Saturday, February 17, 2007


New thread. Should warm up next week so some of that nest snow and ice will melt.


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful sight this is up, eagle is in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Cam may be frozen.....

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday Morning
So thankful to see eagle in OUR nest. Thanks Steve for another new thread.
Paula You got some wax with your heads up email!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Guess we need to keep our eyes opened to see if OUR eagle lifts its head concerning the cam -
but I am thinking the worst!

Mema Jo said...

WHOOO HOOO! The head has lifted! Must just be a heavy sleeper.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, Jo! Eagle must have been doing some serious preening...or cam was stuck...maybe some of both....but looks good now.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at NE

paula eagleholic said...

Back to head on back...under wing.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING, PAULA AND JO, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO COMES INTO THE BLOG:):):)! Glad to see the cam up. STEVEN, How much for a new battery?????

MITS said...


MITS said...

think there was some copulating going on.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, Mits. Eagle awake again....looking to the right....

Eagle HP at Kent, eh?

MITS said...

Think so, Paula, got a pic:).

movin said...


You are right about the Kent nest. I just tuned in, she was standing in the nest and he was on cam 1. Then, about 7:12, she laid down as though testing the nest for size, he alighted on her back and they mated.

I still haven't made a cup of coffee, so you probably know what I'm doing for the next few....
(an eagle cup, of course. Thanks, Glo.)


Mema Jo said...

Morning Mits - I was over at BW site. Lisa updated yesterday on Eagle Web Log She is giving lots of info on the Open House March 11. Also mentioned Osprey being featured on Animal Planet on February 26 at 8pm ET, Animal Planet will air a program called "Incredible Journeys: Osprey Odyssey."

MITS said...

PAULA you have mail.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Jim Thanks so much for the new Maxine Jokes!!

MITS said...

Cool...Yes, Jim I'll send you the pic:):).

Mema Jo said...

One Eagle still at Kent - up on the limb.
NE nest looks like a wind storm hit!
Sticks all over the place. I'm glad you saw an eagle there this am, Paula.
Eagle is nesting in VA- Surprised I got the cam to open.

MITS said...

The KENT nest is MT now, but looks so pretty with the fog below it.

paula eagleholic said...

Both were in NE nest this morning...

paula eagleholic said...

vulture party at bw osprey

MITS said...

Suzannes' favorites the EWWWIES.

movin said...

Anybody else having troubles opening the Channel Islands site?


Mema Jo said...

Jim I had trouble - gave me an Error Page with Try Again....

MITS said...

They open, but it takes awile, not getting any error message.

paula eagleholic said...

They should open better now...1 eagle at WE

paula eagleholic said...

Great pic from Kent, Mits.

paula eagleholic said...

eagle just left at maine

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Liberty is sure looking around for Belle to return. I say 'Give her a Break"

MITS said...


MITS said...

Belle must be out shopping the Presidents Days sales:).

MITS said...

Only 1 eagle at WE now.

Mema Jo said...

Checked on Mei & Tai - They are at the side of the building -

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, MITS, for the info from Bill about the NE egg laying period.

MITS said...

Jo, my sister just e-mailed me, that Tai wanted to nurs this a.m. and Mei wanted to sleep, and she knocked him down and he just laid there for awile and them got up and ate some bamboo.

Mema Jo said...

Egg turning time in OUR nest

Mema Jo said...

Yep! Tai is growing up. Hope he realizes that it's a lot of
Hard Knocks sometimes.........

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Tai and Mei are playing soccor with the biscuit ball.

MITS said...

Much easier to get on channel islands now.

MITS said...

Snowing in Bluefield, WVA.

MITS said...

Its warmer in Sheperdstown, that ir is here at Bethesda.

sandyshaw said...

Hi, Mits

Looks like you're all alone. I'm trying to get in again.

sandyshaw said...

