Monday, June 28, 2010


New thread.  Hot. Out. There. 

Too. Hot.


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wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the "Hot Thread"--you have a swimming pool us close ones can come use at NCTC???

I'll go call the group over.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the call over Dana! Thanks for the new thread Steve! Hope both of you have a great day!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Dana.

Lynne2 said...

thanks Steve, thanks for the callover Dana

magpie said...

Yep - Hot, punctuated by Periods!
I'd say that is HOT

Thanks for the new thread Steve
that was a funny way to post your comment

thanks for call over, Dana

Welcome Home Sissy,
wonderful reports on Kailey....

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Hope it is a great day, accompanied by some good soaking rain!

Praying for good news for Lynn's Carolyn

Thanks for ringing up Norma,
sure she can use the hugs across the miles

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly and others I have laughed and laughed at Palmer flying out and circling the nest while screaming.With do this flying back in 3 different time lol

magpie said...

waiting on my first tomato for Wanda to start turning pink

had to give another slug the old heave-ho early this morning

wvgal_dana said...

I didn't get her Margy. She must have already left for Wellness Center and she doesn't have an answering machine. I'll call her later today. I give her HUGS from everyone too.

Lynne2 said...

Popcorn thunderstorms cropping up to the west of us....but the wind is blowing pretty hard here. In my meteorological observations, the harder the wind blows BEFORE the storms hit, the less powerful the storms will be. Don't see an actual "line" of storms forming and no watches in place at the moment, although NOAA has a Hazardous Weather Statement for possible severe weather later today.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG &

Good WeeK tO

YoU aLL.




magpie said...

okay Dana...sorry no answering machine :(
maybe she will see your number on caller ID if she has that

guess I better check and see if WE in WV are in the "WEST of us" Lynne

Mits said...

some people are just plain stupid.....

FROSTBURG, Md. (AP) - A Frostburg man faces charges of possessing a live black bear after Maryland Natural Resources Police found a 20-pound cub in his home.
Sgt. Art Windemuth says 34-year-old Dwayne Lee Ritchey has acknowledged taking home the animal after he and his 19-year-old stepson found it in the Savage River State Forest.

Court records show that a summons charging Ritchey was issued June 17. Windemuth says the offense carries a fine of up to $1,000.

He says the Department of Natural Resources euthanized the bear to test it for rabies because it had scratched and bitten some people in the home. Windemuth says the rabies tests were negative.

Information from: Cumberland (Md.) Times-News,

Lynne2 said...

my LORD what was that ahole thinking????????

Here's a scary one...
Rabid Bear Hagerstown

hedgie said...

Another sickening story.....poor little bear had to give up his life for a NITWIT. Unreal.....and only $1000 fine? Insane.

Noticing some greenery that is starting to look very wilty---come on rain! Sky is getting darker....

L-O-L chicks are eating by themselves! Isla just standing back watching!! Very windy there.

hedgie said...

And cam has been runnning for 16 mins. so far----hasn't stayed on that long in a week!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, chuck those slugs out where the birds can find them :)

Ah, Shirley, our secretive Marijuana junkie. I think that explains all those sounds she hears from the nest :)

hedgie said...

And now Isla has taken some for herself and turned her back to the twins, as Chrissy calls them.

hedgie said...

Wonderful news about Kailey, Sissy.

hedgie said...

Wingersizes big time at L-O-L....too windy for that, little one!

hedgie said...

Lynne, was going to say maybe that was the cubs' mom....until I saw the date at the bottom-----2007!!!

Lynne2 said...

in case anyone is wondering why the cub had to be euthanized for testing...
If an animal has been bitten by a rabid animal, the bitten animal will not be able to transmit the disease for a period of time, depending on where the bite wound was and how long it takes the virus to reach the central nervous system. Once virus is shedding in saliva and transmissible from the bitten animal, that animal will be dead within 10 days. Pet animals that are vaccinated are home quarantined for that 10 days, just to make sure. WILD animals, however, or pets never vaccinated, must be euthanized because the only sure way to find the virus is in the actual brain of the animal.

hedgie said...


Tai Cam coming

Lynne2 said...

can you imagine a rabid bear trying to get into the house!! OMG! that is the only rabid black bear confirmed in MD to date that I can find. I guess they just couldn't quarantine the cub for 10 days and release it because it can take longer for the virus to get to the brain and even though the chances are SO SO minimal for a bear cub to be infected, I guess they couldn't take the chance, poor little thing.

magpie said...

