Thursday, June 17, 2010


Fresh thread.


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movin said...

You can just about make out all 3 BWO chicks right now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

BEagle said...

OK Split!

Thanks for the BWO site.

Ragdoll said...

Split coming up

hedgie said...

Deb, did you get my email?

stronghunter said...

Ragdoll, I am just being very lazy today. One of my projects for the summer is to clean out closets and donate or take old clothes to a consignment shop. It will be a big project. The closets are a mess.

It is a beautiful day, and I am just sitting here. Really should get out, but I do not want to move. I hear the next door children playing in their yard.

Ragdoll said...

Just checked Maine eaglets. One is flapping around. They have branches there that the eaglets will be able to branch on.

They also have some videos. In between each video they play Loon calls. My cat just about fell off the desk onto floor. Scared the heck out of her. Me too.

When I go on my trips north to my friends. They have a pair of loons on the pond. They call out day and night. I wish I could share it with all of you.

wvgal_dana said...

Standing at the launch pad area. Looking down and all around.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, those loon calls will do that to ya! Have you checked out their loon cam? Is it on?

Ragdoll said...

Shirley, Don't feel guilty. You deserve to relax. Yesteday I bought 2 new books just for that purpose.

It's rainy and cloudy here today or I would be out there too.

I have made myself promised that I would do the old closet thing also.
With the weather and all...I felt guilty...SOOO....I cleaned just all my plastic bowls and lids. hahaha...Took all of about 20 mins. There I am done for the day. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

BWE eaglet still plotzed in the nest too

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Deb, you can say you got something done!

Some days it's good to do nothing at all...or just what you want to do!

stronghunter said...

Well, I am going to be outdoors soon. Kathryn is caught in traffic on I-95 (I hate I-95) and I will be picking Hunter up and taking him to his baseball game. Have to leave soon.

stronghunter said...

Just watched a You Tube loon call video. It got George's attention.

Oh, Hunter's team is in the playoffs, and this is the first playoff game.

Ragdoll said...

I was watching the loon cam with you all. I stopped now that the egg is gone. So sad!! Loon chicks are so cute...riding on parents backs.

Hedgie, Yes I just read the whole story. OMG, You are so funny!!!! I was just about rolling on the floor. Please forgive me, I don't mean to laugh at your pain. BUT it is what it is. Hahahahahaha. How long did it take to recover?? hahaha. OMG, Please forgive me again. Your must of been some frighten. Ouch!! Ouch!!! Ouch!!

stronghunter said...

Really windy at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, enjoy the game, nice evening to be outside!

BEagle said...




paula eagleholic said...

Ragdoll...that "item" you received from Hedgie has been floating around for quite some time!

Ragdoll said...

OH, you can bet I have my lazy and fun days.

BRB!! Dryer is beeping.

paula eagleholic said...

There are 2 cams there BEagle

BWO is the osprey nest

BWE is the eagle nest

Ragdoll said...

Palmer is up again. She is probably wants some food.

stronghunter said...

BBL--Must go get Hunter and head out to game. I have not been to this field before, so I will have to allow time to find it.

BEagle said...

I think someone said there were chicks at BWO. Where are they?

BEagle said...

I can certainly see the BWE chick.

paula eagleholic said...

They are hard to see, BEagle, they are camoflauged (sp) so well! One is right in front of parents left ft.

paula eagleholic said...

Dark brown with white stripe down middle of back

BEagle said...

Maybe what I think is an adult... is actually a chick.

Ragdoll said...

Hubby wants to you the computer. So I'll be back later.

How dare he !!!! lol

BEagle said...

I checked some of the photos for an idea of what to look for at BWO.

Whew, they do look like the sticks in their pictures. Same coloring.

hedgie said...

Ragdoll Deb, ROFLMBO here-----it sure wasn't me! And it wasn't Shar, either!!! It has been going around for years!!

Noisy baby......don't think there's been a food drop in a long time.

paula eagleholic said...

Not since the 3 or 4 this morning, Lynn. Yup, she's probably starving again, typical teenager, LOL

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon. 18 hours and still counting.

Sqawking. Does she see a parent or she calling one. Guess it's close to dinner time and she's hungry again. I'd rather board her then feed her; kinda like my boys as teens.

Though she's a noisy one I'm going to miss her when she's gone.

Dana I "googled" stenosis. Check it out.

hedgie said...