Made it! And my Chanticleer is back. It is warming up in Shepherdstown, much melting going on, no wind. My husband has stopped taking all his meds except his heart meds, and now feels much better. We were worried about possible infection in his new knee but it seems to be ok. A humidifier and saline nasal spray has eased Mother's shortness of breath, so she slept better last night.We're taking one day at a time.

The birds are definitely feeling the effects of the longer days--singing, chasing, nesting.

MITS said...

Yes, Sandra, but that is ok. How are things going for you? I'm going to get dressed, I will BRB.

sandyshaw said...

Actually, I'm going to get dressed as soon as I finish a bacon sandwich on English Muffin bread and write a check to send in snail mail. I expect all the pajama bunch will be dressing about now.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandra, I am so glad you were able to get in here. We've missed you. I've been checking but not seeing any falcon yet on Shenandoah - I just love looking at it. Can't imagine chicks being raised on that one small ledge!
I am so glad to hear about your hubby & mother's conditions improving!

**Just got dressed! <:) So I'm still in the club!

sandyshaw said...

Hi, Jo, I'm watching those Shenandoah cams too, they're so beautiful. And I've seen the burrowing owl several times. I've been reading the blog, even if I can't get in, and always enjoy it.

sandyshaw said...

Here's a TV heads up for eagle lovers:

Humans have had a unique relationship with raptors, nature's aerial killing machines, for more than four thousand years, first through the ancient sport of falconry, and, more recently, as scientists and engineers have turned to these mighty birds-from golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, and turkey vultures, to great gray owls and the peregrine falcon-as the inspiration for the latest in aircraft design. Using the tricks and tactics of raptors as their model, engineers have devised fighter jets with unprecedented maneuverability and stealth.

In RAPTOR FORCE, you'll learn the secrets of these astonishing aerialists, and how they've mastered, more than any other type of bird, the art of soaring. And with the help of engineer and falconer Rob MacIntyre's ingenious miniature television station-a camera, transmitter, and battery small enough to be harnessed onto the backs of raptors--you'll see for yourself what it's like to fly with these deadly aces.

NATURE'S RAPTOR FORCE premieres Sunday, February 18 at 8 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check your local listings)

Mema Jo said...

We all knew you were right there with us all the time!
I keep checking the burrowing owl & have also seen him a few times.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the infor on the TV show - That will be awesome to soar with an eagle. I put it on my calendar!

MITS said...

Sounds like a good program, Sandra...just got dressed, must dry hair now. Been watching the Shenendoah site also, that will be an interesting one to watch.

MITS said...

Tai is sleeping up the tree.

Mema Jo said...

Need to go do some things around the house.. BBL

MITS said...

Hello, just checking in:) doing laundry:(.

MITS said...

I can hear the eagles at ME, but can't see them yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Think they are beating that snow out of the nest at NE :):)

MITS said...

Everytime, I go to NE, they are gone.

Mema Jo said...

Just checking in to let you know I am going to Mass - BBL

MITS said...

OK, Jo...eagle at NE.

MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW osprey with one heck of a nice fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of eating...they must be eating off of our nest...have not seen any eating activities there.

MITS said...

Both eagles at NE.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi (: everyone

I came in at a nice time 2 eagles in NE sharing food and moving stick.

Thank you I put both tv shows on the calander 18th is tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

Well maybe NE is just nesting

Both in our nest !!

wvgal_dana said...

Hope someone got the pic of the 2 in the nest. I had it put forgot and in trying to save to my album bloundered it no pic.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula or Mits is that Belle or Liberty in our nest now???

MITS said...

I didn't see the change,Dana. How is your sister doing today?

MITS said...


MITS said...

Maine eagle is really digging in the hole.

MITS said...

2nd Eagle just landed in Maine...quiet at that nest wind.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Mits I got one eagle in Maine now...even their infra-red is beautiful.

Sister said she would call when better...neice said she would call if sister got worse. No calls. Thank you for asking.

glo said...

