Nope, not them, either!!! Give me corn, maters and fresh (no canned or frozen) green beans, taters, and salad stuff only! And I'll do kidney beans in chili, and pinto beans for soup.
WOW, I think that was the longest flyover I've ever seen...across the whole sky. thanks Margy!
SPACE STATION MARATHON: The International Space Station (ISS) is about to put on a remarkable show. For the next few days, the behemoth spacecraft will be in almost-constant sunlight. This means it will shine brightly in the night sky every single time it passes overhead. Some observers can see it 3, 4, even 5 times a night!
Yes Paula! It was a nice long flyover, brighter and higher than I expected... 3rd flyover of the day at around 11:13/11:15 pm, West, a little dimmer brightness predicted than this one just now ☺
Last time I was in Williamsburg my daughter wasn't even born. Had a lot of fun going through interesting places. Love best riding bikes around in Williamsburg.
Hi Gang! I was at NCTC tonight for a presentation. Palmer was in the nest when I got there, and when I left - saw her from the cam inside the building. No sign of Belle or Lib, and yes, I "accidentally" drove down the road that took me closer to the nest.
daggone it I forgot about that presentation Sunny was thinking of trying to make it... Hello by the way! I bet that was a great "accidental detour...."
Yes Jo Megan did say Saturday... Astronomy Mag says 7:30 am (EDT, but we are on DST?) so Strawberry Moon is going to look darn near full Friday night and definitely so Saturday night!
no clouds and no trees would have helped the viewing, BEagle... it was not terribly high in the sky...about halfway or so... it takes just a little practice figuring out how/where to look.. there is the rise time and the transit time...transit is usually when you will actually start to see it but once you get the hang of it... you will really enjoy it!
when I first started looking, I went out to a farmer's field to make sure I could get a view on it!
if it says SSW then you look in that direction for it to start crossing the sky...sometimes it just pops out of nowhere in that direction it says to look ...! and then sometimes it just goes Poof when it gets away from the sun's glare...usually gets a little reddish first then OUT like a lightbulb You don't need field glasses... it looks like an airplane WITHOUT ANY BLINKING LIGHTS AT ALL
ok guess I better do something around here ttfn xo
This Saturday morning, June 26th, there's going to be a lunar eclipse—and for many residents of the USA, it's going to be a big one. The eclipse will occur as the Moon is setting, causing the "Moon Illusion" to magnify the event to truly beautiful proportions:
Wow, it's getting late. but finally painfree enough to read & visit on here. If Palmer is still in the nest, I can't see a thing!How lucky, Sunny, that you got to see her tonight! Where is the rain????Guess I will have to water in the AM.I'm getting a little wary of going outside much at night~~~keep having close encounters w/goofy Racketty Coon!When we were putting dinner cat crunchies out for the little stray visitor, she would always leave some. Later, after dark, or in the AM, everything would be licked clean! Knew it wasn't the cat, as never saw her come back & she wasn't crazy about that food. Two nights in a row I went out & saw that whacko. One night I happened to see him on steps, but I stomped my feet & he only put his head under step in front of him. I banged plastic chair & he finally went down on driveway in front of car & looked at me!The other night there wasn't any food (we haven't seen her, but I'm praying for a miracle), it was dark & I heard rustling in shrub type noises & clanging on chain link fence at neighbor's yard. I thought, "good, he's going away." WRONG---he came to one edge of deck behind a flowerpot. So, the stinker must have heard me come out & came thinking I was bringing food! Early one AM, Fubby went to get paper & Rackety was coming up driveway & just looked at him!
Well, when we go out we will probably run into our armadillo. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! He has been making a mess recently in the flower beds, digging up mulch. So far only little holes in the lawn.
Thanks Margy. Dentist got it out in 2 seconds & was so fast I didn't know it. Novacaine is great. I was such an old wiggley I thought I could probably pull it out! It was too slippery.In fact it stopped hurting at 1 PM & I never took any pills!But do have sore, swollen lymph node, so I had him give me Pen VK Rx.
Kinda sad, speaking of lymph nodes~~~been talking to daughter last 2 nights & just found out that her BIL, Mike, got test results from the colon surgery.They also took 5 adjacent nodes.There was some spread to node(s) & he will have to undergo 6 mos. of chemo. Dr. was disappointed and somewhat surprised, too. So, plz a couple thoughts & prayers for Mike. He's near Nashville, TN. TY so much. I sure would like to reseaarch & found out how frequently c-oscopies should be done when there is a family history!!!!!!
I love Williamsburg, too!!! Was never so disappointed in my life as when we took kids, and they and hubby were not at all impressed. Guess it's all the difference in educational stressing in VA schools vs. WV.
I have a Williamsburg cookbook. Will have to look to see if there are any quiche recipes. Sounds like the restaurant would be either the Trellis or Chownings Tavern. Love that area at Christmas time as the W&M choir strolls the streets caroling and all decorations have to be natural.
Hey Loweeda, I was confused and thought the dentist is tomorrow. So glad you have the offending tooth out and are feeling better. Raccoons around here are fearless, as well. Just look at me as if I'm the intruder. Keep feeling better.
Sunny, so nice you were able to take a detour and see Palmer. What a treat.
Going to turn my light off before I gain more weight tonight. Have this really unusual craving for pb quiche. Leaving the night light on for others coming in. I know Andy will set our alarm for us.
BEagle, did you put in your zip code and find out your schedule?? Don't know where you are....but St. Louis area had 3 sightings for today. One yet to come at 11:13 Central time.
Well, seeing the ISS did not work out. Jack thinks he caught a glimpse of it but really it was too cloudy. However, did see something else out there that was really pretty. It was peeking through the clouds. Posted a picture on Hawkwood Garden blog.
Duh----take back the 3 sightings and the 11:13 for St. L. Tracker reverted to my zip code for some reason!! Their last one was 10:10. 2 tomorrow--early am and then pm.
Been out front & didn't see ISS. It is a little cloudy & I wasn't quite sure of trajectory, but if it was coming from Lolly's should be West!! Thx Judie for raccoon tips---I didn't know if they were supposed to be that "friendly" or not. I knew he couldn't have rabies as he's been around for awhile.One night he must have gotten into someone elses' trash & brought to our side porch to eat! Was stuff we never threw out! Thanks for all the well wishes & prayers. I know he'll come through w/flying colors--was caught pretty early. ☺ Gonna watch TV & take another "habby" pill!
Will say goodnight to all my fine, fowl friends. I am going to try very hard to NOT be on here in the morning....want to run some errands EARLY and I'll never get out of here before noon if I start putering!!! So see all y'all tomorrow afternoon! Prayers for all.
