Wednesday, September 22, 2010


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Oh I hope everyone finds their way through the s--p---l--i--t.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn let us know what you learn from channel 4 about the stinkbugs!!!!!!!

Andy good grades!!! Now rest some.

Judie I would love to just sit in your class and listen about serial killers.

Lolly said...

Sitting here crying. On the news they showed last night and again tonight a mother listening to her daughters heart beating in the body of a lady. They donated the organ when their daughter was killed in a skiing accident last winter. They discovered who the recipient was, talked on the phone, and then recently flew to Arizona. The recipient is a nurse, she has a stethoscope and when they got to her house, the first thing she did after a long hug was listen to the heart. Everyone on the news was crying.

Lolly said...

Dana, it was Lowreeda that was listening to the news about the stink bugs.

Lolly said...

Trailer is almost packed. Starting to fill the refrigerator.
So ready..............!

hedgie said...

Hi Lowreeda! So what did they say to do about the stinkers? I'm up to 40 today----and there are a few that I hit w/ the swatter that fell where I can't reach them! UGH!!
Fixed a cucumber for dinner----now I think I SMELL them everyplace!! Very similar odor.

hedgie said...

Yippee! Carolyn disptached her first medic call today!! She is so proud! Of course, it happened while I wasn't home so I missed it!

Lolly said...

Jack is complaining that I made him his tails and not his dinner jacket for WV. LOL

Lolly said...

Oh, I forgot! Judie, the exact weight.....4 1/2 lbs.

Lolly said...

Now that is telling you the truth!!!!

Lolly said...

The local news of the mom listening to her daughters heart has made the natl. news.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly that baby did NOT have a weight of 4 1/2 lbs roclmbo=rolling in chair laughing my butt off.

The one you spoke of on the news would have had me crying too Lolly.

Lolly said...

Dana, Judie asked the weight of "it". The object we are bring for the open house.

hedgie said...

I had taped the ABC morning show to see the stuff aboout NZ----they had that story, too, Lolly. I was in tears, and all of the newscasters were, too---even George Stephanopolis. They couldn't even talk for many seconds.

hedgie said...

Thanks for putting up your pics, Dana.
Send me a pic of Little Man for the FB page, please!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Lolly so it fits in a bread box and weighs 4 1/2 lbs.
Any other clues I miss?

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn will need to try and scan with old computer one's so slow. Will try though.

Lolly said...

Nope, does NOT fit in my breadbox!

Lolly said...

Off to prepare dinner!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Lolly what clues have you given out. I now want to play too lol

Lolly said...

Just cobwebs on the cam!

hedgie said...

Interesting article, Dana.

LOL, Lolly----it's not very heavy!

wvgal_dana said...

Remember the cat I kept talking about in here the "white cat". The one the lady across the street was feeding outside with other strays. Also I said it was in the community paper for the June yard sale "male white cat/neutered missing". I kept going over and talking to the woman that was feeding the strays. She had lied and said it wasn't a male. I had called the people and stayed there and told them their cat was here now. They came and he tried to pick it up but it stratched the man. Him and his wife could not understand why it wouldn't let them hold it. I told them the strays here that it has been around plus the female cats here. Anyhow the lady brought down her cat box. The woman feeding the strays was suppose to the next morning before going to work put the cat in the ladies carry ---she DID NOT. She told me she didn't like those people.
( : ( : ( : I had told the lady keep coming and stopping and telling the woman you want her help to get your cat and DON'T LET UP!! She didn't let up. Now Simba will be inside during the cold winters plus he is home with his best pal a female pug. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Is any tv show on tonight that a new and not re-runs ie Bones, Criminal Minds etc.???

Judie said...

Dana, that is such a terrific story about Simba. So happy he is back home and will be loved and cared for. You are such a sweetheart to not give up♥♥♥

Well, anyone who wants to visit my class is always welcome, anytime. I'll provide directions.

