Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday january 18

New thread.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In and out gone from our nest

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma Tai really took a fall from up in a tree this morning. Didn't seem to hurt him (only his pride). He is getting to heavy for some of those limpy limbs.

MITS said...

Something just flew by our nest.........

MITS said...

Morning Norma........

Anonymous said...

They just let Mei and Tai back outsie boy did they run for it lol

Mits keep eyes peeled. Sorry can't help it need to go nap.

MITS said...

They are letting Tai and Mei into the new yard...

Anonymous said...

eagle alert!!!1

Anonymous said...

Looks like eagle is eating brunch....

Mauley said...

Ditto on bald eagle biology. donna

MITS said...

Yes, Norma, I did get some nice color, sun felt really good.

Anonymous said...

Still eating....

Anonymous said...

Nope, moving sticks now

Anonymous said...

Good late morning all
Went thru emails, cams & some of the blog- Sure hope a new thread comes soon. The sky is so dark - will that snow be here soon?
See our beautiful eagle in our nest.
Where is ButaButa? I see LunLun out in her day room. I am so glad our little princess is potty trained now!

MITS said...

Belles' head feathers are blowing in the wind.

MITS said...

Yes, blog is slowing down, need a NEW thread!!!!

MITS said...

Just jotted off a quick note to Doreen, hope I get an answer.

Anonymous said...

I just called Nilla's cell phone & left a message. I'll wait to hear from her or call her early evening. Her DR appointment was Wed and Dr should have contacted her yesterday.
Keep your prayers going up for her!

Anonymous said...

2 in our nest !

MITS said...

Finally some help for Belle.

MITS said...

Snuggling going on..........

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert...might be late in coming...@#%#@$ blogger!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! That was a close call with the cam performance. Let's not see anymore of that happening! The weekend is upon us.

Anonymous said...

They really are a handsome couple....they look so regal...

Anonymous said...

They certainly do, Paula!

MITS said...

Technical note from Lisa..BW osprey cam is not working, she has a great pic of the 2 eagles together in the early a.m. and a pic of an owl, that they have been wating to see...think he is in my backyard.

MITS said...

Also their eagle cam is not working at BW.

Anonymous said...

Hanky Panky!!!

Anonymous said...

Hanky Panky!!!

Anonymous said...

Hanky Panky!!!

MITS said...

Paula, I missed the HANKY PANKY..they did it 3 times????

MITS said...

All gone............

MITS said...

Snowing in Maine.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Cams at BW are working again.

MITS said...

Eagle back in our nest.

MITS said...

Is that an eeewwiiiee or a juvie at BW/osprey nest????

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! Paula..
Blog Stuttering or not?

I posted this & got the most ugly message of error that I have never seen before. Let's see what goes....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Snuck right in on that one!

Mauley said...

Congrats on wax sister Sharon. You feelin' okay today????????? slide on to KY and spend some time with me. donna

Mauley said...

Mits, Glo, the blog is being mean to Mauley again. Took me 15 minutes to finally get on. Could read posts, but couldn't get on. Hi everybody I am just about caught up on reading, cause that is all I could do.

Anonymous said...

Anyone get to see Liberty checking out the nest bowl? Pics on Momsters....

#$&%# Blooger all boogered up today!

Mauley said...

Norma Byrd, He is just doing some clean up in BW. I think he is kinda cute. I don't mind him too much. Hope george stays away, though. donna

Mauley said...

Blog letting me in now. Mits must have gotten to him with Glo's wet noodle, and to think, I have to go back to class, just when I starting to post. BBL donna

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo!
3 times....might be 3 times today, we'll have to wait and see!!

MITS said...

See the "WAX QUEEN" has been here:):):).

Anonymous said...

I sure missed something on the ButaButa cam. She is still sleeping but what is all that on the floor???

Hope this posts.....

Anonymous said...

OK Dr Mits Put your panda hat on & tell me what is it and why they gave that to Buta Buta.

Anonymous said...

Blog is so slow - Thanks for your professional opinion, Dr Mits... lol

MITS said...

Looks like a blankie for Buta, part of an enrichment program, I suppose...they try to keep pandas from getting bored by putting things into their den.

MITS said...

Is this blog screwy or what???? I'm getting messages that make no sense!!!!!!

Mauley said...

What do you think the green stuff is?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like a green sheet or large wad of paper!

Anonymous said...

This may be my last post for awhile. A one sentence remark takes at least 2min or more to publish.
I'll be watching for our eagles & gazing at our little princess and our little prince. My email is ok - just think the blog is going wacko!

Sharon I did say Congrats on your wax but it never posted

Anonymous said...

TeeHee Blog cop didn't like it when I said I was leaving........ Only took a few seconds to post last comment..
Guess I'll stick around awhile.

Anonymous said...

New Thread is up!

Mauley said...


Mauley said...


normabyrd said...

GOOGLE SUCKS---5 times!!!!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...