Wednesday, September 22, 2010


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I forgot to tell you all that Chrissy's son is trying to do a drawing of Deb's famous photo of Lib and Belle. Won't that be super?

Costume Lady said...

OK, back to drying my hair:)

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread. Have a lovely day.

Good morning, Wanda.

Not good news this morning. Lily's brother, Cal, has been killed.

I am off to get my do did. Maybe that will help me feel better. Leg wound looks okay but am watching.

hedgie said...

Morning all!

That is really a cool idea, Wanda. Hope Matt doesn't mind helping out!!
Have a good trip and be safe!

Diann, I have all of my genealogy stuff backed up on discs. Worry about the albums with all the pics. No affordable fireproof safe big enough to hold them. Recently found out from insurance agent that they will pay to have photos reproduced if lost in a fire, so advised scanning all albums and putting on discs and keeping off premises----think that is going to be my winter project!

hedgie said...

Such a shame about Lily's brother Cal. :( Cannot believe the distances he ranged!!

Moon and Jupiter WERE lovely last night---but it was late before J. rose high enough to see through the leaves.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Wanda for calling us over.

Have a good hair do day Judie. Glad you leg looks good to you. If it starts looking bad please go to doctor!!
I remember I had dropped a soda bottle (back then call pop bottle) on the concrete. It took a big piece out of my leg. My Dad pulled it together and cut out that white tags they now put across surgeries now.
It held nicely and have very small scare. My Dad was my hero!! ( :

hedgie said...

Thanks for support about hospital situation. Crazy thing is that workers let the security guard push the wheelchair across the fresh blacktop. Duh! If that's allowed, why not let people walk??!! Should all be re-opened today. HOPEING, because I was so frazzled that I forgot to get the stupid prep stuff for my CT scan coming up on the 4th, so need to go back tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

That crazy bright full moon did NOT
move the waters to bring that new
great grand baby into the world YET.
Still having contractions but water has not broken. Prayers for safe delivery and healthy baby requested.

With that said Good Morning.

hedgie said...

Have to tell you a cool thing....when I was 12 yrs. old I started babysitting for a military family in our neighborhood. They had 4 little boys--4,3,2 and newborn. They treated me like family, including taking me to the beach in the summers (Ocean City, NJ) where I met all of their extended families. Even met a classmate of one of the sisters, who wrote in the sand "pretty green eyes" to me! (He later became my afianced, but it didn't last. I have made contact with him recently on FB!) These folks even took me to dinner at the ArmyNavy Country Club for my 16th birthday! Lost contact after they got transferred. Well, I found the parents and two of the kids on FB....sent Friend responses yet, but I am sure hoping for some soon!

Mema Jo said...

Have you all had to type the Mystery Word before your first comment posts.

Mema Jo said...

So sorry to read the Bear Update about Cal.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I'm writing this from work this morning, but wanted to let you know what is going on in my life and my children's lives. My former husband (and their father) is having open-heart surgery today at noon.

I'm saying prayers for him and for them.

Today is Kathryn's birthday. Tomorrow, she gets results of a biopsy she had done last week.

A bit of a hard time at our household right now.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Shirley, your plate is overflowing and not in a good way. Prayers going up still for all situations....know how hard it is to try to be supportive in some situations especially where there is acrimony. Hope the kids are all doing okay.

hedgie said...

♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to Kathryn!!! ♪ ♫

Update on panda cub at Zoo Vienna---translation is a hoot!
Vienna Panda

Lynne2 said...

OH NO MR BILL...there's an old flame burning in the heart of Lynnellen!
That's really cool Lynn, I like facebook for that. I've hooked up with some of my old girlfriends from grade school which has been fun!

Shirley, my gosh. Prayers for all.
Happy Birthday to Kathryn!

My new batch of hummer food is cool so I better fill the feeder before they start dive bombing the door.....

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - prayers being said for all your situations. Keep your faith for all things to be resolved.

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Kathryn!
Praying for the best of things to come to your life

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley prayers for the kids at this time. You have a lot on your plate.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Kathryn!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn hope they connect on fb with you. That will be fun to have them in your life again. ( :

hedgie said...

Starting to recognize Carolyn's voice on the scanner....sounds completely's the inflections not the tone/timber of it that I pick up on! Strange....cause Margy sounds the same as in person!

hedgie said...

Three more stinkbugs just went down the flusher! I HATE STINKBUGS!

hedgie said...

Severe weather warnings up for most of the area for later today.....stay safe everyone!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

3 lion cubs born to Naba at NZ this morning!!!
New cubs!

Video of first two

Mema Jo said...

You're a good Daddy Lion, Luke
Seven cubs credited to him

Mema Jo said...