Hey Sunny - I think that is said 'accidentally on purpose'! Thanks for the update - Belle had been perching on the limb under the nest instead of the one up high where we are use to seeing them.
Had to check Lolly's pic---very cool!! Don't know if anything came out, but as soon as we got home early eve, heard one of those crunchy, scraping noises out back & it was a pileated on a dead branch!!!He hopped around and flew down thru all the backyard trees, so I will have to check.It's amazing to me that we would see one here in a development, but there was one a couple years ago chipping a neighbor's old tree stump. She wanted him to come back & finish the job!
"Say Goodnight, Gracie." Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Loretta, glad you dentist visit was bearable. Also want to send prayers for your family member Mike. Cancer is everywhere these days. I lost my cousin, who was like a sister to me, last June.
About your night visitor--isn't it amazing how fast animals learn? That little booger was EXPECTING you to bring food out. lol
I lucked out and saw ISS one last time....totally different transit from the one earlier... then was talking with a lady walking home from City Hospital...I think I startled her at first...out there in the grass with my field glasses...
I'm halfway thru watering got to finish the other half...
like the Moon picture Lolly...
Good Night everyone... Hope Sleep is great and uninterrupted..until it's time...
Prayers for all needs and grateful prayers for many gifts given God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥
Yes, Chownings is known for its Brunswick stew. You have to remember it was in the 1960s when I lived down there. My first teaching job was in Newport News, and that is where I met and married my husband. A long time ago.
Just have to say that I LOVE Williamsburg! A few years ago we flew there to visit in December. We went to the Grand Illumination when they light all the street candles and had fireworks. All the houses were decorated with natural decorations. It was fantastic, if not magical. We always make reservations to eat each night at a different tavern. Just LOVE it! On my mantle I have a brass Williamsburg lantern.
We have had another busy day, here and at GG's. We have Dustin with us for a few days and have been working his skinny butt off:) He mowed my lawn and took the blower to GG's garage. Tomorrow, he is going to use the blower on my front porch and the deck (if it's not too hot). My knee has been giving me a fit and I don't have any HABBY pills, so Dustin is the next best thing to a HABBY pill:) I think if I could get my hands on a PEANUT BUTTER QUICHE, my knee would feel much better;)
GG thinks she is doing well enough to DRIVE now...would have driven herself to the beauty salon today, but her car is "shamefully dirty". We have all been too busy to wash it...not that we want her to drive, but it was shameful. Gene took it to the wash today...looks good. Her car is a 2001 or 2002 model and only has 10,000 miles. Talk about little old lady only driving her car to church...that's a fact! Forgot...Wal Mart too:)
Dustin will be leaving us tomorrow to get ready for his vacation:( He and his family are going to Outer Banks for 2 weeks, which includes my "little darlin' Jayden":( I will get to see him (and Karla) tomorrow evening:)
And, my herb garden is a miniature Williamsburg garden complete with a heavy ball and chain on the gate from Williamsburg. Also, have a Williamsburg bird bottle under the eve of the house and a garnet ring made in Williamsburg. Have I said I LOVE Williamsburg?
Hi, Everyone, Back home from school. Got 1 exam back, and got an A! Yippee!! Thank God! Will have a big test in my English class on Monday, AND a test in my Vocabulary class! Glad I have the whole weekend to study.
OOOh--the quiche sounds great! Love every kind of veggie ever invented. Sorry, Lynn! Love any kind of ice cream, but can't have much of it since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Glad to hear that your BIL is doing fine, Jo! Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Glad you made it through the dentist visit OK, Loretta! Praying for you, AND for Mike! A swift recovery for both of you!
Lolly, Annie is a real beauty! Hope she gets more used to the meds and doesn't give you any trouble.
Well, my brain is fried at this point, so think I'll go veg in TV Land for a bit. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, friends. Will talk to you tomorrow. The night light is on, the porch light is too, and the eye scanner security is enabled. God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! :o]
Left house at 6:30 yesterday AM to babysit my friend Gail's other grandchildren and didn't get home til 5:30. Tried to catch up on email, blog, facebook and return phone calls last night, spent an hour watering plants, too, but didn't have much time for chatting.
Well, we didn't get any rain either. That impressive line of storms that was coming at us just dissolved as it approached the "evaporation zone" here.
I saw an Eastern Kingfisher on my feeder pole last evening! I've seen them here in the fields but never near the feeder. He wasn't eating, just hanging out! (remember we saw one at the nest)
No Palmer right now...I can't remember how long Hidey returned to the nest after her fledge. It'll be 2 weeks Sunday for Palmer.
Have a SLUG of washing to do, must go buy birdseed, weed gardens, take dogs for a run...very excited for landlord in law (LOL! that's what I call him now...he WAS my landlord til we moved next door, and my new landlord is his son in law) is expecting the arrival of Penny, his dobie, and his girlfriend from Florida this weekend. I think Penny and Daisy are going to have a blast running each other around in the field! Puddles Pearl will be excluded from those particular romps because Penny is HUGE and I don't want her getting crushed!
Red Friday that is, try to sport a little red something in your attire to honor our Military Folks... and thank a soldier if you see one...well, that goes for every day
Lynne I have to do like you do with watering the plants, no garden hose, so it's one milk jug after another of water into the watering can guess I'm lucky (in a way) only have the porch plants
One totem tomato (plant from Megan) is beginning to turn pink...☺ others are just green yet but growing big Wanda gets the first BIG ripe tomato
hi Margy! Fortunately we were able to hook a hose up to the garage utility sink yesterday and could reach just about everything, front and back since the breezeway between our place and the garage goes straight through. We are on a well, however, so in light of the lack of rain, we need to be very careful. Our well is VERY deep, but even so, who knows if we are heading for a drought. Still had to fill cans to water the further stuff, though. Will limit watering to the established plants to 2x a week, but the newbies from Megan I'll do more often.
BEagle, thanks for the reminder about the lunar is an article and map Lunar Eclipse Looks like you all in central and western parts will get a better show.
Turns out I have some serious chores this morning helping Darth.
Will try to do a better catch up later.
Did a speed read. Chownings Tavern dates to Geo. Washsington, revolutionary times. Very good Welsh Rarebit.
Wanda, so good GG is feeling better and wants to be active. That's a very good sign. Sure hope your knee starts feeling better, also. Great that Dustin can be there to help you.
Lynne, hope the dogs all have a great time and you can tackle that SLUG of laundry.
Checked critter cams and all critters seemed to be doing just fine. Don't know about NCTC but must be MT.
There is one shell in the nest upside down, look at 6 and look towards the middle of the nest, it's inbetween 3 sticks.
The only food I didn't like in Williamsburg was the peanut soup. Cold soup, yuck. And I am not a real big PB fun, only Reese's and some PB cookies every once in awhile...but I like peanuts.