Vicky is on her return trip home now ,probably about 2 hours away. We did see lots of eagles and also dealt with about 3 to 4 inches of snow which timed itself between yesterday's trip and todays. It was such fun to be able to share this with a friend who is also well ya know a little crazy about these particular birds. I will be adding a Filmloop to the For the love of eagles BLOG in a very short time. Click my name to go see just a few of the photos...will do videos a little bit later on.
So glad also to see the cam and some awfully special eagles continuing to care for those eggs in their snowy nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Glo will be checking it out. Glad you and Vicky had a good time. Hope you told her I said Hi..

MITS said...

Going to fix dinner.BBL.

MITS said...

Still snowing in Bluefield..

floralgirl said...


wvgal_dana said...

Snowing here cleaned parking space "covered" and cars ... don't know how much we are suppose to get.7:38ESTpm

glo said...


floralgirl said...

Huh, not snowing here, Dana. Don't think it was really supposed to amount to much. Hi Glo!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am home. Mits, if you were watching the Jefferson cam at about the same time you posted, we rode by there and I waved at the camera. I never know when somebody might be watching. That is funny.

floralgirl said...

So, how was your day, Sharon?

Mema Jo said...

Hello again. In for the evening now.

Beautiful eagle in KENT nest

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo!

floralgirl said...

Snowing here now:(

Mema Jo said...

Some flakes of snow are starting - Just to be a dusting.

Mema Jo said...

Hey Megan! What did you do all day? Go sledding yet? Our yard is still a sheet of ice. How's the GH?

If you want to work part time & still grow flowers, you're going to need an irrigation set up to water your flowers. Michael said he would come show you what to do!!! no charge...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My day was really good.

Mema Jo said...

Mits Did you see Sharon waving at you? Are you watching CSI?

Sharon I am so glad you had a great day being a proud Momma!

Glo Happy you had a good weekend with Vicky & anxious to see the loop and videos.

Dana So glad you can rest easy about your sister being taken care of.

Mema Jo said...

Kent Eagle up on the limb on Cam 1

floralgirl said...

Well, Jo, worked this afternoon for a while, no sledding, daughter abandoned us for the weekend. Went to friend's house again, they are working on a school project together, and just hanging out. She said she would see us Monday. Hard to walk around the yard it's so icy. Gh is good, almost time to start seeds inside under grow lights, don't want to have to heat GH yet, use kerosene to do so, it is $2.79 a gal.! OUCH! Michael's offer is definitely tempting!

floralgirl said...

No, no, no, I ain't taking that wax!

Mema Jo said...

Hey Megan Put that wax on the GH roof & the ice will slide right off!

Just Vicky said...

What an awesome 2 days Eagling I have had! AND such a wonderful tour guide -- Ms. Glo!

floralgirl said...

Too much wax buildup will block the sun!

Mema Jo said...

Michael & Melissa & their 3 youngsters are looking for a place over in Shepherdstown. Krista lives there and Michael's brother & wife do also. Michael's brother is opening a Juice Bar right on main street in the very near future.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Home Vicky. Glad you had a safe trip & such an enjoyable one.

Mema Jo said...

Then Megan I don't know what you're going to do with the 100 lbs of wax because you for sure got

floralgirl said...

Glad you made it home safe, Vicky! You are becoming quite the traveling eagle fanatic! LOL

Just Vicky said...

Thank you Mema Jo! My trip home this evening was a little risky, ran into a lot of ice on I74, wrecks happening all over but I made it with no problems!

Just Vicky said...

You bet I'm a traveling fool for eagles!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Waiting to hear when the Spring Nest Date is for our nest!

floralgirl said...

Well, then you can come see me at market all summer, Jo, cause so many of your relatives will be in Shepherdstown. We are going to invite Paula to bring her eagle Momster's info and set up a table possibly a couple of weekends during the season. She says she is willing to do so, we just have to come up with some dates and work out details with her.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds great, Megan. I love the market - especially the people.

I did go over & watch the Film Loop-AWESOME !!!