Those flushed stink bugs are all going to climb up out of there one night and
attack you, Lynn.. lol

hedgie said...

Posted on Hornby Eagles FB:
Changes coming

Mema Jo said...

Update: Beverly Crisco Riffe
Tom and I came home for a bit. Granny is stable for now, blood pressure is a little better and she is getting rid of some fluid. Far from out of the woods but better than last night. Thanks so much for all the prayers and well wishes. You guys are the best!!

Let's keep those prayers coming......

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! All beautiful here! Now I am really ready to set out on this trip!

Shirley, prayers going up for all situations and Happy Birthday to Kathryn.

Need to eat some lunch and start loading food. I want to leave NOW!!!!

Lolly said...

So, sorry she has not had the baby yet, Jo. Has she been in labor all this time?

So, is there romance in the air, Lynn? ☺ It is fun to reconnect with old acquaintances.

hedgie said...

Did you hear that bedbugs are now being found in library books?? UGH!

Up to 88° here. Beautiful but warm!

movin said...


GooD Morning (West)/

SuppeR tIME (East)


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

pAIR of eagles has landed on BWO nest.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

LOL, Lolly, no---no romance! He is remarried. Many years ago when I was in Philly on business I talked to his dad and he told me that his wife had passed away and he was raising a little girl and living in TN. I gave contact info to his Dad to have him get in touch, but he apparently misplaced it or forgot to give it to him!!

hedgie said...

Jo, don't think I need to worry about that happening!!!

hedgie said...

You know, if these things JUST crawled, they wouldn't be nearly as bad as they are flying because they seem to like to divebomb me!

Mema Jo said...

Going down to have blood drawn for SED test. This evening is Alexis' time.


movin said...

Fish crows at BWO now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Have a good day. I've got to do errands, shopping, etc.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Gee....just had 17 drops of rain!

Lolly said...

Hee hee hee!!! Just readied a certain item for packing. Hee hee hee!! Have loaded some food and have made a grocery list. Have also typed up our Le Menu list. LOL Do this on every trip so I remember what I have packed.

Lolly said...

Beat you...we just had a 10 inch rain. The rain drops were ten inches apart! (and stopped!)

stronghunter said...


Sitting here catching my breath after another exciting day of English 11.

I think I will eat a candy bar and then settle down and grade some papers.

Kathryn has learned that her father did not have a heart attack; they caught the problem before that happened, but that is all we know.

Judie said...

Lynn, look before you sit! How nice it would be for you to hear from a voice from the past -- not the stinkbugs, of course.

Jo, sure hope the baby comes soon. Must be very difficult for mom. Prayers for for mom and baby. Enjoy your Alexis time.

Shirley, prayers for you and the children. I am so sorry for all the difficulty. If only I had a magic wand. Please wish Kathryn a happy birthday and sending a prayer for negative biopsy results.

Encouraging news about Mrs. Riffe. I hope she continues to improve.

Lolly, it's almost time. Maybe turn the pages of the calendar?

Congratulations to Naba and her babies. Hope they will all be healthy.

Leg is looking mushy but not oozing or bleeding. If it starts to look more scary I will try to see someone at an urgent care.

Hi Jim and Dana.

hedgie said...

Ha, Lolly, bet ours were, too!!
So did you have to package and stow the item carefully?? Is it bigger than a breadbox?

Lynne2 said...

My stink bug body count (hereafter will be referred to as the SBBC) is over 60 in the last 2 hours. I think for every one I kill, 3 more come.

FYI, if you turn on a room AC that has a stinkbug in it, it WILL COME PROPELLING OUT OF THE VENTS.

I think they have been planted, along with the bed bugs (which by the way have now infested the library in Frederick) by terrorists.

I see more....will be back later, but if not, send help.

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, had to handle it very carefully. ☺ Yes, in some ways it is bigger than a bread box but, then again, in some ways it is smaller than a bread box. ROFLMBO

hedgie said...

Judie, if leg is looking mushy, may want to leave it open to the air!

Shirley, hope you get to head home soon. A trying day, I'm sure. Sometimes it's hard to be supportive...:(

93° here currently!

Lynne2 said...

From Bev on FB
Beverly Crisco Riffe Granny has taken another turn for the worse. It is getting harder for her to breathe because of the congestive heart failure which is causing her heart to overwork and making her pacemaker overwork. Please keep praying for her!

hedgie said...

Was just getting ready to post it, Lynne. Thanks!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't give much blood - only 1 vial

Going to head out to get Alexis.......

BBL in time for TV shows
9:00 Criminal Minds - It ended last
season on a scary note.. hope it finalizes that theme tonight...

Mema Jo said...

Granny Riffe - Praying for your health and comfort.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the service error grrrr

Yes I too want to see Criminal Minds tonight Mema Jo.

