Tuesday, July 31, 2007


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Good Tuesday Morning!

Make it a good one!

carolinabeachmom said...

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU PAULA for being NUMBER ONE on the new thread today. I hope this is just the best start to a good day for you.

I finally gave in and am drinking out of my eagle cup this morning. I was saving it, but then thought I should start using it. I am so glad I bought it. It is so pretty.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Paula.
Good morning to you both.
Mits, read that on the site somewhere, but that cub has been in SD for 4 years. It's got to be difficult to send him back!
AWwwww, look now! Bai Yun is on cam.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING TO SUZANNE, MITS, ROBYN AND WANDA. Beating me to the computer again this morning. I just keep laying there praying for Jo to have some good news.

ROBYN So glad to see that your dog turned up . I have had two dogs since I was married and I was feeling for you. They get so close to you; feel like one of the family. Looks like things are going to be going ok for you now. Tori's good news in Texas and this should let you know that nothing but good news will follow.

carolinabeachmom said...

I see where Jo's favorite, Eggbert was in his nest already this morning having breakfast. That must be a good sign too. Let's hope so.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, sleepy head, Candy! Guess you're getting your sleep now while you can before another year of K starts. I sure don't blame you, just wish I could sleep in one of these days, too!

Suzanne said...

Oh, light in swallow's nest. Mom on chicks, but light enough to see clearly!!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, our Falcon piggeletto is eating yet again! No wonder he's growing so fast!!

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like Mama Osprey in Finland is with her baby with a piece of something red to eat. He sure has been flapping alot lately. He has gotten soooo big.

ROBYN The other day when I was trying to get wing flaps for Suzanne I thought he had fledged, as twice he was completely out of the pic, but then on the nest refresh, he was back in his nest. So he must have been really flying high testing his wings. I have never seen him going off the nest.

Suzanne said...

Osprey just arrived in Finland, 2nd nest.

Suzanne said...

Candy, Robyn sent a pic this morning showing air under his feet! That's a good thing, but boy, these kids grow up so fast!!!! Ya know???

Suzanne said...

Ok, where did Mits go??? Mits, you watching the cutie pie in SD?

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - I have my coffee at work with the eagles every morning!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Where are you. Your three storks are just waiting for you in the nest. OR could they be waiting for MaMa to bring them lunch. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA I have been trying to ssave my cup. I have a habit of breaking thinsg. I want to get the one with Eaglet Momsters on it and I also like the dark one. Then maybe I won't worry so much about breakage. It sure does make the coffee taste better. m:)

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE The juvie in Finland looks as if it is as big as it's parent now. He is such a beautiful bird, and when the sun hits their feathers at sunrise, it is a beautiful pic.

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne 4 yrs, that's how old Tai will be when he goes back...check your YAHOO mail now, please

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---SUZANNE--MITS--PAULA--CANDY---ROBYN & WANDA, ET AL----I just scanned the blog & if I missed anyone---YELL!!---PRAYERS ALL DAY!!----JO----MEGAN'S DAUGHTER has a Dr. appt. today!!!

MITS said...

Darn, don't have my eagle mug here at the beach, but do have my mouse pad:):)

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - sounds like you need to buy another mug :)

I don't have any mail yet :(

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE The osprey in the second Finland nest can't hold a candle to your beauty.

carolinabeachmom said...

FEEDING TIME FOR STORKS. tHEY SURE WERE HUNGARY. If I was the mom, I'd skeedadle out of there before one of thinks my toe is something to eat. :)

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---CANDY---I have been watching the FINS---That CHICK loves to SPREAD his WINGS!!---He is cute---(skinny legs)--ho!---3 STORK CHICK are present & accounted for!!!--VERY QUIET this a.m.---ROBYN my daughter (LISA) had this beautiful BLACK LAB--YODA!---First teaching job--lived out in the county along river---Many summer homes----YODA was missing---HEARTBROKEN!---Kept looking--she found YODA---at one of the homes--outside--TIED UP!!---Man said YODA wouldn't leave---wanted to stay there---ho!---(tied up)

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA and MITS My mouse pad is going to school with me when I go back. I had stopped in to school to take some things in the other day and had to stop and thank the secretary (sims operator) for giving me the heads up on the eagle site a year ago. Told her that I had gone to Shepherdstown and met everyone and how much fun it was and how nice you all were. She was soooo excited for me.

