Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tuesday Jan 9

Almost seasonable out there thread.

Update 4:50 PM see photo above.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Steve Thanks for new thread

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone...was just signing in on desktop and saw new thread. Live cam with 2 eagles...what a nice way to sign on for eagle viewing...

Anonymous said...

I agree Glo, great way to start the day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Iris Gosh hope you get to feeling Much better...very soon.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Norma Yes Ihear the show was wonderful I have a wondeful "Friend of Fine Feather" who taped it for me...think she actually taped more than just that 1 hour...I am so very anxious to be able to see it.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning i seen that the blogger thief stole my picture back on the other page .. hope it sback now cause poor Sylvester wont be happy...

NillaWafer said...

Nope just a white block..Grrrrr brb

NillaWafer said...

Ahh there he is backkkkkkkkkkkkk

NillaWafer said...

Strangeeeee Strangeeeeeeeee Strangeeeeeeeeeeee

NillaWafer said...

What in the world is on Atlanta zoo cam???? something is slightly moving in the middle of the screen .. is it outside or what??? Thats Not Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

Good Morning nilla What time is your daughter's surgery? Cop took Elia again last night too.

NillaWafer said...

Oh it is abig Panda outside..

NillaWafer said...

WOW this si the first time i have seen the camera outside at Atlanta very nice.... Dawn goes into surgery at 2:30 this afternoon GloBug... Just hope they can take it with LAPro.. or the surgery will be alot longer and rougher on her....

Anonymous said...

Just flew in w/ a stick...should be good stick finding today...what with all that wind yesterday...

NillaWafer said...

That panda must be Yang Yang ... Buta's daddy

Mauley said...

Morning Glo,Paula, NormaByrd,Iris,Nilla Bean, Hope today finds Sharon comforted by the love and prayers of her friends and sisters in eagleland. Mits, will you please get on here and get the blog cop for Suzanne. Suzanne I know Glo will give Mits the noodle if you want her to. Love donna

Anonymous said...

They really do work hard getting those sticks up there and then to the Right place It seems to go a little better when one of them at a time is doing the re-arranging. Of course we do know its not All work and no play " Tee Hee

MITS said...

Well, finally, not nice of blog-cop to keep us out......

Anonymous said...

Wow, finally got in! How many hours later????

Anonymous said...

Been trying to keep an eye on FL, doesn't look any different than yesterday....still appears to be sitting on egg (s)

Anonymous said...

Live cam is up

I have lots of film from FL today NOT just sitting on eggs but have to go to work. Won't go up til tomorrow some time.

Hope live cam and bLOG stay up for ou all tonight

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up, Glo

Anonymous said...

I do however think there is still incubating going on in the nest

Anonymous said...

So what have you seen in FL today, Glo?

Anonymous said...

If you need an eagle fix, there's an eagle at the BW osprey cam. Also, the eagle cam web log has a really interesting article about nests. Cool pictures and facts.

Anonymous said...

EAgle at BW osprey cam. Also, if you haven't seen it, there is a great article on the web log at theeagle cam page,with really cool pictures and facts.

Anonymous said...

EAgle at BW osprey cam. Also, if you haven't seen it, there is a great article on the web log at theeagle cam page,with really cool pictures and facts.

Anonymous said...

This blog is still #*@#*#* me off! Taking forever to post. Sandra has an interesting post on the momsters site. And someone stole my wreath!

Anonymous said...

This blog is still #*@#*#* me off! Taking forever to post. Sandra has an interesting post on the momsters site. And someone stole my wreath!

NillaWafer said...

HEY Hey Hey Blogger police finally turned me loose!!!!!!!!! Been watching the Fla eagle she is abit restless awhiel ago standing up perhaps movement in the eggs... Buta Buta oh my she is really going to town walking and they had a yellow rag under the wires playing with her.. She sure did try to climb that cinderblock to follow her mom to the den room... As far as i know son in law called and Dawn is out of surgery going to hospitol soon as someone gets here at 4 pm... BBL

Anonymous said...

Hold On Megan!

Buta Buta Alert

Anonymous said...

Great! Wacky blog! now I'm stuttering. I'm outa here.

Anonymous said...

ButaButa should be ready for a nap after all that strenuous effort trying to get over the cinder block step.

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta has visitors.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why we are looking at a trap door ???

I was cleaning through my emails - just trashed 3 pages worth...

Anyone see where Buta Buta went?

Anonymous said...

Everyone is taking a nap - RIGHT!?!

Anonymous said...

Good Idea when you think about it.


Anonymous said...


eagle alert

Anonymous said...


Eagle just left nest 4:11

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO at Floral! Sorry, I had a good laugh! really needed it!!!

Anonymous said...

4:18 Eagle returns

Anonymous said...