Prayers continue for Mrs. Riffe for her health to continue to improve.

I read comment where Naba's got her babies 3 cubs. This will be wonderful. With the cubs from her sister being born so close
together. Cub fun...

Judie take care of that leg!!!

I was coming home and heard behind me on 901 near the entrance to my development sirens. I raced to pull in and OVER. I just knew it was coming in here!!! Yep it did. Just in and past the gate. Later I spoke to a lady in a vehicle sitting there. Baby choked and could not breath. I think started breathing as Ambulance got there. Prayers anyway for the baby.

hedgie said...

Have added 15 to the SBBC in last hour....this is truly ridiculous.

Okay, Lolly.....IS it or ISN'T it the size of a breadbox? You can't have it both ways, kiddo, unless it's collapsible! AH---maybe Jack carved one of those spinning things that DOES collapse when it's not hanging...???? With an eagle in the middle??

Judie said...

Hey Lynn, I put a gauze 4x4 on to get more air rather than non-stick. Think the mushy is from antibiotic cream and being covered. May keep gauze on for tonight and tomorrow just to keep protected. Fairly large gash. Have you thought about an exterminator? Not for me. For the stink bugs.

Maybe Jack made an eagle accordion for our entertainment. It will fit into a bread box but expand to bigger than a bread box. Can't wait to hear a Texas version of Beer Barrel Polka.

Need to finish grocery list.

Hope Shirley is at home and trying to relax and de-stress.


Judie said...

So sorry about Mrs. Riffe and continue to pray for her recovery.

Judie said...

Dana, remember to make a copy of your comments before posting. Outsmart the stuuuuupid blog cop.

hedgie said...

Judie, unless it is looking angry red or pus is evident, don't use creams or ointments! Better to wash gently with Betadine. Cover when out and at bedtime, and open to air rest of the time.

hedgie said...

Hey, gang, that guy on Jeopardy for the past week+ (lost last night) was a graduate of my high school!!! Annandale High, Annandale, VA! Lives in Delaware now.

Judie said...

Thank you nurse Lynn. I think you've got the best advice. Think I remember that from when I gashed my leg some years ago. Will do.

Missed Jeopardy this week. Sorry he lost. Maybe you could contact him via fb. Yet another man in your life?

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie don't flush stinkbugs. They can swim....keep fly swatter outside (all the time). Take stinkbugs outside and kill them. They then are no longer an "egg producer".

Mema Jo praying for a healthy baby SOON!!!

Judie I do type on notepad and copy and paste onto here.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I'm not guessing cause I won't win it anyhow. Although if it is chanced off I will buy chances.

wvgal_dana said...

JudieThank you for listening to nurse Lynn-Hedgie. It makes me feel better. You are doing that.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow did you all read the news as to why the Titanic sank like it did. Said "all" could have been recused.

wvgal_dana said...

link works for Titanic

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Prayers continue for Mrs. Riffe and adding Shirley's family. I hope I didn't miss anyone reguiring prayers. If I did God will know what's needed.

Lolly, you're going to continue to tease us, huh?? I see that Jo will get a George 2. How nice.

Almost cried reading about Cal. How much we get attached. My Dad was a bear hunter but I never (that I know) ate bear meat. I lived with my mother. PA's season is only 3 days and fortunately my guys never hunted bear.

Judie, I hope your do did and your leg heals fast.

Okay! those d@#$ stink bugs are trying to get in my old house. It's hot today and I opened windows. That was a mistake. Every screen was covered with them and 2 got inside. Yikes!!! The recent storm, of which we got a nice amount of rain, seemed to settle them some. They are so frustrating. I thought I saw some young ones hanging on a shed door. Am I getting paranoid?!

Lynn, you're right about saving genealogy records and pictures. SIL got me a safe a few years ago and that's where all the paper records are, but the computer held the family tree on Family Tree and I'd hate to have to redo that.

Must start supper here. Will try to get back later and catch up.

hedgie said...

Judie, LOL......he's much too young for me!!

Dana....where are the stinkbugs going to float to????? They can't get out of the septic tank!

Lynne2 said...

100 SBBC and still counting. Backup has arrived home from work.

hedgie said...

Interesting story about the Titanic, Dana. Never heard those facts before.

PA Nana said...

one of those d@#$ bugs just hit my netbook's screen. thought I had him in a tissue but it got out and don't know where it is .... I thought I saw a stink bug.... I'm under attack - send in the troops!!!

bbl off to find the enemy.

Lolly said...

Okay, Jack told me to tell you, that it will not fit into our not know about yours!☺

It does not spin, it does not collapse, it does not talk, it does not sing, it does not produce any kind of music. It does not dance. ☺

hedgie said...

