Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday 12 Feb

New thread.

We're working to fine tune the picture as it looks a little overexposed right now.

three eggs. wow.


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Just Vicky said...

What weather I had??? I totally missed that!

Just Vicky said...

WE are getting hit tonight!

MITS said...

We are supposed to get accumulating ice tomorrow night:(:(:(.

Just Vicky said...

Same prediction for my area too Mits!

Just Vicky said...

Had 40 degrees here today! 6-8 inches of snow by morning, up to 12 inches total accumulation! Wow!

MITS said...

So is that 8 inches of snow and 4 of ice?????

Just Vicky said...

No, let me rephrase that one, Y-U-C-K !!

Just Vicky said...

8 INCHES by morning after the ice hits!

MITS said...

AAAARRRGGG!!! mini-blinds!!!!!

MITS said...

YIKES, so you think you are walking on snow, but there is ice underneath...don't ya just hate when that happens?

Just Vicky said...

Mits Dearest, are your nerves on edge with mini blinds???

Just Vicky said...

Oh its suppose to REALLY be bad by morning!

MITS said...

Yes, I get a little edgy trying to watch the nest.

Just Vicky said...

I don't try to watch it right now at night so much!

MITS said...


MITS said...

How's it going Sandra??? Have you been having a bad day??

MITS said...

Looks like storm clouds at WE, sun is setting behind them and it is really windy at SC.

wvgal_dana said...

Watching Deal or No Deal.

It is hard looking through the poor visability. I do see one of our eagles on the eggs.

MITS said...

2 EAGLES AT WEST is beautiful.

MITS said...

3RD EAGLE JUST FLEW IN AT WE...very busy moving huge sticks.

MITS said...

PAULA...hope you are getting this at WE..

floralgirl said...

KICKING THE DOOR DOWN TO GET IN HERE...blogger cop has had me locked out...AAARRRGGGG

wvgal_dana said...

Really makes you wonder how the 3 get alone. We've watched 2 and they certainly get testy with each other. It is also amazing that they take the eggs. Put in artificial eggs then replace with the chicks. Also amazing the eagles don't get scared off.
Great they found a way in California to help in the process.

MITS said...

That was so funny to watch..sticks and beaks flying everywhere....MEAGAN GLAD YOU MADE IT IN, HOW WAS YOUR DAY?

wvgal_dana said...

Megan heard you got a job? What was you first day like?

Just Vicky said...

Oh no Megan, not trouble again!!!

Just Vicky said...


floralgirl said...

Hey MIts, day went well, thanks for asking. I could not get in here for hours, had to sign in at my blogger dashboard ,then sneak in thru the NCTC site. Ole blogger cop never saw me coming.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Megan that's coming in through the back door lol

floralgirl said...

Hi Dana, hello Vicky. Oh, Vicky, daughter's friend came over here Saturday, they ate ALL your cookies. Got a job merchandising for HAllmark at Walmart, which basically means I go in and fill the displays, stock the cards, etc. It is real part time, on the weekends, but i'm getting extra hours cause of Valentine's Day. And I might be able to also work in the Martinsburg Walmart, MTBR There are lots of merchandising jobs for different companies, which will be good for me if I get a couple more, cause the hours are flexible and I should be able to keep them even once I start growing plants next month. Getting this one will allow me to put on applications that I have some experience, so it's a good start.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan, you got a job? I am so happy for you!!

I am going to watch TV with Mattie and then go to bed. I hope everybody has a wonderful night. Tomorrow when we wake up, Mattie will be 9 years old!!

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

wvgal_dana said...

Megan I had a friend that did cards at supermarket and ran a cleaning business.

floralgirl said...

Thank you Sharon! It's real part time, but it's a start.Tell Mattie HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Megan HI! I keep forgetting about that back door. Glad you remembered it. Megan you know we have 3 eggs don't you

Just Vicky said...

Megan, that is good news! 3 eggs and Megan started a job!!!

floralgirl said...

I can't believe three eggs!! Saw that this morning, but could not get in to comment. Hi JO!! Vicky, I'm gonna have to make more oatmeal raisin cookies, girls ate everything except the bag they were in!

wvgal_dana said...

Throw the bag away they probably licked the crumbs from the inside lol

Just Vicky said...