MITS Sounds as if you need more cups too. ;0

normabyrd said...

CANDY----"CHESS--MILA & GWEN"---are very VOCAL now!----MOM never lingers very long---ho!

MITS said...

Positively will buy another one, Paula:):):)

carolinabeachmom said...

WELCOME NORMA You got on just in time to see your stork chicks have lunch.

MITS said...

And probably a few more things too:)

normabyrd said...

COFFEE tastes better when drinking from an EAGLE MUG---resting on an EAGLE COASTER---beside an EAGLE MOUSE PAD!!----I am getting carried away this a.m.!!---It's a sunny muggy 78° this a.m.---SPENT a wonderful day with GRAND-KIDS in Shepherdstown---Walked a 100 miles (ho)---BEST DAY EVER!!---"wee" bit tired when I got home!!----BEAUTIFUL "BLUEFIELD SHARON"---Lisa has a cardinal with no feathers on top!!!---It's a male---Did your cardinal ever get any more feathers??----

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Hope things go ok and look better for Megan's daughter. My sister is also starting her rounds at the doctors today; oncology and hemotologist. I am glad she is finally getting someone to look at her, but I ah also scared for her. She will also have to go in a coule of weeks to a rheumotologist. Something tested positive there too. So today, I am feeling pretty glum between she and Jo and just got a call from my husband's sister who is down in Duck at the beach, wanting to see us tonight. She is fighting along with two other of his sisters, cancer. And here James and I sit, fit as a fiddle.
I sure hope I get some word about Jo and then my sister before I have to leave.

normabyrd said...

KENT NEST---MT---Unless they are higher up in tree & SUN is blocking the view!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Norma - are you an eagleholic :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Many, many prayers going up for our beautiful Mema Jo this morning.

normabyrd said...

CANDY--I am so VERY SORRY you have so much illness in your family---You & husband can be there for them---That has to be very hard for both of you---KEEP PRAYING!!---IT WORKS---Will keep them in my thoughts too!!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA So glad to hear that you had a nice day with your grandkids. AND I bet you they hat the bestest day with their Grandmother. You must be a little pooped out today tho.

I don't have eagle coasters, guess I'll have to order them along with another mug and a sweatshirt. I am getting the itch to order more.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you had a nice day with the grandkids Norma!

The first day I brought home a dog from the pound, put him in the fenced in back yard. Came home and he was gone!! Son was devasted. Some kids had opened the gate and out he went. Looked for him, but then had to go to college class that evening. Called down to the local police station and they said they would keep an eye out for him. They called me the next morning. They found him overnight at the high school, about a mile up the road! I was lucky!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Normabyrd! Glad you had a good time, yesterday. Thought you might be sleeping late!
Yeah, that Fin chick is a beauty, isn't he, Candy? Love him.
Norma, glad you got to see your storks eating!
Mrs. S was off the chicks for a sec, but she's back now.
BBIALW, have to make some phone calls.

normabyrd said...

OH YEAH PAULA---BIG TIME!--ho!---Granddaughter pointed to her shirt yesterday to show me she had an EAGLE too!!---Learned it's a brand of sport clothes!!!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW - I just wanted everyone to know that I will be paying Jo a visit in the hospital. It is only about a mile from where I work, so as soon as it is OK, I'll be there with some flowers to brighten her day. And I know I will certainly be bringing her "Get well wishes" from everyone here.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Thanks, I appreciate it It is all in God's hands. That is all we can do is pray.

normabyrd said...

CANDY ---Do you think we all might think about getting an EAGLE TATTOO!!!! ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Thanks for letting us know. Do you happen to know the address and name of the hospital, so I can send a card. I forgot to ask her. It someone has her home address, please get it to me over email. I may wait and send flowers once she gets home.
Thanks. AND I know you will go to see her with ALL OUR PRAYERS AND GOOD WISHES. Thanks for being there Paula

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula, know she will be happy to see you:)):).

carolinabeachmom said...

SORRY NORMA NO tatoos! I waited until I was in my forties until I finally got my ears pierced. :)

My sister is the tatoo one. She has a hawk acrossed her back.


Suzanne said...


normabyrd said...