$1,000 does not seem nearly a big enough about some jail time too ??
and a whole bunch of community service cleaning public restrooms!
and picking up trash...
and so on and so on...

chucked old sluggie pretty far this time, think it was the mate of the other one I chucked Paula...
would rather relocate than destroy when I can....
but if they fall into the stale beer containers, well, oh well

Mema Jo said...

Great news Lynn about a Tai Cam!

Can't imagine what they thought they were going to do with that Baby Bear.
Some people don't think beyond their noses.

Lynne2 said...

they should also have to take some classes on wildlife sensitivity education. What in the world was that guy thinking?? UGH.

Speaking of rabies....time to get my titer checked to see if I'm still protected! Had to have the post exposure series (OOOOWWWWWW) after a cat bite about 10 years ago....not for the faint hearted! As long as my titer is good, I'll never have to have those post exposure vaccs again if I get bitten. Still have to have a couple of shots, but no immune globulin ...that was the worst...into the bite wounds and very thick serum. EEWWW

hedgie said...

More great's raining here!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, that sounds terribly painful......never heard that they put it IN the wound.

magpie said...

grateful thanks for the many years of loyal service to West Virginia by our Senator Robert Byrd

hoping that his final days were peaceful for him and his family

magpie said...

good idea Lynne, the wildlife sensitivity classes....
that would be be more useful than cleaning up bathrooms and litter!

Mema Jo said...

Send that rain over the mountain, Lynn

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - gotta do that rain dance!


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a storm is arriving at the nest.

hedgie said...

Listen to the wind at our nest. Can see sun in and out....rain has stopped here. Big deal.....maybe 100 raindrops.

hedgie said...

Lynne, I had to take gamma globulin after a needle stick. It wasn't bad. Also would have to take it in place of tetanus (I'm allergic) if the need arose.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, so I have not been on here for a while. I hope all is well with everybody!

hedgie said...

ARGH.........I want to call the boss lady and say "HIRE MY KID!!" This is so nervewracking. My head is splitting. Maybe I should try to take a nap.

hedgie said...

Hey, Train lady! How you be? Are you home in Bedford?

magpie said...

Hello Double E-S
been missing you, hope all your family things went great, the birthday and all that....

hedgie said...

Excuse me, but DAMN, DAMN, DAMN.....Carolyn was "selected" for the job as the 3rd new hire....BUT....they made a mistake on their spreadsheet, and are only allowed to hire 2.........whatever the H--- kind of mistake is that??

stronghunter said...

Lynn, that is unbelievable. I do not know what else to say.

hedgie said...

She said that maybe in 4-6 weeks they could get approval to add her......whatever that means.

hedgie said...

DC Metro area under severe storm warning. All other surrounding counties under watch until 8pm EXCEPT the Eastern Panhandle. Figures.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, it sounds like they want her. Maybe things will work out yet.

magpie said...

that is totally incomprehensible !
I'd retire right now to create a new spot in there if I could...
we have one leaving at end of July...would it make a difference ??
I am so sorry about this

stronghunter said...

We are under a severe thunderstorm watch.

magpie said...

maybe that is what the 4-6 wks thing is, the senior supervisor Operator #2 is retiring end of July
(( hugs of comfort for you and Carolyn ♥ ))

magpie said...

bet that was a difficult phone call to make, but worse to receive it!

magpie said...

but, I do want to add, Congratulations to Carolyn for having made it this far, even though the imaginary spot does not exist.
She, and you, Lynn, should still be very very proud...

must now pray that selection 1 or 2 might change their mind....
immediately !

magpie said...

scary thought, for the process to go this far...with a big mistake like that, undiscovered

paula eagleholic said...

Not much rain in Frederick, just a couple of minutes worth...

hedgie said...

Thanks for all concern, and Margy for input. No, gal, you can't retire yet!! And she could never fill your shoes!

wvgal_dana said...

I was having trouble with this grrr desktop. So I went to lay down while it straightened up. Fell right to sleep. Daughter woke me with a phone call.

Wow a lot going on at the blog.

Poor cub -- now that kind of stuff makes me mad. They should have left the cub be. Now look as far as I'm concerned "they killed it".
Raise the planks--build the board for the hangmans nooze. Or just hang them from the highest tree.

Hedgie sorry but happy for Carolyn. If that lady is going to retire then Carolyn has a job it sounds like to me. I know about a month to wait is terrible. If they could only tell her. That at that time she is HIRED!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hasn't rained here and my meter on the wall doesn't show the hand moving to rain. Hope it is wrong.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, sounds like a big ooops.

