Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tuesday January 2

Fresh thread.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning All
Steve, I just took my choice of the 2 new threads. Thanks so much.

I have just signed on - going over to other thread to see what the action is.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Thanks for the new thread Steve!

Anonymous said...

BlackWater site Lisa on the Osprey site answers Suzanne's 'black dot' question with a picture. She has also started the Eagle Web Log Page.
Checked all the eagle cams - MT Nests
New mat in front of ButaButa's nest bed - LunLun had used them for play when they first put them down. Good Little Prince is up in the tree.

Anonymous said...

Glad you came over, Paula. It's Tuesday already - these holidays get me confused sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Off to taking down Christmas decorations in the house. BBL

Anonymous said...

Dropped in to say hi

Thank you Steve for the New Thread.

I'll check out some cams now
still under the weather here still taking doctors meds for this.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo when I visited Lisa's page on BW she really has done it again hasn't she. It was funny though when I clicked in there on the Conn. cam the live cam came up and my "oscar the seagull" was in there moving around lol at 11:40amEST. lol

belle_wv said...

Iris I know what you mean about the closet - I'm stymied by mine - just have to start donating a bunch of stuff and giving up on 'fitting' into the things I love but can't get into - then I'll lose the weight and get to go shopping??? Win win, but I can't get rid of things - pack rat is in my family big time

Buta is nursing - so adorable - can't see the mat because the cam is focused on mom and babe inside the nest box - hope this mat does the 'trick' for Buta and with a full tummy and some rest/digest time she'll be charged and ready to race in something besides circles in the nest box

The cartwheeling was incredible - what a sight that must've been for that guy - seeing them crash to the ground - I think I'd have had a heart attack! That would've been awful to watch! Lisa does a great job of things for sure - Jo thanks for pointing us toward it

Nilla I liked the new pic :) Paula I like your bunny too :) Dana hope you're feeling better soon, and Mits, too. Sharon, how're you doing?

Oh Buta's on the prowl....

Anonymous said...

Just peeking in - Buta Buta
If you can, check her out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Belle
Suppose to be dedecorating but can't resist looking in as I pass my computer.
Iris Are you out of the closet yet?

Talked with Mits earlier - Going to Dr hoping for a miracle drug!

belle_wv said...

I went to fix sandwiches for hubby and me, and now buta's cam is blank - what happened?
Mits I hope they can give you something - for anyone else who comes down with the flu - get to the dr's within the first 48 hrs of symptoms and they can give you something that will help the most...

belle_wv said...

My dedecorating won't happen until after this weekend - gotta wailt til after Epiphany... besides any thing I can do to have the lights and pretties longer works for me :)

belle_wv said...

awww Buta pic is back - she's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Well I was watching. Mom had come back around so they took out the dark mat in front of nest bed. Then Mom left and Buta Buta worked so hard to follow her. I telling you I thought several times ok leg out head out just pull. Can't push with back legs they slid all over the place. Then Mom comes back for nursing in a lay down rest position. Cam went black.....checked later Buta Buta is out on concert. I know she didn't get out...either Mom drug her out or they put her out there.
Buta Buta is just laying there. Don't see Mom anywhere.

Anonymous said...

If any of you received from Jim the email with the powerpoint presentation of "If I die before you wake", please download & watch it. Yes, it concerns our military & the song & pictures are beautiful. I'll gladly send to anyone.

Anonymous said...

They said they weren't doing anymore checks on Buta Buta. I bet they are doing things with Lun Lun. That is why Buta Buta is laying out there. Believe me she can't pick her butt up to get on her hind legs lol.....she will one day though.

Anonymous said...

Dana I think they meant they were not bringing ButaButa into the examing room - No more videos of exams - they were going to do her check ups wherever she happened to be in the den.

Anonymous said...

LunLun came back & is holding her big baby ButaButa. I think it is just bath time as she just nursed awhile ago.

