Wednesday, June 02, 2010


New thread.


magpie said...

Well Hello New Thread, Steve, and Momsters and Dadsters.

Thank you Steve, will go to old thread and let the others know

magpie said...

I see Ragdoll posted the new thread news already, thanks Ragdoll ☺

PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve, your timing is perfect ... I just finished catching up.

Hi everyone. Waiting for news of our absent little bear, Hope, and the H-burg falcon.

Lolly, hope your kitty is okay. I worry about all the animals online and in our homes. Prayers to St. Francis for all God's creatures.

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! Did you get pulled in to work earlier? Could have sworn I heard you when I woke up.

hedgie said...

Think Palmer is eating...parent in nest again.

magpie said...

No not me, Lynn, but was on teleconference with the office for about an hour :(

headed back for sleep now, go in at 6 pm

Best wishes for continued good reports on Lolly's cat Annie....
and that Sissy just stuffs a pillow in the one will guess she has a swollen tush...
best wishes on the house plans, Sharon.... that's a big step....

thanks for the great Loon post, Mits

And best wishes to everyone else here, and prayers for our needs

ttfn xoxox

magpie said...

See those two magnificent eagles at the Sycamore Palace !

magpie said...

wow that was fast, now just the "Baby "

movin said...

sTUFF from the other thread:

Hahaha. BWO looks like it is having tech probs to my computer.

Two images of the Mom maybe.

Looks like she was cut in half horizontally and then the two halves loosely and partially placed back together....



I see Parker is eating for herself now.

Did she grab the food and mantle it yet?? Gotta get that aggressive training in before she "gets out there amongst them..."



hedgie said...

Okay, Margy. Must have been your "twin"!

Sad little story. Town where Christie lives (Ranson, right next to Charles Town) had some municipal elections Tues. This AM's paper had article and pics of winners. One, an incumbent, who is an elderly gentleman, passed away this morning. Too bad.

hedgie said...

Wonder if they'll just select the next highest vote-getter, or need to hold another election?!

Ragdoll said...

Sorry, let you know about new thread then had a problem with a student.

Thank you Steve for the new thread. Hope you had a wonderful time in Maine. That's my State.

Lolly, prayers for you and Annie.
I also have an Annie. Her name is Annabelle after my Grandmother,but most times we call her Annie.

I had a situation with a cat. He was wet in the areas that your Annie was wet. He didn't smell like pee. He was on a tall bookcase, which he didn't belong on. Went to jump on a lower piece of furniture to get down before I saw him. Miss judged the jump and fell. Vet said he pee-ed himself. Scared him when he fell. Probably hurt when he fell, but no injuries.
I didn't believe him. He said it was true. I hope your Annie is okay. These animals turn into our babies.

Sissy, I hope all your aches and pains go away quick. The swollen and tush together doesn't sound good. ouch.

Ragdoll said...

opps, I did it again. Good afternoon to all in Eagle Land. I hope everybody is having a great day.

Speak of Hope. Worry, Worry, Worry, Sad, Sad, tears, tears. Lord please let her be found and feed.

PA Nana said...

Sissy, a swollen tush? I might have an old girdle around here somewhere.

movin said...

Well, thank G., Mom BWO has been put back together again.



Ragdoll said...

Sissy, put ice in your back pockets. That should help the swelling. I have lots of ice.

BBL. wrap up time. ^..^

Lynne2 said...

they found HOPE!!! On the way to her now!

Lynne2 said...

from FB
Lily the Black Bear Hope is alive! She has been spotted, but not yet captured. We are on our way with the food and a cage. Keep your fingers crossed!

Lynne2 said...

Been so so busy, and my computer died on me. UGH. It's in the "shop" and I might not have it for a MONTH. Right now on on a borrowed machine.

Been reading back just a bit...hope Annie is OK.

hedgie said...

Good grief, Lynne. Everyone who sends/takes their puters somewhere end up with that same time frame. Ridiculous!!! You, Thelma, Robyn....and don't remember who all else. Well, glad you are alive and well, and that you borrowed! I was jsut getting ready to post the same news.......pray that she is okay, and not going downhill healthwise.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Sissy, so sorry about your fall! Hope you heal quickly!

Lynne2 said...

yeah Lynn...mine is under warranty for anything that goes wrong hardware wise (or as they said...even if the dog pees on it) and I'm sure glad I spent that money! But they had to send it to the mfg. and 2-4 weeks was the time frame. No idea what happened to it. It survived the bad storms the other night, and I used it Friday AM but when I got home in the PM, it was DEAD.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, maybe Annie peed on it, LOL

You have to read back to get that!

Lynne2 said...

oh, poor Annie! It was just an accident I'm sure!

Hope to hear how she did at the vet's soon. I suspect that she may have peed on herself....older cats often have some degree of kidney failure which makes urine dilute and it wouldn't have a smell. I'm sure they'll run bloodwork on her.

hedgie said...

Opposite of dogs, Lynne. Theirs becomes darker, scant and smells bad.

Lynne2 said...

Bear sitings near me in the last few days...this one very close!
Bear, Owings Mills

Bear, Lutherville

Lynne2 said...

We took Pearl, now Puddles, and Daisy to the campground on our way to Terra Alta this past weekend and took a nice long walk on the trail. We ran into 2 DNR officers and they told us they just had to shoot a bear near the campground who was showing signs of being very ill. Necropsy will be done. And a sow and 3 cubs, smaller than Puddles by half according to the ranger, were seen in camp site 126 last week!

This weekend coming, the dogs are staying home with my friend Tracey when we head to TA, and we're going to go Saturday evening up to Deep Creek and hike around Meadow Mountain in hopes of spotting bear!

