Thursday, January 27, 2011


Post snow thread.


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Now wasn't that fun!!! And, I did even hurt myself! Amazing!

Costume Lady said...

Time for me to be saying my goodnights...
See you in the morning...

Did you get your leave all raked, Lolly?

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Yes, we are finished until spring. I hate that job!! But, did enjoy being outside today!

Heading to bed myself. Shoveling snow can make you sore but so does raking.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hope to hear from Judie tomorrow!

PA Nana said...

'Nite everyone!
God bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed.

Don't see you on FB yet...Try it tomorrow, Jo.

Hugs to all ♥

NCSuzan said...

Just passing through and everything is quiet.

magpie said...

One eagle was in the nest think it was Belle, sat and roosted for a couple of minutes then left

nice to see that

and now back
same or different not sure

Lori O. said...

Just witnessed some HP ... then lib left the nest and now Belle has flown off.

magpie said...

saw that same here Lori...

nice way to start the morning

have a good day everyone

It is RED Friday

Lynne2 said...

good morning! stopping in for a quick look at the nest (empty) before heading off to Irvine for a few hours.

There are now 2 chipping sparrows at my feeders!

Today is the sad anniversary of the Shuttle Challenger. Boy, I'll be everyone remembers where they were on that day. I was in the kitchen at home, doing dishes. Had the radio on and heard the special report. Ran to turn TV on. Cried and cried.

Judie said...

LET THERE BE LIGHT! And power and heat and computer.

Been without power since about 7:30pm Wednesday night. Quite a test. Cannot believe how boring it is without t.v. and computer. Radio kept me company and Darth provided a kerosene heater upstairs. Just hope the food from Wed. shopping stayed okay. Stayed home from school Thursday -- not the time to risk either of us falling on snow/ice.

Just checked. MT nest and still has snow. Was anxious about egg-laying during the storm. Bears are sleeping.

Will try to catch up. Hope everyone stayed safe and warm.

stronghunter said...

Oh, wow, Judie. What an ordeal. Glad you have your power back.

NCSuzan said...

Judie, what an adventure you really did not need. Is everything back to normal now? Do you guys need`anything?

stronghunter said...

The nest looks like our eagles are trying to build a new layer on top of the snow.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, it does doesn't it?

hedgie said...

Morning all!

Oh, Judie, so relieved to hear that you are okay. Was kind of suspecting that it was a power issue. I haven't had any emails or seen any FB from Mits, either, so suspect it's the same situation in Bethesda. Hope your food is A-OK. Bet you're glad to have had the heater, but aren't you glad to turn off that stinky smell now??!!

Andy, couldn't hubby take Emma for classes? His schedule seems to be a bit better fit for doing that. Yep, standing like a tree until the pulling stops is the right way.
Sometimes a choke collar is necessary, but usually not for smaller breeds, an d definitely not for a puppy. Do you know that Petsmart doesn't even sell them at all? At least the one here doesn't.

floralgirl said...

Snowing here again, you can see it on the live feed. Not supposed to amount to much.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of dogs pulling you, our German shepherd once pulled me down and dragged me across the wet grass on an early morning when I was walking her in my ready-to-go-to-work clothes. My husband got that job after that experience. Ingrid was our ADHD pup.

stronghunter said...

Snowing here, too, Megan. And, yes, it is definitely snowing at the nest, too.

hedgie said...

It's doing IT again....lightly--the kind where you can see each individual flakes characteristics where it lands on the railing.

floralgirl said...

EAGLE with a stick alert! just flew in

floralgirl said...

Poof! Flew out

floralgirl said...

And right back with more sticks

floralgirl said...

Now both, Belle just flew in to supervise.

floralgirl said...

One left and came back with a huge bundle of dried grass.

hedgie said...

I see them, Megan. They are probably saying to each other....what is with all this white s--t????

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I said that myself yesterday.

stronghunter said...

Just got back from FB to see our two eagles.

stronghunter said...

As I said before, they are just putting another layer on top of the snow.

stronghunter said...

One poofed.

stronghunter said...

Only problem, it is still snowing.

hedgie said...

Think they found a flugg jackpot someplace!!!!

hedgie said...

Stinkbugs Not Used for Warfare

hedgie said...

gone again....wonder if they'll be back? and with what??

floralgirl said...

Back again with food. Does anyone have sound today?

floralgirl said...

Lib brought food, and then Belle took it.

floralgirl said...

Poof! mt nest- not really sure what she was eating. If it was fish, it was small.

hedgie said...

It is no longer a light snow......coming down really big and hard.

magpie said...