LOL, Diann---I think the stinkers are making most of us a bit paranoid!

hedgie said...

Guess after 11:09 tonight, we can officially call this weather Indian Summer. :(

hedgie said...

Okay, know we'll keep guessing!!!

Lolly said...

I hope you do! I am having fun!

87 was our high today and we have a cool front coming. Hopefully we will get a good rain before we leave. Mowing in the morning and then NO MOWING for a month! Wahoo!
Of course, then we have to pay for lawn mowing. Not good!

Judie said...

Hi Diann. How's things going except for the stinkbugs? Never been a problem here before. Does cold weather make them go away? Hope so.

Lolly, does "it" scream like an eagle?

Hi Dana, yes I am going to obey our nurse-in-bloggerville. Don't want to answer to her if I don't.

About the Titanic -- wonder about the motive given and why anyone would wait so long to reveal the truth.

Lolly said...

Nope! Does not scream like an eagle. In is very quiet!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Looks like a small storm here

Nest is very breezy, but I don't see any rain on the radar

paula eagleholic said...

I was just out watering and the storm blew in, think it's blown out now, just some sprinkles :(

hedgie said...

Yes, Judie, I agree with you. Not wanting to besmirch someone or cause the company trouble are lame excuses when so many lives were lost.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Diann good to see you here( :

Looks like we are getting ready for a fierce storm.

Lynne2 what is 100SBBC???

It stated in the article (blue link above) about not wanting to get in trouble. I also think it had something to do with maker of Titanic JMO.

Oh No Mr. Bob...Hedgies-Lynns septic needs cleaned out due to all the built up stink bugs.

magpie said...

Howdy Y'all...
the nice big fat Moon is up

sure am hoping a couple of eagles will plop into the nest for one last summer fling...

Judie said...

Margy, nice to have you with us. Had any time with James recently? I don't know about the eagles having a last summer fling but Lynn seems to have some hot prospects!

floralgirl said...

Check out the moon tonite if you can, the harvest moon- Harvest moon

Judie said...

Very quiet? Hmmmmm. A deck size eagle bird bath?

wvgal_dana said...

Going out to see Moon

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, bedbugs in Frederick?!?

Lynne is the SBBC the stink bug bathroom collection? Just keep a small container of amonia water handy, and drop the SB's in there, it will kill them and save on water.

Shirley, hope everything goes OK for the Ex.

Happy Birthday Kathryn! Hoping for negative results, too.

Jo, hope the GGB comes soon!

wvgal_dana said...

Back in it is Beautiful. Thanks Megan for the name of it. ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm interesting about the Titanic.

magpie said...

Hot Diggity Megan!
Thank you...
sure is a treat to "see you" whether you tell us the name of the Full Moon or not

wvgal_dana said...

Says it won't happen again until 2029. I'll be 80 yrs old by then. That is if I live that long.

hedgie said...

Oh, gross....just had a %#!*^# stinkbug fly (or get blown by ceiling fan) into my hair while I was on the sofa.

magpie said...

got some catching up to do on all today's blog posts....the old and the new thread

will do some speedreading and come back in a little bit

Lolly said...

I am getting concerned. If an eagle flew into the nest it might get stuck in spidey's web. Yuk! It is a mess!

wvgal_dana said...

Hip Hip Hooray Margy is on the blog!!!!!!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Just look isn't it just disgraceful how that spider web holds up in all that wind!!!

Maybe they need to build houses like that.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie did you find any cats a home? I didn't-tried no luck.

wvgal_dana said...

The thing about it Lolly is the eagles nor when we have eaglets. Do they ever have a problem with the web.

paula eagleholic said...

We got a little more rain than I thought, but still have to go out and water. Glad watering time is almost over!

paula eagleholic said...

Long time no see on the blog, Megan.

howdy, Margy.

Warming up some dinner before I finish watering.

PA Nana said...

We're getting another storm. Glad I saw the moon before it hit.

maybe bbl gonna shut down

magpie said...

Harvest Moon...a beautiful name for a beautiful moon, and in other years with more rain, a beautiful thought...harvest...

hoping that all our gardeners and farmers and especially Megan, had some bright spots along the way...

Lynne2 said...

cool the east we have Harvest Moon which is orange, and Jupiter. In the south and north we have massive clouds with lightning! Lightning looks much closer to us than storms showing on radar, south is approaching Annapolis, in the north they are running along the MD/PA line. Amazing! See now a cell developing just west of us.

Off to watch The Middle

SBBC is Stink Bug Body Count

magpie said...

I'm thinking it should be almost
"2300 hours" seeing you on here this early Paula...

but, two nights in a row no evening eagle visit...Wahh !
Well, there is always tomorrow

Hey there Dana...that call for the baby came in right at shift change...
sure hope everything turned out okay....yep, right in your neighborhood

hedgie said...