Lolly said...

Lynne, I do hope you spot a bear!!No bears around here, that is for sure. Have an armadillo that is already digging in my yard. Grrrr!

I am so excited that they have spotted Hope. Really wonder what they will do this time. Poor little bear! She has had a very rough life so far.

I have come in for the day. It was getting hot out there..95! Now I have to dry my hair before we head to the vets.

Thank you...all of you, for the comments about Annie. She is 15 this month, but she has always been so healthy. I am NOT ready for a sudden decline. However, I do think she has lost weight recently. She has been sleeping in just one place all morning. Poor kitty!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, would love to see a pic of your armadillo intruder!

paula eagleholic said...

So, is Puddles now an official member of your family, Lynne?

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you, Steve.

Lolly, I hope you still took Annie for a checkup and anxious to know if she's going to be her normal self again.

Sissy, missed something. What have you done to your tush?

Sharon, good luck with selling the house. What a relief for you, I think.

Jo, glad you enjoyed your Chinese and your friends.

Had lunch with a friend to get caught up. Haven't seen her for about two years. Was really nice to get out for a little while.

Hi Jim.

Ah, sheesh, Lynn. What a way to get sympathy votes!

So anxious about Hope. Hard to wait for the updates.


Judie said...

Lolly? Lolly? If it isn't too late, ask the vet to run a T4 test for thyroid function. Had forgotten how one of ours had hypothyroidism at about age 15. It's a simple blood test and can be treated. Hugs

Lolly said...

Taking Annie to the vet in about an hour. She just stirred and asked out. Then she laid down on the patio. She just is not looking well. Her coat is not looking good.

hedgie said...

Lynne, lots of bear sightings around here, too! None at my place....yet!?! It's been several years since I've seen one.
You sure have turned into quite a camper, gal!

Lolly said...

Lynn, you get a bear around your house....I will come visit you!!!! LOL I think that is very cool!

On, our honeymoon, eons ago, we were in New Mexico. Bear ran across the road in front of us. Was told we could see bears at the dump every night. Jack would not take me. Grrr!LOL

Once camping in Yellowstone, we had a bear at our campsite. We were in the car. ha! Have always been very excited about seeing bears.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, yes, as Judie mentioned, she needs a T4 test, AND please make sure they do a Free T4 as well. These are fairly standard tests on eldely cats but it can't hurt to make sure they are being done.

Yes, Puddles is now ours! Or at least officially when I get the paperwork back!

Well, I just found the source of the skunk smell in one particular area of the trail out back. Surprise, it's a skunk! Just couldn't figure out why this area ALWAYS smells of skunk, for a least a month now, and only in that one area. Mr Skunk is dead. Too far gone, I think, to see if the DNR wants it to do a rabies test. But I'll call them anyway. It's just sitting there, like it just stood there and died.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I hope if your bear visits this summer you are home to get a picture of it!

Lolly, was it a Grizzly in Yellowstone??

My dad and his buddies went deer hunting every year up in North Central Pa. One year when they were there, they got up and ready to go and then heard a commotion outside. It was a bear! Couldn't get into the trash cans but tried, and then took a nap! No one left the cabin that morning!

Lynne2 said...

from FB
Lily the Black Bear We've put food at the base of several trees nearby that Lily and Hope have bedded at in the past. No more sign of Hope. Crafty cub. -- SM

Lolly said...

I will ask about the T4 test Just saw her get up and walk across the patio. She can hardly walk, she looks stiff. My poor kitty.

Going to get ready to go. \


hedgie said...

Latest: We've put food at the base of several trees nearby that Lily and Hope have bedded at in the past. No more sign of Hope. Crafty cub. -- SM :(

hedgie said...

I'm always a day late and a dollar short!
Lynne, so glad that Puddles is now yours! Have to laugh---my ex had a mini-poo named Puddles with his first wife. Understand that he really was a piddler! Hope yours isn't.

magpie said...

if you are still on your borrowed computer:
Ranger Rick has arrived!
thank you very much!
Grandson is pleased...
so is his grandmother

Best wishes with Annie, Lolly...
and prayers too

magpie said...

wild beautiful orange butterfly weed is OUT hereabouts
will get pictures in the morning

hedgie said...

Lolly, I had a bear here 5 yrs. ago about this time, and then again about 3 yrs. ago.

magpie said...

I think I forgot to say
Good Afternoon Eagle Pals

Sissy, all kidding aside, I also hope that you will be all healed up very quickly!
sorry about the tumble

magpie said...

that's a good name, Puddles...
that and Daisy, nice clear-sounding names for pups

Glad for all the family there Lynne

magpie said...

Palmer looking so sleek at the launch pad

magpie said...

just heard my very first loon call at MN Loon nest

Lynne2 said...

Hi Margy! So glad they will be enjoyed!

Lynn, unlike many cockers who suffer from submissive urination...our Puddles doesn't, and is so named because she seems to love puddles, and water in general! She plowed right into the creek at the campground!

Lynne2 said...

Go here to click to plant a tree in a state park of your choosing!
Plant a Tree

Lynne2 said...

Palmer is snacking on a juicey fish

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne. The only two cockers I've been acquainted with were both submissive piddlers!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Just got caught up on today's blog.
Sissy, hope your tush feels much better really soon!

Also holding my breath and waiting for more news of Hope and Lily. That poor little cub! Scarcely know what to think!

Hope Annie the cat's problem is an easy fix. Glad she's going to the vet! Better safe than sorry.

Was SOOO surprised earlier today--the male Bullock's Oriole was back at the hummer feeder for a long time. Glad they're so fond of it!

