coffee methinks -
I'm here. Lovely view of our eagle. Please tell me where to look for the "V."
I just have to tell you that I am praying for a nice uneventful season for our nest this year! Full of sunshine and light and thriving eaglets!! No more drama.
I raised my hand!
Good morning! Yes, about time for some hp so that we know who is who. What is the speculation on who is in the nest?
On the front,Shirley, and this bird is not helping us at the moment.
Let's hope Shep has figured out how to do hp.
In the chin area, Lolly?
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