Was watching TAI this a.m.---They have a hard time sometimes following him---He is like JIM--MOVIN'----HE'S A TRIP!----Meanwhile down at the "ATLANTA RANCH"---The LITTLE BEAUTY is sound ASLEEP under the logs!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I will look up both and send them out through Momsters email for everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, I was going to make up a card for Jo. If anyone would like to include a message for Jo, I would love to do a group card.

email me at pccompton@yahoo.com

normabyrd said...

SWALLOW just flew into her nest!!--All of her decorations are just beautiful!!!---Must have been an "INTERIOR DECORATOR" in her other life!!!--ho!----How long will she stay with the chicks?

paula eagleholic said...

On second thought I will email Jo's address individually. Just let me know if you need it.

MITS said...

That cam is really following her around, Suz..

MITS said...

Ok, got to go out til late this afternoon..talk to you all later, prayers for everyone:).

Suzanne said...

See ya, Mits. Thought for a sec there we were gonna have a baby, but guess not.

normabyrd said...

CT OSPREY in nest with OSPREY CHICK---CHICK keeps "showing off his wing span"!!----Now CHICK is eating & MOM watching----

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE'---is taking a "REST BREAK"---LYING DOWN in his favorite place---on top of his BAMBOO!!!!!---LOVE EM!!!---He certainly brings JOY to us all!!---We need some of that today!!!-- PRAYERS!

Suzanne said...

On the phone, but checking cams. Check out the falcon ledge...people walking around. Wonder if they know the cam is still on and they're on candid camera??? Bet they don't.

Suzanne said...

Ohhhhh, butt shot.......

Suzanne said...

Man, they're doing all kinds of work there! Bet the guy that was supposed to turn the cam off went on vacation and forgot to turn it off before he left. These guys (and gals) have no clue they are being watched!!

Suzanne said...

Up close to the cam, they may figure it out in a few minutes. Look at the equip they have, are they putting in a new cam????

Suzanne said...

Good grief, divers back in the Netherlands, looking at cam too.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, little blondie, blueeyed checking out the other end of cam. No, now another one. Oh, this guy has blue eyes dark hair, now female, blue eyes dark hair. Ok, we've said hi to all of you. No....maybe not. They're having a big party down there.

Suzanne said...

Ok, waive good by back to them...

movin said...


Just decided to get up and get a cup of coffee, took a couple of sips, and one of the maintenance dudes is here to paint some wallboard they had to replace.

Haven't seen too many birds of any kind so far this morning.


Suzanne said...

wow, and all the fish come out of hiding now that those strange creatures are gone.

normabyrd said...

IF YOU NEED AN EAGLE FIX!!---IWS has several shots of LIMUW (#63) to me!!!----short videos of his breakfast & taking off---SEVERAL OTHER PICS in beginning showing some beautiful (TINY CHICKS) being held in some one's hand---COOL PIC!!

Suzanne said...

Hey, Jim. You can people watch if you like! PA Falcon cam, workers on ledge, and the Netherlands underwater, had about 5 divers there a while ago. Each made a closeup appearance.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM!---Is that "SEATTLE'S BEST" coffee you are sipping?--ho!

Bobbi said...

Hello to all that I missed since your arrivals here today. I am just checking the account I put together for mom, BTW this is Robyn :)

Now mom has no excuse not to blog *grin*

paula eagleholic said...

Was it a cute butt, Suz?

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Robyn and Bobbi!

Suzanne said...

LOL, wasn't bad, Paula. They're still on the ledge, but the divers age gone...

carolinabeachmom said...

Good eagle morning JIM and BOBBI!
suzanne I missed the divers, as I was writing a kindergartenish card to Jo for paula to take. I hope they come back, Now on to your Pa Falcon site to see what is going on there.

Suzanne said...

Hi Robyn and Bobbi! Glad you made it safely, Robyn.

Suzanne said...

Oh, sorry you missed them, Candy. There were about 6 of them, male and female, and they all came up to the cam and said hi. Last guy waived good bye when they left, and as soon as they were gone, all the fish came out of hiding! PA guys are still there.

Fin chick eating again!

Suzanne said...

Osprey in 2nd Fin nest, and looks like it stopped raining. No more drops on marina cam, and looks like the sun may be coming out. Look at all the debris in the water, though. And LOTS of cormorants!