We still have an MT nest
Mt Nest BW
Mt Nest Kent (I wish someone would sight those 2-I haven't even seen George)
Mt Nest Me
FL NEST - Cam down (I wish Lynda White would give more frequent updates.
Back to the pandas
Can't see Mei or Tai on and of the DC cams.
Back to the Cleaning of Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

Someone is on the outside of the fence to the left. He/she is giving something to Lun Lun and Buta Buta is trying hard to move closer to Lun Lun. Lun Lun is almost standing up with paw outside the fence.
The person or persons must be moving cause Lun Lun moves. Then Buta Buta sticks her nose to the fence. She did get front paws and back to stand for a second on all four then flop.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out just where LunLun and Buta Buta are sitting. LunLun is in and out, in and out. ButaButa is right alongside Momma and doing the same things LunLun is doing.

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is all alone been for a while. She is really working at trying to get on all 4's.
A couple of times she does it then flop again. She is a fighter ( :

Anonymous said...

I guess Mits got to watch all of this trying to walk with Tai.

Incrediable really...never thought I would be seeing a baby panda trying to walk.

Anonymous said...

Iris I hope your husband see a doctor. There are a couple of different types of stuff going around. Part of our hospital was closed down because of some type of it.

belle_wv said...

they closed part of the hospital?

Anonymous said...

Maybe closed to visitors, Belle....

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is trying so hard, isn't she Dana. At least she can 'sit up' now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She's moving out

Those front paws really pull her where she wants to go.

Anonymous said...

Belle I guess we're getting our answer to camera coverage of ButaButa as she moves about.....She just left camera range so we'll see if another one picks her up.

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO The camera did move and capture her!
Buta Buta is up on all fours..still turning in circles - but she is up there

Anonymous said...

There she goes JO

Anonymous said...

She sure is strengthing those hind legs ... I waiting for the minute she says that is it I'm booped and sleeps. lol

Anonymous said...

She is walking. I have her videod. Sure looked like several wonderful steps to me yeah Buta Buta...I think "SPUNK" runs on this Blog!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great Glo Can't wait to see her do it again on your video.

After all when the nest are MT, Momsters can be Panda Moms too!

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon.. Been watching Buta Buta with Rosa... man Buta is trying hard to walk... think now she wore her self out and napping... Going out for lunch and then to work c u from there around 4 pm.... Hugs, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

AW she is laying on her back all pooped out...lol wish we had 24 hour access to her on video.... BBL

Anonymous said...

OK I am goping to go make the movie of the last hour or so. That's exactly what I htouhgt...time to watch Buta Buta live for a while and she was working so hard I couldn't pull myself away. Not sure I can get the video up before I leave for work or later tonight but I am gonna try.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your lunch, Sylvester! See you later.

Anonymous said...

Hurry look at pic of Lun Lun and Buta Buta lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Alert

Man I would love to have had a picture of Buta Buta laying one way and Lun Lun laying the same but far apart.....double imiage on their backs lol.
Hate that you can't save a pic there.

Anonymous said...

bbl need a nap

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert

Anonymous said...

I do believe it is Liberty in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert - in case you didn't know!

Anonymous said...

Sandra I will overlook your stuttering LOL
I am hoping that Belle flys in!

Hi Paula

Anonymous said...

I am getting excited thinking that in about 3 months we'll be looking at little fuzz balls in that nest!

Anonymous said...

Watching our eagle in nest....

LunLun did leave room - but ButaButa is still sleeping soundly.

Anonymous said...

Eagle still sitting pretty in the nest

Anonymous said...

LOL...was interrupted while typing that...eagle is gone!

Anonymous said...

Eagle gone. MT nest for now.

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert

Anonymous said...

Eagle Gone Again

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So I look back to Panda after doing some things in kitchen & Buta Buta is back in her nest bed. lol
I don't know if someone saw how she got there or not!!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta does NOT want in that nest bed. She gets her head out over the 2x4, but I think Pandas think they can roll to wherever they want to go. Her paws are on the 2x4 now - sitting up - Body is half way out - But then all those efforts collapse and she is back in the nest bed.