Tell Carolyn not to get down, you never know what may happen with the two ahead of her, failed drug test, might not work out, etc. If there's an out, sounds like she's in.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy have them bring in those 1 & 2. I think they made a mistake and # 1 or # 2 person has some priors. They missed it!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn/Carolyn: That is an inexcusable mistake and a heartbreaker for sure. What were they thinking of.. I'm going to keep Faith that something good is going going to come out of all this.

Hugs to all!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh that is so so GREAT TAI'S OWN CAM!!!!!! Can't wait until they get it going. I just knew we wasn't going to loose that wonderful and funny Tai forever.

Come on China fix that and get that cam rolling!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer in the nest

wvgal_dana said...

There's PALMER!!

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

She just flew in from the right, don't hear any calling out...yet

Mema Jo said...

Didn't bring any thing to eat with her.

wvgal_dana said...

tee hee on ME---forgot this computer doesn't have the "snipping tool" darn

She was up in the tree and dropped down.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer may have eaten somewhere else..

Mema Jo said...

She flew in from the right...
Can't be hungry or we sure would know it

paula eagleholic said...

I can hear her now..couple of calls

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!
Won't see much of me today--have 2 Mid-term exams to study for!

My heartfelt condolences to those in WV--for the loss of Senator Byrd. ((HUGS)) for Norma, and for all of you. It's certainly the end of an era.

Praying that Carolyn will get the job she so deserves. Not fair to keep ALL of us waiting--end of July?! Shame on them! But at least she's made it this far. Well, says in the Scriptures that "What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory to be revealed..."

A gracious good morning to George!
Shirley, glad your mystery bush is now identified. Looks like a winner to me!

Oh, pardon my manners--thank you, Steve, for the new thread! And thanks for the call over, Dana. Sure hope all of you folks get some relief from the heat, VERY soon!

Hi, Sissy! Good to "see" you here! So very delighted to have such good news about Kailey! God certainly has a special purpose in mind for that little one!

Well, gotta get back to the school books. Will be back for a little bit later. Have a good day, everyone! :o]

magpie said...

Love that pose of Palmer at the Launch Pad

Hoping for the best for Carolyn, Lynn...a silver lining somewhere

Dana....I am not part of the process, but all that screening has been done, maybe someone will just change their mind, or there will be a new positive twist that will come along...sure hope so..

heading out soon
Take care, all

hedgie said...

Andy, don't study TOO hard!!! Know you will ACE them!

Thanks for all thoughts and messages and prayers. Carolyn is trying to be optimistic through her tears....:(

hedgie said...

Our screamer is certainly making her presence known, isn't she???

Lolly said...

Lynn, the news leaves me speechless. Continued prayers for Carolyn.

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Palmer still in the nest...just a couple of calls now and again.

Lolly said...

In cleaning a stuff. Came across a picture that made me laugh. Thought of Margy when I saw the picture.

Family pics blog.

hedgie said...

Comments on your pic blog, Lolly!

hedgie said...

Peace and calm reigns in L-O-L...Isla is doing some housekeeping while chicks relax. Wind has stopped.

hedgie said...

And now she's found some nestovers...

stronghunter said...

96 degrees here

stronghunter said...

I left a comment for you on your blog, Lolly.

I know one reason I like container gardening. You can do parts of it indoors when is too hot to do it outdoors. The heat would undo me today, so I am making a mess in the kitchen, but I can clean up the mess in the air conditioning.

hedgie said...

Mits, did you get a storm? Heading for Bethany and Rehobeth now.

Lynne2 said...

well, the rain was a bust AGAIN here. The storms were south and east of us this time. We had a couple of rumbles of thunder, and it got very dark, looked promising...but we only got a very light rain for about 3 minutes...just enough to make it REALLY humid now. But 10 degrees cooler anyway. No more rain in the forecast for the next 7 days at this point. Hope something changes....

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, so sorry about Carloyn's situation. I can SOOOO relate to those tears of disappointment and frustration.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lynne. :(
No rain here to count, either. So dry! And temp at 87.

hedgie said...

Martinsburg on news! Of course, relating senator's death. Lots of places here named for him or wife....and lots of big pork.

Lynne2 said...

cute picture Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

wonder where Anne Marie was going in Mexico? I sure hope where ever it is that Alex isn't going to mess with her weather.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne- maybe to the Mayan ruins? All I know is she mentioned ruins.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne, Anne Marie just said, 'to see the ruins'.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know when Palmer left, but our nest is MT.

hedgie said...