I don't have sound Megan, and didn't have it yesterday either

Red said...

Good morning America, how are ya?
Said don't you know me, I'm your native son?
For all you working people. ITS FRIDAY!!!! I see its still snowing at the nest but it sure looks better than yesterday. Supposed to be in the mid 50's here today. I'm smiling. lol

Lolly said...

Good morning Red and all! 48 here this morning and headed up to the 70's! I will put out a fan and blow the heat at the nest...think it will work?

Ugh! I see the snow falling at the nest. No fair! Poor eagles!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! Going to be singing that song in my head all day long, Red!
Wowsie! Look at all of that flugg in the nest! It isn't going to hack it though - can't put an egg on it with all that snow underneath. I know that Belle can hold those eggs until just the right time - like Spring???
I have snow but I am determined to get to my noon time hair cut with a little help from my man!
Yesterday I didn't even give the power outage a thought concerning Mits, Ceil and Judie! duhhhhhhhh
I was so happy seeing Judie on here!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't realize that Craig Koppie was part of the team that rescued the
coopers hawk, Jefferson from the LOC

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles at BWE
Their possible 1st hatch is Feb 17

magpie said...

Thinking that Saturday is Polar Bear Plunge Day for Maggie's Mounties....and the other beautiful familes as well...I can't find my link but I think this is correct...Hope the weather conditions will be least, better than last year's

Best wishes to all the Families involved in that
(( Warm hugs in advance ♥ ))

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning on another snow falling day.

Watched the eagles try to build ontop of snow in nest. They gave up and now that is getting covered.

Been reading comments.

Diann loved the PA Poem.

Lynn--Hedgie is the person still coming today about Mai?

Glad GG is doing OK.

Judie glad you got power back on.

Happy Belated Birthday to Alexis. Sounds like she will enjoy the Broadway 101 Dalmatians.

Glad Susan got things worked out. Bet she will keep more gas in tank.

Shirley Hunter sounds like the boy next door. He loves shoveling with his mom. He has used my shovel since I hurt my back again and they have kept me shovel out. I have to try to get to Little Mans ramp after this stuff quits.

Been sending for days prayers for Megan shovel and for the gh.

Hi Donna. ..Don't know if I know you or not. Always a welcome or a welcome back to an eagle friend.

Margy I don't think your neighbors snowman will be in the newpapers lol

magpie said...

Momsters and Dadsters.....

Please accept my apologies for my crass and crude report yesterday evening of the neighborhood snowman....this was not really the place to post about that.....
I have removed most of my comments about that.
I'm Sorry !
AND, the snowman has bit the dust and is horizontal now...but I am not the one that knocked him over

magpie said...

Good to see Red pop on here and I LOVE that Red Eagle Avatar, especially on this, Red Friday

magpie said...

Glad Judie and Frank have power sister in Annandale lost hers for a day also
hope any of our other Momsters and Dadsters who lost power will get it back soon and Keep it Back !

Need to pay a big car insurance bill online :(
then cry myself to sleep

Best Wishes for a Good Day, everyone
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Margy, no need to apologize. No one was offended. You did not build the snowman...just reported it.

Lolly said...

Jo, I am like you, I did not consider that Judie's power was possibly down. Duh, is right! I kept thinking, I know she is home, why has she not gotten on. Anyway, we are glad you are back Judie...please be careful!!!

Lolly said...

Awe....Margy, don't cry yourself to sleep. That is sad!

movin said...





When I put the live feed on full screen, I see some snow falling again! What does that mean??

[:~D] Jim

floralgirl said...

Waited at the bus stop for 40 minutes, no bus ever came. I declare another snow day here!
Aw Margy, I laughed for hours about that snowman. Gonna tale a lot more than that to offend me.

movin said...

The male eagle that was at BWO a short time ago has departed, and a couple of Eeuuwies have landed.

[:~D] Jim

floralgirl said...

It means it is January in WV, Jim. And mother nature ain't letting us forget it.

Mema Jo said...

I have supported Maggie's Mounties for 2 years because of our little eaglet
Maggie. Her dad's team has done very well raising money. This year I am also
supporting 'Wonder Women' - my gd is part of this small team. She said she would wear a polar bear suit. Last year
the MSP halted the plunge half way through due to the bitter cold.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - pay no mind to your worries about the snowman - I was just going to suggest for you to send in the
'squirrel brigade' for those nuts and the possum for the carrot!
It was a good laugh!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I don't think anyone was offended by the comments about the neighbors snowman. I think with this being bored of snow it gave us a laugh really.( :

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, poor Peter snowman, LOL.

Margy, you didn't offend me! It was a great laugh!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

He is standing on the flugg spot!