Just so you have a batch waiting for me in the spring Megan!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just Vicky said...

I did read that my cookies got eaten, but she is going to make more for ME!

Just Vicky said...

At least those girls left the bag for more to go in!!!

wvgal_dana said...

True Vicky they did lol

floralgirl said...

EEEWWW, Dana, you're probably right, throwing the bag away. Don't worry, Vicky, I'll try to have some for you in the Spring, although my oven doesn't get a lot of use when I'm living in the garden.

Just Vicky said...

So Megan, plan ahead and use the winter time to "bake ahead!" No pressure you understand!

wvgal_dana said...

Can't you make them ahead of time and hide them in the freezer for Vicky?

floralgirl said...

Well yeah, but who is going to hide them from me??

Just Vicky said...

Gotta be Oatmeal RAisin!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Put them in a friends freezer till Vicky gets here in the sping.

Just Vicky said...

Dana, thanks for pulling for me here!! Preparing for Spring!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok cookies are safe for Vicky

Me I'm going to watch tv then the news and bed

Night all tc be safe going out tomorrow everyone

floralgirl said...

Nite, DAna- waitng for the weather to come on, weather undergroud says couple inches of snow, then up to half an inch of ice. YUCK!!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Dana, my partner!

Just Vicky said...

MEgan, that's what we are suppose to get here!

Just Vicky said...

Only we have been told 8 inches by morning, OR MORE

floralgirl said...

Yeah, they just showed the radar, looks like it's in Oklahoma and Texas, heading our way. Will cause major headaches. Wish if it had to be anything,it would just be snow, haven't gotten to go sledding yet this year.

Just Vicky said...

You have been deprived if you haven't had enough to go sledding! Of course, you may have a different story in the morning!!!

floralgirl said...

Oh, I was so hoping we wouldn't get any more snow this winter, daughter has been wishing for it every day. It's real hassle to keep it off the greenhouse.

floralgirl said...

Sound like just an inch or two in the morning, then ice in the afternoon and evening, gonna be interesting to see what the schools decide to do.

Just Vicky said...

So you have to keep it off the greenhouse?? That would be a job!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, well we put a kerosne heater out there to keep it warm, helps snow roll off. But it is usually inflated to help keep heat in, needs new plastic this year and it's deflated, so the plastic is laying right on the steel pipes. My house isn't round, it's peaked at the top, helps the snowroll off also. Gotta go out and help keep the accumulation rolling off,though. Always interesting.

Just Vicky said...

As if you don't have enought to do Megan! Oh well, woman does what she HAS to do!

floralgirl said...

That's right, Vicky, and I'm tough, I'll manage! With lots of help from hubby, of course. Took me years to finally get a GH of my own,not gonna let some stupid ole snow and ice hurt it.

Just Vicky said...

Now That's our Gal talkin!!! Glad our REAL MEGAN is back!

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

Yes, Vicky,just some temporary setbacks, trying to be positive. Well, I'm out of here too, trying to wait to see the weather again, but DC news is too depressing and violent. OF course they know people just wanna see the weather so they won't show it til the end of the news. Off to bed, tomorrow's gonna be a long day.

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Megan!!

paula eagleholic said...

I was taping SC, Mits. I taped WE earlier this morning.

glo said...

Megan I am so happy to hear aobut your new job. Sharon you are still in my prayers, can't imagine though the mixed emotions after the weekend of stress to not have the procedure doe, mixture I am sure. Well hopefully our littl efamily of 5 wil weatehr what lies ahead otmorrow just fine. It has been a busy but one of thos e kind of awesome days in my life. Just kind of special. Good Night all.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Heavens sakes alive! It's after midnight. I have been scrapbooking & time has gone by faster then I thought. I am calling it a day. I guess all have said their good nights.

Peaceful sleep & pleasant dreams
Prayers being said for all.....

Hope the weather is clear for you Suzanne or back to bed you went

floralgirl said...

Morning, Suzanne! been snowing here for about an hour, looks like it will get nasty with ice later this evening. I am only awake cause some jack#@@ at the board of ED. decided they would try a new system where when school is cancelled they call people. They always alerted us by e-mail,which worked just fine for me. I did not appreciate being awakened at 4:50 am to hear a recorded message telling me school was closed. Someone will be getting an earfull from me when there is finally someone at the board in a day or so.

floralgirl said...

