Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snowy Tuesday

New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Where are you Dana

normabyrd said...

THANK YOU---THANK YOU STEVEN!!!--Are you going too stay at NCTC in case we need you with all this SNOW!!!------KIDDIN' KIDDIN'----

MITS said...

Geez, Jo you have alot of pull around here.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for hearing & honoring our requests!

Dana I feel guilty bumping you out of being 1st after you gave us the heads up & then took the time to BOLD it for all to see! lol

wvgal_dana said...

I am here Jo and Norma hope the others make it in. I'm holding the door open (you might get chilled) put a wrap on for awhile till others get in ok.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread.

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

HI Mits made it in good ...

Don't worry about getting the "power wax" Jo... Just didn't want to be here by myself lol

Mema Jo said...

We need to find our Dana.....

Hope our gal didn't fall into a snow pile on her way here.

paula eagleholic said...

Any word on the live feed?

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the New Thread. You know we will use it.

Two eagles that earlier had flown into Maine. One with a stick the other with food. Only one in there now; it is sitting up on a limb like a King/Queen. lol

MITS said...

Here goes NORMA....#$*^%$^*(!@##!!!

Mema Jo said...

There you are Dana!

You were not Norma
I can't believe you can't cuss for yourself...........lol

normabyrd said...

I just checked on TAI---He really should have a "HALO" over his little head----Don't they look sweet together!

normabyrd said...

IT (GARGLE) probably would never let me in----MITS----YOU ARE GOOD!!
Thanks----Sorry Jo---Every time I get a chance to be first---I just lose it---ho! & some one always beats me----SHARON is really fast too---

wvgal_dana said...

Snow is getting pretty deep around Liberty all hunkered down there.

MITS said...

Eagle at TH is really settling in at her hole....1 at WE too.

MITS said...

It was the male at TH, checking out the hole, female just flew in.

wvgal_dana said...

Now I remember back a ways what I wanted to say:

Rub a dub a dub
Theres a Pand
In a tub

hee hee

Mema Jo said...

Missed the ME eagle
VA cam will still not connect for me
CO, FL nest MT

Check out NE site - new home page with update & new name of the
First Light Power

MITS said...

Was just there, Jo..2 eagles are there.

normabyrd said...

I hope MEGAN made it to her Shepherdstown meeting---Any one hear from her----I must get dressed---quit snowing here--IT IS BEAUTIFUL!---Can one even imagine 12 ft. of SNOW---predicting more in NY State!!

Mema Jo said...

One must have flown - one in the nest now.
No eagles in Kent nest BUT the burrowing owl is out again.

normabyrd said...

The "Little Princess" has been in her bucket since a little after 10:00---When she wakes up----JUNGLE will go in----Then we can't see her!!

wvgal_dana said...

I can't imiagine NY got the amount of snow they had and even getting MORE ! Roof tops of places have to be cleaned off or they cave in.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma it isn't quiting here anytime soon it looks like. So Liberty and Belle are in for it.

Mema Jo said...

Norma When I ask my granddaughter in NY (just above Oswego) how much snow do you have now, she says TOO MUCH ! lol

Mema Jo said...

Nope, it's not stopping here yet - it slows down but then starts back up. I swept my porch also - it is a light snow but won't be if freezing rain comes next.

Going to get some lunch.


MITS said...

Just eggs at BW.

MITS said...

Think Dad just came back in at BW and is egg-turning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OH, that was beautiful. Lun Lun just took a nice little dump right beside Buta Buta's little bucket. That was so cute! :):):)

normabyrd said...

I told you all wrong---went outside & it is between sleet & snow----That's why everything is sticking to the trees----Seems every thing-- every where is closing early---Hasn't mention Govt. yet--

normabyrd said...

JO---What is STEVEN'S last name?---A friend of mine, whose husband retired from DNR in WV, says he knows a Steve W_____---can't remember the rest of the name---who works at NCTC---

normabyrd said...

SHARON---I was referring to "it" as a "BIG poop shoot"----I think your "BIG DUMP" is better!!!! ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

Poor Lady BW looks like she is "SOAKED"----Still has the corn cob too----

paula eagleholic said...