Lynne, glad to hear that you are keeping Puddles--she's one fortunate pup! Hope the dead skunk situation works out OK.

Judie, glad you had a good time lunching with your friend. Getting caught up is fun!

Well, need to study some vocabulary words for one of my English classes--will be back later tonight. Hoping for some good news in later updates! :o]

magpie said...

time to make like a pea and split

work time again
came around so soon

Judie if you need any character witnesses for the "defense" I raise my hand for you..

take care all, watch the heat!
don't watch it, get out of it!

xo ttfn

Lynne2 said...

wow Andy, that's pretty cool about the Oriole! I was hoping the ones here in the yard would visit my hummer feeder, but I haven't even seen a hummer yet :(

time to get dinner ready....see you good folks later!

Mema Jo said...

Touch base again in a few - Time to get Ally for the evening...

Lynne2 said...

WHOA!!! Just looked out and saw a HUMMER at the feeder!!!!

hedgie said...

Still haven't seen but the one here, Lynne. And it wasn't anywhere near feeder.

Lynne2 said...

amongst my hummer buddies, there have been very few sitings in this area Lynn. Very strange. But my friend in S. Md. has zillions! And so does Megan!

PA Nana said...

Hi again. I was on the tempermental pc trying to find the Loon cam. Finally found it and sent it via email to my notebook. Such an ordeal.

No word on Annie yet? Sure hope that kitty is okay. We had a 20 yr. old male cat that at the end had kidney problems. Sure miss him.

Waiting for word on Hope & Lily. Sure hope they can find and catch her. They may have to intervene big time.

supper time, bbl

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are back. Annie weighed 1 lb. less than last year, 12 and a quarter pounds. She had no fever, normal temp. He could not "feel" anything. So, she is on anitbiotics and they drew blood. Will get the results in the morning, but we are headed to Denton. Dr. will call cell phone. Asked about the T4 test. He said that is our third step but actually she is not showing signs of thyroid problems. Usually carry her places in a carrier, however she is so docile right now that I carried her in my arms.
Boy was I covered in cat hair. He did tell us, like you did, that if she had wet herself that it would not necessarily smell. So, I think that is what happened. Poor kitty!

Read about Hope and so disappointed that they did not find her. Very worried about her.

stronghunter said...


Good to know that no problems have shown up yet,Lolly. Hope all the blood work is okay.

Palmer is getting in some practice flights. Making me a little nervous when she gets near the edge.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, so are they or are they not doing a thyroid panel? I only ask because if they don't, or don't have enough blood to order it once the other tests are done (the lab usually saves the samples for a few days in case other testing needs to be done) then she'd have to go back to the vet for more blood to be drawn...Please excuse my butting in, but having worked at vet hospital's (including a treatment center for hyperthyroid cats) I am always of the opinion that when bloodwork is done, do it all at once! Less stress for the kitty. Have you noticed any changes in her eating/drinking at all?

Sure is turning out to be a pretty evening here! No humidity to speak of today!

Mema Jo said...

Hello - back from eating out with Ally and her dad. Ally is watching an educational TV kids' show and writing on her paper on the clip board. Played tic-tac-toe on placemats while waiting for our food.

Lynne I did miss you and incidentally my next hair cut is June 11 at 1:00!

Lolly - Annie's actions shows she just isn't feeling up to snuff but I hope it passes quickly. 15 is a good age for cats but then Tigress was about 23.

Mema Jo said...

I keep checking on Palmer and the Loon and FB updates on Hope.

I would like to know at what age does a bear cub go out on its own?

stronghunter said...

Mom and cub stay together 16-17 month, according to the Bear website.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Wind has really picked up at the Loon nest. And there are new purple blooms on the "floor"!

hedgie said...

Lolly, news sounds encouraging about Annie. Hope labs turn out okay.

hedgie said...

I swear I'm hearing voices at the loon site....muffled, but there.

Judie said...

Hey Lynne, so glad to know that Puddles just LIKES puddles and doesn't MAKE puddles in the house.

Hi Andy! Take a break or two from studying.

Margy, thanks for the offer. Truth is, this may well be the door that opens for me to walk through and not look back. Maybe just settle into teaching the cops.

Waaaaaa! I want some cool birds in my yard. I still have Mr. Cardinal -- he likes me when I have peanuts. Otherwise, just starlings, house wrens, and there are some pretty goldfinches. Lots of squirrels. No bears.

Lolly, surely wishing Annie will be fine. Like Lynne, our boy was quite sick before we knew about thyroid problems in cats. I still think the T4s should be done sooner rather than later.

Hi Diann, Shirley, and Jo.

Margy, have a quiet night at work, please.

Going off to watch some mindless crime stuff. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening Eagle Friends.

Prayers for Lolly's Annie.
When we found Tabitha she had pee'd herself but no smell.

I tried the "plant a tree". I wanted to plant one in Capacon. Don't think it worked.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

I feel your frustration. And I see where some of the attitude is coming from.

I had a student today who was explaining to the others that his guidance counselor told him that he cannot be prevented from graduating because of absences. After he got that information, he told me that he would not be at school the next week. As far as I know, he simply decided to take the week off.

He bragged that he has missed 60 days this year. Of course, he is influencing the others.

He agreed to read a book and summarize each chapter, and then take a test on the book to make up for that week. So far, I have not seen any of that work.

Of course, I do not know what the counselor really said. Just know what the kid said. I'm thinking that I might pass the information to my department chair. She is pretty good at advocating for change.

Lolly said...

Well, I mentioned the thyroid test to the vet, but he said he just did not think that was it. We will know in the morning about the blood work, which does not include the T4 test.

