Saturday, June 12, 2010


Momster visit day thread.


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glo said...

Good night everyone. I enjoyed my time with you both near and far today.

Costume Lady said...

What a day we all had!!
It was nearly perfect...the heat was the only offender, but the Eagle Express cooled us off when needed:)

Seeing old friends and a few new ones is so very special. Meeting Jo's 2 GG-Sons was a treat...sweet and intelligent little fellas, they are!

We did go to GG's after a bit of rest and she was able to remember where we were and asked if we brought home any eagle feathers!!
OOH, NO!! Don't want to spend my Summer in jail:)
She had been in her garden chasing a rabbit and a cloud burst came up and she got soaked and wet. Smiling ear to ear as she told of her little adventure:) She said she ate well and felt good!

I have posted a very few photos on Just For Fun. Too tired to post any more tonight.


Lolly said...

Good night, Glo!

Good night everyone!

Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Enjoyed your pictures, Wanda. Hope to see more pictures posted by all who were there.

Lolly said...


Nightly report on Hope.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Glad to hear that everyone had safe travels from the nest. Whoa, Sharon! Mighty glad that tree didn't do any damage! Thank God!

Dana, love your descriptions! Almost as good as being there! Thank you!

Lynn, hope your headache has gone.
May be from eyestrain while driving in the rain.

So glad that everyone had such a good time today! Am surprised that Palmer hasn't fledged yet, but would rather have her take her time and leave when she feels more ready.

Think I'm gonna go chill in front of the TV for a bit, then call it a night. Leaving the night light on so no lateniks run into the furniture in the dark. The porch light is on, too. Eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with sweet dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love all of you!

Lynne2 said...

Good wee hour of the morning...

Just had a hilarious dream...Hope and Lily came visiting. Lily left, Hope was on top of the frig, and then came down and was playing with the dogs!

Enjoyed your pictures Wanda! Thank you once more for everything you and Gene did today! I'm glad GG was feeling well and ate well and even had an adventure in the garden!!

Heading back to bed. Boy was I out like a light early this evening!

Lynne2 said...

Palmer is up too...having a little preening session!

Lynne2 said...

lots of wingersizing and flapping around the just flew in, no food, Palmer postured threateningly and just as adult was turning to fly back out the little brat grabbed a hunk of tail. Nice baby.

Lynne2 said...

no fresh breakfast....she's eating a fish nestover.

hedgie said...

OMG----Palmer is GONE! She's fledged!!!!! A day too late for us, but: You go, girl!!!

Did anyone see her go???

hedgie said...

Sure seems lonely to see an empty nest.......:(

ceil said...

GO PALMER GO. Deb take care of your namesake.

magpie said...

Okay, first morning in a long time that I cannot say
There's the Baby


got a lot of comments to read but think I'm just daydreaming now

Enjoy your Freedom, Palmer
Nice going !

good morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

And congratulations to Belle & Liberty for yet another successful fledge ♥♥

sunny said...

Do my eyes deceive me? Am I seeing an empty nest? I was just thinking, as I logged in, that it should be about another week! My how our little ones gorw up quilckly.

magpie said...

Palmer's parents might be the only ones that witnessed the fledge, Lynn
I sure didn't see it

FuzzleMA said...


hedgie said...

Hi, Ceil and Margy....sure hope that Steve or someone rewinds and gets video of the fledge. Know that it was sometime between 5:53 and 7:48.......I'll try sending him an email, but it will likely be ignored, so Margy you can do it!

magpie said...

Hi Sunny ☼
I think you see an empty nest

sunny said...

What time did she leave? What it from the regular 'launch pad"?

hedgie said...

Here is last nights Hope update:
Hope is becoming more of a bear every day. While she is extremely cautious, going on alert at the break of a distant twig, she is making herself known. Today we watched as she scent-marked like a big bear. She straddled small bushes and walked over them. She stomp-walked, putting her forefeet down hard and sliding them. Yet, any potential danger starts her up a tree. She’s living bold, yet smart. She’s a survivor. She’s no longer emaciated. And she is growing. When she stood up today, we estimated her to be over two feet tall. Next time she does that, we’ll try to get an exact measurement.

Lily spent the afternoon a mile and a half southwest of Hope and is still there now (9:06 PM). Lily is no longer traveling widely. We need to check on her to see if that’s because she’s with a male or just foraging.

The travels of Grandma June have surprised us lately, especially considering how early in the year the females are traveling so widely in this year of a record early spring. She traveled over 13 miles northeast, then 15 miles east, then 7 miles southwest, returning home after each trip. June is comfortable with people where she is used to seeing them, but on these trips, she avoided populated areas and individual houses scattered through the forest. As far as we can tell, she was not seen on any of these forays. One of the beauties of this area is that there are still places for bears to roam without getting into trouble

FuzzleMA said...

I'm having a BIG problem getting on the blog! She went straight up at 7:46. She was flapping, but not with he usual gusto and she just went up - I'll bet she's as surprised as I was!! There was no shadow over the nest.

magpie said...

Okay FuzzleMa!

What time? Yay for you ☺

hedgie said...

And she's back, along with Belle!!!

sunny said...

Hedgie, a 450 pound Black Bear showed up at a yard sale in Martinsburg yesterday! Scared off the customers.

hedgie said...

Good to know she made a successful landing home!!

hedgie said...

Whole fam damily now!!

magpie said...

Thanks Fuzzle!
Will send Steve a pic of the empty nest and the time that you saw her leave

magpie said...

Beautiful beyond belief, the three of them....

sunny said...

The whole family!

hedgie said...

For those not on FB, here is Wanda's YouTube slideshow of our visit:

Nest Visit

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning ALL in Eagle Land so many already in this morning.

So our eaglet Palmer fledged this AM. WOW!! I did read a comment wherreit said she/he flew back in with Belle.

FuzzleMT said...

I had so many windows open on my computer trying to clean up the mess I made trying to get on the blog that I missed her coming back! Did she drop? Did she fly in? Did Belle fly her in by her leg? hee hee I am STILL shaking I was so excited!! I didn't actually think I would see the event! I have like a dozen comments in blogland that didn't come through - kinda like a certain garland.

wvgal_dana said...

Did someone take a picture of the empty nest??

stronghunter said...

So Palmer left the nest and came back. I logged on a few minutes ago and read back a bit. She must have been branching. I just watched her get a bit of food from parent. She's panting now.

wvgal_dana said...

I see Margy's comment at 8:12am about sending Steve picture of empty nest. Good going there Margy!

magpie said...

Yes ma'am I did, Dana and it's on the Momsters Album too....

Thanks for the Vist link, Lynn...tears in the eyes here, seeing so many happy faces....
and thanks Wanda and Gene for that !!!

children, new faces, familiar faces, Palmer, the Nest Tree, and a fabulous Baltimore Oriole !

I have a lot of comments to read, better get busy on that.

Thanks again FuzzleMa for the time of departure...

stronghunter said...

It really looks like she is trying to go again.

hedgie said...

Cool, Irene! Glad someone witnessed it.
Sunny, poor people holding the yard sale! Lost money, huh? Where was it? Several sightings in last couple of weeks. None out my way that I've heard of. It's been three years since I had one behind my place. There's a pic in yesterdays paper of the one out on Grapevine Rd.---or maybe on Cemetery Rd. Sightings on both Fri.

hedgie said...

Maybe it was would think that after getting the air, she'd be anxious to try again! Paula, get ready with your Fraps!

stronghunter said...

I guess the little adventure frightened Palmer a bit. She's not sure she wants to do that again.

Mits said...


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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...