Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday 23 Jan

Back from DC. New Thread.


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Anonymous said...

I really thought something was going on when I couldn't post on the other thread.

Thank You Steve

Anonymous said...

Thought I would repeat this on the new thread..............

MEMA Jo said...
Nilla's at the nest.. Dead deer near front entrance of NCTC - Red meat in the nest? Sandra - she's staying a little longer & then heading to you.She can't get over how large the nest looks now with all the nestorations!

I know that Mits went to the afternoon zoo lecture - but I think she turned off our panda cams!!! I can't get any pic on either one of them. Anyone else have the same problem?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:53:15 AM

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back from DC... Thanks for the new thread.

Anonymous said...

Paula - I have the pop up cam from BW up and she really has been there most of the day..


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good explanation! Dear meat for dinner! Yum, Yum!

Anonymous said...

Deer, not dear!!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have my sycamore
Sometimes I don't
Wonder what is up with that?

Anonymous said...

Hi Nilla at Sandra's House...

You two going down to the
Sweet Shop?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting the live feed back up!

Anonymous said...

I just brought up my live feed too.

I really think we need to keep an eye on the BW lady... Just a gut feeling. I bet Lisa is excited about her staying in the nest for so long a length of time today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nilla (: at Sandra's house and hi Sandra

Nilla solved the red thing in nest "deer meat" yummy

Anonymous said...

Live Feed is working

Anonymous said...

Yep if BW eagle stays in nest overnight then we see egg/eggs...I and I'm sure others, I know Nilla has been checking on her at BW eagle nest early am 3amEST and so on. She has yet to stay in nest.

Anonymous said...

Jo I have Tai up he is sleeping in the tree. The cams have been at full capacity. That is why you are having problems getting in I'm sure. Just keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at SC,,,,they have been in and out all day....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dana for info about DC cams

Any reason that an eagle can't lay an egg in the middle of the afternoon.
She sure is acting Momish...... Startles me when she looks down under her breast...

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert OUR NEST

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess that more has been revealed as to the deer meat or not?

Anonymous said...

Eagle in our nest eating away on the deer meat (thanks to Nilla that is what we know it is)

Anonymous said...

Hey that is "lean steak" lol
Our eagles eat good !!

Anonymous said...

I think that is Belle

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is Belle

Dana, do you have the pop up cam from BW running?

Anonymous said...

Buta BUta is thinking about getting awake - I think..

I have her in the middle with BW on the left & WV on the right....

Not checking out anyother cams!

Anonymous said...

My live feed just went black screen

I'll try to open again........

Anonymous said...

My live feed is down

Anonymous said...

I have several cams open too Jo. Buta Buta is laying on her back playing so adorable.

My Live feed went down dang

Did get ahold of Nilla at Sandras so they could bring it up and see Belle in the nest eating on the deer meat.

Anonymous said...

Steve what happened to the Live Feed again???

Anonymous said...

Belle made fast work of the deer meat!

Anonymous said...

Live feed gone again

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is very entertaing

Anonymous said...

I just had to send Lisa @ BW a short message telling her that I was getting very excited over the BW lady being in the nest all day!!!

Anonymous said...

Now Jo she just has to "stay there all night" !

Anonymous said...

Belle still in the nest.. 3:57pm

Anonymous said...

Dana Any reason that an eagle can't lay an egg in the middle of the afternoon.
She sure is acting Momish...... Startles me when she looks down under her breast...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

2 in our nest now

Anonymous said...

Lisa's words were "eagle stays in nest all night egg next day"

Anonymous said...

I copied this from Lisa's Eagle Nest Page:
"In the past two seasons, when the female spent her first full night on the nest, we had an egg the next morning, so the female's behavior will be our best indicator that an egg might be coming."

Anonymous said...

Jo you could be right I don't know I've never been an eagle. Although I would love to soar like one.

Anonymous said...

I'm just looking for anytime...don't want to miss it (wink)

Anonymous said...

I remembered Lisa saying that.. I was just hoping that the BW lady could
Git R Dun in the sunlight! TeeHee...

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are just maybe Lisa is meaning if she stays in the nest overnight. Sometime the next day there will be an egg/eggs.

