Sunday, August 26, 2007


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

I have never hesitated to be first - except walking somewhere in the dark unknown! You can tell I watched Harry Potter movie last night! lol

Hello Paul! Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks, Steve!

Mema Jo said...

See, I got so excited being first that I did a typo on your name, PAULA! lol

Mema Jo said...

Repeating the comment from last evening concerning our Sharon's mother's passing
...I have received a phone call from our Eagle Eyed Sharon letting us know that her mother has peacefully passed on. Sharon admitted her mother to the ER yesterday, but her mother wanted so much to come home today that the Dr did release her. Sharon will give us more information tomorrow. Prayers requested for Sharon and her family

Mema Jo said...

Sunshine in the valley
Whoo Hoo

Costume Lady said...

Hope you slept well.

We will all have our thoughts on Sharon today as she prepares to send her Mom to her Heavenly Home.
Our prayers will be with her and her family at this difficult time.

Mema Jo said...

I will return later -----

Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda - didn't see you there as I signed out

I'll talk with you later - Have to start my morning.

Costume Lady said...

All have a Blessed Sunday.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good morning, everyone. So Sorry to hear about Sharon's Mom. Thinking of her today.

NillaWafer said...

Good Sunday morning ya'll... Sorry i have not been on for the last week or so but just have not been feeling well (Angina) and seeing those 2 beautiful grandaughters seem to take all my time these days... Yes we are planning a trip back to Florida but in April (6th-13th).. We have a 55 [passenger bus from Spirit Tour)and maybe a couple seats left!! There is an add for this trip in Hagerstown paper , Martinsburg and the Buyers guide.. I am so saddened by the death of Limuw and so much going on i have missed.. Great news about the camera at NCTC ..Jo good to hear your doing well and getting stronger... Hugss to Sharon on the loss of her mother... Just way to much to read or even catch up on from the last couple weeks so i will just say its good to be back and i will be as often as i can.. By the way Diana and Jasmin are growing like weeds and both healthy and beautiful!!! Hey Heidi i hear up in Alaska there alot of single big burley men looking for a woman to keep them warm those long winter

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you, Nilla! Seems like you've caught up on everything after making that comment to Anne! lol
Just keep in touch - we worry when we don't hear for long periods of time!


MITS said...

Hey there Nilla, she I do read the blogs, remembered it was a bus trip in April :).

NillaWafer said...

Hey you 2 good to hear from you.. Can you tell me when the open house is at NCTC? As i dont want to miss that since Glo and Vicky are coming in from Ill to attend!!! Jo did you get those strong storms last night over in the valley? Its was terrible here with lightening and thunder... Prayers are with Our Sharon in this time of heartache and loss, and as someone else said she is now with Donna and at peace in her heavenly home... Mits i have never doubted your sanity when it comes to remembering I know your all excited about the soon to be grandchild and its hard to think MAGGIE is a year old!!! Hey i always wanted a big burley strong mountain man to keep me warm Hmmm maybe i better head to Alaska to.. I wonder if Alaska could handle Anne and i together?lol

NillaWafer said...

Mits do you see where that Tai is sleeping? Right where he has given us all those heart attacks on the ledge.. 1 roll and Pooffff over the edge for sure... He does not look very comfortable...Nap time at the zoo...

movin said...


Been here a couple of times this morning. 1st time I started reading the comments, looked at the Frodo Q & A, which Mema Jo mentioned, and as I was reading the first querie (bottom of page), Explorer decided to encounter a problem and shut down again.

It usually only does it once a session, and I don't believe it needs the once...trying to get attention, even if it's "hate" attention.

Anyway, it's good to see you all...and Nilla...on here this morning.

Check the SD Panda...big Panda face and little Panda face on camera.


NillaWafer said...

I been surfing around and found this underwater camera of penguins... Mits you will like it also.. Howdy Jim hope your Sunday is going well..

NillaWafer said... Opsss the link for the penguin cam..

NillaWafer said... for underwater cams

Mema Jo said...

I just finished my Panda Nap - I feel great! Expecting family for dinner - half afraid of relying on using the grill on the deck. Yep, Nilla, got those storms last night! Didn't lose power which I usually do!
Open House
OCT 20 Saturday - 10 - 4:00pm
Lunch in the cafe as group

movin said...

There are many interesting questions and comments from around the world, as well as interesting answers on Frodo-Frieda's cam site.

There's even a pic somebody got of the two mating...for us who had not seen Frodo this season. There are some accounts of people living or working near the nest site.

You might read them, I guess I'm trying to suggest.


Mema Jo said...

This Sturgeon webcam is located at the Horn Point Laboratory in Cambridge, Maryland.
The aquarium feeds are really interesting - from he Boston area.
Thanks, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Jo i saw that and did look at the cam but i must say they are some ugly fish... Now arent they the fish that people eat the fish eggs from and expensive? Those lil penguins sure zip thru the water!!!