Come On Buta Buta YOU CAN DO IT

Anonymous said...


Buta Buta walked half way out of that
Nest Bed. Then her tailend got Stuck and she tried & tried to get it over! Well 'Along Came Mom' - saw her daughter's predicament and gently pulled her out over the 2x4!

I wish all of you could have been watching! Especially I wish Glo would have been able to catch that one on video. I'm sure there will be many more moments to treasure!

Anonymous said...

LunLun had once again brought her back to the nest bed. Just now, LunLun came in & picked up (by the neck skin) ButaButa & did a 360 degree swing around & out of camera range they went - into the large den I think.

Anonymous said...

OK I have monopolized this blog for all afternoon it seems. I must get some more done in my home..BBL

belle_wv said...

No WORK!@ NO NO NO LOL I wonder what Lun was up to with little buta bun... she finally has settled down with her in the birthing box - I guess she couldn't find a place to get comfy... seems hard to imagine that one of those is more cozy than another, but I guess there is a difference. Buta doesn't want to be held it seems...

Anonymous said...

Panda Buta Buta walks Video is on my For the love of eagles blog....just click on my name here to go there. Enjoy, its off to work for me.

NillaWafer said...

Oh here i set again with tears of joy for Buta Buta ... Me and Rosa watched her walk today then i saw it on GloBugs site so these are tears of joy... Now for tears of sadness, just got phone call that my parents are putting Patches to sleep, as she came home friday and i know had not eat only drank water... I am so glad to went back in bedroom and petted her before leaving last night... tears... Losing my own cat i had for 16 years i know how hard it is, but my Tinker is waiting for me.. smiles

NillaWafer said...

Well Vicky maybe Patches and your Bo Bo is in pet heaven playing together with my Tinker to.. BBL

belle_wv said...

Aww Nilla so sorry that Patches is gone from this earth... very good that you got to say good-bye to her last night - sounds like she was ready to go, so she's at peace. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

I saw glo's video - so kewl - Buta is just a determined gal, like so many here :) She sure fits right in :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty and Belle is in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How about Liberty and Belle are in the nest, not is. Now it is just Liberty (I think).

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Liberty & Belle

Seems they come at this time of evening to check things out.

Maybe Belle will be right back - Or maybe Liberty will follow?

What ya think, Eagle Eye
I tried to call you-Hope you were napping at 2:30 today. w/c later

belle_wv said...

Kewl Sharon - thanks for the heads up! How're you feeling?

Anonymous said...

I think he followed

NillaWafer said...

all i see is an MT Nest right now... Jo if you talk to Sharon say hello for me...

NillaWafer said...

All is quiet with Mei n Tai sleeping.. he is up in the corner she fell asleep over at the door after someone pitched some goodies into h her..

belle_wv said...

They posted a note about Mei Lan - she's been nursing more - all that hard work of learning to walk - she's got to eat lots to keep her strength up! She's adorable... I think that Mei Lan and Tai Shan should be kept here and 'married off' in a few more years :) What a perfect couple they'd make

Anonymous said...

Hello again, Sylvester!

Dinner time for Jo BBL

NillaWafer said...

Belle i agree with you about Tai n Mei being a couple..lol There is a panda born about amonth(August 2,2005) after Tai out in San Diego Zoo (Su Lin)but from what i have heard they are related and cant mate... So Buta Buta is the best choice right?

NillaWafer said...

I am watching the pandas on cam out there now and she is with her mother on camhttp://www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/ex_panda_station.html

belle_wv said...

Hi Nilla! Thanks for the link - they have a LOT of pandas out there! Wow

NillaWafer said...

Yup Belle but she was way up in atree did you see her moving at the top? LOL like our TAI SHE LOVES TO CLIMB

NillaWafer said...