Just watched the weather again, Suzanne, looks like just lght snow during the day and then ice and sleet later this evening, so hopefully you should be able to get home before it gets icy. Hubby and I are having a "discussion" over whether or not he should go to work, since it's not doing much now, but will turn nasty later when he might be heading home. He says he can't call in cause the roads aren't bad now, I say just get them to reschedule, cause I know it will be 5 or 6pm before he heads home and is not driving a vehicle that is good in snow, and no vehicle is good in ice. My job is just a part time gig for Hallmark restocking the displays in Walmart on the weekends. But hopefully I can get a couple of other merchandising jobs,and then they will add up to something worthwhile. This oneill open the door for me,and allow me to put thatI have merchandising experience on my job app. These kind of jobs are great, you make your own hours, and work independently. And I plan on keeping this job even once I start mkt.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Hello, Suzanne and early-bird Megan. Hubby is off to Atlanta for the rest of the week, it was 60 plus there yesterday. Megan its, like the electric company, when the power goes out, the recording ask if you would like to be called when the power comes back on. But I do understand for disabled people this is probably a good thing. Tell the school system, stick with the e-mail, or , you can call the super at 3 to find out if they have made a decision yet. Have a good safe day.

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne, there is an eagle in our nest...I hope this is not what they mean by the cam being fixed, and this is only temp.

MITS said...

Dawn is breaking in ME.

floralgirl said...

Hey Mits! Yes, Suzanne, except he won't want to leave until the job is done,and if he is right in the middle of laying a floor or spreading glue, he'll have to finish. Wish the weather would have just been crappier this morning, then he wouldn't even be thinking of going in.

MITS said...

Well, here in Montogomery County schools are opening on time.

MITS said...

I know people around the country must laugh at us, but, storms are very hard to predict in this area. The mountains to the west and the ocean play a big part. EAGLES are very vocal up in Maine.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, well let them laugh, better safe than sorry, I always say. Every county in WV has now announced they're closed. Think schools your way are open cause it's still above freezing. Only 30° here, and I think they were woried we would be in ice when it was time to send kids home this afternoon. Many people will complain they closed causeit's a headache to rearrange their shcedule, butit's a tough call to make.

MITS said...

Yeah, they we send the kids to school and probably, close early.It is 34° here. Bet they are sorry they closed last week for that dusting of snow we had.

MITS said...

Are you going to work today, Megan?

floralgirl said...

Well it was 35° when i got up at 5,then dropped to 30, now it's 31°.Still light snow here, ground is completely white. Hate that this is gonna turn from a snowstorm to a major ice storm.

MITS said...

WOW, beautiful sunrise at Ocean

floralgirl said...

Nope, Mits, cause I was only going infor 2 hrs. this morning anyway, not worth it. Gotta go to WV at noon for a very important meeting. Really can't miss it and they told us yesterday they would not cancel it due to bad weather, so I have to go unless I hear otherwise.

floralgirl said...

Was trying to watch NCTC cam, had to turn it off, I'll go blind trying to see it. Now they are saying 20 to 30 MPH winds tomorrow. Combine that with half an inch of ice and we are going to have real problems.

MITS said...

Yeah, wind and ice, would rather have a foot of snow any day. Supposed to work at Zoo tomorrow, that should be fun, and it is the long Wednesday, because of the mandatory meeting tomorrow night.

MITS said...

Our cam gives me a headache.

MITS said...

Very light snow here, sounds like there is some rain in it.

MITS said...

Suz, I wish you could get Maine there, the sunlight shining thru the branches...eagle must be somewhere in the tree or nearby, can hear them squawking,:)

MITS said...

I still love Megans' husband description of our cam, trying to look thru mini-blinds.

MITS said...

PANDAS are up and out:).

MITS said...

Both eagles at BW nest.

MITS said...

just 1 now, good look at he eggs though.

MITS said...

L&B at our nest.

MITS said...

Yep, pic is bad.

floralgirl said...