NillaWafer said...

There is a beautiful owl in the nest box on the Kent site also...

Mema Jo said...

Just watching my little Hummer out on the deck draining my purple salvia.
It has been the last part of this summer that he comes around..Maybe all the neighbors' feeders aren't being refilled.
Jim, how are your feeders doing?

Mema Jo said...

Ms Owl has been a regular this season staying at the Owl Motel!
I would love to see Albert, Einstein and Eggbert just one more time!

NillaWafer said...

Yes i feel the same way when i brought up the cams i searched all the branches for a tail feather.... Well lets just hope they are all soaring on the winds.. discovering new habitat and growing strong....

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo never say i dont love you here is your live camera trips to all of Europe and never leaving your chair or getting jet Beautiful sights and views... enjoy

NillaWafer said...

NillaWafer said...

The list of live cams is endless ... here is the one of Paris lol but hard to read the language so just look at the pictures Jo...

NillaWafer said...

I see they have closed the Greece cameras.. i wonder if its because of those fires over there that have killed many and very close to destroying some greek historical sites.. But with so much devestation in this world i think God is trying to tell us something!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well here I go - Thanks!

Well, I need to get dinner lined up for the crew. I'll be back after company leaves this evening.....

Enjoy the sights!

MITS said...

Did someone mention cavier????? LOVE IT.

NillaWafer said...

Travel the World with a click of your Mouse

NillaWafer said...

Well Heidi if you click on USA Western States cams they have cams all over Alaska!!! Jo i am not eating any fish eggs i dont care what they cost!!!

NillaWafer said...

WOW i been watching the Paris cam at the Eiffel Tower and i am going to try and find out exactly how many lights are on that huge So many people walking around i wonder what time it is over there? What a fantasic thing to be able to set here and travel viva the internet!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo i found this site i think you and Mits being Catholic might find interesting

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie i have been yackin to myself here and its time for me to leave but before i do please check out this site on eagles the photos are beautiful Hugs, Nilla I need a nap after all my world traveling today.

Just Vicky said...

Guess everyone is busy with their affairs Nillawafer! Good to see ya again Nilla! You mark your calendar for October 20th!

Anne-Marie said...

BIG BURLEY ALASKAN MEN....Sounds fun to me Nilla. If I get into trouble its going to be all your fault. My kids think I'm encouragable now. Just you wait. If I find two I'll bring you back one.

Costume Lady said...

Did you read my comment yesterday about heels being OK on a cruise ship?

Jill said...

Hey Nilla, was worried about you. Almost worried enough to stop in the store and see if you were there. Take care of yourself, those little ones need someone to spoil them.

Time difference in France is 5-6 hours. Scotland and England are 6. Not sure if France is the same or not.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good evening ladies not eating supper out there. I have been going nuts trying to get all the sites bookmarked in the short time I can be on here. Marek and James are watching a movie. I think he talked to his girlfriend on Skype for about 6 hours today....that is over the internet with a web cam and mic.

carolinabeachmom said...

NILLA, glad to see that you are still lurking out there in between having fun with your grandchildren. We were all getting a little worried, wondering where you had gone off to.

My thoughts and prayers go to SHARON and her family over the loss of her Mom. So very sorry to hear that.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Jill Vicky, Wanda and Anne Marie. Good to see someone is on when I can have the putter. ;) Just watched a bear in Alaska supping on a nice sized fish. Bai and Squiggles finally settling down for a long nap and the Brisbane falcon is veing a very good mom sitting on her eggs. Are there still only three.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just finished checking my emailbefore it gets into the 90's again. My sister has been trying to get me on the phone. Have to see if one is off the hook. Hope you all have a very night and a super week ahead. Tomorrow is the start of a new day. See you sometime during the week. Keep blogging, please.

Prayers to you Sharon and family.

Mema Jo said...

You may need to settle for 3 this year - I think it was that many last year. Candy if you clock on Ask a Falcon expert, there are Q&A from some of us to Greg.

My company has gone - dinner of Sloppy Joe's was pretty darn good! Hadn't had them for some time.

Jill said...

School starts tomorrow in WV. YAY.

I know I proposed this once before but with school starting and some of us having more time. How about lunch ladies? Those in and near Martinsburg? Email me if you are interested and let me know what day is good and where you think would be a good place to eat. If we do this every month we can switch restaurants each month. (pretty sure 1 visit per month is all any place can handle and maybe too much for some.) LOL

Jill said...