Osprey Diary 25 June June 25th, 2010 by Osprey Team Good Morning All! Sorry for the late update today. It’s so busy here this morning that everyone assumed someone else had written the blog! Having been off for 2 days (catching up on lost sleep!), I came in this morning to a bird who looked liked nothing had ever happened to her, so I’m now wondering if it was real or I dreamed the entire thing?! The Laird has delivered several decent sized fish this morning and mum has yet again been stuffing them full of food. It’s hard to believe that in just 2 weeks they could be flying! I think after all that has happened, the fledging will be a momentous occasion and I’m sure quite an emotional one as well. We will keep monitoring her progress and hope it is all as positive as the last few days have been. She has certainly put on a bit of weight again and her preening is making sure she looks her best. Thanks again to all of you for your support over the last week. It’s helped us through and helped reinforce the importance of what we do. Fiona
Good Friday Morning In Eagle Land Lori, Shirley, Lynn2, Margy, Judie, and Paula.
Lolly tried to leave a comment about Annie. Just wouldn't take. "Lolly she is a cute kitty. I like the picture where she is laying on her back looking all "comfy". end of comment I couldn't put on
Loretta glad tooth is a goner.
Prayers for Mike.
Glad Jo's BIL is progessing alone well.
I think so much in these time of our Foralgirl-Megan. She works so hard in her gardens. So you know she has been watering and watering. Who stole our showers???
bet we can look forward to some interesting Judie-Darth comments later
Hedgie said she was not going to get on the computer this morning, think she stuck to her word! (But I bet she peeked in on the the Sycamore Palace and Loch of the Lowe's)
I think I hear people sounds at NCTC - maybe the Day Care kids tending their garden
Come on all - Prayer Power! Prayers for Carolyn's 2nd interview in about 8 minutes with 911! Lynn says Carolyn really wants this position and prays it will come to be..........
Good morning! Jack and I went out early to water and guess what....water was falling gently from the sky!!!! Continued watering as it is a very lite sprinkle, however my clothes are now in the dryer.
Prayers going up right now for Carolyn's interview.
Wahoo...sound on the cam. And, thank goodness for good eyes! Paula, I would never have found those other two turtle shells.
lol Coincidence amazes me sometimes.. I always click for Freekibbles each morning when I receive an email.. It is like the Click To Give site... This is Bow Wow and then Meow trivia.. SO there is the question about Brawn and Brain! Thanks to Lynne publishing the article I got 10 pieces of Free Kibbles for the doggies!
Wish I could say Annie was as sweet as she looks. She is a two person cat and really a one person No one can pet or hold her but us. She spits at Laurel and the boys. They say she is evil. LOL I blame her first six weeks of life. No telling what they were like. She appeared in our yard one rainy morning in very bad shape. We figure she was about 6 or 7 weeks old.
happy to have sound hummy whiny or otherwise we will surely be able to hear an arrival when it happens! can hear some little chirpy birds too now and then like right now a sound I cannot ID too fast for a chipping sparrow I think
wonder what questions my boss and the training supervisor are asking Carolyn right about now second interview is definitely a positive sign!
Lolly, Kathryn had a one-person kitty, Lucky. She rescued Lucky from an old bus at the repair shop where she works. Lucky's mother had died, and he was the only surviving kitten. When he was a little kitten, he accepted me, but when he got older, he decided he hated me and would hiss at me if I sat down near him.
Lucky would have nothing to do with me until Hunter was born, and Lucky found out he was not the center of Kathryn's attention. He figured out that he needed to take his love where he could get it, and now he accepts me.
One day, though, I sat down beside Lucky on Tom and Kathryn's bed, a sacred spot in Lucky's mind. He hissed at me and I told him what I thought about his behavior--being sunk into the waterbed, I would have had a hard time getting up, and do not intend to be run off by a mere cat, anyway. He ran off. (I am bigger than he is!) But, Lucky and I were the only ones in the house. He ended up apologizing and asking me to pat him. I loved it.
Not that I am suggesting that you give birth to solve the kitty issue, Lolly! But kitties are smart enough to figure out they had better adjust to the situation. If Annie had to make friends with Laurel, I'll bet she would do it.
CT OSPREY CAM IS CLEAR AGAIN............June 24 -- That was some wild rain, wind and thunderstorm that just blew through this afternoon! I just checked in on the nest and all Osprey big and small are soggy and a tad ruffled but otherwise OK. Chicks are sticking close to the female.
June 23 -- I'm sounding the "all clear" as our Osprey Cam lens comes back into focus!
Last night's hard rain washed away most of the you-know-what that was completely clouding the lens. (It's tight quarters and not much privacy in the nest these days.) S
Lucky owes me big time for several reasons. I helped pay the huge vet bill that saved his life when he swallowed string, and I went to check on things one time when Tom and Kathryn were out of time.
As soon as I got to the door, Lucky told me in no uncertain terms that there was an emergency. Tom had forgotten to fill his water dish, and he was one thirsty kitty.
He led me to the bathroom. (He prefers flowing water.) He drank and drank, and I made sure the water dish was full before I left. I know he appreciated me that day!
Another bad habit of Annie's...she bites. Her momma never taught her to be gentle. I could play with all my other kittys and they would never bite down. Oh, Annie does! Even to me.
Hi, Everyone! Only have a few minutes to chat, and then must run--got a call this morning from our neighbor at the high desert house, and our sprinklers are not working up there! Hubby took the newer car to work this am, so he's taking a half-day off, and will be home soon so we can make the journey up there and fix the situation. Probably need a new battery in the sprinkler control box. Electric Co. is planning a power outage of 6+ hours on 6/29, too, so sure do need a new battery. Seems as if the power fails there about every-other-week!
I'm loving the kitty stories this morning! Sure miss having one. I have seen a "kitty fountain" at PetCo that gives your pet (cat OR dog, I guess) running water. I think it runs on batteries, and recycles the water in its large reservoir. Pretty interesting!
Really glad that Isla is apparently gaining back some of the weight that she had lost. Looks like you can't keep the old girl down for long! Thank GOD!
Well, better run--Hubby should be home any minute now, and we need to hurry up to the desert house. Will be back after we're back home. Prayers continue for everyone here. Take care, and have a fantastic Friday! :o]
Kathryn had one of those flowing water things for awhile, but I was not too impressed. For one thing, I think the animals like fresh, cold water, and these things just recycle the water. Also, they get yucky and are not easy to clean. They can also be pretty expensive.
can't have a cat here, makes me all sneezy reading your stories..not sure if that is good or bad but I think to be able to have a cat would be nice had four in the past Hayfield Hayfield II Colors and Florrie then I got bronchitis :(
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 550 Newer› Newest»Quiche of any kind, yes!
peanut butter cup quiche.
