Tuesday, June 22, 2010


New thread.


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Lolly said...

See Isla feeding the chicks. New day is beginning in the right way!

Interesting report on Hope tonight. She did not show and Lily is close by. hmmmmm?????

Heading to bed....gotta brush again!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I've gotten home from school, and find that I've been on the computer so much today that now my eyes will barely focus! Will try to catch up on the blog--BRB. :o]

Costume Lady said...

Too sleepy to comment very much, but wanted to tell you that we had one man at Soup Kitchen tonigt, that asked our Pastor to pray with him and for him, that his sins may be forgiven. That is what we like to hear. We aim to feed the belly and awaken the soul!


Ms Bookworm said...

I'm thrilled to hear that you got what you wanted at work! Glad they came to their senses! That's really nice, too, that your former student offered to do a presentation for your class! Hope you take him up on it!

Know exactly what you mean about being tired of the "ATTITUDE"! (Shirley and Lynn on the same page we're on, too.) I'm gonna have to restrain myself so I don't wring that miserable little bratty student's neck! Dear God, if my parents had ever heard that kind of language coming from me, let alone the attitude, I wouldn't have lived to see tomorrow! Now it seems that with a LOT of young people, X-rated language comes out of their mouth as casually as if they are saying, "I think I'll go to the grocery store today." Almost every other word is a swear word. It can really wear you down after a while! I think it may be worse in SoCal than back east, just because of the "Hollyweird" influence, though. JMHO. Thank God that everyone here on the blog has such fantastic grandkids! Does my heart good. Guess the others are just a sign of the times.

Mighty tired tonight, so think I'll unknot my knickers and go unwind a bit, then hit the hay.

Leaving the night light and the porch light on for those getting here late. The eye scanner security is enabled.
Prayers said for everyone, especially our friends with feathers and fur. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

I only knew what knickers were because of my British best friend :) Apparently, the term is used there as well.

Lynne, glad to hear Carolyn got the second interview. Will keep fingers crossed.

Judie, good news all around, Glad you have just the one class. Would be nice to have the student back to speak to the class!

And upon reading the blog further, knickers are quite interesting, LOL

Lynn and all, "don't get your knickers in a twist" is what I have heard!

OK, everyone is finally in bed, except maybe Andy. Hi Andy!

Nite all and hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Paula,
Came back for a bit to check on Isla--bless her heart, she's eating! She had been feeding the chicks, but then ate quite a few bites herself, and now is feeding the chicks again. Makes me so happy to see her improve like this!

Lori O. said...

NO PALMER IN THE NEST this morning.

Lori O. said...

6:30 and STILL NO PALMER in the nest.

Can we get an adult eagle with food to lure the baby back?

Mits said...

Good "WEDNESDAY" morning everyone...stay cool, and keep hydrated;)

Mits said...

Latest osprey blog
23 June 2010
Good morning all
What a great sight to come into this morning - our Lady feeding the chicks. She is getting stronger and stronger all the time and we are more hopeful than we have been for her survival. But I would like to stress that whatever happened to her at the weekend could have long-term effects on her. It could also just as easily be something she has managed fight off and we won't see a recurrence this season.
Let's enjoy what each day brings because I am sure this won't be the last drama for this year. We still have a few more weeks to go before our chicks fledge. That drama in itself is amazing to watch. Have a good day and I look forward to your posts. Peter

I should have put this in my earlier post..
I have spoken to our vet and to other people who have been dealing with ospreys for many more years than I and they all say the same: that they have never seen an osprey like this. Thanks to the cameras, we are privileged to watch these birds and are learning more and more about them every day with the aid of new technology. I have no doubt we have far more to learn than we already have. I am looking forward to these birds teaching us more about their lives. Peter

Mits said...

morning Lori:)

Lori O. said...

Hi Helen!

Lynne2 said...

Morning all! Got up really early so I could take dogs out for a nice run and walk while still cool. Time to wake Steve...no Palmer yet!

Lori O. said...

Morning everyone!

Think it's too hot for Palmer and she's waiting in the shade until the food is delivered?

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Thank you for your support regarding my decision about school. It always helps so much to have a safety net when we take a big chance.

I cannot get the live cam this a.m.

Isla is looking very pretty in the morning sun. She is, indeed, rewriting the book on Ospreys.

Lily came close to Hope's tree but veered off. No contact. No a.m. update, yet.

Off to sip some coffee while reading the news. Will try live cam once more, though. BBL

ceil said...

