Friday, January 14, 2011


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon on this Friday!
Have a great weekend, Steve and thanks.

I'll go see what is going on on previous thread.......

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Diane, so glad you came back to join us. Lynn just adopted a Shar Pei, in fact she is at puppy training class right now!

paula eagleholic said...

I think that's Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, cause Lib just flew in!

paula eagleholic said...

Working in the egg cup...Belle is beaking at Lib...he climbs to the back and lets her in the egg cup

Lynne2 said...

Hi Diane! Congrats on your new addition!

paula eagleholic said...

She moved over and he hopped down into the cup

Mema Jo said...

What happened to the squirrel tail..
I can't see it..

Moving that big one

Mema Jo said...

Did you think that a night lite just
came on?

Lynne2 said...

wouldn't it be a hoot if she laid an egg tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Ahhhh, nestorations! Gotta love it!

Lynne2 said...

wow she is giving him "what for"! I have no sound again....but I can read beaks!

Mema Jo said...

Lib is asking Belle about HP
I just know he is........

Mema Jo said...

Yes Lynne it would be a Hoot Hoot!

Mema Jo said...

Off goes Belle

Lolly said...

LOL Love it...Lynne can read beaks!

Mema Jo said...

MT Nest

Lolly said...

While we wait for them to come back let me tell you what I did today. I have been cleaning, well decided to paint Jack's walk in closet. It was bad. So, we got paint and cleared out the closet. All was going well. Told Jack it might be neater if I could get up and down easier. THEN....coming down off the step stool I put my foot in the bucket of paint!!!! Thank goodness I had plastic down, but some still got on the carpet. Jack hauled out the plastic, while I cleaned my shoe. Then I cleaned the carpet but realized there was more paint on the carpet. Finally realized I had paint on my jeans. duh! It was a three stooge's act, with me being the sole stooge.

Lolly said...

Bet that made you chuckle!!! :)

stronghunter said...

Friday, January 14, 2011 5:10:00 PM
Blogger stronghunter said...

Susan is out of the hospital and back at her host family's home.

Friday, January 14, 2011 5:32:00 PM


Lolly said...

Whoa1 Just got NC up! Look at all the fish! What a great provider!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - what color was it?
Did your toenails get covered?

Mema Jo said...

Headed to eat some dinner.


Mema Jo said...

That's reassuring, Shirley!

Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley, I am so sorry that Susan's trip had this happen. I know you are worried about her, but so glad she is back at her "home".

Lolly said...

White paint! Nope did not get through the shoe to my toenails!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve. Have a nice weekend.

Ah man, what good luck I just had. Saw both our beauties -- stick adjustment -- poof and poof.

Lolly, I cannot laugh harder! Serves you right for making me tired with all your cleaning. I'm going to put my ankle up! Just too funny.

Hope Lynn and Mai have a good class.

Hi Diane. So terrific you have a rescue friend. Know he is so thankful to have love and companionship.

Bears quiet right now.

Going to elevate foot and take a pain-killer.

Hope to hear from Shirley soon.


Lolly said...

Just lost NC. At least I got one little peek today.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Lolly, NC just went off for the day.

Sorry, but I am laughing at you!

Lolly said...

Hey, no need to apologize...I knew you would laugh. Laurel laughed and could hardly wait to tell the boys. Oh well......

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pic, Steve.

Cam is still lightish looking. Should probably email Steve over the weekend if we don't have any sound.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad Susan is back at her host home. Do they still think it's H1N1??

Lolly said...

I think we have a night light. Now lets get sound!!!!!

Lolly said...

Lily is stirring and Hope is moaning.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!
Been reading back & what a lot of diverse happenings!
Shirley, so sorry about Susan's illness, but glad she is back "home".
Lynne, sorry about your job--need to find you another nature place near there that could use your expert services.Hope you're feeling better.
Glo, hope Dex and weather get better so you can visit longer.♥
I can't ever get NC cam open, but Chrissy sent me a pic! Maybe you to be further away!
Lolly, you take the cake today!!!Glad no twisted ankle or more paint problems. ☺
Gonna attempt to eat dinner---tooth is much better. I had some leftover Vicodin from dentist for last night--it works GOOD!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Do we have night vision now?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It doesn't look like the previous infrared vision but I will take what I can get.