Very heartwarming story about the heart transplant. What a loving legacy for life.

Lynn, so excited for Carolyn. Hope the emergency was resolved for the better. You both must be so excited and pleased. You GO Carolyn!

Dinner, obviously, is over and kitchen cleaned up. So off to check Dana's swallows and then try to watch some tv and read today's newspaper. Will return.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie your comment helped me to remember to contragulate Carolyn on her first call she tended to. Sorry Mom missed it. Mom I'm sure there are going to be others.

hedgie said...

Just had a lovely BIG 6-pt. buck on the mineral lick!

hedgie said...

Dana---CSI:NY and Criminal Minds on CBS, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice on ABC.....9 & 10pm

NatureNut said...

Back--taking a dinner break. Done w/housework, but have other things I want to do.
What a bummer on Stinkbug news. Said to keep them out of house, plug all openings! DUH An exterminator said he has been killing those that are inside.These are the Chinese accidental imports from a few years ago & are wanting to come in now for warmer place for winter. I have seen lots of ladybugs do the same thing, especially at the Park, but we like them!!
Dana, that is a wonderful cat story. Good for you!
Was outside earlier and saw a traveling hummer girl!She had to be a visitor as she checked out flowers, feeder, windsocks & chimes, woody's suet and some windows. She hovered by me and looked at my coffee cup that's red inside!!Got some pics---hope to download this month!!!LOL
Gonna eat---guys just called & are down in VA. This time we're keeping poor scaredy cat upstairs!!!

Lolly said...

Wahooo! Greys and PP! Have been waiting for those two.

Dinner is ready in a few minutes. Trying a new recipe. Nibbles indicate it is going to be good. Off to make a salad to go with the meal. BBL

hedgie said...

Oh, she's been doing morning report (out of service equipment) and acknowledges medic units in and out of service. But this was a true "dispatch'!!! Yep, very proud! Suspect that she will be getting more and more air time every day now.

NatureNut said...

YAY, Congrats to Lynn's Carolyn.

BTW, working on a project for Open House dinner raffle.It does have something to do with the Avian species and might fit in a breadbox!

hedgie said...

Dana, I'm sure that Lolly doesn't remember all the clues anymore! We have asked too many questions!!

wvgal_dana said...

Love those mineral licks much better that the white salt licks ( :

some tv time for the dog lol

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, do we have to play more guessing games???? Can't wait to find out what yours' is, too!

Beginning to think that little Marcus kidnapped his gg'ma!! Jo----we're still waiting for details!

Dana, good that you and owners of kitty were persistant!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

been scanning for any reports on Granny Riffe here...don't see any....
does anyone have an update
please and thanks

Good to hear of Carolyn's progress must be very proud

Way to be diligent, Dana...nice that Simba and owner have been reunited...

Loretta, someone told me once"
"The essence of freedom is the ability to be taken by surprise."
Hope you feel a lot of freedom, with the surprise overnight company!

Judie...glad you classroom day was stellar today ☺

What a Moon tonight! Notice how the Moon and position of Jupiter changed from last night??
Last night vertical, tonight, horizontal in relative positions to each other

magpie said...

oh meant to edit that...excuse the typos

magpie said...

oh on the still cam, looks like a little "opening" (almost heart shaped...) to the nest in the midst of the spider strands...noticeably different view -

magpie said...

I loved your report of when you sleep...thanks for answering my question!
Going to the movies to get a good nap - bless your heart...

best wishes on all your schooling and your tests... I would say "Good Luck" but, I think it is more a matter of your studying, your intelligence, and your tenacity...that makes those good grades happen !!

magpie said...

9 o'clock is approaching:
Enjoy those favorite shows !

Lolly, sure am getting excited about your trip! You sound very organized....WHAT are those grandsons and their parents going to do without you and Jack for such a long stretch !

xo Best wishes on all the final preparations

hedgie said...