No, Jo---no broccoli, no kale, no brussel sprouts, no beets, no rutabaga, no peas, no limas.......yuck!
No cooked carrots, either, but like raw.
sure why not, BEagle
Venus brilliant in the west
going out to watch for ISS
then I will have to water the plants
sure could use some soaking rain
very nice to hear/read of the Red Panda cub at the Zoo !
I wanna go to Williamsburg, too!!! I love quiche, Williamsburg, and spinach in quiche.
Nope, not them, either!!!
Give me corn, maters and fresh (no canned or frozen) green beans, taters, and salad stuff only! And I'll do kidney beans in chili, and pinto beans for soup.
Someone make a quiche with raw carrots.
And NO cauliflower!
Thanks, Margy, gonna go look
Kidney bean quiche.
Bound to keep you up all night.
Going to look for Venus.
I have too many trees in the yard that I can never see anything...... BBILW
BEagle....think I'll pass. I like my quiche with just cheese and bacon!
However I can see millions of
Lightning Bugs!
WOW, I think that was the longest flyover I've ever seen...across the whole sky. thanks Margy!
SPACE STATION MARATHON: The International Space Station (ISS) is about to put on a remarkable show. For the next few days, the behemoth spacecraft will be in almost-constant sunlight. This means it will shine brightly in the night sky every single time it passes overhead. Some observers can see it 3, 4, even 5 times a night!
JO, I'm your traveling buddy. Haven't been to Williamsburg in ages, and I love quiche!
I like Gruyere cheese and mushrooms.
My sky only has clouds, trees and lightening bugs.
Don't forget those mushrooms in the quiche!
Yes Paula! It was a nice long flyover, brighter and higher than I expected...
3rd flyover of the day at around 11:13/11:15 pm, West, a little dimmer brightness predicted than this one just now
Last time I was in Williamsburg my daughter wasn't even born. Had a lot of fun going through interesting places. Love best riding bikes around in Williamsburg.
Hi Gang! I was at NCTC tonight for a presentation. Palmer was in the nest when I got there, and when I left - saw her from the cam inside the building. No sign of Belle or Lib, and yes, I "accidentally" drove down the road that took me closer to the nest.
I can't see anything this time of year....except moonglow when it is showing. And then it's dappled moonglow!
Why can't I see the flyover?
Sounds like a nice visit Sunny.
Venus is beautiful and the moon is brilliant. Full moon on Saturday - is that what Megan said?
I almost thought I heard some
rumbling up in the sky - but guess it was a hot rod.......
daggone it I forgot about that presentation Sunny
was thinking of trying to make it...
Hello by the way!
I bet that was a great "accidental detour...."
thanks Paula for the additional ISS info....
Williamsburg. I love Williamsburg. I lived there for about seven months right after I got married. Hubby went to William and Mary Law School.
BEagle, you have to put in your zip code, it will tell you what time and direction it's coming from, and how far up off the horizon.
I like quiche, too, but I particularly liked to eat Brunswick stew in a nice little restaurant there.
I would love to go to Williamsburg!
Glad she was there for you, Sunny!
Yes Jo Megan did say Saturday...
Astronomy Mag says 7:30 am (EDT, but we are on DST?)
so Strawberry Moon is going to look darn near full Friday night and definitely so Saturday night!
You have more lightning bugs than I have here!
no clouds and no trees would have helped the viewing, BEagle...
it was not terribly high in the sky...about halfway or so...
it takes just a little practice figuring out how/where to look..
there is the rise time and the transit time...transit is usually when you will actually start to see it
but once you get the hang of it...
you will really enjoy it!
when I first started looking, I went out to a farmer's field to make sure I could get a view on it!
It looks like an airplane going across the sky, but it is a solid steady light, it's not blinking. And it moves pretty quick.
I will keep working on it. I checked again and saw the moon peeking through the clouds and disappeared again.
A big lunar eclipse on the 26th.
if it says SSW then you look in that direction for it to start crossing the sky...sometimes it just pops out of nowhere in that direction it says to look ...!
and then sometimes it just goes Poof when it gets away from the sun's glare...usually gets a little reddish first then OUT like a lightbulb
You don't need field glasses...
it looks like an airplane WITHOUT ANY BLINKING LIGHTS AT ALL
ok guess I better do something around here
ttfn xo
can you tell I really like ISS !
I saw that about lunar eclipse...any details you can pass along? Was wondering if we would see any of it...
I have seen it before passing straight overhead. What was the satellite that was launched years and years ago?
We always like to go out and see it pass over.
From the
This Saturday morning, June 26th, there's going to be a lunar eclipse—and for many residents of the USA, it's going to be a big one. The eclipse will occur as the Moon is setting, causing the "Moon Illusion" to magnify the event to truly beautiful proportions:
kinda looks like the Eastern time zones might miss it, better each further West time zone one is in
it's early close to sunrise Saturday looks like hereabouts
Sputnik? Echo? Skylab?
thanks BEagle..
I have a sister who is going to be on vacation in Alaska! I should tell her to check on it!
I remember the Skylab "Crash Party" things..think that was in 1979 or 1980....
Just sinned! Jack and I had a bowl of homemade ice cream topped with maple syrup and pecans. Oh, my was it good!!!!
The article also says it will start at 3:17 PDT (10:17 UT).
4:38 PDT (11:38 UT) it will be at it's peak.
What is PDT and UT?
The ice cream sounds delightful. Pecans/walnuts team up well with pure maple syrup.
PDT is pacific daylight time? UT is universal time, they have a calculator somewhere on the sight to conver the time
Gets your thinking Off spinach. : D
Will look for conver. I had guess the PDT and UT. I was thinking.
LOoks like it starts at 4:17am?
The conversion from the UT time is 5 hours for EST. Add one hour if on daylight savings time.
Oops. Subtract 5 hours for EST. Add an hour for DST.
The spectacle should be around 7:30am.
We are going out in 30 minutes to see if we can spot the ISS.
I am still thinking about peanut butter cup quiche.☺
Do you have a recipe for peanut butter cup quiche, Lolly? I think you could gain weight just reading about it!!
No, but BEagle mentioned it. I am still chuckling over it! Yes, just thinking about it puts weight on!
BEagle I get UY 10:17 minus 6 hours for 4:17am
You could probably come up with one, Lolly.
I have one for peanut butter cup cookies...where you press the pb cup into the middle of the cookie
Closest thing would be pb pie
Wow, it's getting late. but finally painfree enough to read & visit on here.
If Palmer is still in the nest, I can't see a thing!How lucky, Sunny, that you got to see her tonight!