Belle if you click on each pandas name on the list it brings up a little bio about them ...

Anonymous said...

Go over to Wavelit - bring up Forum - Go to Pictures of the Week - Page 55

Our Lions are there.........

NillaWafer said...

Well you tube has a video of Saddams hangin someone took with a phone video... I watched it.. Just got phone call niece is holding Patch's while being put to sleep and dad is out on our family farm preparing the grave.. I sure hope all this bad stuff changes for everyone soon!!!

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie Jo on my way

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho! I had the San Diego Zoo up & watched and watched the Panda Cam. All I could see were the trees - Little did I know the panda was in them. Glad I read your comments Nilla.
I didn't have any apes in view & the elephant cam didn't come up for me. The old polar bear was walking around. Cam didn't follow him....

NillaWafer said...

Isnt that something great pictures ... Jo did you see the pics of the Eygptian gooses (geese) I d miss George N Gracie from Petes Pond cam even thou they were noisy quackers..lol

belle_wv said...

Yep I saw the lil one bounding around way up in the tree - at least I assume it was her, so far away I couldn't tell for sure what it was, but the odds are it was her, since I don't think they have any other animals in there... I can't believe how high they climb

NillaWafer said...

Great Jo now to see which pandas they are on cam look at the list there with the C and number tells you who it is... Click on panda pictures also for a short bio about them ... Oh Jo those apes just swing from rope to rope... and the polar bears play and you can see them swimmin and playing..

NillaWafer said...

They do have many cams to watch but the down side is they are stationary and dont move to follow the animals... but when the animals are in view usually a good show... Belle i dont think they are out right now but check out the little Golden Tamarin Lion Monkeys at Washington zoo... they are adorable and carry the lil babies on their backs...

NillaWafer said...

Hey Sharon if your lurking only 6 comments to go til 100 "GIT R DONE" girl...lol

Anonymous said...

Pandas at San Diego are very visible now.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Sandra glad you are watching pandas also ... Yes pets become family also.... I can not get over how big the 3 tiger cubs are now in Washington Zoo... did you read they just got 3 new lions 1 male n 2 female i believe it was... DONT FORGET ABOUT THIS PUT A STICKY NOTE ON COMP SCREEN TO REMIND YOU!!!!!

"Baby Panda's First Year" Premieres January 7
Get exclusive access to the Zoo's panda family in Animal Planet's "Baby Panda's First Year." Follow the first 12 months of Tai Shan's life and be amazed by the instincts of a first-time mother. Don't miss this remarkable story, January 7 at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet

NillaWafer said...

Sandra some of the tree Tai climbs are tall.. most of the bigger tree's he climbs are in the big yard which is the one with the very large tree trunk...

Anonymous said...

Claimed for Sharon

Nilla I just remembers that we would have to wait until after 9:00 for Sharon to get that wax. lol

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie sounds good to me Jo..lol

NillaWafer said...

i was setting here waiting n waiting n rfreshin n refreshin..lol

belle_wv said...

Hmmmm I don't want to post - waiting for a lurker who needs wax to wander in and grab 100...

The pandas in SD are very pretty - but I will keep our Tai Shan and Mei Lan and Mai and Lun too :) oh heck and the guys can stick around too- though we don't get to see them much

Going to count to 100 then send - hopefully someone else will have posted so I don't have to forward the wax to anyone...

belle_wv said...

Phew I didn't get the wax Thanks Jo for claiming it :) Did you talk to Sharon? I am going to have to get one of those unlimited long distance packages on my phone so I can call folks without using a calling card (cheapest way we've found for us to do long distance)

NillaWafer said...

Belle do you have Sprint cell phone ? I can call Dana which is local for me and family we all have it... After 7 pm long distanse is free...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Belle, I did. I was also hitting refresh like Nilla & holding my breath like you - waiting for Sharon! Then I remembered she had told me she was going out 7-9. My memory is getting very short these days!! She will probably be on later.