Anonymous said...

You know how women "clean the house like crazy" then the next day they have labor pains and baby. The "cleaning of the house" was just the signs of what was to come. lol

Anonymous said...

I have to leave for work in just a couple of minutes. IF BW lays an egg tonight would someone please get a picture for me. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta has a box lol

Anonymous said...

If there were an egg there in the morning...I think it would be the first of the new season!

Anonymous said...

BTW, our nest is MT...

Anonymous said...

Yepper, Paula - Meat and all!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is in the box!

Anonymous said...

Live Feed and off to work for me

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is sitting in a box. I don't know if they put her there or if she put herself there but she is coming out of it now.

Anonymous said...

Oh No The bamboo forest!

Anonymous said...

Where is poor Buta Buta now ??? Ok I see movement at end of hallway. Now why did they have to put all that in around her ???? grrrr dumbies

Anonymous said...

I have no clue where ButaButa is hiding. Nineteen minutes and she's off the air!


Anonymous said...

Ok Glo someone will I'm sure of it.

Take care

Wanted to talk to you didn't know you was here.

Anonymous said...

One in BW Osprey cam

One in BW Eagle cam

Anonymous said...

Dang didn't get it in time OUR LIVE FEED IS UP

Anonymous said...

OUR NEST MT NOW - Just flew out

Anonymous said...

Blackbirds on limbs of our sycamore tree

Anonymous said...

Wow, live feed back up again...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Those people down in Atlanta need to wait until 5 o'clock passes before they hide the baby behind the daggone bamboo. Aggravating as the crabs!

Anonymous said...

I can see Buta Buta way back in the far right hand corner up at the fencing & here comes LunLun..

Anonymous said...

So, do you think BW is in for a night?

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is gone again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle back in our nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Back to the red thing in the nest. Are eagles vultures, where they would pull meat off a dead animal?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ms. BW looks like she might be ready to lay some eggs.

Anonymous said...

OK, so what's with the live feed going down as soon as an eagle hits the nest :(:(

Anonymous said...

Sharon - Nilla saw a dead deer right near the entrance of NCTC - I would think that is where our Eagle Vulture got the meal.

Vicky I say YES to BW eggs!
She's been there most of the afternoon. Sent Lisa a short email wishing her well as we are all looking for that egg!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you reckon the BW Momma has an egg?

Anonymous said...

Did she just turn an agg at BW???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The nest certainly looks ready for eggs!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Two there now and I think she was turning an egg!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sharon, Eagles feast on Carrion (dead animals). Most young eagles survive on carrion until they learn how to catch it themselves.

Anonymous said...

Dad is there now at BW

Anonymous said...

She has been switching her positions
She has been looking downward towards her breast every now & then. I want to see her stand up and look at an egg before I say she has one.....

Anonymous said...

Two in the nest at BW

Anonymous said...

See anything????

Anonymous said...

That has to be a switch!!

Anonymous said...

I can't see an egg tho

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that the Daddy on the nest now?

Anonymous said...

Me either... But sure is nestled down

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I didn't see an egg either but I couldn't see the whole nest either.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that you could hide an egg down in all the grass they had in place for the nest bed... Their behavior should tell us more about what is going on - The nest is to be
attended at ALL times - WHY? Either the egg is coming or has already come. Can't tell if it was a switch of adults - Guess I'll need to pay more attention to their tail feathers.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it was a switch myself. It looked like she moved off to the right and he moved in from the left.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both eagles in our nest!

Anonymous said...

The female eagle has been sitting low in the nest most of the day and has been looking at the nest beneath her, although we can't see an egg yet.

We'll post an image as soon as we clearly see an egg.

I sent her pics of the "switch"


Anonymous said...

Jo what alert is on the BW site I went to look but don't see anything. What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

The female eagle has been sitting low in the nest most of the day and has been looking at the nest beneath her, although we can't see an egg yet.

