Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Snowy Wednesday

Ok, Here's the update.

First off, I know this has been a painful wait, and for that we apologize. The guys have been working with a series of technical challenges that don't seem to stop. Some are related to boxes going bad, and others to the high winds we have faced the past several weeks.

Yesterday, we worked all afternoon to get the cam started, and it didn't work. We were concerned that the camera had succumbed to the elements. This morning, the guys were at the tree and hooked a monitor into the cam cable and voila, they saw the female in the nest, very likely sitting on eggs.

They now have to do some additional work to make the microwave link work. If they succeed, the cam should be set and online. This still could take a few more days...

They will be back out there today working. If they do see the female up when the monitor is hooked in, they'll give us a report on how many eggs.

Kudos to Keith, John, and Mike for their perseverance on this problem. The technology used here is different from other cams that we look at and unfortunately has presented challenges that none of us wanted to have to tackle. We still need to keep our fingers crossed, we are not yet out of the woods.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you so much for the info, Steven. That is all we want - to know what is happening!!

normabyrd said...

KUDOS TO YOU STEVEN!----Thanks to every one of you all at NCTC who are working on the cam-----WE LOVE YOU ALL & APPRECIATE YOUR GOOD WORK---Anxious to know about the eggs---Bet there is at least ONE!

normabyrd said...


glo said...

Thank you so very much for giving us the info as of course we imagine all kinds of what ifs etc. There is still some hope then and I can run with Prayer and hope. Grateful for all you have done for us already.

Mema Jo said...


Thank you & everyone for trying to get us up & running. The best thing you did is give us the information we have been hoping for: There is probably and egg or two under Belle and/or Liberty! Thanks again Steve, John, Mike & Keith.

Mema Jo said...

I will place Steve's message over on the Momsters email so everyone is kept updated.

Whoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...



You're my Buddy!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are very welcome, Mema Jo!!!! You are definitely my buddy too!!! :):):)

floralgirl said...

THANK YOU STEVEN, KEITH, JOHN AND MIKE! keeping my fingers crossed, thanks for braving the cold weather to try to fix the cam, we know it is frustrating for you guys,we know you have many other things to do, and we appreciate all you are doing for the cam.

Mema Jo said...

Just saw the VA Botanical Gardens
Eagle in the nest!!!!!!!
There are 3 eggs.

Give the player some time to open. It seems I waited forever.

A real close up view.
Now, this cam is appearing on the - 13 NEWS

Mema Jo said...

This nest is similar to FL

It sways!!!! Don't know if it
is the camera or the nest tree.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Jo, got your e-mail, can't get the cam pic to come up right now, I'll try later when I have more patience.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve, John, Keith and Mike for hanging in there. We Pray that you can finish as we are sure you "all" want to "get er done" too. Come on Lord they need your help. Then you tell us the exciting news of an eagle on egg/eggs OH OH HO HO this is great. LOrd may they please with your help get it finished so the world can see a pair of beautiful eagles you created. From Shepherdstown West Virginia at the NCTC site.

Mema Jo said...

LunLun is peeking out of the doorway to the den at ButaButa who is still asleep out in the day room. Maybe we'll see some more action before 5:00.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - it took the cam a long time to open for me. It was like it flickered every now and then - Then I don't think I did anything cause I was going to other pages trying to find out where to turn it on. But then there it was - the biggest ole' eagle you would every want to see right in your face! lol

Just Vicky said...

Oh my, isn't Norfolk VA cam up close!! WOW

Mema Jo said...

Dana Quit your dancing around now! It is really wonderful news for us! I don't want you to put yourself back in that bed flat on your back!!!

Mema Jo said...

Anyone else see ButtaButs -
Looks like she is in the dog house...

I am not going to correct how I just typed our little Princess' name up there.........I think it worth a
good laugh!!!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...

That was fast, now getting settle in..

Mema Jo said...

wasn't that great!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow that is a wonderful close up in Norfolk. I knew they had already laid the eggs. So great they got the cam up for us to view. Neat

MITS said...

Aren't we all on Goggle now...Dana, my user name is HelenKalis...then my password. I sign in 1 time in the a.m.

MITS said...

