Friday, January 19, 2007



MITS said...


MITS said...

Snowing harder in Maine.

MITS said...

I gave the heads-up on other blog, but no one is here yet!!!!

MITS said...

Just tried to get on other blog to tell everyone again and got kicked off.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Thelma your partner in crime is here... At work now thank God i can set and put my leg up... BRB need to check Buta Buta.. I really need to get this leg fixed because i cant go to Florida in April like this and walk...

MITS said...

Read what I sent you from the Mayo Clinic, Louise, it has a self-help part at the end, and yes, leg should be up along with some other self-help tips, but, Dana is right, they need to find out exactly what is causes this.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie Thelma.. LQQK at Buta she is on the move again and over the ledge at the door way and sniffin bamboo..

NillaWafer said...

Bamboo is stopping her from going back into the corner she likes but look she is trying... Mei is asleep n Tai is eating bamboo...

Anonymous said...

I can keep the Maine site up with the winamp player. Only download and install this if you know how to put "open url" in WMP, because it makes winamp the default player. The Maine site is the only thing I have been able to play in it, but it stays up forever! You don't have to keep hitting the refresh key after 2 minutes.

Thanks for Keeping an "Eagle Eye" on us, Steve.

Steve Chase said...

Live feed is up.

NillaWafer said...

Eagle still in our nest...Oh Buta is in the bamboo playing... Tai has stopped eating bamboo and over by Mei scratching standing on his head rolling around..

NillaWafer said...

Thankssssssssss Stevennnn...

NillaWafer said...

the way Lun is swinging that bamboo around poor Buta is afraid to come out of the

Anonymous said...

No more EP yet???

NillaWafer said...

Well Tai accomplised getting Mei up and moving around OH MY GOD he has her by the taillll walking behind her...LMAOOOO He is nursing

Anonymous said...

I am not getting anything on the live feed...anyone else??

MITS said...

No, Paula, I'm not getting anything, except that internet explorer is blocking it...

NillaWafer said...

Paula i dont get live feed here at work was just about to install the real player or what i need to watch it...

MITS said...

Well, I'm not getting blocked, but I have no live-feed yet.

Anonymous said...

Eagle all gone....

MITS said...

Eagle gone at our nest.

NillaWafer said...

Ok i installed real player and i can not get the live cam up neither.. But Buta buta sure is enjoying herself playing with the bamboo in the corner,,, rollin around

Anonymous said...

Yo, Steve...I don't think the live cam is up.

NillaWafer said...

Only 5 minutes Buta will be off til monday.. wonder if we all send e-mails to Earthlink they might change it? lol i doubt it is not fair she is growing so much n learnign and we miss so much of it

NillaWafer said...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr #$%$^%$&^%&%!#$#@%$%%!#$$#Q#$#$%#$% they turn off the cam and we have few minutes left!!!!

MITS said...

eagle alert.....................

MITS said...

Well both were there, now only 1.

MITS said...

Both are gone now.

MITS said...

Yes, Steven, no live-feed.:(:(:(

Anonymous said...

He's back!!!

Anonymous said...

he's gone!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Both were there, now back to 1

NillaWafer said...

Oh i hope thats not Belle and she is planning to stay there and lay eggs... Paula get to figuring it up girl friend... and it to cold for eggs i think!!!!

MITS said...

Love the up-to-the-minute commentary, PAULA! LOL....

NillaWafer said...

Gone MT nest

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

Eagle sitting up high in the nest in FLA.

MITS said...

She's back down low again.

NillaWafer said...

U have mail Thelma...

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

update on Buta Buta she weighs 17.6 lbs and is right on target for her development...

MITS said...

Got it, Louise....

MITS said...

You made it, Iris:):).

Anonymous said...

Hi all. Think Steve left happy that he got that live cam up for us before going home for the weekend ...well he tried
At least we do have the Still cam up this weekend...I am glad for that. I had a good nap on my new pillow.

Anonymous said...

I also had a very good nap in my most favorite recliner. First nap I have taken in days-Maybe even a month!
Doesn't look as though any egg(s) will be laid tonight.
It is really really windy outside.

Anonymous said...

Way to windy for a dog walk...I am staying in waiting for my grandson to get here...going to watch him for awhile while Mom & Dad help out w/ bingo at the ambulance company...

Anonymous said...

Wind calmed a little - Just let the cat out BUT don't need a leash - He is a Lone Walker. He'll be right back at the door within minutes if too cold.

Have fun this evening your little one

NillaWafer said...

