Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Beautiful Day thread.


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hedgie said...

Called others over.

hedgie said...

Shadows from the blowing trees make it look like Palmer is rocking and swaying!

Mema Jo said...

Still doing lunch but we are also watching the eagle cam - thought we lost Palmer once or twice.....


Lolly said...

I all!! I am home. Laurel goes in Thursday afternoon, 4:30, to have the lump removed in the office! Yea! He said it is just a fatty mass, that will not hurt her, but continue to grow. They will,of course, check it out. But so glad it is being done and soon.

Did two loads of wash while there, made two boys beds, and played UNO. Joseph beat me! Then when Laurel got home she handed me things from the attic. Today she is sorting through stuff for yard sale.

Now I am going to take a short little Panda nap.

BBL And, thanks for the prayers for Laurel!

hedgie said...

Know you are relieved, Lolly, over that report. I suspected it was a lipoma. As I said, soft and squishy and moveable.....if not removed the roots can wrap around a nerve and be very painful!

movin said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Thanks for the call over, Hedgie.

Hedgie, re the Finney-by-the-sea female. I just immediately recognized her as the original female this year...probably the head and breast markings, etc.



movin said...

Those white streaks in her feathers really make Palmer fit in with the partial shade on that side of the nest.

I had to put it on full screen to be sure she hadn't flown the nest already.



movin said...

I think Dad just delivered a fish at BWO....



movin said...

Later, folks.



Mema Jo said...

Company has gone home - toys picked up and now my feetsies are going to get picked up! lol

hedgie said...

Well, Jim, poor soul is persistent, even tho' it's too late for this year. She still wants the nest for her own, huh? Sure hope she has better luck next year.

hedgie said...

Palmer wants food!

Lolly said...

She is sure fussy about something! I can not nap with a fuss like that going on! Parent is probably right above the tree.

OMG Just thought he had gone for sure. Hovered out of sight like a helicopter!

magpie said...

Good to hear of the doctor's report for Laurel, Lolly....

now maybe Laurel and Joey can relax and enjoy the anniversary a little more

sorry to hear of MM's
tumble and hope that all will be well

watching Palmer...glad she is still there

Good Afteroon Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

Osprey parent is/was up and off the nest at Wildwatch but I cannot see the chick - can't reallly tell what I am seeing

Peregrine Falcon is in the nest box at Wilmington

hedgie said...

Palmer says "Am I gonna have to go get that wushi myself???"

magpie said...

still don't know who brought me those gardening gloves !

I have one tee-tiny little tomato on my Brandywine plant about the size of a green pea
the Totem Plant I got from Megan already had six on them!

Time for work soon, hope this will be a good evening for all

xo ttfn

magpie said...

Hi Hedgie...

hedgie said...

"Stoopid sticks, get off my feetsies!"

magpie said...

wow that was a nice wing flap

magpie said...

and another
tough to quit watching !

okay bye

paula eagleholic said...

Got a chance to peek in, looks like Palmer is eating something.

I was lucky enough to see her raising cain earlier...and the hovering...she was outta site!

paula eagleholic said...

Some long looks out and down from Palmer off the left side of the nest.

stronghunter said...


Just finished supper and am winding down in my recliner. Heard some squeals from Palmer.

stronghunter said...

Okay, funny story on the news. A woman called 911 because she needs a husband.

Judie said...

Dana, I used the email address listed on the website where we get updates. Lower right hand corner area.

Ceil, sorry about Mary Margaret's fall. Hoping she's all better now.

Wanda, wishing GG a good day and a good evening for the soup kitchen.

Oh sheetz, I missed the tea party at Jo's. Was it fun? I bet it was if it was with Jo.

Lolly, such a relief with Laurel. She must be feeling so much better already. Give her our love.

Can't get the live cam at all. Tells me I need to update Adobe Flashpayer to the version already installed. Guess I have to rely on you all to let me know what's happening. Grrrr!


hedgie said...

Too late----Hi Margy!!! I was busy scanning!

stronghunter said...

Sorry about MM's fall, Ceil.

stronghunter said...

Palmer looks pretty with the wind blowing her feathers.

stronghunter said...

Just got a call from Kathryn. Hunter got whacked in the eye with a baseball. She said that his eye looks okay, but the area under it is very swollen and purple. She is trying to decide what to do, so she's going to consult her neighbor who is a nurse. They are without insurance right now because Tom changed jobs, otherwise she would probably go to the emergency room. It seems so unfair the way insurance works.

wvgal_dana said...

I see Paula, Shirley and Margy woke up so she can get ready or already gone to work.