Think I hear her off in the distance........

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here


stronghunter said...


George typed a message.

I hear Palmer screams.

hedgie said...

Incoming......kid only!! Vocal, as usual!

stronghunter said...

Well, there she is!

Lolly said...

Well, I have created a big mess in the front bedroom. (Laurel's room)
Cleaning and organizing the closet. Decided it was time to get rid of lot of school stuff. Have filled a box to give to someone and filled the paper recycle box. Keeping some stuff that the boys might enjoy.

Read the comments on the picture I posted. Isn't that a hoot? I think I may still have the overalls, not sure, Margy. Know I have not worn them. Need to go looking. ha!

Palmer is being her usual self.

Lolly said...

I chatted with Chrissy today on facebook. That was fun. Just think of her in England and me in Texas and we were talking back and forth. Cool! She was beginning to have rain. Asked her to send it this way....well, we got over a half inch this afternoon. Thank you, Chrissy!

Mema Jo said...

Adult flew in - Palmer attacked -
Mantled food - and now it is dinner time!

stronghunter said...

Yikes!!! Belle and Lib need to drop the fish from above and fly away.

Lolly said...

Food cleared out fast. Do not blame them...Palmer is dangerous! LOL

Lolly said...

Laurel and the boys are coming Thursday after swim lessons. Going to take the boys to see Toy Story III. Then, Jack is going to boysit and Laurel and I are going to see the movie Eclipse. Wow! Two movies in one day. LOL

Lolly said...

Back to the bedroom. Need to clean a little before I start supper.


stronghunter said...

Belle: Lib, you gotta make this delivery.

Lib: But you are bigger than I am.

Belle: You gotta keep me happy. You gotta keep me safe. I am the egg-layer.

Lib: Okay, okay.

Belle: My hero!

Mema Jo said...

Checking out some news on TV.


wvgal_dana said...

Called this evening and spoke to Norma. She has been sick sore throat. She was put on antibiotics. Went back to Dr. and he put her on them (same) doze pack and her sore throat is better now. Her air conditioner has been out for several days. Suppose to have been fixed today. She said as late as it is, she thinks it will be tomorrow. We talked about Senator Byrd. I told her to call one of us the next time she gets sick so we on the blog can pray for her. I also told her we will be praying and said "here is a BIG GROUP HUG from all of us.

stronghunter said...

Glad you got in touch with her, Norma. What a time for the AC to go out, and when she is sick, too. Group hug for sure.

stronghunter said...

Man, I would be calling the repair people and telling them whatever it takes to get them to come.

paula eagleholic said...

Thought for sure that last set of squeals meant there was fish in the nest!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, that is one giant pencil behind you in the picture.

stronghunter said...

Parents must be sitting above the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy to read she has had diiner and is just calling for dessert :)

Lynne2 said...

Dana thanks for checking on Norma. WOW, what an awful time to be without A/C....hopefully a little cooler tonight for her.

paula eagleholic said...

She is snacking on leftovers perhaps.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Norma feels better soon...and cooler, too!

stronghunter said...

Palmer not too pleased with what is available for supper.

Lynne2 said...

well then she needs to take her self down to the river and get what she wants!

Costume Lady said...

I just read about our Miss Norma. That is unimaginable to be in that predicament. I wonder if her daughter knows and could help out? You can buy a room A/C for less than $100. At least she could have that in her bedroom and sleep in comfort. BLESS HER HEART♥
DANA, how sweet of you to check in on her♥

Costume Lady said...

Hey, where is everyone? Nothing good on TV tonight. Must be catching Lightning Bugs:)

Costume Lady said...

Well look who's home! Or, has she been there all along?

Mema Jo said...

Just watched 1 hr Part 1 Jericho - Mystery . Now I am watching Part 2.
English movie but very very interesting.

Has anyone heard from Judie?

Dana - Thanks for contacting Norma.
That AC was broken when we had the Nest Visit! Sure wish she were closer to Shepherdstown.

BBL (1 hour)

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

Of course, it was sad news to hear about Senator Byrd.

It was not unlike Senator Byrd to stop here when he could at a small community restaurant to chat with local businessmen gathered there.
My father had called him a friend as I am sure so many did.

I chime in with others in saying that I am thankful for Senator Byrd's many, many years of faithful service for the State of West Virginia.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, so is Palmer spending the night?