Where is the rain????Guess I will have to water in the AM.I'm getting a little wary of going outside much at night~~~keep having close encounters w/goofy Racketty Coon!When we were putting dinner cat crunchies out for the little stray visitor, she would always leave some. Later, after dark, or in the AM, everything would be licked clean! Knew it wasn't the cat, as never saw her come back & she wasn't crazy about that food. Two nights in a row I went out & saw that whacko. One night I happened to see him on steps, but I stomped my feet & he only put his head under step in front of him. I banged plastic chair & he finally went down on driveway in front of car & looked at me!The other night there wasn't any food (we haven't seen her, but I'm praying for a miracle), it was dark & I heard rustling in shrub type noises & clanging on chain link fence at neighbor's yard. I thought, "good, he's going away." WRONG---he came to one edge of deck behind a flowerpot. So, the stinker must have heard me come out & came thinking I was bringing food!
Early one AM, Fubby went to get paper & Rackety was coming up driveway & just looked at him!
The spectacle will occur at ll:38 UT.
A peanut butter cookie with a pb cup smashed in it is a pb cup quiche if you ask me.
: D
maybe Racketty Coon knows that St Francis statue is on your porch and figures he has an "In"
hope you will feel all better very quickly
Checked LOL Cam 2 & saw Isla on perch above nest on right, & almost full moon on the left! Too bad was not clear pic---would have saved it.
Have been loading pictures of Annie. Thought I would share her with you.
Look on the family pic blog.
Time to go out soon. Wonder if there are clouds?
you are going for the 10:08 flyover your time?
then I guess it's coming this
way 5 mins or so later.... our time That's fast !
Hope you both see it !
Well, when we go out we will probably run into our armadillo. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! He has been making a mess recently in the flower beds, digging up mulch. So far only little holes in the lawn.
Yep, 10:08! Heading out! BBS
Thanks Margy. Dentist got it out in 2 seconds & was so fast I didn't know it. Novacaine is great. I was such an old wiggley I thought I could probably pull it out! It was too slippery.In fact it stopped hurting at 1 PM & I never took any pills!But do have sore, swollen lymph node, so I had him give me Pen VK Rx.
Kinda sad, speaking of lymph nodes~~~been talking to daughter last 2 nights & just found out that her BIL, Mike, got test results from the colon surgery.They also took 5 adjacent nodes.There was some spread to node(s) & he will have to undergo 6 mos. of chemo. Dr. was disappointed and somewhat surprised, too. So, plz a couple thoughts & prayers for Mike. He's near Nashville, TN. TY so much.
I sure would like to reseaarch & found out how frequently c-oscopies should be done when there is a family history!!!!!!
sorry to read of that report on Mike...
continued prayers...
Margy, EDT is daylight savings time, right? EST is standard time.
I love Williamsburg, too!!! Was never so disappointed in my life as when we took kids, and they and hubby were not at all impressed. Guess it's all the difference in educational stressing in VA schools vs. WV.
yes - Thank you Lynn! Lightbulb...
brain really lagging behind here lately
going back out to check on ISS now...
straight out of the West, maybe not quite so bright as earlier tonite
Hitting the hay, see ya;ll tomorrow.
Glad the pain is gone Lowreeda..prayers for Mike.
Jo, glad BIL is home recuperating.
HUgs to all.♥
Whew, good thing eagles aren't green!
I have a Williamsburg cookbook. Will have to look to see if there are any quiche recipes. Sounds like the restaurant would be either the Trellis or Chownings Tavern. Love that area at Christmas time as the W&M choir strolls the streets caroling and all decorations have to be natural.
Hey Loweeda, I was confused and thought the dentist is tomorrow. So glad you have the offending tooth out and are feeling better. Raccoons around here are fearless, as well. Just look at me as if I'm the intruder. Keep feeling better.
Sunny, so nice you were able to take a detour and see Palmer. What a treat.
Going to turn my light off before I gain more weight tonight. Have this really unusual craving for pb quiche. Leaving the night light on for others coming in. I know Andy will set our alarm for us.
BEagle, did you put in your zip code and find out your schedule?? Don't know where you are....but St. Louis area had 3 sightings for today. One yet to come at 11:13 Central time.
Well, seeing the ISS did not work out. Jack thinks he caught a glimpse of it but really it was too cloudy. However, did see something else out there that was really pretty. It was peeking through the clouds. Posted a picture on Hawkwood Garden blog.
Lolly, Annie is mustachioed!!
Lynne---are you lurking???
Lowreeda---so glad that pesky tooth is gone! Hope the raccoon goes away, too---such pains they are.
Duh----take back the 3 sightings and the 11:13 for St. L. Tracker reverted to my zip code for some reason!! Their last one was 10:10. 2 tomorrow--early am and then pm.
I did not put my zip code for the ISS.
Where is the link for that. Did I pass over it?
All sightings are listed as VERY BRIGHT. Guess it all has to do with the angle of the sun.
Yes, Annie should have been named Hitler.
Giving in to the PB crave----a spoonful of PB is always good!
I'm back. I left earlier 'cause Explorer kept freezing.
Craig and I saw Palmer eating around 8:30. She polished off that fish pretty quickly. :)
I don't like spinach, but I will eat spinach quiche. Yummmmmmm.
Jo, is Mason related to you? Sharon sent me a link to his page a couple of months ago.
Been out front & didn't see ISS. It is a little cloudy & I wasn't quite sure of trajectory, but if it was coming from Lolly's should be West!!
Thx Judie for raccoon tips---I didn't know if they were supposed to be that "friendly" or not. I knew he couldn't have rabies as he's been around for awhile.One night he must have gotten into someone elses' trash & brought to our side porch to eat! Was stuff we never threw out!
Thanks for all the well wishes & prayers. I know he'll come through w/flying colors--was caught pretty early. ☺
Gonna watch TV & take another "habby" pill!
Prayers for Mike, Loretta.
Read this article: Colonoscopy guidelines
Glad you are feeling better, Loretta. Keep on taking those habby pills!
Pam, Mason isn't related to me. Megan knows his mother, Sylvia. I still have the link and get those updates and then share them with all.
Will say goodnight to all my fine, fowl friends. I am going to try very hard to NOT be on here in the morning....want to run some errands EARLY and I'll never get out of here before noon if I start putering!!! So see all y'all tomorrow afternoon! Prayers for all.
Hey Sunny - I think that is said
'accidentally on purpose'!
Thanks for the update - Belle had been perching on the limb under the nest instead of the one up high where we are use to seeing them.
Nite Lynn! Glad you told us where you would be. Would worry!
I am just waiting for the bear update then off to bed.
Had to check Lolly's pic---very cool!!