Margy can't get on the blog, for some reason---gremlin attack! She will try again in the morning when she gets home from work.

Lynne2 said...

Hey you have stenosis in your spine?
BTW, Steve really enjoyed talking with Mike at the Nest Visit!

hedgie said...

From CA: We have now completed the banding of known eagle chicks on the northern Channel Islands. I've added some new photos to the Banding Season 2010 album, including one of the Pelican Harbor chicks before banding.

Banding Season 2010

Hokiejoe said...

Jump, Lucky, jump! You are free. this is Amerca!

BEagle said...

The banding pictures were very nice.
Can't figure out which one is the PH chick though.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Joe!

Heading home, gotta finish mowing!

Ragdoll said...

Do you think parents have food and are trying to get Palmer up on a branch?

Hi Joe. Welcome back.

PA Nana said...

Lynne, yes. It's quite painful and the trip to NCTC aggravated my condition.

BTW, Mike enjoyed talking with Steve too. Guess they both had a lot in common - fishing.

Hokiejoe said...

Luckey Palmer is so lucky to have friends like the Eaglet Momsters!

hedgie said...

Palmer is Dorothy: "There's no place like home!"

Hokiejoe said...

I think Liberty is up there telling Palmer to get off of her butt and go do some fishing!

BEagle said...

I thought Palmer was going to pout but the turtle distracted her.

PA Nana said...

sorry, reading back over my post "both" was superfluous.

Palmer wants to go so badly but those twigs keep catching in her talons. Poor baby.

Now she's examining the turtle shell. Guess she's really hungry.

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer has really been screaming and carrying on. Hopping Jumping and flapping those wings all over the nest and SCREAMING like a child that was left behind as Mom and Dad pulled off.

Ragdoll said...

I know it is nature, but this is breaking my heart.

wvgal_dana said...

I think they are flying around and have food. Trying to temp Palmer out of the nest. Like Belle and Liberty have done in recent years for their eaglets.

NatureNut said...

Palmer just screaming and looking around like a parent was approaching. But no food delivery yet!

wvgal_dana said...

If it gets too late and Palmer won't come out of the nest. Then Liberty or Belle will then bring the temp (the food) into the nest to her.

PA Nana said...

LOL Lynn. But Palmer has yellow shoes, not red.

wvgal_dana said...

It is not the sticks holding Palmer back. She is just grabbing them with her talons. Palmer just wants Belle and Liberty to bring the food to her in the nest. Don't worry Mom and Dad won't let her go without food. This is the process of getting her back out of the nest.

Lynne2 said...

I think you are right Joe!

Diann, sorry to hear that. I have stenosis as well, along with some degenerative disc issues and a completely missing disc between L5 and blew and disintegrated. I'll likely need a fusion at some point. Now my knee is even more swollen AND giving out. UGH. When I hit the lottery I'm just going to have the orto group get together and fix everything all at once, and hire a nurse and a housekeeper to take care of me while I recover!!! Oh I know...if I really hit big, then everyone who has a problem will get fixed all at once and we can have our own little "eaglet recovery" home at the beach to heal while we watch the nests, and eat Bon Bons!!

Hokiejoe said...

Jump, Lucky Palmer, jump!

PA Nana said...

BTW, who made the egg salad for Saturday? It was delicious and I would like to have the recipe if one is available. It tasted just like deviled eggs... yum, yum.

Hokiejoe said...

I had L-5 - S-1 taken out 10 years ago. The pain is enormous@

PA Nana said...

I thought stenosis was degenerate disk disease? Have that too. (L3,4,5) Had one knee stripped of miniscuses(sp) 2 yrs. ago; replacement is next but I'm waiting until it's absolutely necessary. Must take care of this faux shoulder first. Soon I'll be bionic! :-(

Make my bon bons dark chocolate please!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo, Lynnn2, Diann I am trying NOT TO HAVE SURGERY!! That is what my last two appointments have been about. I am sorry for you alls pain. (You alls is like for Pennsylvania that say You'ns) lol

PA Nana said...

Joe, you know for what we speak. Sorry

PA Nana said...

Dana, that's my opinion too. Don't want to hear of "fusion." Take care!

Mema Jo said...

I think your right, Dana.

Diann, I think it came from Lynn's kitchen.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann Lynn1-Hedgie made the egg salad. Cause I remember hearing her say she used 21 eggs.