WOW Palmer went up out of sight eeeekkkks

Thanks Judie about Dr. Rogers.

Hay I wonder if Margy has gotten one of those calls Shirley??? LOL

Still keeping Laurel in prayers...so happy about the answer she got. Must be a relief. Happy Anniversary Gift. Even though no surgery is nice to have to have.

Thanks Judie about Hunter. Does anyone remember his LAST NAME?

wvgal_dana said...

OH NO Shirley so so very sorry. I know you are worried. Keep us up-to-date.

hedgie said...

Dana, it was me who gave update on Hunter Knight.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I strongly advise that the kids bite the bullet and take Hunter to the ER. Hope Katherine has an insulated ice pack on his face. Hey, tell them they can pay $10 a month. They can't reject them.

Lolly said...

Ahhh! My jubby is fixing dinner. I think I love him!☺

Mema Jo said...

It didn't really take you 48 yrs to realize that - now did it?

Lolly said...

No! ☺ Make that 45 years of marriage, 46 years of love!

Mema Jo said...

Boy! Palmer really wants to go and fly free! Wish she knew that the weather report calls for Rain tomorrow. She jumps from 1:00 to 7:00 to 10:00.... The sides of the nest are getting very worn....

Mits said...

oh Shirley, sorry to hear of Hunter's injury:(

Mema Jo said...

She is eating something - nestovers I guess.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn1-Hedgie for the up date and the last name of the 8th grader from Hedgesville. xxxoooo ( :

Mema Jo said...

So thankful to hear the results that Laurel received from Dr.

Really should take Hunter to ER
I know he'll get a black eye but need to know of any damage.
Was he just watching a game or playing within a league - they should have insisted that he go.

Mema Jo said...

Hope Palmer doesn't go chasing any of those planes.

Lollly - I guess it was Ceil and Jim that had 48 yrs
You and Jack have 45 yrs... right!

Lolly said...

Yep, 45 years, seems like forever.

wvgal_dana said...

Question if you never remarry can you still count Anniversaries if your partner has passed away??? Oh I'm sure that is a dumb question?? Although I'd like to keep counting.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is on the way to the ER with Hunter. Tom thinks she is being silly. Neighbor thought she should go. Hunter keeps covering his eye and says the light bothers him, but that he can see and wants to go ride his bike. Kathryn thought about coming here to let me see it so I could tell her what to do, but I said to go on to the hospital because she would just be delaying things.

Lolly said...

Glad he is going to a doctor. Better safe than sorry and eyes are so important!

Whoops, gotta go....dinner is served!☺

Mema Jo said...

Need to report that there are 5 tomatoes on the Totem plant I had gotten from Megan. Between Margy and me we could be good salepersons for Megan's plants!

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone.

Shirley, if Hunter was playing within a league there should be medical coverage. When my kids played the league had medical coverage. Fortunately we only had to use it once for daughter who broke her nose when she was a catcher in softball. It was tornament time and she insisted on playing. She was really protected with additional equipment. They wanted to cta.

Loved the update on Hope, Jo, and Judie, that's a great title for Lynn's book. Hope is so cute.

So far Lynn, you can Mike & I to the visitors list.

will check back later.

hedgie said...

Thanks goodness, Shirley. Just never know when a blow like that could detach a retina!
Dana, keep counting! My mom does. It would be 68 years come fall if Daddy was still alive.

PA Nana said...

P.S. Lolly, so glad to hear of Laurel's recent prognosis.

hedgie said...

Lolly, you better keep that man. Good ones are hard to find!

Mema Jo said...

Glad Hunter is on his way and hope the exam will show him to be okay - but knowing is better than not knowing!
Kathryn and her mom will sleep better tonight - right Shirley!

stronghunter said...

He plays with Spotsylvania County. I had wondered if there might be coverage. The coach was planning on having Hunter play, but he did not want to. Kathryn pulled him out of the game.

stronghunter said...

That is what I told Kathryn. She will feel better knowing she has done the right thing for Hunter. My husband did not always agree with me when I decided to take kids to the doctor or ER. Oh, well.

Mema Jo said...

Preening again! Like someone plucking the grey hairs out!

IF Palmer should fledge before Saturday - It will still be good to see the Sycamore Tree and the Nest and to meet others of the group - Palmer will return to the nest as will Belle and Lib and we could witness that.

wvgal_dana said...

So Shirley after Hunter was hit Kathryn pulled him out of game. Smart Mom and great remembering Pa Nana.
When my daughter was hurt on the play ground equipment during school hours. The schools insurance had to pay the bill.

wvgal_dana said...

