Wednesday, June 09, 2010


New thread.


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hedgie said...

Calling the others over.

Mits said...

thanks Lynn:)

hedgie said...

I think it's a good day for a nap.
I hope Palmer decides to do the same after she finsihes eating.

hedgie said...

You're welcome, Mits... :)

hedgie said...

Isn't that a lovely pic of Mei Xiang on FB? Bamboo looks so feathery!!

BEagle said...

Thank you for the Wednesday thread

Thank you for the Red Rover Hedgie.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the call over..

Eating again... I think she was taking a break earlier up by the tree trunk.


hedgie said...

If that is what it is.......hard to tell in such a small pic.

BEagle said...

Awww. Poor little fish.

BEagle said...

That really wasn't wushi, but bigger than sushi.

What would you call that?

BEagle said...

We just might see some wing work after that. All that fresh protein.

BEagle said...

Now that the poop shoot is out of the way.

BEagle said...

She is getting some lift with the wings.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over red rover lol

Which eagle Mema Jo are you talking about is Phoenix?

BEagle said...

Phoenix is dozing next to Dudley.

BEagle said...

Dana. I think you are talking about the Hornby nest.

Phoenix is the eaglet at that nest and is still a young eagle.

hedgie said...

BEagle: mushi!! (Whale size is wushi, small is sushi, so medium is mushi!)

hedgie said...

Yes, Dana. Phoenix is at Hornby.

BEagle said...


MUSHI....that will definitely work.
lol : D

hedgie said...

Think when ATWT is over I'm going to cuddle up with a throw and the dog on the sofa and take a nap, and hopefully warm up!

BEagle said...

Time to TCB.....BBL

hedgie said...

I did my good deed for the day on my way back home. Got into the development and there was a turtle smack dab in the middle of the road. So, in the deluge, I got out and put it over in someone's grass. Would hate to have seen it get run over.

Mits said...

and the turtle thanks you, Lynn:).

Mema Jo said...

Any update for MM, Mits?

Mits said...

Jo, She had a regularly scheduled gyn appt. today was going to let DR. look at face and hip. I'm hoping her poor face is not broken:(, or her hip.

Mits said...

from FINLAND FORUM.......

The first "baby-osprey" was born after 20.40...

Mits said...

sorry that would be a report from FINNEY'S FORUM not FINLAND

Mema Jo said...

Whole darn family

Hope this isn't a farewell party...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits for that update
Let us know the outcome of the Dr's visit

Have you ever heard such screaming!

Mema Jo said...

I don't believe that Lib just fed Palmer a bite! lol

Mema Jo said...

The pic you sent of the Finney osprey was beautiful.

Mema Jo said...

I hope I just heard a Thank You from Palmer
Not sure now if that is Lib or Belle - It had looked like Belle flew out........

hedgie said...

Congratulations to Finland!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Concerning Palmer
Little Miss Manners she ain't

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon!!
Wow! I could hear the squealing even thought I had the volume turned almost all the way down.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Shirley
Palmaer has been getting fish ever since 1:00 The more that come the larger they are.. This time she has to share! Adult was even
feeding her.......

Mema Jo said...

Is your school day over now?

Lynne2 said...

Hello all! WOO HOO miracle of computer was just UPSed back to Best Buy and I should have it by Friday!!!!!!!!
THey had to replace the "mother board".
Speaking of Mother, my MIL will be in shortly so I have to run. Will
catch up soon.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne
Bye Lynn

Thanks for stopping by :<}

Mema Jo said...

Adult has left nest
Palmer on edge at 2:00


wvgal_dana said...

Yes you did a wonderful nature act there Lynn1-Hedgie.

Thanks all for the fact that is Hornby nest. Now I know Phoenix is he baby and then there is Dudley.

Oh boy Finney has a (ospreylet just kidding) baby chick.

Parent flew in at Two Harbors big to do. lots of screaming. I did not see any food. Is there 2 eaglets there?

wvgal_dana said...

Ok anything special you need to do to see Hornby? I know I watched it last season.

hedgie said...

LOL, Dana, I watched it last week......and now can't get it!

hedgie said...

Lynne, did you get my email?? I didn't understand that you had already taken puter in....thought it was tomorrow, and then you had to wait 3 weeks....?? ANyway, I got your phone numbers..but didn't think to give you mine!! Will send an email and hope you get it before Sat.!

hedgie said...