Steve Wunderley is the eagle expert at NCTC

wvgal_dana said...

Just seen Liberty 107pmEST turning eggs got to see one of the eggs.

MITS said...

Federal Government is closing at 2:00p.m. today...

wvgal_dana said...

Just checked snowing outside it has alot of moisture now in it. No sleet yet.

wvgal_dana said...

I sure hope we don't get the weather report. That my weather bug just alerted me for. I pitty Liberty and Belle. More snow later sleet and ice 1/4" to 1/2" of ice. Snow accumalation 3 to 5 ".

normabyrd said...

THANKS JO---That's the STEVEN my friend knows----I am going to call his wife & wanted to be sure which STEVEN----

Mauley said...

Afternoon all, I am so jealous over all the snow, so you guys will have to forgive me. We can't buy a truck load of snow here in se KY. You would think we would get a flurrie or something. Central KY and Western KY have all had snows. Shucks, we have had snow as close as 50 miles, but none here. Don't want LandB to get snowed on, though. BBL donna

Mema Jo said...

I was finally successful in getting the VA cam up.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula for covering for me while I was gone..lol

Mema Jo said...

Mauley New York, I bet, would gladly haul some truck loads of snow your way. They are running out of places to dump the plowed snow. They will probably flood out this spring

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa play fighting with LunLun as she tries to eat bamboo.

glo said...

Thanks for the headsup for Norfolk MeMa Jo I love to watch that cam...no snow there. I swithed shifts with some one who has access to family to get them to and form work safely so will not go in til tomorrow evening now. Nice afternoon to snuggle up and maybe nap. Don't think I will miss any sudden live feed from NCTC if I sleep and well got the snow pictures happening. Poor wonderful birds thats what I think.

Mema Jo said...

Mits DC cam 1 Who is that sleeping & where is it.... I see 2 or 3 little birds hopping around... On Cam 2 I saw 1 panda outside..Don't know who.

Mema Jo said...

Thankful you can stay in today,Glo.
Yes, they are wonderful birds! We've seen them in the rain but never before in the snow. But I am shivering for them!

Mema Jo said...

Like a light rain here now. Temps aren't to drop extremely low - Maybe the ice won't happen.

Taking Norma's advice about living longer and I am going to take a nap.


MITS said...

Pretty sure that is Tian, Jo. That is his den. I don't think the cam operators are there today, Cam hasn't moved too many times since 7:00a.m. Think the keepers might be moving it every now and then.

MITS said...

EGG turning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to say that I am having a hard time watching Belle in that nest. She is getting covered with snow. It hurts my heart to see her having to sit like that. What dedicated and devoted parents eagles are!!

glo said...

Me too Sharon Not sleeping. I want her to shake that stuff off. i want them to trade places for a while. Do they get soaked or are they pretty able to have that water roll off mostly...Maybe all is well...I guess I think that she is fine essentially although I am sure would prefer this to stop and the nice warm sun to come out instead...I know i certainly would.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo was there a change in our nest. Liberty was in there. I napped and is that Belle??? Did anyone see the change???

paula eagleholic said...

Poor baby is really snow covered....gotta love these eagles...absolutely amazing...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, no problem, Jo! ;-)

glo said...

I really have no idea if they changed or not to be honest. Up off the eggs a little over an hour ago onto side of nest...next refresh back on eggs
have no idea if it was same eagle or not though.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok that is about when Liberty flew in and Belle flew out. That would make it right for the snow on his back also.

MITS said...

It was the same eagle..could barely see the 3 eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

Poor Liberty is getting snow and wet on him now. I think it is trying to turn to sleet.

wvgal_dana said...

Buta Buta sure is playing ... happy little princess.

floralgirl said...

Kicking the @**# door down!! WOw- why has this blog become so @#%* difficult for me to get into??? Really getting bored with it.

floralgirl said...

Ice pellets coming down here now.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Megan sorry maybe the weather had the door stuck some. Glad you made it in.

floralgirl said...

Looks like he/she is turning the eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

yep and got snow off his back

floralgirl said...

Hey Dana. I have so much trouble the past few days getting in here, it's really getting old. Eagle sat back down now, eggs look nice and cozy

wvgal_dana said...