Good morning Helen and Lori. Really windy at the Scotland nest.
Have a good day everyone. I am off to get my cup of tea.

ceil said...

I posted last night but blogger ate it. They are not going to band Isla's chicks. They had intended too but with everything going on they will let them be.
Hey Judie. So glad to hear your good news.

Judie said...

Back for a comment. Boy toy brought in a nice fish and Isla ate a few bites and is now feeding chicks. Nice.

Thank you, Ceil. Good morning.

No live cam but still cam showing MT nest. BBL

hedgie said...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Bravo Judie on the way the ball bounced

Great news for Carolyn, Lynn prayers for a good outcome

old thread, slugs
this thread, knickers!

Best wishes for a good day, hope everyone can keep cool....

Oh, I mixed up Saint Anthony with Saint Francis the other day, I have it straight now...nice pic on Loretta's blog of her statue...

Wanda... touching story about your dinner guest ♥

xo sleep time here...

Happy Birthday Carol!
Hope it is a super day for you

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

The nest is very quiet this morning, and there are two very visible turtle shells there.

Slept in again this morning. It is going to be hard to go back to the routine when school starts again.

Good to hear that Isla is doing so well this morning.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Carol.

stronghunter said...

Isla feeding the chicks again. I am sure she gets moisture each time she bites into a fish to feed the little ones. I feel better every time she actually eats something, though.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have read the paper and about to head out to mow. Doing it a day early as Jack is leaving for Houston this afternoon. He is going to NASA for the summary meeting. This consulting job has come to an end.
He will be back home late tomorrow evening.

See that Palmer is not in the nest, but those two turtle shells are very easy to see. Got your ladder, JO?

Lolly said...

Watching Isla feed her chicks. Thats the way to start the day. Anxious to see what developes with Hope and Lily.

Lolly said...

Isla is now eating. ☺

I am off to mow.

Have a great day!


stronghunter said...

Is that Isla they have zoomed in on?

stronghunter said...

Guess that was Boy Toy.

stronghunter said...

Isla is grooming herself.

stronghunter said...

Maybe she heard you say she looked unkempt, Lolly.

movin said...


GOOD MorninG tO

YoU aLL..




stronghunter said...

Good morning, Jim.

Judie said...

lol next it will be slugs wearing knickers! Wonder if knickers can be made to look like bib overalls?

Out to try to get a few last tomatoes planted in pots. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Summer is here! Try to stay cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Isla sure is rewriting the book on Osprey!

Thanks, Ceil for the update on the banding for Isla's chicks.

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, CAROL♪♫...How's it going up there in those WV hills?

stronghunter said...

Polka-dot Frill Bib Knickers

Pretty fancy duds.
Didn't see any denim ones, though.

movin said...

bOTH adults and the backsides of all 3 chicks at BWO.



Costume Lady said...

This is going to be a hot one! I just came in from the garden, spent about 30 minutes picking beans...didn't finish picking the row. I was sweating so much that I couldn't see and my sweat was just full salt (ankles are swollen, too much Bean Soup last night).

As you all go about your day, remember this:
Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny♥

movin said...

Two young eagles vying for the fish on the nest at Norfolk.



stronghunter said...

My dryer is making a lot of noise. I think the drum is loose or something. I was afraid it wasn't drying, either. Ran some sheets through two cycles before I thought that maybe I should check the settings. It was set on "air fluff." It dries much better when it is on the proper setting.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! It is another hot one!

Happy Birthday Carol! Hope to see you again at Open House - Take care and have a special day

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sometimes we take too much for granted! lol

Mema Jo said...

Holy Hannah! The polka dot bis are really fancy and there is even a matching hat!

Wanda - Loved your accounting of the event last evening at the Soup Kitchen. Makes it all worthwhile!

hedgie said...

A proper good morning to all. Been so wrapped up in emails and watching crazy squirrels here----lots of mushrooms/toadstools and it's a hoot watching them decapitate, taste and decide whether it's a good one to eat. Don't think there are any with heads on. One dodo brought his up on the deck and proceeded to leave a mess behind!

Love the bib knickers, Shirley!!

Wanda, elevate your legs higher than your heart, and stay indoors!!
Everyone stay in if at all possible.
Gene's menu sure did sound yummy!! At first I thought you were going to say that you only had 1 customer! Glad that someone came to the Lord through your ministry!

hedgie said...

Wind is sure fearsome at LOL. Hang on, Isla! Sit on those chicks!

stronghunter said...

Young osprey wingersizing.

stronghunter said...