Talked to Norma. She is so excited about Sat.!!! It will be good to see her, for sure.

I think Larry is pretty much resigned to not having any baby loons this year....:(

Still haven't seen the new baby at Finney, yet. She keeps looking under herself, but hasn't stood up for me!

hedgie said...

Rain has stopped least for now. Norma said it had stopped in Romney, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent flys in again at Two Harbors driving two eaglets madly screaming. I don't think a food drop. Yet one eaglet looks like it is mantling while other eaglet looks on. Will keep watching to see.

wvgal_dana said...

YES YES the one must have gotten the food. Can't make out the #'er on the orange tag.

wvgal_dana said...

Other eaglet just snuck in and stole a piece of food for itself at Two Harbors. Now both are eating. Good job of stealing....waited a long time to snatch it.

Mema Jo said...

Just signing back on - \
Lynn Please ignore email! you are one step ahead of me!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door
It is Ally day

Keep your eyes on our nest!


paula eagleholic said...

Palmer has eaten waaay to much to fledge today, LOL!!

Saw all 3 in the nest earlier, Lib had brought yet another fish. Palmer was screeching, even tho there were 2 unfinished fish in the nest! Belle had a nice lunch from the 3rd fish, and even gave Palmer a couple of bites.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve.

Mits, thanks for the help. So strange. I loaded Adobe 10 for another cam site and then could get our cam. Then couldn't. Then couldn't again this morning, then could, now have it again. Palmer sitting at noon. Very strange how our cam sometimes comes on and sometimes not.

Jo, congratulations winning solitaire.

Lynn, sorry about the outdoor shower. How's Cinnamon? Thank you for saving the turtle!

Lolly, if not armadillo soccer how about inside bowling where it's cool and dry?

Good news, Lynne. We'll have you back here in no time.

Wishing MM a good report from doctor.

Off to check on Palmer while I can. Then will visit the other critters.

Rainy and dreary here. Think this will be a soup night.


Judie said...

Ooops, have fun with Ally, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

I think we'll be lucky if she still hasn't fledgee by Saturday!

BEagle said...

Back a minute, then off to Bible study.

Palmer was begging, I guess Belle couldn't resist sharing with the little eagle's soulful look. lol

I wonder if all that food was a boost to get her out of the nest.

BEagle said...

I think there's an echo on the blog again.

Lolly said...

I am back. We sat on the patio and watched almost an inch of rain fall. Very happy about that.

Then we left and went to the car dealer. Our new SUV has bluetooth and syncs with my phone. Had trouble downloading my phone book. However it is all working now. I press a button and the car talks to me. LOL I tell it to call Laurel and it does. Ah, technology and just at the time my brain is starting to go.

BEagle said...

I also wonder if observers will be on early tomorrow morning to see if there's a first flight.

hedgie said...

Had a nice email from Deb's sister Dianne. She had seen on the blog that Paula and Margy had been to the nest and that others are going. She really liked the Palmer drink idea, saying that Deb loved Margarita's. Told her Gene made it for Deb!!

Lolly said...

Armadillo soccer? Now I think I like that. I could kick that armadillo to outer space!

BEagle said...

Sounds like nice wheels. Very nice!
Like Batman and his Batmobile.

Palmer is practicing lift off.

Lolly said...

Glad you are still in contact with Dianne, Lynn. I lost all contact when our computer died and I lost my addresses.

BEagle said...

Get square toe boots and kick that armaball to the moon.

Lolly said...

Palmer is looking down. lol Thinking "Man, it's a long way down. Can I really fly?"

wvgal_dana said...

Both parents just flew in at Two Harbors. Parents are eating; both have fish. Is the two eaglets ever SCREAMING!!

wvgal_dana said...

Now one of the eaglets has run over to take the fish from the parent. Parent would not let eaglet have it.
So the other parent left its fish laying and ran over and forced the other parent out of nest. Taking its fish and feeding the two eaglets with it. WOW!!! Excitement!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn1-Hedgie love you are staying in contact with Deb's sister Dianne.
Tee hee Gene making that drink in Deb's Honor ( :

Lolly said...

Palmer is settling down for a nap.