Mema Jo said...

Well my coffee is all gone and my breakfast has been eaten - Wow I would love a piece of chocolate cake with
p-nut butter icing.... Anyone know where I could find some?

Getting ready for going to get hair cut.

Hubby will be in charge..... BBL

Lolly said...

Eagle rearranging the furniture!

paula eagleholic said...

Think eagle left but is back again. Love all the new fluff!

Lolly said...

Quite a bit of flugg has been brought in.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't think the eagles know where to put the fluff ontop the snow. So they can lay an egg. Bet she is tried of holding it with all the HP.

Lolly said...


wvgal_dana said...

Oh mean't to say thanks Donna for the report on the young eagle that flew through the car window. I sure hope things work out for it. That is such a great doctor taking care. If anyone can help it this dr sure wants we need prayers for that eagle.

Bird Girl said...

Looks like they're not sure what to do with all the snow in the nest. LOL Just keep adding fluff!

hedgie said...

Megan, no sound here at all.

Snow is tapering off. Fresh inch on the ground.

NatureNut said...

Morning Everyone in Snowflake Land AGAIN!!!!
Got a call this AM from lady at office---NO power and 45°! So that's the end of that. Thought I might now have time to get haircut, but NO, flakes falling heavier now---I'm not going out!
Gotta check nests, den and Belle, Do Not Lay an Egg!

floralgirl said...

Still snowing here, radar looks like Hedgesville is in a little patch of no snow, but there's a little more coming at you. We are still steady snow here, looks it will last a while.

hedgie said...

I have more catching up to do! Been emailing back a nd forth like crazy with trainer and foster mom. Trainer is NOT coming today----not only weather but she wants to meet with her boss (the big behavior kahuna) and devise a plan of action. That meeting is scheduled for maybe I'll know something this afternoon.

Hey, that song, and like Jo, I'll be singing it all day!!

hedgie said...

Jo, didn't know about Craig, either. Never saw his name mentioned in articles. Jefferson???? Yesterday the name was Swell!

Lolly said...

Sorry she is not coming today, Lynn, but looks like they are working on it. What does the foster mom think?

I have now finished my coffee. Time to get moving.

Need to run some errands today. Have been home all week.


stronghunter said...

Not offended, Margy. I thought it was funny.

stronghunter said...

Dropped Hunter off at school with some misgivings this morning. It was snowing seriously.

Mema Jo said...

A Day Of Remembrance:
A quarter-century later, images of the exploding Challenger space shuttle still signify all that can go wrong with technology and the sharpest minds. The accident on Jan. 28, 1986 — a scant 73 seconds into flight, nine miles above the Atlantic for all to see — remains NASA's most visible failure.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - I imagine the rehab renamed the hawk Jefferson.

hedgie said...

Yep, Margy, tomorrow IS Plunge day!
Jo, Ceil was okay yesterday. She didn't know about Mits, tho'.....still no emails or FB posts, tho', and I know that Kensington was hard hit so probably spilled over to Bethesda, too.

Mema Jo said...

Hair-do rescheduled 15 mins later...

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, how disappointing about the trainer. How can a meeting at noon keep her from coming or coming earlier in the day? Stuff like that is so frustrating to me. How professional is she? Your problem is not that uncommon. Oh well, I know you are a proactiv person and will see it to a good end.

hedgie said...

Margy, why in the world would you think that you offended us. We are NOT a bunch of prudes. I thought it was hysterical....all of the comments were almost better than the story.....even Diann removed one of her remarks! Silly, silly! It was all good fun!

And, Margy, that is why I have my auto insurance on a monthly billing.....the stupid house insurance, real estate and personal property tax bills are the only BIG things I can manage!

hedgie said...

Jo, I had cake for breakfast!!!
Not very filling....I'm hungry!

Suzan...the foster mom says:
"It definitely sounds like she’s trying to play with you as she would another dog and still needs to learn “people” etiquette in learning what’s acceptable behavior and what is not. She’s treating you like you were a sibling or mother dog, and hasn’t yet comprehended the difference."

The trainer says:
"It’s more likely to be a lack of proper socialization with miscommunication between the two of you adding to the conflict and confusion."

I feel like a failure.

floralgirl said...

Eagle back! with stick

paula eagleholic said...

OH. Lynn, please don't feel like a failure. You have done all you know, and reached out to try and fix the problem...You are NOT expected to know everything there is in training a pup! Therefore, we have the experts to refer to when we need additional information and help!

floralgirl said...

Gonna fly- off to the right.

Judie said...