They sure have been keeping them warm that is for sure.

wvgal_dana said...

Our picture is getting alittle worse at our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan are you still getting snow or sleet; anything???

floralgirl said...

Right now it's ice pellets hitting the windows on and off. Radar looked like we might be in a spot of no precipitation, but weather underground says we will get 3-5" more of snow and some ice overnight and into tomorrow. When I came home about 2:30, back roads were really starting to get snow covered.

floralgirl said...

And no, I'm not crazy, I didn't drive to Shepherdstown in my vehicle. Walked out to the end of my development and hitched a ride with a friend who has 4 wheel drive.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'm going to start dinner so that way all the people won't be cooking at same time.


MITS said...

Sleeting here, Megan

floralgirl said...

BBL- gonna lay down, still have not recovered from my 4:53am wake up call

floralgirl said...

Oh, Hi Mits, sleeting here, too, looks like little ice pellets. By the way, I got an apology email from the board of Education, sent a complaint in at 5 am about that phone call, she said it was not supposed to be so early, and I was not the only one who complained, they are investigating to see how it happened.

wvgal_dana said...

Stopped by in to say getting lots of sleet now

MITS said...

Well, good for them. Glad they acknowledged your complaint. TV station here says snow is done in our area, we will be getting sleet and freezing rain for the rest of the storm...getting my candles ready!

paula eagleholic said...

Turned eggs, now tenting

MITS said...

Watching it..

Mema Jo said...

Still shivering as I watch our eagles

ButaButa will be on for about 8 or 9 more minutes. She is playful.

Mema Jo said...

Well I guess that if the camera doesn't follow - that could be it for the viewing of today. Guess I'll read the updates.

paula eagleholic said...

CU Later!!!

MITS said...

Looking around, maybe someone will bring dinner.

Mema Jo said...

Mits I'm back - just finished our dinner. When I read your last comment I thought you meant YOU wanted someone to bring you dinner! lol You've got all those good leftovers.

Adorable picture of LunLun & ButaButa on the cub updates.

Now we know why eagles have such large wing span! Look at that tenting!

MITS said...

LOL....I have enough leftovers. Hoping dinner for our eagle.

MITS said...

Must not be snowing anymore at the nest, she is not getting snow on her feathers.

Mema Jo said...

All precipitation has stopped here
for now.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I'm back from fixing dinner and taking my shower. Yep not going to catch me in the shower with no hot water. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Whose in our nest anyone know??????

Mema Jo said...

I just got back, Dana. I would be guessing. Pretty good at tenting though. Probably Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Was saying good bye to my son who had stopped by to eat dinner with us & is now headed home.

Mema Jo said...

2 in the nest at BW Must be time for a switch

Mema Jo said...

Switch has happened the Lady BW is now turning eggs & now nesting on them The Lord BW has left

wvgal_dana said...

Yep I saw that Jo.

Mema Jo said...

I have been over watching the videos of Paula & Glo. I don't think we are going to be able to tell much that is going on with our nest tonight. With the mini blinds and the glare of the snow, we'll be lucky to be able to spot our guys.

Mema Jo said...

WELL I am Here by myself
right now

Mema Jo said...

And I need WAX

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

WWWWHHHHOOOOSSSHHHH!!!Look at her goooooo!

paula eagleholic said...

I can't make out a darn thing on the cam

MITS said...

PAULA think it has waxy build-up....

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Paula I am glad you got home safely. Roads weren't too bad?

Mema Jo said...

I sure would be guessing if I tried to say what I see at our nest.
Yep! Any proceeds from us to NCTC should be designated for

MITS said...

Be nice if they fixed the cam first, then get the infra-red. I don't think the night light would do any good if the cam still has all the lines running thru it...guess they have not had a chance to fine tune it.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Went up the branch, beautiful sky.

floralgirl said...

Trying again..

wvgal_dana said...

Well the way it is sleeting here and as near to the nest as we are. I'd say poor Liberty or Belle is being "pinged" by lots of sleet.

floralgirl said...

Aha! Take that blogger cop! icy here right now, weatherman shows us in heavy ice storm overnight, guess that will include you too, Jo, and also Dana

wvgal_dana said...

