Saturday, January 15, 2011


new thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Oh, they did locate a new Pelican Harbor nest!

Go to the CHIL forum and check out the IWS Updates section, Santa Cruz Update.

Mema Jo said...

Panda News: China Says Pandas Will Remain In DC 5 More Years

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Chinese officials say they have reached an agreement with the National Zoo to keep a pair of giant pandas in Washington five more years.

I sincerely pray that our giant pandas will give us a baby panda. Doubtful but hopeful.

Mema Jo said...

Roast beef in the crock pot and all the trimmings for dinner with Alexis and her dad here at the house.

We always went to Bob Evans -- Hubby is boycotting Bob's - they have discontinued serving "Honey Mustard" salad dressing! No explanation why!!

floralgirl said...

Both eagles back in nest.

stronghunter said...

Home. Tired. Must rest a bit before bridge tonight. BBL.

floralgirl said...

One of them must've brought fresh fluff.

floralgirl said...

They were vocal right after, Lib up on nest side, Belle in egg cup.

Lolly said...

Wow Wee! Opened the cam in time to see HP!!!!!!!

floralgirl said...

There goes Lib!

floralgirl said...

And there goes Belle. empty nest.

Lolly said...

NBG is zooming in close to eagle sitting in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Got here an got to see the eagles but no pics.

wvgal_dana said...

Was watching news

Weather Thursday into Friday 1-3 inches.

Monday I think it is into Tuesday anyhow Tuesday SNOW!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes real close up on NBG

Lolly said...

Just captured two more pic of the NBG eagles and put them on my eagle and Panda pictures blog.

Lolly said...

Wow, I hear what someone mentioned the other day about the comments being posted on the NBG blog as being loud. It really started me!

paula eagleholic said...

Darn, missed it again!

News no settlement on beach house tomorrow...signed 30 day extension...seller has to get some paperwork in order before we settle...not a big deal, I just want everything right before I sign on the dotted line!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...see ya on the flip side!

Judie said...

Hi everyone, back for a visit.

Lynn, really want to know how Mai does with her socializing and training. Bet she plays well with others.

Hey Jo, couldn't see last night but this morning was fine. Lots and lots of heavy fog. Dreamed I was in London with a bag full of groceries hidden in my coat hood. Couldn't see the Winter Moon. Enjoy the Alexis time tonight.

Hi Dana, hope you're feeling better now. Nice that Little Man is eating.

Crazy Lady? Uh, crazy lady in bib overalls armed with an escaped shovel. Gets better and better! Maybe a shovel-training course?

Shirley, how and where is Susan?

Hi Jim. Each time I check the CA nests they are MT. I'll keep trying. Congratulations to Phoebe.

Going to make another quick tour of nest then back to bed.

Lynne2 said...

wow, still a Saturday blog! Geesh, I sure hope Steve is OK, this rarely happens.....

Evening all! hope everyone is well. I'm so far behind I may never catch up on comments!

Lynne2 said...

Hirley, is Susan home? and how did George's tests to?

Lynne2 said...

SHIRLEY, that is!

Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot to share my good news -- I CLIMBED STAIRS TODAY IN THERAPY! Said I can try at home with Darth nearby. I did. It worked.

Don't recall night light at NBG last year.

Missed the action our nest tonight. Gotta work on my timing.


Lynne2 said...

Great news Judie! I don't have to tell you, but BE CAREFUL!!

wvgal_dana said...

Judie Judie Judie JUDIE CONTGRAGULATIONS !!!! ( : ( :

wvgal_dana said...

We definatley wanted the color that the Norfolk cam had last year and this year. Last year we said, "Why doesn't our cam have the color that Norfolk does"??????

It is getting darker at our nest now.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok for Margy not to feel guilty about the shovel.

She should write up a "Anyone Lose A Snow Shovel" If so leave you phone number (she'll have to use someone elses phone number can't use her's). Note should said -- You Must Be Ready To Describe The Shovel and Tell How You Lost It". She can put this up on the MAILBOXES IF THEY HAVE A SET OF THEM. If not then on a telephone pole. tee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Checked Megan's blog to see if any HP photos none there.

Lolly said...

Judie! Fantastic! Hurrah for climbing the stairs. Did taking the pain pill before therapy help?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh great I just commented on this blog "I am looking for eagle porn"!!! eeekkk LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Norfolk nest dark

wvgal_dana said...

Does Lynn-Hedgie and Mai go tonight for training or is it now Friday's?

magpie said...

Hallelujah Annandale!
Good to hear of your climbing those steps at therapy and at home Judie...!

"One step at a time" comes to mind

Good Evening Eagle Pals !

with the weather forecast of 1-3 inches Thursday into Friday, I think it is good you don't have to travel ... but know you will be glad to get things settled

magpie said...

Jo - hope your eyeballs are doing well...shame we can't see the Full Moon tonight if you're clouded in like we are,
and the poor old nest looks so dark too :(

magpie said...

Dana her class is tonight now, Wednesdays...a couple more pups to add some socializing to the mix of training

magpie said...

it would be way cool like Wanda mentioned to see some video of that training !

Great Panda News, Jo, thanks for posting
know you are enjoying Alexis and her Dad time right now, and that crocked Roast Beef !

magpie said...

great commentary on the eagle visits today....I was up mid-day and saw the lumber battles...that was comical, those branches are huge that they are bringing in !

Oh I had sound also, could hear a "baby blue jay" titmouse, Dana !

magpie said...

so far Blackwater is holding at two eggs....and the cam is now at 15-second refresh - that's Great

magpie said...

I just might do a lost and found snippet for the shovel...but don't think I can part with it now...

I enjoy talking to it ☺

Lynne2 said...

the moon here is bright and so beautiful!

stronghunter said...

Susan is on the way home. Texted me when she got on the plane in Quito. Is supposed to call when she gets home somewhere around midnight. I will be back from bridge by then.

Whew, what a busy time. We started the new semester today. I have all new classes and was supposed to hand out parent letters and syllabi, but I just finished grading research papers and had students from last semester showing up to see their papers and find out about their SOL tests.

My supervisor is already asking for the syllabi. We are supposed to have collected all books by now and be giving them to our new students. But some kids from fall semester are just now bringing in the books.

We get a two-day turn-around from one semester to another. Not enough time. We got a message from guidance that they can't issue report cards tomorrow because there are too many problems. Maybe people are just too rushed. There is no time to think.

magpie said...

Pheobe's baby and one egg exposed now
Pheobe just flew out

Anonymous said...

we got a new one. GO

stronghunter said...

Yep, Crunch is right!

New Thread!!!!!!!!!

See you later.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...