Okay, snowing like crazy here now, already ice mixed inwithht esnow. Hubby called and said he wasn't coming in, and of course had to hear a bunch of crap from the woman who makes the schedule. (who ,by the way,sits in an office all day, and I'm sure will leave early) But he just doesn't have a reliable vehicle right now, and they never bothered to give him a company van which others have, even though he's worked there 11 yrs. Oh well, gotta go back out and fill the feeders, light the kerosene heter and cover the woodpile better in anticipation of tomorrows high winds. Be careful on your trip home, Suzanne. BBL

glo said...

well the picture of Belle sitting there saddens me, I knew it would...not sure how much cam watching I will do today. Suzanne and Megan please be awfully careful if you have to drive. Mits stay home an dmake treats for tai.

Will check in later.

MITS said...

Glo, I can just see Tai, sliding all over the place tomorrow.

MITS said...

Lisa, also has an update on the osprey cam, with a beautiful shot of an eagles there this a.m.

MITS said...

Yes, looks like a mixture of snow and sleet here. Watch them close the schools now.

floralgirl said...

Don't worry, Glo, those eagles are tough, and used to cold weather. I know it looks awful but we just have to trust they will be ok. I've seen those BW parents sit in snowstorms until you could no longer even see them. They will do what they have to do to keep the eggs warm. Still snowy sleety mix here. Gotta make some breakfast, I'm starving from all that outside work. Bacon and pancakes will do nicely.

MITS said...

Ok, Megan, I'm on my way:):):)!

MITS said...

Oh dear, I think Belle is under there somewhere. Yes, Megan, they are tough birds.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne, Mits and Megan. Hubby was just outside removing snow so our small dogs can go out.
He said we have 2-3 inches already. eekkss And it is still coming down !

wvgal_dana said...

Did someone just fly into our nest. Or was that Belle getting the snow off her????

wvgal_dana said...

I think it was Belle flapping her wings to get the snow off her.

MITS said...

She is sitting up much higher.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES on this beautiful snowy morning----It looks likes a Christmas card here----but predicting ICE & SLEET!---all schools closed---Checked on TAI---he doesn't seem to have much SNOW---MITS---you need to send more to him---less to us---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I'm not sure. I re-looked at pic. I wonder if one is on top of the other to keep the first one warm?????? Or if it is just one there??????????????

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Just one there are our 3 eggs

MITS said...

Yep, think both are there.

MITS said...

Nope, thought the white was a head, think it is a tail.

wvgal_dana said...

I guess she was just shaking the snow off herself. She is tending to the 3 eggs. Back down now to keep them warm.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits Did anyone take a pic of Belle all covered with snow today and put it in the album???

MITS said...

I didn't bother, quality of pic is so bad.

glo said...

I can see her fine...snow all around yes she is sitting high hard to tell if she is sitting on anyone else though

normabyrd said...

HEY--"LITTLE BUDDIES"----My pic of BELLE isn't so bad---Appears she has her wings out covering her eggs!---Haven't caught up with you early birds----GLO---It's better to see Belle covered in snow---THAN eggs left alone---Does that make you feel better---It does for me---THESE ARE EAGLES!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I'll go to Momsters site and put on the I think 3 pics I took. So you all can see them. bb

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I put 4 pics in there first one is at first I thought Liberty flying in to cover Belle. Then decided after other pics. That it was Belle shaking off all the snow. Go take a look at the pics 4 of them. Let me know what you all think????

glo said...

Well Norma It makes me feel proud of those 2 and their devotion to their young and still saddened that they have such a rough day to get through. My wish for them is excellent hunting and fishing to warm their tummies and give them the heat energy they need to weather the storm in fine shape. I am sure this is not the first for them nor is it the last.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Norma and Glo

normabyrd said...

BELLE is still facing us---but appears to be "hunched up"----It is beautiful in ME---Nest--MT---Couldn't find TAI---NO snow at BW---How much do you have GLO---

movin said...

Now, that's a cold morning picture!!

The cam was showing a double image of nothing when I first opened it, but then it cleared well...everything is covered in snow and Belle is heroically shielding the eggs toward the far end of the nest...

Looks like there is more on the way from the weather map.

Better get your skis out and start waxing them.


wvgal_dana said...

I put 4 pics in the Momster album can someone go look at them. And tell me whether we have two eagles there. One on top of the other?????? I still not sure???? Thank you

paula eagleholic said...