Mema Jo said...

I would love to see our eagles land in the nest so that I would know it really
is a Night Light!

Lolly said...

Hi Sharon! I think we have a night light and I think it is better than what we had before. Need an eagle in the nest to know for sure. No spidey either!

paula eagleholic said...

If it is our night light, I'll take it!

Mema Jo said...

I guess I can watch The Medium (even though I don't like her voice tone)
and then CSI:NY

Lolly said...

Off to reheat chili and cornbread for supper. Feeling a wee bit mellow as Jack poured me a glass of white wine before dinner. I think anyone who steps into a bucket of white paint has a right to feel mellow. LOL

magpie said...

I think Liberty came in around 1 pm and ate the rest of the squirrel tale
I couldn't get on to blog but was watching during an insomnia break and don't think anyone else was watching at the time...

then he want to perching at his favorite spot, all that was nice to watch

he was picking and fur was flying

Good Evening Eagle Pals

lolly you had me "skeered" 'til I read the rest of the story...what, no pictures ???

movin said...

Hi, everybody. My schedule has been screwed up all day...don't even think I signed on this morning.

I have been watching the Tucson news though.

And now it appears that K-01, the "former" WE male that disappeared a while back (I thought he was dead by now) has returned. Have you been following that??

Now, I just found an eagle, probably K-01, on a ledge, left side of the large pinnacle, near the base. Take a peek. I think he's back to stay, and nothing has been seen of K-15.........

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Good to hear the update on Susan,
this will be a trip to remember, or maybe, Forget !!
Hope she continues to get better

So, what happened with the sleeping class lass ?

magpie said...


Where DID you go for lunch, was it really Red Byrd ??

paula eagleholic said...

Exciting development at the
West End nest yesterday...K-01 returned to the nest yesterday! Don't know if he was there today or not.

paula eagleholic said...

K01 hasn't been seen since June or July

Mema Jo said...

Lisa on BWE news has 2 great pics

magpie said...

amazingly enough, I CAN get Lake Jordan NC nest but it is quite pixillated sometimes...when is starts to open up it is like a jigsaw puzzle in progress...maybe an older computer is the trick !

speaking of puzzles, Shirley glad to hear you and the family got your bird puzzle back together and framed !

magpie said...

how do I get to Lisa's Eagle News?
please and thanks

Mema Jo said...

That is quite a saga going on at WE

Margy - it's now known as
Bonnie's Red Byrd. The dessert truck
had not come while we were there! :[

magpie said...

Lady Blackwater looks sacked out !

magpie said...

Great to see Diane on here today, met her at my first nest visit June 2008 with the arm in the soft cast....

magpie said...

...nest visit June 2008, when I met a lot of other cool Momsters !
and Captain Gene....☺

magpie said...

well, dessert truck, Woof !
wonder if they will have the famous cheesecake and Strawberry Pie

glad you had the outing with beautiful Jenny and handsome Aaron...

movin said...

Yes, Paula. And K-01 spent close to an hour on the nest this morning.

Nobody has seen him since, but I think he is where I described him in the earlier comment.

He's still there now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

sure glad to hear the Dex is doing better today ☺

stronghunter said...


I am at home in my recliner. It has been one crazy day.

I got a call-back from a man at the embassy. He had already tried to call the place where Susan is staying, but there was no answer. He said that he would call again. Susan will be comforted to hear from him.

I went to our Spanish teacher at school and got him to write an e-mail in Spanish, which I tried to send to Susan's Ecuador "mom." But it bounced back. I don't know why at this point, but since Susan is able to communicate now, it is not a problem.