BEagle said...

Rushed to the Two Harb's nest to see the excitement. The bigger one usually grabs the food.

The adult is still good about making sure the smaller one gets fed.

BEagle said...

Phoenix's feet are standing next to Dudley.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn1-Hedgie when you talk with her again. Let her know there is always something reminding me of Sweet Deb.
In community yard sale here was a Kayak - boy did I start talking about our Deb. I miss her and loved her special and I mean special friendship she had with us. As scared of water (no level bottom like a pool). Deb probably has him up there kayaking all around God's beautiful waters.

BEagle said...

I suppose the WE eaglets will be banded tomorrow.

BEagle said...

Palmer will have to let all that food settle a bit. She's still laying down.

Judie said...

Things seem quiet at all the nests. Palmer settled in for awhile, looks like. TH and WE are quiet -- missed the action, of course.

Off to seek some food.

Lolly said...

I have a nephew who is a chiropractor. He just put on FB he is a "spine whisperer". ROFLMBO I was laughing so hard, I snorted.

hedgie said...

From Pandas International: Tai Shan is doing very well in his new home. Here is a video of Tai Shan and his trainer. According to the video, which is in Chinese, a Senior Rep from the auto company that adopted Tai says they are planning a big party for Tai’s birthday on July 9th.

Tai Shan video

Lolly said...

Just saw the video, Lynn. Tai looks great.

hedgie said...

BEagle, I thought West End had already been banded. Supposedly this past weekend was the last of their banding efforts out there.
Anyone else remember??

Lolly said...

Palmer is once again perched on the edge at 10 o'clock. Is he contemplating taking off?

hedgie said...

Lolly, you have email!
Glad you got some rain----hope ours is over!

hedgie said...

LOL, Lolly, Bill went to chiropractor today and he sure wasn't whispering to his spine!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, no, me and my big mouth---it's raining again.

Lolly said...

Guess I should go think about dinner. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn1-Hedgie loved the video. I really chuckled when he was let out to roam. Up a tree he went. Remembering the times late in evening and his trainer was trying to get him to come down out of the tree. That's our Tai Shan!! Wonder if Tai has learn't Chinese lol

magpie said...

Palmer is a tree-hugger this evening, getting some cover from those beautiful sycamore leaves

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
or afternoon to the West Coasters


magpie said...

got all my new Megan and Shepherdstown Market flowers and plants planted, and six-foot stakes for the two tomato plants from my brother-in-law from two months ago...
They are TREES !

Jo and I, we will have a contest to see who gets to eat the first tomato from our Megan Totem plant!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

To answer your question belatedly, yes, my school day was over. The bell rings at 3:20. I had turned the volume down so the students would not hear eagle squeals and get distracted, but I could hear Palmer just after the kids left.

I had to rush around and take down all of the posters. We can't have any posters or anything that might give away an answer when the kids are taking an SOL test. I had hoped to leave the posters up over the summer, but then they scheduled a test in my room.

The chemistry teacher is giving the test to my students, and I am giving the chemistry test. We are not allowed to test our own students.

The rain at the nest is getting harder.

hedgie said...

Margy wondered what you were up to today!! Hope you slept well---good day for sleeping.
Dana, they had already said that Tai had learned many of the commands in Chinese. Did you notice his trainer had a whistle? Looked like the dog whistles that humans can't hear.

Mema Jo said...

We are even Steven Lynn - Your were one up on me having phoned Norma but
I had already give out your and Wanda's cell phone to our Nest visit list!

wvgal_dana said...

LOLLY you are cracking me up here. Little Man (doggie) is looking at me as, "what is she laughing so hard at?". I can't stop I have tears in my eyes. Well laughter is good for the soul. Your nephew chiropractor said he is a "spine whisperer". I'm still laughing can hardly type that phrase. Thanks Lolly for the laughs.

hedgie said...

Why won't the rain wash away that stupid web???????

magpie said...

sure thinking of Mary Margaret....and will be very anxious to get the updates from the doctor's visit,
Prayers for healing and wellness

also read all about Hunter's baseball in the eye saga, hope he is doing okay too ..and Tom: some people have no heart at sure he works as hard as everyone else in the family to please and do for others !