I would say Belle is tenting to keep the snow off the eggs, just like she used to keep the rain off the chicks.

glo said...

Well dana I think she stood up, shook off the snow, turned the eggs and got back down, but its anybody's guess for sure. I don't see that Liberty is there though. Would love to see him come in soon.

It is only snowing lightly where I am right now. Wind is blowing hard though, they say another band is coming in, but to be honest tis not as bad this morning as I thought it might be. In Fact I think I can to work and back today easier than a couple of Sundays I have put in already int he last month. All is well and Yep I do have my comfort food either way :)

wvgal_dana said...

8:46am hubby cleaned off snow 9:29am another 1/4" is down.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Glo for looking. That is what I thought. With everyone saying how "high" she is sitting. I thought well it could be possible he flew in and I didn't see it. And he is on top of her keeping her warm. ty for checking out the pics

normabyrd said...

GLO---I always get carried away with "comfort food"!----Then I carry it around on my "hips" until the next SNOW SCARE!---ho!---I LOVE COMFORT FOOD---

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne be careful just take it slow....

Are you leaving to go home?

Belle is getting covered again. Our poor Belle.

normabyrd said...

Just watched the "Bamboo Twins"---TAI now eats 22 lbs. of bamboo a day-----Fun to see him sitting w/MEI eating---He usually lies down!---

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----Can you start home early if the weather gets worse----

MEGAN---Check out your meeting before you start---JEFFERSON schools are closed!!!

normabyrd said...

NO EAGLE on BW nest---

wvgal_dana said...

Norma Megan said she got woke this morning 4:30am by school recording saying schools were closed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jim, there is plenty of wax around here to use on the skis!! :):):)

Good morning everybody. I hope everybody has a wonderful day. I am working this morning (or trying to anyway).

paula eagleholic said...

Talk about a whiteout...whew!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oooopppss 4:50am

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Paula and Sharon. You couldn't even see Belle in the nest this morning. She was covered with snow. All white...

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING SHARON!---How's the "Birthday Girl" today----That's what you need to do with all that WAX---Sell it to the Ski Resorts!!----Very Clever!--How's your snowfall?

paula eagleholic said...

Momma BW tenting now too,,,,,Eagle on Osprey cam,,,2 at WE....SC now MT

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!---I don't read before I post---

wvgal_dana said...

Oh ok Suzanne I'll go take a look at your pics in the Momsters Album. bb

normabyrd said...

YEP SUZANNE---Light rain at BW---They have everything there---Can check weather--moon, etc.---1 EAGLE still on OSPREY---Lady always appears to be so serene-----

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Suzanne they are some neat pics in the album you took. So glad to see he came in this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Take care Suzanne...(((hugs)))

normabyrd said...

SHARON---Check BUTA BUTA----I understand she gets in the bucket by herself-----See the door across the room---(the other day)----She just ran over there--looked back a couple of times--(LUN LUN not paying any attention) & that little "devil" went through the door-----NEXT PIC---LUN & BUTA back in small room & LUN LUN pacing!

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Snowy Morning Everyone
I guess we now have about 1-2" of this white on the ground. Plow did go around about 1/2 hr ago. Yep nothing this early am so schools are in session but should be leaving early.
Put the cam up immediately upon waking & I am so proud of our parent eagles. Dana I haven't gone over to see the photos yet-but will. Will I guess we're finally seeing a
real live SNOW BIRD

paula eagleholic said...

Would love an update on the live feed....

wvgal_dana said...

Hubby went back to bed. Doggie needed to go out. Up to me...went out swept off snow then down the dang steps swept off snow for doggie. In and out she went old gal. She made it up the steps better than me. Poor Belle is really getting it. I'd say we got another more than 1/4" and no sleet all snow!!! :(

normabyrd said...

MORNING MEMA JO!---Everything here is covered in SNOW----Picture Perfect!---Little BUTA BUTA is asleep in the tub---as MITS says she's a "CUB IN A TUB"----

Mema Jo said...

Safe driving - Suzanne. Should not be much traffic on the road - at least I hope not. Jim had a great idea for the wax lol !
BW eagle still tenting-their instincts are amazing. BW Eagle at Osprey nest

wvgal_dana said...