Kathryn said that Susan was very upset and did not know what to do. I am sure she is calmer now that she is back at her "casa."

magpie said...

and Lynne
so very disappointed about the turn of events at Irvine...just not very people-friendly, that arrangement, or critter friendly for that matter....they have a prize in you and don't seem to be able to do you right....sorry for your friend/Supervisor Tracey also...must be very frustrating, and downright insulting
Guess It is What It Is .
guess non-profits have to do what they have to do...

prayers continue that someone will recognize all you have to offer and grab you up in a minute !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just checking back in to see how things are going.
That is FANTASTIC that Susan is out of the hospital and back at her home away from home! How is her teacher doing? Prayers continuing from this roost.
Oh, Lolly! Sorry about the paint! Have to admit it's pretty funny, though. Good thing the paint spill was in a closet, not out in the bedroom!
Hubby and I have been playing with Emma in the living room. She's a hoot--she can't figure out how to get her tennis ball AND her Nylabone in her mouth at the same time!
Glad to see you back! I'm the other one who recently got a puppy. Hubby and I traveled from SoCal to visit a friend in Minden, Nevada over the Thanksgiving weekend. A family in the same neighborhood was out on a street corner trying to sell a litter of 10 English springer spaniels. My Hubby has been saying for 3-1/2 years (since we lost our last dog) that he NEVER, EVER wanted another dog. Well, we talked him into stopping to "just look," and we ended up with our puppy girl--Emma. The weather was AWFUL--down to minus 4 degrees, and snowing sideways for most of our visit. Emma was amazing on the car trip home. Slept most of the way--a 10-hour trip! She was good as gold.
We just love her to pieces! I'm so glad you rescued your new pup! There's nothing quite like puppy kisses!

magpie said...

sorry, I see the picture link on BWE site now with the two new pictures....

magpie said...

egg tending now at BWE I think

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta run. We have to go let Sis-in-law's bulldogs in for the night and get them bedded down. Also need to get some dinner. Will check back in later tonight. Have a good evening, everyone! :o]

stronghunter said...

Funny story. I am able to contact a foreign embassy on my new iPhone, but I had not figured out how to answer it when it rang. Rus called, and I ended up having to call him back.

I got him to explain what I needed to do, so I was ready when the embassy called me.

Just in case you need to know--to call internationally on your cell phone, you have to have it as part of your package. When I could not call the embassy, I called AT&T and they set me up with the appropriate program--which I can cancel when Susan gets back. They also told me what prefix to use to call. I hadn't made an international call in years.

magpie said...

I got one picture out of order on the E-M album, sorry, was the 1:03 feeding on the squirrel tale...

Some fantastic photos on that album by the way !

when I take pix off the live feed and add to album they are tiny, any clues on how to do that better?
I snip and save as jpg, but can't do like the rest of you do, normal size...

paula eagleholic said...

K01 also visited the nest this morning, alone. K51 and Wray have not been seen on the nest today.

K01 was last seen in August...K51 showed up in September.

magpie said...

appreciate all those California nest news updates...especially those about West End today....
I haven't been checking those nests like I need to be doing

Thanks Paula and Jim and also BEagle...and all others ☺

paula eagleholic said...

I can't see 01 in the distance...I think it's the effect of the low light and waves...

stronghunter said...

The sleeping student: I asked her if she was okay, and she woke up and finished the multiple choice questions but decided not to bother with the essays. Did not do well on her test. I think her grade was in the 50-something percentile.

She has been shooting herself in the foot all semester. When I would start to explain something, she would say that she already knew all about it and could she go to the restroom.

She said that she has received an A on every research paper she has ever written and did not need to do her paper using the step-by-step process I was teaching. I am not sure she is even going to pass the class, and she surely has not won my sympathy.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, so sorry about the job ending at Irvine!

stronghunter said...

I feel that I really have to wake sleeping students. You never know if they might be in a diabetic coma, on drugs, drunk, etc.

I asked her if she was okay.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynne, I am very sorry to learn about the end of your Irvine job. What were they thinking?

Costume Lady said...

Oh no, I think we lst DIANNE on the old thread. It has been so long since she has blogged with us, I think she forgets how to get from one thread to another. I read on her faecebook page where she had adopted a special needs border collie. I felt that she would enjoy chatting with Andrea and Lynn and Lynne about their adoped puppies. She seemed eager to join us again, which she did, but just before the NEW THREAD.