Annie, is behind the sofa now. She only goes there during storms or if she is hiding from us. We are keeping her in to keep track of elimination. She did go to the patio for a while, but as soon as we came in, she asked in.

stronghunter said...

The shame is that not only do the kids not get what they should be getting, we lose good teachers like Judie.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, maybe you will get all of the answers you need tomorrow. If you want to, you can still ask about the T4 test. If they have the blood, they could still run it. I wonder how expensive the test is.

Lolly said...

I do not know how expensive the T4 test is but I know the blood work being done tonight was expensive!!

stronghunter said...

I do hope all is well with your kitty, Lolly.

Lynn, I appreciate your suggestion about the insurance issue. I will have to wait until I finish up at school to think about doing anything about that problem. Right now, I am focused on winding up the school year.

stronghunter said...

The loon feathers are iridescent tonight. Beautiful.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Gotta read this thread yet---read all the earlier posts.
We went back to the unairconditioned shop today to put lettering on another set of painted signs for the Mt. Calvert Mansion just upriver from the Park.
So, got home late, watered all the flowers (that means it Will rain tonight!)
Was able to get at work this evening & it was a newer update, but not sure the most current.

hedgie said...

Shirley, how can a kid who misses 60 days be allowed to even pass, let alone graduate? Here the parent is brought up on truancy charges at 30 days. I think you should ask the counselor exactly what this kid was told....and then ask the Sup't. how this can be allowed to happen. Ridiculous.
Judie, I hate to think that this stupid "charge' would force you to throw in the towel unless you are sure you are ready... :(

Lolly, hope Annie turns herself around overnight.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll be glad when I get the wireless router. So I can start working on my labtop. I'm too tired here from leg hurting. Have to go get it up and put ice on it.

Take care me friends.

Hope I find Iris's and Chrissy's pictures somewhere. Plus I hope I find out how to understane the tree planting.

Mema Jo said...

Ally has gone home after ice cream for her and dad. Had a very good visit!

Thanks for getting me that info Shirley about age of cubs... At times the bear sightings in the county are
like cubs or yearlings. I didn't think it was time for Hope to wander away or for Lily to wander away from her....
Hope is going to be very spoiled with the home brewed milk!

Mema Jo said...

I still don't see official update since June 1 last evening.

stronghunter said...


This student is 18. He considers himself an independent adult. I have not been able to speak with the parents because I have no phone numbers or anything. As far as I know, he does not live with his parents.

There are truancy laws here. I have no idea why he hasn't been in trouble for being truant. I haven't counted the days he has missed. He claimed he's missed 60 days.

Yes, I think I need to touch base with the guidance counselor. I have no doubt I would get a different story.

The kid is extremely arrogant. He can be very charming when he wants to get his way. Right now, his grade is barely passing in my class, but that does not include a grade for the reading assignment that I plan to hold him to. On top of everything, he is plenty intelligent, but out of control.

If he should fail, I am sure I would be challenged.

PA Nana said...

Oh Lolly, prayers that Annie will recover shiftly.

Hi Judie. Sorry to hear of your dilemna. Kids today ....
I wouldn't want to be raising kids today. Mine will tell you that I threatened them to graduate from HS; not that I had to worry. The youngest won an award for not missing a day and daughter is finishing her degree - late; but better late than never. She put in 20 years with USMC. Now have grands to worry about.

NatureNut said...

OK~~just checked Bear update & it's the same one I saw at work~~"Why" from 10PM, 6-1. I see that it rained--a bad sign--no scent trail. How far away could a baby go? Makes me feel as bad as our stray kitty problem here. We have no idea where the other 2 kittens are stashed, but the mom, Calico, still comes by for catfood. Maybe when I'm home, I can cautiously watch where she goes.I talked with a Park Ranger who came by TU & she used to work at an animal rescue & rehab place. She made me feel a lot better. Said perhaps in a couple weeks, Mom will bring the kittens back out for real food.
Gotta eat something~~~

NatureNut said...

Lolly, hope your Annie is OK!!!!

stronghunter said...

You're certainly welcome, Jo. I did a brief Internet search, then just went to There is lots of info there. I had been wondering the same thing, though I was sure Hope is far too young to get along on her own. She is not weaned yet.

hedgie said...

Check loons.......what do you see?

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, I've got a can of WHOOP ASS that needs to be opened up on your student! What a piece of work. I guess at 18, he isn't legally required to even go to school?

Jo, I've got you covered!

Guess who can't get the 11th off from his fabulous f*****g job now, which cancels our camping trip? Maybe we'll be at the nest after all! Fill me in on the details and what we can bring!

Well, Puddles had had a bath. Puddles rolled in Cat Poop in the field. Then her collar came loose and she ran under a huge pile of old telephone poles (why they are there, only my landlord knows...he'll collect anything) where it was muddy and dirty. And she was so intent on catching whatever was hiding in there that it took 15 minutes to coax her out. Meanwhile, Daisy squeezed through the gate that we thought she couldn't squeeze through (we just patched up some holes in the fence of about an acre of old horse pasture so the dogs can run off leash) and she took off. Luckily she was also fascinated by the telephone poles and easy to catch. SO, Pearl's had a bath, I've cleaned the bathroom and mopped the floor. Now I'm going to take ANOTHER shower because I have sweat buckets. Then I'm going to have ice cream,and tomorrow I'm going to call the RESEARCH LAB and see how much they will buy these 2 wretched curs for.

hedgie said...

Back egg looks like it could be open on the end....or is it just stuff on it??

Lynne2 said...