Don't need to google stenosis. I've dealt with this getting worse and worse since around 1969. Finally in the last 8 years or more it has had to be treated. Now it is screaming almost like Palmer is.

Just pray for all of you and hope you do the same for me.

hedgie said...

Yep, I made the egg salad. I'll send you the recipe, Diann.

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, which may place pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, calling for supper, indeed.

hedgie said...

Diann, you have mail!

Mema Jo said...

When saying prayers for you all I also say a prayer of Thankfulness that my old bones are doing okay - even the broken leg I had last year hasn't given me any concern.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - the way the little guys ate your egg salad maybe you should also send me the recipe.

Ragdoll said...

Just cleaned another part of the pantry. Yee pee!!!

Now it is din-din time.

Diann, Lynne2, Dana and who ever I missed. I have Stenosis/Cyst also. Guess we are the lucky ones. LOL
I am no where near surgery. I know ttfnyour pain. I hold you in mt prayers.

Ragdoll said...

See what happens when you hurry!!! My Mom use to say that to me all the time.

Lets try that again.....I know your pain. I hold you all in my prayers.


PA Nana said...

If this is the price of getting old, I don't want it.

Wishful thinking, I know, but it keeps me sane.

Thanks for the prayers as you's have mine.

Will somebody please feed that eaglet?!

hedgie said...

Recipe sent, Jo!

Lolly said...

See that Palmer is still in the nest. Crazy bird!

Annie has been to the vet. Her paw is not related to her other paw problem. Weird! A little bone is poking out of her pad. Probably has to do with when she was declawed years ago. So, we are back to soaking her paw, antibiotics and pain meds and hopefully it will heal. She has also started on her thyroid meds, 1/2 pill twice a day. Jack is going to try to dissolve it in sugar water to give her with a dropper. Vet said that is fine. Her second test showed that her throid count is pretty high. We were lucky to discover this problem before she lost a lot of weight. We are considering the injection for her thyroid. Meds are expensive and will add up. Our kitty who has NEVER had problems is falling apart. Reading the blog...guess Annie is there with the rest of us as we mature. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear Hope appeared on the remote trail cam at 10:56am -- so we know she is still in the area. Hopefully we'll see her this evening. -- SM

Lolly said...

Lynn, you can send me the recipe too. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Recipe received, Lynn! Also forwarded to Anthony and Joseph's mom.

Mema Jo said...

I am so thankful that Annie has such carring owners! Our little
critters do mean more to us than we
realize especially when they aren't feeling well.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is still at 10:00 position
and ocassionally looks upward. Has
been quite now for a while. I'm sure she is waiting for food and will more than likely spend the night at the nest.

hedgie said...

Lolly, poor Annie. Hope the treatments work....she may have to have surgery to have that bone filed down or removed. Sounds like the injection would be better in the long run if vet feels that she still has years left.
Forgot to say that Cinnamon's blood sugar was fine last week, so my fears were unfounded!
Ok, Lolly, recipe coming.

Lolly said...

Palmer is whining for food. Can not believe she has stayed all day.

We are going to Laurel's this evening. Taking my laptop!

NatureNut said...

This is starting to get as anxious as watching the osprey nest at Park TU. I swore if no fish came in I was going to put one in the nest!!

hedgie said...

Did You Know.......OMG, geese poop about every 8 mins., and produce about 2 1/2 lbs. of it a day!!!! YUCK!

PammySue said...

Hello out there.

hedgie said...

Wish somebody would give that baby some food...she's breakin' my heart!

Ragdoll said...

Oh Lolly, I am so glad Annie is going to be okay.

Here we go again. Hope they feed her this time.

Hokiejoe said...

Jump, Lucky, jump! free your self from this bondage of the females!

Ragdoll said...

OH MY, Look how Palmer just laid down and looks like she is pouting.

Hokiejoe said...

Go, Lucky, go!

BEagle said...

Maybe goose poo would make good fertilizer.

Lynne2 said...

aw poor Annie! Annie's problem is a common one, from back in the days when declawing was, uh, not so pretty a procedure. Let me know Lolly if you have ANY questions about the I 131 injection.

Ragdoll said...

I don't know what the rest of you Momsters and Dadsters think, but I would like to see them feed Palmer tonight and start fresh to get her going in the morning.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Joe!