I do have the verizon Freedom pkg. I love it for friends and for family..Mostly all are out of the area code or calling distance. It feels so good that I can pick up the phone & call anywhere anytime. It is well worth having.

NillaWafer said...

Speaking of Dana wonder where she is?? Hope she is feeling better also

belle_wv said...

I have a virgin mobile cell - pay as you go - I never used all the minutes they gave me in the package deals with us cellular, so it seemed like such a waste - I pay about 5 bucks a month for my cell phone (have to put 15 bucks on every 90 days) and still have money rolling into the next 3 month plan. Don't use it for long distance or anything ... I think I will get the freedom package - figured it out and it would cost about 2 or 3 bucks more a month, but just knowing I could call anyone would be nice and might actually use it more to keep in touch with people...

belle_wv said...

LOL GMTA - I was just wondering where Dana was and hoping she wasn't feeling too bad - she said (last I recall) that she was going for a nap

NillaWafer said...

Jo did you put up your sticky note for the animal planet show like i said ????? lol I will be here but watching DATELINE i love that show...

belle_wv said...

I don't know how they can sleep so soundly in the trees or on ledges! I guess they don't have the urge to roll around in their sleep like I do - I worry about fallin out of bed!

Anonymous said...

I have that show written on my calendar. I don't think I'll miss it! Should be really good.

That was a 3:00 nap Dana was taking. She was on a good bit throughout the morning. She'll probably be back this evening.

Anonymous said...

Well Nilla, guess I'm not the only one shedding tears! Just a big ole hole in my heart if you know what I mean!

belle_wv said...

{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} Vicky - we all know about that hole in our hearts... they're worth every bit of the pain though - they joy and comfort and laughter they bring, not to mention the unconditional love (well it is occasionally conditioned on the emptiness of the food bowl or length of owner absence on a given day...) but they never judge us or give us anything but love

Anonymous said...

Pets are special companions - no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Belle and Mema Jo! It was a really sad and frustrating week before around here. He had stopped eating and I knew the count down was on.

Anonymous said...

I have one who still eats, but sits too often right over the water bowl. To me that is also a sign. She is just so loving and loves to talk to you.

NillaWafer said...

Yes and now i am mommie to a big hair ball called Sugahhh Boogahhh, but i have Tinkers ashes in a beautiful box and her favorite toys and her pictures in my china closet.. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh daughter jsut calleddddddddd and the vet decided NOT to put her to sleep because she was so alert and she is just not eating... They are keeping her at hospitol and deciding on Thursday what to do... Hopefully she will perk up but then again maybe just prolonging the inevidiable..

Anonymous said...

King Bobo is resting in the flower garden! He always wanted to go outside -- so that's where he went.

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks for my therapy gang!

Anonymous said...

I will pray to St Frances for Patches

NillaWafer said...

Yes Jo thanks, even so if she pulls out of this and starts to eat her medicine for diabetes cost about 50 amonth which i am sure they will pay... Vicky i take it Bo was an indoor cat? Hey Jo did you hear someone in Hagerstown bought a million dollar lottery ticket but has not turned it in yet to collect the winnings

NillaWafer said...

Vicky it takes along time if ever to not think about or even call your cats name out... i have found myself even calling Sugaah Tinker at times and Tinkers been gone now July5th will be 2 years... Just like i said and Sandra said they are waiting for us .. smiles

belle_wv said...

Someone in Hagerstown -hmmmm who do I know up there.. gee I wish it was someone who loves me a lot LOL....

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard that - Close to home.
Was it someone in Hgstwn or was it purchased in Hgstwn?

Anonymous said...

Hagerstown News: Polar Bear Plunge in Potomac River in Williamsport...
All of the proceeds will go to the horses seized last month from a Sharpsburg farm owner accused of animal neglect. Event was started back in 2004 and has quickly become one of the Washington County Humane Society's most successful fundraisers.It averaged for the past few years about $3,000 to $5,000.

belle_wv said...