Don't know if anything came out, but as soon as we got home early eve, heard one of those crunchy, scraping noises out back & it was a pileated on a dead branch!!!He hopped around and flew down thru all the backyard trees, so I will have to check.It's amazing to me that we would see one here in a development, but there was one a couple years ago chipping a neighbor's old tree stump. She wanted him to come back & finish the job!
"Say Goodnight, Gracie." Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Loretta, glad you dentist visit was bearable. Also want to send prayers for your family member Mike. Cancer is everywhere these days. I lost my cousin, who was like a sister to me, last June.
About your night visitor--isn't it amazing how fast animals learn? That little booger was EXPECTING you to bring food out. lol
I lucked out and saw ISS one last time....totally different transit from the one earlier...
then was talking with a lady walking home from City Hospital...I think I startled her at first...out there in the grass with my field glasses...
I'm halfway thru watering got to finish the other half...
like the Moon picture Lolly...
Good Night everyone...
Hope Sleep is great and uninterrupted..until it's time...
Prayers for all needs
and grateful prayers for many gifts given
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Judie Judie
It was the Trellis down on
Gloucester Street in fact it was #483.
I kept my sales slip from 2004 lol
I had always thought of phoning an order for a frozen one...
Wow I better head back the hallway!
Good Night All
Prayers For All especially Mike
Hugs To All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jo, not only did you save it, you knew where it was??? Good grief!!You are organized, Lady!
Good night!
Bear update is on FB.
Yes, Jo, that is some impressive organization!
That should tell you just how Good
the quiche was!
Haven't been to Williamsburg for years, but Chownings Tavern sounds familiar. I will have to check it out.
Lily found a boyfriend! Whoo HOo!
Good Night All! xoxox
Yes, Chownings is known for its Brunswick stew. You have to remember it was in the 1960s when I lived down there. My first teaching job was in Newport News, and that is where I met and married my husband. A long time ago.
I hope Lily will be a better mother this time around.
Ready to call it a day. I brought my computer upstairs tonight, so all I have to do is put it aside and curl up.
I am not very hopeful that they can put a collar on Hope. She is just too skitish!
Nite all!
Sweet dreams!
Just have to say that I LOVE Williamsburg! A few years ago we flew there to visit in December. We went to the Grand Illumination when they light all the street candles and had fireworks. All the houses were decorated with natural decorations. It was fantastic, if not magical. We always make reservations to eat each night at a different tavern. Just LOVE it! On my mantle I have a brass Williamsburg lantern.
We have had another busy day, here and at GG's. We have Dustin with us for a few days and have been working his skinny butt off:) He mowed my lawn and took the blower to GG's garage. Tomorrow, he is going to use the blower on my front porch and the deck (if it's not too hot). My knee has been giving me a fit and I don't have any HABBY pills, so Dustin is the next best thing to a HABBY pill:)
I think if I could get my hands on a PEANUT BUTTER QUICHE, my knee would feel much better;)
GG thinks she is doing well enough to DRIVE now...would have driven herself to the beauty salon today, but her car is "shamefully dirty". We have all been too busy to wash it...not that we want her to drive, but it was shameful. Gene took it to the wash today...looks good. Her car is a 2001 or 2002 model and only has 10,000 miles. Talk about little old lady only driving her car to church...that's a fact! Forgot...Wal Mart too:)
Dustin will be leaving us tomorrow to get ready for his vacation:( He and his family are going to Outer Banks for 2 weeks, which includes my "little darlin' Jayden":( I will get to see him (and Karla) tomorrow evening:)
And, my herb garden is a miniature Williamsburg garden complete with a heavy ball and chain on the gate from Williamsburg. Also, have a Williamsburg bird bottle under the eve of the house and a garnet ring made in Williamsburg. Have I said I LOVE Williamsburg?
Glad GG is doing so well, but please do not let her drive!!! Sounds like everything is going well. Time for a new knee again?
Really......Good night!
Hi, Everyone,
Back home from school. Got 1 exam back, and got an A! Yippee!! Thank God! Will have a big test in my English class on Monday, AND a test in my Vocabulary class! Glad I have the whole weekend to study.
OOOh--the quiche sounds great! Love every kind of veggie ever invented. Sorry, Lynn! Love any kind of ice cream, but can't have much of it since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Glad to hear that your BIL is doing fine, Jo! Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Glad you made it through the dentist visit OK, Loretta! Praying for you, AND for Mike! A swift recovery for both of you!
Lolly, Annie is a real beauty! Hope she gets more used to the meds and doesn't give you any trouble.
Well, my brain is fried at this point, so think I'll go veg in TV Land for a bit. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, friends. Will talk to you tomorrow. The night light is on, the porch light is too, and the eye scanner security is enabled. God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys!
PALMER IS IN THE NEST this morning.
Good morning pretty girl Palmer and fans in EagleLand.
Good morning!
Looks like the blog is quiet this morning.
Palmer is not in the nest.
Good morning all!
Left house at 6:30 yesterday AM to babysit my friend Gail's other grandchildren and didn't get home til 5:30. Tried to catch up on email, blog, facebook and return phone calls last night, spent an hour watering plants, too, but didn't have much time for chatting.
Well, we didn't get any rain either. That impressive line of storms that was coming at us just dissolved as it approached the "evaporation zone" here.
I saw an Eastern Kingfisher on my feeder pole last evening! I've seen them here in the fields but never near the feeder. He wasn't eating, just hanging out! (remember we saw one at the nest)
No Palmer right now...I can't remember how long Hidey returned to the nest after her fledge. It'll be 2 weeks Sunday for Palmer.
Have a SLUG of washing to do, must go buy birdseed, weed gardens, take dogs for a run...very excited for landlord in law (LOL! that's what I call him now...he WAS my landlord til we moved next door, and my new landlord is his son in law) is expecting the arrival of Penny, his dobie, and his girlfriend from Florida this weekend. I think Penny and Daisy are going to have a blast running each other around in the field! Puddles Pearl will be excluded from those particular romps because Penny is HUGE and I don't want her getting crushed!
Hi, Lynne. I think everyone else is out doing other things. It is very quiet on here this morning.
It is strangely quiet this morning here!
Good Friday morning to everyone...
Red Friday that is, try to sport a little red something in your attire to honor our Military Folks...
and thank a soldier if you see one...well, that goes for every day
and thanks to our Veterans on here as well ♥
Best wishes for a good day...