Time for Grey's! BBL.

stronghunter said...

Stopping in just to say good night. It was a busy day. I skimmed over the messages. See you later.

Lolly said...

Dinner is over and now Grey's is about to start.

Yea, Loreeda, glad you are getting in the game. Hmmmm? Must be smaller than what I am bringing.

Lolly said...

Margy, that is the down side! However, Laurel and I will talk every day!

Talked with her a little while ago. Jacob had a t-ball game. He slammed the ball into the outfield. Way to go Jacob!!!

hedgie said...

Here you go, Margy! From Sissy on FB:
Tom is at the hospital. They have had Granny up twice in a chair, she is doing alot better but not out of the woods just yet, Dr. O'Saile said. They are giving her antibiotics and a Lasix IV. They have got to get rid of that fluid as that is the major problem now, the congestive heart failure. He said they didn't say anything pneumonia, so I will find out more about that later. Prayers work miracles.

magpie said...

Understand Lolly...yay for communications!
and YaY Jacob !

Good Night Shirley
(( hugs ♥ ))


round and sorta flat
round and not flat
NOT homemade, though....

those are my clues for my things

time for a shower
ttfn xo

magpie said...

Thank you Hedgie for the FB update regarding Mrs. Riffe..sounds better this evening than last evening!

ttfn xo

Lolly said...

Just from Sissy right now:

Beverly Crisco Riffe Granny has pneumonia in her right lung but her vital signs are stable. They are still having trouble getting the fluid off of her. She has been up twice today and Tom and Mattie said she is pretty sassy this evening. Thanks so much for all the prayers. She is not totally out of the woods but she is much better than she has been. We are heading to bed. Good night FB friends and family! Love and hugs!!

Lolly said...

Love it, Margy! Clues that make no sense!

magpie said...

ok just caught your update too Lolly... appreciate that you folks are keeping those of us not on facebook, up to date

Lolly said...

Just think...a week from tonight we will be in New Hampshire. Highs in the 60's, lows in the
40's and 50's. I can deal with that. However, not happy with the rain predicted. Oh, well....

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Back from greeting the guys from TN!I have got to get some pictures of the 3 generations of Opelmania tomorrow morning in front of grandson Keith's car trailer! It is enclosed!! 24' w/ pics of 2 cars on side & large vertical OPEL.
Opel was a small German import sold by Buick in the 60's-'75.They had sedan(Kadett), station wagon, and our fave, the GT which looked like a mini-Corvette.
Frank worked on them as a hobby & for others after we got our 1st one in '68. He was known as the Opel man. Both boys got one for 16th B'days & daughter, Sherry, got royal blue GT for HS graduation.It went to TX w/her & now Keith has it!!All in the family! Frankie, Jr. is mechanical expert. Now grandson Keith is known as the Opel man. He restores any car for a living now.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, depends on the size of your breadbox!!! LOL

Glad to hear Granny Riffe is rallying even w/her infirmaties. Prayers for her and all who need them.

hedgie said...

Dana---don't know where my mind is----Criminal Minds was LAST NIGHT (and ot was good, but disturbing)----tonight at 1o is The Mentalist, whci I guess you already found out!

NatureNut said...

Grandson is downstairs watching Mentalist. The other 2 are watching super Barrett-Jackson car auctions. Some go for $100,000!!

BTW, the big, bad older cat is hiding under daughter's old bed in what's 'puter room now!

hedgie said...

Loretta, an old high school boyfriend's father was Buick Zone Manager for DC area.....BOb had several Opels----and we used to take the GT to a race track in Marlboro, I think it was, and he raced it!!! I'll tell him about your family history with them!

magpie said...

I remember Opels, Loretta!
high school pal had one many years ago
sounds like some fun times with some talented family at your place

Going to head to the pillows...
wondering what Jo will have to report about newborn baby Marcus...

Prayers for wellness, and comfort during tough times

tomorrow, is Red Friday
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm back for a bit to say hello and catch up some.