Someone wants FOOD !!

stronghunter said...

Hunter asked if he could have a dish of ice cream when he gets home, and Kathryn said she would take him for a sundae on the way home.

stronghunter said...

Can't find anything about insurance on their online site. Kathryn can call tomorrow and ask.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I think Palmer would appreciate a sundae.

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer preening feathers again.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley you might have to ask their coach. I would think they would all have to sign or sign a waiver by the parents.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Palmer is at the 10:30 position on the nest's edge looking outward.......

stronghunter said...

I expect there is a piece of paper somewhere. Kathryn is pretty good about taking care of things, so we will see.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer doesn't stay at any one place for too long... Being very verbal as he jumps from one side to the next.

Judie do you have the Internet Explorer? That is where I have my live feed - It didn't do well on Firefox

stronghunter said...

Palmer seems to have found a snack.

Mema Jo said...

I think Palmer found some nestovers
up at 1:00

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - was the chain of events that Coach wanted Hunter to play but he said he didn't want to -
Then Kathryn pulled him out - then he got hit with the baseball. Did he enjoy playing football?

Love his heart - I think he wanted to just ride that bike and eat ice cream!

My 2 boys liked soccer and in early years they did baseball for a while. At least they had an opportunity to see what they did like.. Just like Hunter is getting.

stronghunter said...

Palmer is having stick issues, again.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer started to play 'pick up sticks' It was funny..

stronghunter said...

He got hit with the ball during pre-game practice and the coach had put him on the list to bat--ninth, I think, but Hunter said he did not want to play because he was hurting, then Kathryn decided to take him home.

There was some concern that they might have to forfeit the game because there weren't enough players, but I think someone else showed up. Nine-year-olds do not have to play hurt, regardless.

Mema Jo said...

Live feed cam has been running
5:18:08 for me - with no questions asked!

stronghunter said...

Hunter played soccer for awhile, then baseball and football and back to baseball. He prefers baseball at this point. Kathryn figures he should try various sports to see what he likes. Oh, he did play some basketball, but he did not like that as much. He is a pretty good player.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - no wonder Hunter didn't want to play... Praying no eye injuries and that the headache will go away with the ice cream treat!

Mema Jo said...

Wtching Palmer moving a stick up at the noon position. She has grabbed it several times - it is in the way of his sleeping area (the Egg cup)

She has laid down now right up there in the nest around the noon hour.

Mema Jo said...

My tongue got tied and I referred to Palmer as 'he'. I really think she is a she!
Maybe she is calling it a day - still lying down in the nest.

I sure spoke too soon - she is up and on the edge at noonish.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley my eyes are getting tired.
I can't really find my comment now where I thought I referred to Palmer as a HE......

Maybe I need a break and I don't have any ice cream! :<(

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said they got a good parking place at the hospital. Maybe that means it's not too busy in the ER, but wouldn't want to bet on that.

stronghunter said...

Rest your eyes, Jo.

stronghunter said...

I have ice cream, but am trying not to eat any. Have been munching on Oreos.

stronghunter said...

Beginning to see the web.

stronghunter said...

Palmer is really into this flying thing.

Lolly said...

I think it is great that the children try all the sports. Joseph first played soccer, then he added t-ball in the spring and then he added basketball in the winter. This spring he said he would rather play spring soccer than baseball. He is going to basketball camp this week. We are firm believers of no football until middle school or jr. high.

Jacob on the other hand likes t-ball and he did not enjoy soccer. However, he is only 5! LOL

Lolly said...

Dinner was yummy! And, yes, Lynn, I plan to hold on to him. He is my best friend, as well as my jubby. I did good, got me a good one and we are still in love.

Judie said...

Shirley, so sorry about Hunter. Ah, the bumps and bruises of life. Good that Kathryn's taking him to be assessed. Better safe than sorry where eyes are concerned. Prayer he will be just fine after some ice cream.

Dana, I think your heart will tell you to keep counting.

No, IE doesn't work either for live cam. Have no idea what has happened. Talked with Adobe tech support -- duh dud face. Want $39 per incident to provide telephone help.

Just another "not so good" event in my past few weeks.

Dinner is over, Chinese, not my favorite, but at least I didn't have to cook. Going to read the newspaper, never got to it this morning, then maybe a little mindless t.v.


Lolly said...

Poor Loon! Continues to sit on the nest.

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

Mema Jo: Your post about Palmer as a he is two posts before your last.
That might change by the time this posts. Your post is at 8:25.

Looking at Palmer, I was thinking how she seems to like to play.

She is really a prissy pot. (I know that sounds goofy.)