Well that was sure an easy Final Jeopardy.....2 of the 3 got it did I! But I should----have a very old book full of TARTAN patterns!

Had a few more drops of rain...nothing beneficial for sure.

Dana, bet the septic tank bacteria is the only "natural" predator those stupid bugs have!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. Sounded like your day was mighty busy.

wvgal_dana said...

From an article I just read:
The stink bug's eggs are yellow, yellow-red, white, or pale green in color and can be found on the underside of leaves in clumps of 20 to 30 eggs. Eggs are only found outdoors on plants because stink bugs cannot reproduce indoors. Thank goodness for small favors. My avatar is the eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

Just found out bats and praying mantises eat stink bugs.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm not sure some of you are going to want to hear this but here it is:

For those of you who have eaten authentic mexican food, chances are that you have EATEN stinkbugs raw and/or cooked. Mexicans use them in salsa and various other dishes as a flavor enhancement and filler.

That is the 2nd time I have read that and different places. I ain't eating no mexican food!!!!!!!! :(

paula eagleholic said...

Gotcha, Lynne!

magpie said...

the eggs are pretty Dana.....

Lynn, how're you doin', Pretty Green Eyes, NOW I know what Judie meant when she said you had a Hot Prospect...thought she was referring to Indian Summer at first ☺

hedgie said...

Dana, I don't know anyone (besides Ginnie) who is a cat fancier! If I did I would find homes for Carolyn's many cats before Charlie murders her or them!!

magpie said...

Wonderful Harvest Moon link that Megan posted....
very informative...
love that kind of stuff !

magpie said...

sure hoping that our thoughts and prayers and (( hugs )) will help you and yours through the difficult times that seem to be hitting all at once

and Happy Birthday to your Kathryn ♥


floralgirl said...

Whoops, sorry, started wading thru college financial aid sites. I get lost quick. Hope everybody is doing ok.
Dana, you're making me nauseous...

magpie said...

and Judie...
hoping your boo boo...will heal quickly and without another visit to a doctor!

yes Lynn..busy day...

grandson gets out 3 hours early Thursday, his "real" maternal grandmother and this ol' step grandma are going to team up for some kid fun in Berkeley Springs, so I have the day off...
Judie - I'll get some James time in for sure !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Almost out the door to school, but wanted to say "hi."

Prayers, prayers, and more prayers for Granny Riffe! Glad her BP is better. Hoping for her speedy and full recovery!

So sorry to hear about Cal bear! Prayers for the rest of the bears.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Shirley's Kathryn!! Prayers for the whole family situation, Shirley.

Well, gotta go--will be back much later tonight. :o]

magpie said...

wow the live nest with the floating squiggly spider strands, is something else

okay recess is over, back to the laundry and the dishes and straightening up

Hope this is a good night for all...
Good luck with those financial aid sites Megan....

ttfn xox

wvgal_dana said...

This may help:I have used mint leaves on the windowsill pretty effectively.
They seem to not like it. I have plenty of mint since it keeps coming back.

Or get yourself a pet "praying mantises". I'm going to go to the pet stores and see if I can find a Giant Pet Praying Mantises.He should eat plenthy of them. lol

Lynn-Hedgie it did say flushing is best and to watch they do bite.

hedgie said...

Wonder if Sissy has heard anymore about Mrs. Riffe...??

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy good news.....Margy is going to get some James time!!!!!! That will be perfect and wonderful.

Well I am going to see what my tv has on it.

Will check back in later.

Sorry Megan didn't mean to make you sick.

Mema Jo said...

I am free! Playdate has gone home. Homework was done and school fund raiser was filled in by Mema..

I sure wish this Harvest moon would get the waters moving so I can harvest me a new baby!

Going to clean up around here and settle in to watch Criminal Minds at 9.

Mema Jo said...

Thank goodness I can check up on my family on FB..... Aunt Heather..
"just got an update...I'm sure you did too!! haha... Mojo and Mike are hospital bound....wonder if the baby will make it by midnight?"

I am wondering if they'll make it to the hospital in time......... ha ha

hedgie said...

Not to worry, Dana. They are wrapped in TP---I'm sure not picking them up bare!!!!

Margy, good to have a day off again!
Wonder if our county gets out of school early, too??

JO----almost time for Criminal Minds!

Lynne2 said...

From Bev on FB
Beverly Crisco Riffe We live to fight another day! Granny's respirations have been bad off & on all evening but she woke up a while ago & was fairly alert. She has had alot of company this evening, so grateful for such a wonderful family. She is a pretty sick woman, bless her heart. Thanks so much for all the prayers. We're wore out & going to bed. Mary Ellen, Rita, and Steph are staying tonight, so pray for them. Love & hugs!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Hope Wanda and Fr. Gene made it safely to their destination!

wvgal_dana said...

tv time

stronghunter said...