I have to do like you do with watering the plants, no garden hose, so it's one
milk jug after another of water into the watering can
guess I'm lucky (in a way) only have the porch plants
One totem tomato (plant from Megan) is beginning to turn pink...☺ others are just green yet but growing big
Wanda gets the first BIG ripe tomato
so Palmer is out and about...
good day to take a dip in the Potomac
things look very calm and rather overdcast at Loch of the Lowe's
sometimes you can see waterfowl in the water in the background
guess I better try to get some things done around here
ttfn xo
hi Margy! Fortunately we were able to hook a hose up to the garage utility sink yesterday and could reach just about everything, front and back since the breezeway between our place and the garage goes straight through. We are on a well, however, so in light of the lack of rain, we need to be very careful. Our well is VERY deep, but even so, who knows if we are heading for a drought. Still had to fill cans to water the further stuff, though. Will limit watering to the established plants to 2x a week, but the newbies from Megan I'll do more often.
BEagle, thanks for the reminder about the lunar is an article and map
Lunar Eclipse
Looks like you all in central and western parts will get a better show.
this is so cool...
Pit bull helps dog friend to safety
Good morning, everyone.
Turns out I have some serious chores this morning helping Darth.
Will try to do a better catch up later.
Did a speed read. Chownings Tavern dates to Geo. Washsington, revolutionary times. Very good Welsh Rarebit.
Wanda, so good GG is feeling better and wants to be active. That's a very good sign. Sure hope your knee starts feeling better, also. Great that Dustin can be there to help you.
Lynne, hope the dogs all have a great time and you can tackle that SLUG of laundry.
Checked critter cams and all critters seemed to be doing just fine. Don't know about NCTC but must be MT.
Well, off to help Darth.
Didn't remember that about Chownings, Judie. I think I ate there since the time of George Washington. It was a long time ago, but not quite that long.
NCTC is empty. I see only one turtle shell this morning, Judie, no eagles.
Good Morning!
Had to restart my cam, and voila! We have sound back! Still has that buzz, but we have sound again.`
There is one shell in the nest upside down, look at 6 and look towards the middle of the nest, it's inbetween 3 sticks.
The only food I didn't like in Williamsburg was the peanut soup. Cold soup, yuck. And I am not a real big PB fun, only Reese's and some PB cookies every once in awhile...but I like peanuts.
The other one upside down is whiter and closer to the edge at the 6 spot.
Good morning Turtle Eyes Paula...
see them exactly where you describe had not tried live feed yet but I will Now!
Thinking of Lynn's daughter with that 11 o'clock interview...
prayers for a good outcome
great report from Wanda...busy as can be...glad they have Friday Night Fun to look forward to
working in the kitchen while watching the nest
I put a pic on the EM blog with arrows pointing to the turtle shells.
Love the Annie pics, Lolly
Just put a different pic up, I had them mislabled.
I just want to say.....
jingle bells, jingle bells WOO HOO!
Good Red Friday Morning! Just left a message on your turtle shell picture, Paula.
I need to read over your morning comments so BBILW
I have read the news article on
Brain and Brawn's happy forever ending! I loved it!
good FRIDAY a.m. everyone...update from LOL
Osprey Diary 25 June
June 25th, 2010 by Osprey Team
Good Morning All! Sorry for the late update today. It’s so busy here this morning that everyone assumed someone else had written the blog!
Having been off for 2 days (catching up on lost sleep!), I came in this morning to a bird who looked liked nothing had ever happened to her, so I’m now wondering if it was real or I dreamed the entire thing?!
The Laird has delivered several decent sized fish this morning and mum has yet again been stuffing them full of food. It’s hard to believe that in just 2 weeks they could be flying! I think after all that has happened, the fledging will be a momentous occasion and I’m sure quite an emotional one as well.
We will keep monitoring her progress and hope it is all as positive as the last few days have been. She has certainly put on a bit of weight again and her preening is making sure she looks her best.
Thanks again to all of you for your support over the last week. It’s helped us through and helped reinforce the importance of what we do.
Good Friday Morning In Eagle Land
Lori, Shirley, Lynn2, Margy, Judie, and Paula.
Lolly tried to leave a comment about Annie. Just wouldn't take. "Lolly she is a cute kitty. I like the picture where she is laying on her back looking all "comfy". end of comment I couldn't put on
Loretta glad tooth is a goner.
Prayers for Mike.
Glad Jo's BIL is progessing alone well.
I think so much in these time of our Foralgirl-Megan. She works so hard in her gardens. So you know she has been watering and watering.
Who stole our showers???
Is there sound on the NCTC live feed?
Wanda get that shot so you have a new knee.
looks like a shadow of a big snake in the nest
sure glad it is just a SHADOW
(of a an overhead branch not a snake)
glad about your watering plan Lynne ☺
Good Morning JO and other morning folks
bet we can look forward to some interesting Judie-Darth comments later
Hedgie said she was not going to get on the computer this morning, think she stuck to her word! (But I bet she peeked in on the the Sycamore Palace and Loch of the Lowe's)
I think I hear people sounds at NCTC - maybe the Day Care kids tending their garden
Congrats on another "A" Andy! Hope you do just as well on the upcoming tests.
Thanks Early Bird Lori for the update that Palmer was in the nest this early am hour.
Come on all - Prayer Power!
Prayers for Carolyn's 2nd interview in about 8 minutes with 911! Lynn says Carolyn really wants this position and prays it will come to be..........
Nice post Mits thanks
and Good Morning to you also
yes Dana good morning, sound at the nest again this morning, hummy whiny sound right now
All right - need to get my peanut butter - honey toast! I slept in because I was awake at 7 am and said no way am I getting up.
Prayers for Carolyn.
Good morning! Jack and I went out early to water and guess what....water was falling gently from the sky!!!! Continued watering as it is a very lite sprinkle, however my clothes are now in the dryer.
Prayers going up right now for Carolyn's interview.
Wahoo...sound on the cam. And, thank goodness for good eyes! Paula, I would never have found those other two turtle shells.
Hello everyone.
Lib and Belle's nest is MT.
There is a zoomed out view of the Loch nest on Cam 2.
An interesting view of the nest.
lol Coincidence amazes me sometimes..
I always click for Freekibbles each morning when I receive an email.. It is like the Click To Give site...
This is Bow Wow and then Meow trivia..
SO there is the question about Brawn and Brain! Thanks to Lynne publishing the article I got 10 pieces of Free Kibbles for the doggies!
Thanks Lori for this mornings post of seeing Palmer.
She spent the night on the nest. Well, best I can tell with spidey's web.
Wish I could say Annie was as sweet as she looks. She is a two person cat and really a one person No one can pet or hold her but us. She spits at Laurel and the boys. They say she is evil. LOL I blame her first six weeks of life. No telling what they were like. She appeared in our yard one rainy morning in very bad shape. We figure she was about 6 or 7 weeks old.
Thanks BEagle for the link - I was having trouble finding it so I now have it bookmarked.
happy to have sound hummy whiny or otherwise
we will surely be able to hear an arrival when it happens!
can hear some little chirpy birds too now and then like right now a sound I cannot ID
too fast for a chipping sparrow I think
wonder what questions my boss and the training supervisor are asking Carolyn right about now
second interview is definitely a positive sign!