Lolly said...

Just heard a faraway loon call on the loon cam. Cool!

Lolly said...

More far away loon calls, and the loon on the nest is answering. Fantastic!!!!!!

Judie said...

Well, here's a real interesting turn of events. Decided to check out another live cam and went to PixPa. Told me to download Adobe Flash 10, clicked it on, and a miracle happened. It downloaded. Next tried Palmer and, lo and behold, there's the nest. Of course, stupid Boris is in the way but still, I had a look at the nest.

I am sooooooo very happy. I also have a big headache. BBL

stronghunter said...

Glad you were able to download Adobe and get the nest, Judie. Sorry about the headache.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Went out shoe shopping and some window shopping as well. At least I found 2 pair of shoes!

Also found a nice strawberry/banana frosty/smoothie...yummy. No need for dinner here!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Good for you Judie!

Paula Smoothies are as good as Frosties..........

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, glad you finally got the nest!!

Shirley, I agree, better safe than sorry, especially with the eyes.

Lolly, glad Laurel got a good report from the Dr and is getting it taken care of.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I would be eating Orieos and ice cream Fantastic combination!

Mema Jo said...

Hot News:Lily has a Mate

paula eagleholic said...

My kids played all sorts of sports...baseball, basketball, soccer, track, karate, and the unorganized ones like skateboarding and bikes.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn just called. Hunter is fine and enjoying ice cream. The ER people told them that his black eye will make a good picture tomorrow.

Cost isn't going to be that bad. About $200.00, it seems.

Hunter said he was going to tell everybody that a gorilla escaped from the zoo and punched him.

stronghunter said...

Good for Lily. Hope she is a better mother this time around.

hedgie said...

Palmer's gender will never be known for sure. Suzanne says she's a he!!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I am cracking up at what Huner said, "Gorallia punched him". Thinking of Art Linkletter, "Kids say the "darnest things". lmbo

Mema Jo said...

I keep thnking about Suz saying Palmer is a He - It's on my mind and that is why now I am starting to type he instead of she! Thanks
BEagle for finding my comment - I thought I had lost it!

Mema Jo said...

I am assuming that in the darkness and under the web lies our Palmer!
I was on FB when the night light came on and I really don't know where she is exactly. Probably in the egg cup - if she isn't already standing up to sleep!

Mema Jo said...

It is good that Hope has some good bear instincts like High up in the tree for safety. I did read in one of Dr Rogers writings of a cub staying with the mother for the second winter and that other cubs were born. Just maybe Lily will at some point find Hope. No one says what the male bears do during the winter......

Mema Jo said...

Guess I'll take a break
Want to write a letter for the mail tomorrow.....
Holler if you should see a little loony....... ?? I don't think it is going to happen..


ceil said...

Shirley so sorry to hear about Hunter and hope he will be fine soon. That coach should have taken care of him. I am sure they have to pay.
Jo male bears hibernate in the winter LOL
Jim and I have been married only 46 years.
Have a good night

stronghunter said...

Poor Tom! He called here and I knew he was upset. I thought he was upset with Kathryn because she took Hunter to the hospital. Hunter was supposed to bridge over to Webelo at a scout meeting tonight, and Tom is the den leader.

It turns out that a parent gave Tom a hard time tonight. His work has kept him from being able to give as much time to the scouts this year. (One reason for the job change.) In my mind, those who criticize a volunteer had better be willing to contribute their own time.

Tom has been with those kids since they were Tiger Scouts.

So, Kathryn has two to comfort tonight--her child and her hubby. I think the child is probably okay already.

stronghunter said...

About ready to call it a night. I have plenty of things to do tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

I agree Shirley, the other parent should put up or shut up!

wvgal_dana said...

On a more serious note just opened a letter from Ed's Aunt Anna Mae lives near Pittsburg. She has always been healthy except arthritis she has put up with. December 2008 she was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. So Jan. 2009 started chemotherapy and oeft breast surgery in April 2009. She did very well with the chemo. Then in Jan.2010 they found two nodules the size of a lima bean that was revealed through a PET SCAN. She has completed a second cycle of chemo and did very well. She just had today June 8th another PET SCAN. So she is awaiting the answer from this PET SCAN. Please Pray she gets a good answer. Thank all of you in advanced for sending up Eagle Prayer and protection of God's Angels for such a great lady that I love so much.

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear June 8, 2010 (8:36 PM) Juliet has been collared -- Yippee! Now we can monitor her and her 3 cubs! -- SM

Mema Jo said...

Checking out TV Show

Mema Jo said...

Checking out TV Show

Mema Jo said...