Would you look at that beautiful eagle at VA....great view...cann't wait til the little ones come.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - It read that the third egg was laid 2/7 - Mits' birthday. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Where did you read that at Jo? Wow Mits!!( :

MITS said...

I'm so honored:):):)!...GO NAVY EAGLES!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe one of the eggs will hatch on my birthday!!! I would love to share my birthday with an eaglet!! My niece Becky and my nephew (who died at 8 months old) were born on my birthday. I have had some wonderful birthday presents in my life!!

I love this nest at Norfolk. I have been to the Botanical Gardens before and it is a beautiful place. Andrew and Daddy used to go up on the bank and sit on a bench and watch the airplanes go in and out at the airport!! Wonderful memories.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have the NBG cam up on my wmp.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Let me confuse you all about the sign in First I will say I haven't had any problems except if I am at another google site & close it-I will also lose my google blog at the same time. My pc is set to remember certain user ID's & Passwords. Therefore, when I open our blog 1 I type in my comment 2 I start to type with the letter j in the user name.
Immediately both my new google & old blog name appear: is google
jo21769 is the old one.I can just click on the one I want-I do not need to type in my user name The new form on google tells me I can use either one
I have kept the same password for both- 3Type in my password 4 click publish ! Finished.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is my deleted comment. I posted twice!

Mema Jo said...

The last email I sent has the blog link on it. That's where the dates are, Dana.

Mema Jo said...

You had better fess up Eagle Eye

You know how those deleted comments scare us!!!! But then, we all now have our own Trash Cans!

Seems like every day we find
another pair of

Eagles to LOVE

BUTA BUTA is in the Bamboo Forrest.

MITS said...

on the old blog that's how I signed in, Jo, did not have to type, just clicked name and password were automatic...this one I have to type in the username and password and a one time click if I want to go to this site, but I manage to get in.

wvgal_dana said...

So funny Mema Jo great minds at work again lol wink (your mail lol)

MITS said...

Well leaving in a little while. Daughter-in-law has invited me up to dinner and to spend the night, and spend the day with Maggie tomorrow, soooo, I will catch up with all tomorrow night. TAKE CARE AND KEEP WARM:)

Mema Jo said...

Well in MARCH there are going to be a lot of "chicks" in all these nests.

wvgal_dana said...

Nice Birthday present grandbaby time Mits is going to have alot of fun !!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Buta Buta is having a good time in the bamboo. So precious.

Mema Jo said...

I will say that Jason:Webmaster for is on the ball just like Lisa:Webmaster for BW.
I advised Jason that Norfolk Botanical was putting up an eagle cam just after Diane advised in her email
I emailed him when I found that it was up & he already has it on his bird cam page. He has recently reformated his page - Please take a look at it and give me some feedback.It is interesting info in the upper left margin.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Look at ButaButa now...

wvgal_dana said...

Well I said that now she curles up in a ball to sleep lol.

Boy is it getting hard for me to tell who is who in DC panda cam. Of course when they are side by side or wrestling we know.

I think Mei is eating and Tai is wondering around.

sandyshaw said...

New note on Tai's page--he and Mei now spend nights apart.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Sandra... BRBARATGP


wvgal_dana said...

I guess one way or another they are going to get him to quit nursing.

wvgal_dana said...

Hey I see eggs at Norfolk she is turning them ( :

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

What color ... what a view... don't know if they have night viewing or not. Wow this is great !

Mema Jo said...

I read the Panda News. Don't know how we will tell TianTian, Mei or Tai apart at night anymore. That was very interesting and informative. Atlanta Panda cub updates also had some information on research being done of that nature. I just hate it when I know Tai runs and hides whenever he hears TianTian or Mei interacting.

Mema Jo said...

I am getting some GOOGLE SERVER ERRORS................ Not knocking me out - just not doing what I want it to do.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I am going to leave for a few hours. Meeting son,grandson & my Alexis (Great-grandaughter)

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Jo see ya later

Maine had an eagle fly in but google had me out of blog. Gone now but the sounds of the eagle are so beautiful. Especially while watching these other eagles.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


belle_wv said...

well it didn't post my last comment, but I am logged in again, even though I got an error saying something about cookies not being enabled (which is not true)... anyway ,my post that got 'eaten' said that I had to re-sign in, even though I haven't closed hte web page... I'm just glad it is working - the norfolk website is gorgeous - 3 eggs - the drama continues :) I am hopeful that they will be able to get our cam up in time for us to see an egg or two laid.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Belle
I'm taking it that the problem isn't up the tree since they plugged in at the bottom of the tree and got the picture. So hopefully we will have our cam sometime.