For those of you who were so kind last week in wishing us well with the skatepark fund raiser. We had it today. Raised almost $700. Of course we didn't get the turn out we had planned on last week but $700 is $700. We are thinking of doing it again in the spring with some other fundraisers.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Wanda about the comment about heels. I did get it and have spent the day trying to figure out what to take. I know I'm taking too much but I don't know what to put back. OK I admit it. I'm a clothes horse.I have a walk in closet that you cant walk in.I use the excuse that I have to have them for work. We wont even talk about shoes.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry we didn't make it to the fundraiser, but we had other plans (The Elks Picnic). I haven't been to their picnic in years. Gene wanted to go so I agreed. I won the door prize; $100. Glad I went.
Lunch sounds good to me and I am usually available anytime. See what some of the others say. I STILL WON'T SHARE MY CRAB LEGS!!

Jill said...

That's okay Wanda. We had a fair turnout. I think it would have been much better if we had it last week but..........

I will just steal the crab legs next time. LOL

Costume Lady said...

If you like, I will give you a list of what I took on our cruise and what I did and didn't need. It might take a while to remember, but I will let you know. It may help you some.

Costume Lady said...

Maybe a lot of the people at the Elks picnic would have been to the rally if it had been last week.

Jill said...

HUMMM So you don't share your crab legs and you steal people from our fundraiser.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you, thank you Wanda. I have my jeans and my eagle sweatshirt that Paula sent me I should be great to go. I just figured out something else that helps. I have a three day weekend next week. Thats an extra day to get ready. I just may make it..:)

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - You can have the caviar. I'll take Jo's sloppy joes.

Heidi - I finally had to (gulp) throw some shoes out so I could get into the closet.

Spent a wonderful day down at my brother's house for a cookout and birthday celebration for him. LOL, he did the cooking, but he loves to cook on the grill. Had to laugh, Cohen didn't want anything to do with the pool on Memorial day and today we couldn't keep him out of it! How quickly they change!

Gotta go get a little bit of laundry done!

paula eagleholic said...

Jill = glad to hear the skatepark fundraiser did good. The first one is always the hardest.

Anne-Marie said...

OK I don't feel so bad. If Paula has a shoe collection so can I.

Costume Lady said...

If we could figure out a way to have crab legs at your next fund raiser, everyone in Martinsburg would turn out.

Anne-Marie said...

I need to do my watering before it gets dark. BBL

Costume Lady said...

You never told us how your dancing date turned out; or was that while I was on vacation and missed it?

paula eagleholic said...

Dancing was great, Wanda. Had a great time.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Hope you are still at the beach. The moon is almost full and I know it is beautiful there.

Costume Lady said...

I was just thinking--we haven't heard from Robyn for a while. I guess she is still busy getting her house ready for Tori and busy also with her school work.

Haven't heard from BOBBI either.
Bobbi, do you have a lot of migrating birds stop by your place on their way through?

Jill said...

Yes Wanda that would be great. But I would have to limit the amount you could take each trip. Otherwise between the 4 of us, nobody else would get any. LOL

Costume Lady said...

You have all of our Love, Prayers, and Hugs as you go through this difficult time.


Mema Jo said...

Just coming in to say
Good Night Everyone
Peace to You and Yours
Prayers being said for all

Got caught up watching Mystery show with hubby after company left. Will
talk with you all tomorrow......

Guess tomorrow is Monday already - short weekend so it seemed.
Good Morning!

Costume Lady said...

Jill--You are so right. I do make a pig of myself when it comes to crab legs. My mother brings "picks" for everybody when we go out. We get every last drop out of those buggers.

Costume Lady said...

You are being so good. Your doctor would be proud of you. I know I am.
Rest Well. Hugs.

movin said...

I hope everyone had a big weekend... I've been trying to catch up on a little business today.



Costume Lady said...

I guess it is my bedtime also.
((((Hugs))) to all of you.

paula eagleholic said...

G'nite, all!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Another Monday, another week. Nice out, beautiful big bright moon, and a gazillion stars! 62 at home, 74 here. Uneventful ride in this morning, that was nice. A gazillion deer, and the little ones are now out and about. So cute, hope they stay away from the roads.
Great news on the equipment, but hope Plan B works! But sounds like some equipment is getting installed! Yippie!!
Finny is on the nest, so glad he hasn't migrated yet!
Bai is sleeping, not sure if I can see Squiggles or not. Oh, BTW, read the updates on the SD blog pages, they have stopped the 24/7 cam for Bai. Cam is still on, it's just not manned 24/7 anymore, as of the 18th. So that might explain why it wasn't following Squiggles last wasn't manned.
Wanda, got a delayed mail notification Friday afternoon on the pics I tried to send you again. Did not get a failed mail, so you may have gotten the pics, but not gonna try to send again. Msg didn't say where or what the problem was, but it was a rather large message.
Ok, all have a great eagle day. Important announcement to make later...
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Just looked in on Frieda, but also saw some comments on their web site... This falcon could be Frieda II. They're not sure it's the same female bird that has been nesting there for the last several years. That's all I gotta say about that.
Our little Finny is eating a nice fish, Bai and Squiggles sleeping, looks like Bai on her side, so can't see little Squiggles. And Frieda on her eggs, guess still 3.