Want to hear what kind of baby food GG got today from Wanda...
I LOVE baby food ! But I hope GG is up to eating regularly too....
too much good cooking in that family to miss out on !

magpie said...

thanks for the Finney Osprey report, Mits...
was watching her, and waiting for news from YOU !

Nice turtle rescue, Lynn
might be one of Myrtle's relatives ☺

magpie said...

prayers for Ed's Aunt Anna Mae, Dana.
I read all your posts this morning but had to read and not post...
very busy in the nest today, I did see "the whole darn family" and that large catfish (?) that was brought in...also saw Belle feed the "Baby" - Sweeeeeet !

magpie said...

fantastic report from Wanda on the soup kitchen, and what the church does with the leftovers for the Bethany House....
what a blessing, all the way around
xo (( hugs ♥ ))

sorry to hear if/that the Ceil's soup and sandwich ministry might not continue...hope something can be worked out there...

magpie said...

Palmer is on the move

magpie said...

thanks Lynn for that info from Deb's sister Dianne...
very nice to know she is keeping in touch....

magpie said...

thought I was going to be off tonight, but got snagged for midnight to 0600 :(

mystery garden gloves are from upstairs neighbor fellow...
I promised him some tomatoes in return

Have to nap now, thinking of everyone in all our Eagle corners...
our needs and our joys...
and prayers for these things too...
ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

Laughing when I see BEagle refer to egg in Phoenix nest as Dudley like a few years ago on the WildWatch eagle cam nest we referred to an unhatched egg as Eggbert! For the life of me I can't remember the location of that
cam! Help me out!

magpie said...

Oh, could sure use a Poop Shoot Facial right about now, you know, hitting the 100 mark and all that ☺
okay bye

magpie said...

Jo -
Washington State, you probably already got the answer, I think it is correct
very wet at the Osprey nest now

Wildwatch Link to many Nest Cams

having fun with Ally?

magpie said...

oh sorry, that might not be the right link but it IS a good one to some of the wildwatch cams

better quit while I am behind


stronghunter said...

Decided to order a pizza tonight. Hungry. Too tired to cook.

Picked up an ad from Papa John's. All about how they deliver, and how long it has been since they delivered to our house, the offering a special deal on carry-out.

stronghunter said...

then offering a special deal on carry-out.

stronghunter said...

I guess those white things are bones or some kind of nestover. It sounds like there has been a lot of eating at the nest today.

stronghunter said...

Maybe you all will get to see Palmer's first flight.

magpie said...

Hi Shirley, I didn't leave quite yet.
Oh Pizza, wish I lived closer and I could mooch!

One thing about the nest visit, there will be lots of cameras, lots of pictures, and it might just seem that we were there !

okay, really, good night now
emails all done, and one last loving look at Palmer

Judie said...

Banding was a two harbors not west end, I think.

Confused: I don't recall anything about Ceil's soup kitchen. Thought just Wanda and Gene. Well, if it is Ceil's soup kitchen, I hope it stays in business.

The on again off again saga continues. Cannot see nest. Grrrr. Will try again later and, no doubt, will be blessed with a view of Boris's artwork.

Judie said...

Have a good, quiet shift Margy.

glo said...

Stopping by to say HI. I got to enjoy and see Lib, Belle Palmer and a fish being chowed down this afternoon for a while Live without freezing. It was a good thing :-). hope all is well with everyone here.

stronghunter said...

Well, Judie, the artwork of Boris is visible right now.

magpie said...

Thanks Judie

I think the nun (Sister Catherine) who has being doing it for 20 years is retiring at Ceil's Soup Kitchen- and they are not sure if the ministry will continue...

magpie said...

wondering if the priest will continue, that was from a day or so ago, Judie..

Hi Glo, hope all is well with you too...

alarm clocks are set, guess I better go to bed before they go off

xo (( hugs ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

Margy, I would love to share a pizza with you.

hedgie said...

So sorry you got snagged, Margy. Boo.
Is the upstairs neighbor guy new? How old? Single?? Good looking????

Shirley, how is Hunter feeling today? Sore, I bet! Poor kid.

ceil said...