Just Vicky said...

Hummmm, don't like those words "not out of the woods yet" that Steven likes to quote!!

belle_wv said...

Well I like being in the woods more often than not - so I am not going to worry - after all without 'woods' our pair wouldn't have a place to put their nest :) It is all good, and I am confident that if there is a way, Steve and the great crew at NCTC will find it :) If not, then Liberty and Belle get to have a little privacy this season, we'll just have to rely on reports from ground level... that could be exciting too - watching the frequency of comings and goings and the amount of food to try to guess how many babies, then the surprise of seeing them for the first time... I know, I know - PollyAnna - and I agree I'd rather see them from egg on...

belle_wv said...

What's your weather like Vicky? We finally have a little bit of snow, but there was enough sunshine to melt the fine crystal powder in the open areas this afternoon.

Just Vicky said...

Hi Belle! It is really cold after our sun went down! We have about 6 inches of snow. Just soooooooo COLD!

Just Vicky said...

So, when do we make our first trip to the nest???? This inquiring momster wants to know!

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater Nest Update with 2 new pics on the Eagle cam page

floralgirl said...

Alright, Jo- what was BRBARATGP

Mema Jo said...


Be Right Back After Reading About The Great Pandas

Update on Tai's page

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan - I'm am over playing
card games since it is so quiet
in here.

Frederick Cnty didn't have school
Did Washington Cnty ?

floralgirl said...

Oh, I wasn't even close... No school today for Wash. co either. Had to take daughter to HCC for guitar lessons tonite though. We gave her lessons for Xmas.

Mema Jo said...

Is it individual lessons or in a class? You should learn along with her - you know, have her teach you the chords. You'd look good with a guitar - especially in the market with your flowers. I am being serious.

Mema Jo said...

Since you stayed home most of the day - did you bake your chocolate chip

floralgirl said...

Right now she is taking guitar for beginners, in a class of about 11-12 people of all ages. We wanted to make sure she was serious about playing before we sprung for individual lessons. She seems to really enjoy it. I would love to take lessons, too, but she is at the age where I don't think she would want her Mom in the same class.

floralgirl said...

Oh, I baked chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies yesterday...BRB

Mema Jo said...

Amen to teenagers & how mom and/or dad cause them embarrassment.
Now though at my age - I can embarrass my kids with some things I say or do!! Pay Back!

Mema Jo said...

Did you put raisins in your oatmeal cookies?

Mema Jo said...

Megan - I am going over to my card games again & will probably watch a 10:00 show on tv - so I'm telling you good night now just in case you aren't here when I return....

Just Vicky said...

Oatmeal cookies Megan!!!!!!! How much you selling them for????

Just Vicky said...


floralgirl said...

Sorry, I guess I should have said oatmeal raisin.. but I wasn't selling them, Vicky- just eating them.

Just Vicky said...

MEgan, you gotta sell them, you're eating up the profits!

floralgirl said...

Well, you are right, hubby just ate a large chunk of profits, saw him with a handful of cookies...

Just Vicky said...

may as well be seeing $$$ going down the tummy

Just Vicky said...

Now Oatmeal raisins are one of my most dearly loved cookies!

Just Vicky said...

Would trade $$$$ for a bag!!!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, but he worked so hard today, gotta feed him. If only my money problems could be solved by cookies...maybe I could pay my bills with cookies instead of dollars, now just gotta fit them in this phone bill envelope...

floralgirl said...

Well, just remind me of that next time you come to NCTC and I'll bring you some, no charge!

Just Vicky said...

I'd barter for cookies, I could be bought with cookies, maybe they can too!! I'm waiting to hear of the next E.N.D. (Estimated Nest Date)

Mema Jo said...

I'm not going over in the snow. But if the sun was shinning - maybe...

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it a day.

Good Night everyone
(Vicky & Megan)
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers going up for everyone!