Think I will email her and help her to find us ;)

stronghunter said...

Hospital says it is H1N1. I am expecting that the teacher will be quarantined too; they live at the same household.

magpie said...

good idea Wanda...she was a visit she can make hope she makes it into the Eagle Express !

Agree with you Shirley...gotta check on the kids just for safety reasons....sounds like she is a little....misguided on her educational career

sorry once again about Susan...
darn it !

magpie said...

pretty soon Hedgie should be be-bopping in with a Class Report on Mai ☺

hedgie said...

We're home....Mai is sleeping sounding. This session was more about techniques to use to stop the bad behaviors. Went through the lessons we've practiced all week. We are switching to a Weds. evening class where there are other dogs. Mai barfed on the way home....this time I had things prepared so clean up was easy.

Need to catch up!

Diane, good to see you again! My pup is now 3 mos. old----got her at 7 weeks from The SharPei Rescue of VA. We think she is mixed w/ Lab. Her mother was purebred SharPei, pregnant and in a shelter in York Co. Rescue took her and fostered her out. She had 6 puppies, and I am lucky enough to be the furever home for one little girl----who is getting big! Her name is Mai Ying (ocean+eagle!). You can see some pics of her on my blog (click on my name/avatar and then Lynn's Lair). Just google blog help and it's easy to learn how to post your pics!!

magpie said...

Diane's avatar was a beauty, hope she pops on again so we can see that again also

Hope Friday Night Fun was Fun, Wanda and Gene

working tonight, need to disappear for awhile

Best wishes for a Good Evening everyone

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

musta had ESP about Lynn!
Sounds good except for the barfy part, Lynn
but glad you were prepared

okay bye

hedgie said...

So..Lynne can read beak-speak now. That gal is so talented!!!

Looks like nightlight of some moonie here, so.........??????

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Shirley, I do hope you hear from Susan very, very soon. I'm sure that should you have any concerns the Embassy people will help. Most important is that Susan get better and able to come home soon.

I have checked the CA nests about every other day and never see any activity. I'll keep checking. I also need to remember to check on the Hornby nest. Each time I check, the weather looks rainy and the nest is empty. Still think about Phoenix.

I think we have a night light. No way could NCTC be that bright when I am looking out at pitch dark.

It is time for me to return to bed to try to get some rest. Will be turning my light off soon but will leave the night light on for others. Pleasant dreams and restful sleep everyone.

Lolly said...

Recorded Grey's and PP last night. So begins a night of TV!

hedgie said...

Shirley, SO glad that Suzi is out of the hospital. I know that eases your mind. What about the quarantine thing? And was the embassy any help??

Lolly, what a hoot. Wish we had a video of that comedy of errors!!!

Lynne2 said...

Wow Shirley, glad Susan is out of the hospital. Hope she is feeling much better VERY soon.

Glad you sleepy student "knows it all". Really, you should write a book!

Oh Lolly, I'm so sorry about the paint and I am glad you didn't get hurt....but it IS kinda funny!

What kind of things are they teaching you Lynn about stopping bad behavior? I'm glad Mai will have a chance to social with others in the Wed class...I'm sure she will love that!

Diane said...

Andrea and Hedgie, both your pups are adorable!! Congrats! I'll work on getting pics up of my two border collies. It's nice to be back. Hopefully I'll have some more time to enjoy now! ;-)

stronghunter said...

Trying to figure out how to use Skype. I have it downloaded to my phone, but now I have to figure out how to call her. First effort did not work.

NatureNut said...

Dianne, good to see you again. Glad you have been able to rescue an animal, too. We have 2 cats that were strays & they are just super!

Lynne2, you have mail.
Gotta do hair for AM.....

hedgie said...

Lolly, at the last minute they pre-empted PP last night with an encore presentation of that new show about medicine in the jungle. ARGH! No warning or anyhting.

Judie, rest well!

Margy, hope your shift is peaceful.

Andy, what did MCI say today???

hedgie said...