Evening all. I have been cleaning, cooking, shopping and studying. I did not see MM today but talked to her and she says she is fine. She went to the gyn man today. Wrong end. But we have gone to him for years. If he was concerned he would have said so.
Shirley how is Hunter. Hope he is doing well.
Judie yes soup and sandwich has been around for over 20 years. Sister is 76 and retiring. I don't think it is her choice. As far as this priest seems to be for money only not helping people in need.
Well back to the books.

stronghunter said...

Just called Kathryn. Hunter is fine, but his eye is very black. He is playing baseball now, so Kathryn could not talk long.

hedgie said...

Sorry, BEagle....I was wrong, you were right! West End is tomorrow. They expect to get to nest between 11-12 their time. Unless they clean off lens first (which they didn't do til they were putting chicks back at the others), we won't see much!

hedgie said...

Ceil, that really is too bad about the soup kitchen. Stop working so hard, gal!!! Glad to hear that MM is doing okay. Tell her she's joined the Momsters Klutz Club.

Shirley, good that Hunter went out to play again. Guess it's not raining there??

stronghunter said...

Not raining right now, but it has rained off and on today.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said she would call me when they get home. I might be jumping to a conclusion. I hope he played.

Lolly said...

Which one of you is going to volunteer to deliver a hug to Norma from me? Need a volunteer that is good with hugs!☺

Lolly said...

I went to the kitchen to think about dinner and there was Jack. He had bacon frying....ahhh, breakfast for dinner! We had a delicious omelet with grits and bacon. Then we went outside to walk around for a while, but now I am back on the ice. It is very pleasant outside after the rain. There is so much I want to do, but I am refraining until my back is better.

paula eagleholic said...

JO, it wasn't the Kent nest, but the other nest...Puget sound or something like that...the nest is no longer online

paula eagleholic said...

Finished mowing, got dogs fed and some dinner for me to. Don't think it rained as much up here as in Frederick, grass was wet, but mowable.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I'll hug Norma for you!
She is very huggable!

Sounds like a great dinner.

Lolly said...

From FB......Hope came in to feed at 6:30 PM. -- SM

Thank you, Paula! Be sure to tell her it is from me and that I miss her!

stronghunter said...

Will was mowing here when I got home this evening, so I guess it wasn't that wet here.

Mema Jo said...

That's it Paula - Puget Sound

Paula you hug Norma for Lolly and I'll handle Lolly's new Palmer drink.

How about those mystery gloves - very nice gesture. I think someone appreciates your flower garden!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lolly - Hope is starting to get on a fixed schedule. Happy they have the trail cams!
I wonder if Lily found her boyfriend?

Judie said...

Ceil, guess I just didn't know about the soup and sandwich. Sure hope things work out in terms of continuing to serve others. Glad MM is doing okay.

Well, no matter about Boris. Can't see anything anyway. Grrrrr!

Glad Hunter has only a big black eye to boast about. Maybe like riding a horse -- have to get up and start riding again -- if he's still interested and playing the fear didn't take hold.

Margy, when you return, please let us know about the nice man upstairs. Not every man would give you gloves. If it's a pickup tactic, I think it might be a new one. lol

Yummy! I love a.m. in the p.m. Double yummy on the grits.

Off to watch some crime stuff.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I was going to volunteer to be the Norma-hugger, but Paula beat me to it!!
Glad that Hope has been to the bar again!
Shirley, how did the indoor picnic go today? You didn't have to provide the food, did you??

Lolly said...

I posted the new picture of Hope on a new blog. You will see what one it is. I know there are some who do not have FB.

Lynn, you just go ahead and deliver another one. I am sure Norma can use lots of hugs.

Jo...I am counting on Capt Gene to save my Palmer drink so I can have it next Oct. LOL No, you go ahead drink mine, and make a toast to Deb for me!!! I will just make sure Capt. Gene makes me another in Oct.

Mema Jo said...

Just caught a glimpse of Ken on the Snowman Cam - was hanging a feeder (?)

stronghunter said...

Kathryn called. She said Hunter played some, but that she's getting a little unhappy because it seems that the coaches' children get to play more than anyone else. He was on a team last year that he really enjoyed, but got changed to another team because of the way the system works.

Oh, the politics of little league sports.

stronghunter said...

I will sign up for a Palmer drink in October, too!!

stronghunter said...

Must go do some laundry. BBL.