Good morning Suzanne - check out your email for Norfolk Botanical cam link - Beautiful eagle

floralgirl said...

Nite, Jo and Vicky,heading off to get some ice cream, all this cookie talk has made me hungry...

Just Vicky said...

Well I wasn't shooting for a snow date either Mema JO! But a couple of months from now would be nice!

Just Vicky said...

Nite Megan!

glo said...

Well the end of a vey busy day for me. Very tired. Looking forward to eagle cams and eagle cam news tomorrow. Good night all.

movin said...

Happy Thurday morning, Everyone...

I sure hope for the microwave link to fire up as soon as possible ...

At least we know the problem is NOT up the tree, and we know that Belle is likely setting on eggs again.

Have a fun time watching eagles while I have to be at work...


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne

Go to this all one line you will want to make it your favorities

It is Norfolk Va has 3 eggs eagle just checked the eggs

wvgal_dana said...

At Virginia 1st egg laid Jan 31, 2nd egg laid Feb 4 and 3rd egg laid Feb 7 (which was Mits birthday).
Bw, Va, ours (if any should be) should all hatch in March. Busy month for eaglets to come into the world. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Opps sorry Suzanne you said you can't get that cam. Dang!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne you have MAIL

glo said...

Good Morning all...Suzanne Try this put
Open your windows Media player
under File choose option
Open url

in the blank put

Ok hope that helps.

Hope everyone has a great day...Got to get out the doggie sweaters and booties for another sub zero morning...gertting very old here lOL but the germs well if they are outside they aren't out there any more.

glo said...

Last reminder 2 days left to Shop at Premium Shop, and to get your Raffle ticket check int he mail

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle in Maine

wvgal_dana said...

It is eating

wvgal_dana said...

Might be a change in Norfolk can see 2 of 3 eggs

normabyrd said...

Such a lovely setting---You feel she is looking directly at you---

normabyrd said...

DARN--DARN---I always miss the ME EAGLE---My favorite site----

glo said...

well darn Suzanne...well I have them on last nights video on For the Love of eagles Blog...if you have a minute to take a peak. I am sure they will be there a lot..great cam position and shots of this eagle pair...we got front seats with this one...

normabyrd said...

At BW you can see 'The changing of the Guard"---Get photo----eggs are shown---

Just Vicky said...

Wow, speaking of Glo's shop closing, I got the MOST beautiful trinket box with Spunky on top that is a real winner! My grandkids are going to love their valentine's gift from Grandma this year!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS---Are you still celebrating?---I read they are separating TAI & MAI at night----My MOTHERLY INSTINCTS are clicking in---Hate to admit he is getting older---SOB!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Norma, Glo and Vicky that came in while I fell back asleep. Sorry oooppps.

wvgal_dana said...

That's the bad thing about having your bed close to your computer. lol Your watching then nod off, next you wake to see time has past.
Catch up on blog and people came in.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits should be back sometime today. With lots of smudie kisses from Maggie. As Norma says "ho" bet Mits had a great birthday with Maggie.

wvgal_dana said...

smuggie kisses

Just Vicky said...

Hello Suzanne and Dana and Norma!

My trinket boxes are just the most excellent quality, sure do make beautiful gifts, (if you can part with it that is!!!)

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle just flew into Maine may have something to eat not sure

wvgal_dana said...

Well just flew out of Maine

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky you still here?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone!
Was running to bank & post office & decided to sign in after that. However; I watched Glo's newest video...I do so love the cam in VA!!
Like Glo said it's 'up front seats'.Their egg bed is so deep.
Jim & I were talking though and that 3rd egg sure does look like a rock!!lol
Suzanne Went up to Tony's Tues evening but you had already gone for the day so I couldn't invite you! <:(

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo glad to see you are thraw out.

Mema Jo said...

Didn't need to get out of the car at the bank but did walk into the post office.....Brrrrrrrrrrrr! 17 degrees is cold especially when the wind is blowing so hard!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I was watching ... what just went on at BW eagle nest??

Mema Jo said...

Egg turning time in VA

wvgal_dana said...