2 eggs Lynn, and pretty Loon sounds!

Lynne2 said...

I was thinking the same thing....if it's open then the chick must be out swimming!

stronghunter said...

I see what you mean, Lynn. The back egg looks odd. I do see that there is a little edge to the nest that should prevent the eggs rolling into the lake.

stronghunter said...

Lots of interesting loon calls.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I see two whole eggs!

Lynne2 said...

no word on Loon blog or FB one has seen a chick for sure.

Lolly said...

Uh oh! The research lab, huh? boy are they in trouble!!! lol

hedgie said...

Sure you will, Lynne!!! I don't believe it. Sorry about your camping trip.....but WE are a good 2nd!! I'll let you know what to bring!

Yeah, at 18 there is no legal requirement for the kid to be in school....but also no reason to let him graduate, either, under the circumstances. If he were an emancipated minor, he would have to take the truancy rap himself.

stronghunter said...

Kid I was talking about has 13 unexcused tardies, 13 unexcused absences, and one parent call this semester. I do not have records for the first semester because he was not at our school. That record does not show how many days he missed my class, though. Those are absences from school. He is on "truancy watch."

Lynne2 said...

adult back, egg roll, both eggs in tact

hedgie said...

Well, the suspicious-looking egg was the only one she moved when she got back on---perilously close to the edge. Hope she's careful when she gets up again.

Lolly said...

Man, Momma Loon looks like she could just wiggle those eggs into the water.

stronghunter said...

Some kids get a shock when they find out the good citizens of the county do not have to pay for them just to hang out at school because they don't have anything better to do. I would say that this one, if he does not graduate, should fit into that category. The time comes when you give them info for a GED and send them on their way.

stronghunter said...

Didn't see momma loon return to the nest this time.

Judie said...

Back to say my goodnights.

Boris has been very busy. Cannot even see Palmer. No new update on Hope.

Jo, glad you had a nice visit with Ally and Dad.

Shirley, I cannot imagine missing so many classes and still being able to produce passing work. Your student is an example of the "I can do whatever I like without consequence -- I'm entitled" attitude so prevalent in the majority of college students today -- and just think, I have approx. 200 each semester.

On that note, I don't mean to be melodramatic. I am just fed up and very weary after 15 years. Much will hinge on the outcome. I am grateful that you all allow me to vent. Um, I guess you can just scroll down. Anyway, thanks.

Dana, wishing your leg will feel all better tomorrow.

Diann, congratulations to your daughter. First, for her service and now for her commitment to education. She's the kind of student I love.

Loweeda, might there be adoptions into your family soon? Here kitty kitty!

Wanda, how's GG? Did I miss an update?

Okay, turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, going to tub, going back the hallway, just going to sleep. Andy, please set our alarm for us.

Give a shout-out if there is an update on Hope.

stronghunter said...

Usually when I have a kid with serious grade problems in my class that might keep them from graduating, there are problems with other classes.

Lynne2 said...

Eagle nest visit NOT 2nd....only that the camping trip was already planned. I'm going to go to Steve's job tomorrow, right after I sell the dogs to the research lab, and open up my can of WHOOP ASS on his boss. This is the 3rd time that our plans have had to change because of this place and the lack of staff. UGH. Right after I do that, I'm gonna find Shirley's sorry assed student and drag him off to the cloak room and whack him with the BIG paddle.

Oh dear God, I think I need some anger management and some soap to wash my filthy mouth out with.

Judie said...

OMG, Lynne. I think I had your dogs in one of my classes! Yikes! Sorry about the camping trip.

Okay, did my Margy. Goodnight all. Prayers for Hope and Lily.

Lynne2 said...

well Sheetz Judie, I wouldn't doubt it!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I do hope you enjoy your summer.

Susan has told some interesting stories about her fellow college students. She gets frustrated with them, too. She talks about students she does not see until there is a test or exam.

When I was working as an adjunct, I remember how impatient the truly adult students would get with the younger ones.

When I was in college, we got quality points deducted for missing too many classes.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I will open the door and let you in, point out the kid, and deny I knew anything!

I would really love to meet this kid's parents. I did get a request for a report from his pediatrician. I could not respond right away because I did not know enough about the kid.

Ironic--he has a pediatrician, but he is 18?? I can't explain that, but I figure the parents are involved in it, but maybe it is the court.

stronghunter said...

I used to play a nasty trick on my tardy college students. I would start class with a pop quiz--usually a timed writing--"you have 30 minutes to complete this assignment"--and then I would watch the looks on their faces when they strolled in.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to wind down. I will see you all tomorrow. Good night. Dark at the loon nest, now.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley!!! YEE HAAAAA!

Lynne2 said...

well, it's dark in Ely now....anxiously awaiting news of Hope....

Mema Jo said...

Why do 5 yr olds tired out 71 yr olds?
lol It happens every time and coloring pics just shouldn't do that!

I am yawning and I also gave up on the TV tape that hubby is watching - so may as well go back the hallway & get ready for bed.

I'll probably be out for news and to say good night.

hedgie said...

Lynne, you'd better keep your plans secret.....Judie might want to help you hide the bodies! She knows a good place!!

hedgie said...

Feel so sorry for all you teachers. ARGH!
Speaking of people....dress "code" for jury duty said business casual. Christie was the only one dressed appropriately. Others in short, cut-offs, overalls, flip-flops, cut-off tees, etc. She was shoocked. So who did NOT get picked to sit on a civil case of a business suing a client? Her, of course. Know doggone good and well that defendants' attorney figured she would side with the plaintive!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, sleepy-heads!!

Lynne2 said...

oooooo that's right, Judie does know doesn't she! shhhhhh....