The neighbor shoveled out. Driveway was clear to the ashalpt; could see all blacktop no snow. Now is it completely white with at least 1/4" sleet.

wvgal_dana said...

It hasn't stopped here since it started. Either lite fluffy snow, then wet heavy snow and now sleet. We are too get even more.

Mema Jo said...

Belle is tenting also - I'm just looking at the dark spot where the eggs are & can make out the wing span.

wvgal_dana said...

All that I see Jo is a mound in the spot where our eagle would be. That is all white....

Just Vicky said...

It's going to be a very bad night for our Lib & Belle

Just Vicky said...

Putting some heat in this place, sure hope that cam gives some heat!

paula eagleholic said...

Roads were wet and slushy

paula eagleholic said...

We do have somewhat of an infrared cam....otherwise we wouldn't be able to see anything!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan & Dana & Mits & Paula

I think we are in for it tonight unless it passes over the valley.
It islike raining now..But temp is around the 20 mark.

Mema Jo said...

At the open house I remember Steve (I think) saying that he was hoping to get a better one. That would really be great.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky

Mema Jo said...

Mits I do see Spirit or Star out on the branch. When did Loraine say they usually started nesting - the end of this month?

MITS said...

Just went down and treated our street..off to watch TV.

Just Vicky said...

Hello Mema JO!!!!

MITS said...

EAGLE still on the KENT branch.

Just Vicky said...

American Idol on

wvgal_dana said...

Going to check out some tv.

Mema Jo said...

Megan, I don't guess it is a great night for sledding.

Vicky - how much snow did you get out there?

Mema Jo said...

Paula you have mail

floralgirl said...

Hi Jo, Vicky and Paula. No sledding tonite, just hoping we don't lose power. BRB- going outside to knock the ice of the GH- what fun.

paula eagleholic said...

I could see tenting a little while ago...

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at SC

Just Vicky said...

We probably got 13 inches, still coming down and blowing drifting badly!! Everything closed, all county roads drifted shut! BAD

Mema Jo said...

Kent eagle still on limb (cam #1) I wish the mate would come in on the other limb.

Mema Jo said...

Doesn't sound good. Daughter just called & their power is out. They live west of me about 40 miles.
Called Clear Spring.

Mema Jo said...

Paula Have you ever seen or found a long range view of the SC nest? Would love to find one as the nest looks a little tilted...
check you mail

Mema Jo said...

Snack time BBL

Mema Jo said...

Two Harbors nest has eagle lying down.

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles in 2 harbors nest

Mema Jo said...

Video at 2harbors went off at 9:00 our eagleland time. At that time, both eagles were in the nest with one of them lying over the egg bed. Their egg bed seems twice as deep as the VA one. Half the eagle disappeared when looking down into it. I thought their actions were very similar to eagles with eggs, but I thought CA eggs came later then ours. You all might want to keep your eyes on it.

Mema Jo said...

I must be the only blogger who does NOT have favorite TV shows. lol

Someone tell me what comes on 9:00pm

Just Vicky said...

Dr. House is on Mema Jo

Mema Jo said...

Well, hubby said Law & Order!

Over to the games - Holler at me by email if you need me.........

paula eagleholic said...

I'll find a link for you Jo....shows them zoomin in and out on the SC nest....

They are expecting eggs next week or so at the CA nests...

they are going to go out and correct that tilt...

floralgirl said...

Wow, it is nasty out there. Still sleeting. Everything is coated with ice. Just saw radar, looks like it will be bad in about an hour. How long has your daughter's power been out, Jo?

Mema Jo said...

Megan, Their electricity went out about 4pm and they were expecting it back on around 8:00pm. She said they're ok (just she & hubby) so I haven't called back to see if it came on.

Thanks Paula - Sent you some pics.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Just got home and had to walk up the hill. It is a solid sheet of ice. It was an interesting climb. Only almost fell once though so that was good.

Mattie had a wonderful birthday. She won a Dairy Queen ice cream cake from the radio this morning and tonight they had the Valentine Dance at school. She jammed!! :):):)

Mema Jo said...