I thought Judie had checked in earlier today.

I was out watering flowers.

Going upstairs to lay down for awhile...have an abscessed tooth that started yesterday, got in an emergency visit today, picked up meds this evening...I'm plum tuckered out...might check back later.

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if anyone has told Palmer that there is a steam very near my house, that has tasty TROUT in it?
We have seen, I assume, Lib/Belle there a time or two. What a treat that is:) It has been nearly a year since we have seen an eagle at that stream, but often, there is a Heron there, looking for a meal fit for royalty!

Costume Lady said...

Glad you were able to see a Dentist today, Paula...hope the meds help. Root Canal in the future? Hope it can be saved!

BEagle said...

I am glad Palmer is on the nest.
I chanced a look this morning and there she was at breakfast.

I came home this evening and there she was at dinner.

Timed it pretty well I suppose. Off to check on the other nest.

Paula, rest well.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like rain drops on Spidey's web...not raining here. I got everything watered that is a flower or veggie here and this evening, had to start all over again with the garden. Watered it in halves, 2 hours in the morning on first half and 2 hours in the evening on second half, Saturday or yesterday, not sure. Now 1st half is dry again:( Can't keep up. I had some pretty ferns on my deck which completely dried up and died. I'm watering them in hopes that they will come back. Can't miss anymore than 2 days in this heat with deck plants and flowers.

Lynne2 said...

I know what you mean Wanda...had I known it would be so dry I may have planted a bit less. No rain in forecast for next 7 days either, at least as it stands now. But will be cooler mid week before getting HOT again.

Paula, hope your tooth feels better!

Heading to bed and eat ice cream and watch Army Wives....couldn't stay awake last night for it!

Prayers for all and have a good night!

hedgie said...

Internet was down for a couple of hours...geesh!
Poor Norma....sure hope it's a lot cooler in Romney than here. I guess I misunderstood cause I thought her AC had already been fixed once this year.
Watering your gardens must be neverending the way things are now.

Mema Jo said...

Great! Sheetz was on the blog this am!
Said she would be out doing errands. I
feel better knowing Judie was up/about.

I really do love English mysteries..
Good program.. Now I need to get some things accomplished - Daughters and gs coming over tomorrow.

Paula I hope the medication starts to clear up the abscess and do hope you can save the tooth. I think you can take Alieve for the pain unless Dentist gave you something else.

hedgie said...

Paula, feeling your pain. Hope the a/b kicks in quick and that you don't have to go through anything to drastic.

Asking for more crossed finger----Christie has an interview tomorrow for a new job. Not dire, of course----she already has a very good job. Just not feeling challenged, and no room for advancement. She's applied to be a service tech for one of the companies that makes lab machinery. She's a great troubleshooter and knows the machines they have at her hospital very well....the guy who services them suggested that she apply because she has a knack for it. Boss was impressed with his recommendation and her resume'.

Judie said...

Oh dear, I just cannot believe "as the nest turns" events of today.

Shirley has a mysterious new husband who planted pot she thinks is butterfly bush and George is high as a kite after eating a bug (as evidenced by the message he posted) and she is going to have to devise some reasonable defense for a school teacher growing a butterfly bush of the maryjane varietal in her yard -- maybe she can claim she thought maryjane was the name of a rare and legitimate botanical being grown as a project for her students. As Paula said, helps to explain "hearing voices" at the nest.

Really, just cannot leave you bloggers alone.

Today was very busy.

Am sickened about the bear cub. I will never understand the selfish stupidity of the human animal. I think a fitting sentence would be to send those guys up to Canada, release them, and let the grizzly bears carry out the sentence.

Lynn, I am so very sorry about the mixup with Carolyn. Although it is discouraging, I am so hopeful that the outcome will be favorable for her. Please give her an extra hug from me.

Thank you Dana for checking in on Norma. I do hope she will get some relief, both from being sick and from the heat. Will send a prayer.

Paula, missed something about a tooth. Hope it isn't too painful.

Today was very busy. Needed to get a new military i.d. card. Was told I have two days to produce my yet to be received medicare card or my military health coverage expires on June 30. Can't get sick or have an emergency for two days. Stupid system. Then continued to catalog the items we are getting rid of. Tomorrow will be packing the items.

So, here I am running out of steam and in serious need to sleep. Will try to check back later.

hedgie said...

It's not a "need to" job but a "would like to" for her!!!

Lolly said...