We'll post an image as soon as we clearly see an egg.
Per Lisa-WebMaster BW

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Hiya Kiddies... Back from Sandra's beautiful home .. could have stayed forever looking at all her antiques, met her mom and husband.. Think got her situtated cleaning comp out and making it easier for her to navigate her favorite places.. ALL THE CAMS..LOL Well yes nest was empty for me but the gaurd told me a experiance he had seeing 1 of our eagles.. It seems it landed near the gaurd shack and was tugin at the ground he thought something was wrong with it, but when it took flight it had a wad of grass in its talons.. for nest lineing... neat huh!!! Also this nice guard lives at the house at the bend... wink... he was nice and eft me into NCTC i parked out by the barn...Was nice spending alittle time with Sandra also. BRB

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhh i knew it i knew it i watched her today at BW and could not make up my mind if she was laying or standing in the nest.. then flew off right before i left the house...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Mits and Nilla.

I have to go out for a while. Really wish I didn't cause I want to keep watching the BW nest. I really think there is an egg there but more will be revealed. I will be back around 9ish.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And hello Mema Jo and Paula and Dana. Didn't mean to leave you all out.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

wax!!!!! And I got it! Thank you, thank you very much. I am out now. BBL!

Anonymous said...

See you later, Eagle Eye

NillaWafer said...

Hurry back Sharon... hey u got wax because i could not get back in blog...lol There she is setting in nest Eggs over easy...LMAO

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo maybe i should start knitting lil eagle booties gona be cold for them babies..lol

Anonymous said...

Ok I am back had to do a reboot. BW eagle nest time was not moving along.
Thank you Mema Jo I seen it when I rebooted and came back to Eagle Nest BW. Thank you anyways.

Well this is our night gals. ( :

Sharon see you when you get back around 9ish gal.

Nilla glad you are home . ( :

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I did want to say I do think there is an egg under the eagle. Well maybe 1 more later to make two lol

NillaWafer said...

Think i should add for any who might get over to the nest it is sooooooo big now and the sides built up coming down the road you can see it way before you get to NCTC drive way...

Anonymous said...

Well we are all hanging in here waiting to see when she moves each time. If there are any eggs.

Do we take baths tonight or stay dirty lol

NillaWafer said...

LOL well i got my shower earlier and i know Jo did her husband said she was in shower when i called first time..lol

NillaWafer said...

She turned around darn i was in the kitchen anyone see a egg???

Anonymous said...

Hellooooooooo everyone! I'd say we have an egg at BW!! Yippie!!

By the way, Dana can't get into the blog, she is on the ParaChat though!

MITS said...

Wonder if they will lower the time on BW cam to 10 seconds????

Anonymous said...

She changes her position inbetween the refresh times. I don't think we are going to catch her up and turning around! Now, Lisa probably has a cam like NCTC - on going...... She'll be able to get the shot.

I think it is great that she might lay that egg today on my hubby's b-day.

MITS said...


MITS said...

No Live-Feed, Iris, just 30 second cam. She must be asleep, has not moved at all last few refreshes.

MITS said...

Going to fix dinner...BRB.

MITS said...

MT nest in California, but they should be a visit soon to one of the nest, if not, all.

MITS said...

Can't believe it, I was sitting right here and reading something and looked up and she had moved.

Anonymous said...

Iris I have not yet decided...
I think I'll let Ed listen to the speak & fill me in afterwards. That way I can watch the cam...

Anonymous said...

BW Lady is really rotating in that nest

Anonymous said...

MT nests out in CA... WestEnd cam not running well.......

Anonymous said...

Sent email thru Momsters' site from Lisa @ BW concerning the Lady from BlackWater in the nest.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK, after watchin for 5 min I did see her head move ever so slightly...

gotta go walk doggies...BBL

Anonymous said...

Give it a couple more minutes - she should change her position. At least we know Lisa is also watching and updating her site with any news.

Anonymous said...

She is a live bird - What do you think she is doing..... ????? Back down she goes. Is someone coming to visit?

MITS said...

Might be foggy out in WEST END, Jo. That would make the cam not function properly...watching NCIS, and running to cam during commercials

MITS said...

Darn, she moved again and I missed it.

MITS said...

Nap time must be over, she has her head up.

Anonymous said...