I thought it might help to copy and paste. We have busy schedules. : )
Looks like both adults on the Loch nest.
The chicks are getting fed.
TH and WE cams are down.
The PH is okay. The younger chick still contemplating flight.
you've surely done well with Annie Lolly...♥
and glad you are getting some can send them our way !
got to go get an ingredient for a fruit dip sauce
Phoenix is looking well. Nice view of the tail feathers.
Whole family present at LOL. Went to cam 2, but it is too shakey to watch. Eating stringy food. Euuuuwwww!
Well...Phoe just walked out of site to the right. Will be back I am sure.
I do not think it is fish they are eating at LOL. Camera zoomed it, they must be wondering too,
Solo at the Sidney nest may have branched. Not sure without reading the blog yet.
It's a little disappointing that the visuals are so poor and have been for a while.
Take that back! It is a HUGE whale they are eating and it is still flopping. OMG!
I agree. The shaking of the Loch nest is almost as bad as the PH nest or Duke nest swaying in the wind. The normal close up cam rules.
Chicks have been fed, Isla is dining, and I think Dad is just waiting his turn. I mean this fish is something else!
Phoe was dragging something across the nest. Nestover or nestorating.
Lolly, Kathryn had a one-person kitty, Lucky. She rescued Lucky from an old bus at the repair shop where she works. Lucky's mother had died, and he was the only surviving kitten. When he was a little kitten, he accepted me, but when he got older, he decided he hated me and would hiss at me if I sat down near him.
Lucky would have nothing to do with me until Hunter was born, and Lucky found out he was not the center of Kathryn's attention. He figured out that he needed to take his love where he could get it, and now he accepts me.
One day, though, I sat down beside Lucky on Tom and Kathryn's bed, a sacred spot in Lucky's mind. He hissed at me and I told him what I thought about his behavior--being sunk into the waterbed, I would have had a hard time getting up, and do not intend to be run off by a mere cat, anyway. He ran off. (I am bigger than he is!) But, Lucky and I were the only ones in the house. He ended up apologizing and asking me to pat him. I loved it.
Not that I am suggesting that you give birth to solve the kitty issue, Lolly! But kitties are smart enough to figure out they had better adjust to the situation. If Annie had to make friends with Laurel, I'll bet she would do it.
Plenty of fish to go around at the Loch.
Dad got tired of waiting. Walked around and took the fish from Isla.
Can hardly wait to hear Chrissy's description of this meal. LOL
Nice Lucky story! Kittys make interesting pets.
Was that Isla that flew off?
That is one huge fish at LOL.
CT OSPREY CAM IS CLEAR AGAIN............June 24 -- That was some wild rain, wind and thunderstorm that just blew through this afternoon! I just checked in on the nest and all Osprey big and small are soggy and a tad ruffled but otherwise OK. Chicks are sticking close to the female.
June 23 -- I'm sounding the "all clear" as our Osprey Cam lens comes back into focus!
Last night's hard rain washed away most of the you-know-what that was completely clouding the lens. (It's tight quarters and not much privacy in the nest these days.) S
Lucky owes me big time for several reasons. I helped pay the huge vet bill that saved his life when he swallowed string, and I went to check on things one time when Tom and Kathryn were out of time.
As soon as I got to the door, Lucky told me in no uncertain terms that there was an emergency. Tom had forgotten to fill his water dish, and he was one thirsty kitty.
He led me to the bathroom. (He prefers flowing water.) He drank and drank, and I made sure the water dish was full before I left. I know he appreciated me that day!
Another bad habit of Annie's...she bites. Her momma never taught her to be gentle. I could play with all my other kittys and they would never bite down. Oh, Annie does! Even to me.
She wants to be held, but only on her terms.
that's "out of town."
Annie like flowing water too. After she sits on my lap each morning in the bathroom, she goes to Jack's sink and wants water.
George isn't really a lap kitty. At least, he's not a lap kitty unless he decides to be. Then he wants your undivided attention.
George's favorite watering hole is my bathroom sink. He doesn't request flowing water, though. He just wants me to run a little in the sink.
We had a German shepherd that wanted flowing water in the bathtub. She would jump in the tub and request water.
Thanks Helen on the CT that cam...look how big they are now.
Bird was just fluttering around in our nest, gone now.
They were afraid there was something wrong with the cam, glad is was just poop shoots!
No wonder that the oprey chicks seem to grow before our eyes. They eat continually!
And speaking of eating, I am off to eat breakfast. Back in dry clothes now. LOL
Have a great day!
Hi, Everyone!
Only have a few minutes to chat, and then must run--got a call this morning from our neighbor at the high desert house, and our sprinklers are not working up there! Hubby took the newer car to work this am, so he's taking a half-day off, and will be home soon so we can make the journey up there and fix the situation. Probably need a new battery in the sprinkler control box. Electric Co. is planning a power outage of
6+ hours on 6/29, too, so sure do need a new battery. Seems as if the power fails there about every-other-week!
I'm loving the kitty stories this morning! Sure miss having one. I have seen a "kitty fountain" at PetCo that gives your pet (cat OR dog, I guess) running water. I think it runs on batteries, and recycles the water in its large reservoir. Pretty interesting!
Really glad that Isla is apparently gaining back some of the weight that she had lost. Looks like you can't keep the old girl down for long! Thank GOD!
Well, better run--Hubby should be home any minute now, and we need to hurry up to the desert house. Will be back after we're back home.
Prayers continue for everyone here. Take care, and have a fantastic Friday! :o]
GooD mOrning, aLL
iN EagLe laND...
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Kathryn had one of those flowing water things for awhile, but I was not too impressed. For one thing, I think the animals like fresh, cold water, and these things just recycle the water. Also, they get yucky and are not easy to clean. They can also be pretty expensive.
Maybe someone has had success with them?
You have to check the partial lunar eclipse schedule for your Westcoasters should have a better view than those of us in the East
coming up overnight in the early morning hours
Happy Red Friday to you ♥
We are about to split I think
saw those cool tree branch and leaves shadows on our nest
sure looked like an eagle playing in the nest !
can't have a cat here, makes me all sneezy
reading your stories..not sure if that is good or bad
but I think to be able to have a cat would be nice
had four in the past
Hayfield II
and Florrie
then I got bronchitis :(
What time is our lunar eclipse? I still haven't figured out the time thing.
glad you got the Sprinkler alert Andy, sorry it had to happen
good luck with the repair
and congrats on the A
when Hedgie signs on am sure she will have an update on the Tethering Ordinance in our county...
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