That's a good cause - poor horse - they're such noble and patient creatures... anyone who neglects them should be horse-whipped and left to live on nearly no food, too! Polar bear plunge won't be too awful this year if temps keep as warm as they have been... not that I'm going in - I'll pay someone else to 'take the plunge' LOL

Anonymous said...

You're right Nilla, it takes a long time and I have used his name for about every password I have so I'll never forget him. He was an indoor cat and a very spoiled and loved one at that!

NillaWafer said...

Yes Jo i saw that on the video's on nbc25 site .. we were going over to watch them get in the water but i didnt get down there in time...

NillaWafer said...

They dont know if it was local or someone passing thru that won Jo.. like you hope someone who likes me also...lol

Anonymous said...

Hello! Just reading about that lucky lottery winner, hasn't come forward yet, bought the ticket at a tavern in fairplay, MD. Also says 2 $50,000 tickets were sold at the Valley Mall. This was from that Countdown to millions game, $20.00 a ticket.

belle_wv said...

HI Floral and Sandra :) How're you two?

My kitties that I've lost are buried at the edge of the yard next just in the woods where they loved to watch for birds and squirrels every day

Anonymous said...

Hello Megan & Sandra! All I know is that I forgot to get my MegaMillion for tonight! Guess I lose again!

Cats: My Panther (pure black male) is buried down in the yard by the hollyhock bush. He was pure outside cat But he didn't just meow - he talked to you. He also liked to bring things in the house - Once it was a little garden snake but I freaked out.

Anonymous said...

Sandra Liberty & Belle taught lots in the parenting skills they used with their eaglets. In a few months it seemed like they went through what it takes humans about 20 years to do.

Anonymous said...

I'd say it is about time for Sharon to peek in here and say goodnight to us!

belle_wv said...

I don't know what I'll do when I lose my Sasha - she's the first dog I've ever had and she's the most wonderful pooch - I've nursed her through a hip replacement at 18 months and then she almost died a year later - I laid beside her on the floor for days coaxing her to breathe and trying to keep her comfortable, then she relapsed again after being healthy for awhile and I nursed her again, even closer to losing her, but she pulled through for me and is doing well (praying it stays that way) and will have her 6th birthday on Jan. 6th (or is it 7 - pretty sure 6 years) She's so good and loving

NillaWafer said...

I tell ya what if i had won that money my feet would be smokin getting to the place to cash it in..lol Then it be PARTAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY time for the momsters....

belle_wv said...

If I would win - you can bet we'd have every camera angle possible for our nest next year and sound and infared and and and....oh yeah on the partaaaaay too :)

NillaWafer said...

Yuppers "Where is Sharon.. Where is Sharon... Ok time for me to close and get out of here but open in the morning at 8am . BBL from home

belle_wv said...

Be careful Nilla - see ya soon

Anonymous said...

Take care Nilla. CUL if I stay up for the news.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bell, Jo, Nilla, Sandra and Vicky! Well, if I won, the first thing I would do is pay off all my debts, by computer and phone from a beach in Hawaii!!

Anonymous said...

Belle, did you go back to school today? Suzanne is going to be spoiled with these days off.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan, Megan!

belle_wv said...

That sounds like the way to do it floral!

I go back tomorrow - gonna be rough getting the kids (my own and my students) and myself back into the routine... it has been a much needed and wonderful break, heading into an even busier 'season' of work/class/duties etc. but I so miss the kids - was dreaming about them when I woke up this morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a dream, never even buy lottery tix myself, hubby does. Hard to get me to part with my dollars. Off to bed, having a hard time getting back on this school schedule, this morning was rough for daughter. Good luck tomorrow, Belle. Nite all.

belle_wv said...

Sweet dreams, Floral :)

I don't buy the tickets either, hubby gets them in a pool at work when the lotto gets huge...

Anonymous said...