By Golly - I think I'll check out a TV show !!!

ceil said...

Jo why don't you check out a tv show. LOL

stronghunter said...

Just wanted to say thank you for all of your concern and support tonight. It is appreciated.

Kathryn sent out pictures of Hunter's black eye to family members, and Rus responded with pictures of his scabby mess from the bike accident. I guess we have had our share of ER visits recently. It is nice to have someone to tell your troubles to. Fortunately, the troubles have been relatively small.

stronghunter said...

Jo, enjoy your TV show!

Good night!

hedgie said...

Judie, sorry you have a headache, but so glad that your problem is fixed!!! And that you didn't pay Adobe Help!!!

Shirley, glad that Hunter is okay. Better safe than sorry, for sure.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Ed's aunt, Dana.

Judie said...

Oh my, never imagined I would be so happy to see the work of Boris. You go Boris!

Jo, have you considered checking out a t.v. show? Could be interesting.

Shirley, I think you are having an equally stressful week. Hoping Tom will recover -- maybe he and Hunter should have some ice cream together.

Prayers for Aunt Anna Mae. Hope the report will be an all okay.

Need to check the Lily/Hope update.

Really tired tonight. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Please don't slam the door. Andy, if you come in, will you please set the alarm for us? Many thanks.

Until tomorrow, pleasant dreams.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!The new Whiz Kid pitcher for the Nats did it!! They won!!!

Lolly, so glad about Laurel's health problem not being a bad worry! And so glad Hunter only has a black eye to brag about. Hope MM is OK.
On osprey cam at work~~(was showing the newer cam that has 1 chick)~~the father kept bringing in more forked sticks this AM.I thought baby was going to get poked. When male left, female redid the furniture.By PM, goofy stick ended up being a playpen of sorts.
80% sure we saw a juvie eagle outside the Vis. Ctr. An osprey who has nearby nest was screaming away. I finally saw a HUGE brown bird in tree & as it took off, had fish in it's feet.A visitor then came in who said he almost got divebombed by juvie eagle, so must have been the same one.
Checked nest on way home from a hiking trail that puts you further back & almost even w/nest tree. Same or worse view w/all the leaves.

hedgie said...

Good update on Lily, but poor Hope---did she go all day without eating?? That is worrisome.

BEagle said...

Jo. What TV show did you check, check, check out?

The adult male was just at the PH nest. My, my, the eaglets are much bigger than he.

They must be of the feminine gender.

ceil said...

Loretta my son was at the game. He is in Washington to do a presentation on Thursday. They were right behind the Nationals dugout. He e-mailed me that they were having a great time.

NatureNut said...

Ceil, I'm so glad you're here! I just looked at your garland picture & you wanted to know where Judie's washer was. It's rightr next to the van. And someone else (Diann, Ragdoll??) was having dryer problems, so that's at the end. Of course you might have meant LOL!! ☺

BEagle said...

The eaglet on the PH nest belly bumped the adult to get at the food.

Need for instruction in graciousness.

Mema Jo said...

alled Law Law Law and then some Order... It's commercial time!
Don'[t inow why they have vampires on Law & Order..... Great subject content! Right? Not!

BEagle said...

A WE eaglet keeps picking up a, something, and dropping it. I seem to find the slightest things to laugh about. Now the other chick is tossing it around. Maybe they can't figure out what it is either.
It sure isn't fluff!

Poor chicks.

BEagle said...

Did you get your nap Mema?

ceil said...

Good grief Loretta and I just had my eyes examined. Just looked at the picture again and there they were.
Good night

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Jo, vampires are all the rage...another twilight series movie comes out at the end of the month.

NatureNut said...

Wow, Ceil~~so glad they got to go to game. I think last major league b'ball game I saw live was the Senators in 6th grade at old Griffith Stadium! The Safety Patrols from school got to go!

Gonna check some TV!!!!I wanna watch what Jo's watching!

BEagle said...

Law and Order is a good show. How long has it been on?

When I was little we watched Dragnet a lot.

BEagle said...

And Palladin, Maverick, and Sky King.

hedgie said...

Good that they got Juliet collared.

Dana, prayers for good results on Aunt's PET!

Loretta, do you think the juvie is a fledgling or a year or two old? Hope you get a chance to snap a few pics!

hedgie said...

Goodnight Judie and Shirley. Busy ladies need to get a good nights sleep!

Lynne2 said...

evening all....looks like a soggy cool day after such a beauty today!

Glad Hunter is OK and that Laurel is good too!

Sorry to hear about Mary Margaret's fall...hope she is doing better.