Happy for Margy's opportunity for James time.

Judie, do take care of your leg.

Dana, I would not want to have a pet preying mantis. Yikes!

Wanda, I love the idea of a drawing of the eagle photograph.

Maybe I need to expand my Facebook contacts, Lynn. Sounds like you have done very well.

Waiting for more news about the baby, Jo.

Lynne, how much longer do you expect the hummingbirds to hang around?

Jim, I hope you had a successful shopping trip.

Gotta go upstairs and check on Hunter.

See you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Got word that the heart surgery went well.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all of the kind words today. I really appreciate it.

Lynne2 said...

well Shirley, as it turns out, the last time I saw one today was early afternoon. I wasn't out a lot today, but I usually see them every time I look out and I didn't later in the afternoon. So, I'll be anxious to see if I have any tomorrow, but this may have been the last time.

hedgie said... contacts of that nature being made on FB, Shirley!!
Glad your long day has come to an end. Sleep peacefully!

floralgirl said...

I still have several hummers here, emptying my feeders. don't give up on your feeders yet, you will still get migrating ones and especially juveniles who need to pack on some weight before they leave. We often see them into October, really just depends on the weather.
Later gators!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgesville grandkids are headed to Wash County Hosp about an hour ago.
I am hoping they made it in time....
You just never know.... I'll be on here shouting as soon as I know something.... Praying for safe
delivery and healthy child.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Megan I miss you not being on here I see you on FB
Are you working with the Farm this fall season?

magpie said...

getting us all excited about the impending birthing baby news Jo...
wow, a Harvest Moon baby perhaps?
could make for some neat baby name ideas

praayers abound...

magpie said...

new word

oh yes migrating birds...that can be some real excitement too...remember when it gets coooold we can start listening and watching for the Tundra Swans

magpie said...

I could officially put in for Oct 23rd off at the end of my work day I did !

usually nothing more than 30 days in advance will get considered, until it's 30 days in advance, or less

magpie said...

just had a look at Jupiter and that gigantic full moon

can see two of J's moons, one to the left around 8 o'clock position, and one to the right, much closer to Jupiter, at about 3:30 position...
not the easiest things to spot especially with the brightness of the moon

Judie said...

Dana, cool avatar pic of stinkbug eggs. Found a couple more here tonight. Was dive bombed once. Appreciate the info on authentic Mexican food. Think I will just continue to prepare my own, thank you very much.

Margy, so glad you're going to have time with James. Please enjoy the time away from work and with him.

Shirley, nice to know you are home and do hope you will be able to get some sleep to restore your body and mind.

Megan, nice to have you here tonight. Thank you for the harvest moon info.

Jo, I do hope ggbaby arrives safely and in good health. Will be waiting for the announcement.

Andy, hope school was easy tonight. Any exams? Grades?

Thinking of Mrs. Riffe reminds me I need to send a card to Karen. Haven't heard anything in recent days.

hedgie said...

Jo, excellent news!!! Hoping for a quick delivery!!

Margy, good that you got the quick-draw on the schedule!!

magpie said...

well there is a stinkbug doing acrobatics in the lamp shade at the computer

darn it!

magpie said...

he's a fast one
eluding capture

magpie said...

Yep I need a kick in the pants to get some cards in the mail too, Judie...
glad you mentioned that

I am wondering what the Human Ball thing was like at Loretta's company picnic yesterday.....sure does sound like something to avoid!

Well, I think I am going to say GOOD NIGHT while there are still a few up and about....

Hoping that Andrea has had a good school night... when DO you sleep Andy ??

Hope sleep brings comfort and renewal
Prayers for wellness.....

(Yay, got stinky escorted outside)

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Judie said...

Well, after a quick look outside to see the Harvest moon and Jupiter's moons, I will be in search of the sandperson.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to tub, up the stairs, or strolling in from school.

Pleasant sleep for all and prayers for Mrs. Riffe, Jo's gd and ggb, Karen, and all others.

hedgie said...

News just said that chickens like stinkbugs......ha! Wonder if that makes the eggs stink worse than eggs already do??!!

Hoping that my battle is done for today....ARGH!!

hedgie said...

I am joining those saying their goodnights. Would love to wait for word on Jo's ggbaby...but have a very early morning again tomorrow. So sweet dreams and comfortable rest for all. Prayers for all in need. Love y'all.

Mema Jo said...

Nothing yet - hope I hear before I go back the hallway... Doubtful - I'll probably get a morning call!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lynn at stinky stink bug eggs!

Margy, glad you will able to join us all day!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay. Night friends.