I am thinking more and more about not going to graduation this year. I have never missed it, but I am tired and, to tell the truth, do not know if I can function that well so far from a bathroom. It will cost me a day of sick leave, and I do enjoy seeing the kids graduate, but I have so many papers to grade and could use a full weekend to get it done. It would be easier to miss graduation than to miss a school day.

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of wind at West End; really bad.

Costume Lady said...

As I recall, it was the Puget Sound nest that housed EGGBERT.

Kent was one of my favorites, Star and "whats his name". I guess that nest never got put back together?

As I watched Palmer this morning, I decided she HATES the rain. EVERYTIME the rain was intense, she stomped and flapped to high heaven...even tried to fly away from it a few times! LOL
I think she will wait until we get there Saturday, before she fledges:)

BEagle said...

The banding on the West End nest will be tomorrow according to the web site. The 10th and they hope to arrive at the nest between 10 and noon.

The last banding was at Pelican Harbor on May 27th. These two got antennas.

The first banding was at Two Harbors.

I got to see some of the TH banding event but missed the PH event. Will miss the WE tomorrow.
Work you know.
on May 23rd.

BEagle said...

The May 23rd was NOT supposed to be at the end of my posting. I have GOT to Preview!

paula eagleholic said...

LOlly, I'll have the alcoholic Palmer drink for you, cause I know Jo won't :)

She can have the non alcoholic one :)

And there will be plenty of hugs going around!

BEagle said...

It rained almost all day here. My grass is getting big.

Someone let their dog POO on my walkway! I am going to post the ordinance that they are supposed to pick up their doggie business!

I am going to catch them, I am, I am.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, Judie, my grits buddy. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Craving some chocolate here....found a small package of brownie mix...boy they smell good!

BEagle said...

Is someone going to tell me what the Palmer drink is?

Mema Jo said...

We don't know yet BEagle - It is a new concoction that Capt Gene Wright of the Eagle Express has for us at the
nest visit. There is on of Strawberry flavor with alcohol and then one plain without alcohol.

We will taste it on Saturday as we drink to Deb Palmer!

One other drink Capt Gene makes is the famous Poop Shoot! Yummy!

hedgie said...

I made chocolate pudding, Paula! It is hitting the spot!

BEagle said...

I sure do like brownies. I mean really, really like them.

paula eagleholic said...

Wish I could send you one, BEagle

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone know anything about the Oklahama Cam?

BEagle said...

My imagination is going wild thinking of drinking a Poop Shoot.
That should go down in history.

BEagle said...

I think the Oklahoma cam is out of commission until next season.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, the last eaglet that was in the nest...well, there was some sort of attack right at nightfall, and the eaglet was found under the nest the next day. He did not survive. I haven't checked on the cam since then, it is probably down, I don't know, but I'll check it for you.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh by the way I have been wanting for a long time to get ahold of Carol Mick. Just things keep making me postpone calling. When I did over weekend she wasn't there. Tried tonight and we talked for a good while. She is fine but busy. It was nice talking to one of our long time Eagle friends.

wvgal_dana said...

Sure can't see much of Palmer at night time. Can you?

Jo did you watch Criminal Minds?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, if you click on the 2010 nesting season events link, it tells you what happened. Now they think the second chick fell out of the nest as well.

BEagle said...

I don't get those pretty sunsets at TH nest anymore :(.....

BEagle said...

I'm missin' out on a brownie.

paula eagleholic said...

After reading the chat comments at OK, looks like they still have the cam on, but it hasn't been working today. So there's the answer.

wvgal_dana said...

Really flapping wings at Pelican Harbor.

Not too good of view at West End.

Parent just arrived with food at Pelican Harbor.

paula eagleholic said...

Beagle, guess it wouldn't help if I told you I'd eat one for ya!

Mema Jo said...

Another pic for you to take from FB to your album Lolly

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, how are you liking your laptop?

Lynn, any luck with Axis installation?

Mema Jo said...

Dana , I didn't watch Criminal Minds because it was a repeat. I have to wait until next season to see it.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Shirley - I thought you were going to say that you would miss graduation just to come to the Nest Visit......
I got my hopes up!!! I know I will look forward to October and pecan pie!

hedgie said...

Paula, AXIS says it's webmania's problem. Says they are using a very old endcode and need to update their firmware to Axis Media Control in order for their site to be available for Windows 7 users. Told them I thought that other users w/ 7 were getting it. I sent them a message. Someone else had posted on their homepage about not being able to get it who knows????

stronghunter said...