Suzanne said...

Did the Kent nest fall down? Where it looked like it was sinking, looks like it did fall. Very lopsided. Sure glad the kids got out when they did, but that may explain why they don't eat any meals there!

Suzanne said...

both ospreys in Fin 2nd nest.

Costume Lady said...

Is your Mom going to post as Bobbi or Silverwolf? Tell her we are anxious for her to get started.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE--I missed them too CANDY!!!--Did see a worker at PA---But he wasn't too COOL!---I wanted to see the ones you were enjoying SUZANNE!!!---ho!-----HAVE YOU WATCHED THE GRIZZLIES?---They are great to watch---The other night we could hear a worker telling all about the bears--ages & names---They they keep track of them by their names----Don't think we were to hear it---We all ENJOYED IT!!----

Costume Lady said...

Have a safe trip home. I have my Grandson here for a few days and he has taken over my puter.

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy, SUZANNE, you are a lucky duck. Your Pa. falcon nest will be all clean and shiny for the viewing nest year. :) I hope the juvies don't come back to roost now, or they may shoot them to keep them from messing up the cleaning job. Only Kidding.

movin said...

Morning, Suzanne, Norma, Mits, and company.

"Seattle's Best Folgers" Norma.

The painter did a good job, and departed, leaving mucho stink.


Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Hopefully, we will hear from Jennifer later as to how Jo is. Hope everything went well for her! Lots of prayers for you, Jo!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh my, we even get views in Pa. of both ends of the ledge!

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like you are being voyeurs this morning ( I couldn't find the site or I would have watched them also).

normabyrd said...

HI WANDA-----What's happening in you garden now!!---Hope the rain helped---We had a heavy lighting--thunder---blowing winds DOWN POUR!
We could use some more!---Been waiting for your husband's "NAME"---Has he decided on one yet!!!---Tell him we are waiting!!! ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE You have a safe trip home. Just stay out the way of the idiots that shouldn't be driving.

normabyrd said...

SAFE JOURNEY HOME TODAY!!---GIVE MY BEST TO GYPSY!!!---LISA had to put her 17 yr. old black cat--MEI-MEI to sleep!!---Glad we were all there yesterday to take her mind off of it!!!-----STAY COOL IN THIS WEATHER---

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Robyn. I was wondering who BOBBI was. Glad you are finally getting your mom into the blog. Her blogless days were numbered when you arrived in Florida. :)

Robyn said...

Wanda, mom will be posting as Bobbi. I set her account up. She was talking to me about her wood storks that feed on her property and gets them visiting often. Told her she can now talk about all the birds that come visit her :) on her own

paula eagleholic said...

Eggbert alert!

paula eagleholic said...

He is eating again!

movin said...

So, what did they do at Pitt?
Power wash the jernt? All I see is cans of spackle (?) or grainy paint.


normabyrd said...

WANDA----CANDY & I didn't get the "GOOD SITE"that SUZANNE was watching--ho!---They are fixing the ledge at the PA FALCON SITE!!---not much fun to watch--ho!

movin said...

Gaping maws are to be observed in the swallow's nest...


normabyrd said...

SORRY JIM!---I don't know what they are doing at PA site----I just looked in when SUZANNE told us she had been watching!!---

carolinabeachmom said...

Eggbert is home in Puget Sound cam. Just turned it on and there he was.

normabyrd said...

WELCOME BOBBI----Would like to hear about your WOOD STORKS---I just received my "National Wildlife" magazine----They have a WOOD STORK on the front---They aren't beauties are they?---Very interesting reading about them!!---Will look forward to your telling us about them!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

There is just one lone osprey in the other Fin nest. Must be a nice day there. Most all of the boats are gone. The sky looks like there are black clouds heading thear way, so they had better get back into port. Then again, maybe that is the storm they are just getting rid of.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Gapping Maws are the swallow chicks and their open mouths waiting for a bite to eat.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I have seen talk of WAX this year and last year but never knew what you all were talking about. I hope you don't have ear wax! :) I don't think Jo would want that! Was someone waxing their bodies to get the hair off?

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM Suzanna's Pa nest is getting all clean and fancy for next year. :)

normabyrd said...