Well, Mattie's day will be one she will remember. Weren't your schools closed there, Sharon? Glad you hadn't waxed your boots since you had to climb up that hill. Did you walk sideways? lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did walk sideways and stayed in the grass and the crunchy snow we have left from the last snow.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, the more I think about what I saw at 2harbors, I bet there is a chance they may have egg(s). It will be interesting to check on them tomorrow to see if one of them is nesting... Pretty soon all these nests are going to have eggs! There are 11 cams you know! Don't know if my pc is going to be up to all that.

glo said...

kind of enjoying my night off. Son called as was watching the weather channel..said I heard you have had a blizzard all day...well no tis not really that bad. I think its worse actually where Vicky is. I kind of liked that it was 20 degrees at least for a little while even if it was snowing. But tomorrow night now off to work for me. Was nice to not have to mess with it tonight though.

Hope everyone is home and warm now and plans to stay that way for the rest of tonight.

floralgirl said...

Sounds like Mattie had a great birthday!!! Washington County just announced schools are closed tomorrow.

glo said...

good night everyone

floralgirl said...

Nite Glo.

Mema Jo said...

Nite Glo

Frederick Cnty hardly ever makes the announcement the night before of school closings. They wait till early morning & then when you first turn it on it's in Spanish of course. And since I can't speak Spanish I have to wait for ever for the good old English version...............

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Glo!

Mema Jo said...

Well Megan at least you know you can sleep in and that you won't get that automated phone call. I read the article and it said it will be used also to call when a child is absent.Funny it said it would make random phone calls on absenteeism so that the kids skipping school wouldn't get the calls..... lol

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, unless TH lays an egg tonight...there are no eggs there...

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else think our cam looks stuck?

floralgirl said...

Well, I think the reason they went ahead and announced,( got an e-mail this time), is because they screwed up so bad this morning with the too early in the morning phone calls. Besides, I think it's pretty obvious there will not be school in the morning.

floralgirl said...

Sure looks like it ,Paula. Hs those awful lines across the top.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - of course the cams timer is still running. Mine is still refreshing. With the pic as it is I don't know what to look for to tell.

However, I have the famous colorful lines up at the top if the cam

Mema Jo said...

Paula Believe me that an egg
will be in the thnest tomorrow morning!

How will we know?

I watched some YouTube with thnest.

paula eagleholic said...

This video is by Jann (Hulabunee) from the IWS forum. It shows the cam zooming in and out on the Santa Cruz nest....shows a great perspective on the nest.


floralgirl said...

I'm outa here, hopefully talk to you tomorrow.Been up since 4:53, never did get a nap. Too tired to keep my eyes open, just waiting to see who wins the Westminster dog show then I'm off to bed. Nite all. Hope everyone stays safe and warm.

Mema Jo said...

Nite Megan

Hold the door open because I am also going to call it a day...Want to watch the link Paula gave me.

Good Night
Pleasant dream & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all!

Nite Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Ya'll will appreciate this....I sent Lisa at BW some pics today...and told her we had 3 eggs....this was her reply...

"Yes, I heard. Much congrats!!

Show-offs! :-P "


Mema Jo said...

Lisa is one in a million

Nite Again, Paula

MITS said...

We may have 3 eggs, but they have a cam that works :). GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, Eagleland

Good Morning _______________

Mema Jo said...


floralgirl said...

Well....technically it is morning, but there ain't much good about it.Except of course that so far we still have power.(keeping fingers crossed) Can't sleep, sound of ice pellets hitting windows is sooo loud. Of course it is coming down sideways and blowing right into my bedroom window. So noisy I just cannot sleep. Wind has picked up-only about 6 MPH right now. Checking radar, we are in some heavy precip right now, and it looks like we will be for awhile. Looks like our cam may be frozen(no pun intended)BW cam is still up, eagle there has wings really spread out over the eggs. Weather underground says up to an inch of ice by late morning. UGH, sure I will be headed out to check on GH in about 3-4hrs. Hope everyone is cozy and warm. Sure going to be a rough one for our eagles.

floralgirl said...

Taking my flashlight and heading back downstairs to try to sleep..

floralgirl said...