No update yet....going to head to bed now. Good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Whoopee! Email from Iris. She sent to all on momster mail, but that didn't work for her before, so I will check and if it's not there, I'll forward to you both there and privately!!!

hedgie said...

OK---it DID come through on Momster mail. I'll still send private for those who don't have yahoo set up; please excuse duplicates if you get it in both!!

Mema Jo said...

You can't win for losing, Lynn.
Christy looked 'too business' I guess.

Thank you Lynn like Iris said 'you helped get them together'! Just read Iris' email and it's such good news about their meeting!

hedgie said...

Right on, Mema Jo! Shows she has class!!! I'm surprised that the Clerk of the Court didn't say something to the others!
Well, I'll check for a Hope update again after my bath...kmnow how very busy they are, but sure wish they had someone who could post for them while they are in the field!
Night all!!! Prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone win the Powerball tonight?

PA Nana said...

Oh, I'm bad! Was watching tv and finishing the newspaper (although til I get to it it's old) and time just passed me by.

Wishing those who have already gone to bed have a restful night's sleep and to those still here, have a good night.

Prayers for all the animals, especially Hope and Annie. Blessings & prayers to whose in need/want.

PA Nana said...

Lynne 2, give the curs another chance to make amends.

Mema Jo said...

Going to hit the pillows

Good Night All
Prayers for All

(((hugs to all))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

I haven't had time to post any comments today, but I have gone back and read all others.

GG had a pretty good day...pulled some more weeds on the outside of the garden fence. She was sore from all the weeding she did yesterday, so I gave her one of her pain pills. Half an hour later, she was feeling much better. We see the doctor tomorrow on a follow-up for her wound.


Mema Jo said...

WHOA Here is the update on Hope

June 2 - 10:08pm Hope Update

Lolly said...

Just read the update on Hope myself and came over to see if it had been posted. You're staying one ahead of me, Jo. LOL I fell asleep with my laptop on my lap. This is getting to be a habit. I am off now.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! Hoping Hope finds the bowls of fomula!

hedgie said...

I was just getting ready to post the update, so glad I refreshed and saw that Jo already had. I am so hurts. Selfishly, I guess, I say try Option 4 for one day, assuming that she survives tonight. Then, if no real improvement, go with #3. JMHO. Just please don't let her die........may St. Francis protect her and St. Anthony help her to be found. Amen.

NatureNut said...

Just read Hope Update on N. Am. Bear Ctr. Must be the same thing that's on fb. I pray that they can keep spotting her & she will get the formula. I'm glad they finally mentioned little collar! Would have to be changed often, tho. I so wish Lily would come back, too!

I've been reading w/frustration the teacher/bad student problems for Shirley & Judie! They need a bonk on the head--how's that for reality?? All you teachers are saints and should have everyone's respect and thanks. ☺

TH is day off & I don't think there's an appt!!! SSHH Maybe I'll get camera dwnlded!!Will probably order my St. Francis statue!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) & Prayers for all who need them & our animal friends--Hope & Annie
(& our AWOL kittens)

NatureNut said...

~~That was the "students" who need a bonk on the head!! LOL

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Just read the Hope update. It's interesting. I do hope they will be able to save her. It seems that Lily is just too nervous to take proper care. Maybe just because she is a new mother. Who knows? It does not seem that keeping Hope and Lily together will work.

I want to thank you all for your support and encouragement regarding my students. I do appreciate it. It means a lot.

Just gave a copy of my World War II ration book to one of the history teachers. He was very happy. I have two of the books from the time I was a year old, and I made a color copy for him. It is yellowed and stained, and there are stamps in it.

Must put together some grammar review worksheets for my students.

Lynne2 said...

Good Muggy Morning everyone! Gonna be a yuk yuk kind of weather day, with humidity and storms later.

Thanks Lynn for the email from Iris! Dying to see pictures, too!

What a bizzare situation with Lily and Hope. It seems pretty clear that for whatever reason, Lily is just not a "mother". Maybe she is too young still. I know the mortality rate for one cub litters is 25% but is that higher for first time mothers I wonder? So sad. I hope they can help that baby survive.

Wanda, prayers that GG's appointment goes well today! Glad she is feeling pretty good!

stronghunter said...

We all joke a lot about the kids and their misadventures, but, in truth, teaching is a serious business that is not getting any easier at any level. It is good to know that you all appreciate that fact.

I have to hope that the young man we have been discussing will get his life together, and I think there is a reasonable chance that he will. Perhaps he should not pass, but I am not sure he would benefit from more time in high school, either. I will have to let this one play out. He needs to pass the exam, and he needs to complete the assignment he agreed to do when he decided to take the week off. Since he has a 72% average and needs to have at least 70 to pass, I have leverage that I can use to convince him.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, best wished for you and GG today.

hedgie said...

Happy Sweet 16 Birthday to my gd Jessica!!!
Where is everyone this morning????
Palmer is all alone. Loon eggs are alone and look intact.

hedgie said...

Sorry---good morning Lynne2 and Shirley! My stupid post didn't post---almost always have to put in password twice and I wasn't paying attention!!! Glad I'm not here alone!!

Lynne2 said...

Nice shot of Palmer's head up near the camera!

Happy Sweet 16 Jessica!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Golly, I fell asleep after dinner last night!

Still very concerned and upset about Hope--wish there was more they could do. Hope they can track her down today.

Praying that Annie the cat is doing better today!--also that the lab test results are good.

Judie and Shirley, don't know how you keep your sanity with all the "wannabe adults" you must deal with! Kudos to both of you!