Prayers for Ed's Aunt, Dana.

Any word for Silly Sissy about Saturday?

I'll be without computer effective Thursday afternoon sometime. PLEASE email any particulars aboutt Saturday before then! No idea when mine will be ready. They said they are waiting on parts and it could be up to 3 more weeks. I'm not happy. So I may be absent for quite some time. Will try to get to the Library from time to time so email me if anything important happens.

Gotta run....have a great night everyone and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Live cam is 8:12:13 hours....
WHoo Hoo! Love It!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading to the couch to put my feet up. Been at kitchen table most of night but sure was fun.

Prayers for those that need them and PRAISES for God's helping answers.

hedgie said...

Nationals did great tonight!! Yea for Strasburg!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne 2

Be sure to email to Lynn your cell or home # in case she needs to get in touch with you

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Just got home from school about 20 minutes ago, and have been trying to catch up on today's blog.

Shirley, glad Hunter is OK--never hurts to be careful when it's a head injury! Better safe than sorry! Prayers for Hunter!!

Dana, it's really good to see you back here! Have MISSED you! Prayers for Ed's Aunt Anna Mae, for sure! Hope all's well.

Have had a crazy day today--this morning the power went out for about 10-15 seconds, and then our DirecTV was all messed up! The remote would work the TV (volume, mute), but the DirecTV dvr wouldn't respond to the remote. The batteries were still good. Tried to "reboot" it many times, but when the process got to where it was downloading info from the satellite, it would go to a light grey screen on the TV, and get stuck. When I tried to call their C/S number, got a message that their phone lines were backed up--try later. Couldn't get to their website, either! After a few hours of pushing the 'reset' button, it finally worked. I honestly think that one of their satellites went belly up! Very strange, but glad it's working now.

Judie, glad you are able to view the nest! I can too now! Not sure what changed, but don't care, as long as we can both see our Palmer! Yippee!!

Well, think I'll go watch some TV, since it's now working! Leaving the night light on, and the porch light. The eye scanner is enabled.
Prayers said for everyone. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and good night! Will talk to you tomorrow. (Yay! No school tomorrow!) Love you guys! :o]

hedgie said...

Loretta......that was the last time for me, too: Griffith with Safety Patrols!!! 6th grade....which would have been probably '60!!! Oh, my.....wouldn't it be funny if we were both there at the same time?

Been to Orioles games several times more recently.

hedgie said...

Oh, BEagle, I watched all of those shows, too. Our age is showing, right???

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--very glad Laurel is OK! Prayers that her surgery on Thurs. goes well. Hope Mary Margaret is feeling better.

Still concerned about Hope--wish they would find her again! Don't like when she disappears for a while. Hope she's foraging for herself. Don't want her to be all skinny! Prayers for her!

Prayers continuing for little Kailey, too--bless her heart!

Okay, going to watch TV now. :o]

hedgie said...

Andy...you weren't the only one having trouble with D-tv....mine did it twice today!!!! I was so afraid that my DVR was getting ready to die. Pic also froze up while sound went on before the 2nd outage! Apparently it was THEIR problem, not us!

Mema Jo said...

Andy you are always in and out of here before I can catch up with you! Glad you have a day off tomorrow!

Prayers for Aunt Anna Mae's test results to be good news!

Hope Hunter's eye doesn't swell closed tonight. He'll have fun tomorrow at school - lots of attention to those that get clobbered by a gorilla!

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I am saying goodnight, too. My cam ran for 11+ hours today---whooHoo!
Peaceful rest and prayers for all.
Be careful on wet roads tomorrow if you have them.

Mema Jo said...

Every now and then there is a noise in the nest... I didn't mean that vehicle we just heard..

Mema Jo said...

I will follow you, Hedgie!

Good Night All
Prayers for All wants/needs
Prayers of Thankfulness for so much

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen had 14 guests, including 5 skateboarders between the ages of 12 and 16, I would guess. I had forgotten how bad a pack of boys can smell after a sweaty sport!:) They really gobbled down their food and told us it was really good, picked up their skateboards and left...interesting!
Then, about 5 minutes after we closed down the kitchen, a very big, tall man came in and sat down for his dinner. One of our helpers asked me what he should do. I told him to tell him the kitchen was closed....he said "You tell him that!" I took one look at the size of him, and decided to fill a plate for him and avoid a possible confrontation;) He ate everything on his plate, thanked us and left. Whew!