Headed into TV for an hour.

Nite Megan.
Good luck tomorrow, Belle.

movin said...

I trust all are enjoying the New Year so far...

I went back to work after taking the week off, and it just about killed me. But I should get used to it again fairly quickly.

I'm still wondering at how I managed to surf the Internet for so long without this broadband connection. Great stuff....

I haven't seen many birds on or near their nests lately, have you?? I did see the male eagle on the BW platform yesterday.

When are this pair due to lay their eggs again? Was it in February?
It should be interesting seeing the process from the start. Last year I think they were freshly hatched before I was sent the link.

Take care, keep warm, enjoy,

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Just heard from Mits. Doc put her on an antibiotic so hopefully she will feel much better soon.

I am going to attempt to start working again this weekend, just 4 hours a day. I think it will help me get my mind off my troubles. Just hope the pain doesn't get too bad from sitting in the computer chair. Haven't sat in it for about 3 weeks. More will be revealed. God will be with me to help me though, I am certain of that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening Jim. Glad you are enjoying your broadband. Can't imagine using dial-up anymore. I don't have enough patience for that!

I am thinking BW will be around the same time as ours, in February. I did see Liberty and Belle in the nest this evening. Beautiful sight for sure.

belle_wv said...

Hi Jim and Sharon!

Hi speed is hte only way to go - thank goodness I have it - lots of folks here can't get it, but we happen to be in line of sight of the tower for the signal - I can't imagine dial up - so glad you have the 'fast track' now Jim :)

Sharon, don't overdo - you're body needs rest to heal, too - but I totally understand needing to workl for many reasons - just take it easy when you're not working and cut back if you start feeling bad - Dr. Belle's orders :) So good to see you on here again

belle_wv said...

I'm looking forward to the 'egg watch' again I jumped in watching before the first egg arrived - it was so exciting. I am going to MAKE time to watch - just hope I have time to blog and share pics and such with everyone here too

This vacation has been a wonderful chance to catch up and re-connect at least partially with all my wonderful eagle and panda and nature and and and friends here :) I cherish you all

Anonymous said...

I'm back to say good night. Did not like what was on TV.
Hi Sharon Hi Jim
Good nigh Sharon, Jim and Belle!

Prayers going out for all

Good Morning and Welcome Back

belle_wv said...

Good night all - the alarm will be quite a shock for me tomorrow - perhaps if I get up in time I can pop in for a moment of the Suzanne and Belle show reprised... not counting on it - I'll be lucky if I get myself and the kids out of here without missing bus or being late...

Dana I hope you're ok - missed you coming back for the evening. Nilla, hope you're home safely and just got busy with the zillion things that need attention when you get home...

Sweet dreams and a Wonderful Wednesday to all!

movin said...

Good evening, Sharon.
It's really good to see you on the blog again...probably means you are healing well, which is really great.

Keep up the good moves, Sharon. We've missed you a lot.

So far, I've had to rely on pics you people have sent me..the nest has been bare every time I've checked it so far.

Keep your eyes peeled, eagle eye. We'll probably see some great pics yet.

Take care,

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you so much, Jim!

movin said...

Good night to Tuesday/Good morning to Wednesday,

Have a great week, Everybody...


NillaWafer said...

Just poppin in to say good nighters, after work decided i was hungry and drove myself over to Charles Town to the Mountaineer Resturant open 24 hours aday and great food... They have fantasic chicken salad, so got me a sandwich n cole slaw... Was hard setting there looking at the bright lights of the track n slots but i didnt slide over and play any...But i could hear the Frog Princess slot machine saying Come on over..lol Well going to read the papers and go to bed its early for me to at 7 am .. yuck but daughter is going to Baltimore, so i open... Nighty nite... I sure do miss my Mits (aka Thelma) Hugsss 2 all

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning and happy new year to you, Suzanne. Glad to see you back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Two eagles at BW!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

On the osprey cam!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am feeling a little better. Still have quite a bit of pain and am on antibiotics for a couple more weeks.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. I love that word "gaggle" it's been a while since I heard it. I feel a little smarter now since I woke up.