Looks like we got arout an inch and a half of ice pellets overnight. Radar shows we are almost out of the precip. Been outside, still fairly calm, weatherman says 20-30mph winds will start sometime this morning. Filling a cooler with drinks and sandwiches, just in case Guess our cam is frozen, BW eagle has wings spread out further than I've ever seen over eggs. Took a pic.

floralgirl said...

Pardon my typos...

floralgirl said...

Freezing rain here now, songbirds are everywhere looking for seeds, hubby is putting seed out, they are practically landing on him as he does. Making pancakes and bacon, I'd invite you all, but don't think you'd be able to get here. Gotta eat and then go out and start shoveling. oh joy! Already knocked ice off GH twice this am.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Pretty nasty out in this neck of the woods. 4-5" of snow, sleet and now freezing rain. Just checking in before I head out to clear the sidewalk. Don't know when I'll be going to work...we lost power there. Hope to check back in soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Megan and eagle land. It looks like you have been doing the morning show by yourself this morning! :):):) It is icy here and now snowing. School was cancelled for today. Our cam is frozen. I guess the voltage regulator didn't fix that part. Oh well, hopefully it will get reset and get back up this morning sometime.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

And yes, the cam is locked up...same pic as since about 9pm last night...

Stay warm!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Paula. I am so grateful I work from home, especially on days like this.

glo said...

well since we can't really check up on even how Belle is weaterhing all of this I iwll send around a picture I just took of BW ...at least she is there and able to move around with lord knows how much ice/sllet/snow she has been dealing with so I can do nothing but trust that Belle is also hanging in there and that both Liberty nad lord Blackwater are also doing their part...which I am sure that they are to care for the family.

Dang it argh!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good icy morning to those that are here.

Well our cam is "thumbs down" on us. Don't think they can do anything today. Probably off due to weather.

Weather for Lady BW is better than for Belle and Liberty. 46 for BW
So she might be soaked but not iced up like our Lady Belle.

Not much moving in this area. Had gotten more snow and then the ice over it. First time ever the tops of my windows are nothing but thick ice.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES & A HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!----Just started snowing again here on top of our ice---But I am a "HAPPY CAMPER" as long as I have ELECTRICITY!!!!----How are you all? MITS is your day at the ZOO still on?

MITS said...

HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY:):):). Zoo is closed, so guess I have a day off. Must have snowed more last night and iced too. Megan kept hearing ice hit my windows also, but finally fell asleep, kept waking up to see if power was still on. Lots of birds this a.m., then nothing, looked and Mr. Hawk is sitting in the tree above the feeder, guess he is hungry also. Will wait til he leaves to refill feeders, if I can get out over the ICE. Not much you can do if it is ICE!!! Just stay put.

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Morning Mits, Paula,Glo, Sharon and Dana. Yep, had the morning shift this am, starting around 2, not by choice, ice was so loud on windows could not sleep. Want to lay down, gotta shovel the looong driveway first. This is gonna be awful, last snow was light and fluffy, this is heavy and hard to deal with. Not looking forward to it. Thick crust of ice on everything.

MITS said...

EAGLE in FLA, working on nest.

floralgirl said...

Oh, crud, hubby says he's ready to start shoveling, BBMLAISTMHIAS! Figure that one out when you get here, JO.

MITS said...

Snowing in NE, nest is full of snow.

normabyrd said...

Just checked ME nest---MT--but really snowing hard---Poor Lady BW is needs a break---

wvgal_dana said...

Well the weather isn't going to get warm to melt this. Dang!
Going to stay in low 20's night 10 and lower.
More accumalation today and more on Saturday.

normabyrd said...

HI MITS---GREAT MINDS!----I think MEGAN wants you to cuss for her!

wvgal_dana said...

I got to think of something good to say and fast.

Thank God we still have heat ty ty ty. Warm, food for bellies, roof over our heads, health is good, (sinus are better), checked on neighbor she is ok,ok have to stop here. One of the dogs needs to go out and I have to figure this one out.....

MITS said...

I'm good at cussing, Norma.$#^%&%&*^$, THAT'S FOR YOU, MEGAN.

normabyrd said...

NE Nest is literaly a "Nest of Snow"---

normabyrd said...

IGNORE typos---

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 267   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...