I would love to skip graduation and go for a nest visit. It is very tempting, but I have too much work to do. People keep asking me to do extra jobs because I'm a teacher of seniors and the seniors aren't attending classes, but I had scheduled myself to finish up my research papers at this time. Everybody is busy at this time of the year, and I would feel really bad if I didn't do my share.

Lolly said...

Thanks Jo! I went and save the second picture and added it to the blog. However, it is small. Sue sent this one differently.

paula eagleholic said...

New update on Hope is in,.

Lolly said...

Sue sent three pics. I have loaded all three to the Hope blog.

wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet on Two Harbors is defeathering something. Don't know if parent brought did.

paula eagleholic said...

Spidey is out and about...did he just get that moth?

Lynn, I have 7, and the link they sent me worked....

Oh there goes flying spidey again.

paula eagleholic said...

Are you able to get to the download link OK that Axis sent you?

Judie said...

Paula, how about chocolate grits? Maybe we could get on a cooking show with a new dessert.

Shirley, how will your students feel if you're not there? As long as they are not disappointed, grade the papers.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Going to sleep so please don't slam the door. Andy, if you please, set our alarm for us. Pleasant eagle dreams.

wvgal_dana said...

Some kind of bird.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Hope is an adorable little cub
I just love her and am so thankful that Sue keeps all of us updated.
They have a very small collar for Hope but are waiting to gain her confidence.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the info about the update, Paula.

BEagle said...

Thanks Paula. Go ahead and have another brownie for me, I can handle it.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I think they want me to be there, but the others will be disappointed if I don't get the papers graded quickly.

stronghunter said...

Some of the kids graduating are very special to me. I will have to think about it. Graduation is a major undertaking. It is at 9:00 AM, but I have to be there by 7:30 and it will be maybe noon by the time I get home.

paula eagleholic said...

Sure can do, BEagle! :)

stronghunter said...

Our teachers march with the students at graduation. We sit on the field with them. (And grab beachballs, etc., as they bounce our way.)

BEagle said...

sounds like you are between a rock and a hard place.

Lolly said...

Can't believe Lynn forgot to turn on Lily's GPS.

Anyway, good report on Hope. She is moving around. Also, have posted a 4th picture on my Hope blog.

Lolly said...

There was just a short little report on the news tonight about a cub found in Alaska. It was being given a new home somewhere. Just caught a tiny bit of the short report. Maybe if I google I can get more.

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs. I have to get to work early tomorrow so I can give a chemistry test.

Good night!!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, Judie asked you a very good question. By the way you answered, I will bet you go to graduation if it is only because a few special seniors will be looking for you to be there. JIMHO

hedgie said...

Hmmm.....can't believe that Lynn ROgers forgot to turn on the GPS on Lily. Wonder if she will continue on her way or return to home territory so that Lynn can turn it on?! And how 'bout that bear traveling 17 miles in a day. WOW!!! Sure glad he didn't meet up with a plane at the airport!!
Sweet little Hope seems to be doing well.

Lolly said...

Found the story

Bear cub headed to Texas

Not sure how I feel about this. Hope has it made!

hedgie said...

I have been trying all day to figure out who Chrissy's Frank reminds me just came to me. Bill Macy from "Maude". Check it out and see what you think.

Lolly said...

Be sure to click on the picture of the orphaned bear cub. It is so cute!

Mema Jo said...

I think that Ally played Mema out this evening. We were make believing that we were making cakes. Her Dad came and of course he and Mema cleaned it all up while she insisted she was NOT ready to go home!
What I am saying is that I am heading
back the hallway to get ready for bed.
Be back to say Good night shortly.

hedgie said...

Paula, Axis didn't send me anything......what link?

hedgie said...

I made two changes to my puter that they told me to do, and it didn't make any difference.

Mema Jo said...

He is even smaller than Hope..
Cute as a button!

magpie said...

Two ospreys at Finland Water nest

Mema Jo said...

New shot of the lunch line-up at BWO
I can finally see them all in that row

magpie said...

and daylight is breaking at Finney too, so maybe, a view of the chick soon

and I think maybe some HP at Finland, not sure

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...