Mits - I had emailed Jason-Webmaster of beakspeak about the link he had for our CA cams. It didn't bring up the WestEnd at all-only an error page. He has fixed it & his link is better then the one I had so I switched. It brings up all 3 cams at once - no home page needed.

NillaWafer said...

She must be sound asleep snorin.. ahh she moved her head listening to a sound

Anonymous said...

I will be back very soon - just going to drive to High's & get my Mega Lotto ticket - Used Ed's b-day info - Just maybe I'll be lucky -- It's just the excitment for the evening other then seeing an eagle egg!

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhh forgot about that Jooooo.. good luckkk

NillaWafer said...

I just thought of something Sandra has not been on since i left her house ... hope her comp didnt blow up... Yikessss

MITS said...

Thanks for the info, Jo!!!!

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo that is so much easier than going thru that other page.

NillaWafer said...

can not get into chat room saying google server error... I CAN NOT BELIEVE THEY STOPPED AMERICAN IDOL FOR THE PREZ... Geeeshhhhh... Hey im voting for Hillary!!!!!!! lol

MITS said...

At least she is turning clock-wise:):):).

NillaWafer said...

She has her head up now looking around.. The prez is walking down shaking hands, lol they said he is very good at finding problems but not good at finding solutions..lol Opps politicsss

Anonymous said...

I am back! I hope I have a winner tonight! I don't buy regularly - just on a whim..

I am so glad it isn't snowing in Cambridge tonight...

NillaWafer said...

Thelma how ur day at the zoo?
Get to our Boo Boo?

NillaWafer said...

Oh he is suckin up big time./.....

Anonymous said...

Well, it is Nilla, Mits and Jo. Sharon should be coming in very shortly. Glo is at work & I need to email Dana to try to come back in.
Hope Paula isn't locked out.
I really miss that Megan!!!

MITS said...

Stopped by to see Tai, before I came home...will be on the trail tomorrow p.m.

Anonymous said...

What's ya got down in there Lady BlackWater?

NillaWafer said...

Hi Sandra yeah i have him on listening ... I am just glad you made it here and didnt blow up comp..lol Yeah with all those e-mails you need to go thru 1 by 1 and delete them yourself... Just go over the steps 1 by 1 in your mind and dont forget to run that defrag tonight before bed..k Eagle sure is moving in nest... Youe mother is a joy Sandra your so lucky to have had her all these years almost 92 years...

Anonymous said...

Eagle Gallery does have some pics of the BW eagles when it snowed the other day. On the last 2 pages...

Anonymous said...

Nilla - Did you make some email folders for Sandra to help her sort them out?

Anonymous said...

Best thing to do with emails is read it - send to others whom you want to read it - Delete.

Anonymous said...

Nope, not locked out...was out walking doggies...

Guess we haven't been able to spot the egg yet...That cam has gotta catch her sometime!

NillaWafer said...

Jo lol i think if i remember correctly she had over 73 thousand e-mails... yes 73 thousand... you go help her..lolllllllllll

NillaWafer said...

all of her e-mails were in outlook express and there was no little check box there to delete them i dont use outlook express.. If you do and there is an easier way let her know... but she wants to keep some thats why i told her to delete them..

NillaWafer said...

where is her head??? she moved again darn 30 sec cam

Anonymous said...

Cam missed her again :)

NillaWafer said...

i am sure Sandra will as we say "gititdun" I dont think she rode the bus with most of us...lol

MITS said...

That what I do, Jo, read them, send them, and delete them. I don't use OE, but have to go over there sometimes to clean things I have sent like eagle pics, I hate that one-by-one delete process over there, with my Comcast it is 1 click and they are history.

NillaWafer said...

Thats why i like yahoo to go down check n hit delete.. From what i saw OE you got to do it 1 by 1 i even tryed to click and bring a box around them and delete whole bunch but couldnt since she wanted to keep some... She will be fine once she does that and defrags .. just glad we got cleaned what we did .. hopefuly she is running faster now also..

NillaWafer said...

LOL but you do Sandra since 2004... but your on the way to recovery... i will get that Fix It Utilities over and run it soon... Why does that eagle hold her wing out like that???