Right you are, Margy----Diane had just had carpal tunnel surgery I think. And wouldn't come in the EE!!

hedgie said...

Strange about there going to be a territory war??? Thanks for the heads up, Jim!

hedgie said...

Lynne, one key thing is ignorance!! If she persists with jumping and nipping when ignored, do a low-voiced, loud UH-UH, but don't look at her.
If trying to chew on something inappropriate, show toy, and throw in opposite direction. DISTRACTION. (Will be learning "leave it" soon to teach "do not touch.") Only have one toy available at a time (I had all out for her to choose from!) and when they get bored and start doing bad things, give a different toy.
Trainer was very impressed with how well she and I have done with leash training. She's good with a sit, long as there's a treat involved!

Diane, glad you saw our pics!!!! Look forward to seeing yours! Any new news on the nest you had seen down there last year??

movin said...

Yes, Hedgie, WE is involved in a territory dispute, but we aren't sure it hasn't taken place already. There's a video of K-51 landing quickly on the nest, making his calls and displays, and a fast moving male eagle buzzing him very closely. That was in the P.M. on the 13th.

I think K-01 is back to stay, whether the challenge is over or yet to come. He must have been wounded in an earlier challenge, or he wouldn't have been gone this long. He looks very strong and fit now again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Better say good night now. I have shopping to do, and so forth.

Have a great weekend.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Diane, I have pics and videos on my blog of my dogs, too! You'll have to go back a bit.

Lynn, those are good things to do! Those are the things I have tried to do with our dogs, especially with the jumping. Steve the Spoiler on the other hand tends to not listen to me. So I'm getting him a shock collar to wear so I can zap him when he is bad! It takes a lot of patience to ignore sometimes, but it will work! Sounds like they have good training program.

Shirley, hope you figure out your Skype whatever that is, so you can talk to Susan. I'm sure you'll feel much better when you do, and so will she!

hedgie said...

Bear report up one caught it, I guess.

Bear Cam sound

Lynne2 said...

Great story
Dog rescued

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lynn, I read the report but was headed towards doing something and I
didn't post it! Bad Jo

My 2 TV shows are over... They were ok.
I like my Tues night TV the bestest.

My little critter did come by tonight.
Last night he wasn't around.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Truthfully, I always thought that stepping into a paint bucket was only done in the movies............
ROFL now that it is over and Lolly isn't hurt. I would love to have seen Jack's face.........

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo, right you are...or on the slapstick comedy shows like Dick Van Dyke!!

Lynne, Victoria wants you to try the shock collar yourself!!!! ROFL! They are no-nos!!
Steve better watch out!

hedgie said...

Lynne, Skype is an online video conferencing call.

Jim, guess you are gone....if K-50 has won Wrays heart and K-01 is left out, will he find a new mate for this season, do you think?

hedgie said...

Yes, Lynne, I'm impressed with their training program. Think we will move on to intermediate after puppy class ends the end of Feb.

hedgie said...

Watch weather forecast for next week coming up on newscasts, locals! Something major brewing for next week...:(

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Pals
time to head to work soon

Enjoy those pillows and blankets....

It's been a great eagle-watching day

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Turned on the news, Lynn. Will see what the weatherman has to say.

stronghunter said...

Have a good night at work, Margy.

Lynne2 said...

Well, then Steve better STOP spoiling the dogs. Perhaps I should try ignoring HIM!!!!

I LOVE the Dick van Dyke show!! I really wish it was on somewhere. All I can ever seem to find anymore are zillios of repeats of Lopez, the Nanny and Roseanne. UGH

Heading for bed...prayers for all, especially for Susan! Looking forward to the BIG GAME tomorrow! I'll be out tomorrow afternoon but should be back in time for the kick off or shortly thereafter.

stronghunter said...

Susan and I talked about an hour and twenty minutes on Skype.

Mema Jo said...

I sneaked back and I am dressed for bed
Going to watch News
Need to know how big of a storm is coming next week.....

Good Night and pleasant dreams.
Prayers for all our needs/wants and
prayers of thankfulness

Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

*** Great Shirley! I know you both must feel a lot more at ease! Sleep well. ((hugs))

NatureNut said...