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going back the hallway shortly

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all those with needs/wants

Praying my gd is holding a newborn in her arms but I won't know until morning. I sure hope sleep comes fast!

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Well, I did an overload of Criminal Minds. Never have watched it. See what an influence you have had on me.

Jo, I do hope your gd is holding a newborn right now. What a wonderful thought. I was right beside Laurel as she gave birth to both of the boys. What a blessed experience.

PA Nana said...

Dear friends I'm heading to my chair. Getting real sleepy ...yawn.

Blessings for all wants/needs and good health to all in need.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, ♪♫ ♪♫♫


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Got home from school earlier than usual--about 1/2 hour ago. Have been reading the blog.

Megan, thanks for the Harvest Moon info. (The moon, and Jupiter, are bright and clear here tonight. Just beautiful!) It's great to "see" you here again! Been missin' you! Wish you the very best with the financial aid. Sure wouldn't be in school without mine! Prayers for you!

Shirley, glad the heart surgery went well. Prayers for you and the family! Sleep well tonight.

I'm wishing a pox upon all those pesky stink bugs that are bugging you guys and gals!!! Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Very interesting info about the Titanic. Tell you though, I suspect I know EXACTLY why it sank.
Saw a documentary a few years ago about it, and they said there was a
plaque on one of its decks that stated, in effect, that "even God
could not sink it"! Talk about thumbing your nose at the Almighty!
Not a very good idea IMHO.

Judie, have an English test next week, and it's supposed to be a tough one. Prayers, please. Got an 'A' on my Practice 4 exam last week! Thank God! Hope your owie on your leg is feeling better, and you aren't too stiff or sore from the tumble.

Mema Jo, prayers that you will have a new little family member by morning! Bet you can't wait!

Margy, good to see you! When do I sleep? Usually very late at night, and very early in the morning, after Hubby has left for work. If I'm really tired, I fall asleep just about anytime I park myself in a chair! LOL :oD (Hubby jokes about me falling asleep at the movies, but I say it's worth the price of admission to get a really good nap!) Good thing I don't seem to require as many hours of sleep as I did as a younger person. I do well on about 6 hours of sleep now.

Lolly said...

I need 8 hours of sleep,so I am heading to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Speaking of sleep, Lynn, hope you get a really good night's rest so you can make an early start tomorrow. Maybe you should get a couple of chickens to gobble up some of those crazy stink bugs for you.

Well, I'm gonna go sit in front of the TV and veg for a while. Judie has left the night light on (thank you!), and I'm leaving the porch light on for lateniks. Prayers have been said for everyone, including Karen, Granny Riffe, and Shirley's ex-husband. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone who arrives after me.

About to try to make myself presentable for the wannabe adults.

Jo, so hoping you will have another ggbaby by the time you get to the blog this morning.

Have a nice morning everyone and I'll BBL.

floralgirl said...

Adult eagle just flew into the nest, very hard to see due to the web.

floralgirl said...

And there's the other, both in nest.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Hope you have a good day with the wannabes, Judie.

See you later, folks.

stronghunter said...

I see at least one eagle on the nest.

Got a picture. Will put it in the album later.

stronghunter said...

Getting rapidly lighter at the nest. I see one of our eagles.

stronghunter said...

Now I see two!

Now one.

Got a pic of our couple.

stronghunter said...


floralgirl said...

2nd eagle just flew out, mt nest.

floralgirl said...

Adult back with stick

floralgirl said...

2nd adult just flew back into nest

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Megan, Shirley and Judie aren't they just beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...

Liberty in back and Belle up front

wvgal_dana said...

lol Liberty just shook like a dog would if he were wet lol

wvgal_dana said...

They keep turning their heads to the sound of the motorcycle.

wvgal_dana said...

Lib just called out

wvgal_dana said...

Lib just flew out leaving Belle in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan I didn't run you away did I?????

wvgal_dana said...

empty nest

wvgal_dana said...

Man I am into Megan's fb page!!! CCR just finished Bad Moon good song!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Megan had to play it again lol ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Going to let Little Man out and stay on the porch for a short while.

Mema Jo said...

Yepper Judie I did!

Baby Boy

Marcus Philip

Will be back with statistics when I
get them.

Super cutie from what his Mom says

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Oh, my gosh, Jo!!! Congratulations!!
How wonderful! SO happy for you!And...

Welcome to this world, little one!

I hear that you're a cutie patootie!

Looks like I've missed our eagles again. Maybe tomorrow. Sure am glad they're busy with some nestorations, though. That's a good sign!

Hope you have a good day at school, Shirley and Judie. Catch you later!

Lynn, hope your early morning mission goes well. Hope you got a good rest, and that those stink bugs vamoose!

wvgal_dana said...