BEagle said...

Palmer is resting.
Did Palmer fly off a while ago?

PammySue said...

I think Palmer is patiently waiting for dinner to be delivered.
I'll bet Lib brings her something. Maybe she is a Daddy's Girl. :)

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - No fly off

Deb - my thoughts exactly

Lynne2 said...

my husband, the comedian, says the fish in Bob's pictures is a Clicker Fish. LOL!

He actually says too hard to tell for sure because it's so mangled, but maybe a croaker or a carp.

Hokiejoe said...

Liberty will get it out of the nest!

BEagle said...

Never heard of a Clicker fish. I thought maybe it was a bass.

I didn't know what a Midshipman was either.

PammySue said...

Hee hee. Craig now has the live feed on his favorites.

Gonna go mow the lawn. BBL

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, Well I guess we all got to ROFLMBO!!!!! Gee, did I ever tell you I am a very gullible....and I assume alot....LOL.

Now I am going to say I am sorry for assuming you were tell this story. So again Please forgive me.

Lynne2 said...

BEagle, Clicker Fish is what Glo called the fish at the dam where she took so many of her beautiful eagle pictures. It isn't a "breed", it's just that when the eagles grabbed a fish, everyone started clicker their cameras! Hence, "Clicker Fish"!

I'm impressed that Steve remembered that....he is REALLY one of us now!

BEagle said...

Oh, I get it now. Thanks Lynne.

Ragdoll said...

My hubby put the live feed on his favorites today. You have to love it and them. (smile)

glo said...

I used the term clicker fish on my video from the lock and dam that I shared with you folks on Glo's Glimpses this winter. I said listen to the sound you hear every time an eagle gets a fish. Some of you caught on to the sound you heard and what it was. It was freezing cold photographers getting their captures of the day :-).

Mema Jo said...

Deb - are you in HOT water?

Hokiejoe said...

I agree with Bob. That Blackwater catch was a crap!
Hi Meany Lo!

Ragdoll said...

BEagle...I also just got it. LOL

Ragdoll said...

Yea...Hedgie e-mail me "THE WAX STORY". Well, I just assumed it was Hedgie telling the story. I was also thinking as I read it WOW, She writes well. (But I didn't tell her that). Then I asked her how long did it take for her to recover. I was ROFLMBO rhe whole time.

Mud on my face when Hedgie laughs back at me that is just a story going around. NOT ABOUT HER !!

Ragdoll said...

I can be so dumb sometimes. LOL

Ragdoll said...

Maybe she will forgive me if I got wax. LOL

Ragdoll said... got wax...go wax. LOL

hedgie said...

Deb, we used to award the WAX to anyone who hit the split!! Don't understand why, but we have a dadster who refused it!! LOL!!

Ragdoll said...

Bad enough its all in black and white on here. Shared with my hubby what I did. So he was ROFLMBO. I will hear about this for along time. He also loves to share stories with our friends. LOL

hedgie said...

You are forgiven, BTW.

Ragdoll said...

Well, now I know why you would bring up WAX.

I love it when you all share "remember when so and so did!!!!!!"
So I thought it was another so and so.......LOL

Hokiejoe said...


Ragdoll said...

Thank you very much Hedgie!!!!!!!

Ragdoll said...

When was the last time Palmer ate ???

Mema Jo said...

Thank goodness Palmer is UP
On both feetsies

Mema Jo said...

I'm Really watching her feet

She just stepped into a hole at 1:00

Mema Jo said...

Breakfast with Belle this am was reported on the blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay, Palmer is still in the nest...think she's in for another nite!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer almost reached Spidey! lol

paula eagleholic said...

So Joe wants some wax huh

Mema Jo said...

Can't imagine why Lib or Belle don't come in to feed her knowing that Palmer isn't skilled yet in getting her own food.

Perhaps they just are wanting her to come to where they are......

glo said...

Lynne. Thanks for retelling the story of the clicker fish :-). I so miss the eagles this time of year. Even with all the flowers and bird songs etc etc nice gardens I still think there is no beauty like what I see and hear in Jan out at that dam. Maybe I have frozen my brain. Speaking of eagles. I would love to see this one get some food. Otherwise my guess is she will be gone when most of us get up again. She has eaten today but she is hungry. She will leave for food when she wakes up f it hasn't come before she goes to sleep. JMHO

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just have a juvenile grackle hit the window really hard. It landed on the ground below the window with its tail feathers sticking straight up. I could tell it was still breathing and moving a little bit. Laid there for about 2 minutes, popped up, stood there for a couple of minutes and then flew off. Bless its heart. Resilient little bird.