Watering is never ending here, that's for sure! Every third day we water most plants. Some plants every other day need it. I have three hoses. Jack starts with one and I start with another and Jack then usually moves on to the third hose as I am slower. One of these days I am going to have to cut down on hanging baskets and pots. Have a sprinkler system to do the lawn. Also have 6 bird baths that we have to rinse out every few days so that mosquitoes do not breed in them.

Hee Hee! We got about 3/4 inch of rain today.

hedgie said...

Check this out: from Lisa on FB:
From Lisa: Just got some exciting numbers from our ranger regarding recent aerial surveys of eagle nests around Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. There are 31 active nests within Refuge boundaries that produced more than 52 eaglets this year. In addition, there were another 18 nests within 2 miles of Refuge boundaries that produced at least 27 young. Blackwater NWR has definitely earned its reputation as being one of the top bald eagle breeding habitats in the United States, which is something we're very proud of.

hedgie said...

Judie....typical government screw-up, right?? Hope everything gets straight in the next 2 days!
Hope you plan a day of rest tomorrow---you've rreally been hustling!
Thanks for some good laughs with your summary!! And for your sweet words.

hedgie said...

Blogger cop is eating posts....let's see if my last one shows after I post this one.

hedgie said...

Nothing happening anyone else posting??

hedgie said...

Okay---now showing up!! ALl at once. C-r-a-z-y!

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn,

My Internet was down this evening, too, and so was the cable television. I was beginning to get spooked. After all, there are Russian spies out there, or at least there were. (We get both television and Internet from Comcast.) I was about to check the telephones to see if I was completely shut off from the world when the television came on.

Everything is back on now.

stronghunter said...

Best wishes and prayers for Christie, Lynn.

Something very noisy went by the nest. Something motorized. Motorcycle, maybe.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Lolly, six birdbaths and all of those plants. You do have a lot to keep up with.

paula eagleholic said...

Back to say goodnight...sounds like all is well. They x-rayed tooth today, said it should be able to be saved...was supposed to get a root canal on it awhile ago, kept putting it off. Now have it scheduled for next week.

Morale of the story - if the dentist says get a root canal, get it done!

stronghunter said...

Suppose the Russians are messing with the Blogger cop?

paula eagleholic said...

Just heard a low airplane or helicopter over the nest, or I never would have been back on here...

Hmm, just sounded like a Palmer talon, too.

Nite all!

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Glad they can save the tooth, Paula.

hedgie said...

Maybe so, Shirley. I, too, checked the phone, but it was okay!
My TV is satellite.
Paula....good moral....for some. Not me. I'll have it pulled before I do root canal!!!

stronghunter said...

I was trying to decide if it was a plane or a motorcycle, Paula. It was really loud.

Lolly said...

Yes, I sometimes think I am a dummy. So much work...but it is so pretty. We have an acre. It is all lawn, the pecan trees are down front, the house is pretty far back and the flower gardens are all around the house.

stronghunter said...

Susan had a root canal, and it wasn't too bad.

hedgie said...

Sleep well, Paula. Need a cold pack on your jaw??

Lolly said...

I turned off the cam when it got dark. Did not hear the noise. Palmer is in the nest, right? While I was cooking dinner I could hear her, so I knew she was there. lol

stronghunter said...

It is obvious you both enjoy it, Lolly. It is good that you work together on it. It would be too much for you to do on your own.

stronghunter said...

As far as I know, Palmer is in the nest.

stronghunter said...

We were able to see Hidey in the nest at night last summer.

stronghunter said...

Maybe you will get some rain from the hurricane, Lolly. Sometimes they are beneficial. We can hope so.

Lolly said...

Shirley, had to laugh. You noticed the pencil! Still have it and really need to give it to someone. The boys love it. Had to hide it as they were a little rough with it. I was not afraid they would hurt it, but afraid they would get hurt.

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs and do some reading.

Looking forward to a cooler day tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Shirley, the crown ordeal last year was almost more than I could handle.

Judie said...

Paula, sorry you have to go through a root canal procedure but the good news is saving the tooth. Will say a tooth fairy prayer for you next week.

Hmmmm. Really concerned about Shirley. Now she thinks she's alone because of the Russians. Shirley, have you been into the alleged butterfly bush?

Good news that Hope now has a radio collar. Wonder how long it will take for that little rascal to get rid of the offending jewelry?

Well, it's time to turn my light off. Will leave the night light on for others coming in. Hope Andy will set our alarm. Pleasant eagle dreams.

stronghunter said...