I thought MAWS meant MOMS were admiring the new CHICKS!!---I'm not always with the program!--ho!--thanks CANDY!!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA The only reason I said what I said is I was looking at them about the time he was writing, and all three mouths were wide open. You may have it right too. I have no idea. We'll just have to wait to hear from JIM! ARE YOU OUT THERE JIM?

normabyrd said...

CANDY---The WAX game was lots of fun!!---EVERYTIME 50--100--150 etc. #s came up!---The first to yell WAX got it-----BLUEFIELD SHARON won most!---She was FAST!!THEN---GLO & VICKY became BIG WINNERS---Each were to use the WAX to get to SHEPHERDSTOWN'S EAGLE NEST!!!----THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!---Only JO CAN TELL YOU THE STORY!!!---They didn't tell me for a loooong TIME!!!----BET you can't wait????
I'm not sure when it stopped---JO yells it a lot---reminds us of the early times of our blog!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Thanks for the explanation.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, it took me a while to read everything. I know I'm suppose to have enough faith not to be anxious over Jo but I wont lie, I am. What time was surgery? I've been through this a million times and it doesnt get any easier.

Anne-Marie said...

Norma, I was in the middle of a conversation one night with two momsters and one wrote "Wax". I was offended the way it was put and didnt know what I had said to deserve such a label. Now its funny. I finally asked Jo what it meant and felt silly for my feelings.

glo said...

Well Momsters we are all waiting for info now on how things are with MeMa Jo.
The surgery was scheduled for 7:30 this morning but with hospitals you never even know for sure what time she actually went in
Also we don't know if family will wait til she is back in her room to give a report which could take some time.


Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Glo, thats what I wanted to hear.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good afternoon Anne. Welcome aboard.

carolinabeachmom said...

ANNE I think we are all in the same boat. The waiting game is the worse. It is so much easier if you there and know what is going on. I think Jennifer will probably wait until Jo gets back in her room and they have a good idea then what is going on. Jinnifer has a lot on her mind right now.

Anne-Marie said...

Jennifer needs all the strength she can get right now. We love Jo but we are not her daughters. I hope someone is with her to hold her emotionally when she is waiting. I was very ill last year with a ruptured appendix that wasnt diagnosed right and while I was out of it my sweet daughter was going through hell. Heck I was asleep.

paula eagleholic said...

I can tell you surgery is over and she in the ICU. This is where she expected to be after the surgery. They won't release any other info.

paula eagleholic said...

I have to leave for awhile, BBL.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Your stork chicks are back. Must be time for another feeding. They are quiet for once. Oh oh, here they go. I spoke too soon.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yup. Here comes Mom and they are just all a flutter. I have never seen anything like it.

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Thank you for that piece of information.At least she made it through the operation. Thank God.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Paula,
One of the Kent Kids is eating a small animal. Mama S is resting. One owl in hotel and no bur owls in sight.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well it is way past noon and here I sit still in my nightie. Guess I had better go, take a shower and get dressed. The Eaglet Momsters coffee club wasn't supposed to last this long. :) BB

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Mema Jo smiled at her daughter!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Sharon, where did you hear that?

glo said...

Guardain Eaglepasses along
MeMa Jo is resting comfortably. Family is also of course tired and getting some much needed rest. Watch BLOG and or Momster Mail for more info from Jenn very soon is my guess


Oh you bet He is right here by her side!!!!

glo said...

OH and MeMa Guardian Eagle just got some more wax for you :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I spoke with Jenny and Jo is doing well! God is so good!

Anne-Marie said...

thank you Sharon, with that I'm going to lunch. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Costume Lady said...

We are all awaiting word from Jennifer about Jo. We must remember that she is probably emotionaly drained about now. I can remember when my Mother had her last Cancer surgery, I was so upset, I couldn't talk to her before she went into the operating room (I didn't want her to see me so upset). Sometimes we forget the anguish the family goes through at a time like this. So, Jennifer, prayers for you, as well as your Mom that you both get through this trying time and the Lord will be with all your family.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thank you SHARON for sharing more with us. She is smiling at her daughter and Jenny said that she is doing well. Thanks be to God. Yes He is truly good today.

carolinabeachmom said...

Amen to that Wanda, Amen!

normabyrd said...