Contragulations Mema Jo a boy. Give us all the weight, length, and etc. How is Mom doing?

wvgal_dana said...

No rain coming this way need to water. bb

magpie said...

Wonderful news Jo, fabulous name...
best wishes to all your family....

Sure was good to read that Megan was watching the eagles this morning and had some Momster company while watching them

Best wishes for a good day everyone...

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone!!! See the eagles came early and dropped off a GGS for Jo!!!Congratulations!!!

Had one of those late Panda naps last night after dinner & didn't comment, but did read some late last night.
Yeah, Margy gets the 23rd off!!!!

I haven't seen hoards of stinkbugs down here, but there were about 4 on the inside of screen door at work! I flicked them all off so they won't get inside.

Got a phone call this AM that we're getting company from TN to spend the night!!!! I'm always the last to know. So, gotta shovel the house! ☺

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Congratulations on the arrival of Marcus Philip. This is a good omen that he arrived on a day both eagles made an appearance also. Wishing the best of health to MoJo and Marcus.

Done with the wannabe adults for the week. Good class this morning. Lots of questions and ideas about serial killers. This is the kind of day that makes teaching a great experience.

Going grocery shopping with Darth when he picks me up from school. BBL late this afternoon.

Stay cool.

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Ok watered and you know what that did.....led to doing other I have to get 3 bags of red lava rock to put around the plants I weeded out.

Then that mean't another shower and washing my hair, drying it and then curling iron.

Now I'm headed out.

The pics I took this AM of eagles I will put in album this evening when I get back. Will also check to see if anyone but similair ones in.

Mema Jo said...

Last year all the family was at Open House - Hopefully you will get to meet Marcus then......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

I need to get some things accomplished around here so that I can sneak up the road and into the hospital to Hold that new kid! :<]


hedgie said...

I'm home, settling in and trying to catch up!! Got my elbow skin injected and a lesion frozen. Picked up my CT stuff at hospital---which turned into a real run-around. Have killed 8 stinkers today---4 before I left this morning and 4 just now. Bought a cucumber and I'm going to try a trick that is supposed to work for slugs in the garden----who knows, it MIGHT work for these, too!

hedgie said...

Jo, don't you dare try to kidnap that little bundle of joy!!! Congrats on a healthy baby!!!

Judie, so glad your class was a good one. I sure wish I lived closer----I would audit it!!

Loretta----your kids like to surprise you, huh??!!! Maybe it's better that way----doesn't give you too much time to knock yourself out.

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

I see thru my email that Jo's GGS finally arrived. Congrats Jo and family!

hedgie said...

The count is rising.........I've gotten about 25 of the stinkies already today now. I am going insane.

No fair---saw that they apparently did get some decent rain in toward town last evening---some big puddles still around. Our 17 drops were nothing but a tease.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Boy my laptop is slow. Has been slow since Mike worked on it and cleaned it up. Very frustrating!

Guess I should have said good afternoon. Got right to the yard this morning. Now it is up to the yard guy to take care of it this next month. (He won't do as good a job as me!)☺

Congratulations, Jo, on the new addition to your family. Hope you are down there right now cuddling this new little guy. Nothing better than holding a newborn.

Heading to the store to do last minute grocery shopping. We are getting our tasks accomplished one at sa time. Going good!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lolly, Lynn, and Paula,

Back again for just a bit. Have been busy cleaning up the kitchen. Now that that chore is done, need to shower and go to school to drop off my homework and sign the attendance sheet.

Have been trying to figure out what's going on at the house behind ours, where the trigger-happy jerk used to be. Sounds like they're doing some renovations, with lots of hammering and loud banging noises. No lights on inside the house at night, so don't think any people are living there. MTBR....

Judie, I'm glad your class went so well this morning. Wish I could audit your class, too, but afraid the commute would be a real pain!

Here's another picture from our recent trip to Lake Arrowhead. This was taken at a kids' park that has a sandy beach and a playground. There are a lot of Mallards there, and it's next to a golf course.

Well, better take a shower and hit the road. After homework is turned in, no more classes until next Tuesday. YIPPEE!! Will bbl. :o]

Judie said...

Have arrived home and groceries are stored away.

Andy, get tonight's homework turned in quickly and race toward a nice long break. Suspect there are some renovations -- new neighbors on the way?

Lynn, glad you got chores over but really sorry about the stinkbugs.

Lolly, it's almost time! Is "it" more than 3 lbs?

Dana, you are really making me feel guilty. Really need some serious weed removal here.

However, I think I will retreat to the kitchen. Hamburgers tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

NatureNut said...

Hi ya.
Just heard on Ch. 4 NBC, they are going to do story any second on STINKBUGS & their removal.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...