BEagle said...

I will leave the wax to you all.

All Palmer has to do is jump up, swipe the lens with her wing, and wall-a....spidey is gone.

Lynne2 said...

I know what you mean's so obvious, your love for the eagles. Jan will be back soon enough, or not soon enough depending on how you look at it.

Well, I wonder if this is a lesson of some sort from Lib and Belle. They are clearly around, and I can't imagine them not catching anything....they wouldn't just suddenly decide to let her starve, so I'm thinking this is one of those life lessons.

BEagle said...

Glass knocks them out. Funny gackle report Lolly. Well, you know, your description of it.

Not funny if it had been hurt.

: )

Lynne2 said...

oh wow Sharon...glad he recovered!

BEagle said...

I hope Palmer doesn't get too attached to that turtle shell.

Sometimes life's lessons are from "tough love."

Ragdoll said...

Sharon, good thing there wasn't a kitty around.

Lynne2 said...

definitely, BEagle. Our parents will know when to step in, of that I have no doubt! But in my heart I am cussing them out!

Mema Jo said...

I don't like what I am hearing on the NCTC property

Guess I best go to their site and see if they are having training again

Mema Jo said...

She better not becuase that
turtle shell has my name on it!
Oh how I wish I could get one shell after all these years of wishing.

Lolly said...

I am going to have to read back over the blog really carefully. Missing some good stuff!

I am outta will not see much of me the next two days. But, I will be lurking when I can.

Later Gaters!

Mits said...

yep, I heard it too, Jo:(

BEagle said...

Oh, dear. Sorry Sharon, I just called you Lolly.

Mits said...

hearing a vehicle close by, on a gravel road

PammySue said...

I'm back. We decided to go to Craig's Mom's house tomorrow instead. So we just ran some errands.
Sharon, Craig NEVER behaves himself ever.

Jo, I assume you are talking about the banging and barking we are hearing. They had better not upset the eagles or the Momsters will get them.

hedgie said...

Looks like she's settling down for the night. Poor hungry girl.....

PammySue said...

Bless you, Sweetie.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly so glad they have found the problem with Annie so they can treat her.

Prayers even for a kitty. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Pam those dogs are the two dogs that live at the house on the turn. The guard lives in that house. Those dogs have been around probably since the eagles have. Eagles aren't bothered by the dogs. They are very nice also.

wvgal_dana said...

It sounds like someone is on a limb eating.

Mema Jo said...

Friends of Blackwater NWR Just came across this wonderful account from a woman who finally got to see American white pelicans at Blackwater Refuge. It really is a special treat to see these magnificent birds so far out of their normal range.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is not starving! She ate 3 times this morning!

I assume ya'll heard gun shots...Margy and I heard them when we were there on June 6th...they were NOT on campus, they were across the road! The sound really travels!

So Joe, that was a crappy carp? I would agree as it wasn't a croaker!

Mema Jo said...

My comment came from FACEBOOK...

paula eagleholic said...

Got to go find some food!

NatureNut said...

Thought I read most everything today, but must have missed while I was at dentist.
SO, Belle did bring food to P this AM?????
Thank goodness, as she's been in the nest over 24 hours & I never saw a snack.
Was on phone w/daughter, so missed the nest nitey-nite time as to P's location.

PA Nana said...

Well, 22 hrs. and now I can barely see due to spidey's web, so I'll close it for the night.

I guess she'll be gone til I get up tomorrow. She's still whining a bit; poor Palmer is hungry and lonely.

If I don't come back anymore tonight, everyone have a good evening and prayers for all wants and needs. God bless all.

Thanks again Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is at the 2 with her back to the cam

Lynne2 said...

heading for bed and to rest and ice the knee. Prayers for all, see you in the morn!

glo said...

MeMa Jo started seeing the white pelicans here after Katrina. My guess is this stinkin oil spill which we know is getting our gorgeous pelicans along with so many other living things is part of the reason perhaps they are up around BWR. Just a thought. Thy are beautiful birds for sure and ours have stayed around several weeks now. Usually have migrated on through.