THERE is an email from JO'S daughter JENNY---concerning update on JO-----

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Heavenly Father for all the blessings you have given us. I couldnt eat. I came back early to find the good news. Jo has no idea the joy she brings to each and every one of us in different ways. We are blessed by knowing her.

NillaWafer said...

What a beautiful day this has turned out to be... Good news about our beloved Mema Jo is on the way to getting well ... I spent the afternoon with Diana and took her shopping for some summer cloths... Oh i do love that baby!!! Paula i take it Mema is in Frederick Hospitol? I hope to maybe get over there in afew days after she is out of ICU and gaining some strength back... BBL going to check on Buta Buta have not seen her for awhile... Heidi also on you tube there are video's of the Petes Pond animals you can watch also...

normabyrd said...

I AGREE with ANNE-MARIE!!--We are truly blessed by knowing JO!---I remember when I logged on the first time---She was the first person to welcome me---She even told me she thought 'YEAGER' would be a good name for our male EAGLE!!! She brings such JOY to each of us---I know I have become a better person by knowing her-----WE MISS YOU JO---GET WELL SOON!!

Jill said...

I am happy to report, Scooby is now safe at home. We went and picked him up from doggie jail about 3:30. So things are looking up. And we got about 1/2 the carpet out of Robyn's house so that much is done.

Going to read email about Jo. Glad she is doing good too. Any word from Megan's daughter?

NillaWafer said...

If anyone gets her hospitol room number and address please put in here so we can send cards.. I know when i was in hospitol they sure brightened my day by getting cards...

Anne-Marie said...

Jill, your a wonder. Your a lesson to the rest of us on service to others.It isnt as if you sit home with nothing to do.I really admire you.

Jill said...

Thanks. I can't just sit around when I am not working, I would go crazy. Would rather be helping somebody than just wasting time.

Anne-Marie said...

Jill I was looking at cameras on the internet to take to Alaska. I have a little one I keep in my purse but its not going to do it for long shots. What brand is your camera and what style? The Nikon I looked at last night was $1900. Not what I wanted to pay.

Robyn said...

Thank you Jill for all your help today. After all is done with the home an tori is back with us I will have a dinner and make something special for all those that helped. I heard scooby and the other dogs had a love fest and sammi almost piddled herself when she saw the big doofus. Aggressive dog (rolls eyes)I should bring sammi to that ladies home and show her aggressive.

I am so happy to hear the good word on Jo. There has been so much good news the past few weeks here it brought tears to my eyes reading Jen's email. Now Jen can rest easy knowing her mom will be fine along with the rest of her family.

Blessed Be

Robyn said...

We're off to get the girls from the movies and some supper...


NillaWafer said...

Heidi here a link to you tube and a video of Fatty sun bathing at Petes Pond and you get some sense of how big he is... And that was last year think of what he is this year..lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAZ2gytVG9A

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, that was a wonderful email to receive from Jenny!

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Nilla, and yes Paula I sat here at my desk and cried. I guess I was more tense than I realised.

Jill said...

Robyn I wasn't there when Scooby saw the others. But he was glad to be home. Yeah vicious he is. He almost knocked me down when he came into the room. So happy to see Donna and anybody else who would pat his head. He is a sweety. And I had help pulling up the carpet besides Donna. Yoda was a big help. Kept swatting at my screwdriver when I was pulling staples. He got smacked in the nose a few times but kept coming back for more.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Jo's at FMH - I sent the address and phone # just now thru momsters mail

Anne-Marie said...

Wow Nilla, the croc is really something. glad I dont have that in my back yard. I have a friend who lives in Florida who has gators in his back yard but not that big.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Paula.

Costume Lady said...

You are so special. Robyn is so lucky to have you as a friend.

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

I can't remember who sent the e-mail, but it went something like this: A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. That is what Jill has done for Robyn. (I think Candy sent the e-mail)

Costume Lady said...

I have WAX? I don't know what that is, but I feel very special having that honor. I have heard it mentioned many times and wondered what it means--always thought it was something special and funny.

glo said...