Lynne, must say your recent comments had me ROFLMBO! Hope that you've reconsidered selling the 2 mutts to a research lab! Totally understand how you feel,
though. ;o]

Praying for a good report from GG's doctor!

Need to go get routine blood tests done at the lab myself today. Will try to go right when they open--the parking is usually nonexistent if you get there later than that.

Will check back in later, after back from the lab. Have a good morning, everyone! :o]

Lynne2 said...

Andy, I have granted them a pardon. Pending good behavior.

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning. We are leaving in 30 min. Going to Jacob's field day and last day of school, then picking up Joseph at 1 at his last day of school. We are bringing them home with us until Saturday. Laurel still has school tomorrow. Let the summer begin!

Annie is maybe a little better. Maybe! She cried about 4 AM, I got up and petted her and she purred. She asked out and we let her out with us this morning. She is slow moving. Jack gave her her pill. Fun!

Checked on Hope, see there is nothing yet today. And, thanks for the Loon report...not going there this AM. Will keep up to see if there are Hope reports with my phone. Love my iphone!

Have a great day! HB to Jessica! Sorry, Sissy about your problem. Hard to sit, huh? Is today when your pups go to research, Lynne? LOL Go give them a hug from me!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--just checked back quickly, and see that birthday wishes are in order for Lynn's gd!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESSICA!!! Hope your day is very special!!!

Will bbl--must get ready to go to the lab.

Lynne2 said...

Glad Annie is feeling better today. Hope they don't keep you waiting too long for blood results!

Just want to offer a word of caution....I've seen it happen many, many times....sometimes when pets are not well, they tend to "wander off" outside. Just keep a close watch on her when she's out.

Well, I have a mountain of wash to do, and cleaning, and garden work, and I want to get that done before it gets really hot. Going to cook dinner now too, so I can heat it up in the microwave later rather than cook when it's so hot. So I'll check in later!

Lynne2 said...

Mag 3.1 earthquake in PA just north of here!
Pa Quake

Lynne2 said...

on FB
Lily the Black BearJune 3, 2010 - 8:44 AM CDT
2 of the 4 feeding stations we set up for Hope were empty this morning. This is encouraging. We are looking for trail cams to monitor them to see if it is really Hope coming to them. -- SM2 minutes ago

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Did you feel anything, Lynne?

Hope they get some cams.

Lynne2 said...

No, didn't feel anything, it's about 40 miles from here. THey just downgraded it to a 2.9

Clearly, I am NOT getting my work done around here. I must STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER

Lynn, others...go to Glo's FB, there is an article copied from the Duluth newspaper.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning..I have read comments of the morning.. Looks like we'll get some rain today. I have late morning appointment with feetsie Dr.
I am thankful that Annie is responding to med - hate giving cats pills especially when you can't hide it in their food! It's right what Lynne advised about going away and hiding when not feeling well.. mine usually went under the bed. Give her some pets from me.

Anyone hear from Suz this morning by emails? Not certain about the PA quake

My heart races every morning when I first sign on and bring up our cam..
one of these days Palmer is going to be off and about - like down by the river! I am trying to prepare myself.

I just wish they were very very certain that it was Hope who emptied those food pans they left! You sure are praying to the right Saints, Lynn

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Was wishing for some good news about Hope this morning. Not yet.

Palmer perched on the edge and chirping away.

Been out and got some planting of flowers done for the patio. Still need to get "at home" veggies/herbs planted but need to wait for Darth to finish prepping. Ground soil still wet.

Thanks for the teacher support. It really means a lot to me.

Also, I truly appreciate the laugh about hiding bodies. Have often fantasized about a field trip to Canada -- Grizzlies leave no evidence after a meal. Lynne, I'll trade you mutts for students!

Andy, hope you get good parking for the tests today.

Wanda, wishing you and GG a good day and she gets a good report from the doctor.

Hey, Shirley, maybe your student has a pediatric psychologist.

Happy birthday to Lynn's Jessica.

Lolly, enjoy the day at Joseph's school. Prayer for Annie. Wishing good news from the yesterday's tests.

Going back out for a few before it really heats up.

Lynne2 said...

gee, uh, well SHEETZ Judie, you just go ahead and keep your students and I'll keep my wretched curs. But thanks for the offer!

Lynne2 said...

Palmer looks like she is ready to belly slide over the side!

Lynne2 said...

breakfast has arrived

Mits said...

Good Morning...THURSDAY, JUNE 3RD......UPDATE FROM BWO....

We currently have two chicks that have hatched. We don't see the third egg at this time, so we're trying to determine if the third chick is there and active.

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Jessica:)

Lynne2 said...

she is looking around and looking at the fish like "hey, come back and tear this up for me...don't wanna do it myself"

Lynne2 said...

and there goes the fish face down the eaglet throat....mmmmm yummy

hedgie said...

For those not on FB, here is link to article Glo posted:

Duluth article on Hope/Lily

hedgie said...

Jo, sent email to Suz with the quake info. No response yet, but she's been on FB, so she must be at work!

Judie said...

Was just checking on Phoenix and noticed an egg in the nest. Phoenix is sort of covering it. Was this a non-viable I just didn't see before? Anyone know?

Okay, Lynne. Just thought I'd offer. Guess I couldn't pull the sheetz over your eyes.

hedgie said...

Hi ya, Mits!
Thanks for all bd greetings for my Jess!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Judie - That is the egg that didn't hatch BUT Phoenix won't give it up!

Mema Jo said...

Sweet 16 - Happy Birthday Jess!

Mema Jo said...

It may take Palmer all morning to scarf up that morsel!