Mema Jo said...

I've seen pelicans and they are very interesting..... Never saw the white ones.

Ragdoll said...

Hungry!!!! Going to make some home made popcorn. The type you cook in a pan and put butter and salt. So bad yet, so good. Yummmmmm!!!!!


NatureNut said...

Lolly, sorry your kitty has some problems. Hope you can handle the meds, etc. & she will be feeling fine.

Water story for Wanda et al~~~our dentist & his (asst.) wife were away from home and came back to a flood! Little hose for ice maker on fridge broke & water all over, esp. kitchen, next room & their whole downstairs rec rm. They had to reschedule patients for 1/2 days to be home for ins. & contractors. Ins. sent environmental expert & all places that were wet have to be replaced due to mold!!That means all their panelling. They said fans were going on still today. Monday AM is when Ins. came out.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a storm at Hornby
Hate it that there isn't any protection for them..........

paula eagleholic said...

Just found this cam, 1 chick hatched today, one more to go. It was just on, I can't get it right now.

Alaska loon cam

PammySue said...

Mmmmm, popcorn.

Ragdoll said...

Popcorn made. Jammies on. Off to watch TV.

Just in case I don't get back here. Have a wonderful evening. Prayers for all wants and also our animals. Praise for all answered prayers. Sweet eagle feather dreams for all.

Good night Palmer!!! Good night eagle friends.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break for 1 hr TV show


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Oh No! Spaghettio

Campbell Soup Co. is recalling 15 million pounds of SpaghettiOs with meatballs due to possible under processing.

PammySue said...

I'm glad Lolly's kitty will be OK and that Sharon's little birdie visitor survived his encounter with the window.
I am also thankful for dear little Palmer sleeping in the nest. If you go, fly high, Sweet Girl.

PammySue said...

I am going to watch TV and relax.
Have a good night all.

hedgie said...

Someone else posted the Alaskan loon cam earlier----can't get cam to play....:(

hedgie said...

Sweet dreams to all leaving!
Sharon, glad that grackle survived his kamikaze stunt. Happens here all the time with the sunroom! In ten years have only had 3 or 4 who didn't make it.

stronghunter said...


Got back from the baseball game and had some supper and have been reading the blog. I see that Palmer is still in the nest.

It was an exciting ball game. Our team won by one run in the last inning. They could probably have scored more runs, but they stopped playing as soon as they scored the willing run. They were behind--far behind for most of the game, then rallied at the end. They are ranked 8th of 14 teams in the league and were playing the 9th ranked team.

Next game is Saturday, and they play the #1 team. That might be their last game. We shall see.

stronghunter said...

Poor Annie. She is having a hard time.

George has health issues that have been going on for years. Chronic constipation. He takes medication every day.

I think I am hearing voices near the nest. Does anyone else hear them?

Costume Lady said...

Brownies are all made and bagged, all gazillion of them!

We have carried out and thrown into the dumpster all the items that we didn't want, regardless of condition...mirrors, old screens, old ironer, unused commode, etc. Cleaning people will throw out and catalog all good items that were ruined by the water.

GG had her "extra" pill today and it seemed to make a world of difference. She was up and down the basement stairs at least 3 times. BP (before pill, LOL) she could just barely go down once!

Air upstairs was tested with some kind of a meter and deemed safe:)
Hope after tomorrow, everything will be back to normal. This has been a trying week!

stronghunter said...

It almost sounds like cheers and shouts. Would there be some kind of game nearby?

Mits said...

could be a party nearby, Shirley, I heard laughing earlier...already turned it off.

NatureNut said...

Put some "yardbird" pics on blog & added the platform of cam nest to the other osprey pic.
Trying to get current---saw some neat marshy plants on a walk along River TU---they will be next, but it's getting late ☺

Oh Ragdoll, I cam smell your popcorn. Was my daily snack until I broke a couple teeth. Been buying the hulless, but it's not the same.
TY, Paula, more Loons!!!!
If I konk out in front of TV, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all those hitting the hay, ptayers for all good health & may Baby Palmer get breakfast!
Also, daughter said her BIL (Best Man at their wedding)Had colon section removed today--CA. But they think there's only 1% chance he'll have to have rad. or chemo.He had C-oscopy 3 yrs ago & only polyps, so they said get another in 3 yrs--this was the one. AND their sister passed away from that a couple yrs. ago! Makes me wonder! So,TY for good thoughts for Mike Dunbar.

hedgie said...