I'll bet they do like it. I can think of some things little boys might do with it that would worry you.

Little boys have a way of making weapons out of all kinds of thing.

It has been that way for a long time. I still have a scar on my hand from the time I was using a stick for a baseball bat. It had been fashioned into a weapon with a knife tied to the end. When I threw it down, it sliced my hand open. All kinds of problems with that story. I do not know what I thought I was doing, for one thing. We were probably lucky we survived our childhoods.

Lolly said...

Yes, we might. Do not want it to mess with the oil in the gulf, but we could use the rain.

News is just starting now. Will see about the weather. They hinted we might be getting more.

Lolly said...

The pencil was a great attention getter with my little kids, but very hard to write with. LOL

stronghunter said...

When my children were growing up, we were seeing a dentist who lived in the neighborhood. When Kathryn and Tom got married, she sent Tom to the same dentist, and he had a fit. He said that the dentist was way too rough. We found another dentist, and it made a world of difference, but not until all of my children were traumatized. Rus has avoided dental work until he has lost teeth. If your dentist is hurting you, find another dentist.

stronghunter said...

The pencil does actually write, then?

stronghunter said...

Judie, I can assure you that if I had mary jane growing in my backyard, it would have been stripped clean by all of the teenagers who cut through.

hedgie said...

I am going to say goodnight. Been a bit of a nerve-wracking day. Need to go bury my nose in a boook for awhile. Sleep well, dear friends. Have I told you lately that I love all ya'll?? Prayers for all.

stronghunter said...

I said good night half an hour ago. See you tomorrow. Bye for now!

Lolly said...

Yes, the pencil really writes. Working on adding pictures of my wren and her babies.

Costume Lady said...

Love you too, Lynn. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you and yours♥


Mema Jo said...

Anne Marie is headed for the ruins of Mexico and Alex is headed for the Gulf of Mexico -- hope they don't run into each other! Safe Travels for you AM

Most of you saying good night and I will do the same.
Yes, Lynn I love all of you too!

Prayers for all - Kailey's going to make it.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Link To Hope's Update


Lolly said...

Have finished uploading the pictures of Momma wren, her nest, and her babies. Look on the Hawkwood Blog.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Just dragged myself home from school. Found out I'm getting an A in my Vocabulary class (thank GOD!)
--AND I don't think I will have to do another 6 weeks of it! The teacher is pretty sure it's only a 6-week class. She said to check with her later this week to be sure.
Had a nasty 1-hour Mid-term exam in my English I class. Think I did pretty well on it, but after taking TWO vocabulary tests right before it, am not certain. It was easy in some places, and difficult in others. Will find out when grades are posted next Tuesday. Sure am glad my Tues./Thurs. class is fairly easy this week, and it's going to be a HOLIDAY WEEKEND! Phew!

Will be saying prayers for healing, especially for Norma (Thanks, Dana, for contacting her!) and for Paula.

Prayers, too, for Christie for tomorrow's job interview. Hoping for a positive outcome!

Judie, many prayers for excellent health for you, especially for the next 2 days! Hope the health coverage glitch gets straightened out!

Lolly, love the new pictures! My, your gardens are beautiful!--Love the little wrens, too!

Well, my brain is officially fried at this point, so think I'll call it a day. Prayers said for everyone. Leaving the night light on, and the porch light too. The eye scanner security is enabled.
Hope that we all sleep like babies tonight. I'll talk to all of you in the morning. Good night, and God bless! Love all of you guys!

P.S.--Just remembered a story I wanted to mention. This morning I pulled a kleenex out of the box so I could blow my nose, and there was a big, black, speedy 8-legger in it! I think I set a new Olympic distance record for the Uncrumpled Kleenex Toss! Trouble is, the 8-legger landed on the corner of the desk next to my recliner (where I put all my stuff that I need to keep handy), and now I cannot for the life of me find it!! I am going to be a paranoid wreck until it shows itself in a place where I can mash it with my shoe.
Shirley, I may need to borrow George--he's obviously a good bug hunter! Please say some prayers, everyone, that I find the offending critter. Otherwise, I may need to move into a motel and call the exterminator! (Actually, they are due to come out tomorrow.)
Thanks, you guys! G'night! :o]

Lori O. said...

Pretty early this morning and PALMER IS IN THE NEST!

It's still pretty dark -- oh, just checked again and she's there alright, and standing at the flight deck at the back of the nest.

Lori O. said...


movin said...


gooD morninG,

everyonE iN

eaglE lanD.