Phoenix is getting fed - yucky looking!

Judie said...

Thanks, Jo. Thought for a minute I was experiencing a "sheetz" moment! Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Okay, Suz just answered last nights' email, so guess she is working her way through as she finds time!

Mema Jo said...

Suz was just on EM email to Chrissy about her daily reports.
So she is okay!

Mema Jo said...

Need to get ready to head down the road.


hedgie said...

Loon is going to keep us in limbo again today it seems........sure hope her eggs aren't duds.

hedgie said...

Rue McClanahan of Golden Girls fame passed away this AM.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Checking in on all of you and Palmer. May try to get live feed to stay running on desktop for a while today while we still have her. It has frozen my computers all season no matter what I try to do so pretty much read your posts and check on her eating wingersizing, giving you all heart failure etc. Well Hope everyone is enjoying a good day. My plate is full but my house is empty. Adjusting to both and my knee is messed up so has slowed me down some. Dex and I have both just mosied along the last few days.

hedgie said...

What did you do to your knee, Glo? Hope it feels better fast! Have fun at Camera Club tonight!

Mits said...

update from BWO......

Chick Alert!
We have confirmation from the Visitor Center staff that all three chicks have hatched. We'll work on getting a clear cam photo showing all three chicks in the nest.

Mits said...

both O's there now at BWO, feeding time

Mits said...

never mind 1 just left:)

hedgie said...

Great news for BW!
Loon just let out a real screech. But still just sitting pretty. Maybe she needs relief!

hedgie said...

Pic is up on FB showing all 3!
BWO Trio

NatureNut said...

Happy Hot TH to Everyone.
Palmer's feetsies & belly are all I can see at 1 o'clock in the nest!What a cliffhanger!
Sad and frustrating info about bears. I hope they spot little Hope.
I ordered my St. Francis statue last night. I know it's just symbolic, but I'll try anything to help all our animals.
The last time I saw Park osprey cam, there were 2 tiny bobbleheads from the 2 eggs. Cam has been down for a couple weeks.Will try to see if I have any worthy pics today.
So much to do, so little time!

Ragdoll said...

Good Afternoon Momsters and Dadsters...Cloudy and rainy here today. We need the rain for all gardens.

Sissy, I pray that your feeling better today. It's not fun to hurt from a fall. It's not fun to hurt period. ((Gentle Hug))

Judie, Now is a great time to fantasize about going on field trip to Canada. You can just throw the bodies in the forest fires. LOL

Lolly, Again I pray for you and Annie. Has Annie been going pee alot lately. My Zackie peed alot when he had kidney problems. I used kitty litter boxes in the basement. Was easy for me to spot. He lived another 2 years. Zackie also has a thyroid remove on his right side. He was hyperthyroid. Then on some meds. He had that for 8 years. Zackie lived to be 18 years.

Busy here at school today. We are having 8th grade student for a tour of the Vocational Center of the High School.

NatureNut said...


Lolly, hope Annie gets better quickly. Maybe she had a bladder infection. Guess tests will tell.
Hope Glo's knee & Sissy's derriere improve!!!
Lynn, thx for sending Iris' letter!!! Great news of their meeting! ☺

hedgie said...

Are you still getting lots of smoke/haze, Ragdoll??

NatureNut said...

Loon gave 2 loud calls awhile ago & now she's off the 2 olive eggs.
Cat was in her "techie" chair behind me, & really popped up on those sounds!

hedgie said...

Saw both loons in the water, and then they dove under. Eggs sitting pretty--and whole.

hedgie said...

And now a roll and a wiggle-wiggle plop, but making some cute noises.

ceil said...


hedgie said...

Water is so still at loon cam today. Yesterday was downright choppy and wavy!

Ragdoll said...

Students, I meant students. They will be our Freshmens in the Fall.

Happy Birthday Jess!!!!

About seeing bears in yards. I have lots of bird feeders in my yard. Two years ago I got up in the morning, looked out the window only to find one of my feeders, which was on a strong metal pole was bent right in half. Called Game Warden. He said it was a bear that bent it to get the seeds. He said to stop feeding the birds for awhile. I couldn't do that, birds were having their babies and counted on the seeds. Never saw the bear. I would of stopped if it came back again. It was just one passing through.

Judie and Shirley, Some of these students are so arrogant. I am in the Plato Lab so I don't have to grade papers. The computer does it all. I just have to print them out. Can't blame me, it's all in their hands. I am very lucky.

Yesterday, a student in Building Trades didn't finish his final assignment. He wrote his research paper with me, but didn't finish the building end of final. Teacher gave him 2 extra days. Still not finished. Teacher failed him. Student got angry at teacher. Said he wanted to punch the teacher and 3 other students in that class. For safety reasons they sent him down with me for the rest of the day to keep him out of trouble. He probably wouldn't act on his words but the fact that he said it was a concern. I usually can control him. It was his last day. When he left I felt sad. He shouldn't of made a threat He is very smart, but his home life is not good. I have gotten to know him and he is such a broken child. Told him I didn't wanted to read about him in the newspaper unless it was a success story.

Glo, I hope your knee gets better.

Hope, Oh! Little Hope. My heart keeps breaking. I hope they find her and can keep her fed. Tears.

Opps, Sorry everyone. I think I just wrote a book. So much to say. LOL

hedgie said...

Update on new word on Hope:

June 3, 2010 - 12:12 PM CDT
Today Lily is roaming in a very remote area far outside her usual territory. We wonder what she's up to. We're thankful for the GPS technology that allows us to track her. It would be difficult to locate her via the usual telemetry methods unless we flew. -- SM

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, new thread. Come on over!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...