Missed our royal pair, of course. Will check again later. Occupied watching a bank holdup in Takoma Park -- bad guy shot dead -- t.v. wimps here edited out the good part.

Food is fine. Had carry-out pizza by candlelight last night. Now have brisket in the oven and will take care of fish tonight if power stays on. Snowing here again and a bit heavier than flow snurries predicted.

Yep, almost all surrounding areas were without power for 24+ hours. Sure Mits was affected, also.

Hi Red. I'm the train they call the city of New Orleans; I'll be gone 500 miles when the day is done! Love that song.

Comment from a W. Post reader said she threw out a sting but into a snow bank to join others she threw out. Hoped they were having a stink ball fight.

Speaking of stink ball -- a kid in Manassas threw a snow ball at a guy working snow removal and the guy grabbed the kid and used a box cutter to slash is throat. Kid will be okay. Talk about needing anger management.

Definitely need to read back as Alexis is going to play with 101 Dalmatians and Margy has something inappropriate going on with a snowman, Jo is pretending to go get her "do" did when she is really off to find chocolate cake with PButter icing, someone is thinking of wearing a choke chain and I don't what else I've missed.

Going to check the flugg situation. BBL

floralgirl said...

I agree, sounds like you are just still in training mode, she is just a pup. So hopefully they gave you some suggestions for working on those issues.

floralgirl said...

Eagle back, another stick

floralgirl said...

Here comes Lib, I think, with another stick, which Belle took from him and placed.

Judie said...

Lynn, failure NOT. Some pups are just more resistant to training and it's difficult to get through the process. You will kn ow what is best for you both.

Jefferson -- I might be mistaken but I believe most of T. Jefferson's books are housed at LOC so Jefferson would make more sense. Did feel some apprehension for the two bait starlings.

Did a Margie -- BBL

stronghunter said...

Have been watching the bank robbery drama, too, Judie. That woman really knew when to run.

floralgirl said...

Heavy band of snow passing over us right now, you can really see it on live feed.

stronghunter said...

Very busy eagle construction project going on. Plenty of snow falling at the nest. This is no flurry.

hedgie said...

Our poor birds are making me want to cry......they act as if they don't quite know what to snow continues to fall.

floralgirl said...

HP in the snow~!

Lolly said...


stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

Yes, it is really bothering me to watch. All their effort for naught! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Poof one!

floralgirl said...

Eating leftovers in the nest

hedgie said...

Judie, been watching the robbery coverage, too. Didn't hear that he was dead! Good---one less inmate to support.
Carolyn reiterated that she is really glad she no longer works in a bank. We have had MANY robberies in the last two months at local banks.
Thanks, all, for your loving support.
Judie, love the snurr flowies....
I, too, tossed an SB out into the snow!!

floralgirl said...

Poof! mt nest, but they'll be baaack....

stronghunter said...

They used starlings for bait? I didn't know that.

hedgie said...

Jo, thanks for the b-day list again!

floralgirl said...

Yep, one back with a big stick.

hedgie said...

Yeah, Shirley, if robber hadn't slipped on the ice, she might not have been so lucky.

floralgirl said...

The starling were in a cage so the coopers hawk couldn't really get them.

floralgirl said...

poof! mt nest

hedgie said...

Still singing that song, Red, Jo and Judie!!!! ♪ ♫

hedgie said...

Time for lunch!!!!

hedgie said...

Pita Pizza in oven. Won't take long!

hedgie said...

Building, building, building....wouldn't it be easier to beak out the snow??

floralgirl said...

And Belle's back with a stick.

floralgirl said...

There they go, off to the right. mt nest

Costume Lady said...

It looks as if our Royal couple are building a new nest on top of the snow. Wonder if their 'bird brains' don't know that their nest is still there under the snow?
Hope the sun melts the snow tomorrow. It will be 40°.

Costume Lady said...


Donka Maria said...

HI WVgal Dana. Yes that eagle needs prayers. Hopefully she can make a full recovery. Poor thing.

Also, you probably remember me from last year, I have the little miniature schnauzer "Roxie" who has cancer. Last year we took her to Cornell Medical Veteranarian Hospital for radiation and chemo. She had quite a year, but she is doing well, cancer stopped growing. It's still there just kinda dormant and in remission for now. Thanks for the welcome back. Had a busy morning here at work, so just now got to read everyones posts. If I missed someone, it's good to be back with y'all.

Donka Maria said...

Jo, saw your FB request but I can't get to FB here at work, have to go on my puter at home. They "Firewalled" us here at work. Have a good day if I don't get back to you today. Unfortunately, have lots of work piling up on my desk today.

Costume Lady said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...