Gotta try & hit the hay early,
Pleasant Eagle Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

OMG, are Ravens and Steelers playing tomorrow!!!Hope I get to see some--I get off at 4PM.

Shirley, so glad you got to talk to Susan--you & family must feel better now. ☺

Lynne2 said...

Lady Blackwater looks so peaceful all tucked in her nest!

Forgot to say that Brother's blood tests, some of them, were back. He has a slightly high WBC count (neutrophils), his RBC count is slightly low, his BUN slightly high. Nothing really disturbing, and nothing really conclusive so far, although she did say that it appears to be less likely a far. Good that the lymphocytes are not high. BUN and RBC counts likely due to slight degree of dehydration due to diarrhea. Still waiting on the pancreatic tests. Hopefully will be back tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I heard her speaking Spanish to her host mom. She does pretty well. She said that it was hard at the hospital because she did not want to guess about what was being said when the doctor was talking with her.

It turns out that she wasn't actually admitted to the hospital, but when she called Kathryn she did not know what was happening. She was pretty upset because she was alone there. When they told her she was discharged, she asked for her teacher and eventually they got together.

The Spanish teacher at our school who helped me is from Columbia, so we talked a bit about that. He said that Mexico is more dangerous, but then he explained that you should not go to Columbia and let people think you have lots of money, and that you could be robbed if you try to travel across the country--then he said that he meant you yourself could be robbed (kidnapped in other words).

Susan says that right now she does not feel all that bad, but that earlier today she felt so sick and weak that she did not think she could walk across campus to her class. She was so sick that she was crying and needed help.

She has medicine now.

Lolly said...

Uhhh, long do you expect your marriage to last? A shock collar?

Well, I watched Grey's and then the new program. After that I watched last weeks PP. Took me a while to figure out what was going on.

Oh, Shirley, so glad you got to talk with Susan. I am sure it was really good for both of you! How is she feeling?

Lynne2 said...

Oh Shirley, poor Susan. I can't imagine how scared she must have been not understanding what was going on.

Lolly said...

Well, you were answering my question as I was typing.

Lynne2 said...

OK, in my defense, the husband feeds the dogs from the table, gets them all wound up when he comes home from work, gives them treats every 10 minutes, and they love him and hate me. I'm thinking it's good that we never had the opportunity to have children together!!

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, and now Daisy is allowed up on the bed. I never get my way around here.

Lolly said...

Rain this weekend but a nice week coming up. What is headed your way for next week? Better not be more s__w!

Lolly said...

Ok, you are correct....shock collar it is!! LOL

stronghunter said...

I have so many papers to grade that I could not carry them all home in one trip. I will have a busy weekend.

hedgie said...

Glad you had a nice talk with Susan, Shirley. Mom always makes a kid feel better, no matter how old they are! Good that you have someone to call on if you need a translator. I have a friend from Peru who can help if necessary!
Any emails you get from me that are in Espanol in the subject line are forwards from her!

Lynne2 said...

we have sleet and freezing rain predicted for Monday night here. Not good. But temps to go up and all rain on Tues. At least, that's what they are saying right now.

hedgie said...

Lynne, lab results are encouraging for the kitty. Hope all will be well. After last nights escapades, I would say his health is pretty darn good!

stronghunter said...

Didn't see anything to scary on Ch. 7 weather, Lynn. I don't know what you are looking at.

hedgie said...

Game doesn't start until 4:30, so hope all interested are home in time. GO RAVENS!!!

Lynne2 said...

have to post this...just got it from Diann-

Our Father, Who Art in Pittsburgh, Football be Thy Game, Let Mendenhall Run, 6 Superbowls Won, On Earth as it is in Heinz Field. Give Us this Day a Playoff Victory, and Forgive Us Our Penalties, as We Defeat Those Ravens (and anyone else in our way) Who Play Against Us. But Lead Us into a Victory, and Deliver Us to Texas. For Thine is the D-Line, the Polamalu, and the Harrison...A-Ben.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn...the stories I could tell about Freakshow! He's SPECIAL! Currently he is sound asleep on the rocker. Hope he stays there all night.

stronghunter said...