All of our leftover food is taken to Bethany House...a place of safety for abused women and children. So, in essence, we are feeding probably 15 people who cannot come to our church. It means a lot to me to be able to give a good meal to those poor individuals. Nothing sadder than an abused woman or child:(

GG was up to a walk to her Rose Garden, and picked a bouquet. She couldn't eat anything I fixed for her. She knows she needs to eat to get strength and energy and also to help her wound heal, but she says she just feels like choking when she eats. Tears came down her cheeks as she told me this. I thought, "Dear Lord tell me what to do" and He reminded me that I bought her baby food when she went through this in the past. It got her through a very rough time. So, look out Wal-Mart, here I come!


Costume Lady said...

So happy for Lolly and Laurel, that nothing serious was found. Same prognosis that I had many years ago. Mass was size of a gulf ball, but after it was removed, only needed a band aid to cover the incision. Was sore, but not extremely!

Relieved that Hunter has no permanent injuries to his beautiful eyes! Great kid:)

PA Nana said...

Good night to any left. Prayers for all needs/wants.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Palmer is certainly active this morning. I think she may fledge today. She has been practicing an awful lot!! Hope all is well out there with everyone this morning!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent brought breakfast, Palmer is mantling. Can't tell what it is.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Wed. Morning in Eagle Land Sissy.

Palmer is picking at something?

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer was over by tree with cam. Just flapped wings but hopped to around 10-11 o'clock area.

wvgal_dana said...

You can hear the dripping and splat sounds of the rain at the nest. As Palmer stands at attention at 11 0'clock.

wvgal_dana said...

Right now Accurate Weather is showing cloudy but nice for Sat.

wvgal_dana said...

Loon is on the nest and it looks like a vey nice day in Minnesota.

wvgal_dana said...

I tried but have not been able to get Sutton Eagle nest to open. It just goes around in circles.

wvgal_dana said...

Almost sounds like an ice storm at Barbee Mill Osprey. Too dark to know yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Boy lots of noise at Rachel Carson Bldg. train going past. A
screaming yes really screaming falcon ontop of building eating something.

wvgal_dana said...

Kentucky Osprey cam shows 3 nice size chicks there. Parent left for very short time. Came back and flew off again get to see more of chicks.

wvgal_dana said...

Pandas at DC not outside yet.

Flamingos out on the land in groups.

Have to re-check these cams later maybe the otters will be out or the sloth bear (no that cam down temporiarly).

wvgal_dana said...

Paent just flew in Palmer got the fish right away. Parennt went towards fish and Palmer pecked at him/her. Parent flew off, "Ok kid you want to handle this by yourself go for it".

Palmer places feet on the end and starts with beak. Now moving it around by the head to get feet in a better position.

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer looks around like, "Yea come back here and get this thing started for me". No one comes so Palmer is now taking pulls with its beak at the fish. Very slow going here. A peek or two then looks around for help. Now Palmer just moved back from it some. I don't know if that is a sign to parent. Come HELP ME!! We'll have to see what Palmer does here. Now Palmer flapped wingsand hopped to other side of nest away from fish. Well anther flap back over to fish. Has talcons on fish and wings spread out. Now just starting to peck a little at fish again. Pulling much harder to get some food. More ing flapping with talcons on fish. Now Palmer is flapping all around nest. Back and forth to the fish, then away from fish. Here goes more wings stretched out and more flapping moving around nest. Palmerat 11 o'clock place and fish lays at 3-4 o'clock area.

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer has finally decided to eat that fish. You can hear the tearing of it. So she some think he is finally making head way with eating it.

wvgal_dana said...

Loon just rolled the egg.

wvgal_dana said...

Well no one has dropped in. If there is a new blog they didn't come over and tell me LOL

Palmer has finished all the fish. Wiping beak and stretching wings.

If Palmer would do a lift off. Would have to be a poop shoot first after eating all that fish. Flaps wings and moves to 1 o'clock space.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I see our Palmer is still there this morning!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Sounds as if Palmer has been very busy this a.m. practicing for life on her own.

Although I can see the live cam from the site that let me install Adobe 10, I cannot get our nest this morning. Have tried many, many times. Will try again, later.

☺ Did have some good news on this rainy and overcast morning. The grade appeal committee ruled in my favor -- no evidence of arbitrary or capricious grading along with details of decision. The student has been notified. He can still appeal further to the Dean of Undergraduate Students but I'll worry about that if/when it happens. ☺

Going to get my "do" did later on.

Am catching up on a bit of laundry this morning and going to check out other critters.


Judie said...

Hi Dana. You weren't alone. I was busy typing.

Hi Sharon.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Sharon and Judie.

Judie so glad the decision was made in your favor.

wvgal_dana said...