Bills left!! This is good....very good!

Costume Lady said...

BTW...the Rest Area that we will be having the Safety Coffee Break is in the NORTH bound lane of I 81. South bound Rest Area is in Virginia. I had forgotten that that particular Rest Area is in Virginia...was thinking that was our location.
Sorry Dana that it's not the one near you, but you can go for a Sunday drive and come up and have lunch with us. All travelers are welcome and it is free.

hedgie said...

Definitely, Loretta, prayers for Mike. I thought when they find polyps they like to repeat every year for 3 yrs. even tho' biopsy is negative. Seems wise, with family history....

hedgie said...

Good pics, Lowreeda! Did you see Bob's new ones he posted today?

hedgie said...

Wanda, so glad that the basement situation is getting taken care of.
How did GG like the new Dr., and what new med is she on??
An old ironer????? Oh, I wish I had one (grew up with one at home and at Grams's). It would make doing curtains so-o-o easy!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, she had that ironer for many years and I also have one. Mine is in fairly good condition, GG's is rusted out pretty badly. She didn't want to throw it away...I told her we would get her a new one, but now that I think about it, they probably don't make them anymore:(

No new pills, just an extra PAIN pill during the day. She was allowed two at bedtime to make her more comfortable when she slept. Nothing to ease the pain during the rest of the day. Right now, she is a happy camper, and so am I. Also, she has gained 3 pounds and her appetite is back:)

Mits said...

update from BWO...

Fantastic photo showing our three chicks and a parent arriving with a fish.

We'll try to capture some new video clips this weekend.

Mits said...

also from BWE......

The CCB posted photos of NE's release after he took a swim. That was one wet eaglet.

At our nest, it's nice to see that our eaglets still enjoy hanging out together despite their growing independence

NatureNut said...

Lynn, No, I didn't find his name on blog to click, but read about new pics.

Mits said...

Lisa even keeps us informed of other nest...she is the best:)

stronghunter said...

The summer I was sixteen, I worked for my aunt and uncle at Myrtle Beach. They had rental units for vacationers and we washed all of the sheets in the washer in the kitchen and hung them on the line to dry.

Because we didn't dry them in a dryer, we were required to iron them. One of my jobs was to run the sheets through the ironer.

One day a couple of good-looking guys got caught in a rainstorm and brought me their soaking clothes to run through the ironer. I was happy to accommodate them.

My aunt and uncle told me that I needed to use the unironed sheets on my bed, but I figured that if I ironed them, I could have ironed sheets. I was usually very obedient, but I loved those nice smooth sheets. If they ever noticed, they did not say anything.

stronghunter said...

I was thinking that Palmer got fed this afternoon. I have tried checking back on the blog to see when that was. I noticed that several of you were saying that it had been a long time since she had had anything to eat.

Just heard a sneeze. Bless you, Palmer.

Oh, my children are planning a crab feast for Saturday. I mentioned to Kathryn that I had not done anything to get ready for that. Kathryn said they don't expect me to do anything. Kind of nice. I enjoy having my kids take care of things from time to time.

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, Blogger is weird---when I switch from older posts to newer it says "401 - 385!!! & page is blank--DUH!

Found Bob's pictures & I had been on BW, & didn't see about them. Boy, is he in the right place & takes spectacular pics!

hedgie said...

Loretta, Bob posted at 10:40 this AM.

Wanda, no I bet they don't make ironers anymore. Did GG like the Dr.?

hedgie said...

Mits, so glad that the eagle was released...good that it wasn't injured. Thanks for update.

hedgie said...

LOL, Loretta, blogger cop doesn't know how to count. This has been going on for several months.

hedgie said...

Time for news and then bath. I will say goodnight now. Prayers for all. I hope that Palmer is gone when I wake up in the morning. Geesh---we worry when she's gone and now worry when she's home! Worry-wort momsters!
Hi to Andy if she checks in! Was Judie on at all today?? Hope she gets her cam back! Bye!

Mema Jo said...

I am back Need to read catch up
Glad I made it back before the Split..

stronghunter said...

Even though I slept much of the day, I am ready to call it a night. I will see you in the morning.

Good night and God bless.

Mema Jo said...