Wow does he/she turn the eggs alot at Norfolk. I'm sure they all do. We just get to see it better at that cam. They got them tucked in deep.

wvgal_dana said...

lol I just caught myself wiggling back down into the nest with the eagle lmbo

Mema Jo said...

Dana I wasn't watching BW
What did you see that made you ask?

Just Vicky said...

I'm still here !!!

wvgal_dana said...

I'll see if I can send you the 2 pics I took. I don't know if it was defending nest. Or other one flew in.... Heck I don't know.

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, I'll throw another log on the fire for you to get warm!

normabyrd said...

HI SUZANNE, DANA, VICKY & MEMA JO--I didn't know MITS was "MAGGIE SITTING"----Bet she has a smile on her face----COOL----I see BUTA BUTA IS SLEEPING or maybe it's SLEEPING BEAUTY-----Won't be long she will be as large as TAI--& it will be hard to tell her from LUN LUN--ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo only the one pic came through sent it to you. Looks like 2 heads so it must be 2 eagles???

Eagle at BW osprey nest

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon what Diane was saying. Is BW eagle and osprey have "pop up cam". The time with the pop up and the other are different times.

normabyrd said...

GLO---I certainly enjoyed your EAGLES----I can't imagine seeing that many EAGLES in one area---You are truly BLESSED---Thanks for sharing-----

glo said...

Thanks Norma Glad you got to watch it. There is lots of noise from the dam and the wind "no Vicky " I didn't put those 2 words together " LOL...

anyway it is countless numbers there ...Vicky and I will drive up there when she comes to visit NOT this weekend but next...well unless we have a major thaw and they come into the Marina...that is so much closer.

Mema Jo said...

Dana, I just can't tell from the photo if it is 1 or 2 eagles... That's a good one. Why not send to Lisa and ask?

Hi Norma - Buta Buta Show has started

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA awake---But LUN LUN is dragging her in her mouth---BUTA was loose to play----!---Isn't she tiny----DON'T think she does HUGS!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I did send it to Lisa and the other one Jo.

Glo what is Vicky talking about "trinket boxes"????

Just Vicky said...

Dana, read your last newsletter from Glo telling about the box as well as closing the shop! If you go to her shop and look in "designer you will find 3 choices of these cute boxes for sale, but you have to catch it before she closed the shop!

Mema Jo said...

BW cam just went haywire

I sure hope it doesn't last long.

normabyrd said...

MT Nest---NE---KENT too---EAGLE still in BW OSPREY---Arent' we lucky to have NORFOLK to watch while waiting for L & B to come into VIEW!----

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I put the pic through my picture program and enlarged it. There are two heads but I still don't know what is going on. Maybe Lisa will.

Just Vicky said...

There's the link Dana, check it out! Go to designer area on the far right of page!

normabyrd said...

Is that TAI or MEI---doing all that "dancing"----Hard to tell isn't it-----Appears to have an "itch" he can't scratch---

normabyrd said...

BUTA is off & running---bet LUN LUN gets her---

Mema Jo said...

eagle at NE

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Vicky those trinket boxes thank you under designer on Glo's shop page. They are 3 beautiful keepsakes.

glo said...

Dana Trinket box was the featured item for the Final newsletter. Vicky first bought a couple last week, and when they came she loved them so she came back for more for gifts and now well is sharing the info.

Lets just say I am on the way to the shop too...need one for myself, one for my daughter and new daughtrer in law...well shoot Elia needs a Spunky one to grow up with. LOL

Good thing I now have a that I actually love LOL...

The box does have the Eagle Scripture from Isaiah 40:31 on it as well; very fitting in the case of our Spunkster whom we know Mounted up with wings as eagles because of His love and watchful care of that 3rd little eaglet!!! That would be my exact prayer for all who I will give it to as well... I shall always be grateful for the whole Season but especially what we saw with Spunky!!!

Mema Jo said...

Eagle in CO nest

at Fort St. Vrain

wvgal_dana said...

To think not too long ago that little princess couldn't work her two back legs right.

glo said...

LOL Go Spunkster...Go trinket boxes...Well if you haven't seent hem you can certainly find them now...Thanks Vicky...I really am glad you like them that well, and yes dana there is more than one to choose from. Might make nice easter kinds of gifts too with ya know like some eggs or candy inside etc..