Holy Crap Tai is awake and he is nursing again...

NillaWafer said...

Thelma you see him??? Maybe he will lay down beside her and go to sleep..

NillaWafer said...

Awww Mei has her paws around Tai again... she is such a good moma

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

IF YOUR NOT WATCHING WIFE SWAP you need to be the Crazy God woman is on there once agin...She is nuts!!!

NillaWafer said...

There she is coming down the escalator...

NillaWafer said...

Tai is still eating, he musta been starving.. Poor baby needs some homecookin... Jo & Thelma luv ya both wink

MITS said...

Backatcha, Louise!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wink Wink! Yepper

Anonymous said...

Anyone get a snack yet? lol
It's almost 10 - You closing up shop at 10?

NillaWafer said...

Tai is still eating bamboo... No open til 11pm its friday night Jo...

NillaWafer said...

I have a cherry turnover here Dawn left me .. yum yum

NillaWafer said...

Forgot i talked with Dana awhile ago and she and Ed were lost down by Dullas air port after picking up her daughter... Told her get off and head back the other

NillaWafer said...

Reallity check: weather is going to be really really cold...winds at 20-25 mph....going to be bad sunday night into monday

Anonymous said...

I usually get on the wrong road coming out of Dulles - If I'm quick enough I turn around and go back in and come out the right road....

NillaWafer said...

yup i think she said they were heading 68 east and needed to be west... Its just as easy when leaving BWI to miss the first exit and end up down at the inner habor if you dont

MITS said...

Yawn...can't keep my eyes open...take care everyone and good night. Talk to your all tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Good Night Mits

NillaWafer said...

Niters Thelma get some rest

Anonymous said...

Nilla, are you busy this evening at the store. I am going to play some solitaire.....

Anonymous said...

I won the game the very first deal...
Now I'll play some Taipei...

Bet Dana is happy to have her daughter home for awhile.

NillaWafer said...

No not busy... I have been playing Jeapardy...They are having an online test you can take to qualify as a contestant... I think i am going to take it.. beleive it or not i am very good at

Anonymous said...

I believe it!

NillaWafer said...

lol spelled Jeopardy wrong duhhhh

Anonymous said...

I sometimes surprise myself with a correct answer when watching the show - but I know if I would be there that I wouldn't even remember my name lol

NillaWafer said...

Getting ready to close now... c u from home maybe if not Nighty Niters...

Anonymous said...

Night Nilla & Iris.

Anonymous said...

Time for me to call it a day

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers going up for everyone

Anonymous said...

Night, All, see ya in the a.m.

Anonymous said...

WHOA! Could someone turn off the fan outside? 25° here and WINDY!!! MT nests everywhere, NCTC cam has #*#% lines across it:(

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Well, it looks like our cam is not having a good morning. I just hope the cam problems and the blog problems get straightened out before the season gets up and running full steam ahead. JMHO.

Anonymous said...

Looks like those winds took care of our cam for the weekend :(:(

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Well darn another weekend with No cam at all. I did get a good night's sleep though :-) Like my new pillow. Still need a new bed though, and sale ends at the end of the month. Oh well i am sure there will be a president's day Sale in Feb, if I haven't made a decision by then LOL. have a good day everyone.

MITS said...

Hope springs eternal, Iris. Would love to follow the eagles this season without so many clitches...

MITS said...

I don't blame you, Norma, if you don't HAVE to go out stay put.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Started working around 10. I am sitting here now with my neighbors little chihuahua mix sitting on my lap. He is the sweetest little puppy and my dogs get along with him so well. His name is Ollie and he really can run with the big dogs!

Anonymous said...

Good Eagle Watching Morning It Ain't
lol But all my eagle buddies are here and that makes it a Good Morning

Tai just came down from the top of the tree. The other pandas look as though they are lying low in the wind. My back yard is full of sticks - good eagle nest building sticks! Think I'll have any takers?

MITS said...

Norma, they will, probably not interfere with the eggs and let nature takes its course.

Anonymous said...

Tai is certainly making it a good day for some Zoo visitors! Those little guys will have so much to talk about seeing the Little Prince.

MITS said...

Norma has the WAX.

Anonymous said...

Morning's cold..

Was up earlier went back to bed.

He Tai made some little ones at the zoo very happy .. he certainly can put on a show.

MT nest both BW, ours well not going there. Maine is pretty but no eagles.

Hope everyone has a good day. ( :

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana - You're right It Is Cold!
Glad you made it safely home from airport!

Anonymous said...