Wanda You just keep on collecting that wax...we can make one of MeMa Jo's first chores once she feels up to it to tell you the wax story.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I explained this to CANDY & ANNE-MARIE today!---Every time a number--25--50--100--150,etc. comes up the first person to YELL WAX---Gets the WAX!---SHARON won lots of times---SHE'S FAST!---GLO & VICKY won their share too---Supposed to be saving the WAX to come to SHEPHERDSTOWN to the EAGLE NEST----FUN GAME--played when we 1st began---I wasn't told what it was all about for a long time!!!--------REMEMBER!!---The ONLY person that can tell you what it MEANS is JO!!!---JO started yelling WAX lately---Reminder of the earlier days!!---WATCH FOR IT!!

Anne-Marie said...

Norma does WAX stand for anything?

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

WANDA---The message---A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart---comes from Jo's statement!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for reminding me where that message came from (I should have known it came from Jo). It really touched me!

Costume Lady said...

Candy comes up with some real special messages also. I love those special messages. I think they make us more caring individuals.

glo said...

Ahhh yes it is from an email from meMa Jo , It was at the bottom of a gorgeous email, one of the last I got as MeMa Jo was leaving to go to the hospital. It was her way of touching each of us one more time Heart to heart...so like MeMa Jo

Costume Lady said...

I have only been with the Momsters since April of this year, but came to know Jo through our messages and met her once in May at the Eagle's Nest Visit. In that short time, she has become one of the nicest, most caring and special people I have ever met. I could only hope that if I ever needed friends and prayers, I would have just a portion of what she has had these past few days.

Costume Lady said...

Have you ever been to one of the Momster Gatherings? Our visit on the 14th was really special. Haven't enjoyed myself so much in a long time.

MITS said...

GOOD EVENING ALL Eagle-Eyed Sharon knows the story of the WAX...ASK HER:).

MITS said...

WANDA, and her extended family is as nice as she is:).

MITS said...

Good job, Jill getting Scooby home, I would like to meet him, sounds like a cutie. I went to Floaters today, and could not remember the name of the creek, and my friend could not either, and I didn't really have the time to roam around and look for it.

glo said...

I live in Illinois and yep one of us from IL has been there 3 times. I had a house full of company when Sharon was finally able to get to the nest. I also will only make that trip once, at least in the near future as thats all I can do. I wanted to do it when as many as possible of the Momsters would be around and to do it when there were eaglets to see as well. Time will tell if I will change that thought to Oct.

Looks like maybe Sharon is gonna get hit up for the wax info ...LOL...well guess it is her call whether to tell or enjoy MeMa Jo sharing it once more.

Either way she will be happy to see that wax is being collected again..

Costume Lady said...

We will pass the word on to Belle and Liberty to have a nest full of eaglet in the Spring so you can come for a visit. lol

Anne-Marie said...

Getting ready to go home. Its been a long day for all of us. I got my work done but I'm not sure how. I will try and check in later. Rest and love to you all.

MITS said...

Talk to you later, Anne

Jill said...

Mits-Scooby is a big lovable dog. The lady that called him in said he was vicious. Well he is if you consider he almost knocked me down to get attention. LOL

It is Derricksons Creek. If you walk out of Floaters and go straight you will eventually run into it. It splits off of Assawoman Bay.

MITS said...

Ok, I'll write that down so when I get the time, when I come down next time, I'll go look, thanks. With a name like Scooby, how vicious could you be:))?

Jill said...

OH he is definitely a mean one. So sweet he just wanted love when we got there to get him. I swear he would have jumped up in Donna's lap on the way home if he could have gotten between the seats. Really Dangerous dog.

MITS said...

What a sweetie...:):):)

floralgirl said...

Wow, glad to read Jenny's message and know Jo is doing ok. And that the test results were negative. BUT, she's only been away for a day and already Norma is talking about tattoos! Daughter's Dr. looked at hand today and it was fitted with a new splint. But hand is still really swollen and she will start physical therapy asap to start to regain movement in her fingers and to get the swelling down. Long day for her, long road still ahead.

Jill said...

Somebody asked earlier what kind of camera I had and I forgot to answer

It is a Olympus Evolt 510. Unless things have changed since last fall when I bought it, it comes with two lenses, none of the others do. Cost is about $800. Most of the other SLR Digitals are the same price but come with only one lense.

movin said...


Thank God Mema Jo's alright.

Have a great Wednesday.


MITS said...

Thanks for the update, Megan. PT will really help. She is young and healthy, and that is on her side.

MITS said...


Robyn said...