Dana, GOOD WORK! So glad that Simba is back with his family, and will have a nice, warm winter with his good buddy, the pug!

Prayers continue for Granny Riffe.
So happy that she sounds better tonight! Prayers for her family, too. Fellow prayer warriors, hit your knees and agree with me in prayer that Granny will come through this just fine! God bless her!

Well, need to go clean up the kitchen and watch "Grey's" and "Private Practice," so will leave the night light and the porch light on. Have said prayers for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, don't let the stink bugs in, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Hornby cam is back up on !

Lolly said...

Grey's and PP were both good! Great to have my programs back. Can not get interested in Dancing with the Starts this season and American Idol is not worth watching until them get down to the last 10 or so.

hedgie said...

And wouldn't you know....I can't get it to open.......argh!

hedgie said...

When does Idol start up, Lolly?

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Marcus Philip is as beautiful in person as in his pic. Hard to let go of him when he is nestled in your arms. BUT when Aunt Jenny & Aunt Susie are waiting their turns to cuddle him - what are you going to do. More pic later- He was 7 lbs 5 oz and 19 3/4" in length. He was born at 12:30 am - 4 pushes after water broke and there he was! God is Good

Lolly said...

Well, Jo, you could have told them "No way!" After all, you are the GREAT Grandma!!!! Only kidding, of course. Isn't it great to cuddle a little one. So happy for you!

Lynn, not sure when AI is going to start.

hedgie said...

Well, gang, this chick is beat. Heading for the tub. See all y'all in the morning. Prayers continue to for Andy says, we ARE prayer warriors. G'night.

Bear Report

hedgie said...

Jo---left a comment on your FB post! Won't repeat it here, so switch back!! Rest well, dear GG'Ma.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay for you Jo, glad you got to see little Marcus.

I had a friend who had an Opel GT, he loved it.

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay,

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Going to the TCU vs SMU game tomorrow. Going to the SMU tailgate party. Would you believe my son had the nerve to tell me not to wear purple! I told him I was wearing purple and that was that!!! He and Ashley went to SMU Law School. Actually Ashley went to SMU all four years before Law School. But, you can be sure I will proudly have my purple on and be happy to see TCU smash SMU.

Time to call it a night.

See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for all your loving and caring comments to me about Marcus Philip!
Talk with you all tomorrow.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Granny, Karen and all who are in need and have wants.

Praise to the Lord for little blessings of joy
Hugs to All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Did I tell you that I had a very
wonderful day today this September 23
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

NatureNut said...

Time to call it a day.
Wonderful day for many, especially JO & the new baby!!! Congrats to you & family.
Prayers for Granny Riffe and everyone else.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Good Friday Morning
Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Waiting an eagle at NCTC
but there IS one at BWO - oh make that two

Best wishes for a good day today

Hope you have some RED to wear for the military

Great baby report, Jo ☺ ♥

xo ttfn leaving for work soon

hedgie said...

Morning all. Cool AM on CBS----TOM SELLECK---drool, drool!
And Tom Jones singing an old Mahalia Jackson song---neat!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, so very pleased you had time with Marcus Philip. I know you slept peacefully last night.

Very happy to hear that Mrs. Riffe is better. Wishing the pneumonia and fluid around her heart will both respond to treatment.

Hoping Shirley had a goo sleep last night.

Hi Margy. So excited you have a night off for Open House.

Loreeda, hope you are enjoying the TN visitors. I, too, remember Opels.

Lolly, congratulations on Jacob's ball-playing skills. Purple sounds nice.

Wishing all a nice morning. Off for coffee and newspaper. I think today might be a cooking day while taking care of laundry.


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land.

Not going to have rain today. Heading out to water. Say a prayer for my back please.


grannyblt said...

Morning all

No eagle action this am, just the webz...

Hope all have a great day.

hedgie said...