Tai is going to knock himself out while pestering his 'wants to sleep' mom.

Anonymous said...

I am going to be checking in and out - B-Day get together with family here tomorrow afternoon. Hubby is going to get surprised by all the family coming over. Not actual b-date - not until 23rd. Things to do!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is she feeding or turning the eggs in Florida?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know they said the eggs weren't good but you just never know!

Anonymous said...

Lone eagle at the West Cam nest in CA

Anonymous said...

eagle at Santa Cruz eagle at BW eaglecam

Anonymous said...

both gone that was quick peaks LOL

belle_wv said...

Hi to everyone. Happy Saturday. Feels like winter might actually arrive finally.

Is it certain that the FL eagles eggs are no good? That's so sad - I guess there is no way for them to try again this year - she's out of egg making mode... So sad if they aren't viable. Guess they didn't make the connection well enough :(

I miss our cams and buta's cam - weekends are no fun in that respect - but I sure do need them to catch a breath.

Anonymous said...

Eagle in Maine

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon: Peeking in!
Hi Belle, Glo & Norma....
All the DC pandas are in the sleep mode. Belle, I know what you mean about not seeing ButaButa.. She has been growing up quickly & her gymnastics are looking like Tai's!
Some videos on the site - but not long enough. Remember has some.
No eagles to view except need to check FL...

Anonymous said...

Belle - Message on FL's nest future is
It is early in the season, so it is possible they may reclutch and try again.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting ready to head out to Virginia Tech to watch my baby boy play in the Honor Band. Will check back in later. Have a wonderful day everybody!

Anonymous said...

Don't you blow away, gal!

We are all rooting for


NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Everyone... Slept in this morning thanks to pain pills...Trying to do some things around here like wash bed clothes and such.. No not over doing it when i feel like i should stop i will mother Jo and partner Might try and go to BINGO tonight if Dawn goes with me.. Jo i do want to get over to Hagerstown to that new Amish store out at LongMeadow Shopping Center for a shoe fly pie and homemade bread... Dana glad you made it home safe with daughter in tow, enjoy your visit with her and tell her Hi from Nilla... Hope everyone has a great saturday and stay in... stay warm and watch cams.... BBL

NillaWafer said...

If you want to see something adorable watch those Golden Lion Tamarin Monkeys at the Washington zoo... just go to the bottom of the page and click there picture for cam to open.. funny lil guys they are to watch

MITS said...

Miss Louise, what part of that article did you not understand about staying off your feet and no strenuous working.....?????

NillaWafer said...

Thelma i only put bed clothes in washer n dryer and made the bed and yes i am now all tuckered out so going to rest awhile..

Anonymous said...

Headed out to church in about another hour -
be back early evening hour

MITS said...

Hello...Goodbye...back later tonight!

MITS said...

HMMM, Tai is still sleeping outside on the ground in the new yard near the window....what's up with that!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, where is everybody? I just got back from Virginia Tech. Bands were awesome.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Iris, she is so huggable!!!! Love her dearly!

Anonymous said...

Just got back from church service and I am all prayed out! Each one of you should start feeling good - soon!

Hi Iris - hate to ask you what the temps are down your way...

Hi Sharon - I bet you are sooooooooooo
proud of the Drummer... So happy for you that you were able to go!

Anonymous said...

Just got back from church service and I am all prayed out! Each one of you should start feeling good - soon!

Hi Iris - hate to ask you what the temps were down your way today...

Hi Sharon - I bet you are sooooooooooo
proud of your Drummer... So happy for you that you were able to go!

Anonymous said...

Just got back from church service and I am all prayed out! Each one of you should start feeling good - soon!

Hi Iris - hate to ask you what the temps were down your way today...

Hi Sharon - I bet you are sooooooooooo
proud of your Drummer... So happy for you that you were able to go!

Anonymous said...

Took quite some time for my comment to publish.. Hope things speed up a little.. I do need to go to grocery store (2 mi down the road from house)
No snacks around & want to make some brownies for the kids tomorrow & get ice cream for hubby's b-day party.

Anonymous said...

Took quite some time for my comment to publish.. Hope things speed up a little.. I do need to go to grocery store (2 mi down the road from house)
No snacks around & want to make some brownies for the kids tomorrow & get ice cream for hubby's b-day party.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mema Jo where ya been ? Church! Yep I knew that...we all knew that ((((((hugs))))) I hope your hubby enjoys his party tomorrow. I am sure that he will.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all believe me when I say I go to church! Apparently the Blogger Cop doesn't and has to make a big deal out of it

This may be my last post tonight
if the Cop doesn't hang it up

Might have to see you in the chat room.