I had a long weekend too Suzanne but most of mine was spent at work LOL. I now have 4 days off and I need every one of them!!!

sharon Did you go look at the video of Buta Buta I made yesterday before I left for work. I htink you would enjoy it. Its on my For the Love of eagles BLOG Not sure how much you have or haven't had a chance to see, or how long you will be at the computer this morning, in fact not sure I know whether or not you are on the Feed Blitz, but a nice one on the NCTC Eagle of Shepherdstown BLOG too.

I am sure everyone is hoping for the Live cam today. Saw where BOTH eagles were in the nest last night. its been more than 2 days since I saw them both so i was really glad to read that.

OK Off to coffee and dog treats here very soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I am having to take pain pills. I go back to the doctor here on Thursday to have a colonoscopy set up. They want to find out where the liver abscess came from. They say they don't just appear from no where. More will definitely be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Live Feed is up!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morningggg just a pop in from work heading off to the bank... Hugs 2 E1 bbl...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Boy, live feed got up early this morning. Thanks for the heads up, Glo!

I can eat anything I want. I have lost 16 pounds since 12/15. Appetite hasn't been the best but it is getting better. I will take the weight loss though cause I had gained some and I will take the losing for sure.

Anonymous said...

Well back from coffee. Looks like I missed seeing bOTH eagles again. Good to know they were both there though. Going to eat and take a little trip looking for eagles over here. since its been warm the last couple of weeks they aren't around as much, at least nt that anyone is seeing and photographing. Bringing camera Just in case I can get a nice shot, but mostly going to relax and enjoy if they are soaring over the river. BLOG at ya later.

Anonymous said...

Morning, all! MT nests everywhere ('cept Florida!)

Glad to see the live feed up today!

Nice to see you here so early Sharon!

Thanks for the heads up on the live feed, Glo. Nice to see it back.

Welcome back, Suz!

Anonymous said...

LIve feed is down.

Anonymous said...

Eagle ALERT!!!

Anonymous said...

Only 1 now

Anonymous said...

Back to 2

NillaWafer said...

The live cam is just magnificent!!!!! Look at her hosekeeping and he just flew back in with atick

NillaWafer said...

So excited cant spell..lol

Anonymous said...

Live feed is back up!!!

Anonymous said...

Really wrestling w/ that last stick

Geula said...

GOOD MORNING...I saw the live feed for about 5 minutes and then BOING!
It was gone...::SIGH::

Better that they should iron out the kinks BEFORE the proud eagle mom lays her eggs!

NillaWafer said...

WOW sure sish we had sound looked like Belle was sqwackin about something...

Geula said...

My live feed froze for a while just now, but now it's okay...my my....aren't they busy!

Anonymous said...

That is a live stick they are playing with and one they brought in too

NillaWafer said...

Oh wow alil bickering going on and she nipped his wing and he beaked back..lol just like married couple

Anonymous said...

He does not want that stick there!

Anonymous said...

Belle flew off, BTW

Anonymous said...

Or I guess I should say branch

NillaWafer said...

laughing well after pouting alil its back to fixing the sticks...

NillaWafer said...

Buta Buta is sound asleep in the nest box and has not moved..

NillaWafer said...

LOL now they are playing tug O stick ..

NillaWafer said...

Man did ya see them beakin like take this you so n so..lol They sure are fiesty today

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What a treat watching these 2 magnificent beauties. It looked like Belle was doing a little song and dance a little while ago.

Anonymous said...



NillaWafer said...

Hugs Sharonnnnnnnnnn yes it sure was great watching them both this morning... Hope Glo is having luck seeing eagles out on her tek this morning also.. I think this morning was the first time this year i had a really hard frost on my car windows... Buta Buta did move alittle but she must be really tired...

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...