Another hot day ahead.
3 stinkbugs down the loo this AM---argh!
Lost another retiree this week. They seem to run in threes...this is 3rd for this month.

Judie said...

Hi Dana and Grannyblt.

Sorry, Lynn. Never easy.

Off to kitchen and laundry.

hedgie said...

Have to SIL Shannon posted on his FB "only one more week before my lovely wife comes home"! Isn't he sweet??

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land. Hello to Margy, Grannyblt, Hedgie-Lynn and Judie so far this AM. Others are probably on facebook.

Back from watering. Next year need to find another way to do this. Also back from a wonderful shower (:

Prayers that Granny Riffe continues to improve.

Mema Jo can just see you holding Marcus. Oh so sweet!!

Margy I have red shorts on.

Lolly if you hadn't said "not homemde". I would have said a walking stick with eagles on it.

Mema Jo said...

Good HOT HOT Morning!
Don't plan on doing much outside today.

Search of the Guardian Owls
starts today in theaters. I am hoping to go but not today. Holler if anyone sees it.

Helen emailed me about Lion Cub Cams - with 2 liters of cubs they now are operation 6 camera..

The 3 newest cubs

I hope we are not disappointed in Tom Selleck's new TV show. I am hoping it will be like his past 3 or so TV movies BUT it just might not be! I'm getting my hopes up though!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Dana - I think RED shorts count!

hedgie said...

Jo, the reviews on Tom's new show came out overnight from the critics----all top notch reviews! Also, Jesse Stone movie #7 is in the can---not sure of air date, and #8 is being written!!!!

NatureNut said...

Visiting relatives just left and got some pictures on the Blog! Enjoy~~~~gotta hit the trail...
Have a great day in AC!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits for the look at the new 3 cubs you sent to Mema Jo.

I miss our weather updater! amen

wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for that Info Lynn - Makes me more anxious to view the show tonight.

hedgie said...

I am not making any claims of victory yet, BUT........have not seen any more stinkbugs since the 3 earlier. Went outside and looked around and only saw 1 on house--near the door. I decided to try the cucumber thing--read that putting cuke slices in a tin pie pan and setting outside would repel I tried it last night. Put one pan outside door on each side of deck.......MTBR for sure!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Going to be a great day. Heading over to Dallas mid afternoon and wearing PURPLE and my horned frog earrings! GO FROGS! Game is going to be on TV. I will probably be purple in a sea of red. LOL

Dana, think you got me mixed up again. Our raffle gift is homemade, and it is not a walking stick, though Jack does make walking sticks!

I am having back pain that started yesterday while working in the yard and slowly got worse. Not now!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, take care of that back! NSAID and heat!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly who me get mixed up lol like when am I not I ask myself sometimes. That is what happens without my dear sweet Ed here to keep me straight.

wvgal_dana said...

Weather is hot today, tomorrow nicer and Sunday rain.

wvgal_dana said...

CORAL GABLES, Fla. — South Florida police say there's one person and possibly a bomb inside a bank near the University of Miami.

However, police could not confirm whether there were any hostages inside the Bank of America in Coral Gables, as initially reported.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Not gonna hold my breath about the rain, Dana!
Today will tie the DC record of # of 90° or above more day and it will be record-breaking.

wvgal_dana said...

my delete it blogged twice

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynnif I can get it to work. I found a great video of a 911 call for Carolyn and Margy.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn check your email I also decided to go ahead and send around funny

hedgie said...

Mmmmmm...Tom Selleck is on Ch. 9 news! My favorite man!

hedgie said...

LOL, saw it on the news yesterday, Dana! Crime just doesn't pay!

wvgal_dana said...

I think my hummers have gone. Will keep my feeder stocked for those migrating.

Lolly said...

Have moved all my house plants to the kitchen for my neighbor to water. Looks like a green house! Or a jungle! LOL

paula eagleholic said...


New Thread is Up!


movin said...





C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...