Night Mits

So happy for Jo, Tori had the same procedure 2 yrs ago and knows how Jo must feel and sends her love out to her.

About Scooby our AKC lab, is a gentle giant, friend to man and furry ones. He acts as a pillow for when my nephews come over and loves every second of it. He even lets the kitties sleep between his front legs when he is laying down. All he wants is lots of affection.

Yoda my daughters middle kitty is almost human (so we say) since he was raised by Tori and I since he was rescued at 2 weeks.

MITS said...

:):)Was wondering who Yoda was, Robyn???

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night all, Thanks Jill it was I who asked about your camera.I'm going to look it up.. Hugs to you all.

Costume Lady said...

Once again, our prayers have been answered. All's right with the world.

Jill said...

Pretty sure those cats run the house Robyn. LOL Much more vicious than Scooby. LOL

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Hump day! I woke up and got out of bed this morning, so it's all downhill from here!
Beautiful out, 68 at my place, 73 here already! Gonna be a scorcher. Ok, all have a great day, want to go see how if Jennifer let us know how Jo is doing. Prayers for JO and all the momsters.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

OMG, just brought up the Finland cam, and the nest is MT!!!!!!! Our baby fledged!!!! Well DARN. Who knew he was quite that ready. Hope he comes back to the nest to let us know he's alright! Oh man, gonna miss that osprey kid!
Congratulations, little osprey! May you have a good long healthy life!

Suzanne said...

Ok, parent just arrived, where's the chick? Parent is watching the sky, so maybe he's on the way in...

Suzanne said...

ALRIGHT!!!! Fin chick just arrived. Awesome landing! Mom still in nest waiting for his return, and he came in beautifully! In fact, Mom looked up and went back to her grooming! Sure glad he made it, I know he's good to go!!

Suzanne said...

I am SO glad to hear the good news about MemaJo! Here's hoping and praying for a quick recovery!
Fin chick popped in for about a half hour, did some grooming with mom, and took off again. Mom is still there grooming!
BW MT, falcon ledge MT, there was an osprey in the 2nd fin nest, but left and haven't seen him come back. They actually have sun over there today, beautiful views. Boats are out, and Cormorants are out, and not so much stuff floating around in the water. Oh, Fin chick just came back. 1 stork in nest, there were 3. Dark in swallow nest, but owl in hotel, and doesn't look like Eggbert's cam is working this morning. One owl in Benicia, he's been there since shortly after 4 local time. Fin chick is just squaking! Where is the food? Mom hasn't been off nest since she arrived earlier, and think chick is getting hungry! Using lots of energy now with all that flying he's doing. Anyway, dark elsewhere, to include the undersea cam.

Suzanne said...

Mom left, probably gone fishing for food for the newly fledged chick!

Suzanne said...

Mom came back, didn't bring food, and chick is having a fit! He's not a happy camper! Now he's looking at the cam just squaking. I'M STARVING HERE....

Suzanne said...

Think Dad did a food drop in Finland, chick jumped on it and is now mantling! Poor Mom didn't have a chance. Now chick is looking at mom as if to say, no, it's mine! She's looking at him with a tone too!

Suzanne said...

Wow, cloud just went over, sure got dark for a few...

Suzanne said...

chick is now eating, it's a huge fish. Mom was watching, but then she groomed for a bit, now just looking around. As of yesterday, mom was still feeding chick, now that he's fledged, mom can't get near the food! He seems to be tackling it fairly well, but he's all around in circles trying to get bites! Mom just left, maybe she wants her own fish!

Suzanne said...

LOL!! He's been in a complete circle with that fish. So now we're trying wings! Guess he can't get the bites he wants, so he's holding it in his talons, and flapping wings at it! Oh this is funny! He's getting bites, but maybe they're not as big as he wants...

Suzanne said...

Chick finally got it down to pullling fish apart and getting decent sized bites. Mom came in, and I thought she was gonna steal the fish, but she just checked it and is now just standing keeping an eye out. Or, watching chick take every bite....

Suzanne said...

Mom just left. Chick looking where she went...
Another dark cloud.

Suzanne said...

Mom returned, and left again. Chickie poo still eating!

Suzanne said...

Well, looks like chick did a real good job on that fish! Not much left, that you can see on the cam.

Suzanne said...

OH, now it's nap time. In that case, BRB.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...