Going back for a nap. I thought Margy would have been in. I hardly get to chat with her on here.

Hope Hunter gets a lot of laughs out of "at the zoo the gorilla punched me in the eye story".


hedgie said...

Morning all. Rainy and cool. Good day to be super-lazy, but alas! have to Cinnamon to vet today, and mail some packages at P.O.
Judie, so glad that the ruling went in your favor---as is only right!!
Wonderful to open Momster mail this am and find the pics from Iris!!! Frank reminds me of an actor, whose name totally escapes me.

Ragdoll said...

Good morning Sharon, Judie, Dana and all lurkers.

Lolly, I am happy for you and Laurel. I will be praying about surgery on Thursday.

Shirley, Boy, Hunter had a rough ball game. Glad he is okay. Tell him to watch out for gorillas.

Wanda, sounds like you had a good turn out. I am so please to hear you donated the left overs to a domestic violence shelter. I worked with these women and children for 2 years. When a woman has left her abuser, she's in a strange place, has a baby in her arms and two toddlers playing on the floor and feels like her whole world has blown up. Having those left overs, means she and children will have a good meal and she doesn't have to cook. She is usally so depressed that just the thought of making a meal sound impossible to her. Your such a good person. Bless you.

Judie, glad to hear the decision is made and this student can't pull that on you.

hedgie said...

Hope update: June 9, 2010 (8:16 AM) Hope came to the feeding station last evening an hour after I left and visited again just over an hour before I arrived there this morning. Crafty bear! - SM

Feeling relieved to know that she showed up!

Ragdoll said...

Palmer, you go girl!!! She is really ripping that meal apart now. LOL

hedgie said...

Wanda, sorry that GG is having more trouble. Hope the baby food does the trick.

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, Thank you for the update on Hope. Our Babies are doing good. Palmer is eating on her own and Hope, Bless her little heart, is alive and thriving. (smiles)

Mits said...

Good WEDNESDAY morning everyone...have a good one:)

Mits said...

Finney Forum is keeping a close eye on the nest....today could be 1st hatch...almost 5 o'clock there now

Judie said...

Yes, thanks. It is a relief to have the decision and in my favor.

Lynn, I agree, this is a "beautiful" day to be lazy. Think I will be -- in my mind. Have fun with Cinnamon

Wanda, the Soup Kitchen menus sound so good I might have to mosey up to WV for a bite or two. Seriously, so pleased the leftovers go to benefit others who cannot get to you. Also glad you decided a plate of food was better than an altercation. Most important, praying baby food will be a blessing for GG.

Thanks for Hope update, Lynn.

Off to clean up before venturing out.

stronghunter said...

Did a quick scan of the blog. Judie, glad the ruling went in your favor.

Thanks for all of the kind remarks supporting Hunter and Tom.

See it is raining at the nest.

Will be rushing down to help get things ready for the senior picnic in a little while. It's raining, so the picnic will be indoors.

Then, I have a student who wants to see me about his make-up work. He has been absent repeatedly. It seems that he does not miss sports events, though. Mysterious. I guess his illnesses do not happen on game days.

The mother of another student who has been absent repeatedly called to say that their printer was not working and her research paper may be a few hours late. I can handle a few hours, but it is strange that it is always these two who are absent.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for GG, Wanda.

Mits said...

both O's at Finney's looking into nest cup

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What a wing flapping bird.

paula eagleholic said...

Been watching Palmer for the last 10 minutes. She has been all over the nest. I think she could fledge at any time...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am telling ya'll, that bird is gonna fly!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Now She knows what those wings are for :)

Mema Jo said...

I believe ya! She is going to fly!
I am sad/hapy all at once......

Oh yes, good morning

Lolly said...

Good morning! Listening to the rain on our cam...wish it was raining here. Thought I would never say those words again. LOL

Really conked out last night. Could not finish reading the blog and definitly could not comment myself. Going to take it really easy today, maybe my back will get better, and then lay off the muscle relaxer.

I dreamed of Hope last night. Dreamed that Lily and Hope were back together. Worry so about that little bear.

Ready the Loon Log....guess no little loonies this year.

Lolly said...

Read not ready. LOL

Mema Jo said...

That winde is really whipping around at the nest with the rain.
I hope Palmer knmows what it means when we say "Good flying conditions"

Lolly said...

Have been watching Palmer. Would he fledge in the rain? Hmmmmm???

Really has been flapping those wings. I really thought he had fledged yesterday when he went out of sight for a couple of seconds.

Mema Jo said...

At times the wind noise sounds like voices to me...... ??
I haven't heard a train on the cam for sooooo long.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...