When I had a chance to think about my own issues, I realized that I could easily find a Spanish speaker in my building.

It was challenging to think until my students were gone. I had one girl who came asking about taking her exam after school today, but I had to tell her no, that I had other things to take care of. I would like to exempt her, but I have others that I should not, so I will have to make her take it.

And the fire alarm going off did not help!! I was wondering what else could happen by that point.

Lynne2 said...

REALLY going to bed now....

hedgie said...

Well, didn't sound like so big a deal to me. Stuff Monday night turning to rain Tues. Duh????
MTBR, I'm sure as the time gets closer!

Lolly said...

We are having highs in the 40's and 50's next week. Hoping to do yard clean up. Still have lots of leaves to clean up as well as ferns that have died back for the winter.

hedgie said...

Shirley, it was a weather teaser before the news started! Obviously a gimmick to gain viewers!!

hedgie said... and Diann are getting a bit sacrereligious in your excitement. Tsk, tsk!!

Gonna call it a day. Mai is snoring away....can't imagine she will sleep too much longer. She never had dinner. Might as well just shut my eyes on the sofa because betting I'll be up soon.

Goodnight, sweet friends. Prayers for all. Can't believe the cam "light" or whatever it is is still on!

stronghunter said...

Susan says this is a new strain of H1N1 in Ecuador. We googled H1N1 Ecuador 2011 and found all kinds of unsettling news.

Susan thinks she might have picked it up in the clinic when she went there because of her ear problems. She figures that the Mason students might have some more problems ahead.

It looks like both of her ear drums are ruptured. She will be seeing a doctor as soon as she gets home.

They would not take her insurance card at the hospital. She had to pay. She will have to get reimbursed by the insurance company. So far, the expenses are not too great, but she was worried what would have happened if she had been admitted.

stronghunter said...

Told her to get in touch with the embassy. She needs to find out what do if I need to send her money.

They should call her sometime this weekend.

stronghunter said...

Very tired . . . headed to bed.

Read as many messages as I could.

Thanks for all of your compassion and kind words.

God bless.

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley! I imagine you are very tired. Emotionally drained!

Think I am going to say Nite as well. See ya in the morning lite!

Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

I'm glad Dianne joined us again...thought we lost her on the old thread:) anxious to hear about her border collies. Very intelligent dogs. sorry to hear of Susan's illness.You have to wonder why this had to happen to her while on a trip of a lifetime:(


NCSuzan said...

Paula, one of the two eggs removed from the baseball field hatched recently. I also read where he responded tp our comments. Thank you for posting that blog.

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Had to get up to take care of critters. Will go back to bed when the doggies finish eating. I have to protect them from George while they eat.

floralgirl said...

Just crawled out of bed so I don't know when they arrived, but both eagles were int he nest. One just flew out, and one is sitting by the nest cup.

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew back in with a long skinny branch. Think it's Lib cause Belle took it away from him immediately:)

wvgal_dana said...

They both had to place the stick together ( : lol

floralgirl said...

Belle flew out, Lib perched on side of nest, Belle back with a branch.

wvgal_dana said...

They are really busy placing those sticks must be getting close to time to hit the eggg cup.

floralgirl said...

There they both go, one to the right and one off to the left.

Costume Lady said...

After Lib and Belle both left the building, I went to my email, momentarily, and now I can't get our nest back...tells me it is not available now:(

floralgirl said...

Refresh, its still working fine here. Just watched a flicker flying in and out of the nest.

grannyblt said...

Glad to see our pair in the nest this morning doing some 'sticking'

grannyblt said...

In the 70's someone dropped an open quart of liquid orange tempra paint on our new green shag carpeting. We stayed up most of the night cleaning it up. When the carpet was removed several years later, there were still traces of that paint on the backing. Respect open paint cans!!

Costume Lady said...

Flickers nesting already? I think they are an awesome bird. We have them around here but don't see them very often.