I think I have figured out why Belle is sitting high. The snow is so very fine and blowing. Maybe sitting high and all fluffed out she can keep more snow off the eggs in a wider area. JMO

glo said...

Norfolk nest is up

normabyrd said...

DANA---Couldn't you lose you "doggie" in the snow?---Isn't he tiny?---

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry morning Mema Jo ( :

I think WV is getting more than Md for now..

wvgal_dana said...

Sweet Norma that is sister doggie 1 lb 9 ozs. lol cutie

wvgal_dana said...

For our doggies (2 now) we even sweep off several areas of the grass. For them to go in so they aren't in snow. Their feeties from being inside doggies get to cold otherwise.

wvgal_dana said...

My brain got snow on it (melted when I came in short circurited). Do we have an eagle nest we watch in Colorado?

glo said...

Buta BUta Pretty darn cute...oh you already knew that OK. Stay safe and warm. Got to work on my own travel plans etc to and from work. belle is Beautiful just beautiful!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh did I miss it? Looks like Belle shook off the snow and moved? Anyone get a pic or see?

MITS said...

Hey, Jo, take a look at the Shenandoah cams:):):) Yes, Dana, there is a Colorado cam. Just go to Beakspeak or Momsters for address. Very nice clear view of the CO cam, feels like you can reach out and touch the eagles.

Mema Jo said...

I'm headed there

normabyrd said...

DANA---We gave 1 in CO---located in Platteville--- TRY THIS---

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits I'll bring it up.

Oh whats going on at our nest??

wvgal_dana said...

I think Liberty just flew in and Belle flew out. Liberty I think is checking eggs sitting on them now.

Mema Jo said...

Talk about a panoramic view, Mits!
Beautiful - I don't see any little bird prints in the snow! I'm not so sure I will want to watch #2 on such a short ledge if they have chicks there.

normabyrd said...

DANA---IGNORE MY CO SITE---It's seems to be wrong----

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, that will be nerve-wracking.

wvgal_dana said...

I put in the album a good pic of Belle in the nest. Liberty flying in to take over for Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits where are the shenandoah cams

normabyrd said...

DANA---Just checked----LIB doesn't have any snow on him!--

MITS said...

Must be some sort of animal convention at WAVE-LIT.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma he just flew in a few moments ago and relieved Belle. Thaat's why he doesn't have snow on him.

Hope to find Shenandoah cam again.

Mema Jo said... now has on the left side a "most viewed" for Yesterday & for the last 7 days. You can also use the listings to open the site.
Dana CO is also there - known as Fort St Vrain. The falcon cam links aren't there yet - I forgot to tell Jason they were up & running but I think that Sandra did see a falcon there yesterday. You won't believe you eyes when you open the #2 & #4 cams.

They are sponsored by the same as the Norfolk cam.

MITS said...

DANA, you have mail.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to check mail Mits bb

normabyrd said...

DANA---My site was correct---FORT ST. VRAIN EAGLE CAM---located in PLATTEVILLE, CO---

MITS said...

NORMA, you have mail.

normabyrd said...

Thanks MITS---I have that site bookmarked & that's what I sent to DANA----I also found the FALCON sites yesterday----& I still can't get the EAGLE CAM there to open up!----It used to---

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO, ET AL-----Have you heard the GREAT NEWS---(been on all newscasts)----Napping in the afternoon is a GOOD THING!!!!---We won't die from heart problems---My Grandmother lived to be 90---& she swore that taking a NAP was good for you------

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Right On Norma! There was also a study done (probably in Japan)
where the nap was part of the working day at the place of business. It proved the employees were more productive during their working hours!

Mema Jo said...

We could surely use a new thread

normabyrd said...

EAGLE at NE nest---rearranging the sticks!!

MITS said...

New thread, now that would be nice.

MITS said...

All DC pandas are inside.

normabyrd said...

JO---Since you introduced me to the OWLS---I check them out---most all the sites have them----I loved watching them inspecting the cam on the video---I think they have to move their head around to see---& literally upside down---ho!---their eyes only see straight ahead---

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits for the Shenandoah link. Means alot to me. Know the history of the families that was forced out. Life is life.

Yea anyone interested in a NEW THREAD WELL THERE IS ONE....see you there ( :

wvgal_dana said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 391 of 391   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...