Wow, miracle of miracles -- We're back fully functioning!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that eagle beautiful!! Majestic!

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in nest
WHoo Hoo!
Fixing up the egg bed

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula & Vicky!

I'm not taking pics.....Whoops!

Anonymous said...

Any word from Nilla???

Anonymous said...

I had a snow flurry an hour ago.

Anonymous said...

Be nice!

Anonymous said...

Vicky Nilla said:

son in law called and Dawn is out of surgery going to hospital soon as someone gets here at 4 pm... BBL

Anonymous said...

King of the Sticks

Anonymous said...

Belle's doing all the work at the launch pad. Hope she doesn't attach the tree again.

Anonymous said...

BW Eagle Cam Web Log updated...

Anonymous said...

THank you Mema Jo!

Anonymous said...

BBL Sometime this evening

Anonymous said...

OOppps forgot to put


MITS said...

Megan, you crack me up, I can almost see you hitting the computer, when the blog will not let you in....

Anonymous said...

iris you on here?

Anonymous said...

anybody home?

Anonymous said...

bye maybe be back on later don't know tc

Mauley said...

I can't believe I finally got to post. Did Mits get the wet noodle from Glo and give the blogger cop a what for?????? Nilla, I am still praying for your daughter. Jo, you there? Hi dana Hi ssosb orne floral girl and iris. Anyone else on here so glad to be back on. Did anyone get in touch with the lurker and invite her into the fold? Eagles eat georges too, don't they/ I sure hope our george stays out of the nest or he will be supper. donna

Mauley said...

Hi Iris donna

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra,

Anonymous said...

you're not alone

NillaWafer said...

Hi Gang finally home from hospitol and she is doing rather well kind of sleepy but for now not in awhole lot of pain... BRB

Anonymous said...

Hi NIlla, good to have you back, good to hear she is not in a lot of pain

Anonymous said...

I've been hoping to hear from you, Nilla. Glad your report on Dawn is good.

NOW GAL, how about you?

Anonymous said...

Getting out my boxing gloves, blogger cop is going down. What a freakin pain this blog has been today, the message I got for the past few hours was the blog I was looking for could not be found... then here it is, voila! Maybe this will post, hopefully one time. Glad your Daughtter is out of surgery, Nilla, and that it went well.

Anonymous said...

Sandra and Megan: Nilla is over in the chat room with me and Iris. Could you try to come on over just for a little while?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, poor old dial up girl can't get that screen to open right. No chatting for me.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to see your wreath back on the door.

And just how have my gourds been?

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Sandra thank you so much but i am working tomarrow 8 am til 4 pm and i hope then go and take daughter home form hospitol
but thanks
i loved warmed up pot pie

NillaWafer said...

Iris i was over in room typig away.. i have both screens up

NillaWafer said...

me 2 its like vegetable soup
speaking of which i am going make real soon

Anonymous said...

Don't abandon your chat room on my account! I have checked and checked, Nilla, can't find a way to get DSL here that won't bankrupt me. Your gourds are hanging in my breezeway, Jo, need to get them to you soon.

Anonymous said...

You guys are making me hungry..

NillaWafer said...

Megan Frontieer doesnt come that far?
How about your phone service?
Verizon has DSL

NillaWafer said...

earthlink always has deals

NillaWafer said...

and all you need is aphone line Megan

NillaWafer said...

Oh Iris i hated to clean squirrels

NillaWafer said...

I promise Sandra i WILL get over this weekend to your house ,,, just this passed weekend all went to H when daughter got ill..

Anonymous said...

OMG-squirrel? now I'm not hungry. Verizon says not available in my area yet, just out of range for Frontier.

Anonymous said...

They can hangout in your breezeway. One day, I'll call and just pop in.

Anonymous said...

Daughter can't get verizon in Knoxville - So they got Adelphia TV hook up and I guess they will be getting cable with them for their computers.

Anonymous said...

Good night Sandra.

Man I have to go get that wrapping paper. BBL

Anonymous said...

Whatcha wrapping, Jo? Birthday presents???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what's the wrapping paper for? Gotta get some myself, hubby's birthday is in a couple of weeks. Hey Nilla, he hasn't smoked a cigarette in 10 days, trying to quit cold turkey. Rough for him today, bad work day.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

So he quit before the new year, too. Good for him! The patch seems to help....but since he has gone without it....gotta tough it out now.

Anonymous said...

I'll pass on the squirrel/rabbit stew stuff....liked them all too much as a kid...had pet rabbits, dogs, cats, gerbils, etc.

Now the chicken slippery pot pie...yum!

Anonymous said...

Left over Christmas presents for one of my families that are just now getting here. It's the 3 littlest ones... Christmas all over again.
I'm still wrapping.