Lori O. said...

Good Morning Jim!

Lori O. said...

You're up pretty late for you in CA, or are you up early? :)

movin said...

Both, Lori. I crashed fairly early (forgot to take meds), so when I got up about an hour ago, I took the meds and did some of the computer things I regularly do later.

I thought I would look in on Palmer, but as you reported, she has flown the coop.

Did you read the report on the BWO site?



movin said...

Well, back to bed for a while...



NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone in Eagleland.
Yesterday was a waste for me. 1 1/2in dentist chair working on getting temporary crown, turned off 'puter during RAIN!!!!, then had giant Panda nap.
Put some bird and fawn pics on blog in wee hours. Hope to get some osprey cam pics today & put them on tonight. Little bugger is growing.
Have a great day!☺

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning! Much more tolerable weather this morning and can't wait till it goes down to 60 tonight!

No Palmer in the nest but just heard the Pileated!

Lynne2 said...

that's very sound advice about Dentists, Shirley. When I was a little girl, my mother, the dentist, and the hygienist would have to hold me down to drill. They'd give me many shots of Novocaine, which didn't bother me at all, but the didn't work!!! Had LOTS of cavities back flouride in the water in SW Pa where we grew up. When I was 16, I told my mother I was not going to the dentist anymore. Instead of helping, she just said FINE. And it was 17 years before I went again. Found a great dentist...and I really like the one I have now, too. No pain.

Paula, I had a root canal a couple of years ago and it was a piece of cake, although it's a lengthy process compared to just a filling.

Andy, congrats on your vocabulary test! I'm sure you've done well on the other one, too! I doubt you'll find that probably put the fear of God into him and he won't mess with YOU anymore!

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Hi to Jim, Lori, Loretta, Lynne

Was ever so fortunate to get the live cam first thing. MT nest.

Will be sending a job prayer for Christie.

Really nice about Blackwater. Nice to know so many eagles like our part of the country.

Today will be less strenuous but reality is when you can get a hoarder to let go you have to maintain the momentum. Taking a day off is like a red light.

Yes, typical screw up. However, I believe if I have a medical emergency, the letter saying the card will be mailed will be sufficient proof.

Interesting update on Hope and her relatives. There is now a Boy Named Sue.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning -- maybe a bit cooler, today. Overcast here.


Judie said...

Oops, Andy congratulations on the A and I also hope you don't have to take another six weeks. Also hope you find the spider.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had to post this picture. Could not resist.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I am up early. Got up at 6:45, washed my hair, have already read the paper and downed one mug of coffee. Jack is still asleep. More rain in the night, wahooo!!!!

See an empty nest.

I love it, worked out great, Boy Bear Named Sue. Boy for short. Cool! Laughed out loud when I read it. Loved last night's picture of Hope. So cute!

Lolly said...

Wanda, I am so happy for you that all is going well with GG. Certainly hope it continues. Your gardens sound so great. I wish we had more sun and could have a vegetable garden. Guess we could it we planted it down front. lol

Lolly said...

Watching lol cam. Just occured to me that it is in black and white. Should would be pretty in color.

Lolly said...

At LOL they zoomed in on an observations shelter. Had never seen it before. Could see people there looking out over the water. Think we need to go there. Road Trip!!!!☺

hedgie said...

Morning all. Pleasant one, weather wise, so far! MT nest, but glad some saw Palmer earlier.

Dana Gray said...

Good morning all, What a nice day so far here. I get to look forward to paying bills today. Joy Joy

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Where is Normabyrd? I thought she was going to come back on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Talk about dentist horror dentist when I was a kid used to put you in the chair...if you had a cavity, he would give you a box of kleenex to wipe away the tears as he novacaine or anything. We used to hate going to the dentist. After I left home, found a great dentist, been going to him ever since...never had any pain. Have had 3 or 4 root canals and caps...never any problems. It's just the cost that sucks! Insurance only pays $1000 per year on stuff like that.

hedgie said...

Don't know what L-O-L is looking for but sure have been panning that camera around this morning----making me dizzy!! Heard a couple of really loud planes overhead, too.

Lolly said...

Yes, the cost and the inconvenience of appointments. Plus pain or not, I get tense sitting there with my mouth open. Yuk! Sorry you are having a problem, Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

She needs her puter fixed, Sharon

paula eagleholic said...

Split is coming

Lolly said...

Late last night I posted pictures of my wrens on my Hawkwood blog.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...