NillaWafer said...

She is up again & down agin

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my eagle buddies. I guess nobody has seen an egg yet. This is so exciting, more exciting than watching for the frodoeggs to appear, this is actually eagles!!

NillaWafer said...

Before i forget my daughter called (Dawn) n said coming back from Winchester earlier today on 81 there was a peregrin falcon setting in the middle of the medium.. she called me and checked a picture of falcon and said yup thats what it was.. maybe Harrisburg heading home...

NillaWafer said...

Have not seen egg but she sure is restless Sharon...

MITS said...

Nilla, I hit 1 button when my e-mails are in trash...so much fun to see them go...wish I could do that with my closets.

MITS said...

I was wondering about the wing thing also??

NillaWafer said...

yeah Thelma but with yahoo you got to delete them 1st and then empty Poff gone now bulk mail just 1 click its gone i dont open that stuff... She is sleeping but that wing is stickin out not by her side Hmmmm

MITS said...

She's up.........

Anonymous said...

What are you checking Lady BlackWater?

MITS said...

Moving all around....

Anonymous said...

Wish Lisa could have got that shot!

MITS said...

She's back down.

Anonymous said...

I really think that with her last actions that there is an egg down in all that grassy nest bed.

MITS said...

It looked like she pushed more grass underneath her body.

NillaWafer said...

Sandra, Iris is going to e-mail you directions step by step on how to delete e-mails from OE and use controls to skip over the 1s u want to keep... will make things go faster for you...

MITS said...

Yep, think you are right, Jo.

NillaWafer said...

Jo u know whats wrong with her wing?? If anything? she holds it funny out away from her body

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Lisa will soon be able to get a pic of the egg and post it on the eagle cam page. That's what she said she would do as soon as they
clearly saw the egg.

Anonymous said...

I really don't feel there is anything wrong with her wing - it is probably the only way to hold it to be comfortable while she is flat on her tummy. Remember that she is usually perching on a tree branch most of the time when she sleeps.

NillaWafer said...

SHE IS UP.. head Oh Ohhhhhh look she is looking at something in nest

Anonymous said...

Still can't see the egg...rats!!

MITS said...

I think her wing is ok, moving around alot, but I can't see anything.

MITS said...

See wing is all tucked in now.

NillaWafer said...

if she just been moved over alil bit darn...

Anonymous said...

Just turned it again - so how often is that - about every 20-25 minutes??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is the camera stuck at BW?

Anonymous said...

At least once every half hour maybe?
Now she looks like a bird sleeping with her head tucked under her wing.

I was over in our archive pages on the blog - bringing back memories....

Anonymous said...

Might be, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Nilla -
That was a really neat story the guard told you about L or B coming down to get some grass - and no more going to the nest w/o a camera!!!

NillaWafer said...

Yeah Paula he was very chatty .. wink wish i could have seen that he said they saw it land n just like flap wings n tug.. then flew off with grass in talons.. Hey did i tell you he lives in the house at the bend.. wink

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I saw her left wing move ever so slightly a while ago so maybe she is just sleeping.

MITS said...

Yep, that's a sleeping bird position...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.And yes, does look like cam is stuck.

MITS said...

Cam does not refresh.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The time is stuck on 22:59:24. That stinks really bad.

NillaWafer said...

cam stuck at 22:59?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yep, sure is.

I am going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I hope everybody has a peaceful and restful night.

NillaWafer said...

Thats my Q to get this leg proped up and relax awhile... Nighters 2 all...

NillaWafer said...

Thats my Q to get this leg proped up and relax awhile... Nighters 2 all...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Nilla, I felt like it was God telling me to go to bed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got wax, YEAH ME! Good night for real this time!

Anonymous said...

I emailed Lisa - Maybe they are doing an update on the home page....
I think we will see a pic of an egg tomorrow - Let you know if she emails me back yet tonight.

Anonymous said...

Pleasant dreams & Peaceful sleep
Prayers going up for all

Good Morning Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Yup, cam stuck, time for bed...we will get to see that darned egg soon!

Anonymous said...

Woke up 4:26amEST Eagle at BW still in nest no sight of egg yet.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...