Anonymous said...

I think Jo wanted to make sure we knew she was as church....:):)

And Happy Birthday to Jo's hubby..:):)

MITS said...

Jo, did you go to church:):):):)!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle at Santa Cruz nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2 eagles at Santa Cruz!

MITS said...

Oh my they are gorgeous eagles....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I didn't know it had sound!

MITS said...

There is an eagle at west end too.

MITS said...

1 at SC and 1 at WE

Anonymous said...

Cool, they got the sound turned on.

MITS said...

Just flew away at SC

Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound any different...

MITS said...

I just here the hum of the cam, Paula, I never hear the eagles like in Maine.

Anonymous said...

No, sound is not on yet...still that humming noise.

Anonymous said...

Eagle on WE nest

MITS said...

2 eales at WE

MITS said...

3 eagles at WE.......................

MITS said...

now back to 2 at WE, wish I could take a picture.

MITS said...

just 1 at WE...........

MITS said...

now 2.

Anonymous said...

Paula Do you know the url for Santa Cruz

MITS said...

WOW!!!! they are flying all over the place, and the sun and ocean, what a beautiful site.

Anonymous said...

WE eagle looks like the female - one with the silver band on her leg but I can't see that.

I wonder how long the Santa Cruz lets you watch........

MITS said...

Eagle back at West End...2 females and 1 male share this nest.

Anonymous said...

Well I must have got in on the end of the visit.,..cause I didn't hear anything but the humming....but others heard what you heard...

Anonymous said...

West End is very interesting...

All gone for now

Don't like the wavey camera..I couldn't tell if all 3 were there
at any one time or not.....

MITS said...

I've never heard anything at Santa Cruz except humming, and now it is dark there, sun is setting at West End, but cam is not showing. I think when an eagle is there is gets busy and goes down.

Anonymous said...

URL for Santa Cruz nest...only works in windows media player

Anonymous said...

They are having issues w/ West end cam...working on getting it fixed...just like we are w/ ours.

It turns off about 5:30 West coast time....

The santa cruz nest cam is on all the time....what you are seeing on it now it looks really cool when it comes on in the morning.... I have some video of it on you tube...just look at the videos under my names....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paula Yep I eventually figured that out. I was trying to run it in winamp. .Thanks for that info by the way Had Maine up for a couple of hours this morning loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea, that's pretty neat, isn't is Glo? What I would really like to find is how to back it up like you can w/ real player...have you found that in any other player?

Anonymous said...

I am a die-hard Maybe it will post.

Paula I saw you video on YouTube of Santa Cruz the other day when I watched Will Belle ever get done eating "The Big Fish? Great work!

Anonymous said...

No Paula I've tried, experimented with that today too, no luck. I will be sure to let you know if I do figure it out. Did you buy the premium version or just the free download. I just did free.

Anonymous said...

Well I am playing in Chat too. Always room for more and very easy to BLOG and chat actually...

Anonymous said...

No, Glo, I just have the free version....of just about everything!! Trying to see what works the best.

Anonymous said...

This might give ya'll a little perspective on the Santa Cruz nest...the nest is actually on the very top of a pine tree on Santa Cruz Island.

Anonymous said...

Where'd everyone go?

Lost in utube land :):)

MITS said...

Think they are all over in Glo's chat room, Paula....So I'm going to say good night! Just can't seem to keep my eyes open past 9:30p.m. these last few days.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am guilty. I was in the chat room. Had never tried it before. We have been discussing the meaning of the wax awards!

Anonymous said...

Good night, Mits! Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

Well yes I am in the chatroom too. Nothing going on in there that would be missed by those wanting to read the BLOG, just fun friends kinds of stuf, and always room for more. And a little more wax education

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Anonymous said...

Good night all. Blog/chat at ya tomorow.

Anonymous said...

I'll try one more time to get through. Lost my Sycamore...

Good Night All
Pleasant Dreams & Peaceful Sleep
Prayers really did get said for all!

Snoooooow Tomorrow?????

Anonymous said...


Everyone goes to bed, I say good night & the Blogger Cop isn't around!
I get my tree returned and it's only a 3 sec time frame & my comments publish!!

Hope it starts out that good on Sunday! I MISS OUR CAM!

movin said...







Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Doing some panda watching this morning. Tian Tian is busy scratching his butt on a log and Mei is busy trying to get Tai off of her back!

Anonymous said...

New thread is up.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...