I started watching Criminal Minds..
so I'll be back at 10.

MITS said...

Hi, Jo, I've been watching episodes of "DOG, THE BOUNTY HUNTER", that I have missed, because I'm always watching House when it comes on Tuesdays.....Hey, Sharon, glad you had a good day and you are home safe and sound. That is great news about Paula, setting up a stand near you Megan.

floralgirl said...

Yes, it should be a great way to promote the cam and raise some money, told them they can set the table right by my stand:) Gave up on TV, can't wrestle the remote away from hubby. Listening to the radio and reading seed catalogs.

MITS said...

I think there is ALL-STAR DUNK contest on.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Glo just watched the video.
Wow Vicky you can now say you seen "alot" of eagles. Mature and immature.

Look like fun.

wvgal_dana said...

Wonder if Vicky has the most miles log for eagles?

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all. Just got back from a basketball game at the Mount. Last home game of the season. They were ahead the whole game except last couple of minutes. Lost by 1 point. Real Heartbreaker!

Looks like our cam is hanging in there. This break in the weather is coming none too soon! :)

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Vicky - you and Glo haven't picked a date yet? Not coming March 10 and 11, I take it.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Megan. Good Night Mits. Got your email, Megan. Great News! Thanks!

paula eagleholic said...

And howdy Dana and Jo - watching Tom Hanks in that movie , Castaway? With wilson, the soccer ball friend.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Mits

wvgal_dana said...

I don't think Belle will get much snow on her tonight. We aren't suppose to get that much; I don't think. That is good.

floralgirl said...

Good night, Mits! Yep, Paula, anything I can do to promote the eagels I will do it! Tried to get in touch with Todd H., wonder if he ever sells any of his pics on his own, hmm.... maybe we could have an eagle weekend...with an eagle expert answering questions...thinking of an event to bring people and their kids to the mkt.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Megan and Paula I'm following Mits out the door ( :

floralgirl said...

not snowing here anymore, thank goodness.

floralgirl said...

Night, Dana.

paula eagleholic said...

Steve Wunderly might come over for a weekend. I have Todd's prints on the website.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, need to see if Steve W. might be interested in speaking about the eagles and answering questions. You should be able to display and hopefully sell some merchandise from the site. I did know the images you have used were Todd's. Just thinking about how we could have an "eagle Sunday" at the mkt., sure Steve would have lots of info that would interest people. Like to make it a real event that would bring people to the mkt. and really promote the cam. Anyway, I'm going to call it a day, wanna get up early tomorrow, and get my work out of the way early. Nite.

Mema Jo said...

You need to have someone there from one of the refuge places that has an eagle..................

Mema Jo said...

And your not sandy shaw tonight!

floralgirl said...

Hi Sandra! Hey Jo, you've got mail again. Now I'm really out of here.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Sandra....I should come over to collect that stuff and get it out of your way!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, your comment last night.
Are you going to get another little one to cuddle?

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to call it a day...
Good Night Sandra & Paula

Praying for more sunshine & higher

paula eagleholic said...

Number 2 is probably coming in the fall....:)

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Now how could that cam be working at midnight and not at 8am? Here's hoping the sun works some magic!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at NE

paula eagleholic said...

It is snowing in Maine this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lord BW this morning

Mauley said...

Good morning all. I m studying my sunday school lesson a little bit before SS. Mema Jo AND ALL THE MOMSTERS WHO KOW HOW I HAVE WANTED SOME SNOW, Guess what????????? We have an inch and a half of snow. It is the first snwo we have had to stick all winter long, but it has stoPped and if the sun comes out THERE

wvgal_dana said...

Well been up since 5am. Doing different setup for firewall, antivirus and spyware. Doing update to Windows Internet Explorer 7 (don't know how I'll like that one)....tired hitting the hay for a little while longer.

Oh yea looked at cam YUCK what happened there....

Ok gals see you later today

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Plenty of eagles in CA this morning

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...