Suzanne said...

Ok, have something very important to say!


And many many more!!! Capt Eagle, I hope you have a wonderful, outstanding Birthday, today! Treat yourself to an Eagle Talon from the Momsters!

Suzanne said...

Finny is losing a wing feather! I'd love to reach in this screen and take that beautiful white feather off for him!

Suzanne said...

Bai is nursing Squiggles, and facing the cam. So cute. Finny left a while ago, and is still out and about. Frieda on eggs, dark elsewhere.

Suzanne said...

Finny's back, and you can also see Squiggles sleeping under Bai's arm, barely peeking out.

Suzanne said...

My baby's back!
Lost the Frodo cam, but think it will be back.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE AND A BIG "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" TO CAPT. EAGLE GENE.:):):)! Yes, Wanda, I'm still at the beach, and yes, the moon has been beautiful. A lunar eclipse is coming up, but here on the Atlantic side it will happen closer to sunrise. Good Morning, Suzanne.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits. Just read about the lunar eclipse. Gonna happen tomorrow,starts at 0451 with full beginning at 0552, but guess we only get to see it about a half hour. West coast can see the whole thing!
Finny still in nest grooming to look prettier, and Squiggles sleeping by Bai. Frieda on her eggs.

NillaWafer said...

Good Early Morning Suz and Mits &E1...Notseeingthingsam up this early at least for alittle while... No time for alot of yacking but to say have agood day.. Heidi i will take 2 of those big burely men ok 1 for a spare when i ware the other Crabs yum yum you say the word i am there with my bibby. i dribble Jill lunch is doable... But some very very sad news for me.. as this friday my beautiful Diana and her mom n dad are moving to NY..he has a job offer there and its tearing me apart knowing i can not see Diana everyday.. Lots of tears last night but i am moving them up there with the help of my son John this weekend... I have checked out the area they will be living at on google earth cam and its a very nice area.. Well hugs to all and keep smiling... Special hugs to Sharon in this time of sadness.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPT.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Nilla! Sorry to hear your little Diana will be moving to New York.
You have a good day, too.
Sharon, so sorry to hear about your mother. Prayers are with you at this time.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is alone!

Suzanne said...

Bai is back, nudging Squiggles. Guess it's time to eat, and the little baby has to wake up!
Yup, she's getting Squiggles situated...and washing her.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, Mits, Nilla and a Happy Birthday to Capt. Eagle.

Tori began school today and her first day of public school, it was funny watching her today so nervous yet so very excited. She even said she was shocked to be awake and ready so early. Amazing how fast they seem to grow up. I felt like we were just walking hand in hand to her first class when next year she will begin High School.

Haven't done much this week overall with the home but I am ready to tear up rugs in the two remaining bedrooms. Living room, foyer kitchen and dining room are painted and ready for the new floors but I wont do that till all rooms are ready.

I also have finals this week with 3 days off, hoping don't procrastinate.

Suzanne I have not been able to catch finny the past few days :(

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robyn, Congrats on Tori's first day! Hope she has a great one. Man, high school next year...they grow so fast!
Sounds like you're getting a lot of work done on your house. Now to just find time to study! Good luck on your finals, but I'm sure you'll do very well.
I'll send you some pics of Finny. Think Mom has migrated, haven't seen her in over a week, and Dad has taken up feeding our Finny!

MITS said...

Hello Robyn, good luck on your finals. Things will get back to normal soon.

Suzanne said...

Finny's back!

Robyn said...

Finally I see finny.

Robyn said...

I sure hope so Mits! lol

Suzanne said...

Just checked the PA falcon ledge, and there are 2 there! One in nest box, other one on ledge. Cool!

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, just for giggles I opened the Seneca rocks site think Jill gave us last week. This morning, I saw a gazillion stars, it was beautiful. But you should see it now! Mist is in the mountains, looks like a postcard! It's georgous. If you get a chance, check it out.

Costume Lady said...

Where is that Seneca Rocks site?

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! Is the Birthday Boy still snoozing???
Senica Rocks:

all on one line.

Suzanne said...

Finny had a food dropoff, but didn't see it. Just saw him mantling, now he's watching something flying around, so I'm guessing that's Dad flying around.

MITS said...

Hey Wanda, what am I chopped liver:):):)?

Costume Lady said...

New Thread--come on over---You too Mits.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...