I am planning on leaving my Live Feed running just in case I get awake I can run out here if the sun is up and take a look in the nest! I will turn off the speakers - Would not want to be awaken with Palmer's screaming cry.

kickngbird said...

I can hear all the cheering - a party that we weren't invited to?

Anyhoo - I just watched Paula's videos, and SO enjoyed them! What a hoot. First, the one that showed what Lib put up with yesterday (forgot how crabby and grabby our girl can be - we were all "oh, we miss you so much Palmer" and that sort of made all that surly teenager behavior fade from memory a little!), and then the cute 2 turtle shell pillow.


Well, we did miss Palmer so much! Crabby or not, it's nice to know she's there for the night, even if she may take off before I check in again. It's just so wonderful to see her healthy - feisty is GOOD because it means she's healthy and she's developing the instincts she's going to need.

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay for tonight...Will Palmer be there in the morning? Stay tuned!

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Have to get up early and head to GG's to meet the DUMPERS and make sure they only dump the items that are water damaged and not things that are salvageable.


Mema Jo said...

Saying good night to all turning into the pillows.

I am heading back the hallway
If others follow please remember the
#400 split.... Don't get lost....

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Got home from school a little while ago, and have been catching up on the blog.

Loretta, will surely be praying for Mike Dunbar--hoping for a complete recovery!

Prayers, too, for Dana and Diann--hope you both feel better soon!

Yippee! Prayers of thanks for the good Dr. report for GG! Prayers for her continue...

Praying, too, for Annie the cat. Hope her paw is all better VERY soon! Glad it wasn't anything worse than it was!

Sharon, glad the bird survived hitting the window! I got some almost invisible stick-ons at Wild Birds Unlimited, and since I stuck them to the patio window, not nearly as many birds have hit the window. They're kinda pricey (over $8 a box), but well worth it.

Can't really see thru Spidey's handiwork, so don't know whether Palmer is spending the night. Will be up early tomorrow, and will check then.

Leaving the night light on for latecomers, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep well, everyone. Will talk to you tomorrow. Prayers said for everyone. God bless, and goodnight! :o]

Lynne2 said...

well hello...I'm up for my wee hours walk about...or in my case, limp about.

Palmer tucked in at 5 o'clock in the nest, was preening a bit, quiet now.

Got Alaska Loon Cam....thanks Paula! So's 4 hours earlier there, 11:30, and still light out!

SO glad GG did well at Dr...3lbs!!! Good news, and to be able to get up and down the steps so many times now with the extra pill! BUT, I hope she doesn't wear herself out!

I am a little concerned about Shirley hearing voices. Perhaps too much relaxation to quickly after a school year of chaos....LOL!!!

I had to look up what an "ironer" was and found cute old ad...
Ironer ad from Sat Eve Post
I don't remember seeing one of these at anyone's home when I was young, pretty cool!

Prayers for Mike, Loretta. Love the new pics on your blog!

The bluebirds here laid another egg yesterday morning so the clutch is up to 4. Anxious to see if there will be another THIS morning!

Late night update on Hope for those without FB:

Update June 17, 2010 – 10:19 PM CDT

Hope is more independent

June 17, 2010
Hope is not a cub that keeps a schedule. She is too busy exploring and foraging. This morning, we expected she would come to the feeding station about 7 AM. We waited over 3 hours before giving up. After we left, the trail cam showed she came for 9 minutes from 10:54 to 11:03 AM. We expected her for an evening feeding about 7:30 PM. We waited an hour in a gathering storm and gave up. The trail camera showed she arrived 20 minutes after we left—making us wish we’d waiting a bit longer.

On one hand we are delighted she’s showing less dependence on our supplements, and it’s happening sooner than we expected. We’re anxious to get another dropping to see what she’s foraging on. On the other hand, her independence may make it more difficult to collar her. We aren’t giving up though. We hope she will accept a radio-collar one of these days so we can monitor her travels.

Hope’s great-grandmother, 20-year-old Shadow, paid a rare visit to the field station today. It was a treat to see her and we snapped this picture of her through the window.

—Lynn Rogers and Sue Mansfield, Biologists, North American Bear Center

Anxious to see a bear this weekend while camping. Will head to Meadow Mountain for a hike...going put on the knee brace, take a Darvocet and find a good walking stick to use!

Going to head back to bed...see you in a few hours!

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  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...