Just Vicky said...

What a great idea, Easter boxes!!!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

One flew out of NE nest
One lingering on the edge...

glo said...

Thanks for the heads up MeMa Jo That nest always looks like its blowing snow and

Mema Jo said...

The lines in the camera at the NE nest sometimes looks like snow. The explanation is that the cold does affect the cam. When I watch this nest I remember last year that the juvie was still being brought fish by mom/dad and he is the one that would fight off the small crows that came into his nest...

Mema Jo said...

Now they are both there - NE Nestoratons in Progress....

Mema Jo said...

He is pulling that stick in the wrong directon -
The whole side is going to come down...........

glo said...

That I think is the nest in the dead tree. They had it secured for a couple of years and kept hoping the eagles would build elsewhere. Believe I read it is no longer secured and they will let nature take its ocurse..I say that because today that thing is rocking in the wind.

Mema Jo said...

Need to leave for a little while...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody.

I am watching the Norfolk eagle and I have to say that I absolutely love this view. I think (of course with the exception of our cam) that this is my favorite so far. Beautiful eagle, beautiful view.

glo said...

Good Morning Sharon yep gonna have that one up and running always now for sure

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I am waiting to see an EAGLE at the CO site----

Just Vicky said...

Love the NE nest, shaped like a heart!

normabyrd said...

HI SHARON---I like the Norfolk nest too----It has so much light in which to see her---

normabyrd said...

OH VICKY----You are getting into the LOVE SEASON!!!---ho! ho!---Hard not to, isn't it?----We spend the day watching "LOVE NESTS"!!! ho! ho!----

normabyrd said...

GUESS WHO IS IN THE TREE----The "Little Prince"----I LOVE HIM!!!----He loves the SNOW----& climbing trees-----BUTA BUTA won't see SNOW in Atlanta---but it won't be long before she starts tree climbing!

glo said...

Think mama at Northeast is looking comfy for a fairly long period of time now too, unless she left and came back and I meesed it.

Just Vicky said...

Yes Norma, the "love" season is here, at least for our eagles! And we have valentine's day coming next week. I love valentine's day with my grandkiddos! They are really going to be surprised this year-- Grandma can't wait to see their eyes light up! Going to do my grandsons this Sat. as they are coming to my house to go see Monster Truck show in town this weekend!

Just Vicky said...

I need to get a kids eagle shirt for them that says, "My Grandma has gone to the Eagles!"

normabyrd said...

VICKY---I'm so happy that you are going to see your grandsons this weekend----My grandson would LOVE to see the MONSTER TRUCKS----ENJOY!----I plan to go to FL in March to see my grand kids---Lisa & I are going---spring-break time---I like Valentine's Day too---I send Valentines to my little nieces & nephews----

Just Vicky said...

Well Norma, think I'll send hearts to my momster buddies! L-O-V-E is everywhere!!!!

Glad you will be seeing grandkiddos Norma. Not that far off!

normabyrd said...

VICKY---That's better than a shirt that says "My Grandma has gone to the DOGS!"---ho! ho!

Just Vicky said...

Sure is Norma! Or, Grandma soars with Eagles!

normabyrd said...

VICKY---You are SHARP!!---I want to SOAR too----I have to go to the bank---hate to do that---have put it off for two days!!!----Talk later----

Just Vicky said...

Must be lunch and naptime!

Just Vicky said...

Bye NOrma, come back!

normabyrd said...

BOTH EAGLES at BW---appears Lord is on nest & Lady is in nest beside him----maybe they are keeping each other WARM!

normabyrd said...

1 EAGLE AT NE----appears to be rearranging twigs in nest---

normabyrd said...

NORFORK EAGLE still looking lovely in nest---Always amazes me when they can twist their neck around--

Just Vicky said...

See you made it back Norma!

normabyrd said...

VICKY---Temp is up to 22°---almost a heat wave---ho!---Not quite---Arent you folks much colder in IL-----Do you have eagles in your area?----UNBELIEVEABLE how many GLO has-----

normabyrd said...

Little BUTA BUTA is doing what she does best----SLEEPING!!!!

normabyrd said...

I am sure that TAI is in the tree---but the pic is so dark, it's hard to see him---

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...