Watching the growth of Palmer over the past months, I had wondered how the growth of bald eagles compares to the growth of other birds. Palmer was so tiny just weeks ago. She has grown so fast that it understandable why she needs so much food.

I found this information in an article from Vanderbilt University:

The nestling grows extremely fast and within three months becomes a fully-grown fledgling, ready to take off on its first flight. The bald eagle's rate of growth is faster than any other North American bird. From its beginning 100 grams, the bald eagle may gain up to 180 grams a day until it reaches between 4,000 and 5,000 grams, depending on its sex.

The rest of this interesting article:

Bald Eagles

Mema Jo said...

Shirley Some of those facts are new to me - especially about the size comparisons...... Thanks.......

Headed for lunch..... Wish I new what it was going to be........


hedgie said...

Wow, Shirley, those are some really interesting facts!!!! I didn't know about the northern/southern debate or about the avian malaria.

movin said...

First time I've been able to see the chicks at Finney's site. Feeding them now.



movin said...

Has anyone translated that long message above the Finney-on-the-sea picture??



Judie said...

Oh Shirley, frilly bib knickers are just too cute. Information about growth rate of eaglets. I really like it when you're out of school.

If the dryer stops working, I can recommend a secret place near a deceased washer.

Wanda, do as Lynn tells you. Stay in and elevate those feetsies.

Done a bit more than I should have myself this morning. Going to put my feetsies up and watch a murder trial.

Judie said...

Forgot my manners.

Happy Birthday, Carol.

Mema Jo said...

Watching the little loon in AK
Sleeping outside of mom's right wing near her tail feathers.

Lots of air traffic up there.

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫Happy Birthday Carol♫♫!!

Mema Jo said...

Looking at Phoenix with the Long View..
For a while he just looked like part of the tree trunk at the nest.. I thought he wasn't there.........

stronghunter said...

But my dryer is a mere child compared to your washer. Only 15. A teenager.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, great article, thanks for sharing it!

OK folks, for everyone who needs a few seconds of relaxation, I've posted some short videos to that end on my blog for you...also, see the picture of the thunderstorm as well from last night (east of here...still no rain here), it's really cool!

Lynne2 said...

Obama fired General McChyrstal, breaking news

Mema Jo said...

News Release
President Barack Obama has accepted Gen. Stanley McChrystal's resignation as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan and is replacing him with Gen. David Petraeus, head of U.S. Central Command.Petraeus now oversees the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

He sure has his hands full !

Lynne2 said...

well technically he accepted his resignation...

Mema Jo said...

I know what you mean Lynne. I bet that
Petraeus is saying 'thanks a lot'!

Mema Jo said...

Great Videos Lynne !

stronghunter said...

Nice videos, Lynne. You have a very nice blog.

And there is slug sex, goodness!

stronghunter said...

Was watching the McChrystal event, too. It is hard to believe that someone with his smarts would get into a mess like this.

Mema Jo said...

.... BBILW

hedgie said...

JIM: here is the translation:
22/06/2010 : Saaristomeri.info the assembly is finished

Archipelago Conservation Fund and the joint fundraising Saaristomeri.infon webcams maintenance is finished. Saaristomeri.infon continued maintenance of the new webcams , the Turku University of Applied Sciences -led , BalticSeaNow.info project. Possible Archipelago Conservation Fund account will be grounds for directed donations to continue the rest of the Archipelago protection work . Warm thanks to all donors !

The Google tool bar has a "Translate" icon---clicked on it once and now everything I open that is in a foreign language is automatically translated!

stronghunter said...

Petraus will give up his present position, so he will be taking a demotion to take over in Afghanistan.

hedgie said...

And, of course, resignation or firing is not terribly accurate. Basically it's either being forced to retire, or voluntarily retiring!!!

Lolly said...

I am in now. A cool 96 out and going higher. Towards the end of the work outside I just turned the hose on myself. That helped!

Lynne, enjoyed your videos. How I wish I was there!

paula eagleholic said...

Is the sound missing from our cam?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link, Shirley.

Apparently the administration couldn't take a little criticism.

hedgie said...

Just watched Isla return to nest right after the Laird...and pulled the fish off his talon!!

PammySue said...

New thread is up.

I can't get the live feed camera right now.

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula....sound is gone....:(

hedgie said...

Temp is also NOT right on the Outdoor site!! Twenty+ degrees too cool!

hedgie said...

Two Hope sightings on trail cam today.

Lolly said...

New Thread!!!!!!!!!!

Come on over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 280 of 280   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...