Anonymous said...

The patch, gum - all there to help a good cause! Don't let him be too manly to use them. Cold turkey is great if you can make it.

NillaWafer said...

Great Megannnnnnnn tell him he can make it now!!! On the 14th of JANUARY will be 5 months for me without smoking... and hugs to Jo she knows why.. smiles.. well kiddies i am beat going to watch alittle tv n relax afew before bed... Prayers to everyone even if ya dont need them.. wink Hugs, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Time for me to sign out :)

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep
Prayers for all

Good Morning Suzanne

Anonymous said...

OOps, started reading news on another site and now look at the time. Nite.

Anonymous said...

Home from work and getting ready for bed. have staff meeting first thing in am, and then off to bank and grocery. Gonna be tomorrow afternoon before I can do much Blog/chat or eagle watch.

Is it my imagination or is it snowing like crazy there in Shepherdstown

Good night

MITS said...

Good Morning, Suz, yes lines, lines and more lines on our cam. Maine is just breaking dawn and the wind is blowing, you can't see them, but you can hear the eagles.

Anonymous said...

Morning Suzanne and Mits. Cold, blustery morning here, 26°. Now it feels like January.

Anonymous said...

Morning Suzanne (see the 2 pics I sent around eaglet (well young eagle BW osprey)? I was all smiles then I read blog seen where Lisa put her pics up on them..She didn't write me back so I found out why she posted pics of immuature eagles on site. hee hee
Glad you didn't have to drive through snow on ground. Neat seeing it blow around.

Morning Mits you feeling better? When do you go to zoo?

I woke at 6am coughing couldn't get back to sleep so here I am. I am feeling somewhat better. Predisone is helping alot. (I hate taking it but do as got to do only 5 more days of it)

Anonymous said...

Oh hi Megan sorry I was posting didn't see you come in gal. I do pray even for you that they get something out your way. I know what that is like. Had a hard time getting other than dail up. It's ok but grrrr wanted the other faster.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dana. Looking into DSL possibilities, some just aren't available where I am, some are too expensive.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne go to the BW eagle site on right click the eagle cam log scroll down on right "Fall Migration video" but keep scroll just little wasy it say"finally an immature bald eagle mad a brief showing at the Osprey Cam nest On Tuesday". Click immature bald eagle.

Eagle at osprey BW nest now

Anonymous said...

Suzanne I seen yesterday in the BW eagle nest a "possible mating" he had ahold of back of her neck. Without being live of course I can't confirm. Sent of course pic to Lisa but I wrote it on my calander. So we'll see if 5-10 days she starts staying in nest???

Anonymous said...

I'll go look, Suzanne, it might have ended up in my spam box. Just entered for the HGTV dream house, dreaming....

Anonymous said...

Megan you have mail

Anonymous said...

Did you guys read the BW eagle web log about eagle nests? I thought it was so intresting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I hope everyone has a good day. Disappointed that we can't see our Liberty and Belle this morning.

Remember to do random acts of kindness. The rewards are absolutely wonderful for both sides! I know because there have been so many bestowed on me and I am so grateful!! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I don't see your email, Suzanne. Got yours, Dana, I acn sign in, but the brown square just comes up with an x in it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I hope everyone has a good day. Disappointed that we can't see our Liberty and Belle this morning.

Remember to do random acts of kindness. The rewards are absolutely wonderful for both sides! I know because there have been so many bestowed on me and I am so grateful!! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I don't see your email, Suzanne. Got yours, Dana, I can sign in, but the brown square just comes up with an x in it.

Anonymous said...

OH, great, stuttering already this morning, getting my boxing gloves back on, not in the mood for the blogger cop today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blog is working well this morning I see. Megan and I are stuttering! I don't have a trash can either so I can't delete one of them!

Anonymous said...

When I went to BW several years ago, they were still building the visitor's center they have now.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sharon. Wish I had never signed up for the new blogger, cause you lose the trash can when you do, don't know why that is.

Anonymous said...

Eagle two in BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

Sorry, got syuck in jo's email from yesterday, could not graduate tothe 4rd grade cause I got so confused up in the great lakes states. Hanging my head in shame as I go back to 3rd grade. What the #*#*, did you get my email, Suzanne? Cuase I still don't see one from you.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne just up from your message in the blog here where you say to Megan "I'm going to send a "test" to you". I am lmbo I know what you mean't but it was funny. Cause prior in the blog Megan said she took the 4th grade "test" and hanging her head going back to 3rd grade. I am cracking up here thinking please please don't send no more test lol.

Anonymous said...

OK, Suzanne, I finally got the forwarded message. Going to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Good news, I just finally passed the 3rd grade!

Anonymous said...

New Thread is up with a note from Steve about the cam....

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...