Yes, Granny, Paint is a dangerous thing to have around OUR HOUSE!
Many accidents:)

Costume Lady said...

I left the site and came back to it, Megan, and it is OK now.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Grannyblt (Lynn) and glad Diane stopped in. Read where she got one of the dogs from that puppy mill rescue. So glad she is giving a good life to one that had it so bad.

Lolly Lolly Lolly I have to admit I read back on comments. Sorry I laughed, I can see you doing that and seeing you and Jack making even more of a mess lol Sorry but I had to laugh.

Andy Little Man won't know about his blood work until Monday. Then we take it from there. Thank you for prayers.

Shirley so glad Suzan is out of the hospital. Prayers continue for her.

Judie you are still in my prayers. Hoping you are taking it easy some.

Lynne-Hedgie you will do great. I just knew the day we were there talking to Senior Unger that he was going to do more.

Glad Mai is doing so good with her lessons. See where you are changing to Weds. for interaction with other dogs.

Lynne2 I have a prayer going for the one cat that seems to be pretty sick.

Glad lots are seeing eagles and chick and egg at NC and BWE.

wvgal_dana said...

Andy I think it was you that ask about my eyes. I think this is going to be something I am going to have to live with the rest of my life. Too dry sometimes other times too wet.
Even using the camera to take a picture seems to bother them.


wvgal_dana said...

Eating something

wvgal_dana said...

2 in nest now

wvgal_dana said...

One eating I think Belle other on back of top of nest standing looking around.

wvgal_dana said...

Still eating and other still standing ontop of back of nest.

wvgal_dana said...

One in back flew out still one in nest

wvgal_dana said...

Lib flew back in and is placing stick in back

Costume Lady said...

Dana, have to tell you that we went to China City Buffet last evening and the new set up is this:
You have to ask waitress for crab legs, then she brings you a plate full with th crackers and butter. It was a good sized plate and just enough for me. They were very good, cracked and broke very easily. When you snapped the leg, the meat practically fell out and was sweet and tender...and hot...
$3.00 extra for the plate full.
Enjoyed all the food:)
Going to breakfast at Golden Corral
in Winchester, then shopping.
Have a great day♥

hedgie said...

Hello! Hope everyone is having a lazy Sat. AM.
Both birds have been in the nest since I tuned least 30 mins. now. Doing nothing at the moment except looking around and getting their feathers ruffled in the breeze.

wvgal_dana said...

One just flew out one still in nest

hedgie said...

And gone!

Shirley, if Suzi is still having ear pain, tell her that it will probably ease when she gets up in the air! Apparently about the pressurized cabin equalization .

wvgal_dana said...

I think someone else is going to have to take over here. I need to see about Little Man.

One eagle still in nest 859am

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Hedgie-Lynn and thanks Wanda for information on the crab legs at China City.I was wondering since they changed how the legs where. Sounds like they were delicious. ( : Happy shopping !!

hedgie said...

Fly-in....not sure with what! Housekeeping going on.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I see the Royal pair is very busy today. Going to be a great weekend for enjoying the nest. I scraped the frost of the windshield and made a quick grocery store run this morning to get items for a stew in the crockpot. Will be good on a cold day. LOL I almost took a picture of the frost to send it but my guess is most of the country these days seems to experience it personally during the winter. Dex is doing well again this morning. It will warm up this week or so they say. Monday will be a good outing day with the camera except instead of sunshine they are saying clouds. As long as it doesn't rain I can make the best of that.:-) After that its a day by day stay. I could say hi from anywhere after wed.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all!

Glad to read and see our pair so busy this morning!

Getting ready to head out and run some errands and visit my friend Joan...will be back near game time!


Lynne2 said...

OOOOOO second egg at NC hatched! Pic shortly on my blog!

Lynne2 said...

OK, it's on my blog....gotta RUN!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle back in at our nest 941am

wvgal_dana said...

Just sitting there looking around

magpie said...

Good Morning


wvgal_dana said...

2nd one just flew in and are pecking at each other some

hedgie said...

Both at and out frequently. Good sign!!

movin said...
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stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...